The most paid affiliate programs. Directory of partner programs. Advertising affiliate programs

Good day! Our resource has already offered three other articles on the topic, but the amount of information in this area is too extensive. With this article, we will try to systematize the previously obtained information and consider the list of affiliate programs as fully as possible. Below is a list of the best affiliate programs that differ from each other, have different biases and topics.

We hope that thanks to the review, you will be able to find a good option for work that you like. Before announcing the list, let us recall the key information on this topic. Affiliate programs for earnings, there are 4 areas of activity:

  • Referral fees (this method is also called earnings on clicks) - created in order to artificially attract visitors to the site for its promotion. This area is the least paid. You can get from 1 to 50 cents per click.
  • Getting a percentage of the sale... The most profitable and risky method. You can earn several thousand dollars in one trade. The essence of the activity is that you get a percentage of the purchase that was made through your affiliate link.
  • Pay per impression... The most attractive method for those who are interested in making a profit without prior investment. The payment here is also small, because there is no risk of losing your own funds. You can read more about this type of income generation in the article "".
  • Earnings for completing tasks... The bottom line is that the client must perform a certain action on the partner's website: register, fill out a questionnaire, subscribe to the newsletter, etc.

List of affiliate programs 2019 - sells training courses. The project assumes the availability of both paid and free courses. What's important: for the sale of free courses, you also receive a monetary reward. The cost of paid courses ranges from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles.

Thus, cooperation with this project can become quite profitable, because he gives 30% of the amount of each course you sell. As your sales increase, your remuneration rate can rise up to 45%. Thus, in the best case scenario, for one of the most expensive courses sold, you can get 4,500 rubles.

He specializes in website promotion using crowd links. (crowd - links are one of the methods of conducting a hidden advertising campaign, where they advertise something unobtrusively and as if in passing). For any attracted client, the resource gives 50% of the profit.

BetAdvert - it is necessary to attract people who are interested in sports and are ready to place bets. For each forecast made by the client, you receive 50% of its amount. The site has a simple referral program with a 5% rate. There is no minimum wage for withdrawing funds, money comes on the very first request.

7StarsPartners - the essence of the work is to attract a high-quality target audience. The site has several categories for which traffic is needed, among them: gaming audience, adult, entertainment, etc. For attracting just such thematic clients, you can receive up to 60% commission.

Moedelo - calculates a fee for registering clients in the service. However, this requires more than simple low-quality traffic. The service will be convenient for businessmen who conduct their accounting online. For attracting (registering on the resource) one client is given a reward in the amount of 300 rubles. By registering 15 people, your profit will be 4500 r, which can be considered good money. - a resource specializing in training specialists in various fields. It is necessary to attract customers who want to use these services for a fee. The remuneration for each attracted participant is 20% commission. As for the service itself, its conditions are quite convenient: it means home education and further specialized employment.

AliExpress - one of the most famous trading platforms with many partner offers. For the sale of any product through your affiliate link, you will receive a bonus reward of 8.5% of the value of the offered product. The list of affiliate programs could hardly do without this service because of the impressive results with the right approach. - a resource where you can order quality articles and any text copyrighted materials. If you are not a copywriter, you can make money on affiliate links. You get 25% of the order amount of the referral-copywriter you brought.

Partner.apishops - high-quality trade affiliate program, which is included in the list of affiliate programs with increased efficiency. This is where you get a percentage of the sale of an item. The list of products that you can work with is very extensive and divided into categories for convenience.

This resource is recommended for participants who are just starting to make money on partnerships. The project helps to get comfortable, gain experience and try yourself in this field, and in case of failure, not to lose too much money.

Sotmarket- an online store that sells electronic equipment. For 12 years of work, it has established itself on the positive side, distinguished by quality, reliability and low prices. Also offers beneficial partnership conditions.

Cpaseti - here it is necessary to attract exclusively affiliate traffic. That is, people interested in affiliate programs and generating income with their help. Referral link rewards are 5%.

LetyShops - is currently the largest cashback service. Thanks to cashback, you can refund part of the amount from the purchase made in. LetyShops is affiliated with over a thousand of the most renowned online stores. Among them are AliExpress, LaModa, Svyaznoy, Eldorado, Booking, Ozon, etc.

To get your profit, you must link to LetyShops, and your client must register there. After registration, the client must make purchases through this service. Your profit will be 15% of the client's cashback.

In the near future, we will definitely compile a separate list of affiliate programs aimed at profit from cashback.

EPN - the most profitable and convenient affiliate program for making money on AliExpress. From the purchase of goods through your affiliate link, you get 7-12% of income to your account, and the attracted client is assigned to you for a period of 30 days. Thus, even if the user does not make a purchase instantly, the money will still be credited to you.

BinPartner- specializes in earning binary options. The affiliate program invites visitors to the Binomo website. The service, by the way, has an excellent reputation and reviews, so it is highly likely that the attracted users will stay on this resource.

Your earnings will come from your clients' bad deals. The income from such transactions will be approximately 40%. For example, if the attracted visitor bets $ 100 and loses, your reward will be $ 40.

Admitad is one of the most serious CPA networks in Russia, which guarantees the most favorable conditions. The service has more than a thousand affiliate programs. The service is distinguished by a user-friendly interface, transparency and the availability of high-quality and necessary information for work.


The provided list of affiliate programs opens up an opportunity for you to take an objective look at the established competition in this field of activity. Don't make hasty decisions. It would be wise to look at all the features of the services provided above in more detail.

Any business needs growth and expansion. For example, if you own a factory, you upgrade production and install more machines. What if you own an online store? Then the main task will be to increase the number of sales and find regular customers. To accomplish this, a system of affiliate programs was invented.

What is an affiliate program and what is its business model?

The main task of an affiliate program is to bring a new client into the business. In return, a member of the affiliate network receives a reward, which can be fixed or depend on the amount of the transaction of the invited client.

An affiliate offer in this context is called an offer. The one who wants to find clients is an advertiser, and the one who attracts clients is a webmaster. Affiliate networks exist because they follow the "win-win" principle, in which each party to the deal wins - the advertiser gets sales, the webmaster gets a reward, and the affiliate network charges its commission on the deal. Now you know what an affiliate program is. "And how to make money on it?" - a logical question will sound. We will give the answer for the role of the webmaster in this process.

Types of affiliate programs for making money

The main task of a webmaster in any affiliate network is to attract traffic, that is, visitors. But with the same traffic, a webmaster can receive radically different income, depending on how he monetizes it (sells for money). This is due to the difference in the types of payments for traffic. Here are the main ones:

  • payment for a targeted transition (click on an advertisement);
  • payment for displaying an ad (often a promotional video);
  • payment for a purchase on the target site;
  • registration in the system;
  • app installation, etc.

You can find out which type of partnership cooperation is suitable for your traffic channel only experimentally, testing various options for promotional materials, marketing strategies and advertising links (type of advertising - partner offer). The best affiliate programs always reward their webmasters with bonuses and try to provide maximum tools for their work. But don't think that a personal affiliate manager will do the job for you. After all, even the best affiliate programs can only channel the diligence of the webmaster in the right direction, but only their own efforts and constant work on mistakes will bring money.

Where to begin?

Webmasters who have just come into this business are looking for an affiliate program for beginners, which would require a minimum of knowledge and investment from them to start. One of these affiliate programs is Google Adsense. You will be able to understand instantly what an AdSense affiliate program is - it is found on almost any informational website and is a contextual targeted advertising network. For the sake of fairness, it must be said that the Yandex.Direct partner network is also a contextual advertising system, but it is more difficult to join it because of the strict moderation of sites. But back to the Adsense topic, we are after all interested in an affiliate program for beginners.

First of all, you need to register and add your site to moderation, which will check it for compliance with the basic requirements, which are very easy to comply with. The site should not violate the laws of your state, should not be spammed, contain viruses, etc. If you do not have a site, you can create a blog in a few clicks using WordPress Blog, Blogger, Wix or in any convenient way, write several articles to the site and install Adsense ads. Depending on the interests of the audience of your site (blog) and the subject of the resource, you can receive from 1 cent to several dollars (!) For one click. It will be possible to withdraw funds by bank transfer, check or in another way, but always after reaching the amount of $ 100 on the balance sheet.

How to get more traffic?

When you have already mastered and studied what an affiliate program is, you will certainly be interested someday with a logical question - where to get traffic? After all, the more traffic, the more money you can get. The Internet is built on the exchange of information, therefore, if you have the information the user needs, he will go to your resource and make money by clicking on the advertisement. But it's not that simple. Let's take a look at the main ways to get your content across to your audience, or from the other side, to get your audience's money to you.

Today the main traffic sources are:

  • search engines - Yandex, Google, and so on;
  • social networks (Vkontakte and Facebook are known to everyone, but the social network is also YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, Twitch, Google + and others);
  • mobile messengers (Telegram, Viber, Snipchat);
  • bookmarks in the browser - oddly enough, if your site is good enough to use it regularly, you will get your backbone of regular visitors;
  • e-mail newsletters;
  • other ways.

The more masterly you approach the construction of your traffic channels, the naturally larger audience you can reach.

We monetize traffic profitably

Earlier it was said that with the same number of visitors on your resource, the profit per visitor can vary by several orders of magnitude. This means that someone else can extract the profit you lost. How it works:

  1. Let's say person X has installed an AdSense pay-per-click ad unit on their website.
  2. Another person Y registered on the website of the affiliate program of an online store, where they pay $ 20 for a completed order.
  3. Y orders an ad for his affiliate link in Adsense to be shown on your site.
  4. Y gets a customer for a $ 15 store.

It turns out that the owner of the site - X could earn $ 5 more than from contextual advertising, but Y earned this money. It seems obvious that if X used the store's affiliate program, he would increase his profit, but this is not so. After all, in order to earn this additional $ 5, Y set up an advertising campaign in detail, segmented the audience, tracked statistics and created promotional materials. In other words, this is a difficult and painstaking job. This activity is called traffic arbitrage, when you buy advertising traffic in one place and drive it to another, generating sales or requests, which are called lead by affiliates.

You will learn what types of affiliate programs are and how to make money on them without having your own website and without investments. How much can you earn this way and which affiliate programs will bring you the maximum income?

29.05.2018 Elena Zaitseva

Earning money on affiliate programs is a transparent and effective way to receive remote income on the Internet. Almost every owner of their own site sometimes or regularly posts referral links.

But I, for example, do not have my own site. Does this mean that I will not be able to earn on affiliate programs? To unequivocally answer this question, I studied in detail the possibilities and prospects of earning income from referral programs without my own Internet portal. Read what I got - the information is the most reliable.

Is it possible to make money on affiliate programs without a website

The essence of an affiliate program is simple - you need to advertise a third-party product or service so that a person wants to take advantage of your offer.

The terms of individual partner services do not require the purchase of products. Enough, for example, registering on the site or subscribing to a blog.

It seems that the best place to link is your own website. But this is not the case. The key role is played not so much by the site as by the presentation of information and the attractiveness of the offer itself.

Making money on affiliate programs without your own website is real. The main thing is to motivate the user to follow a link, purchase a product or use a service.

There are alternative ways of placing an affiliate link outside your own internet portal. Attract users for free through social networks and forums, or invest your own funds in contextual advertising or recommendations from famous bloggers.

An illustrative diagram of the affiliate program:

Remember the main thing - the offer must be unique and interesting in itself. Otherwise, all efforts to promote it will be in vain.

Which affiliate program to choose

When I became convinced of the possibility of promoting affiliate programs without my own website, I began to study the second most important question - what exactly to offer.

Having analyzed the “market” of referral networks, I have identified 2 main groups.


The potential for activity is huge. Advertise clothing, footwear, baby products, home appliances, personal care products, and any other items. Nearly all merchandise referral programs pay as a percentage of the income earned as a product is sold.

It will be great if, before offering others, you manage to try the product yourself - so your story about the real merits of the product will be sincere.


Such referral programs are aimed at selling copyright webinars, trainings or courses. Also, some companies through a network of partners invite to conferences and seminars.

When choosing an information product for promotion, give preference to unique offers that cannot be obtained for free or for less money.

Informational referral networks are quite profitable. Often companies pay up to 70-90% of their value for the sale of their information products.

How to make money on affiliate programs without a website - 6 ways that work

Having your own website does not guarantee effective promotion of affiliate links. I analyzed the reviews of people who make money on referral networks and came to the conclusion: it is possible to get good income through alternative channels as well.

Among all the options for making money on affiliate programs without a website, I have identified the 6 most effective ones.

Method 1. Contextual advertising

Method 2. Teaser advertising

Method 3. Social networks

Every person, according to statistics, uses at least one social network. This means that the number of potential buyers of a service or product in the Russian market is at least 146 million people (data at the end of 2017).

Use your own account for promotion, and post a link in thematic publics. This can be done both for free in the "Discussions" section, and for money. In the second case, the advertisement will be published on the community wall, which will significantly increase the reach of the audience.

Method 4. Postings on thematic forums

Placing links in the relevant sections of various forums is one of the most common ways to draw attention to your proposal.

In this case, it is necessary that:

  • the link looked natural - do not publish it immediately at the beginning of communication, it is better to do it after 2-3 messages;
  • the advertisement was not intrusive - too many messages of the same type will alienate members of the forum;
  • the comment did not contradict the rules of the site - for non-observance, the administration will delete the message and block the profile.

It is also advisable to communicate on the forum and on abstract topics. This will increase the confidence of members of the forum in the owner of the account, which means that it will increase the number of clicks on the link and ordered goods or services.

Method 5. Buying sponsored posts

Another option is to order an article from a popular information or entertainment website. Choose resources with the same or similar theme to your proposal. So the coverage of the target audience of potential buyers will be wider.

The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to pay for a post or article with a recommendation. The price range is 1-10 thousand rubles or more.

Method 6. Email newsletter

Sending offers by mail is a labor-intensive and not always effective option. Emails often end up in the "Spam" folder, and the rest will be of interest only to individual users.

More information about affiliate programs is in this video:

Review of TOP-3 affiliate programs for making money without a website and investments

There are thousands of referral programs. Choosing an affiliate program is not easy - you need to take into account the percentage of deductions, the conditions for receiving payments, the provision of promotional materials, etc.

To make it easier for you to start making money on referral programs, I analyzed the market and prepared a short overview of 3 worthy affiliate programs.


The service has been bringing together companies and publishers since March 1, 2010. At the time of publication, 1,595 affiliate programs were being promoted through Admitad.

Personal manager, transparent statistics and much more are the indisputable advantages of admitad


  1. Various opportunities for promotion - promotional codes, banners, optimization codes and other effective tools.
  2. Exclusive programs - more than 150 advertisers do not cooperate with other services.
  3. Personal manager - each publisher receives a personal consultant who will promptly provide the necessary assistance or give instructions.
  4. Transparent statistics - the analysis is presented in a clear and detailed form, thanks to which the promotion becomes even more effective.

Payments are weekly. There are 4 ways to withdraw money - bank cards, WebMoney, PayPal and epayments.


The service makes it easier for publishers and entrepreneurs to enter the e-commerce market. ApiShops helps to create online stores selling mark-up products.

No need to register a legal entity, worry about accepting payments or delivering products. All these issues are handled by ApiShops.

You don't need capital to create an online store. But to attract buyers, either material costs are required for advertising, or temporary ones for promotion in free ways.

Where is the Elephant?

Affiliate network "Where is the Elephant?" brings together entrepreneurs and partners who are willing to advertise goods or services for a fee.

The service provides active assistance in promotion.

An incomplete list of tools to increase sales:

  • banners;
  • buying traffic;
  • deep links;
  • promotional codes;
  • promotions, etc.

Make money both by selling goods or services of advertisers and by attracting users to the project.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles.

How much can you earn

Income from affiliate programs depends on your activity and the effectiveness of submitting referral offers.

But not everyone has such a positive experience. Many people fail to effectively organize the presentation of information - they lack activity, knowledge, ingenuity or patience.

But with well-established work, the monthly income is at the level of 50-70 thousand rubles. This is exactly the conclusion I made after analyzing the reviews of experienced users of various affiliate programs.

And can still make a website?

The effectiveness of alternative ways to promote referral programs does not exclude the benefits of your site.

Despite the ability to attract customers from social networks or thematic forums, your own Internet portal gives the highest percentage of clicks on the recommended link.

With effective promotion with your own website, the return will be higher, and the costs of its creation and maintenance will quickly pay off.

The owners of their own Internet resources themselves determine when and what links to publish, what text to surround them with and how to present information. If you create your own Internet portal, you can continue to use alternative promotion channels or not - you will already have an incoming stream of potential customers.

You can create your own website from scratch for free - many design services offer ready-made templates. Be sure to think about it.


Is it possible to make money on affiliate programs without your own website? I can give an unequivocal answer - yes. There are at least 6 options, all of them effective and quite affordable.

(5 estimates, average: 4,80 out of 5)

Affiliate programs on the Internet are the easiest way to make money, where they get from 30 thousand rubles. let's consider best affiliate programs 2016... Which allow you to create excellent passive income!

Partnership programs - this is cooperation with sites that provide services or goods, where you have a chance to receive a percentage of attracted customers using links.

That is, in order to start earning, you just need to leave a link on the forum or on a social network, where someone may be interested in the service and it is not necessary to have a personal website for this.

Top 10 Best Affiliate Programs 2016-2017

I cooperate with more than 1,000 different sites, someone pays a lot, and someone comes from a penny. So I decided to highlight the 10 best affiliate programs for 2016-2017 that really pay good money!

1. LetyShops is the largest cashback service

LetyShops Is the best cashback service in Russia. Considering that more and more people are buying online, this is a great chance to make money on the service by recommending it to your friends!

Cashback is a return of a part of the money (1-10%) to the account when a purchase was made in a partner store.

At the moment, LetyShops cooperates with 1,000 largest online stores, here are some examples: AliExpress, LaModa, Svyaznoy, Eldorado, Booking, Ozon.

How is affiliate money credited?

There is also another strong cashback service in this direction, where they give 100 rubles for registration - KopiKot.

2. EPN is the best affiliate program for earning money on AliExpress

EPN (commercial affiliate network) is the most profitable affiliate program for working with AliExpress. Where you just need to send an affiliate link to a friend for any product in AliExpress.

After purchasing the product, you get 7-12% profit on your account. Moreover, the partner is assigned to you for 30 days, and even if he makes a purchase not today, but in a few weeks, money will still come to your account.

Moreover, the service has a cashback system, like LetyShops. That is, you can recommend your friends to make purchases using EPN and you will receive additional income from each purchased item.

In Russia, it is very common to buy goods from China through AliExpress, and some bloggers on YouTube manage to earn more than 300,000 rubles a month on affiliate links!

3. BinPartner - high earnings on binary options

BinPartner - recognized as one of the most profitable affiliate programs in binary options. Where the average check is - 1,200 rubles!

Binary options - this is the redemption of options for a short period (from 15 seconds to 48 hours), where you need to determine the price, whether it will go up or down. When guessing the course, the player receives a fixed profit, which depends on the amount of investment.

Binary options have already gained more popularity than Forex. And people are more willing to invest big money in options.

The affiliate program attracts people to the Binomo site, which is beautifully designed and performs well. At the moment, he has excellent reviews and reputation.

Affiliates get paid with every unsuccessful bet, where the income is 40%. That is, if the client made a deposit of $ 100 and lost everything, then the partner earns about $ 40.

4. Admitad is the largest CPA in Russia

Admitad Is not just the largest CPA network in Russia, but it also offers some of the most favorable conditions. The service has over 1,000 different affiliate programs to work with.

CPA (cost per action) is an affiliate program where payment is made for certain actions: transition, registration or order, where the partner earns his percentage from such actions.

And in order to make it easier to choose a store for cooperation, they introduced a special rating, where you can see in detail what is selling best and which store the partners speak best about.

Thus, you can find out how much you can earn on affiliate programs in Admitad before you try to advertise any store products or game.

By the way, thanks to Admitad, it became obvious that now the most profitable affiliate programs:

  1. Cashback services;
  2. Goods from China;
  3. Online Games;
  4. Household goods stores;
  5. Cosmetics.

5. BetAdvert - real sports betting predictions

BetAdvert Is an affiliate program from the site BetFaq, which make predictions for betting on sports events. By the way, they manage to make a correct prediction in 70% of cases.

They differ from other sites in that they have free forecasts that work really well. And if they don't guess the outcome, they don't change the result, but honestly expose all statistics to the display.

At BetAdvert, you get 50% of the income from every client you refer. And the minimum check is 1,000 rubles. What makes this affiliate program one of the most successful!

6. VseMayki is the best partner for the sale of outerwear

All Is the most popular online store where you can create your own style of clothes, dishes and covers, while all things are quite cheap.

Moreover, if someone buys things that you create in this store, then you get paid 3% of the sale. About a million people visit the site every month! And you have a chance not only to create a beautiful thing, but also to make money on sales.

Another interesting way to make money is to create a VKontakte group, where a person sees original things and will go to the site to order. Well, you get 25% of the sales profit for this.

The last and most popular way to make money on this site is simply to recommend it to your friends. Having told that there you can buy cheap things of good quality and at the same time create your own design! From which you will also receive 25% of the profit.

7. ApiShops is the best product affiliate program

ApiShops Is a unique affiliate platform that allows you to earn on various products. For example, a webmaster can create an entire store and earn a percentage of sales.

A marketer can launch contextual advertising or add ads manually in various blogs, forums and even on social networks, where there is a high income from goods.

ApiShops has been recognized for several years as the best affiliate program among the sale of goods. The average income per 1,000 visitors is 1,500 rubles, which makes it number 1!

8. QComment - making money on assignments on the Internet

QComment - the most profitable job exchange on the Internet, where earnings vary from 200 to 1,500 rubles per day (if you complete tasks).

Just one attracted user will already bring 10% of the profit from their own income on the exchange. That is, if he earns 200 rubles a day, then you get 20 rubles from him.

Well, if you brought a customer to the site, then you get 20% profit from each order. I almost forgot that attracted partners are assigned to you for life!

It is enough to attract about 100 referrals to create an income of 1,000 rubles per day. Therefore, this job exchange is considered the best in its segment.

9. Air is the best partner for YouTube channel

If you are looking to make money from advertising on YouTube, then you should definitely look at the affiliate program. Air... True, it requires 10,000 views and at least 500 subscribers.

Most popular video bloggers collaborate with them and advise others. This is because they provide the most transparent workflow.

The standard payments of partner rewards are:

  • 70% - get weak channels;
  • 75% - from 500 thousand views per month;
  • 80% - from 1 million views per month;
  • 85% - from 5 million views per month;
  • 90% - from 10 million views per month.

And the minimum payment is $ 100, which are easily and quickly transferred to the bank card.

10. PrivateFX - turned out to be a pyramid (SCAM)

PrivateFX Is a new forex broker that is rapidly gaining momentum. Thanks to constant contests and promotions, I easily find clients.

Just imagine that for one registration, your client already receives $ 100, although they can be spent on investments in PAMM accounts or on something else inside the broker.

But when people start investing money, then you will receive $ 100 for each active client, 10% for investments in PAMM accounts and 5% for any investments in binary options.

Of course, there are many other profitable affiliate programs on the Internet, which can be safely called “the best 2016-2017 in their segment”.

However, I have provided the best affiliate programs with which I have worked and they now bring the largest profit of all, so do not judge strictly.

As I said at the beginning, you don't need to create a website to make money on affiliate programs. And if you are wondering what other ways of making money on PP exist, then go to - .

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