How to create an ftp connection in windows 7. What is FTP? Using the FileZilla FTP client

Filezilla is a well-known file manager that allows you to connect via FTP to hosting and perform various operations with files - upload, delete, download, edit, and more. This program is popular among webmasters, it is free and reliable.

In this article I will show you how to connect Filezilla to hosting and how to use this program. Here are detailed instructions.

Installing Filezilla

If you haven't installed Filezilla on your computer yet, you need to start here. If the program is already installed, then you can skip this step.

And then "Download FileZilla Client" again.

A window will appear in which you need to click "Download" in free version programs.

Download to your computer setup file... The installation process is normal, leave all the settings there by default. The only thing I will warn you is that you need to be careful, since the installation offers to install additional advertising programs - they are not required, uncheck the necessary places.

Now the fun part is how to connect Filezilla to hosting. After the program is installed, run it. You will see an incomprehensible interface with many options and windows, which, I must say, drive into a stupor for beginners. But we'll figure it out now.

To get started, click on top menu "File" and then click on "Site Manager".

You will see a window in which you can create sites, that is, FTP connections. All connections can be sorted by catalogs. One directory is already created by default - "My Sites". You can create new catalogs by clicking on the "New catalog" button. And to connect Filezilla to hosting, you need to click on the "New Site" button. You can rename all directories and sites.

A form will open in front of you, which you need to fill in with data and change some parameters:

  • Host. Enter your hosting host.
  • Encryption.Select "Use regular FTP".
  • Login type. Select "Normal" from this list.
  • User.Enter the FTP username.
  • Password. Enter the user password.

If you do not know these data, then you can get them from your hosting support. Leave the rest of the options as default. At the end click "OK".

You will be prompted to save your password. It can be saved in the program, saved using the password master, or not. I recommend choosing the option to save the password in the program - "Save password". Then click "OK" again.

Now, at the top, click on the "Open File Manager" icon and in the list click on your site (depending on how you named it when creating the connection, I left it by default, so in the screenshot "New Site").

Wait until the connection is complete, which will take a few seconds, and then you will see the folders and files of your hosting in the right window of the Filezilla program.

In this article, we will talk about such a phenomenon asFTP connection, which is common not only among the owners of Internet resources. ProtocolFTP widely used in many software solutionssuch as antivirus products. This type of connection is relevant to this day ...

How to connect to an FTP server?

There are many ways to connect to an FTP server, each of which is convenient in its own way. A more practical tool for accessing FTP is to use an FTP client.

Installing the free Filezilla program is a great solution. This application has been popular among the user circle of webmasters for a long time.

In order to connect via Filezilla to an FTP server, you need to do a number of simple steps to configure the client program:

  1. First, download and install the FTP client from the developer's official website. The program initially has a Russian interface, which greatly facilitates the first acquaintance with the functionality.
  2. run the program. The main Filezille window will open in front of you, as in the picture below.

  3. You can use the "Quick Connect", which is available at the top of the window. It is required to enter "Host", "Username", "Password", "Port" - optional, since if the input field is empty, the default port is used!
    Note! All data for connecting to the FTP server for you as a user of a hosting or other relevant service should be provided by a provider who has Administrator access to the servers. Usually, all information for FTP is available immediately after registration or after the distribution of the DNS zone (with rare exceptions, information can be provided on demand).
  4. In order to have a permanent connection profile, click on the "File" item in the top menu, select "Site Manager".
  5. A manager window will open in which you will need to enter the connection data.

    In order to start creating a new profile, press the "New site" button in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe window.
  6. We rename the "New site" to any name convenient for you, for example, a site address.
    Next, pay attention to the right side of the window, where you will need to enter the data to log into the server.
  7. First enter the hostname, it usually looks the same as the domain address. Next, we go down and change the "Login Type" to "Normal" (if the computer used is a general user, it would be better to use "Request a password").
    Below we enter “Username” and “Password” (if required by the selected “Login type”) - these data are also provided to you by the provider!
  8. After making changes, click the "Connect" button to check the created connection profile, or click "OK" to save and close the site manager window.

Instead of an afterword

That's all, we managed to parse two connection methods at once in one program. In the first case, no settings are required - " Fast connection", And in the second, using the site manager, you can save the N-th number of connection profiles. independent from each other.

Simplify work with Windows computers connected by local network, it is possible by activating FTP and TFTP servers, each of which has its own characteristics.

Differences between FTP and TFTP servers

Activating both servers will enable you to exchange files and commands between computers or devices connected to each other via a local network or in another way.

TFTP is an easier server to open but does not support any kind of identity verification other than ID verification. Since IDs can be forged, TFTP is not reliable, but it is easy to use. For example, they are used to configure diskless workstations and smart network devices.

FTP servers perform the same functions as TFTP, but they have the ability to authenticate the connected device using a username and password, so they are more reliable. They can be used to send and receive files and commands.

If your devices are connected via a router or use a Firewall, then you need to forward ports 21 and 20 for incoming and outgoing connections in advance.

Creating and Configuring TFTP on Windows 7

To activate and configure it, it is best to use free program - tftpd32 / tftpd64, which can be downloaded from the developer's official website of the same name. The application is distributed in two forms: service and program. Each type is divided into versions for 32-bit and 64-bit systems. You can use any kind and version of the program that is most suitable for you, but below, as an example, actions in a 64-bit program running as a service (service edition) will be given.

Create and configure FTP

  1. Expand the computer control panel.

    Launching the control panel

  2. Go to the Programs section.

    Go to the section "Programs"

  3. Go to the Programs and Features subsection.

    Go to the section "Programs and Features"

  4. Click on the "Enabling and disabling components" tab.

    Click on the button "Enable and disable components"

  5. In the expanded window, find the "Internet Information Services" tree and activate all the components included in it.

    We activate the tree "IIS Services"

  6. Save the result and wait for the included elements to be added by the system.

    Wait for the components to be added by the system

  7. Return to home page control panel and go to the System and Security section.

    Go to the section "System and Security"

  8. Go to the Administration subsection.

    We pass to the subsection "Administration"

  9. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

    Open the program "IIS Manager"

  10. In the window that appears, refer to the tree on the left side of the program, click right click mouse on the subfolder "Sites" and go to the function "Add FTP site".

    Click on the item "Add FTP site"

  11. Fill in the field with the name of the site and write down the path to the folder to which the received files will be sent.

    Coming up with a website name and creating a folder for it

  12. Begins fTP setup... In the IP-address block set the parameter "All free", in the SLL block the parameter "Without SSL". Enabled function "Start FTP site automatically" will allow the server to turn on automatically every time the computer is turned on.

    We set the necessary parameters

  13. Authentication allows you to choose two options: anonymous - without a username and password, ordinary - with a username and password. Check the options that suit you.

    Choosing who will have access to the site

  14. This completes the creation of the site, but some more settings need to be made.

    Site created and added to the list

  15. Return to the "System and Security" section and go from there to the "Firewall" subsection.

    Open the "Windows Firewall" section

  16. Open advanced options.

    Moving on to advanced firewall settings

  17. In the left half of the program, make the "Rules for incoming connections" tab active and activate the "FTP server" and "FTP server traffic in passive mode" functions by right-clicking on them and indicating the "Enable" parameter.

    We turn on the functions "FTP server" and "Traffic FTP server in passive mode"

  18. In the left half of the program, make the "Rules for outgoing connections" tab active and start the "FTP server traffic" function in the same way.

    Turn on the function "FTP server traffic"

  19. The next step is to create a new account, which will receive all the rights to manage the server. To do this, go back to the "Administration" section and select the "Computer Management" application in it.

    Open the "Computer Management" application

  20. Being in the section " Local users and groups ", select the" Groups "subfolder and start creating another group in it.

    Press the button "Create group"

  21. Fill in all the required fields with any details.

    We fill in the information about the group being created

  22. Navigate to the Users subfolder and begin the process of creating a new user.

    Press the button "New user"

  23. Fill in all required fields and complete the process.

    We fill in the information about the user

  24. Open the properties of the newly created user and expand the Group Membership tab. Click on the "Add" button and add the user to the group that you created a little earlier.

    Click the "Add" button

  25. Now navigate to the folder that is given for use by the FTP server. Open its properties and go to the "Security" tab, click on the "Change" button in it.

    Press the button "Change"

  26. In the window that opens, click on the "Add" button and add to the list the group that was created earlier.

    Select the action "Add Allow Rule"

  27. Check the box "Specified roles or user groups" and fill in the field with the name of the previously registered group. All permissions must be granted: read and write.

    We select the item "Specified roles or user groups"

  28. You can create another rule for all other users by selecting "All anonymous users" or "All users" and setting the read-only permission so that no one but you can edit the data stored on the server. Done, this completes the creation and configuration of the server.

    ftp: // your _name: [email protected].

    To connect to the server not via a local network, but via the Internet, the same addresses are used, but the numbers are replaced by the name of the site you created earlier. Recall that to connect via the Internet received from a router, you need to forward ports 21 and 20.

    Reasons why it may not work

    Servers may not work correctly if you have not followed all required settingsdescribed above, or enter any data incorrectly, double-check all the information. The second reason for the breakdown is third-party factors: an incorrectly configured router, a Firewall built into the system, or third party antivirus, blocks access, the rules installed on the computer interfere with the server. To solve a problem related to an FTP or TFTP server, you need to describe exactly at what stage it appeared, only then you can find a solution on the thematic forums.

    How to connect as a network drive

    To convert the server folder to network drive standard windows methods, it is enough to do the following:

    Third party server configuration software

    The program for TFTP management - tftpd32 / tftpd64, has already been described above in the article, in the section "Creating and configuring a TFTP server". You can use FileZilla to manage FTP servers.

    FTP and TFTP servers are designed to create local and public sites that allow the exchange of files and commands between users who have access to the server. Checkout all desired settings can be done both with the built-in functions of the system, and through third party applications... To get some of the benefits, you can convert the server folder to a network drive.

Connection to hosting via FTP is carried out through special programs (FTP clients). This article contains all necessary information to set up such clients, and detailed instructions on setting up the most popular ones.

What information is required to connect via FTP?

Regardless of the used FTP clientand, to configure it, you need the following information:

Login, password, server address and port

  • login... Has the form "u1234567". You can also create an additional FTP account and use it to connect via FTP:;
  • password... The password from the login "u1234567", you can see it in. You can change the password from the initial one and reset it to the initial one:;
  • Server IP or host... The IP address is listed in. You can also use as a server domain name site, if it is already linked to the hosting:;
  • ftp port must indicate "21".

If you have entered several times wrong password

If you entered the wrong password several times in a row and the server blocked the FTP connection, contact with a description of the problem or wait 2 hours... After this time, the lock will be automatically released.

FTP operating mode

There are two modes of connecting to the FTP server - active (active) and passive (passive). When working via FTP with our company's servers, you need to use passive mode.

File transfer mode

There are two FTP file transfer modes:

  • text (ASCII) - mode for transmission text files, html-documents, php-scripts, scc-tables, etc .;
  • binary (binary, binary, bin) - a mode for transferring images, executable files, encrypted scripts and the like.

As a rule, FTP clients independently determine the mode by the file type, but sometimes they make mistakes and files are not downloaded correctly. Most often, such situations arise when loading encrypted binaries with the php extension. In this case, you will need to independently choose required mode uploading files in FTP client.

Number of concurrent connections

When working via FTP with servers of our company, no more than 8 simultaneous FTP connections from one IP address are allowed.

How to set up an FTP client

Below are instructions for setting up popular FTP clients:

FileZilla setup instructions

How do I set up the connection directory?

For users of shared hosting, access is provided only to the root directory of the account. In order to immediately open the user's directory when connecting via FTP, do the following: write the path for the default directory in the column Default remote directory:

  • cPanel: / var / www / 1234567
  • cPanel Agava: / home / login
  • ISPmanager: / var / www / u1234567 / data
  • Parallels Plesk Onyx 17: /var/www/vhosts/

Instructions for setting Total Commander

CuteFTP setup instructions

IWeb setup instructions

When publishing a site through iWeb, you need to fill in the appropriate fields:

  • "Publish to": FTP server;
  • "Site name": the name of your site;
  • "Server Address": hosting server, hosting server IP or your domain. It is not recommended to use a domain as a server. Use a domain if you are sure that it is already parked to the hosting;
  • "User name": your hosting login (indicated in the newsletter);
  • "Password": hosting password (specified in the information letter);
  • Directory / Path: your site directory. You must specify the path to the directory relative to the directory of your hosting account. You can specify the catalog of your site in the hosting control panel;
  • "Protocol": FTP;
  • "Port": 21;
  • "Website URL": the full URL of your domain, for example
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