Why do we need communication satellites. Artificial Earth Satellites: All About Satellites

In our VK group (vk.com/posterspbru), one of the users left such a playfully sarcastic comment:

- Monya, where are you looking?

- To the stars. Believe it or not, there are 8000 satellites!

- And sho, it became easier to breathe?

He gave us the idea of \u200b\u200bthis article.

Perhaps Moni's friend is right - in the literal sense of the word, satellites do not help people breathe. Although this is a moot point, since satellites are able to save from situations in which people can suffocate. Probably, many of us rarely think about how much satellites affect our lives.

Here are some of the applications that satellites provide us with.

1. Satellites send television signals to homes, but they are also the basis for cable and network TV. In other words, there are no satellites - no news, no broadcasts of sports matches, no Olympics in live etc. Satellites transmit signals from a central station, which generates programs for smaller stations, which transmit signals to local level... All direct connections are possible thanks to satellites.

2. Satellites provide telephone communications on airplanes and are often the only channel telephone connection for many rural areas and areas where telephone lines damaged by natural disasters. Satellites also provide the primary timing source for cell phones and pagers. In 1998, a satellite failure demonstrated this addiction - 80% of pagers in the United States temporarily fell silent, public national radio was unable to distribute its broadcasts to affiliates and broadcast only through the website, and the video picture was frozen on the CBS evening news and only broadcast audio.

3. Satellite navigation systems allow any user to navigate the terrain. GPS navigators are part of modern world, whether they are used in private vehicles or for commercial or military purposes for navigation on land, at sea or in the air. And by the way, GPS navigation plays a crucial role in many situations, for example, when the ship is heading for the harbor in bad weather.

4. Satellites connect companies with suppliers, are the basis for international video conferencing, provide instant credit card authorization and banking. Without a satellite in orbit, you will not be able to pay for goods in the hypermarket with your bank card.

5. Satellites provide meteorologists with weather data, with the help of which they monitor not only whether it will be cloudy or sunny today, but also for volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, gas leaks, and the like. Returning to the question of Mona and his friend, in some cases, satellites will help a person breathe, simply because they will warn him that a cloud of toxic gases is moving to the place where he is. Or a satellite can rescue him at sea or on land by transmitting a beacon signal to rescue services.

Sputniks are one of the main sources of data for climate change research. Satellites monitor ocean temperatures and currents. They can point out air pollution, help organize rescue operations in disaster regions, help locate people in remote areas, send distress signals, and more.

6. The satellite can detect groundwater and mineral springs, monitor the transfer of nutrients and pollutants from the earth to water sources, measure the temperature of the land and water, measure the growth of algae in the seas and erosion of the topsoil on land. They can effectively monitor large-scale infrastructures such as fuel lines that need to be checked for leaks using satellites rather than manual labor (which will take many hours). Satellite imagery is helping a variety of industries, and even you can take advantage of Google Earth thanks to satellites.

Satellites are of great importance to developing countries, as they provide their populations in remote regions with access to data, educational information, medical information, and the like. A person can get the right treatment only because their doctor consults with a more experienced companion colleague.

7. Space exploration is impossible without satellites. Telescopic satellites play a critical role in understanding many space phenomena.

Anthropogenic satellites orbiting the Earth greatly affect our modern lifealthough many do not realize it. To some extent, satellites help us breathe freely, providing us with data, timely assistance, and opportunities. Satellites make life safer, provide a host of modern amenities, and help broadcast entertainment and explore Earth and space.

Modern human life is already unthinkable without artificial earth satellites, because with their help we monitor the weather and make its forecast, satellites provide a person with long-distance communication, with the help of satellites, a person conducts unique various studies in space, which is basically impossible on Earth. ... But the history of the life of the companion is not yet 60 years old. The first artificial Earth satellite was launched in the USSR on October 4, 1957, exactly 56 years ago. At the moment, a huge number of different satellites fly around our planet in different orbits, doing different work. So which satellites serve a person?

Satellites that provide communication are probably the most popular type of satellite operation and, so to speak, the most obvious, because at high altitudes the signals received and emitted by the satellite can be received at points on the Earth that are at a considerable distance from each other. With the help of communication satellites, we watch TV programs, talk on the phone, go to the Internet.

Satellites providing navigation on the ground. Surely, many have heard of gPS navigation with the help of which a person can determine the location of certain objects with great accuracy. This is the job that navigator satellites do. With the GPS navigators built into cell phones, PDA and car computers, anyone can determine their location and plan routes based on road signs, search for houses and streets they need on the map, etc.

The next most popular satellite is the meteorological satellite, which monitors changes in the earth's weather and studies the climate of our planet. It is thanks to meteorological satellites that forecasters make up their own weather forecasts.

Of course, the military could not miss such a gorgeous opportunity to spy on each other from space. As they say, I sit high, I look far away. Spy satellites are able to take high-definition photographs of objects on Earth, listen to communications systems, carry out surveillance, and so on.

The satellites are also irreplaceable helpers for scientists in their scientific research. Research satellites study the Earth's magnetic field, radiation conditions, they are used by geodesists, cartographers and other specialists. A special type of research satellites are biosatellites, on which scientists conduct their experiments, solve various technical problems astronautics, etc.

And, of course, in their research, satellites are used by astronomers who can observe distant galaxies and other space objects from space, while the earth's atmosphere does not distort signals received from space. One of the most famous astronomical satellites is the famous Hubble Telescope.

The star system of the Milky Way galaxy, in which we live, includes the Sun and 8 more planets orbiting it. Scientists are primarily interested in studying the planets closest to Earth. However, the satellites of the planets are also very interesting. What is a satellite? What are their types? Why are they so interesting for science?

What is a satellite?

A satellite is a small body that rotates around the planet under the influence of gravity. We currently know 44 such celestial bodies.

Only the first two planets of our star system, Venus and Mercury, are missing satellites. The Earth has one satellite (the Moon). The "red planet" (Mars) has 2 celestial bodies accompanying it - Deimos and Phobos. The largest planet in our star system - Jupiter - has 16 satellites. Saturn has 17, Uranus has 5, and Neptune has 2.

Types of satellites

All satellites are subdivided into 2 types - natural and artificial.

Artificial - celestial bodies created by humans, which open up the opportunity to observe and explore the planet, as well as other astronomical objects. They are necessary for drawing up maps, weather forecasting, radio transmission of signals. The largest man-made "companion" of the Earth is (ISS). Artificial satellites are not only on our planet. Over 10 such celestial bodies revolve around Venus and Mars.

What is a natural satellite? They are created by nature itself. Their origin has always aroused the genuine interest of scientists. There are several theories, but let's focus on the official versions.

Every planet has a collection of cosmic dust and gases. The planet attracts celestial bodies that fly close to it. As a result of this interaction, satellites are formed. There is also a theory according to which fragments are separated from cosmic bodies colliding with the planet, which subsequently acquire a spherical shape. According to this assumption, there is a fragment of our planet. This is confirmed by the similarity of the terrestrial and lunar chemical compositions.

Satellite orbits

There are 3 types of orbits.

Polaris is tilted to the equatorial plane of the planet at right angles.

The trajectory of the inclined orbit is displaced relative to the equatorial plane by an angle less than 90 0.

Equatorial (also called geostationary) is located in the plane of the same name, along its trajectory, the celestial body moves at the speed of the planet's rotation around its axis.

Also, the orbits of satellites in their shape are divided into two basic types - circular and elliptical. In a circular orbit, a celestial body moves in one of the planes of the planet with a constant distance above the planet's surface. If the satellite is moving in an elliptical orbit, this distance varies within the period of one revolution.

Natural satellites of the planets of the solar system: interesting facts

Saturn's moon Titan has its own dense atmosphere. There are lakes on its surface, which contain liquid hydrocarbon compounds.

Following the USSR and the United States, satellites were launched by France (1965), Australia (1967), Japan (1970), China (1970), and Great Britain (1971).

The implementation is based on international scientific and technical cooperation. So, for example, countries friendly to the USSR carried out launches of satellites from Soviet cosmodromes. Some satellites, manufactured in Canada, France, Italy, have been launched since 1962 using US-developed launch vehicles.

What is a cosmic body rotating in an orbit around a planet? By origin, they are natural and artificial. The world community is especially interested in natural satellites planets, because they conceal many more mysteries in themselves, and most of them are still waiting to be discovered. There are projects for their study of private, state and global significance. Artificial satellites make it possible to solve applied and scientific problems both on the scale of an individual planet and the entire outer space.

What are satellites for?

Who among us did not shout joyfully, looking into the deep starry sky: - Look, look, the satellite is flying! And this satellite was not at all associated with anything other than space.
But now - a completely different story! Satellites are communications, television, determination of coordinates, security, and the Internet. And many more things people will come up with for space technologists to serve for the benefit of man.
And we will tell you why and what are the most popular ways of using satellite systems today.

Why sometimes only satellite technology can be the only development option?
When arranging land lines, wires are used - fiber optic or copper, or when wireless technology - cellular networks or radio internet. All these rather costly work always have significant disadvantages:

  • limiting the coverage of the territory. Any transmitter or receiver of a signal has a certain area of \u200b\u200bwork, which depends on the power and terrain of the area;
  • issues of network modernization always relate to technical capabilities and the feasibility of spending financial resources;
  • it is often impossible to quickly dismantle equipment and deploy a station to a new location.
And in some cases, the most justified in a technical and financial sense to ensure reliable and high-quality communication is the use of satellite systems.

Satellites will always find us

Without satellite technology, we would never be able to find each other on our large planet.
The global coordinate system allows you to accurately determine the location of objects (longitude, latitude, and even height above sea level), as well as the direction and speed of this object.
The well-known American GPS (Global Positioning System) system includes 24 artificial satellites, a wide network of ground stations that have unlimited connectivity to user terminals.
GPS - the system works continuously. Any person on the planet can use it, you just need to purchase a GPS navigator. Manufacturers offer portable, automotive, aviation, marine models. Search work and rescue operations in no country in the world are complete without gPS assistance.

Not so long ago, Russia deployed its GLONASS navigation system, similar to the American one, and with the same level of positioning accuracy.
Both systems are completely available and free.

Satellites guard us

This is especially true in the automotive industry. The main security system is successfully combined with channels satellite communications, GPS system and traditional radar methods.
How do satellite security systems work?
The central unit with security sensors is discreetly installed on the car. In the event of an emergency, the signal from the central unit is transmitted via communication channels to the owner or dispatcher. GPS system helps to track route, location, driving mode in real time.

Satellites entertain us

The most relevant and well-known topic is satellite TV. But we are already so used to the plates in our houses that we practically do not notice it. But only three devices: an antenna, a receiver, a converter give us extraordinary pleasure from watching our favorite TV programs.
The difference from a traditional television antenna is that instead of a tower, a satellite appears and transmits digital signal... This results in a large selection of channels and image quality.

Satellites connect us with friends

The most common and well-known global satellite communication systems (GSSS): Globalstar, Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya. At the very beginning of their creation, it was assumed that these systems organize a mobile and fixed telephony where there are no communication lines. In the further development, new opportunities appeared: access to the Internet, transfer of information in various formats. And GSSS have become multi-service.
If you describe the operation of these systems in a nutshell, it will turn out like this.
The satellite receives the subscriber's signal and transmits it to the nearest station on Earth. The station determines the signal, selects a route and sends it over terrestrial networks or satellite channel to the point of reception.
The difference between global satellite communication systems in the cost of traffic, the size and cost of subscriber terminals, coverage areas, as well as technical features the concept of the system itself.

Satellites help us live comfortably

The Very Small Aperture Terminal - VSAT satellite system is actively developing. This system - as a basis for the constructor: you can add equipment and access the Internet, other equipment - and have already been combined local area networks users in different territories. And you can also collect data, reserve communication channels, manage various production processes, organize remote video and audio conferences.
Such a system is easy to deploy and get started. The quality of communication, ease of content and use have already been appreciated by financial institutions, retail chains, and large industrial enterprises.

The VSAT-based network consists of a central control station (NCC), subscriber terminals and a satellite relay.
With further development, all systems will inevitably become more accessible, cheaper, more convenient and easier to manage and understand the ongoing processes of assimilation of our everyday life with satellite technologies.

Now, dreamily looking at the night sky and seeing a moving star, you will think that they, satellites, greatly facilitate and diversify life. And that is great.

Who among us did not shout joyfully, looking into the deep starry sky: - Look, look, the satellite is flying! And this satellite was not at all associated with anything other than space.
But now - a completely different story! Satellites are communications, television, determination of coordinates, security, and the Internet. And many more things people will come up with for space technologists to serve for the benefit of man.
And we will tell you why and what are the most popular ways of using satellite systems today.

Why sometimes only satellite technology can be the only development option?
When installing land lines, wires are used - fiber-optic or copper, or with wireless technology - cellular networks or radio internet.

All these rather costly work always have significant disadvantages:

Territory coverage limitation. Any transmitter or receiver of a signal has a certain area of \u200b\u200bwork, which depends on the power and terrain of the area;
issues of network modernization always relate to technical capabilities and the feasibility of spending financial resources;
it is often impossible to quickly dismantle equipment and deploy a station to a new location.

And in some cases, the most justified in a technical and financial sense to ensure reliable and high-quality communication is the use of satellite systems.

Satellites will always find us

Without satellite technology, we would never be able to find each other on our large planet.
The global coordinate system allows you to accurately determine the location of objects (longitude, latitude, and even height above sea level), as well as the direction and speed of this object.
The well-known American GPS (Global Positioning System) system includes 24 artificial satellites, a wide network of ground stations that have unlimited connectivity to user terminals.
GPS - the system works continuously. Anyone on the planet can use it, you just need to purchase a GPS navigator. Manufacturers offer portable, automotive, aviation, marine models. Search work and rescue operations in no country in the world are complete without the help of GPS.

Satellites guard us

This is especially true in the automotive industry. The main security system is successfully combined with satellite communication channels, GPS system and traditional radar methods.

How do satellite security systems work?

The central unit with security sensors is discreetly installed on the car. In the event of an emergency, the signal from the central unit is transmitted via communication channels to the owner or dispatcher. GPS system helps to track route, location, driving mode in real time.
Satellites entertain us
The most relevant and well-known topic is satellite TV. But we are already so used to the plates in our houses that we practically do not notice it. But only three devices: an antenna, a receiver, a converter give us extraordinary pleasure from watching our favorite TV programs.
Difference from traditional television antenna in fact, instead of a tower, a satellite acts and transmits a digital signal. This results in a large selection of channels and image quality.

Satellites connect us with friends

The most common and well-known global satellite communication systems (GSSS): Globalstar, Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya. At the very beginning of their creation, it was assumed that these systems organize mobile and fixed telephony where there are no communication lines. In the further development, new opportunities appeared: access to the Internet, transfer of information in various formats. And GSSS have become multi-service.
If you describe the operation of these systems in a nutshell, it will turn out like this.
The satellite receives the subscriber's signal and transmits it to the nearest station on Earth. The station determines the signal, selects a route and sends it over terrestrial networks or satellite channel to the point of reception.
The difference between global satellite communication systems is in the cost of traffic, the size and cost of subscriber terminals, coverage areas, as well as in the technical features of the concept of the system itself.

Satellites help us live comfortably

The satellite system is actively developing Very Small Aperture Terminal - VSAT... This system is like the basis for the designer: you can add equipment and get access to the Internet, other equipment - and the local networks of users in different territories are already united. And you can also collect data, reserve communication channels, manage various production processes, organize remote video and audio conferences.
Such a system is easy to deploy and get started. The quality of communication, ease of content and use have already been appreciated by financial institutions, retail chains, and large industrial enterprises.

The VSAT-based network consists of a central control station (NCC), subscriber terminals and a satellite relay.
With further development, all systems will inevitably become more accessible, cheaper, more convenient and easier to manage and understand the ongoing processes of assimilation of our everyday life with satellite technologies.

Now, dreamily looking at the night sky and seeing a moving star, you will think that they, satellites, greatly facilitate and diversify life. And that is great.

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