What bonuses gives a nonexistent page in Odnoklassniki. How to find a nonexistent page in classmates

There are many stories and legends that there is a non-existent page in Odnoklassniki. Fortunately, some myths have been dispelled. First of all, it can be noted with confidence that there are many such pages. But why and how they are created, while no one knows. Let's try to figure this out.


To find such pages on the networks is quite easy, for this you need to enter an ID with a website that does not exist at all in nature. Let's try to find out why a non-existent page in Odnoklassniki was created.

One answer is insanely simple. In this social project there is a tab “My achievements”, it has a certain item. He identifies a special task worth five hundred OK. This mission is called a “rare find,” and in order to complete it, a non-existent page in Odnoklassniki must be “caught”. There are also other awards there, for which you can buy very good bonuses and promotions at the auction.

Links to similar pages

What does a nonexistent page in Odnoklassniki look like? Link - http://ok.ru/000. After going through it, you can see the inscription that this address is not on the site. But also under this message there may be useful information. In our case, this is a reminder of the Great Patriotic War, as well as that seventy years have passed since the victory.

In addition, you can go to an interesting group or page in Odnoklassniki. By entering random combinations, you can get to the page of an interesting person. If the above information did not help, then there is another answer to the question of where in Odnoklassniki a page does not exist. To search for it, enter any number after ".ru /". Thus, you are sure to meet with the described phenomenon.

What does this give us?

For such a find, you get points, which you can then exchange for certain services from the site. Find a non-existent page on Odnoklassniki and get a lot of exciting bonuses. And most importantly, you will get the badge in the missions. You also get special points that can be exchanged at auctions.

Prize Details

Odnoklassniki website has the opportunity to earn special project functionality. The developers have launched a special auction for regular visitors to social networks, where you can buy invisibility for seven or five days using points. Also given the opportunity to put the maximum rating under any photo or video you like.

How to quickly and effectively wind your glasses

To receive such a bonus currency, you must perform simple tasks, which are located in the "More" tab, in the "Achievements" item. By clicking on this function, you will see the whole list of missions, completing which, you can get special points. Their number depends on the complexity of the task. To receive the “Real Fan” medal, you must subscribe to the news of any pop star or movie in Odnoklassniki. You must submit an application for at least five verified pages, and if you unsubscribe from them, the medal will not disappear. The Rare Find mission is extremely easy.

To get the regalia, you must go to the address marked "Non-existent page in" Classmates ". Copy this link and paste in the address bar to enter in your browser: www.odnoklassniki.ru/auctions/1. In this case, the last digit can be changed to any character. In this case, when you click on the link, you will be informed that this page is not on Odnoklassniki.

It is very simple to receive a medal “As it is smeared with honey”. To do this, friends need to visit your page often. The “Come in, do not be shy” medal is similar in complexity to the previous one. “Leo Tolstoy” is a regalia for which a certain time is allocated. You need to change your status for seven days in a row.

From the start

To make searching for non-existent pages in Odnoklassniki even faster and not have to re-open the site each time, you can set this social network as a home page on your browser. To do this, make some settings. The procedure may vary depending on the browser you are currently using.

The most common browsers other than Internet Explorer, which is installed by default in Windows, are the following: Opera, Mozilla Firefox, and Chrome. In order to start the settings of the latter, click on the icon, which has three horizontal stripes. This is where the “Parameters” item is located in a special drop-down menu. In the "Basic" section, select the "Initial group" function, indicate in a special field the address of the Odnoklassniki social network. Now you don’t have to look for it through search engines each time before entering your favorite site.

A lot of people are registered in this social network and each of them has his own account, social circle, is in interest groups and is subscribed to the pages he likes. Among so many users, it’s very easy to get lost, especially for those of you who haven’t figured out ok.ru yet. If you are wondering: “How to find my page in Odnoklassniki by last name or phone number?”, Then this article is definitely for you. Naturally, the procedure will be completely free. Also, we do not need either Yandex or Google.

How to find your page and get on it

So, we proceed directly to the search instructions. But since we will do this in different ways, each of them will be displayed in a separate section. For your convenience.

What to do if authorization is reset?

This situation can happen for various reasons. Here are some of them:

  • the operating system has been reinstalled;
  • someone else used your browser and logged out;
  • browser crash;
  • change the browser to another;
  • buying another computer or laptop.

So, let's figure out how to find your page and restore access to it:

  1. Go to Odnoklassniki through a friend’s profile and enter in the search bar, which is located in the upper right half of the screen, the name and surname of your lost account. After the data is specified, press Enter or the icon with the image of a magnifying glass.

  1. At the next stage, you need to switch the search mode to the "People" tab. If the result is not found immediately, then you need to use the filter from the right sidebar and view the list in search of your page. When you find it, go to the profile simply by clicking on the photo.

Done! Here is the account you were looking for. We need to copy the user ID through which we can restore the page. But here another question arises - how can I find out the login from her? We will talk about this below.

We restore access to your account

If you accidentally logged out of your account and now you can’t re-login or, in general, forget your password - it doesn’t matter, the situation is easy to fix. You can easily find your page in Odnoklassniki by phone number, which, in due time, you indicated during registration. Here's how to do it:

  1. On the initial login page, in the authorization form, click on the link. We marked it in the screenshot.

  1. Choose a password recovery method from the options shown in the picture. For our example, the phone number will be used. If you do not remember your login, select "Profile link".

  1. Enter your number and select a recovery method. You will receive either SMS or a letter to the email address that is associated with the account.

  1. Next, enter the confirmation code that came to the mobile, and click "Confirm."

  1. Enter a new password (and remember it well). Then click "Save."

That's all. Access to the page will be restored, and you will see it on your screens.

Save your username and new password so that you no longer lose them. Perhaps it is best to write data on paper.

Search and restore pages by phone number

Now let's figure out how to find and restore our profile on the phone. We will use the Odnoklassniki application - in the mobile version everything happens in a similar way.

So, in order to find your page through the phone, do the following:

  1. Open the Odnoklassniki application and tap on the item indicated in the screenshot.

  1. In the pop-up window, click.

  1. To find your account and then restore access to it, select the tile with the name “Profile ID”.

  1. Next we need to enter your ID. You can find it by going to your own page from the profile of the person you have in friends or using the search. These are the numbers that come after https://ok.ru/profile/. In our case, we Enter them in the field marked by the arrow "1", and click "Search."

  1. Then we make sure that the search returned our e-mail (it is also the login), and tap on “Continue”.

  1. We open the e-mail and copy the code that was sent to us from ok.ru.

  1. Enter the number in the field in the next step, then click Confirm Code.

  1. Done. Our profile has been restored. It remains only to enter a new password and record it, so as not to lose.

After that, access to the OK will be restored, and the main page will be in front of us.

Naturally, to find a nonexistent page in the social network Odnoklassniki will not work.

Summary and comments

That's all. We figured out how to find your page in classmates and restore access to it. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. We, in turn, commit ourselves to help everyone.


For lovers of visual manuals there is a video instruction to solve the described problem.

Hello, friends! Unlike other social networks, on Odnoklassniki, when performing various actions, you can get the corresponding achievements. There is nothing difficult in completing the tasks - you need to upload a photo, add a video, give ratings, comment on entries and so on.

But some users are confused by the achievement with the name "Rare find" - you need to go to a non-existent page in Odnoklassniki. Therefore, let's figure out how to do it.

Achievement - A rare find in Odnoklassniki

First, let's talk about what is “Achievements”. You can find this menu item by being on your page and clicking on the “More” button.

The My Achievements tab will show various icons. If the icon is gray, it means that you have not yet met the necessary condition. When you hover over any icon, a task will be displayed in a pop-up window for execution.

After completing the task, the icon will turn color and you will receive a certain amount of bonuses.

The Rare Find icon is located in the Missions section, and to get it, you need to go to a page that does not exist. You will be awarded 500 points for completing this quest.

Why do such tasks and get badges? - you ask. Everything is pretty simple. The number of accumulated points can be viewed at the top right. There is also a button “Auctions”. By clicking on it, you will go to the page with auctions where you can exchange the points received for paid functions: gifts, invisibility, rating 5+.

Link to a nonexistent page

Now let's see how you can find a page that does not exist to get the badge and points.

To do this, go to an address that Odnoklassniki simply does not have: in the address bar after ok.ru, type in various numbers to get something like - https://ok.ru/12345678912345.

Let's take a closer look. Open your profile and pay attention to the address bar of the browser.

Put the cursor in the address field, delete the word feed and type in the numbers. I just added the letter s. Then press Enter.

Oh nonexistent links! You open the workbook and see a message asking you to update the links - but you have no links! How can one update what does not exist?

External links  - These are links pointing to other books. Unexpected external links can appear for various reasons, ranging from moving or copying charts, chart sheets, or worksheets to another workbook. But knowing that external links exist does not always help to find them. Here are some ways to deal with the problem of nonexistent links.

First you need to find out if the book contains real external links (existing) that you just forgot about. If you are not sure if there are any, start with a search in the most obvious place - in the formulas. To do this, make sure that no other books are open and search for the key phrase [*] in the formulas on all sheets. Close all other books to ensure that all links in the formulas contain [*], where the asterisk is a pattern symbol.

Excel 97 does not provide the ability to search the entire workbook, but you can search all the sheets in a workbook by grouping them. To do this, right-click on the tab of any sheet and select Select All Sheets from the context menu. In later versions of Excel, the Find and Replace commands provide the ability to search within a worksheet or workbook.

  By searching for links in formulas, change or delete the corresponding formulas altogether. The decision to change the formula or delete depends on the specific situation, and only you decide which way to go. Alternatively, you can head to the Microsoft Office Download Center located at: and select Delete Links Wizard in the Add-Ins category. This utility is designed to find and remove links, such as links to specific names, links to hidden names, links to charts, Microsoft Query links, and object links. However, as our experience shows, it does not find non-existent links.

When you make sure that there are no links in the formulas, you will need to make sure that valid links are not hidden elsewhere. To do this, you need to start from the depths of the Excel workbook containing nonexistent links. Choose Insert → Name → Assign (Insert → Name → Define). Scroll through the list of names by clicking and highlighting them in turn and looking at the formula in the Refers to field below. Make sure that none of the names refer to another workbook.

Instead of clicking all the names in a row in the Define Name dialog box, you can insert a new sheet into the book and select the menu item Insert → Name → Insert (Insert → Name → Paste). Then, in the Paste Name dialog box, click the Paste Link button. A list of all the names in your book will be created, and the ranges to which they refer will be listed in the corresponding column.

  If any of the names indicates outside of your book, you will not find the source of at least one link, which will solve the issue of updating. Now you have to decide what needs to be done: change the name of the range so that it refers only to this book, or leave the weight as it is.

Another possible source of links is yours. They may have the same problem that we just looked at. You must verify that all data ranges and X-axis labels of the chart do not reference external books. Once again, it’s up to you whether the links found are correct.

Links are hidden in objects, such as text fields, auto-configurations, and so on. Objects can reference external workbooks. The easiest way to find objects is to select any cell on the sheet and then select the Edit → Go command (Edit → Go To). In the Go To dialog box, click the Special button, select the Objects check box, and click the OK button. All objects on the sheet will be selected. This must be done on a copy of your workbook. When all objects are selected, you can delete, save, close and reopen your copy to see if the problem is resolved.

Now that you have eliminated the possibility of real links appearing, it is time to remove nonexistent ones. Open a workbook with nonexistent links and choose Edit → Links. Sometimes you can simply select an unnecessary link, click the Change Source button and link the link to itself. But most often a message appears that one of the formulas contains an error, and this cannot be done.

If it’s impossible to apply a simple method, pay attention to what, according to Excel, the link is attached (we will call this book a good book).

Create a true connection between two books by opening both. Go to the problem book and enter \u003d in any cell of any sheet. Now click any cell in a good book and press Enter to create a real external link to another book. Save both books, but do not close them. In a book with nonexistent links, select Edit → Links and click the Change Source button to see all the links to the new workbook with which you just intentionally created a new link. Save your workbook again and delete the cell where you created the real external link. And save the file again.

This often disappears unnecessary non-existent link, because Excel finally understands that you have deleted the external link to the workbook. If the problem, however, is not resolved, try the following, but save a copy of the book first.

The next process involves deleting data without the possibility of its recovery. So, before you start, back up your book. If you do not, problems may occur.

  In an open problem book, delete one sheet, save the book, then close and reopen it. If you do not see an invitation to update the missing links, then the deleted sheet contained a link that did not exist. Now the problem should be solved. However, if this is not the case, repeat the first step for each sheet in the book. You will need to add a new sheet before deleting the latter, since the workbook must have at least one sheet.

We continue, assuming that this technique worked for you. Here's what to do next. Open a copy of your workbook (one that contains all the data) and make another copy. You will work with the problem sheet (or sheets) and perform the deletion process to find where the problem is hiding on the sheet.

With the problem sheet open, select a range of cells (an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 10 x 10 cells) and then choose Edit → Clear → All (Edit → Clear → All). (Are you sure you saved a copy of the book?) Save, close and reopen the sheet. If the invitation to update the links did not appear, you found the problem, and now you need to redo this block of cells. If the invitation opens, continue to clear the cells until the next time you open the invitation. After that, change the problem cells.

We hope that these techniques will save you time and nerves spent on these unfortunate nonexistent references in workbooks. These are not the easiest and most pleasant solutions, but they will allow you to forget about the problems.

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