How to make a dark background in YouTube in a browser on a computer and android phone. How to get a black background when shooting

Sometimes even an ordinary person, and not a photographer or a designer, has a desire or need to edit their photos. For example, make your own desktop wallpaper . Then questions arise, for example, how to make a black background for an object. There is nothing complicated in this, you just need a little accuracy and care.


installed program Adobe Photoshop.


  • Open the image in Photoshop. Here is one way how to make a black background for any subject.
  • Make sure the panel is open in the workspace Layers". If this is not the case, then in the menu " Window» check the box next to « Layers”, or press F7.
  • On the menu " Layers» select « Create new» or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N to create a new layer that will be the black background. Switch keyboard layout to English language and press the key D– this command resets the current working colors. Now the drawing color is set to black, the background (eraser) color is set to white. Make sure the new layer you created is active (it should be highlighted in blue in the layers panel). Press keyboard shortcut Alt+Backspace The layer will be filled with black.
  • Double click the left mouse button on the layer with source image. The name will change from background on the " Layer 0” means that it can now be edited. Drag « Layer 0" above the black layer. Select it to make it active. With the tool " magnetic lasso» , « Selection" or " Quick Selection » Outline the object you want to place on the black background. Close the selection area by double-clicking the left mouse button. The selected area will be outlined with a dotted line. Now click Ctrl+Shift+I– invert selection command. Click Delete– the unwanted background will be removed, leaving only the object and the black area.
  • You can correct the result with the help of an eraser - select a smaller brush size and select hardness, enlarge the image and walk along the contour of the object, erasing the remnants of the previous background.
  • Select the tool " Blur”, adjust the brush diameter and go over the edge of the cut out object to soften the contrast around the edges. Click Ctrl+Shift+E to merge the layers and save the image.

You have probably seen photos of flowers or animals on a black background more than once. They always look spectacular, look cool as desktop wallpapers (especially on AMOLED screens) and cause a storm of enthusiasm among subscribers in social networks. The good news is that it’s not difficult to learn how to take such pictures. All you need is the actual photo source, a little patience, and the Snapseed editor. A stylus will not be superfluous, but you can manage without it. As for the editor, we generally consider him an obligatory attribute of a self-respecting mobile photographer and more than once sang his praises. The described processes will not differ on the two most popular mobile phones. operating systems- Android and iOS.

As a source, let's take this picture of a blooming oleander:

The photo is quite passable and in itself it is not interesting, will it be possible to save it?

  1. We go into the application and make a small adjustment, for this we use the tools-correction tab. We save the result. At this stage, our goal is to separate the background from the actual flower as much as possible.
  2. Lighten the shadows with a point adjustment. To do this, use the Select tool. At the same stage, we will crop the image.
  3. Choose Tools-Brush-Brush Exposure. At the bottom you will see up and down arrows. Select the left (down) and click on it until the value -1.0 appears. We process the entire background with them.
  4. Where we accidentally hooked our flower - we process the edges with an eraser, for this we press the up arrow several times. Processed and satisfied with the result? Fine. Click on the checkmark on the right, this is our intermediate result.

Then we repeat the manipulations described above several more times, gradually darkening the background and leaving the flower untouched. Depending on your shot, 2-7 passes may be needed. If the outline of the main object is simple, it will not take much time. Our branch turned out to be a rather complex shape, so we did not completely paint over it, but only completely cut off the background and darkened the distant flowers. Here is the output:

In conclusion, a few tips on how to choose a photo source:

  • flowers should be clearly defined and not multi-petalled, and the animals should not be too fluffy;
  • the picture should be contrasting, and the background, if possible, darkened;
  • avoid color spots on the background, they greatly complicate processing;
  • there should be no obvious overexposure or shadows on the main subject of shooting. Otherwise, it is better to get rid of them at the stage of correction.

This concludes our simple lesson. We hope it was clear, but if you still have questions, you can ask them in the comments.

And also about.

Of course, in a graphic editor, if the photographer has the necessary skills, you can transplant an object to any background. The question is how long will it take. If during shooting there is an opportunity to get one or another background or effect on the background, it is better to do this than spend time on post-processing.

If everything is clear and logical with a white background - in order to get White background when shooting, you need to illuminate it more strongly than the object, then getting a black background when shooting is connected with the inverse problem.

In short, the principle of obtaining a black (or close to black) background can be formulated as follows: in order for the background to turn black, the subject being photographed must be exposed normally, and the background must be underexposed in such a way as not to be fixed on the sensor (or other light-sensitive material). Simply put, you need to light up the subject, but not light up the background.

So, I took a picture of this bottle first in natural light, in a normal room in my apartment. There is a bottle on black acrylic, and the background is light wallpaper on the wall, they just did not fall into the depth of field. That is, I do not have a black background.

Now, in fact, the procedure:

You need to determine the exposure at which the background will turn black. To do this, set the mode M, shutter speed equal to the sync speed (usually 1/200 - 1/250 sec), ISO to minimum, then select the aperture to completely cut off natural light. I got f / 11 aperture, with some margin. So, I got the following camera parameters: ISO 100, f / 11, 1/200 s. With these values, I am guaranteed to get a black background.

Next, you need to choose the flash power in such a way as to properly expose the object. I should note that this method is not suitable for shooting with the built-in flash or an external flash that is installed on the camera.

I used a simple circuit lighting with a single source. On the left is a softbox, the light source in which is a Canon 580 EX II flash controlled using a radio trigger. It is very important to place the softbox as close to the subject as possible so as not to increase the flash power unnecessarily, and most importantly, to reduce the intensity of light reflections from the walls into the background.

Now another very important point: The distance between the background and the object must be much greater than the distance between the object and the light source! The principle is simple - the inverse square law. Who does not know - please use the search on the site. My distance from the softbox to the bottle was about 30 cm, and from the bottle to the background (wall) - 2.5 meters. Here's a little brain training for you: calculate what will be the difference in illumination between the object and the background?

And finally, to completely eliminate the possibility of light directly from the softbox hitting the background, I put a black flag next to the softbox. Shirmochku, in other words. Now I can be sure that when shooting I will get a black or as close to black background as possible.

It's easier, of course, to get a black background using impulse sources light, but with constant light it is also possible. Only it is desirable to work in a darkened room and carefully control the spread of light.

The main principle is that light should be only where it is needed. If we need a black background, we cut off the light from it. As a result, any background becomes black.

If you took a photo and the background on it seems too light for you - don't worry, everything can be fixed. To do this, you just need to learn how to darken the background. To make the background darker, you will need one of the graphic editors, for example, one of versions of Photoshop, or, as it is also called - Photoshop. If you want to darken the background online, then use one of the free online photo editors, for example -

Naturally, you are not required to master this professional graphics editor with many tools and features. It allows you to make the background darker different ways which vary in complexity. If you have not worked in such editors before, then choose the most understandable and simple method.

Ways to darken the background

  1. Select main objects or characters using the Lasso tool. Place the selected areas of the image on a separate layer. Decrease the brightness of the background in the photo.
  2. Use a darkening filter.

These methods are quite simple to perform, but the end result may not look very natural. There is another way to darken the background neatly and imperceptibly in Photoshop. It may seem complicated, but after trying it a few times, you will realize that you only need to complete a few steps.

How to Darken the Background in Photoshop

  1. On the toolbar, find the Gradient and Quick Mask tools, you will need them for darkening. Evaluate the shape of the main objects in the photo and choose a gradient shape that conveniently covers the entire surface of the objects that you want to leave untouched. For long objects, a longitudinal gradient is suitable, and for round objects, a radial gradient.
  2. Click the button that says Quick Mask.
  3. Choose the appropriate gradient and apply it to the photo. In this case, all the main objects should be covered with a gradient. By default, this tool colors an area of ​​an image red.
  4. Press the button labeled Quick Mask again. This way you will get out of her regime.
  5. Now the selected area must be copied to a separate layer.
  6. Find the Brightness and Contrast control in the Image dropdown menu. You will see a slider that you can use to increase or decrease the brightness. Achieve the desired degree of darkening of the background, even if highlights are affected.
  7. In the Layers panel, turn on the layer mask to restore natural brightness to the objects in the foreground. You can do this with a black brush. It's best to choose a very soft brush and brush over the desired area of ​​the image until you achieve the desired effect. The white brush on the layer mask does the opposite - it brings back the darkening.
  8. As a result of the previous steps, you have an image with a very light foreground and a very dark background. Did you learn how to darken the background, now it remains to achieve naturalness. In fact, you have not done anything with the image itself, but just put a darkening layer on it. If it seems too dark, then you need to reduce its transparency. As soon as you reduce the transparency to the right level, you will get a photo with a harmoniously darkened background. This method is well suited for landscapes and portraits of any complexity.

What photos need to darken the background

Most often, the background is made darker in two cases:

  • The background turned out to be much lighter than the foreground and distracts attention from the main objects in the photo.
  • The background and foreground turned out to be the same in brightness and merge. Attention is scattered and it is difficult to highlight the main thing in the photo.

Along with darkening the background, a blur effect is often used to draw attention to the main objects.

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. We continue to improve the pictures on our site with Photoshop help. With this tutorial, you can design an impressive product listing for your online store or photo gallery.

Certainly, helpful tips from this lesson you can apply for other purposes. For example, create a beautiful professional photo for your girlfriend or prepare a cool gift for your boss.

In any case, today we will talk about a black background for Photoshop: how to draw it yourself, where to look for ready-made samples and insert them into your image. I will show two methods. One will appeal to those who want to create; the other will please lovers of quick solutions.

At the end of this post, you can find a video that will shorten your reading time or complete it visually. How to act, read or immediately go to view - you decide. I'll start describing the process.

If you are seriously thinking about learning how to work with Photoshop, then I recommend that you take a closer look at this good course - “ Photoshop from scratch in VIP 3.0 video format ". I studied with him previous version and periodically return to it in order to recall certain features of this cool program.

creative method

Note to developers. As examples for working with pictures in Photoshop, I usually use pictures from Aliexpress. If you make your site, then thanks to them you will not have problems with copyright. Just paste the link and the screenshot can act as promotional material.

You kill two birds with one stone: one of the readers may like the product and you will not have any problems with the law. Today I found double sided flash drive , which can be inserted into both the phone and the computer. In my opinion, it is very convenient. In addition, given how often we began to use all sorts of gadgets, it is also incredibly useful.

I took a rectangular image and I don't need to process the edges. If you have a non-standard picture, for example, a portrait, read the article about what is in the photo. It is very detailed, you will quickly learn how to perform this task professionally.

First of all, I need to create a new layer. This will be the background of the image, which I will make black. In the layer menu, I just click on the "Create New Layer" button. You can solve the same problem with the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+N.

As long as this layer is above my picture, it will overlap it. If I now draw something on it, then this object will not be behind the screenshot with the flash drive, but directly on it. I need to put a layer under the photo.

In theory, this can be done simply by dragging it down with the mouse, but first you need to remove the lock next to the bottom layer on which the photo is located. These actions will open it for editing. Only after that it will be possible to work with the layer.

Under the number 1, I showed how you should succeed. Click on the bottom layer to highlight it. This is how you activate it. This will mean that all the changes that you apply will apply to it, and not to the main object.

Now I'll take the "Frame" tool.

I need to enlarge the layer so that it "crawls" out of the main photo. Then the black background will be visible.

Now select the fill tool. To open extra menu tools, I just linger on a particular button for a few seconds.

I put black color and click on the photo.

Cute, but not very interesting. Now I'll show you how to make the background more beautiful. To do this, I take a gradient, click on the color plate and set the shades from more black to less. If you want to learn how to do smart, read the article about it in my blog.

I would like to make the texture more colorful. First I'll add some noise and then blur it out. I go to the "Filter" tab, find "Noise" here and click on it.

You can try other options as well. For example, I also like dust and scratches, clouds and fibers in the "Rendering" section. Experiment.

In principle, this effect already looks not bad, but it can be done even better.

Again I go to "Filters", then "Blur" and click on "Gaussian Blur". This is one of the most common effects. Naturally, you can try everything that is so. On the move doesn't look bad either.

Set the slider so that the effect satisfies you. It all depends on the resolution of the image.

I will add a shadow to the illustration itself so that it rises above the background. Go to "Blending Options" and click on "Shadow".

What interests me here? First of all, the angle. Click without hesitation, see how the shadow will move in the figure on the right. As a rule, in addition to this, I edit the offset, span and size. It all depends on the size of the picture.

If you are working with live photography, then remember that black shadows do not exist in nature. At the top of the panel, below the blend mode, there is a color box. You can change it to gray, yellow or any other. Depending on the prevailing shade in the picture.

Here is the result I got.

Now you know how to work without a background image. But there is a simpler and faster method. Now I will tell about it.

Download ready background

You can download ready-made backgrounds from the Internet and paste them on your own picture, if you are not working for the public, then you have nothing to fear. The main thing is to know exactly how to look for them.

I recommend searching for black desktop wallpapers or black textures. How to download? Click on the thumbnail to enlarge it a little, and only then save. Only in this case you will get a large size.

Here is a great selection from Google - go and download. But you can look for suitable options in Yandex.

Simple and fast method

The first steps will not be different. You need to open the photo, unlock it (click on the lock), create a new layer and drag it under the main illustration. Next, drag the picture from the folder into your image. Why you need to do it this way, I already wrote in the article how to properly increase the size of the picture.

Stretch the picture. Ready. Be careful. New layer with background should be below the main illustration.

That's it.

You can watch the video to make sure everything is done correctly. Don't blame me, I chose a different picture to create it. Screenshot from the page bluetooth beacon , which can be hung on those items that you are afraid of losing. Hang it on the keys or the TV remote control and you can make it squeak if you suddenly lose it.

Video instruction

That's it. I wish you success. And if you liked this article, subscribe to the newsletter and learn more about working with Photoshop. May every day make you better.

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