Canning antenna for 4g modem do it yourself

Quite often, an Internet connection is provided by a USB modem. Such a device is quite convenient, takes up little space and allows you to have access to world wide web not only within the city, but also on vacation, in the country or on vacation. You will need a PC or laptop. The main thing is that the signal quality is distinguished by the stability and stability of the connection. However, this important communication parameter often does not meet the required requirements. Eventually weak signal interferes or even restricts Internet access.

What to do in this case? Let's start in order.

First, let's figure out what affects the signal level, the quality of the connection, thereby predetermining the efficient operation of the modem?

First, this is the distance to the nearest tower. cellular communication... Secondly, the presence of others nearby wireless devicesthat may interfere. Nearby industrial enterprises, most of which use communication jammers, can also affect. Thirdly, it is the isolation of the room. It is one thing when a signal passes through wooden walls, thin plasterboard structures, and quite another if massive concrete partitions meet in its path. Fourthly, this is the location of the modem itself. 3G and 4G signals are much stronger near windows or on higher floors.

Precipitation can also reduce the speed of data transfer: rain, snow, hail, fog, etc. Even the relief of the surrounding area affects: mountains, hills, tall trees, etc. We must not forget about software the computer or laptop itself. May be overwhelmed rAM or the hard disk contains a large number of system errors, viruses, etc. Less often, problems with signal transmission are explained by problems on the tower base station... For example, the employment of slots, i.e. a large number of connected currently subscribers.

From all of the above, we conclude that the quality of 3G and 4G modem signal depends on a large number of factors. Not everything can be influenced by the user. However, by eliminating at least most of them, you will be able to significantly improve the data transfer speed.

How do I determine my baud rate?

Modem speed is easy to find with special online tests. You will need a computer, a browser and an Internet connection.

One of the simplest is the resource Its principle of operation is that you download a small file, and the site, meanwhile, analyzes the data transfer rate. Here you can independently select the test parameters and the size of the control packet (200 KB, 1000 KB, 3 MB). It is best to stop at the largest document. The test takes longer, but the results are much more accurate.

A popular worldwide resource for testing Internet speed is By the way, its interface is the most attractive and informative. When entering this site, the nearest test server is automatically selected, which speeds up the procedure and has a positive effect on the accuracy of the results. When testing the speed of data transfer on a 3G or 4G modem, be prepared for the fact that about 20 MB will be taken from your traffic.

This online service displays not only the transmission and receiving speed, but also analyzes the ping. This value is displayed in milliseconds and shows the server response time to your request. Ping is enough important indicator... Especially if you use programs like Skype or like online games.

If, with the help of such tests, it turned out that the speed of data transmission and reception is less than 80% of that stated in the contract with the provider, then you need to contact the support service. If the speed is fully consistent with the promised performance, but working with web pages seems painfully long to you, then you should think about a more expensive tariff.

How do I know my base station?

The problem of a constant interruption in the operation of a 3G or 4G modem is most often associated with weak level signal. Some users are identifying the cause of low internet speed in a simple way... If the data transfer rate is constantly low, regardless of the time of day, then the reason is the distance from the tower. If the speed improves at night and in the morning, then this is the congestion of the base station (BS).

Basically, a bad 3G or 4G signal is associated with a long distance from the base station to the user. Therefore, it is important to find out its position, which will make it possible to make special amplifiers or simply place the modem in that part of the room that is as close as possible to the BS. Advanced users, knowing the numbers of various BSs, will be able to configure the modem so that it connects not only to the nearest tower, but also to the one that has more free radio channels, thereby significantly improving the speed of the Internet connection.

An online resource will help you find your BS. You need to know only 4 parameters:

  • Operator country code (MCC). For Russia, it is equal to 250.
  • The unique code of the operator itself, called MNC (Mobile Network Code).
  • Local area code or LAC. This is a kind of unification of several base stations within one territory, which are served by one controller.
  • The last parameter is CellID (CID). This is the identification number of the sector where the BS is located.

How do you know all these parameters? To do this, you can use the Netmonitor application or the web resource of the same name. By the way, on this site you can find a map showing the majority of BS in the central part of Russia belonging to the most popular telecom operators.

We find out through the netmonitor all the necessary values \u200b\u200band enter them in a special search box on home page Next, put a checkmark in front of "Google data", "Yandex data" and "Averaging". Thus, the accuracy of determining the coordinates is increased. Press the button "Find". We look at the marked places on the map with the location of the BS.

Ways to enhance the modem signal

The most popular are:

  • Installing a PC or laptop with a modem near a window;
  • Using a USB extension cable and placing the modem on the windowsill or even on the street;
  • Creation of a reflector, that is, a device that amplifies the signal (some craftsmen make it from pots and colander, someone uses speakers and frequency resonance);
  • The use of a factory amplifier 3G or 4G signal (average cost 1000-2000 rubles).

Each of these methods can improve the signal quality by 10-30%. A complete lack of result cannot be ruled out. For example, a long USB extension cable can lead to a lack of power for the modem, and it will no longer be detected by the computer.

A repeater is an effective but costly solution. This is a 3G or 4G signal amplifier. Its undoubted advantage lies in the fact that it increases the speed of data transmission and processing not only of a particular modem, but also of several devices. When it functions within a radius of up to 50 m, cellular communication will also work better. We recommend purchasing a repeater to improve the signal in basements or ground floors.

An effective and cost-effective way to amplify the modem signal is a special antenna, which is quite easy to make yourself. Let's look at some examples.

We assemble the antenna to amplify the modem signal with our own hands

  • At home, you can simply amplify the 3g or 4g signal with your own hands. Especially often these homemade antennas are used in the country or in a country house to enhance the cellular signal level, including for receiving the Internet. The simplest antenna is made in a few minutes. A small winding of copper wire is taken, which is wrapped several times around the modem, and taken out closer to the window or outside the room by 40-80 cm. The number of turns must be selected based on the thickness of the device. The main thing is to wrap the part where the SIM card is located. You can put on the end of the wire tin can... Is this construction effective? Quite. Expect a 5-10% increase.
  • For another uncomplicated antenna, you need an empty metal coffee can. In the side part, right in the center, a hole is made into which we fix the modem. Ideally, when the outside of the device protrudes by about half or slightly less. Then we connect the modem via a USB extension cable and use the trial method to find a good place with the best signal.
  • Quite often, to amplify the modem signal, a loop antenna is created that has a zigzag shape and resembles 2 rhombuses made of copper wire. Both have one point of contact with each other, consisting of two corners. It turns out an unrounded "eight". On the Internet, this design is better known as the Kharchenko antenna. Next, a high-frequency cable is soldered to it (as for TV). It is best to solder part of the wire to the connector - it will look like a plug. The other end of the cable is stripped to wrap the modem itself (5-6 turns). To improve efficiency, it is worth equipping the antenna with a reflector - a metal or foil plate. We fix the structure as high as possible, for example, on the roof or on the top floor.

Many people need access to the mobile Internet because it allows them to quickly solve current problems at a considerable distance from home. However, operators of Internet connections are not always able to provide high-quality services to their consumers for the reason that reliable communication is created only in the zone of reliable reception, which is limited by the transmitter power, terrain and distance.

Improve quality digital signal and you can increase the range of its reception by connecting to the antenna. It is not difficult to purchase it in a store or do it yourself.

Among the factory models of antennas, it is easy to find powerful devices with increased characteristics. But quite often you can get by with a simple design, assembled from improvised means with your own hands due to the popular development of Kharchenko. According to the output parameters, it quite reliably ensures the operation mobile devices, creating an amplification of up to 3 ÷ 4 decibels even without a reflector, and with its use - up to 9.

Required tools and materials

To make a Kharchenko antenna for a 3G modem with your own hands, you can do with the minimum set of devices and tools that almost every home craftsman has.

From the materials we need:

  • a piece of copper wire 30 cm long, which can be bought in a store as a last resort;
  • a small piece of coaxial television cable from one to two meters;
  • a plastic cap for a bottle of water or household chemicals;
  • tin, foil or a DVD disc that has been used up;
  • ruler, pencil or marker for marking;
  • cable cutter;
  • pliers or small vice for bending the wire;
  • glue of any brand for plastics - you can make a homemade one by dissolving ordinary foam in AI-95 gasoline or acetone at the bottom of a glass jar or glass.

The device and dimensions of the Kharchenko antenna

The 3G modem operates at a frequency of 2100 megahertz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 143 mm. In practice, there are still models created for 900 MHz or using a combined mode, but they are already losing their relevance.

The main nodes of the antenna are:

  • a vibrator, to which electromagnetic waves are induced, sent by the transmitter of the 3G operator;
  • antenna cable with a matching unit that transmits an induced signal from the vibrator;
  • node for signal transmission from the cable to the modem input;
  • reflector eliminating interference and reflected signals to increase the reception power.

Vibrator requirements

Metal type

Copper or aluminum is usually used for the antenna. At home, given the small dimensions of the vibrator, it is easier to connect the wires by soldering. Therefore, we dwell on copper without even considering a number of its other advantages.

Shape and cross-sectional area

Let's make a reservation right away that you can take a thickness of 2.3 mm (section 4 mm square), which will slightly reduce the reception rates. In an extreme case, it is permissible to perform installation with a cross section of 2.5 mm sq, but this will already worsen the signal, increase its attenuation. Although for some areas this is quite acceptable.

Basic dimensions

With regard to the above figure, all indicators are summarized in the table.

Designation and parameterSize in mm
50 ohm75 Ohm
L1, outside of the square35,8 35,7
L2, side of the square inside34,2 34,4
L3, total length100,3 95,5
L4, width50,1 52,1
L5, distance at the soldering point2,1 1,8
D, distance between vibrator and reflector16,4 17,4
B, reflector width143 143
H, reflector length143 143

The dimensions shown in the table are the optimum solution for practical manufacturing. However, it is simply impossible to withstand them at home with such precision, and in relation to homemade antenna doesn't make sense.

It is quite enough to withstand all dimensions with an accuracy of 1 mm, and for reception good signal you should pay attention to the symmetry of the squares and the same size of the sides.

Requirements for the cable for the Kharchenko antenna

The main difference that a home craftsman may encounter is the magnitude of the characteristic impedance, which can be 75 or 50 ohms.

To reduce power loss, it is better to use a lower impedance cable. It is closer to the electrical characteristics, better matches, and provides less signal loss.

However, using one of these types of cable, it is better to make more precise mechanical dimensions of the vibrator for it. Then the loss of signal power will be minimal.

Features of the reflector design

Any metal plate can work as a screen. It can be cut with scissors from tin or an old aluminum pan, or even made from a piece of plywood or cardboard and pasted over with foil. There won't be much difference. If only he blocked the obstacles coming from either side.

We suggest using an unnecessary DVD disc for the Kharchenko antenna. Its one side is covered with aluminum foil and will do an excellent job of reflecting waves. In addition, it has an aesthetic appearance and greatly simplifies the work.

We only need to grease it with glue and fix it on the end of the insert - the cap from a plastic bottle, adjusting the removal of the vibrator from the reflector by adding additional washers or cutting off excess thickness.

When assembling, pay attention to the parallelism of the vibrator and reflector planes.

How to assemble Kharchenko antenna for 3G modem

Making a vibrator

The main attention should be focused on the quality of the dimensions - to ensure the maximum symmetry of the structure. To do this, it is important to make all the faces of the squares exactly the same, which can be done by:

  1. preliminary marking of the wire with a marker;
  2. using a control pattern of a certain length.

In the first method, the pliers are installed on the wire marking and bend the latter with their hands at an angle of 90 degrees, controlling the bend along the square.

For the second method, it is necessary to bite off a part of the wire to a size slightly larger than the side of the square, as shown in the photo, and then file it with a file to the control value.

The prepared template together with the wire is placed in the jaws of the pliers so that one end together with the wire rests against a hard surface, and the other coincides with the exit plane of the jaws (position No. 1).

When the wire is finally bent, then its remaining piece is removed with side cutters.

A control measurement of the edges is made, which ensures the symmetry of the structure and the location of all sides in the same plane with control along the ruler.

Connecting the cable and reflector

In the center of the cap from a plastic bottle or cut out a tight hole along the diameter of the cable with a knife and insert its end. Then we cut it, exposing the central core with a screen for tinning and soldering.

Connecting wires with a self-made soldering iron "Moment" is shown in the next photo.

When the soldering is finished, the cover is pushed over the cable onto the vibrator. The strength of their connection can be increased by using glue and creating small cuts with a file in the plastic of the cork.

The DVD disc is inserted into the cable through the central hole and simply glued to the end side of the plug. In our design, the reflector and vibrator do not have electrical contact with each other.

Ways of transmitting 3G signal from antenna to modem

Antenna vibrator assembled by us together with a reflector ensures normal reception of an electromagnetic wave of a 3G signal through the air from a transmitter and directs its energy through a coaxial cable. Then it remains to catch it with the modem.

This issue can be solved in two ways:

  1. create a direct metal connection of the coaxial cable wires directly to the modem board;
  2. use the created Kharchenko antenna as an intermediate gain link and with its help transmit the received signal to the built-in antenna of the modem.

Method of transferring information over a wired channel

Two options can be used here when on the modem:

  1. there is a connector for connecting to an external antenna;
  2. or not.
Option number 1

You will need to solder the ends of the coaxial cable to the second half of the connector and connect the antenna through it.

Option number 2

For direct connection the output from the coaxial cable to the modem board will require not only disassembling the latter, but also soldering the central core with the screen sheath to the microcircuit tracks.

This complex technical work must be carried out accurately, safely and in good technology. It can only be started with the appropriate experience. Otherwise, the modem may fail, then it will have to be purchased again.

An experienced master who knows how to work with electronic microcircuits will solve this issue on his own, and we suggest that everyone else take a different path.

Method for transmitting information over a wireless channel

To implement this method, electrodes are soldered to the output ends of the coaxial cable, which work as a generator unit, emit a received and amplified electromagnetic wave directly to the modem antenna.

We make one turn with any thread along the outer perimeter of the modem case and measure its length with a ruler. I got 70 mm. Add 5 mm and cut out two strips 75 mm long and 45 and 27 wide from copper foil or tin from a tin can.

We bend the wide plate for the central core in the shape of the modem, and for the screen - in a semicircle and solder them to the Kharchenko antenna.

Pay attention to the absence of electrical contact with the creation of an air gap between them.

Otherwise, as shown in the photo, a short circuit occurs in the output circuits, which turns off in the home wiring, and in our case the signal from the antenna will be blocked and will not pass to the modem.

The Internet has long and tightly entered the life of almost every person. Development of trends, including in business processes that require fast transfer large amounts of information, further strengthened the influence of the need to be constantly present in the global network, because, even while on vacation, a person may need to give an urgent answer to any work questions or remotely solve a certain range of problems.

Cellular networks

Cellular data networks play an important role in facilitating Internet access regardless of the location of the device and its owner. Modern devices - notebooks, smartphones and tablet PCs - allow you to perform almost any action with information - its generation, reception, modification and transmission. The main thing is that there is a 3G / 4G signal transmitting antenna nearby, which will provide access to Global network from any device.

Internet in remote areas

Despite the fairly widespread use of 3G / 4G networks in our country, the quality of services provided by operators very often leaves much to be desired. If in more or less large cities the transmitting 4G antenna of one of cellular operators is almost always located in every district of a settlement, which means that it provides the necessary coverage, then outside cities, in villages and remote suburban settlements, extremely unstable signal reception can be observed.

Poor quality coating

The remoteness from large cities often leads to a drop in the speed of receiving / transmitting data on the user's device, and sometimes to a complete lack of access to the global network. How do you solve this problem? Improve the quality of signal reception quite often cellular network, which means that a special 4G antenna helps to ensure the comfortable use of all the possibilities of the Internet. External, outside the building, the installation of such a solution, firstly, allows to eliminate interference arising from the overcoming of radio waves, which the operator's base station propagates, obstacles in the form of uneven terrain and walls of buildings, and, secondly, to a certain extent improves the quality of received signal.

Antennas from custom 3G / 4G equipment manufacturers

Of course, operators that provide their users with access to the Internet via wireless networks are aware of the above situation. In their brand stores, they offer whole sets of equipment for working in hard-to-reach areas with poor signal strength. Usually, such a kit may include a modem or a mobile router, the necessary cables and adapters, an antenna for a 4G LTE modem. It should be noted that solutions made at a plant or factory are good, first of all, because they are used in their production. hi-tech, which provides a fairly good signal gain.

The cost

Of course, the factory-made 4G antenna is the best solution to provide uninterrupted internet access to places located in hard-to-reach areas. The only factor that may somewhat hinder the purchase of such a device is the high cost, which sometimes exceeds all reasonable limits. At the same time, an external antenna for a 4G modem is not something special - it is an ordinary grille made of metal, and the receiving part of the antenna is located in its focus. Such a simple design suggests an independent manufacture of a signal amplifying device. In fact, many subscribers, especially technically advanced ones, prefer to make an antenna for receiving 4G with their own hands, rather than purchase a factory solution in a store.

Self-made antennas

It is worth noting that a do-it-yourself antenna for a 4G modem is a completely effective method to improve the signal of the cellular network and make it more stable. In this case, only the initial skills of working with the simplest and available materials are required. Diligently manufactured antennas in some cases ensure the operability of modems and routers even in places where, without using antennas, there was no signal at all. The only stopping factor is the lack of a connector external antenna on many models of modems and mobile points access. This means that you will have to intervene in the design of the Internet receiver, that is, solder the cable to the printed circuit board of the router or modem.


In fact, a 4G antenna with your own hands can be made in a couple of hours, this is a simple process. To achieve success, you need to prepare materials for manufacturing, as well as tools. The tools that will be needed in the work are represented by a soldering iron, a set of screwdrivers, pliers, round-nose pliers, a sharp knife and a glue gun.


As for the materials. A DIY 4G antenna may contain components such as a high frequency antenna cable, copper wire, plastic tubing, a piece of polyethylene, cardboard, foil, an old saucepan, or a colander. There is a design suitable for self-manufacture, where a parabolic is used as a basis satellite antenna, devoid of a receiving converter.

Antenna Kharchenko

A very easy-to-manufacture solution is Kharchenko's 4G antenna. The design of such an antenna is a "figure eight" made of copper wire, which is placed inside a metallized or metal reflector of small dimensions. For the manufacture of a reflector, foil-clad textolite is suitable, for example. When making an antenna, it must be borne in mind that the main factor for the performance of the future product is an accurate calculation of the dimensions. To calculate the dimensions of the figure eight and the reflector, you need to refer to the radio amateur's handbook or resources on the Internet. Before proceeding with the design, it is necessary to find out exactly which network - 3G or 4G - covers the area of \u200b\u200buse, as well as on what frequency the operator is broadcasting.


The disadvantages of the above-described solution include the need to connect the cable from the antenna to a special connector located on the modem case. This applies to absolutely all antennas located outside, separately from modems. The fact is that, as mentioned above, the antenna connector on the device may simply be absent, which will lead to the need to disassemble the body of the receiver device and make adjustments to its hardware by soldering the cable to printed circuit board... This could damage the modem or mobile router in the absence of sufficient qualifications from the user performing the manipulations.

Improvised reflector

If a 4G antenna is a necessity, and tampering with the modem's hardware is not part of the plans, you can use the following method. A sufficiently effective amplifying antenna can be made from an old two to three liter saucepan. You can also accommodate an aluminum bowl and even a foil-lined cardboard box. Having prepared the base of the improvised reflector, you need to place a modem inside it (in the center), which is connected to a PC or laptop using a USB extension cable. After that, you need to orient the received antenna to the nearest base station.

Setting up

As you gain knowledge of the strength and stability of the signal from the fabricated structure, you can reposition the modem within the structure. By moving the receiving device closer or further from the rear wall of the reflector, you need to find the most suitable position, and then fix the modem using a glue gun and other materials at hand.


The undoubted advantage of the above-described design from the pan is that there is no need to disassemble the modem and solder the antenna cable. The only caveat is the quality of the USB extension cable used to connect. It should not be of excessive length and be of high quality to avoid signal loss. Ideally, special active cables are used, equipped with devices to prevent losses. If such a 4G antenna is used outdoors, protection in the form of a polyethylene wrapping of the receiver device or the entire structure is necessary.

Satellite dish

If you really want or need to have a modem or even a full-fledged 4G router with an external antenna, and an unused or faulty satellite dish at hand, the issue can be considered almost resolved. You will also need a plastic tube with a diameter that fits inside the modem. The structure is assembled as follows. The modem is placed in a plastic tube and fixed in place of the converter in the focus of the antenna. After assembly, the antenna must be directed to the base station, and the modem must be connected to the computer via a USB extension cable. Having achieved acceptable indicators of the gain, and for this you need to resort to moving the modem inside the tube and turning the entire structure in one direction or another, you can proceed to providing Wi-Fi coverage in the room. To do this, you need a router with support for connecting 3G / 4G modems. By connecting the structure to the corresponding connector on the router and setting up the connection, you can get a full wireless networksuitable for use on any modern device - smartphones and / or tablet PCs, etc.

Thus, the use of seemingly handicraft manufacturing methods and the simplest materials available to all can provide access to the global network even in the most remote areas. At the same time, a hand-made 4G antenna does not require large financial and labor costs from its owner to manufacture.

This article is about 3G and LTE antennas for modems. You will find out how you can amplify the signal, and whether it is worth making the antenna with your own hands.

The advantage of 4G internet over 3G is manifested not only in connection speed. The next generation Internet also benefits from lower ping rates. So, online fighters connected to 4G "MegaFon" can feel the qualitative difference between generations even at the same speed. 4G connection is able to save participants in multiplayer battles from lags and increase fps by an order of magnitude.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible and not for everyone to enjoy the quality of high-speed Internet. Even buying a high-speed 4G modem from MegaFon is not a guarantee that your mobile internet wings will grow.
But do not rush to blame the operator for all mortal sins. In some cases, he is simply powerless. This must be admitted, because what is, that is: modern technologies still far from perfect.

A serious interference between the signal receiver and the MegaFon LTE network, in addition to the banal user network congestion, can be:

  • long distance to the base station (the availability of 3G and 4G networks is still an urgent issue for owners of summer cottages and residents of suburbs);
  • potential location of the modem (height, number of storeys of the building, wall material and their thickness);
  • other interference that gets in the way of the signal: forest plantations, nearby high-rise buildings and structures, power lines.

All this affects the signal quality from 3G / LTE networks not in the best way. Is there really nothing you can do about this outrage? It is possible and necessary.

Signal amplifiers - 4G antennas and reflectors are designed to solve most of the above problems. The 4G antenna for the modem is a powerful directional signal amplifier that looks like its TV counterpart. This device helps to seriously enhance the signal strength of your device.

Antenna handmade: is battering appropriate?

Naturally, many users come to mind the question: is it possible to make a similar design for the MegaFon modem on their own.

It is understandable, for those who want to practice in applied radio engineering - making a modem amplifier with their own hands is a great chance to increase their skill, study the subtleties of selecting elements and learn new things. Of course, when making an LTE antenna with your own hands, there is a risk of not only wasted money, but also a burnt out modem.

Nevertheless, many owners of 4G modems successfully use a homemade signal amplifier in their apartments and dachas. There are many tutorials and diagrams for assembling an external LTE amplifier with your own hands on the Internet. For those who are focused on obtaining a high-quality result, the best option would be to purchase branded directional antennas.

The indoor version of the antenna, working with 3G and LTE signal "MegaFon", are reflective-collective forms. In fact, these are not even antennas, in the full sense of the word. Reflectors (or reflectors) are not attached to the antenna output of the 3G modem. At the same time, the shape of metal reflectors, unlike antennas, is not at all fundamental, and can be arbitrary.

As mentioned above, a feature of these devices is the exceptional roominess of their use. It is not recommended to take them out of the room, since factory, and even more so, home-made structures are not able to protect the modem from moisture and temperatures.

You should not consider a simple metal reflector a panacea for serious problems with 3G or LTE MegaFon signal. Its efficiency is about ten times less than that of an external 3G antenna. However, such a design is quite capable of adding some missing stability to the modem.

After Yota switched to the LTE standard in St. Petersburg and expanded the coverage area, it became possible to achieve normal internet in the country, or rather in gardening in Beloostrov near Zavodskoy Lake. Before that, the Internet was via a 3G modem from a megaphone and the speed was very mediocre, the ping was disgusting, and most importantly, in the evenings and on weekends, the speed became very low due to the increasing load on the network due to conversations, because voice communication has priority over mobile data.
After studying the coverage map of Iota, three towers were found within the theoretical reach (on country maps of coverage, the locations of the towers are easy to determine visually), the distance can be measured using the "ruler" tool on Yandex maps. Judging by the data from various forums, the range limit for Yota LTE is 8-9 km.
All places and, most importantly, straight lines from the antenna placement to the tower must be carefully viewed on satellite images in the same Yandex maps or Google maps, and if there are several towers, try to find a straight line with minimal buildings and no elevations in the signal path. In my case, the towers were at a distance of 4.9 km at the Lukoil junction, 5.2 km in Solnechny and 4.6 km in the Western face, the freest straight line was to the tower in Solnechny.
Now you need to check it is possible to receive a signal in principle. Yota modem just plugged into a laptop on the first floor of the house does not show anything like a signal. On the second floor too, but if you plug the modem into a USB extension cable from the second floor and put it out the window, a bad signal appears, which means that you can achieve good.

It's time to navigate the terrain to simplify the work with the antenna, for this I found my house on Yandex maps and looked at how the straight line goes to the tower (with a distance measurement tool), it turned out that from the antenna installation site I needed to direct the antenna to the roof of the neighbor barn.

After that I, after reading different materials about a can antenna (it is also called a cantenna), I decided to try this design, a liter can of Faxe beer was bought, drunk, the upper part was cut off with scissors and a hole was made approximately in the shape of a modem at a distance of 41 mm from it with scissors and improvised tools (a sharp knife and scissors) the bottom of the can to the center of the hole, so as not to scratch the modem with the removed edges of the can, thick paper is inserted. The distance is calculated using a canned antenna calculator that I found on the net, it is easy to find it through a search.

The can antenna directed to the tower gave some signal amplification, but not enough even for the modem to receive an IP address. A couple of times I managed to get it by changing the depth of the modem in the bank and slowly changing the direction of the bank to the tower, but the photo was not preserved, and the ping with such an antenna was too large. The speed and ping were checked through the service.

The resulting signal gain of 5 dB was not enough for normal operation.
There are antennas with high gain on sale, but they cost from 12 thousand rubles. and in terms of the ratio "price" - "product complexity" look strongly overpriced 🙂

The greatest gain is given by directional antennas with a mesh parabolic reflector, this is the way I decided to go. On the network, on some forum, I found a scheme for making an antenna from a mesh MMDS reflector, the simplest components and a modem, unfortunately I cannot give a link, because lost. The most difficult thing was to find an MMDS reflector in St. Petersburg, no one sells them anymore, because the standard is outdated. In one company, I found a 27 dB reflector lying in a warehouse with fasteners for a mast for 750 rubles. If I had not found it in stock, I would have had to order with delivery on the website of the Bester company, which still produces them, you need to search by the words "bester mmds-27 reflector" or simply "mmds-27 reflector".
A furniture bar with a diameter of 25 mm and two end fasteners for it were purchased for the reflector.

Using a hacksaw for metal and a screwdriver, a simple structure was assembled, I flattened the bar at one end with a hammer to fit the shape of the modem and it was fixed there very tightly, there is no need to invent additional fasteners. The focal length of my parabola is about 41 cm, for this distance I sawed off the pipe (so that the end of the modem was in focus, there is an antenna in the modem), I passed a USB extension cable through the pipe, and took a bottle of drinking yogurt to seal it. In the bottle cap, you need to drill a 25 mm hole with a crown, fix the cap with electrical tape on the pipe and then screw the bottle itself there. In order not to look for the exact focal length of the parabola and the position of the antenna in the modem body, an old CD was screwed to the bottom of the bottle, it allows you to collect the reflected signal and increase the focus selection error (it was screwed on a little later and with it the signal improved, and the ping decreased, so that this is verified empirically). Use within six months has shown that a bottle of yogurt can hold heavy rains and -20 frost with snow. The USB extension cable cannot be made very long, there will be signal losses, everything works for me with an extension cable of 3 meters, I chose the extension cable according to reviews on the Yulmart website. On the nearest wall of the house under the eaves of the roof, I placed a router with support for an LTE modem, in my case it is D-link DIR-620 Zyxel Keenetic, but I do not advise taking it, I'm just going to change, firstly it plugs, secondly, a small range of action, thirdly, the antennas on the router turned out to be non-removable, and therefore the range cannot be increased by changing the antennas. It's easier to buy a normal Zyxel Keenetic and not bother with flashing. The router was "temporarily" installed in a food "conditionally sealed" container bolted to the wall, but as you know, there is nothing more permanent than temporary, and this design still lives on.
The assembled antenna was installed on an old mast from television antenna at a height of 4 meters from the ground, the direction to the neighbor's shed was approximately set as shown by Yandex maps, and a normal signal and, accordingly, the Internet immediately appeared, after which two days were spent on the stairs trying to find a better signal. Changing the angle of the antenna by millimeters to the sides and vertically (placing washers under the fasteners). In the process of tuning, the positions of the antenna were tried on all three nearest towers and the initially selected one on the map turned out to be the best, despite the fact that the distance to it is the greatest.

The result was a pretty decent internet connection that Wi-Fi router is distributed to almost the entire site. In the rain and wind in summer, the signal becomes a little worse, but does not disappear altogether, only the ping increases.

And in addition, another design that we tested elsewhere, instead of a mesh reflector, for simplicity, a satellite dish with a diameter of 80 cm was used and the same yogurt bottle with a modem was placed in the focus of the antenna at the site of the feed.

Pros and cons: such an antenna requires less precision in tuning, but at the same time the signal gain is less than that of a parabolic mesh reflector, this antenna is also more susceptible to weather, it has more wind power, the signal sags more in rain, but this design also works. What is important, it requires much less effort in manufacturing, everything was assembled with a roll of adhesive tape, and fixed on the roof slope with self-tapping screws, because the kit costs about 1000 rubles. Includes wall mounts and a complete set to place the modem in focus. You just need to remember that this antenna has an inclination angle to the horizon designed for the satellite, and in order to direct it to the Yota tower, you need to set the angle on the mount to about -30 degrees.

Both of these methods can be successfully used in order to amplify the 3G signal, but for 3G modems there are reasonable and fairly budgetary solutions within 1500 rubles, for example, CONNECT devices for outdoor installation, which completely solve the problem and there is no point in reinventing the wheel.

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