Reid Call. It’s good for every gamer to know what RaidCall is.

It’s hard for many users to be silent when playing an online game — they prefer to play “shooters” with friends or acquaintances, talking to them. In addition, communicating during the game, you can meet new friends. It is enough to download raidcall in Russian for free to have the opportunity to communicate during the game.

This application is especially relevant for fans of group battles - when communicating, the strength of the team is distributed and directed against enemies. It works without a server, therefore it is characterized by excellent communication quality. Fast work, lack of braking and excellent voice chat give users a lot of pleasure.

Using a free program does not interfere in games, since RAM is involved in a small amount. Thanks to this, the application can be used on a weak computer and when playing powerful games. In the absence of a microphone, communication takes place in a text chat.

Beautiful and simple interface of the program creates maximum convenience and comfort. To log in to raidcall, you must create an account. Having entered the graphical interface, you can notice the buttons on the left in order to use the basic functions and parameters and manage them.

On the right side you can find information about the application and its functions. To configure the program and take advantage of any of its functions, a beginner gamer can play team games for the first time.

It is easy and fast to work with the Russian version of the application. This is an excellent multifunctional program used for communication between users during games. Its application is widespread, since it is characterized by positive characteristics.

Distinctive advantages of the raidcall application:

  • The app is free.
  • The presence of the Russian language.
  • Quick installation.
  • Ease of use.
  • Quick and easy setup.
  • It does not load the processor and computer memory, which is a fast and uninterrupted connection between the participants in the game.
  • The possibility of group communication - simultaneous communication of 10 thousand users.
  • High-quality voice chat anywhere in the world.
  • System flexibility.
  • The presence of additional functions - voice recorder, polls, announcements, activity log and many others.
  • High sound quality during communication.

Download the free app and learn about all its features.

Key Features

  • The ability to receive and send instant messages.
  • Ability to transfer files, record chat and conversation.
  • Using personalized themes and emoticons.
  • The ability to broadcast video.
  • Using unusual functions - special conversation modes in any cases.
  • Various built-in options, privacy and access rights.
  • The presence of a powerful and popular Speex audio engine allows you to minimize noise and improve sound quality.

In order to open communities on similar interests, games and events on the Internet, download the unique and sought-after raidcall program, invite friends to your group. This popular free application is ideal for professional gamers who can take advantage of its wide capabilities, including the ability to watch videos without leaving the game.

Developers have maximized working speed, while not loading system resources. They offer to take advantage of numerous settings, processing audio signals. Using the application allows you to make any computer game real and interesting.

Hi tankers! It's no secret that communication during the battle in World of Tanks is undoubtedly the most important element of gameplay. When playing with friends or clan members, coordinated actions are very important, because it is many times easier to regroup in time, to focus the desired goal, to report on military incidents and, ultimately, to win. Now we’ll talk about a program called RaidCall (or simply RK), with which you can freely communicate during the game, see how, learn how to configure this program and use it 100% effectively.

Many have now thought that Skype performs the same functions, so why install RK? The thing is that you can download free raidcall with a number of advantages in games:

The main plus - RK consumes significantly less computer resources. This utility practically does not take performance from the processor;

In RK there is an opportunity to create a permanent room and restrict its access. This means that only one who has access (group ID) can enter the group at any time and immediately start communication. The same factor greatly simplifies clan gatherings for going to Team and Company battles or Fortified areas, because the leader does not need to write everyone on Skype, it is enough to make an announcement in the online room.

Anyone can register and create their own chat room by setting access settings. So you can platoon in battles with your friends.

Another advantage of RaidCall - there is a special button, you can talk only by holding it. This function is customizable, you can disable it, but we'll talk about this later.

Program installation and registration

Everyone can, because this program is completely free. Just go to the official raidcall website, select the "Download" tab and click on the installer icon, as shown in the screenshot.

After that, the program downloads in seconds, since it weighs less than 7 megabytes. You just have to go to the download folder, run the installer, in the installation window that opens, select the path where the downloaded RC in Russian will be installed and click the "Install" button.

This completes the installation process, but in order to use the RC, you still need to register, create your account. This process will begin as soon as you run the program.

In the window that opens, click on the line “Create a new account”.

Performing this action, you will automatically be transferred to the official website, where you will need to fill out a form. Everything is very simple here, in the first column write a combination of letters and numbers in Latin letters, while the first letter should be in capital letters. Remember the account, because it will be through it that you will be logged into your personal account on the site and into the program itself.

Next, come up with a nickname, enter the password twice, your valid e-mail (an activation letter will come to it), select the gender and country of residence. At the end, enter the verification code and do not forget to check the agreement with the rules.

After that, you will be asked to enter a security question for your account and confirm the mail. It is better to go through these procedures to preserve the account and increase security, they will not take more than 3 minutes. After all, we do not want to lose our account in rk by chance?

Let's talk about how to use the Raidcall program.
Create a group and access settings

The first thing I want to say is the creation of your own group (chat room). Each RC user can create 3 groups for online communication. This is done easily, just click "Create a group" at the bottom left, set its purpose, for example, "Game", and select from 1 to 4 games as the group’s priority.

Now press the "Create" button, and within a few seconds the room will be generated, ready for inviting people to it and further communication.

Regarding the settings of the group, first of all, decide whether your online room will be available to everyone or you want to restrict access to it. To do this, click on the "Group Management" button, open the "Access Restriction" section and select the item of interest (descriptions are attached).

To invite people to a group with the Closed Group privacy settings, send them an ID, the location of which is shown in the screenshot below.

After connecting, each participant will be able to communicate by typing in the chat on the right side of the program or by voice communication. By the way, you can set a button, holding it down, you can talk or turn off this function altogether in order to talk without holding your hands by holding the key, which is very convenient in battles. Settings are set by clicking on the arrow in the lower right corner of the RC and selecting the necessary option.

Secondary Group Settings

Let's go back to the “Group Management” tab and discuss two more important tabs with parameters:
1. Basic information - here you can change the name of the group, make its signature, set brief information for the participants, as well as change the profile for recognition.
2. Announcement is a useful function for the leader of the group, which is the main person of the team. You will be able to write an announcement for the team and each logged in user will read it.

The remaining settings are intuitive and understanding their functions is not difficult.

As for the other tabs in the main menu of the program, for the players in World of Tanks, perhaps, only the “Games” section is important. In it you can find specific and most popular groups dedicated to individual games, tanks, ships, aircraft and so on.

Play with friends and clan members, drag battles and increase your level of victories and statistics using the red call for World of Tanks.

We hope, friends, that we answered questions on how to download the Russian language in Russian, how to configure the program, and use it for voice communication between clan members.

RaidCall is a small, free application for making conference calls and instant text messaging. The program is aimed at gamers and contains thematic groups for communication on various computer games.

Raid Kall is a whole social network for fans of "tweaking" computer games. You can find friends, share experiences, or learn something from other users through text messages or audio calls. The latter are useful to use during the game process when playing “team on team”: discuss their actions to achieve a positive result.

  The program includes groups for different games in which you can "chat" with gamers on topics of interest, find friends or opponents for future gaming fights. To use RaidCall you need to download it for free, install and go through a simple registration.

The interface is visually very similar to Skype, but unlike the latter, it does not make it possible to make video calls and transfer files. After logging in with your account, all RaidCall functions become available to you.

Synchronization with a Facebook account allows you to receive messages and notifications directly in the program, find potential colleagues of interest and communicate with them using messages and audio calls. Many users note high quality communications and minimal sound delay.

Key features of RaidCall:

  • search for friends by thematic interests;
  • conference call voice calls;
  • instant messaging exchange;
  • communication in gaming groups.

In practice, the Raidkall program has proven to be very simple and useful. This network has registered a huge number of gamers with whom you can not only chat, but also “chopped”. So, if you regularly hang out in various games, you just need to download the free RaidCall and get an account in this program. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the lack of integration with VKontakte, the inability to transfer files and the unrealization of the video call function.

RaidCall is a free program for communication with a minimum number of communication delays, so this application is perfect for fans to play shooters, or other multiplayer games. This utility is perfect for you to communicate with each other in the game chat, and especially in those in which you need to hear and know where your ally is at the moment. The application will give you exceptionally high-quality sound with minimal losses and delays. It is also worth mentioning that you now do not need to rent a server, because the servers of this application are completely free, and are built into the program.

Application Features:
Great service for chatting in the game.
Thanks to the integration system, you can freely communicate with your friends or colleagues in the game for further joint actions. You can chat, watch videos, and even play directly by communicating with your colleagues.
Thanks to this program, you can meet new people.
The utility uses a high-quality and fast Speex engine, due to which the noise level can be reduced several times, thereby enhancing the sound quality during communication.
The program works smartly, and does not require additional power of your computer, so you can not be distracted from the main game process.
There are built-in safety rules, so you can give each participant in your conversation certain rights. This function was originally made to distribute responsibilities among users.

If we launch the application for the first time, then of course we do not have an account. Therefore, it is necessary to create it. To do this, click on the link "Create a new account" located in the lower left corner of the application window. After that, the browser will launch with the necessary page on which it is necessary to perform a simple registration procedure.

Now we have an account, and we can safely log in using our username. On the left side we will see a list of servers: both their own and those used. As well as a field for entering the server ID. We need this field when we are informed in the game with the ID of an already created channel. It is enough for us to simply enter this number in the field and click the "Login" button. And here we are in the channel we need. Now all we have to do is press the Ctrl key so that everyone in the channel can hear us. But there is something else that needs attention. In the channel, so-called subchannels can be created. Therefore, if any exist, you just need to drag yourself into the subchannel that you are indicated with the mouse. Thus, the team can split into groups, and communicate in subchannels so as not to interfere with the others, but at the same time one channel will be used.

When you are connected to a channel, in the upper right part of the application window you can see the ID of the current channel. It is this number that will need to be reported if you create your own channel. How to create your channel you ask? Yes, very simple. In the main application window, on the right side there is the line "Create a free RaidCall server". By clicking on this line, a window for creating your channel will open. Everything is very simple there, besides in Russian. There is only a limitation: you can create only three free channels.

RaidCall is a free program for communication with a minimum number of communication delays, so this application is perfect for fans to play shooters, or other multiplayer games. This utility is perfect for you to communicate with each other in the game chat, and especially in those in which you need to hear and know where your ally is at the moment. The application will give you exceptionally high-quality sound with minimal losses and delays. It is also worth mentioning that you now do not need to rent a server, because the servers of this application are completely free, and are built into the program.

Application Features:
Great service for chatting in the game.
Thanks to the integration system, you can freely communicate with your friends or colleagues in the game for further joint actions. You can chat, watch videos, and even play directly by communicating with your colleagues.
Thanks to this program, you can meet new people.
The utility uses a high-quality and fast Speex engine, due to which the noise level can be reduced several times, thereby enhancing the sound quality during communication.
The program works smartly, and does not require additional power of your computer, so you can not be distracted from the main game process.
There are built-in safety rules, so you can give each participant in your conversation certain rights. This function was originally made to distribute responsibilities among users.

If we launch the application for the first time, then of course we do not have an account. Therefore, it is necessary to create it. To do this, click on the link "Create a new account" located in the lower left corner of the application window. After that, the browser will launch with the necessary page on which it is necessary to perform a simple registration procedure.

Now we have an account, and we can safely log in using our username. On the left side we will see a list of servers: both their own and those used. As well as a field for entering the server ID. We need this field when we are informed in the game with the ID of an already created channel. It is enough for us to simply enter this number in the field and click the "Login" button. And here we are in the channel we need. Now all we have to do is press the Ctrl key so that everyone in the channel can hear us. But there is something else that needs attention. In the channel, so-called subchannels can be created. Therefore, if any exist, you just need to drag yourself into the subchannel that you are indicated with the mouse. Thus, the team can split into groups, and communicate in subchannels so as not to interfere with the others, but at the same time one channel will be used.

When you are connected to a channel, in the upper right part of the application window you can see the ID of the current channel. It is this number that will need to be reported if you create your own channel. How to create your channel you ask? Yes, very simple. In the main application window, on the right side there is the line "Create a free RaidCall server". By clicking on this line, a window for creating your channel will open. Everything is very simple there, besides in Russian. There is only a limitation: you can create only three free channels.

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