Program in Russian for disk defragmentation. Windows built-in defragmenter is the best. Video review of the program for defragmentation

The hard drive is one of the most important components of a computer, but not all users pay due attention to it. If the processor, video card, RAM and other components fail, they can be replaced quite simply, while with a breakdown of the drive, the owner of the computer will lose all his data, which obviously no one wants. To avoid failure hard disk, you need to carefully monitor it and regularly defragment it.

What is disk defragmentation

The defragmentation process is very simple and very important, but many people forget about the need to carry it out. It is the ordering of files on the hard drive so that the operating system can access them more easily and quickly when requested.

During work hard disk constantly appears on it new information... The user downloads files from the Internet, installs programs and games, creates new documents and performs a number of other tasks. When information is stored on a hard disk, it occupies a certain number of free clusters on it. At the time of deleting, changing, copying files, the clusters are cleared, but free space is formed between one file and another on the hard disk. Disk defragmentation is necessary to organize the files on the disk, and they were sequentially going one after the other, and there were no free clusters between them.

Disk defragmentation on Windows must be performed because:

Some users are aware of the need for defragmentation, but do not perform it. This is due to the fact that this process is very lengthy, and it can take up to ten hours to organize files on a volume drive. At the same time, the procedure time can be significantly reduced, for this it is enough to perform it monthly, as recommended by the manufacturers. hard drives... The more often you defragment, the less data on the drive will have to move, and therefore the process will be faster.

Important: Defragment is only necessary on hard drives with a rotating head, whereas on SSDs it is useless. Defragmentation process solid state drive will only lead to a decrease in the number of rewriting cycles on it, but will not give a performance gain.

How to defragment a disk

To defragment a disk, you need to start the appropriate process. The Windows operating system contains a special tool that allows you to defragment your hard drive. Unfortunately it is not perfect and in most cases it is more convenient to use third party utilities... Different programs contain their own algorithms for defragmenting the drive. Below we will give an example of several such applications and show you how to do the work of organizing clusters using the system tools.

Defragmenting your hard drive using Windows

If you are wondering how to defragment a disk in Windows 10 or earlier versions of the operating system, then this is quite simple. To run the standard defragmentation tool, you must:

Please note that in this menu item you can also configure the "Scheduled optimization". When choosing the appropriate item, you must set the frequency of the process and hDD/ disks to be subjected to it. After that, the system will automatically defragment the drive according to the selected schedule.

Hard disk defragmentation software

There are dozens of applications that allow you to defragment your hard drive. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Some are better suited for large hard drives or drives that are installed on servers, while others are better for home use... Below we propose to consider a couple of free programs for defragment hard disk.

The simplest and convenient application to defragment the hard drive on home computer Is Defraggler. The free version of the program, which can be downloaded from the official website of the developers, does not have wide functionality, but it copes with its main task.

The application is officially localized into Russian, and it allows you to defragment not only the entire disk, but also a separate program or folder. The program also provides an option with fast disk defragmentation.

Auslogics Disk Defrag Free is a free version of the application of the same name from Auslogics. You can also download it from the official website of the developers. The application is a little more functional than Defraggler, and it does not have a Russian language, which makes it more difficult to work with. At the same time, the program has a number of functions that are not available in the official tool optimizing hard disk from Windows and in the Defraggler application.

Before choosing the best defragmenter, you need to understand what its primary function is. Files that go to local disk computer are placed rather chaotically. Over time, this can cause the system to work slowly, since, having accumulated in a large volume, various data will interfere with fast reading. This process is called fragmentation. To correct the situation and organize the files, defragmentation is used, which redistributes information, freeing up space and reducing the processing time of the system.

Windows 7 OS is currently a very popular system that has beautiful design and more comfortable to use than its predecessor. However, it is also prone to fragmentation, which makes it very relevant to consider how to choose the best defragmenter for Windows 7. Looking at the main contenders, we can identify the top five leaders.

First on the list is Diskeeper, which has proven itself well on Windows XP. It not only copes well with its main task, but also complicates the fragmentation process in the future, which has a positive effect on the speed of the system and its programs. Diskeeper is considered by many experts to be the best defragmenter for Windows 7. It has one very characteristic feature. Even 1% of free disk space is enough for its work. In comparison, any other application will need at least 5% clean space to start functioning.

The disadvantages include the low speed of work. In fact, it is the slowest defragmenter. And besides, it works only with whole disks, so it will not work to speed up the work of individual sectors.

The O&O Defrag application from German developers is also familiar from Windows XP. One of the recognized leaders in the segment. Has a number of distinctive abilities that allow him to act as efficiently as possible. Performs compression system files, MFT areas and Works with any file system, copes well with very large disks. It's safe to say that O&O Defrag and Diskeeper are the best defragmenters.

Among the disadvantages of this application are high system load, which makes it difficult to use it on weak computers... It is very rare, but still sometimes there is a hang during operation and offline defragmentation failure.

The Raxco PerfectDisk defragmenter has proven itself well. It works quite quickly, has several modes and is able to defragment not only whole disks, but also separate files... A big drawback, especially for novice users, is the complex interface.

Ashampoo Magical Defrag. A pretty good defragmenter, but nothing more. It performs its main function better than the standard Windows tool, but it does not stand out in anything special and is much inferior to the applications described above. Unlike the top three, the program is absolutely free.

Auslogіcs Dіsk Defrag. This is arguably the best defragmenter for Windows 7 that you don't have to pay for. Can be used like installed version product and portable. Demonstrates the speed of the system before and after defragmentation. The disadvantages include the relatively low functionality of the program, especially in comparison with the commercial versions, however, the high speed and efficiency of its work allowed it to achieve wide distribution.

Each user must decide for himself which defragmenter is better, since each of them has its own weak and

All file systems store information in clusters that are small in volume, therefore, to accommodate any file, not one cluster is required, but a fairly large number of them. When writing a file, the OS provides the required number of free clusters, but it is not at all necessary that the allocated clusters be located sequentially. Of course, when you initially copy files to a new hard drive, they will be written to adjacent clusters. But after a while, when the file size increases in the process of editing them (when at a certain stage, the specific file there will not be enough clusters to write it), or when writing large files to an already full disk, which simply does not have the required number of adjacent free clusters, the files will be fragmented. Over time, the number of fragmented files, as well as the degree of their fragmentation, increases. This process occurs most quickly when actively overwriting files (with frequent saving and deleting files, moving files and folders, active installation / uninstallation of applications), as well as when working with a disk that is more than half full. Fragmented files remain fully functional, but reading them slows down, because each time you open such files, the system is forced to search for all the fragments of the file, which slows down its response time. In addition, severe disk fragmentation (due to the increased use of read heads, which require many moves across the disk to read all parts of the fragmented files) can shorten its life. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to resort to the disk defragmentation process. To defragment disks, you can use the built-in Windows utility program Windows Disk Defragmenter, called by the command "Start"\u003e "Programs"\u003e "Accessories"\u003e "System Tools"\u003e "Disk Defragmenter". This program is based on the outdated commercial version of the Diskeeper package and allows you to defragment volumes formatted in FAT, FAT32 and NTFS file systems. The scanning depth during its operation is large enough, and most files are defragmented, but in terms of performance this solution is noticeably inferior to many alternative packages, and the range of settings in it is limited to the very minimum. In addition, Windows Disk Defragmenter requires at least 15% of free disk space for its work (and it can be much less) and places files without any optimization, while a number of similar solutions have implemented certain optimization technologies that allow some gain in the speed of downloading files. In addition, this defragmenter does not merge all the free space of the volume - as a result, the likelihood of a rapid increase in the level of disk fragmentation in the future remains. And the possibilities of automating the defragmentation process in this program are limited. Therefore, it is much more convenient to use other defragmenters, some of which we will consider in this article, but first we will dwell on a few features of the defragmentation process itself.

Features of hard disk defragmentation

  1. Most defragmenters are able to reorganize files in the background, however, using resource-intensive applications is still unlikely to work, so it is wiser to run the defragmentation process when there is no activity on the computer (for example, at the end of a working day) or while operations are being performed on the computer. not requiring special expenditures of system resources.
  2. If the disks are more than 75% full, then to carry out a full-fledged defragmentation, you need to turn to defragmenters that are less demanding on the amount of free space, and carry out the procedure in two stages - first, perform a quick partial defragmentation (this will allow you to get larger blocks of free space) and only then - full.
  3. As a rule, for daily (weekly) defragmentation it is more reasonable to limit yourself to fast defragmentation methods - some of the files will remain fragmented, but in general, access to many of the files will be accelerated. But at the same time, sometimes (as needed) you should set aside time for a full defragmentation, running it with a high priority - it is better when you are not using the computer. As for the continuous defragmentation mode offered in some defragmenters, its usefulness is a moot point. Of course, on the one hand, this approach can actually reduce the need for frequent full defragmentation. On the other hand, continuous defragmentation puts an increased strain on the hard drive, which can shorten the life of the drive.
  4. It is wiser to delete from the computer before starting defragmentation junk files, and also exclude from consideration the system files pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys, which are used by the system as temporary files and are recreated at the beginning of each Windows session.
  5. In fact, not only user files are fragmented on the disk, but also service files of the operating system - system files and the master file table (MFT), which is a directory of all files on a particular partition and stores records of the location of each file, their attributes, etc. If the defragmenter has built-in functionality for defragmenting the named service files, then, as a rule, MFT defragmentation is performed immediately after enabling the corresponding option, and system files, access to which is blocked by the operating system, only through the so-called offline defragmentation, performed after the computer is restarted, but before Windows starts.

Programs for defragmenting hard drives

The list of solutions offered on the market that can be used to defragment hard drives is quite wide. Among them there are both paid packages with wide functionality, and free, but enough useful programs... All utilities considered in the article, with the exception of Paragon Total Defrag, are based on API (Application Programming Interface, which is a set of basic functions that a programmer can use to access the functionality of a software component). When using this technology, defragmentation is carried out in the background (this is convenient, since some access to the computer is saved), but some small part of the files will remain fragmented (for example, some service files), which, however, in most cases is completely uncritical. Paragon Total Defrag, in addition to background defragmentation, can also perform full low-level defragmentation, which allows you to achieve almost zero fragmentation, but requires exclusive access to the system.

PerfectDisk 10

Developer: Raxco Software, Inc.
Distribution size: 47.6 MB
Spread: shareware PerfectDisk is one of better solutions to defragment hard drives. The package supports FAT16, FAT32, exFAT and NTFS file systems and can handle large volumes up to several terabytes. It provides defragmentation of entire disks (more than one disk is allowed), as well as some of the most fragmented files. The latter is useful if you need to quickly optimize access to, say, a mail database, a video clip, etc. All files are processed, including large files, system files, and the MFT area; the latter can not only be defragmented, but also relocated taking into account optimization. Thanks to the support of Space Restoration Technology, free disk space is also defragmented, which is carried out by combining free sectors into the largest possible blocks. For the utility to work, a minimum of free space is sufficient (from 1%), and defragmentation of files and free areas is performed in it in just one pass (and not in two, as is done in many other defragmenters). PerfectDisk can defragment automatically and manually. In the first case, the utility will independently start defragmentation according to the specified schedule or when the computer is inactive - the latter can be implemented in two ways: through StealthPatrol mode or screensaver mode. Utility work in automatic mode is configured using a wizard, and it itself works in the background quite unnoticed by the user. Manual defragmentation allows the user to independently manage defragmentation, specifying the area of \u200b\u200bits implementation and the method used. The program is presented in several editions - Home and Professional editions may be of interest to home users. The professional edition has all the features of the Home edition and additionally includes Space Explorer and Space Reports modules that provide disk space analysis, and tools for removing temporary and other unnecessary files, as well as duplicate files. The demo version of the program (there is no Russian-language localization) is fully functional and operational for 30 days. The cost of the commercial version depends on the edition: Home - $ 29.99, Professional - $ 39.99. The program has a lot of settings, but the intuitive interface allows you to quickly get used to this solution. The program window has three tabs - the "Defragmentation" tab combines tools for analyzing and defragmenting disks, system and user files. The "AutoPilot Schedulng" tab provides the ability to configure automatic defragmentation - on schedule, in screensaver mode, or via StealthPatrol mode. The "Product Resources" tab provides access to various kinds of reference information. Access to the properties of the utility is provided on any of the named tabs. To start disk analysis in PerfectDisk, open the "Defragmentation" tab, select desired disk and click on the "Analyze" button or use the command of the same name from context menu... Based on the results of the analysis, the program will provide very extensive information. For example, after analysis, you can see not only a fragmentation map, but also find out the level of fragmentation of files, directories, free space, MFT, etc., identify the most fragmented files with an indication of their size and paths, and get recommendations on the defragmentation strategy in this particular case. ... You can find out more information about the number of files on the disk, as well as the most fragmented and "excluded" files (that is, files that are denied access). To defragment disks in manual mode, select a disk (or several disks) in the Defragmentation tab, indicate defragmentation method and click the "Start" button. There are three defragmentation methods: Defragment Only Pass, SMARTPlacement defragmentation, and Consolidate Free Space. With simplified defragmentation, which requires a minimum of time, only those files for which the required free blocks were found are defragmented - all other files are skipped, and free areas are not combined into large blocks. When the SMARTPlacement technology is connected, free blocks are merged, and the files are placed in accordance with the activity of their updating, which makes it possible to minimize their refragmentation in the future. Consolidate Free Space defragments all files and free areas, but without optimizing file locations. To speed up defragmentation, individual files can be excluded from consideration by creating a list of excluded files in the disk properties (the "Drive Properties" command from the context menu, the "Excluded Files" tab). It is also possible to delete temporary files before starting defragmentation. If it is necessary to defragment individual files, click on the "Selected Files" button, indicate the files of interest in the "Defragment Selected Files" window that opens and click on the "Defragment" button.

Defragmentation of system files, access to which is blocked by the operating system, is started by clicking on the "System Files" button and is performed after a reboot. Previously, in the properties of the disk (the "Drive Properties" command from the context menu, the "Offline Defragmentation" tab) you need to specify which objects you want to defragment.

It is possible to perform defragmentation without user intervention, in automatic mode. This is configured in the "AutoPilot Schedulng" tab, where you can, for example, enable defragmentation in screensaver mode, which will ensure that this process when the user is definitely absent from the PC. This is easy to do - you just need to specify the disk, select a defragmentation method and determine the frequency of this procedure.

There is functionality for setting a certain defragmentation threshold, upon reaching which defragmentation stops, and managing the priority level - by changing it, it is easy to block the utility for a while, or vice versa - to provide it with large resources. All this is regulated through the program properties, which can be accessed on any of the tabs.

Diskeeper 2009

Developer: Diskeeper Corporation
Distribution size: 28.5 MB
Spread: shareware Diskeeper is one of the most popular hard drive defragmentation solutions. The package supports file nTFS systems, FAT16 and FAT32, can handle volumes up to 1TB and provides defragmentation different types files, including large files, system files and MFTs, and very fragmented files containing millions of fragments. However, it works slower than many other solutions. According to the developers, it can defragment disks with only about 1% of free space, but in practice, with such a small volume, the utility usually ignores large files. Diskeeper allows you to defragment a disk in automatic or manual modes. In the first case, the utility works as a background application, without interfering with the user's normal work (this is implemented thanks to continuous monitoring using InvisiTasking technology), and independently decides on the defragmentation method, the time of the process (taking into account the degree of fragmentation) and its priority. You can also configure the program to perform defragmentation according to a specific schedule. With manual defragmentation, launched on demand, the user can select the defragmentation method and priority for this process. If necessary, at certain intervals, the defragmentation process in manual mode can be easily blocked, and at others (if you are not working at a computer), on the contrary, set a high priority for the process. Manual defragmentation can be performed in parallel with other actions on the computer, because thanks to I / O Smart technology, the defragmentation process is suspended during disk I / O operations. It is possible to simultaneously run analysis / defragmentation not only for one, but also for several disks at once, but there is no defragmentation of folders and files. There is also Boot-Time Defragmentation, designed to defragment the MFT and the paging file. The program is presented in several editions - Home and Professional editions may be of interest to home users. The professional edition has all the features of the Home edition and can already work with volumes up to 2 TB. It also additionally has support for I-FAAST (Intelligent File Access Acceleration Sequencing Technology) optimization technology and FragShield 2.0 tools (reduce the degree of fragmentation of critical system files and help configure paging files so that fragmentation in the future is less likely). The demo version of the program (partial Russian localization) is fully functional and operational for 30 days. The cost of the commercial version depends on the edition: Home - $ 29.95, Professional - $ 59.95 The Diskeeper defragmenter is relatively simple to use, although there are quite a few settings in it, and the interface of special convenience, only partially translated into Russian, is understandable. does not provide. By default, the program window has three panels - two basic horizontal and one additional vertical (the "Quick Launch" panel), which is easy to disable through the "View" menu. The horizontal panels display disks and operations with them, while the vertical panel contains tabs with help information. To start the analysis of disks, it is enough to select one of them (or several at once) and select the command "Action"\u003e "Analyze" from the main menu or the command "Analyze" from the context menu. Based on the results of the analysis, very detailed reports are generated, according to which you can not only identify the initial state of the disk and the level of its fragmentation after reorganizing the files, but also, for example, find out what the performance losses were due to the level of fragmentation that took place. By default, the program turns on the automatic defragmentation mode for all disks found in the system - to disable it, click the "Properties" button and uncheck the "Enable automatic defragmentation on the selected volumes" item. Defragmentation can be started in manual mode using the "Defragment" command (from the "Action" menu or the context menu). Two defragmentation methods are offered - Quick and Recommended; the choice of the required method is carried out through the manual defragmentation properties (the "Manual Defragmentation Properties" button). When using the first method (in the Home Edition this method unavailable) defragmentation takes less time, but its effectiveness is lower, since free areas are not merged in this case. In the case of the Recommended method, which is set by default, the defragmentation process is longer and includes not only defragmenting files, but also partial consolidation of free disk space. In the same window, you can also enable the automatic defragmentation priority reduction for disk I / O operations ("Enable I / O Smart" checkbox).

In terms of optimization, Diskeeper implements I-FAAST technology (Professional edition only), which takes into account the degree of file access when placing files. In addition, the package provides the ability to defragment large files more efficiently - this means their partial reorganization, after which the files remain fragmented, but to a lesser extent (perhaps this option is useful if the amount of free space is insufficient or there is very little time for the process) ... Defragment Exception Allowed specified files and folders - say, temporary files that will be deleted soon. This is done through the list of exclusions (command "Action"\u003e "Configure Diskeeper"\u003e "Diskeeper Configuration Properties", tab "File Exclusion").

If your computer thinks for a long time when accessing any files on your computer, you must defragment hard drive.

Defragmentation - the process of updating and optimizing the logical structure of a disk partition in order to ensure the storage of files in a continuous sequence of clusters. After defragmentation, the reading and writing of files is accelerated, and, consequently, the work of programs, due to the fact that sequential read and write operations are performed faster than random accesses (for example, for a hard disk, this does not require moving the head). Another definition of defragmentation is the reallocation of files on disk, in which they are located in contiguous regions.

Well, it became clear that defragmentation is needed to speed up reading and writing files, and which program should I use? Which one is more efficient? These are the questions to answer this article. 5 best programs to defragment your hard drive.

Auslogics Disk Defrag (free)

Auslogics Disk Defrag this simple program defragment the disk. You can defragment multiple disks or select individual files or folders to defragment. Auslogics allows you to prioritize the application and can shutdown your computer after defragmentation is complete, if you want to defragment hard drives while you sleep, but don't want to leave your computer on overnight. Auslogics Disk Defrag is a free and portable application.

MyDefrag (Formerly JKDefrag) (free)

is an effective tool for defragmenting disks. You can run it in default mode and get not only a defragmented disk, but also an optimized file placement; or you can customize through scripts and further enhance your disk optimization for your specific tasks. Even without customizing the script, MyDefrag does an excellent job of defragmenting files and moving them to get the optimal space on your hard drive. Files that are frequently used are grouped together to improve performance. MyDefrag scans the space allocated to the system and move files from that space back to more suitable locations.

PerfectDisk Enterprise Suite (Paid)

PerfectDisk one of PerfectDisk's biggest claims is its "Space Restoration Technology" feature. In addition to optimizing disks during defragmentation, PerfectDisk monitors disk writes so that later files are written in the most efficient way in order to reduce subsequent disk defragmentation. PerfectDisk also analyzes data usage and generates templates to optimize for your file usage and work style. Can be scheduled or configured to run a program when the computer is in standby mode for continuous defragmentation.

(is free)

From the same company that makes the popular CCleaner and Recuva apps, is a portable defragmentation tool. It can scan multiple drives as well as individual drives, folders or individual files for some quick, defined defragmentation. When Defraggler scans the disk, it shows you all the fragmented files and allows you to either choose between normal defragmentation or batch defragmentation.

Diskeeper (paid)

Like PerfectDisk, Diskeeper is packed with additional features that usually come with a price tag. In addition to basic defragmentation functions, Diskeeper can quickly defragment system files at boot time without overloading operating system... Diskeeper, like PerfectDisk, has a system for continuously defragmenting files and optimizing new files for disk memory during work. When defragmenting multiple hard drives, Diskeeper chooses different algorithms based on the drive, such as optimizing the operating system in ways other than storing information.

Order your computer and your friends!

In this article, we will look at programs for defragmentation windows disk 10. Of course, it will not be possible to cover even the third part, but still we will try. Let's dwell on these, since they meet a number of important conditions:

  • free, with the possibility of expanding the toolkit for a conditional fee;
  • a large set of tools;
  • installed in a few minutes and without additional hidden applications.

Let's find out which defragmenter is the best for Windows 10!


Free software from the well-known company Piriform.Ltd - creators of Recuva and CClener. It is a very powerful tool for analyzing and optimizing both the disk as a whole and individual files and folders, which saves time and helps to achieve faster results. The interface is clear at an intuitive level and even a beginner can handle it. Showed stable work, high level data processing. In the ranking of defragmenters for Windows 10, it is in the top positions.

The color marking of the clusters is active and, when selected, displays full information: the executable file, the date of the last change and the location on the screw, in addition, it indicates the number of fragments that make up the file and the size.

You can talk about the possibilities for a long time, just look at the menu.

Auslogics Disk Defrag Free

Fast and lightweight, works in automatic mode and can run optimization while you are resting. Perhaps one of the best programs for defragmenting a Windows 10 disk and these are not just words - a little about facts. Allows you to view files during the analysis of the hard drive and provides complete information on them. Greatly speeds up PC and supports VSS technology and saves recording and storage space.

It has an excellent feature - combining free clusters into 1 block, thereby avoiding fragmentation.

Tests have revealed that it detects fragmented files 2 times more than the built-in Windows optimizer.

The interface is simple and straightforward, Russified, but even in the English version you will not find unfamiliar commands.

A small block for working with SSD is provided with clearly described tools.

Advanced SystemCare Free

Powerful with a stylish interface in dark colors, rich in features that will amaze even the most sophisticated. Optimizes, works with system errors and corrects them, is able to speed up both the system with the registry and access to the network.

Convenient monitor that allows you to monitor the CPU load and RAM. Banners, spies, trojans, etc. - they are also not a problem for him - it recognizes and eliminates.

Free, in Russian, with all the tools, it is very easy to use and does not require special skills.

An excellent registry defragmenter for windows 10 - no need to worry about system files.

Alternative software

In addition to the listed software, there are a number of equally worthy ones:

  • Glary Utilites - speed up disk and registry, clean screw partitions, repair damaged files, removes traces of surfing the net, etc. Russified and free.
  • Wise Disk Cleaner is the most powerful OS cleaning tool, and its name is Wise Disk Cleaner in English. Knows how to defragment and I must say very painstakingly.
  • O&O Defrag - a favorite program of users with extensive experience, allows you to play in clusters and place parts of files in the most appropriate places. Suitable for both netbook, PC and serious workstation... Free license and supports Russian.

This concludes our small review, and you can familiarize yourself with the topic and improve it on our website.

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