Which subwoofer to choose active or passive? The main differences between passive and active subs. Subwoofer passive and active: what is the difference between them

Which sub to choose

As you know, the debate about which subwoofer is better active or passive still does not fade away. Some dispute the benefits of an active subwoofer, while others vehemently defend this speaker, arguing that it is much easier to install and connect.
We learn from our article which is better active or passive subwoofer?

What is the difference between these speakers

Subwoofers tend to reproduce bass. But active and passive speakers are known. Do we know why they are called that?

passive sub


  • The ultimate simplicity of design distinguishes a passive subwoofer.
  • Such speakers consist of a case and one or more low-frequency heads connected to an external amplifier (see).

Note. Passive subs can have two types of connections. The first method involves transmitting the stereo amplifier signal not only to the sub, but also to the rest of the speakers. The second method involves connecting with a crossover filter that qualitatively separates the bass and signal.

active sub


  • The composition of the active subwoofer includes a crossover filter and a power amplifier. This is a very mobile combination of several devices that meet separately.
  • active sub has line inputs and outputs, as well as a special function for adjusting signal level and crossover frequency.
  • A high-quality active subwoofer can significantly expand dynamic range, which naturally will have a beneficial effect on the quality of music.



  • Active sub first better fit for dance and rhythmic music. This speaker with all its default settings has more flexible options and adjustments.
  • Secondly, active speakers, having their own amplifiers, are no match for passive ones. If they are of high quality, they are much better than passive ones, because they do not have their own amplifier.

Note. It is not uncommon to tune a passive subwoofer so that that speaker sounds even better than an active speaker, but this is considered to be a very delicate and painstaking process.

  • Thirdly, an active subwoofer is easier to install (see), because it is much faster and easier to set up.


To be more precise, the difference between these two speakers will look like this:

  • An active subwoofer is better than a passive one, because it has a built-in amplifier. And to connect a passive subwoofer, you will need to look for external sound amplifiers.
  • It is much easier and faster to set up speakers with an active subwoofer than with a passive one.
  • AC with passive subwoofer, if you tune it accurately and efficiently, sparing no time and effort, it will give a more voluminous sound than a system with an active subwoofer.

Note. It can also be said that the active subwoofer is chosen by beginners and those who are not so interested in the depth of sound. On the contrary, those who are looking for more than just loud sound or ease of installation will be happy with a passive subwoofer.

Important information


  • It will be interesting to know that an active subwoofer is the same passive one, but it is equipped with an additional bass amplifier.
  • Today, active subwoofers are more popular than passive ones, and this determines their cost. It is the popularity of the active subwoofer that makes many people think that it is a priori better than the passive one.
  • If you have a separate amplifier, then there is nothing better than purchasing a passive subwoofer.
  • In no case should you go on about bright advertising. Today, every manufacturer can shamelessly lie, if only his products were purchased from him.
    It is recommended not to believe the words, but to refer to the reputation of the company and judge, as they say by deeds. By following exactly this advice, you can find exactly the subwoofer that suits you.

How to choose the right subwoofer for your speaker system

So, the difference between an active and passive subwoofer is known. Now we will learn how to choose the right subwoofer for your speaker system.

Analysis of the existing acoustic system

First of all, you need to analyze what is available. If simple speakers and an amplifier are available, then it does not make sense to buy an expensive and powerful subwoofer, since it will not sound good anyway.

Note. According to professionals, before buying a subwoofer, you need to set up the speakers in such a way that it gives out bass of relatively good quality.
Such a bass, of course, is not the main one and is also called "acoustic". By installing a subwoofer, you can get high-quality lower bass, which, in addition to the sounds of the speakers, will give excellent sound.
Allegedly, what is expensive and good sub capable of giving both lower and upper bass, is not justified by practice.

Sub choice

The second stage involves deciding whether an active or passive sub will be selected. As mentioned above, the first option is easy to install in a car, because it will just need to be connected to the speakers. But, oddly enough, an active sub has its drawbacks.
Disadvantages of an active sub:

  • Such an active speaker gives a worse sound than a thoroughly tuned passive one.
  • Often, in the manufacture of active subs, cheap components are used that make the sound rough.
  • As a rule, an active subwoofer is cheaper than a passive one, precisely because of the low-quality materials used in its production.

Any type of subwoofer has its fans who will foam at the mouth to prove its exclusivity. Which subwoofer is better: active or passive - these disputes are ongoing. Let's take a look at what's so special about the construction and sound of each type.

Active or passive

Subwoofers reproduce bass. What is the difference between active and passive systems:

  • Passive subs are distinguished by their laconic simplicity of design. The case and the speaker, which is connected to an external amplifier, are nothing superfluous. you can see.
  • The design of an active subwoofer includes a cabinet, a speaker and an amplifier. That is, an active sub is a passive sub with a power amplifier located inside the case or outside -.

Thus, if in the model of an active subwoofer the developer has already taken care of the buyer, then in the case of a passive model, the amplifier will have to be bought in addition. However, on sale you can find sets that include a passive subwoofer and a separate amplifier, selected by the same manufacturer. Be sure to include a set of wires in such a set.

Which sub is better

The choice of subwoofer depends on the purpose of its use. An active subwoofer with standard settings is good for listening to dance, rhythmic and heavy music. The device perfectly transmits low frequencies, allows you to adjust them, and is also easy to tune.

However, a passive subwoofer, when properly tuned, will produce a cleaner sound that is superior in sound to an active one. Of course, to achieve this result, you will need to make some financial investments, invest time and effort. But for a real music lover, these barriers are not barriers. The advanced user will be rewarded with exceptional, super-clear sound. Thus, we can sum up that an active subwoofer is suitable for listening to music, and the purchase of a passive one should be recommended to advanced connoisseurs of high-quality sound.

Why does a passive sub sound better?

So, all the same, connoisseurs of this correct sound will agree that a passive subwoofer with correct settings will delight with a denser surround sound. Why? Thanks to:

  • the air inside does not overheat from the built-in amplifier;
  • you can connect additional filters;
  • there are no unnecessary obstacles for sound in the case;
  • external amplifiers have more settings.

Which subwoofer to buy

If you are choosing a subwoofer and are faced with a dilemma of choice, it is better to buy an active subwoofer. It is easy to install, easy to set up and sounds good. For whatever purpose you choose a subwoofer: listen to music or watch movies, an active subwoofer from good manufacturer will be able to satisfy almost all the needs of the buyer.

You don't have to be embarrassed by the price. A passive sub will, of course, be cheaper, because it does not have an amplifier. But you will definitely have to buy it, and also select a set of wires for it, which in the end will cost no less. Another point: buyers of passive subs usually know why they need a passive sub, and go to choose it.


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Active or passive subwoofer? - one of the questions that often interests car owners interested in supplementing their speaker system with a subwoofer. This question is both complex and easy, but in order to answer it, it is worth understanding what an active subwoofer is and what a passive subwoofer is, and what are the pros and cons of each of them. Only after that, every car owner who asks a similar question will be able to answer it. In this article we will try to help deal with this issue.

The main difference between active and passive subwoofer:

Passive subwoofer– subwoofer speaker + speaker enclosure

Active subwoofer– subwoofer speaker + speaker cabinet + amplifier

Comparative Features

That is, an active subwoofer is a passive subwoofer with a power amplifier, which is located inside or outside the cabinet. And if in the case of an active subwoofer the developer has already taken care of us, then the amplifier will have to be bought separately for a passive subwoofer. At the same time, sometimes on sale there are also sets consisting of a passive subwoofer, a separate power amplifier selected by the manufacturer, as well as a set of wires for connection.

For both active and passive subwoofers (a separate subwoofer speaker can also be called a passive subwoofer, unless it comes without a case), case designs are used - a closed box (a completely sealed volume for the speaker) and a bass-reflex box (there is a drain port or slot in the box). Also, passive subwoofers often use the Bandpass box design (the box is divided into two volumes and a more complex configuration of tap-off ports is provided), which is very rarely used in active subwoofers. At the same time, active subwoofers often have compact designs (the smallest volume of the structure is achieved), which, of course, are not used in passive subwoofers.

The installation of both passive and active subwoofers (not taking into account the compact version) is carried out in the trunk of a car, regardless of the body. Compact active subwoofers are usually installed on the back of the rear seats or under the car seat.

And now about the most important thing - about the advantages and disadvantages of active and passive subwoofers. Let's consider three main arguments that are of more interest to car owners - cost, compactness of the installation and the possible end result.

Active or passive / Comparison of cost of equipment and installation

As a rule, the cost of active subwoofers is slightly higher than passive ones, due to the presence of a built-in power amplifier. But due to the fact that for a passive subwoofer it is necessary to purchase a separate power amplifier, as well as install it, the cost of equipment and installation of a passive subwoofer is higher than that of an active subwoofer.

Active or passive / Installation compactness comparison

Manufacturers are trying to make the case for an active subwoofer as compact as possible, even taking into account the space for an amplifier. This is not to mention active subwoofers in a compact design, which generally do not occupy at least some significant volume. free space. That is, passive subwoofers take up more free space (although not always), especially since some space is also required for installing a power amplifier.

Active or passive / End result comparison

For the most part, an active subwoofer is used as an addition to the main sound stage. That is, it introduces some low-frequency component, but there is no tangible accentuation on it. At the same time, the passive system allows you to achieve the necessary characteristics from the sound of the subwoofer - quality, power, bass depth. And although there are very good active systems, they are all very expensive, which negates the above advantages of such subwoofers.

Our subwoofer installation examples

Naturally, talking about some average situation, which occurs in most cases. After all, if you wish, you can always turn the entire argument in the opposite direction: consider the most expensive active subwoofer relative to the cheapest passive subwoofer and amplifier for it; take as an example the most bulky active subwoofer versus the most compact passive; evaluate the sound quality of the smallest passive subwoofer and the most powerful active subwoofer, etc.

Final Choice

Here, as elsewhere, a motorist needs to decide what he needs and what he is willing to sacrifice, since there is no ideal option. If it is necessary as cheaply as possible, then there is a case active subwoofer, if maximum compactness of the installation is required - a compact active subwoofer, if quality and power are required - a passive subwoofer.

But still, it is worth paying attention to this - the subwoofer is, first of all, the low-frequency component of the speaker system. And a high-quality component cannot be cheap and compact, so if you want to achieve high-quality sound in a car, it is better to consider the option of buying and installing a passive subwoofer.

When creating a personal sound system for your car, it is enough important point is choosing the right subwoofer. Today, different manufacturers offer many models, but in this article we will talk about how an active and passive subwoofer differ, what are their disadvantages and advantages.

So, what is the difference between an active subwoofer and a passive one?

Unfortunately, not all car owners can give a clear answer to this question.

What is a passive subwoofer?

A passive subwoofer is one or more woofers that are housed in a wood, plywood, or MDF cabinet. In order for it to reproduce sounds, an external amplifier is needed, and a sound separation filter, which leaves only low frequencies from the signal.

What is an active subwoofer?

An active subwoofer is a speaker system that has a built-in amplifier, a crossover filter and, of course, one or more speakers. This system is somewhat easier to connect, and by popular belief sounds somewhat better than a passive subwoofer. But as practice shows, everything depends on general setting acoustic system.

Active vs Passive Subwoofer: What's the Difference?

In order to understand which subwoofer is better, passive or active, let's compare the main indicators that, one way or another, all car owners pay attention to:

  • Cost - active subwoofers are more expensive, which is not surprising because they have a lot more expensive electronics;
  • Ease of Installation - Since passive subwoofers require an external amplifier, frequency filter, etc., they are somewhat more difficult to install. In addition, active systems already have a built-in amplifier, and this can save a lot of space;
  • Sound quality - It would seem obvious that an active subwoofer should sound better, in fact, everything is somewhat more complicated. After all, in order for the speaker system to sound good, it must be properly configured. And as practice shows, a well-tuned passive subwoofer can sound better than an active one;
  • Ease of setup - on the one hand, active subwoofers have more tuning options, but if you have a good external amplifier, this advantage fades away.

Advantages and disadvantages of passive subwoofers

As already mentioned, a passive subwoofer is, in fact, just a speaker equipped with a special speaker that emphasizes low frequencies. Accordingly, such an element of the acoustic system will cost relatively inexpensively.

But this is far from the only advantage of passive subwoofers. With their help, you can assemble a system in which all components will satisfy your ideas about the right sound as much as possible. Indeed, in order to get the optimal sound, it is necessary to assemble a set of a suitable amplifier, the necessary frequency filters, and a set of speakers in suitable cases.

Also quite important point is that, unlike active, passive subwoofers use different types of cases, namely standard boxes, phase inverters, bandpass. In active systems, the possibilities for using different types cases is hampered by the need to place additional electronics in them.

Advantages and disadvantages of active subwoofers

Of course, the main advantage of active type subwoofers is that a speaker, an amplifier and a filter are combined in one housing. This makes it as easy as possible to connect them to car radios, and provides a certain sound quality with a minimum of settings.

Unfortunately, this is their main drawback. Due to the need to fit both the speaker and the electronics in the same enclosure, there are some compromises to be made. In particular, this applies to underpowered amplifiers, which naturally affects the power, sound pressure and responsiveness of the system.

Of course, there are models in which all components allow you to get the maximum quality sound. But, unfortunately, their cost is quite high.

In order to reduce the cost of active subwoofers, manufacturers quite often try to reduce the cost of components as much as possible, which makes the sound of most of them somewhat rough. It also affects their reliability.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the power of active type subwoofers. The fact is that in order to ensure sales, manufacturers often attract their potential buyers with a combination of small dimensions and high power. But really, really good sound with a powerful amplifier is impossible without a speaker of the appropriate size, namely 10, 12 or more inches.

What is the best choice for a car owner?

The differences between an active subwoofer and a passive one are quite obvious, and based on them, car owners make their choice in favor of one or another option.

People who want to slightly improve the installed acoustic system, as a rule, purchase inexpensive and compact models of active subwoofers. They are quite easy to install, but you should understand that in a compact case it will not be possible to place a really powerful high-end amplifier. Accordingly, such a subwoofer will slightly improve the sound, but will not give a really powerful and punchy bass.

If the car owner is disappointed in the sound of an active subwoofer, and the return period has expired, then the question naturally arises - “is it possible to make a passive subwoofer out of an active one?”. Of course, in practice this is possible, but it is worth understanding one simple point. In most active systems, the speaker is somewhat inferior compared to passive subwoofers.

Also, before choosing a subwoofer, it makes sense to check if your radio has a built-in amplifier. Today, many cars are initially equipped not only with a car radio, but also with amplifying equipment. In this case, there is not much point in purchasing an active subwoofer, unless you want to get a very powerful sound, at a power of 250 watts.

A rather important point is that active subwoofers have factory settings that are designed for the most popular styles, in particular, various dance music, etc. Therefore, if you consider yourself a gourmet of sound, then they may not be enough.

Let's summarize. In order to clearly understand which subwoofer to choose - active or passive, you need to clearly articulate your requirements for the car's speaker system. In particular, the following parameters must be defined:

  • The presence in the radio of a built-in amplifier of the required power;
  • Free space in the car to accommodate the subwoofer;
  • Planned budget;
  • Free time that you are willing to spend on setting up the speaker system;
  • Requirements for the sound of the car's speaker system (want to add some bass, or plan to enter a car audio competition).

As you can see, choosing which type of subwoofer suits you best is not as easy as it seems. After all, in addition to the above factors that affect the choice of model, a lot depends on musical preferences, etc.

In this article, once and for all, we will deal with the questions:

  • What is active acoustics and passive acoustics?
  • What is their difference?
  • Which is better to choose active or passive? And in which case it will be beneficial and why?

Currently, audio equipment stores offer a wide selection of different ones. It is very difficult for a beginner to understand all this diversity, so sometimes when buying they are guided by such secondary things as brands, total power, number of blocks, etc. In fact, first of all, you need to know that all sound systems are divided into two large categories - active and passive. That is, first of all, you need to decide on this particular choice, and then pay attention to other parameters. Let's try to consider this issue in detail, determine the main advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to come to a conclusion: what is better for a beginner and what for a professional.

Active acoustics

Active speakers- differs from passive ones mainly in that they have a specially designed and implemented into the system amplifying block. It serves to ensure that the signal coming from the player can be adapted to the speakers used. Such equipment can be called combined, since two dissimilar devices are combined: speakers and an amplifier. This is very convenient for a person who is not versed in such a technique, since a simple layman will hardly understand what additional equipment he will need to make certain speakers work.

That is first plus active speakers - they are easy to understand for the layman: the acoustics are connected to the player - such a scheme is built in the head of any amateur. The second plus is that modern active systems are equipped not only with an amplifier, but also with a processor ( DSP), which contains all basic settings, that is, the possibility of customization is reduced to a minimum: it can be only 3 knobs: tone, low frequencies, volume.

As a result, each person can easily get quite acceptable sound. 2 wires are used (or paired): signal plus power (this is sometimes considered a disadvantage, but usually there are no special problems with this). The good thing is that on large sites, when the system is placed at a great distance, there is no loss of power. The downside is that active acoustics are practically not adjustable, and a professional will not be able to reveal their capabilities on it.

The second disadvantage is that in the event of a breakdown of the amplifying unit, the speakers also become unusable. For example, if the active system got caught in the rain - hardly anything can help. Passive speakers will simply get wet, they can be dried, because amplifiers and processors are installed in a dry, safe place somewhere on the stage under a canopy. Often, experts note that even in expensive active sound reinforcement systems, budgetary amplifiers of average productivity are used. As a result, only mediocre sound clarity can be achieved. Another thing is that for the ears of a mass listener this sound will be quite acceptable. Only a professional can feel the shortcomings.

Passive acoustics

Passive speaker systems are speakers without any built-in modules. It would seem - fine, but such equipment immediately raises questions: what additional unit is needed, where to choose it, is it suitable? And in fact, in this case, you need to either figure it out yourself, or turn to a professional, since on the market you can encounter the widest choice of various amplifiers and processors. It is not always possible to rely on the knowledge of consultants, who in most cases are only superficially familiar with the subject and have one task: to sell the goods by any means.

In other words, passive acoustics is a professional piece of equipment that must be purchased with expertise and is the choice of professional sound engineers and event organizers. You need to understand both columns and additional modules. And that's not all: you still need to choose cables; choose so that the power loss is not too high. This is especially true when the speakers are placed on a large perimeter or far from the stage.

Often passive sound reinforcement systems are chosen by the organizers of concerts and other events with loud sound, why? First of all, from a practical point of view. Rain, snow, hail, wind - can only damage the speakers, but they can be easily restored. But the electronics are in a safe place. The columns have a simple design; in principle, they burn out and fail most often additional blocks- and they must be handled very carefully.

For a long time there was no choice: everyone used only passive systems. Now, when an alternative has appeared, competition between an asset and a liability is noticeable. Many want to buy "sound" home or car. Most often, in this case, passive speakers are not recommended. Why? It will be problematic to connect them to a computer and a tape recorder. The child will also connect the active ones. In addition, you not only need to choose and buy an amplifier, but also deal with it, understand the principle of operation, connections, learn how to set it up, etc.

The most complex systems three-lane, they require the installation of a crossover, controllers and other equipment (when it comes to music DJs and other professional sound workers). Here to sort it out common man very difficult and the costs are high. Interestingly, passive acoustics are easier to connect than active ones: you only need one simple cable, without additional food (speaker). Also, such equipment is safer, easier to install a breakdown and easier to fix it. For large events, only such systems are used, since in any case it is necessary to attract professionals who know how to handle this type of device.

If you are not very versed in electronics and sound, you want to buy a sound system for your car home, for organizing a wedding, competition, meeting, presentation, then active acoustics are ideal. If you decide to take sound seriously and for a long time, then you need to pay attention to professional equipment; and further, after consultations and education - to purchase a passive acoustic system. It is not so easy to assemble a circuit and rebuild a system, but in the end, the resulting sound can satisfy any gourmet and music connoisseur.

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