Official congratulations on the professional holiday of IC MTV. Day of the creation of information divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

All employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in their activities are guided by this or that information: operational-reference, archival, operational-search, scientific and technical, statistical. It is the employee of the information centers that along with others make a significant contribution to the fight against crime and offenses, and is dedicated to this professional holiday.

When passes

Day of creation information units The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is celebrated on September 23. The annual celebration of the dates was announced on March 24, 2000 by order of Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 296. The document ratified Colonel-General V. Rushalo. In 2019, the event copes the 20th time.

Who notes

The day of the creation of information divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is celebrated by employees and employees of such departments as statistical and operational accounts, as well as forensic, search and accounting of searching for persons, for the provision of public services, special funds and rehabilitation of victims of political repression, operational reference information, office and other Services directly related to informational and analytical activities, including veterans of these centers.

history of the holiday

On September 23, 1918, the Collegium of the NKVD RSFSR ratified the "Regulations on the Statistical Department of the Interior Commissioner". This unit was engaged in collecting statistical information on crime in the state, its analysis, generalization and storage (given changes in the development and its condition). This date was chosen for annual celebrations.

About profession

In addition to ensuring employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other cases established by the legislation of various kinds of information (including dactyloscopic and photocartes, as well as registers of disqualified persons), the specialists of these divisions participate in the development and implementation of automatic information systems (single information space), data banks carry out software. In addition, they provide information security (including protection against computer viruses), location computing network, technical support during information transfer, connect users of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and provide them with access to databases and accounts, lead a single register procedure. Also, their responsibilities include the fulfillment of legislation on the archival and rehabilitation of citizens who were subjected to political repression.

Employees must have an analytical mindset of the mind, excellent memory, as well as be morally stable. Devotion and dedication are the main factors in the work of these specialists.

The number of disclosed crimes shows that the role of information divisions is growing every year. In 1976, 4% was revealed, in 1996 - already 25%, in 2000 - about 50%, in 2005 - more than 70%, in 2009 - about 80%, in 2011 - almost 90%.

Day of education of the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is one of the professional holidays of the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, celebrated every year on October 7. On this commemorative day in 1918, information and instructing departments were formed as part of the main department of the working and peasant militia of the NKVD. Through time, the departments were combined into one, called the instructor-inspector. In 1919, the department was included in the inspection of the Main Police Department. Over the past years, the staff service has undergone significant changes. Only in 1982, the headquarters began to function in all departments and ministries of internal affairs. Today, the tasks of the headquarters of the GUVD are the conduct of operational and preventive, anti-terrorism and other activities, ensuring communication in the event of interaction with the powerful departments and structures, assistance in investigating crimes "on hot pursuit" by managing resources.

In the era of significant reforms, innovations,
The headquarters of the management task is endowed
And role, weighty, staff units,
Marked by the Oktyabrsky day.

In the fight against organized crime -
No delay, nor idleness, nor laziness.
The law of power, the primacy of integrity,
In the charter of all staff units.

The work of the headquarters is inconspicuous in general matter
But how many mental costs are invested in it,
Interaction with the "security forces" on the attack
To guarantee a successful result.

Employee headquarters - analyst and strategist,
The organizer and mediator between the structures.
Departments headquarters are always of those
Who is the essence of the tasks "grabs on the fly."

How will you beat the greatness of scale,
And the complexity of all entrusted tasks?
You are omnipotent, native staff worker,
Omniscient, omnipresent, and all inquiries!

And let you, the spiritual rod,
It will be elevated forever.
The bosses even in honor holds,
And your work is valuable, I will respect everyone.

Being staff employees
This is not weak at all!
To lead people,
Smart really need to be.
I congratulate everyone's staff
Be happy wish
Make a lot of money
Listen to General!

Work on incoming information
And analytical review
Development of important operations
Ensuring for measures "Antiterror".

Today, take congratulations -
Health strong, success and good luck!
In your holiday - the day of staff units,
We wish the effectiveness in solving tasks!

I congratulate his headquarters on this day
The core and the center of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
We appreciate you, love, infinitely respect,
Good luck in the service you wish in fate.

Let it be enough forces, mind, health, nerves,
So that you do not remember your honor,
We wish you everywhere you were the first
Good luck next to walked always.

MIA headquarters today celebrates
We congratulate them today from the soul,
Let the service always bring joy,
Say "Thank you" we all hurry!

Their work in honor, it is needed and important,
Let life give them only happiness and warmth,
We wish each employee
To always be lucky everywhere.

MIA headquarters, take greetings!
We wish you health and patience,
Calm will now have your service,
In the team waiting for only friendship!

Wallet be growing from replenishment,
The desires of the cherished execution to you,
Pleasant will let the last day
Get up to work with a smile not too lazy!

Headquarters - Hope and Support,
It knows everyone really
We wish you today
Inspirations, friends.

Under your protection, we will
Let the success do not forget
Happiness, joy, calm,
And in the work of pleasure.

I wish all the headquarters units
Big happiness big scale!
Let the valiant and honest work
You respect you, always honor and shovel!
After all, who else, answer, how not you,
That's how the surning of the country?
You want to want to have everything you need,
To successfully passed your service,
So that you got the medal,
Good luck, forces you and health, as if steel!

Happy Staff Divisions
An important service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
Happiness, joyful moments
And success in labor

Wish you in this holiday!
And add from the soul -
Let luck do not tease you,
And it will help to live cool!

Let it find you in life
Important reward
Congratulations on your day,
My staff worker.

I wish a glorious service
And recognition in labor,
Well, let the personal front
Always lucky to you.

Congratulations: 25 in verse.

September 23 - the day of information divisions of the internal affairs bodies Russian Federation

What does the service live today, how is it developing and what contribution to the fight against crime? The Chief of FCU "Chief Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", General Major General of the Interior service of Pavel, is responsible for these and other issues of the "Shield and Swine" correspondent.

From accounting to public services

Pavel Anatolyevich, what is the guy? What is its structure, main tasks and directions of work?

This is a multi-vector institution that combines various activities. To date, our tasks are information Support Divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, government bodies with information from centralized operational reference, operational, forensic, search, dactylocopic, archival and scientific and technical accounting, their formation and maintenance, implementation of interdepartmental and interstate information interaction, as well as the provision of public services to the population. The fulfillment of the tasks is achieved by the efforts of eight specialized centers and six departments.

What government services do you provide? How is the reception of citizens, is there any complaints?

In total information divisions provide four public services. The most demanded of them is the issuance of references on the presence (absence) of criminal record. We also make issuing archival references and information on the rehabilitation of victims of political repression. And still put apostille on official documents to be exported outside the Russian Federation. All topical information on the procedure for the provision of public services, including in electronic format, posted on a single portal of public services and the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Regarding complaints. Of course, they are, probably, as in carrying out any activity, but their units. In the first half of 2016, the level of satisfaction of citizens by the quality of the provision of public services on our line amounted to 96.9%. In my opinion, this is an indicative digit. At the same time, we study the creatures of complaints in each individual case. Almost all of them are reduced to the dissatisfaction of citizens with reflection in reference information about their communities. However, here we are acting within the framework of legislation and administrative regulations.

What can be done in a second?

Almost half a century ago in the information service began to use computers. What compute power do you have now?

If you compare the initial stage of the use of computing means and the current equipment, then the variables. A breakthrough from computing machines and first bulky computers to high-performance software and technical complexes using cluster technologies. The possibilities of information and telecommunication equipment have increased tens of thousands of times. Thousands of users from which millions of queries are currently connected to banks of data from the federal level. Every second processing of seven appeals is ensured. But this is not the limit. Great hopes we impose on the built-in unified system Information and analytical support of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (ISOD), the development of the data center (data center) and its services. New system Even more simplified and expand the possibilities of using our resources for employees of the internal affairs bodies. In the future, any policeman from its workplace, in accordance with the level of admission, will be able to use maximum amount Accounts.

Integration in action

Do you coordinate the activities of the information centers of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia?

Yes, in our competence - organizational and methodological management of information centers. Building joint activities, we focus on ensuring timeliness, reliability and completeness of the information submitted. For this, a separate set of events is performed - these are actualization and replication of accounting, conducting verification, selective control of incoming information, as well as checking the formation of databases during official business trips. According to the identified facts of violations, the results of the analysis of all this work in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are guided by reviews and letters to eliminate the noted flaws.

For prompt solutions to problematic issues are used information Technology. We have an automated information system - Portal of Guyac. Access to this system has all regional information centers, as well as users of an integrated multiservice telecommunications network (ITS). Real-time information and reference materials are brought, legal documents, guidelines, statistical forms and information. In the format of the forum on the portal there is an exchange of views, discussing individual aspects of performing certain objectives. In addition, we carry out a video conferencing meeting. True, they cannot replace live communications, exchange developments. Therefore, the activities of the activities are discussed in detail at the seminars of the heads of information divisions.

How effective is interregional interaction?

I will give only one example. When it took as soon as possible to carry out events for the integration of information divisions of the internal affairs bodies of the Crimean Federal District into the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, assistance provided everything to the Iron, who are specialists. The management of statistical and centralized accounts took over the IC of the Rostov region, the Southern Federal District helped along the transport line. Siberia, Ural and Volga region shared the server equipment. Specialists of the Information Centers of the Republic of Tatarstan, Moscow, Tula, Kostroma, Samara and Rostov regions were sent to Crimea. At its base, Crimean specialists were trained by the staff of the IC Krasnodar Territory. As a result of such joint actions during the three months, information support for the official activities of the internal affairs bodies deployed in the Crimea were organized.

The criminal is calculating

Information is a powerful tool for the search for criminals. What databases do you work with?

Information was and remains a strategic resource of any state. It has a special significance in the field of countering crime, when human life often depends on its completeness, reliability and timeliness of the presentation. Currently, information is focused on 340 million account objects. This wanted list is not only criminals, missing, but also weapons, vehicles, historical items and antiques, electronic equipment and documents, as well as accounting crimes and offenses. The most in demand for identifying personalities. Dactyloscopic accounting.

We work both with the internal bases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and within the framework of interdepartmental interaction with the information of other federal executive bodies. Moreover, Giats cooperates with colleagues from Interpol, forms together with law enforcement agencies of the CIS member states and conducts an interstate information bank.

Could you bring fresh examples?

Thanks to this interaction in the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan in July 2016, a citizen was detained for committing the murder in the Khabarovsk Territory. In August, we quickly worked out the appeal of the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the provision of legal assistance to the law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Armenia when investigating a criminal case on the facts of manufacturing fake monetary signs. As a result, several thousand criminal cases were initiated in our country, in which similar fake borrowings appear.

I would like to note that our employees were awarded departmental medals of foreign countries for providing information support for operational-search activities.

Waiting for their o'clock

Your service was born in 1918, when the Statistical Department of the Commissariat of the Interior was established. Since then, probably grew a whole mountain archive documents. How long is the information stored? Something valuable may be lost?

Information storage is carried out in accordance with the list of documents formed in the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. For each type of documents, it is provided for its storage period: constant and long-term - from 15 to 75 years, temporary - up to 10 years. The ability to destroy documents representing historical value is excluded. First, archival documents formed before 1946, regardless of the composition and content, not subject to destruction. Secondly, all documents, regardless of their storage time, are undergoing the examination procedure in order to determine their scientific, historical and practical significance. This creates a special commission.

Our conversation takes place in the Museum of History of Guyac. I see that you postponed several old folders on the table. What is stored in them?

These are historical documents, real affairs from the Central Archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Here, for example, dated 1924 Investigative case Athanasius Kalinin. When searching, he found a photo of members of the royal family of Romanovs. The unique picture is perfectly preserved. There is still something on charges of prisoners of war-war-Hans Bauer. He was a personal pilot of Hitler, Lieutenant-General of the Police and the SS troops. The Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Moscow Region led this investigation in 1950.

Very interesting. I hope "shield and sword" will return to your priceless funds ...

Decades do not reduce the values \u200b\u200bof archival documents, and increase. Many of them are waiting in the wings when they are in demand for use in the practical activities of the internal affairs bodies. We need to know the history of the Fatherland, absorb her lessons. I recently participated in an interdepartmental outdoor meeting working Group to coordinate activities aimed at implementing the concept public Policy For perpetuating the memory of victims of political repression. The meeting took place in Solovetsky Museum-Reserve. This is also our story.

Taking this opportunity, congratulations on all employees of information divisions and veterans of service with a professional holiday!

Day of the establishment of information divisions of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation - Professional holiday of employees and employees of the Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, GUVD, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the FD, Louvd. It is observed annually. The day of the creation of information divisions of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation - September 23.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    Solemn edition in the Circular Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - 2017


History and celebration

On September 23, 1918, the decision of the Council of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR was approved by the "Statistics Department of the Interior Commissioner", the functioning of which ensured the collection, generalization and storage of statistical information on the status and dynamics of crime in the country.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 24, 2000. No. 296 "On declare the day of information divisions of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation" - September 23, declared the day of information divisions - GIACs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the GUVD, the Department of Directors of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia .


  • Chief Information and Analytical Center (website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Since September 1918, the Statistics Division of the NKVD, the territorial sets of statistics become the constant component of the system of internal affairs bodies. When centrally administered, registration and autonomous republics are created in the provinces and autonomous republics. In the subsequent period (1930-1939g), registration and accounting devices were created under the main departments and independent departments of the NKVD (with the General Directorate of the Workers' and Peasant Militia).

For the period from 1918 to 1968, the division information service, improving professionally and structurally, passed difficult, sometimes a dramatic, but glorious way, actively participating in the fight against crime. This grateful work lasted during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, when the Soviet militia and warriors of the NKVD troops shoulder to the shoulder with the Soviet army with a weapon in his hands on the front and in the rear, a fatal battle with the German fascist invaders, their accomplices, criminals of all the masters.

In 1968, the Ministry of Internal Affairs organized the information and computing center of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In November 1970, it was based on the main information center at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In April 1972, the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the 1st specialties were renamed information centers. The stage of strengthening IC in places began.

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