Basic principles of the state information policy of the Russian Federation


Yudin, Ivan Valerevich

Academic degree:

PhD in Political Science

Place of defense of the dissertation:

VAK specialty code:


Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies

Number of Pages:

CHAPTER 1. State   information policy as an object of scientific research: a conceptual justification and historical experience of formation and implementation.

§one. The concept and principles of state information policy: basic approaches and modern concepts.

§2. The experience of Russia and foreign countries in the formation and implementation of state information policy.

CHAPTER 2. Analysis of the current state of information policy in

Russian Federation.

§ 1. The main systemic problems and contradictions in the formation and implementation of state information policy in modern

§2. Problems of managing the interaction of subjects of communication in the information space of the Russian Federation.

CHAPTER 3. Mechanisms and basic principles for improving the implementation of state information policy in Russia


§one. Possible ways to improve the mechanisms for implementing state information policy in the Russian Federation.

§2. The development of information technology as the basis for increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of state information policy.

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) On the topic "State Information Policy in the Russian Federation"

The relevance of the research topic is determined by a number of features of modern social development:

1. In the modern information society, in a world of accelerating change and global communications, the prospects for social development are directly related to the state of the information sphere. Every year, the volumes of information used in various areas of the life of society and its citizens increase exponentially, which inevitably strengthens the need and significance of accounting for this information. The information explosion observed today is due to the development of information technologies, on the one hand, and stimulates their further development, on the other.

2. The rapid development of information technologies and the problem of their operational implementation in all spheres of human life, the growing importance of information in making managerial decisions by state authorities and management, a new format for the functioning of the media — these and other factors bring to the fore the problem of the formation and implementation of high-quality state information policy in the Russian Federation.

3. The transition of Russia in the late 80s - early 90s. XX century to a new form of statehood was accompanied by increased disintegration processes, which inevitably led to a mismatch of goals, methods and actions in the management of the state and society. Under these conditions, the construction of a unified information space on the territory of the country acquires special significance, the need and mechanisms for the creation of which so far, unfortunately, have not received proper scientific understanding.

4. New modern mechanisms for implementing an information policy using the latest technologies designed to help optimize and rationalize the process of making managerial decisions in government bodies and governments often pose a threat to information security, the timely prevention of which should be facilitated by the improvement of mechanisms and methods of state information policy. State control over the ongoing processes is necessary and mandatory, since information technology can include a whole range of information threats.

5. The implementation of the state’s information policy is directly related to the activities and quality conditions of the media. Currently, a number of regional mass media are faced with the problem of information deficit on the part of federal government bodies and authorities, which often leads to inadequate actions by regional authorities and, as a result, reduces the effectiveness of state administration in the country as a whole. On the other hand, the complete elimination of censorship in the Russian Federation has led to the fact that the media often become a translator of anti-cultural views and concepts that undermine the integrity of society. At the regional level, it is the media that are becoming the main channel of influence / pressure on the mass consciousness of the participants in the political struggle, through which the support, and in some cases the victory of weak, corrupt (with the most pessimistic outcome and anti-state) political forces becomes possible. In this regard, ensuring the socio-psychological security of the population becomes a paramount task, which in turn involves the development of mechanisms for state regulation of the information sphere of society, both from the point of view of overcoming the negative information impact, and from the standpoint of using media resources to ensure the integrity of society, strengthening spiritually - moral, social ideals in the state.

All of the above confirms the relevance and practical significance of the chosen topic of the dissertation research.

The degree of scientific elaboration of the problem. The complex nature of the topic of dissertation research predetermined the need to appeal to research of a number of scientific areas and schools, which together constituted the theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation presented for defense. Among these areas, the author relates, first of all, a number of ideas and theories, from various sides revealing the problem of the relationship between society and power. This problem has already attracted the attention of the ancient philosophers Aristotle and Plato, 1 who laid the foundations for the scientific understanding of politics as the art of managing society, an integral part of which is the clarification of the importance of information in the process of developing public policy. The issues of the relationship between power and society were in the focus of political thinkers of the new time T. Hobbes, J. Locke, MJ Rousseau, I. Kant, J. Milton, T. Payne, who considered power relations in the framework of the theory of natural law and social contract. Various aspects of social management were thoroughly studied in the works of F. Bacon, A. Smith, A. Ferposon and others. The most important sources for writing this dissertation are also works in the field of social development of R. Aron, G. Simmel, JI. Clark, C. Cooley, W. Rostow, and others.

1 See: Aristotle. Politics. Metaphysics. Analytics. - M., 2008; Plato. State. Laws. Politics. -M., 1988.

2 See: Bacon F. Collected Works // Soch. in 2 t. - St. Petersburg, 1874; Smith A. The theory of moral feelings or research experience on the laws governing judgments, naturally compiled by us, first about the actions of other people, and then about our own / Per. from English P.A. Bibikova. - St. Petersburg, 1895; Ferposon A. Experience of the history of civil society. - M., 2000.

3 See: Aron R. Memoirs: 50 years of thinking about politics. - M., 2002; Simmel G. Social differentiation: Sociol. and psychol. researched / Authorization. per. with him. N.N. Vokach and I.A. Ilyina. - M., 1909; Clark L. Grand Jury: The Use and Abuse of Political Power / Ed. P.I. Grishaev. - M., 1978; Cooley C. Human nature and social order / Transl. from English N.M. Smirnova. 2nd ed., Rev. - M., 2001; Rostow Walt W. Politics and Stages of Growth: Op. in 2 t. / Per with English. - M., 1973.

Another scientific direction that directly correlates with the problem studied in the dissertation is the concept of a post-industrial society and the concept of an information society connected with it. It should be noted that in the study of post-industrialism, the information era and the information society, Russian scientific thought has not yet taken its rightful place, so far, representatives of Western scientific thought still have priority in this area. The problems of building the information society are deeply studied in the theories of the post-industrial society and the theories of the information society of Western scientists and researchers of the 20th century D. Bell, E. Giddens, M. Castells, E. Toffler1 and others.

Of great importance for the disclosure of the research topic was the appeal to the fundamental studies of Western authors N. Wiener, C. Shannon, about

A. Ursula and others dedicated to the scientific understanding of the phenomenon of information, the formation of the information space. The dissertation also actively used the sociological theories of M. Weber, K. Popper, K. Jaspers, J. Habermas, T. Adorno and other classics of modern sociology, describing in detail the role of the mass media in the public administration and politics in general.

In the last decade, there has been an increase in the attention of domestic scientists to this scientific direction. The issues of building the information society and the globalization of the information space are devoted to the work of A.I. Rakitova, M.Yu. Tikhonova, I.S. Melyukhina, R.F.

1 See: Bell D. The Coming Post-Industrial Society. Experience of social forecasting. - M., 1999; Giddens E. Organization of society: Essay on the theory of structure. - M., 2003; Castells M. The Formation of a Network Structures Society // New Post-Industrial Wave in the West: Anthology. / Ed. V.L. Inozemtseva. - M., 1990; Toffler E. Metamorphoses of power. Knowledge, wealth and power on the threshold of the XXI century / Per. from English V.V. Belokoskova et al. - M., 2003.

2 See: Wiener N. Cybernetics and Society / Transl. from English E.G. Panfilova. - M., 2002; Shannon K. Works on information theory and cybernetics. - M., 1963; Ursul A. Information. Methodological aspects. - M., 1971.

3 See: Weber M. Selected Works / Transl. with it. - M., 1990; Popper K., Open Society and its Enemies // Op .: in 2 vols. - M., 1992; Jaspers K. The meaning and purpose of history. 2nd ed. - M., 1994; Habermas J. Democracy. Mind. Morality: Mosk. lectures and interviews. - M., 1995; Adorno T. Problems of the philosophy of morality. - M., 2000.

Abdeeva1 and others. The most important achievement of science in the field of development of the theory of information are the works of A.I. Berga, T.P. Voronina, T.A. Alekseeva and others

Exploring the concept of " public policy"In its essential meaning and specific content, the author of the dissertation relied on fundamental research in this area G.V. Atamanchuk, N.I. Glazunova, N.A. Omelchenko3 and others.

The research topic predetermined the appeal to scientific works devoted to the study of the role of the media in the socio-political life of society. Great help in understanding the problems of realizing freedom of speech and freedom of the press in the process of managing the author of this work was provided by the classic work of D. Milton4.

Konstantin S.S., philosophers and political scientists, paid attention to the problem of relations between the authorities, society and the media in their works. Gadzhiev, A.S. Panarin, V.P. Pugachev 5 et al. Studies of state policy in the field of journalism development, as well as state policy in the field of mass media in different years were carried out by E.P. Prokhorov, V.V. Egorov, I.M. Dzyaloshinsky 6 and others.

The central place in the dissertation research is occupied by scientific developments in the field of social information science of scientists

1 See: A. Rakitov The philosophy of the computer revolution. - M., 1991; Tikhonov M.Yu. The information society: philosophical problems of the management of science and education. - M., 1998; Melyukhin I.S. Information society: problems of formation and development (philosophical aspect). Diss. Doct. Phil. sciences. - M., 1997; Abdeev R.F. The philosophy of information civilization in illustrations. - M., 2004.

2 See: Berg A.I. Information. Control. Intelligence. - M., 1976; Voronina T.P. Information society: essence, features, problems. - M., 1995; Alekseeva T.A. Modern political theories. - M., 2000.

3 See: Atamanchuk G.V. et al. Public Administration and Public Administration in a Transforming Society: Monograph. - M., 2001; Glazunova N.I. Public administration. Textbook. M., 2004; Omelchenko N.A. History of public administration in Russia: Textbook. - M., 2005.

4 See: Milton D. Speech on the freedom of the press / Transl. from English - SPb., 1905.

5 See: Gadzhiev K.S. Political philosophy. Scientific publication. - M., 1999; Panarin A.S. The temptation of globalism. - M., 2002; Pugachev V.P. Information power and democracy // Social sciences and the present. - M., 1999. No. 4.

6 See: Prokhorov E.P. Introduction to journalism theory. - M., 1998; Egorov V.V. Television and power. - M., 1997; Dzyaloshinsky I.M. Methods of media activity in the context of the development of civil society. -M., 2001. Department of Information Policy of the RAGS V.D. Popova, K.V. Markelova1 et al., Information Policy Theory Yu.A. Nisnevich, A.G. Kiseleva, S.V. Konovchenko, A.V. Manoilo 2 and others. Various aspects of state information policy are investigated in detail in the materials and works of N.Yu. Korchenkova, T.M. Orlova, V.V. Vorobyev, A.V. Kostrova, A.B. Zverintseva, Yu.V. Kursnosova, P.Yu. Konotopova, A.N. Raikova, V.V. Utkina, T.M. Dridze, JI.H. Fedotova, A.I. Kozyreva, B.I. Krasnova, L.G. Lapteva et al.

The complex nature of the topic of the dissertation necessitated the use of scientific research devoted to the study of information security problems, among which the distinguished works of D.V. Dolgireva, K.A. Kirsanova, G.G. Pocheptsova, A.D. Ursula, I.L. Morozova, S.P. Rastorgueva4 et al.

1 See Popov V.D. Information science and information policy. - M., 2001; Markelov K.V. Information and analytical activities in the public service. - M., 2003.

2 See: Nisnevich Yu.A. Information policy of Russia: Problems and prospects. - M., 1999; Kiselev A.G. Konovchenko S.V. State Information Policy in Russia // Presidential Control. News bulletin. 2005. No2; Manoilo A.V. State information policy in special conditions: Monograph. - M., 2003.

3 See: Korchenkova N.Yu. Transformation of the content of the right to information in Russia during the period of democratic transformation. // Electronic resource .; Orlova T.M. Economic foundations of information activity // Mass information processes in modern Russia: Essays. - M., 2002; Vorobiev V.V. Information management and criteria for its evaluation: Lectures. - M., 2006; Kostrov A.V. The basics of information management. - M., 2004; Zverintsev A.B. Communication Management: Working book. PR manager. - SPb., 1997; Kurnosov Yu.V. Konotopov P.Yu. Analytics: methodology, technology and organization of information and analytical work. - M., 2004; Raikov A.N. Information and analytical technologies for federal executive bodies // Materials of the meeting of heads of analytical services of federal authorities "The role and place of analytical services and information and technological systems in the preparation and adoption of decisions in government bodies of the Russian Federation." - M., 1995; Utkin V.V. Zakharov Yu.N. Ways to improve information and analytical support for managerial decisions in government bodies // Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Analytical Workers. - M., 2004; Dridze T.M. Textual Activities in the Structure of Social Communication: Probl. semiosocial psychology. - M., 1984; Fedotova L.N. Mass information: production strategy and consumption tactics. - M., 1996; Kozyrev A.I. Information Society and Democracy. - M., 1990. No. 2; Krasnov B.I., Laptev L.G. and other Information strategy as a factor in the formation of the political culture of Russian society in the context of globalization. - M., 2002.

4 See: D. Dolgirev Methods and decision-making models in information management systems in assessing the quality of software. Diss. Cand. tech. sciences. - SPb., 2005; Kirsanov K.A., Malevina A.V., Popov N.V. Information Security. - M., 2000; Pocheptsov G.G. Information warfare. - M., 2000; Ursul A.D. Informatization of society and the transition to the sustainable development of civilization // Vestnik ROIVT. 1993. No. 1-3; Morozov IL. Information Security of the Political System // Policy. 2002. No. 5; Rastorguev S.P. Information war. - M .: Radio and communications, 1998. economic and political sphere and the associated rapid growth of Internet technology. The problems of studying the influence of these processes, as well as their consequences, are devoted to the scientific works of A.N. Kulika, D.N. Peskova, M.G. Anokhina, S.V. Ustimenko 1 and others.

An important tool in the work on the dissertation was the research of modern Russian scientists on various aspects of the development of regional information policy. The author considers the works of O.D. to the most significant of them. Yakimova, R.K. Korobtsovoy, S.A. Protodyakonova2 et al.

At the same time, despite the variety of scientific developments related to the problem investigated in the dissertation to various degrees, most of them are focused on certain aspects of the state information policy. As for the comprehensive research of the problem, based on a systematic approach to the study of state information policy, taking into account the multidimensionality of the object of study, today there can be few such works. Further scientific study requires problems of information and analytical support of state authorities and management, informatization of management structures, building a single information space in Russia. There are practically no special studies that reveal the specifics of the formation and implementation of state information policy in the Russian Federation, taking into account regional features of public administration.

1 See: A. Kulik World Wide Web for Political Science, Education and Political Participation // Political Science: Sat. articles. - M., 2002. No. 1; Peskov D.N. Internet space: postmodern state? // Policy (" Policy research"), 2003. No. 5; Anokhin M.G. Komarovsky B.C. Politics: the possibility of modern technology. - M., 1998; Social policy of the Moscow region on the threshold of the XXI century. // Ed. S.V. Ustimenko. - M., 1999.

2 See: Yakimov O.D. Seal of the national regions of Siberia and the Far East: From the emergence to the present day. - Novosibirsk: Science. CIF RAS, 2000; Korobtsova R.K. Printing and labor collective. (On the experience of the press of the North-East of the USSR. 1976-1987) - Yakutsk, 1888; Protodyakonov S.A. The formation and development of mass communication in the region of Eastern Siberia. Diss. Cand. filol. sciences. - M., 2000.

All of the above determined the choice of the topic, goal and objectives of the study, its subject and object, theoretical and practical significance.

The object of this dissertation research is the state information policy as an integral part of the domestic policy of the Russian Federation.

The subject of the study is the mechanisms for implementing the state information policy in the Russian Federation in the current conditions of transition to the information society.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state of the state information policy in the Russian Federation, identify the main contradictions and problem areas that impede its effective implementation, and develop on this basis possible directions for its improvement.

Achieving this goal involves the formulation and solution of the following research tasks: to consider modern approaches to the definition of the concept and principles of the formation and implementation of information policy by public authorities and government; to conduct a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the formation and implementation of state information policy; identify and systematize the main problems that arise in the process of implementing the state information policy in the Russian Federation; to investigate the content and characteristics of the interaction of subjects of communication in the information space in the system of public authorities and government of the Russian Federation; identify priority areas for the development of state information policy in the Russian Federation; to develop practical recommendations for improving the mechanisms for implementing state information policy in the Russian Federation.

Research hypothesis work. The processes of integration of all countries into the global world information space, proceeding at an accelerated pace in the world, necessitate a radical correction of the basic principles, forms and methods of implementing socially oriented state information policy by state authorities and government in the Russian Federation, the main purpose of which should be to ensure national interests in the field of information security, building in Russia a modern state that meets all the worlds m standards.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study. The theoretical basis of the dissertation research was the scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on political science, public administration, sociology and social psychology, devoted to various aspects of the formation and implementation of state information policy in modern conditions. Particularly significant for the dissertation research were the theoretical concepts of political modernization, " political networks", The theory of post-industrial, informational and communicative society, the theory of information and social informationology.

The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the analysis of the object of study - the formation and implementation of state information policy as an integral component of the domestic policy of the Russian Federation. In the work on the dissertation we used both general scientific research methods (logical analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstracting and climbing from abstract to concrete, identification method, etc.), as well as private (so-called traditional) methods of social sciences, historical, structural method -functional analysis, institutional). A special place in the work is occupied by sociological methods and techniques of observation, content analysis, based on the personal experience of the author in the information sphere of the system of public authorities and administration of the Russian Federation.

The combined use of these methods allowed us to provide an integrated approach to the study of the problem.

The empirical basis of the study. The work is based on the study, systematization and analysis of a large volume of documents and materials, the most important of which are the Constitution of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of government bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of regulatory documents that legislatively regulate the activities of government bodies and government of the Russian Federation. The main regulatory sources include the provisions of international regulatory documents governing relations in the information sphere, federal laws of the Russian Federation: “ About federal government communications and information”(Dated February 19, 1993),“ On Communication ”(dated July 4, 2003),“ ”(dated December 27, 1991),“ ”(dated February 20, 1995), etc.

A separate group of sources consists of state conceptual documents, among which the author distinguishes: the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation (from 09.09.2000), the Concept of State Information Policy of the Russian Federation (from 21.12.1998), the Concept of the formation and development of a single information space in Russia and relevant state information resources ( from 11/23/1995) and others.

The work used archival, statistical sources, data from sociological studies of the State Committee on Statistics, the Foundation Public opinion”And a number of other studies that were involved by the author in the process of preparing the problematic and practical part of the dissertation.

We also used a set of internal organizational documents of authorities and management directly related to the formation and implementation of state information policy in the Russian Federation, which allowed the author to systematically analyze the problem areas in the field of formation and implementation of state information policy at the federal level, and develop practical recommendations for their elimination .

The main results of the study, obtained personally by the author, and their scientific novelty are:

A systematic analysis of the state information policy in the Russian Federation as a complex of socially oriented interconnected and interdependent elements, which allowed the author of the dissertation to conclude that the one-sided orientation to the development and improvement of certain aspects of the information policy in the state is inconsistent without connection with its other components;

Clarification on the basis of this conclusion of the concept of modern state information policy, which allows in the future to conduct a more in-depth analysis of political processes in Russia, taking into account the information component and the characteristics of globalization of the global information space;

Identification of the main theoretical and methodological models for the formation and implementation of the state information policy, the use of which in the modern information world gives the highest social efficiency; the identification, as one of the key problems in the implementation of the state policy, of inconsistencies in the degree of implementation of information technologies in all spheres of society’s vital activity; justification of the need for a better use of information analytics and information and analytical technologies in the implementation of state information policy; substantiation of ways and means of solving problems in the field of communications arising from the subjects of the information space of the Russian Federation in the process of implementing the state information policy; a detailed study of the processes of integration of the information space of the regions, as a relatively independent administrative-territorial associations in the Russian and world information space; substantiation on this basis of the need to create interregional information systems capable of integrating information banks of various levels and various technical support.

The following main provisions of the thesis are submitted for defense:

1. The dissertation contains the author’s definition of the state’s information policy (state information policy), which refers to the activities of public authorities and administrations in developing a set of measures to identify and meet information needs in society within a single information and cultural and communication space through the development, implementation and the effective use of modern information products and technologies.

2. According to the author of the dissertation (and this is evidenced by the existing practice of public administration), the main problem is to clarify the obvious fact that in modern conditions it’s not enough " own information»To develop a competent management decision. The author concludes in the dissertation that information analytics and information and analytical technologies contribute to the solution of many problems in the information sphere, the basis for the development of which should be the achievements of domestic and Western science. It is precisely the level of the state of information analytics that today largely determines the competent understanding of problems and situations in society in the process of developing and making certain government decisions.

3. From the point of view of the author of the dissertation research, the key problem of the implementation of the state information policy in the Russian Federation, requiring an operational solution, is the formation of a high-quality communicative exchange between public authorities and the government and the population, the absence of which today significantly complicates the process of public administration in the country and regions.

4. In the current conditions of the development of Russia, the creation of inter-regional information systems that can quickly integrate disparate regional databases of socially significant information, which will lead to an increase in the effectiveness of state policy and a more complete consideration of information, acquires special importance in the process of formation and implementation of state information policy development of management decisions.

5. The study of the actual practice of the formation and implementation of information policy in the Russian Federation allows us to conclude that the level of implementation of information and information-analytical technologies in the country is today much lower than the level of their development and production, which greatly complicates the processes of obtaining the necessary and social - significant information, both by the population from the relevant bodies of state power and administration, and by the bodies of state power themselves. In this regard, the operational implementation of information and information-analytical technologies will allow overcoming the information barrier between government bodies and the population and in the long run will create conditions for the transition from a reactive state policy to a preventive one.

Theoretical and practical significance of the research. The theoretical significance of the dissertation research is determined by its novelty and consists in the development and refinement of the conceptual and methodological foundations of the analysis and scientific justification of the forms, methods and directions of the formation and implementation of state information policy at various levels of government in the Russian Federation. The conclusions obtained expand the possibilities for further study of the essence and content of the state information policy and its individual elements in their interaction and interconnection.

The theoretical provisions and practical recommendations formulated in the work can be used to further study and improve the state information policy of the Russian Federation with regard to the formation of a more effective mechanism for its practical implementation. The results of the study can find application in the process of improving the regulatory framework, in organizing the activities of information and information-analytical units and services in government and administration of the Russian Federation.

Materials of the thesis can also be used in the development of teaching aids for the course " Information Policy", As well as in the preparation of seminars and lectures on disciplines:" Political Science "," Applied Political Science», « Public relations management" and etc.

Testing the results of the study. The results and provisions of the dissertation research were reflected in the scientific publications of the author. The dissertation materials were tested at the All-Russian and international scientific-practical conferences (GUU), methodological seminars of the State University of Management. The dissertation was discussed at a meeting of the Department of Public Administration and Politics of GUU and recommended for defense.

The structure of the dissertation. The dissertation is written in accordance with the goal and objectives of the study and consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of used literature.

The conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies", Yudin, Ivan Valerievich


Improving the implementation of state information policy, moving it to a new level of quality is the most important complex task for public authorities and administration. Improving the implementation of state information policy in Russia is one of the main directions of domestic policy, which is due to the territorial features of the Russian Federation, the peculiarities of the development of information technology in the world, and global information processes.

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation the state information policy is not legislatively fixed. The existing regulatory framework regulates only certain areas of information policy - the activities of the media, information transparency of authorities, etc. While in the developed countries of the West there is an awareness of the development of priority areas of information policy, in the Russian Federation many aspects are fixed only conceptually. The developed concepts and doctrines, unlike laws, are not binding, which at the regional level gives rise to inconsistencies in directions, forms, methods, as well as in the speed of formation and implementation of state information policy.

The population needs an informational assessment of the activities of the authorities, since in this case the society clearly defines its positions and actively responds to all sorts of calls. Lack of information leads to the filling of the information space with destructive emotions: uncertainty, suspicion, passivity and, as a result, panic. It is precisely the ability of the authorities to establish information interaction with numerous subjects of the information space with the direct participation of the mass media that largely determines the further direction of socio-political and economic processes in Russia: progress based on the coordination of interests and a balance of goals or confrontation leading to destabilization.

To coordinate the efforts of state authorities in the Russian Federation in solving the problem of the formation and development of a single information space in Russia, it is necessary to develop a set of organizational measures that should include the establishment of a procedure for determining the main indicators and stages of the formation and development of a single information space, the priority for the development of legislative acts and normative documents , including standards defining the functions and rules of interaction of the subject such as are for this space, stimulating physical and legal persons in the active formation and use of information resources. A set of measures should include measures to promote the goals, objectives and capabilities of a single information space, and to teach citizens the basics of information literacy. These measures contribute to enhancing the appeals of citizens and society to information resources, accelerating the development of the country's information infrastructure, streamlining the market for information resources, technologies and services.

The basis of the information space of public authorities should be modern information and telecommunication systems that can provide information support both in the field of economic and social management and in the field of security of an individual, society, and the state.

The problem area in the system of public authorities and management in the Russian Federation is the analytical component. At the turn of the second and third millennia, information-analytical technologies have become one of the most important factors affecting the development of society. Their revolutionary impact concerns the functioning of state structures and institutions of civil society, the economic and social spheres, science and education, culture and lifestyle of people. The development and widespread use of information and analytical technologies is one of the essential factors for the sustainable socio-economic and technological development of the regions and the state as a whole.

To overcome the elimination of existing problems in the field of information and analytical support of public authorities and government in the Russian Federation, the following is proposed.

1. At the federal level, legislatively consolidate the principles governing the information and analytical support of government bodies of the Russian Federation.

2. To develop at the federal level a standard project for creating an independent district information and analytical service, the activity of which should be aimed at directly supporting the adoption of managerial decisions in the field of public administration in the Russian Federation.

3. Create unified information and analytical systems and develop the corresponding Concept for information and analytical support for the activities of government and administration in the regions of the Russian Federation, determine the rules and the list of information received by regional government and administration bodies, forms of information interaction with federal government authorities, regional ministries, departments, city and district administrations.

4. Take measures to streamline the process of registration, licensing and technical control over the activities of local television broadcasting studios, including satellite, terrestrial, cable broadcasting, and collective reception networks.

5. Make agreed proposals on organizing the activities of information and analytical centers in the federal districts to collect, disseminate and post relevant political, economic and other information in the district, regional and central mass media, including, inter alia, the creation of a broadcasting service using global networking technologies.

6. On the basis of regional printing enterprises to create inter-regional information and publishing centers, designed to increase the efficiency of local print media in the process of information support of public authorities and management, and determine the procedure for their financing, including through investment programs and the system of state orders.

7. Improve work on the coverage of the activities of federal and regional bodies of state power and administration in the Russian Federation, develop multilevel ties with interregional, regional and central mass media, with press services of ministries and departments, administrations of constituent entities of the federation, cities and regions of the regions.

8. Strengthen the work to ensure the reliability and increase the volume of information presented to the government and administration in the Russian Federation, bearing in mind the expansion of the list of indicators for the real sector of the economy, while reducing the time for its submission.

9. To intensify the work of disseminating the leading federal and interregional periodicals to the population, assist them in conducting a subscription campaign, take measures to establish effective activities of local press and improve their material and technical base.

Thus, high-quality informational and analytical support of government bodies and government in the Russian Federation contributes to the adoption of sound management decisions, including in the social sphere, which also determines the giving of state-oriented information policy to a social orientation.

Improving the processes of implementing the state information policy in the Russian Federation in a social context is intended to contribute to:

1. Directly taking into account in the processes of development and adoption by state authorities and management decisions of ethnic, religious and other factors that make up the characteristics of a particular region, which leads to the general consolidation of the population of the Russian Federation in front of various kinds of threats.

2. To increase the openness of public authorities and administration, and, consequently, to increase confidence in the state, which will allow for the most efficient implementation of socio-economic policies.

3. The increase in the level of education of the population through the introduction and widespread use of modern information technologies.

4. Reducing social tension in society, increment of patriotism through the media system.

These and other consequences of the implementation of a high-quality socially-oriented state information policy contribute to socio-economic growth in the country, increase the level of literacy of the population in the country, reduce crime (by promoting healthy ideas in society), etc.

It is a high-quality comprehensive state information policy that is more able to serve to ensure the information security of the Russian Federation, which is due to the relatively high level of autonomy of the regions and the inability, based on a number of conditions, to ensure the proper level of information security of the country.

References of thesis research candidate of Political Sciences Yudin, Ivan Valerevich, 2009

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Developed since 1997 on behalf of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization, together with the Committee on Information Policy and Communications of the State Duma and other leading research institutes of Russia. At the end of 1998, the Permanent House for State Information Policy of the Political Consultative Council under the President of the Russian Federation Federation adopted the Concept of state information policy. Earlier, this Concept was adopted by the State Duma Committee on Information Policy and Communications.

The purpose of the Concept is to determine the goals, objectives and objects of state information policy, develop and analyze the main directions and mechanisms for its implementation, analyze the results of its impact on the socio-economic, political and cultural development of Russia in the late XX and early XXI centuries.

The objects of state information policy are:

· informational resources;

· Information and telecommunication infrastructure;

Information, telecommunication technologies, systems and means of their implementation;

· Production and consumption of informatization tools, information products and services;

· Scientific, technical and production potential of informatization, telecommunications and communications;

· The market of information, information technology, tools, products and services;

· Home computerization;

· Media policy;

· Information law;

· Information security systems;

· Interaction of the information and telecommunication infrastructure of Russia with global information networks.

In addition, the Concept considers the influence of state information policy on various spheres of public life, as well as urgent problems of building an information society in Russia.

The scope of the Concept is to concretize and clarify the main directions of activity of state authorities in the formation of the information society in Russia, the formation of a single information space in Russia and its entry into the global information community.

The initial data for the development of the Concept is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, "Declaration of the Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen", Federal Laws "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection", "On the Media", "On Participation in the International Information Exchange", "On Communication "," On State Support of Mass Media and Book Publishing in the Russian Federation "," On State Secrets "," On Information Support of Government Agencies of the Russian Federation ", Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as other laws effective acts regulating the relations of subjects in the information sphere, the works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of building the information society and the formation of the information and telecommunication space, the results of analytical and prognostic studies of informatization processes in Russia.

The Concept notes that for many years the state information policy mainly covered the problems associated with the activities of the media. In the last 2-3 years, the content of the state information policy has been somewhat expanded and it included certain elements of protecting the rights of citizens and organizations to publicly available information guaranteed by the Constitution of the country, as well as some aspects of information security. Since the beginning of the 90s, the principles and provisions of the state policy of informatization have been formulated and developed in parallel. The main content of this policy is reduced, with slight variations, to the provision of scientific, technical, industrial, technological and organizational and economic conditions for the creation and development of information technologies, information infrastructure and the system of formation of information resources. At the same time, the policy of informatization was almost completely separated from the policy pursued by the state in the field of mass media, communications and telecommunications.

The state policy of informatization has received a new impetus only recently in connection with the realization of the need to build an information society in Russia as the main condition for its political and socio-economic development and to maintain the status of a world power. The solution to this large-scale problem contributed to the transition from an informatization policy to an information policy that includes the geopolitical, foreign economic, socio-economic, scientific, technical and cultural aspects of the country's development.

Within the framework of the state information policy, the foundations should be laid for solving such major tasks as the formation of a single information space in Russia and its entry into the global information space, ensuring the information security of individuals, society and the state, the formation of a democratically oriented mass consciousness, the formation of the information services industry, and the expansion the legal field of regulation of public relations, including those related to the receipt, distribution and use of vaniem information. The state information policy should be a tool to strengthen communication between the center and the regions, which ensures the implementation of a unified state policy throughout the country. The need to solve such large-scale problems requires the management of all types of information resources, elements of information and telecommunications infrastructure, state support for domestic information production, the market of information technologies, tools, products and services, and regulation of the activities of state electronic electronic and print media.

The formation and development of the world information community and the progressive movement of developed countries from industrial to post-industrial (information) society are of exceptional importance for the development of notions of informatization adequate to time, the policy of informatization and state policy as a whole. This movement is based on the latest information, telecommunication and communication technologies. It was new technologies that caused the rapid spread of global information networks, primarily the Internet, which opens up fundamentally new opportunities for international information exchange. Promising information and telecommunication technologies greatly enhance the impact of electronic media on the socio-political and cultural life of millions of people on all continents. This movement conceptually and practically determines the formation of the global information space. Moreover, as noted in the Concept, Russia as a subject of geopolitics, a state with a developed information and telecommunication infrastructure throughout the Eurasian space of Russia and the CIS, could become a natural bridge between Europe and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. This would give her the opportunity to become a key link in the global information space.

However, the imprint of the deep crisis of the real sector of the Russian economy, its core - high-tech industries, is now imposed on the implementation mechanisms and the selection of priority practical measures of state information policy. The production of information, information technology, telecommunications and communications is its leading element. As for all high-tech industries that have serious scientific and technological developments, for informatization it is extremely important to strengthen the role of state regulation.

State information policy should stimulate the growth of production of means of informatization, telecommunications, information products and services and at the same time effective demand for them. At the same time, the practical implementation of the state information policy in modern Russian conditions requires a broad psychological campaign to support its main provisions with public opinion, clarification of its social orientation, proof of its validity.


1. The Law of Ukraine "On Information" // Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VVR) - 1992 - No. 48 - Art. 650 (Entered into force by Decree BP of 021092 No. 2658-12 / / VVR - 1992 - No. 48 - Art 651

2. The Law of Ukraine "On Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine Based on the Results of Parliamentary Hearings" Problems of Information Activities, Freedom of Speech, Compliance with the Law and the State of Information Security of Ukraine "/ / VVR - 2002 - No. 2 - Art. 2002. - No. 2. - Art. five.

3. The Law of Ukraine "On the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting" // Vedomosti of the Verkhovna Rada - 1997 - No. 48 - Article 296 (as amended according to Laws No. 134-XIV, No. 762-IV (762-1 15) from 15052003 / / VVR - 2003 - No. 30 - Art. 24703. - No. 30. - Art. 247.)

4. Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the preparation of proposals to ensure transparency and openness of the activities of state authorities" dated May 17, 2001 No. 325/2001

5. Decree of the President of Ukraine "On certain measures to protect state information resources in data transmission networks" dated September 24, 2001 No. 891/2001

6. Decree of the President "On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of October 31, 2001" On measures to improve the state information policy and information security of Ukraine "dated December 6, 2001 No. 1193/200001 p. No. 1193/2001.

7. Decree of the President of Ukraine "On Additional Measures to Ensure Openness in the Activities of Government Agencies" of August 1, 2002 No. 683/2002

8. Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the Council for Information Policy under the President of Ukraine" as amended by Decree of the President of September 9, 2002 No. 812/2002

9. The Regulation on the Council on Information Policy under the President of Ukraine Approved by Decree of the President of Ukraine dated April 3, 2001 No. 230/2001

10. Regulation on the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine Approved by Decree of the President of Ukraine of August 27, 2003 No. 920/2003

11. Regulation on the State Committee for Communications and Informatization of Ukraine Approved by Decree of the President of Ukraine dated June 3, 1999 No. 601/99

12. The Regulation on the Main Directorate of Information Policy of the Administration of the President of Ukraine Approved by order of the Head of the Administration of the President of Ukraine of October 7, 2002 No. 60

13. The Regulation on the Department of Special Telecommunication Systems and Information Security of the Security Council of Ukraine Approved by Decree of the President of Ukraine of October 6, 2000 No. 1120/2000

14. Decree of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On the results of parliamentary hearings" Society, the media, power: freedom of speech and censorship in Ukraine "/ / Vedomosti of the Verkhovna Rada - 2003 - No. 16 - C V. 1303. - No. 16. - Art. 130.

15. On the results of the work of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine in 2003 and the main tasks for 2004. Report of the Chairman of the Committee I.S. Siskin

16. Resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe No. 1239 of January 25, 2001, “Freedom of Speech and Belief and the Functioning of Parliamentary Democracy in Ukraine”

17. Message from the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On the Internal and External Situation of Ukraine in 2000" - K, 2001 - P 47-64

18.European Choice: Conceptual Foundations of the Strategy for Economic and Social Development of Ukraine for 2002 - 2011 Message from the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

19. Kuchma L.D. Ukraine: advancement into the 21st century. The Strategy of Economic and Social Development for 2000-2004 / / The nation is extolled with great goals and deeds - M .: Press of Ukraine, 2000 - S 23-94

20. Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights. Right to information. Freedom of speech, thought, free expression

21. Speech by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information, Alexander Zinchenko Parliamentary Hearings on Information Activities and Freedom of Speech (January 16, 2001)

22. Report of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information Mykola Tomenko / / Parliamentary hearings "Strategy for the Development of the Television and Radio Information Space of Ukraine"

23. Report of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting for 2001

24. The concept of state information policy. State Duma of the Russian Federation

25. The concept of national information policy of Ukraine

26 The concept of development of state information infrastructure. State Committee for Communications and Informatization of Ukraine

27. Pocheptsov G.G., Chukut S.L. Information policy: Textbook - M 1 - M: UADU, 2002 - 96 s

28. Pocheptsov G.G. Introduction to Information Wars - K: Kiev University, 1999 - 60 s

29. Pocheptsov G.G. Information

30. Pocheptsov G.G. Communication Theory - K: Kiev University, 1999 - 238 p.

31. Chukut S.A. The Genesis of Spiritual Culture (managerial dimension) - M.: Publishing House of UAUU, 1999 - 256 p.

32. Chukut S.A. The role of modern media in state processes (certain aspects) // Bulletin of the UAUU - 1999 - No. 3 - C 158-167

Structurally, the ISU concept consists of an introduction, four sections, and a conclusion. The first section sets out the goals and objectives of the ISU. The second deals with the main objects of the ISU and its contents. The third section is devoted to the impact of the ISU on various areas of public life. The last fourth section examines the current problems of building an information society in Russia. Let us consider in more detail the content of each section.

Goals and objectives of the ISUare considered in the first section of the Concept. The strategic objective of the ISU is to build

in the Russian information society. In a simpler and pragmatic formulation, this means the implementation of such an information policy by public authorities, which would give citizens and organizations the benefits of using information technology. To achieve this goal, it is necessary and sufficient to solve at least three global tasks:

  •   to develop the technical and technological basis for the formation of the information society;
  •   to provide access for citizens and organizations to services based on modern information technologies;
  •   to prevent threats arising in the information society.

AT ISU Conceptsmain tasks are revealed more fully:

  •   modernization of information and telecommunications infrastructure;
  •   development of information and telecommunication technologies;
  •   effective formation and use of national information resources (RI) and ensuring wide, free access to them;
  •   providing citizens with socially significant information and the development of independent media;
  •   preparing a person for life and work in the coming information age;
  •   creating the necessary regulatory framework for building the information society.

Case study.Targeted programs for the implementation of the ISU and their financing

  •   The volume of state financing of the Federal Target Program "Information Society (2011–2020)" is more than 1.2 trillion rubles.
  • The following were launched in the capital of our Motherland: the city target program "Electronic Moscow" (2003–2010) and the state program of the city of Moscow “Information City (2012–2016)". These programs determine the composition of measures for the application of information and communication technologies in urban management and the social sphere. In particular, these are: equipping schools with computers and informing medical institutions, introducing an intelligent transport system, reducing the time for completing accidents, introducing a unified electronic document management system, putting officials on-line. The latter involves breaking old bureaucratic stereotypes and inculcating modern communication skills: to receive materials for meetings and meetings electronically, to communicate via video conferencing without wasting time in traffic jams; the transfer of departments to standard interactive Internet portals with new standards of openness and efficiency, to exchange electronic data between government agencies in the provision of public services, etc.
  •   Under the program "Information City (2012 - 2016)", about 330 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of which (, it is planned by 2016 to increase to 80% the share of Moscow residents who will use electronic government services at least once, to 85% the share of citizens who have electronic signatures, and the share of Moscow coverage with fourth-generation communication networks (4G) to increase from 60% in 2010 to 95% in 2016 (
  •   In 2012, for the first time in Moscow, exclusively electronic enrollment of children in kindergartens and first grades of schools (85.4 thousand people) was organized (Moskovsky Komsomolets, October 10, 2012).
  •   In 2011, the national national program "Grandmother-online" - "Grandfather-online" was launched. This is a social program for free training in computer literacy and information technology for the elderly (and there are about 40 million such people in Russia). After completing elementary courses and having received all the necessary teaching materials, older people can freely use a computer, surf the Internet, communicate with each other or their families through social networks, perform other operations (for example, manage funds in Internet banks, receive the necessary legal and social information, etc.). By the end of 2012, such training centers should be open in more than 45 regions of the country.

Multifunctional centers (MFC )

By the end of 2012, 170 MFCs were created in Russia in 49 regions of the country. MFCs are government agencies authorized to organize the provision of more than 1000 public services of city and federal authorities, including in electronic form, on a one-stop basis. MFC is equipped with

wood chips but with the latest technology and are adapted including for visiting by disabled people and parents with children. In the centers, children's leisure rooms and rooms for mothers and children are equipped, and a system of "electronic line-up" (MFC.RF /) is operating.

  •   The President of the Russian Federation called for speeding up the process of creating centers, so that by 2015 there would already be 2.5 thousand (Vlast magazine, April 27, 2011).
  •   By the end of 2012, there were 56 MFCs in Moscow. Before the Moscow Government made the decision to establish the IFC, the city residents were forced to contact numerous, about 1200, reception authorities scattered throughout the city, often without conditions for serving the population (Moskovsky Komsomolets, October 18, 2012).

Portals and Sites

Portals and websites have been launched that, in specific areas, implement the ISU's provision on the prompt provision of information and services to the population and on attracting citizens to the system of state and municipal administration using modern CT.

  • Portal "Public Services. Electronic Government of the Russian Federation".   Provides nearly 4,000 electronic services. In 2012, the number of portal users reached 15 million people, more than 3 million users registered personal accounts on the portal (
  • Portal "State Book ".   Public Administration Expert Network (
  • Portal "Roads of Moscow",   to which citizens can send information about the content and lighting of streets, faulty traffic lights, etc. (
  • Portal "Our city. Moscow Development Program".   Motto: "Find out what is being done, report shortcomings." This is a geoinformation portal created in October 2011. The goal is to give residents of Moscow the opportunity to participate in managing the development of their city. The portal contains information on landscaping work, overhaul in multi-apartment buildings, including repair of entrances, replacement of elevator equipment and other works. Any registered user can control the timeliness and quality of work (
  •   URL: (accessed: 04.16.2013).
  • URL: (accessed: 04/15/2013).

Information security issues are currently under the scrutiny of scientists, politicians, statesmen, as well as citizens and their associations. The modernization process is characterized by an informatization process concomitant with its development, which has acquired a global, global nature and creates ever new threats to the security of individuals, society and the state.

The identification of the essence of state policy in the field of information security requires an analysis of the content of the concept of “information security”, as well as the establishment of a correlation of the concepts of “state information policy”, “state policy in the field of national security” and “state policy in the field of information security”.

Note that a single position on the content of the concept of "public policy" has not yet been developed. Scientists and thinkers at different periods have proposed a variety of definitions of public policy, emphasizing its various aspects. Modern researchers pay special attention to subjects (primarily government bodies), the content and goals of implementing public policy, considering it both in statics (goals, principles, norms, a set of measures and measures, etc.), and in dynamics (political process, activity, etc.).

In particular, state policy can be defined as “a line, course, determination of goals and objectives and the activity itself aimed at achieving them and carried out by this state and its bodies in the center and in the field, in the country and abroad”.

In turn, the state information policy is associated with the implementation of one of the functions of the state, which is distinguished by a number of scientists - the information function. It should be noted that currently there is no universally accepted definition of the concept of “information function of the state”, and therefore its inclusion in the definition of the concept of “state information policy” may lead to ambiguity of the content of the latter.

Despite the fact that the need to formulate and implement the state information policy of Russia is indicated in a number of regulatory legal acts, the definition of this concept is still not fixed at the legislative level. The concept of the state information policy of the Russian Federation, approved at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy and Communications on October 15, 1998 and at a meeting of the Permanent House on State Information Policy of the Political Consultative Council under the President of the Russian Federation on December 21, 1998 (hereinafter - the Concept of State Information policy of Russia), defines the state information policy of the Russian Federation as “a set of goals reflecting national Nteresy Russia in the information sphere, the strategic directions of their achievements (tasks) and a system of measures implementing them. "

This definition is quite general in nature, does not disclose the circle of entities implementing state information policy.

Other definitions of state information policy were given by various scientists, in particular, Popov V.D., Rakitov A.I., Plitko A.G., Ustinovich E.S., Karyakina A.V. The most complete and reflecting the essence of the state information policy of the Russian Federation seems to be the definition formulated by Yu.A. Nisnevich, who proposes to understand the state information policy as a set of goals that reflect national interests in the information sphere, strategies, tactics, tasks of public administration, managerial decisions and their methods implementations developed and implemented by state authorities to regulate and improve processes as such nformatsionnogo interaction in all spheres of society and state, and processes to ensure such cooperation. This definition reflects:

  • the need for both the definition of the concept of state information policy and the implementation of activities aimed at its implementation by the state in the person of state authorities;
  • goals and objects of state information policy.

It is noteworthy that among the goals, objectives, principles of the state information policy in the Concept of the state information policy of Russia, information security is not given due attention. At the same time, this Concept provides that the solution of the main tasks of such a policy should be carried out through various forms of influence on the objects of the information sphere, including the information security system. It is pointed out that the state information policy closely interacts with the state policy of ensuring the national security of the country through the information security system. At the same time, it was determined that one of the main directions of state information policy in this area is the close interaction of state information policy measures with activities carried out within the framework of the state policy of ensuring information security. These formulations do not allow us to unambiguously establish a correlation between the state information policy and the state policy in the field of information security. However, according to the author, they should be correlated as general with particular.

This position can be justified as follows. In the modern world, one can observe the following contradictions (conflicts) that require resolution by the state:

  • on the one hand, simultaneously with the establishment and development of the information society, the state is being presented with new requirements for ensuring the information rights of citizens, primarily in terms of ensuring the availability of information. In particular, the use of information and telecommunication networks is increasing, including the Internet, through which documentation is sent, payments are made, government and local authorities not only bring information about their activities to citizens, but also provide state and municipal services, etc. The development of the information technology industry has led to the fact that today huge flows of information are transmitted using a diverse range of technical devices, including mobile communication devices. However, on the other hand, the question arises that the state, implementing measures aimed at ensuring access for its citizens to information, is obliged to protect their other rights and legitimate interests, in particular, the right to privacy, as well as protect the interests of society and the state itself, since the lack of state regulation of information transfer processes can cause irreparable harm to the interests of the individual, society and the state, including national security. In this case, there is a dilemma of accessibility and security of information, the resolution of which is in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the state. A balance of interests in this matter can only be achieved through the implementation of a comprehensive state policy in the information sphere. Formation and implementation of state information policy without taking into account requirements aimed at ensuring information security can lead to grave consequences, up to the loss of state sovereignty. At the same time, a state policy in the field of information security aimed at ensuring the security of national interests cannot be carried out without taking into account the need to observe the constitutional rights of citizens to receive information, in particular, such a policy should not include unreasonable restrictions on the collection, storage, use and information dissemination, media activities, etc. Therefore, it seems that the state policy in the field of information security should be carried out as part of the implementation of the state information policy, which has a wider range of objects of influence. It should be noted that at the same time the state policy in the field of information security is one of the directions of the implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring national security. This conclusion follows from paragraph 6 of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015 No. 683, according to which national security includes the country's defense and all types of security provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation, before total state, public, informational, environmental, economic, transport, energy security, personal security. Based on the foregoing, we believe that the state policy in the field of information security is an integral part of the state information policy and state policy in the field of ensuring national security, representing a link between them;
  • on the one hand, there is a development of globalization and global processes, and on the other, an increase in the number of different actors on the world stage and their sovereignty. The globalization process allows to accelerate the implementation of new information technologies, contributes to the development of international information exchange and has a number of other positive consequences, allowing to ensure the availability of information. However, in the context of globalization, control of information flows by the state becomes difficult, which, in turn, poses a threat to state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. In particular, the absence of state regulation, including through the introduction of restrictions and prohibitions on the collection, use, storage and dissemination of information, can lead to the dissemination of information that threatens national interests, violates the constitutional rights of citizens, commit cybercrimes, etc. As NN Kunyaev correctly notes, “the development of the global information space dictates new requirements of legal and organizational regulation in the information sphere related to ensuring the protection of the state and its citizens from encroachments by other countries or terrorist organizations.”

Based on the foregoing, it seems that the state information policy should be comprehensive. It is within the framework of this approach that it is possible to effectively implement state policy in the field of information security. Otherwise, it is unlikely that the necessary balance between accessibility and security of information will be achieved.

The concept of "information security" at the legislative level is not fixed. At the same time, the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on September 9, 2000 No. Pr-1895 (hereinafter referred to as the Doctrine of Information Security of Russia), defines information security as a state of protection of its national interests in the information sphere, determined by a combination of balanced interests of the individual , society and state.

It should be noted that the definition of information security is given in intergovernmental agreements to which the Government of the Russian Federation is a party, including the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Cuba on cooperation in the field of international information security (concluded in Havana on July 11, 2014), Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on cooperation in the field of ensuring international Information Security (Concluded in Moscow on December 25, 2013), Agreement between the Governments of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on cooperation in the field of international information security (Concluded in Yekaterinburg on June 16, 2009). In these agreements, information security is understood as the state of protection of an individual, society, state and their interests from threats, destructive and other negative influences in the information space, which, in turn, is defined as a field of activity related to the creation, transformation, transmission, use, storage of information, which affects, inter alia, individual and public consciousness, information infrastructure and information itself. The agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil on cooperation in the field of ensuring international information and communication security (Concluded in Moscow on May 14, 2010) provides for a slightly different definition of information security as a state of protection of an individual, society, state and their interests from existing and potential threats in the field of information and communication tools and technologies, including measures aimed at ensuring access reliability, integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of information.

Thus, the definition of information security contained in the Doctrine of Information Security of Russia is quite general and does not specify what national interests in the information sphere should be protected from, while intergovernmental agreements regulate this issue in more detail.

In science, the issue of the concept of "information security" continues to be debatable. In many ways, the variety of approaches to the definition of this concept is due to the fact that information security is analyzed by scientists in the framework of various branches of scientific knowledge, including lawyers, philosophers, political scientists, sociologists, and technical specialists, each of which focuses on a particular aspect of information security .

Lawyers suggest that information security is understood as the state of protection of the country's national interests (i.e., vital interests based on a balanced basis) in the information sphere from internal and external threats. This definition is consistent with the above definition of information security contained in the Russian Information Security Doctrine, supplementing the latter with a reference to the types of threats against which national interests should be protected. Indeed, this Doctrine subdivides threats to information security into internal and external.

Other scientists understand information security as a state of security of the individual, society and the state in the information sphere, which allows providing all interested subjects with the necessary amount of information, ensuring the social usefulness of the relevant information, and also ensuring access rights for all interested subjects with the necessary amount of information. This definition places emphasis on the realization of the right to information availability, bypassing the issue of the need to counter threats to information security.

Political scientists place particular emphasis on the growing need to combine the efforts of the private sector, political institutions and law enforcement agencies, expert and analytical communities in finding ways to counter the diverse threats in this area, and also recognize the need to implement public information security policies not only at the federal level, but and at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the framework of this study, this approach to understanding information security seems quite broad, since the analysis of the problems of implementing state policy in the field of information security presupposes, first of all, the activities of state authorities aimed at achieving relevant results.

Based on the foregoing, the following definitions of the concepts of “information security” and “state policy in the field of information security” can be proposed:

  • “Information security is a state of security of an individual, society, state and their interests from internal and external threats, destructive and other negative influences provided by government bodies at all levels with the help of a set of measures aimed, inter alia, to ensure accessibility, integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of information ”;
  • "State policy in the field of information security is a set of principles, goals, strategies, tactics, tasks of public administration, management decisions and methods for their implementation, developed and implemented by government bodies at all levels and reflecting national interests in the field of information security."


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Frolov Nikolay Vladimirovich,
  Graduate student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman ", Department of SGN-3" Political Science ", Moscow

Approved at a meeting of the State Duma Committee   on information policy and communications October 15, 1998

Approved at a meeting of the Permanent Chamber   on state information policy   Political Advisory Board   under the President of the Russian Federation   December 21, 1998




    • 2.1. Informational resources

      2.2. Information and telecommunication infrastructure

      2.3. Information and telecommunication technologies, systems and means of their implementation

      2.4. Production and consumption of informatization tools, information products and services

      • 2.4.1. Scientific, technical and production potential of informatization, telecommunications and communications

        2.4.2. Market of information, information technology, tools, products and services

        2.4.3. Home computerization

    • 2.5. Media policy

      2.6. Information law

      2.7. Information Security Systems

      2.8. Interaction of the information and telecommunication infrastructure of Russia with global information networks





The purpose of the Concept is to determine the goals, objectives and objects of the state information policy (ISU), the main directions and mechanisms for its implementation, the impact of the ISU on the socio-economic, political and cultural development of Russia at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the next century.

The scope is the specification and clarification of the main directions of activity of state authorities on the formation of the information society in Russia, the formation of the Single Information Space of Russia and its entry into the global information community.

The initial data for the development of the Concept are the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “Declaration of the Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen”, Messages from the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection”, “On Mass Media”, “On participation in the international information exchange ”,“ On Communications ”,“ On State Support of the Media and Book Publishing in the Russian Federation ”,“ On State Secrets ”, Civil Code of the Russian Federation Iisko Federation and other legislative acts regulating the relationships between entities in the information sphere, works of domestic and foreign scholars on the problems of building the information society and the formation of information and telecommunications space, the results of the analytical and forecasting studies processes of information in Russian.

This concept was developed on the initiative of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization and the State Duma Committee for Information Policy and Communications.

Over the years, state information policy has mainly covered issues related to the activities of the media. In the last 2-3 years, the content of the ISU has been somewhat expanded and it includes certain elements of protecting the rights of citizens and organizations to publicly available information guaranteed by the Constitution of the country, as well as some aspects of information security.

Since the beginning of the 90s, the principles and provisions of the state policy of informatization expressed in various informatization programs have been formulated and developed. The main content of this policy was reduced, with slight variations, to the provision of scientific, technical, industrial, technological and organizational and economic conditions for the creation and application of information technologies, information infrastructure and the system of generating information resources. Moreover, the policy of informatization was practically separated from the policy pursued by the state in the field of mass media, communications and telecommunications.

A new impetus in the development of state information policy has arisen recently in connection with the realization of the need to build an information society in Russia as the main condition for its political and socio-economic movement forward and maintaining the status of a world power.

The processes of formation and development of the world information community and the progressive movement of developed countries from industrial to post-industrial (information) society are of exceptional importance for developing an adequate time for ideas about informatization, the policy of informatization and the ISU as a whole.

The formation of the information society is based on the latest information, telecommunication and communication technologies. It was new technologies that led to the rapid spread of global information networks, especially the Internet, which opens up fundamentally new opportunities for international information exchange. Promising information and telecommunication technologies greatly enhance the impact of electronic media on the socio-political and cultural life of millions of people on all continents. The formation of the information society conceptually and practically means the formation of a global information space. At the same time, Russia as a subject of geopolitics, a state with a developed information and telecommunication infrastructure throughout the Eurasian space of Russia and the CIS, could become a natural bridge between Europe and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. This would allow her to become a key link in the global information space.

Within the framework of the state information policy, the foundations should be laid for solving such major tasks as the formation of a single information space in Russia and its entry into the global information space, ensuring the information security of individuals, society and the state, the formation of a democratically oriented mass consciousness, the formation of the information services industry, and the expansion the legal field of regulation of public relations, including those related to the receipt, distribution and use of vaniem information. The ISU should help strengthen the link between the Center and the regions, strengthen federalism and the integrity of the country.

The need to solve such large-scale problems requires effective management of all types of information resources, elements of information and telecommunications infrastructure, state support for domestic information production, the market of information technologies, tools, products and services, regulation of state electronic and print media.

At the moment, the imprint of the deep crisis of the real sector of the Russian economy, and its core is the high-tech industries, is being imprinted on the implementation mechanisms and the selection of priority practical measures of the ISU. The production of information, information technology, telecommunications and communications is the leading element of this core. As for all high-tech industries with serious scientific and technical backlogs, for informatization it is extremely important to strengthen the role of state regulation. The ISU should stimulate the growth of production of means of informatization, telecommunications, information products and services and at the same time effective demand for them. The practical implementation of the ISU in modern Russian conditions requires a broad psychological campaign to support its main provisions in public opinion, clarification of its social orientation, proof of its validity.

The free creation, dissemination and consumption of information as the most important constitutional right of citizens is in the focus of public attention and that is why the state information policy should be considered as a serious driving force for the democratic transformations of society and the state in Russia. Although there is still a long way to go to civil society, to a rule of law state, we can already talk about the formation in Russia of a new information reality based on the principle of openness of information and a constantly improving system of information legislation.

State information policy in its essence should reflect and take into account the many interests of citizens, public organizations and movements, federal, regional and municipal authorities, state organizations and commercial structures. The ISU of Russia, as a state located on a vast territory, should also take into account the various levels of socio-economic, scientific, technical and cultural development of the constituent entities of the Federation. This necessitates the active participation of all interested citizens and structures in the concretization, development and implementation of the provisions of the state information policy.

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