How to install jar file on Android - Java. Review of Java games emulators programs for Android

Owners of Android smartphones find it difficult to complain about the paucity of choice of applications and games. Google Play has almost everything and a little more. In fact, parity has been established between Apple's App Store and Google's app store. There are definitely problems with the quality and compatibility of applications, obvious flaws of censors (more precisely, minimal censorship) in the Google Play store, but there is still a considerable choice. Meanwhile, it also happens that all this is not enough. Sometimes there comes a moment when you want to indulge in nostalgia and play an old java game, passed far and wide on a touchscreen pseudosmartphone. Despite the fact that Android has shoveled Java code, launching applications with the jar extension directly, until recently, was not a trivial task.

The Brilliant Dev team made this possible with the succinctly titled JBED app. This utility works like a Java emulator on your smartphone and to some extent is a retraced path that Chinese manufacturers of pseudo-iPhones once followed - there also existed an emulator that allows you to push a variety of jar applications into the phone, so that at least somehow- then to diversify the meager functionality of the phone with the TV function with the logo of the bitten apple.

You can indulge in nostalgia in the following way. Download the program itself ( and jbedvm .so library ( Attention! The tablet (or phone) must be rooted, that is, it must have the rights Root ! How to get administrator rights for your device, search in the search field or ask in the comments.

Transfer the received files to your smartphone (tablet) and launch Root Explorer (if the Android OS version on your device is 4.1 or higher, you need the latest version of Root Explorer). Go to the folder where you copied the above files and call up the menu with a long press. Click transfer or copy and navigate to the system / lib directory, leaving the jbedvm .so file here. It is also required to check the file permissions (long there - the submenu permissions). There simply must be exactly the same arrangement of checkboxes as in the neighboring files of this directory. Having corrected the rights to the file, we proceed to install, in fact, the JBED utility itself. A successful stop is good, but before installing and launching a Java game, restart your smartphone. Games downloaded from Internet file storages, jar and jad applications usually come in pairs, with the aforementioned extension there will be two files with the same name. One of them serves as an installation, the other as a service add-on. The JBED program will itself determine, xy from xy, just find them on the memory card through the running emulator. The game will start.

Unfortunately, the emulator is not omnipotent and will not cope with all the wealth of jar applications and games. Experiment, find versions for different phones, as the minimum difference can be significant. Write to us about the results of the experiment in the comments - the game, the phone, what the emulator showed, playable / unplayable. Happy return to the world of retro gaming!



  • ease of use

- an incredibly useful utility aimed at those owners of mobile devices for whom it is very important to be able to use various technical innovations and at the same time are tormented by nostalgia, if not for the good old gadget, then for their favorite java games. With its help, you can launch any application, be it your favorite java game or the good old program necessary for your gadget to work. This will save you the trouble of looking for a new "favorite" game, giving you the opportunity to simply transfer your favorite java game to your android smartphone or tablet. In addition, the capabilities of the emulator allow you to test the necessary programs, study the specifics of their work and interface, and take screenshots. All this will save you from unnecessary waste of time installing those applications that, as a result, will have to be removed as unnecessary. Having the opportunity to evaluate its arsenal and, after weighing all the pros and cons, decide whether to download and install it.
Thanks to the support of various formats and a whole arsenal of different settings, the java emulator provides the user with a number of significant advantages. This means saving time, and increasing the efficiency and level of comfort of the mobile gadget, effective and efficient use of its functionality.
The java emulator is simple and easy to use and can be installed on any android gadget. This can be done in several ways. For example, using a personal computer, downloading it through a wap-site or on our website, where this application is provided for downloading completely free of charge.

Since the advent of mobile devices, many programs and games have been developed in the Java programming language. Even with the advent of new languages, the necessary programs remain, for which you need a Java emulator for Android.

Application screenshots


After installation, two applications are offered:

  • program manager - helps to launch applications supported by the emulator;
  • search engine - required to search for programs that can be launched through the emulator.

To start using the emulator fully, you must first find the application through a search engine, and then start it using the Java J2ME Runner manager.

For ease of assimilation of the material, it is proposed to watch a video, which tells about the instructions for launching games through the Java emulator on Android.


Below are tables with the updated system requirements for the JavaJ2ME Runner emulator.

Pros and cons

Cons are presented below:

  • constant "crashes" of the emulator, sometimes it is impossible to work;
  • the company has stopped releasing updates;
  • some games are not visible by the emulator;
  • cannot be downloaded from Google Play.

The pros are listed below:

  • basically all game projects are supported;
  • interface in Russian;
  • free access.



One of the first emulators for games that can support files and graphics in 3D. You can purchase the application only on third-party resources.

Application screenshots


To run it, you will need to unpack the archive using your PC or Total Commander on your phone. Then you need to run two files: MetaMidpPlayer. apk and MidpPlayer. apk. These are the installers of the manager and the target program itself. You need to install them one by one.


Below is a table of the system requirements of the emulator.

Pros and cons

Cons are presented below:

  • most applications are not detected by the emulator;
  • un-updated content from 2011;
  • "crashes" are possible even on the oldest versions of Android, but manufacturers claim the opposite.

The advantages are as follows:

  • some applications were launched;
  • russian language support pleases;
  • can be downloaded for free on almost any third-party resource;
  • support for Android 4.4.2 and 4.4.4 versions.

Thus, the JBlend emulator is quite a decent solution for a narrow range of games. Performance is not the best, but you can play.



Another unique project created exclusively to run games from Android 1.5 to 2.3 (inclusive). The company behind the project was targeting an audience that plays old mobile games. It is recommended to download and install programs from the Play Market to avoid launch problems.

Application screenshots


To select and launch an application, you need to follow a couple of simple steps:

  1. Indicate the path to the game.
  2. The game should only be on an SD card (external memory).
  3. Select the found applications and press.


Below is a table with the system requirements of the emulator.

Pros and cons

Below are the pros:

  • very relevant for all old games;
  • works with almost all game projects;
  • content is updated much more often than competitors.

Cons are highlighted in the list below:

  • there is no smooth design, and even in a foreign language;
  • often crashes when trying to start even an old game.

Java programs, very popular among netbook users and, of course, communicators running on OS Android... Another thing is that Java is not included in the priorities of different versions of Android that are so relevant today. But there is a way out. This is the installation on Android devices of the emulator called Java J2ME Runner .

What does the owner of this program need to know? First, you need to download and install it. It will appear in the file manager as a program with the extension .ark. The Java software that has already been downloaded to the communicator will not be useful now. Why? Yes, for the simple reason that J2ME Runner cannot see the software loaded on the memory card. There is only one way out - download the desired programs. They will ask for a download program. This is where J2ME enters the arena. Its functions include downloading and installing the program of your choice. As a result, the application icon appears in the main menu of the device.

How to install the Java J2ME Runner downloader itself on a smartphone from a computer?

  1. Copy the emulator to the device's memory card.
  2. Install a file browser or other program that supports third-party programs.
  3. Find and open the .apk file
Java game on Android OS

In short, what will be the behavior of users when launching programs using Java J2ME Runner?

How to run a Java game on Android

  • Launch the browser and search for the desired application.
  • Start downloading.
  • Waiting for a request to open a file.
  • Choosing a J2ME Runne emulator r as a downloader program.
  • Monitoring download and installation.
  • A statement of the fact of its readiness for operation by the appearance of an icon in the main menu of the communicator.

Someone will take a note: after installing J2ME Runner on an Android communicator, it becomes possible to write new software in the program Android Native Development Kit - a set of tools for using system functions and code in C and C ++.

Many users are delighted with the Java emulator, which makes it possible to keep their favorite programs. Some people talk about J2ME Runner not working correctly. But today when Android is rapidly winning the favor of users, the choice of such software is not so great. It remains to wait for new updates in the field of Java integration into the Android operating system.

Most Android users face the problem of installing jar files on their gadgets, which is no wonder - java support in Android is not built in by default. The solution is to install JAVA ME emulators for Android. There are enough of them, each has not only positive aspects, but also problems with running certain jar files.

  • What is required
  • Instructions
  • Worth paying attention
  • Advice
  • What is required
  • Instructions
  • Worth paying attention
  • Advice

Method 1 Installing the Java J2ME Runner Emulator

What is required

1. Your gadget with an internet connection.

2. Java J2ME Runner distribution.


1. The program is open source and free. It can be downloaded from the Internet, after which it will appear in the file manager with the extension .ark. does not know how to recognize the software loaded on the memory card of your gadget - you will have to re-download the desired programs.

2. Application.

When you try to download the required jar file, the latter will ask for a program to download - that's where the Java J2ME Runner gets down to business. Its key task is to download and install the application of your choice. As a result, the program icon will appear in the main menu of the device.

Worth paying attention

A significant disadvantage of the emulator is launch problems pretty a considerable number jar files, which is offset to some extent by the ease of installation and use.


Protect yourself from malicious software when downloading - use antivirus.

Method 2 Installing JBed emulator

What is required

1. Computer.

2. WinRar / WinZip software

3. Your gadget with an internet connection.

4. Root manager.


1. Download and install JBed.

Similarly, download Jbed from the Internet, the known extension is .apk.

2. Installing the Root Manager.

You will need to install any root manager from the Android Market on your PC ( Root manager, root explorer, etc..)

3. Transferring Jbed.apk

Using the installed root manager, transfer Jbed.apk to the directory / system / app /.

4. Editing Jbed.apk.

Using a PC, rename Jbed.apk to and then open it with any archiver known to you (WinRar, WinZip, 7Z). We go to the directory / lib / armeabi / and find the file

5. Installing software on the gadget.

We write to the memory card, then using the root manager we transfer it to the address / system / lib.

We reboot the phone, after which the Java item will appear in the menu.

7. Application.

We write jar files to the memory card, after which, using your file manager, we try to open them by selecting the item Open with Java.

Worth paying attention

Another emulator, the advantages of which include the absence of problems with the launch of almost all jar files. The disadvantages include a more time-consuming installation process, which is mostly about getting root rights. Obtaining these rights depends on the specific device model - each has individual characteristics.

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