Where are the built-in games in Windows 10. Standard games

You all already know that Microsoft has not included standard games in Windows 10, which we have become accustomed to since the days of previous versions of the OS. But this problem can be solved by downloading them separately. You can download the same thing that was on Windows 7, and that has already become legendary. Why Microsoft decided not to include this in the new OS is a big mystery to us, because the same Spider or Pinball were very popular.

Restoring old versions

Some people think that you can get what you want from the official website of Microsoft. But it is not, there is nothing there. They are available only on third-party resources, for example, on our website on this page. And they weren't made available by Microsoft. They were literally saved third party developers... If other developers had not taken the time, then we would have remained with you solutions. But today you have the opportunity to download a pack, which includes 8 old utilities, for example:
  • Tapeworm;
  • Sapper;
  • Pinball;
The developers managed to restore absolutely all products that were available on previous versions of the OS. You can install them just like any other. Since they were originally developed for Windows 10, there won't be any compatibility issues. The package contains utilities for all OS versions - 32 and 64 bits. So you just need to download the archive, unzip it and install the products you are interested in.

There are several collections on the web. Some of them do not allow you to install any one game, they only work with all games at once. Our build is much better. If you need, for example, Solitaire or Minesweeper, then you can install it and not waste space and time on other games. After installation, everything will appear in the panel quick launch.

The design almost completely repeats the design of the times of Windows 7. Since this is a modified version, the interface has been slightly modified. This was done not so much for the sake of the design as for the sake of the convenience of playing on tablets and other devices, where touch screens. Standard games for Windows 10 is often used on tablets. But we have to admit that they are very simple, so you can quickly get bored and you will want to download more complicated and more interesting games.

Many owners of windows 7 OS liked the built-in standard games - there are for little ones and adults.

Today, when there has been a massive transition to windows 10, many are disappointed - this set is missing in the top ten.

Of course, questions begin to arise: does windows 10 support the standard set of games from the seven? What is the compatibility with the new OS? How do I return the set back? Where to download in Russian? Etc.

OS 10 - fully supports games from seven - full compatibility, and to get them back, you just need to download the installer from seven.

However, it is not necessary to download the installer from OS 7 - you can find thousands of similar ones on the net.

Only these are some kind of "mutants", and most of them are paid, and it is almost impossible to play them, everything is so confusing.

Where to download a standard set of free games from windows 7

You can download games for OS 10 in Russian right here (direct link at the end of the entry).

This is a rather large installer, you will have to download 174 MB. After installation, you will get exactly how it was in the seven.

The settings and interface are exactly the same. There are also no problems during the process.

Why did I describe this. Although I am already quite an adult, but also from time to time for relaxation I would like to indulge in a kerchief, tapeworm or a spider, and my four-year-old son Purble Place and chess.

For adults, chess is too "weak", but for small ones it is itself - there is a hint of moves.

When I moved to the top ten, my son was the first to express his displeasure, but as it turned out, the gaming platform can be easily returned.

ATTENTION: for whom the games downloaded from the first link below will not start, delete them and try others, there is a second link just below (both versions worked earlier on all Windows 10, but after the next updates, Windows suffered somewhere).

Developer URL:

Standard games are what was installed on Windows before version 10 came out. In the new generation, they have to be downloaded and installed on your computer, albeit free of charge, but manually. On this page, we'll share a download link and also tell you why you don't have classic toys on your PC right out of the box.

We warn you right away, official information on this issue has not been provided. And this is 3 years after the release of the OS itself and hundreds of thousands of questions and angry comments. Surprisingly, Microsoft never returned this decision, because a lot of global updates have already been released.

As a result, even if you install it from scratch and run it today, you will not find there, neither the Spider, nor anything else. Why?

There are only suggestions who MS thus decided to attract attention and increase the popularity of the products that remained in the OS. After all, she did not remove any entertainment components. But there are other opinions, for example, that this was done in order to optimize the OS itself, and not waste space.

All this is not relevant, since embedded solutions have not gained popularity even in such a sophisticated way, which literally punished all respectable users. And such toys did not take up much space, it’s not, which weighs 60 GB, here we were talking about 100-200 megabytes for everything in total.

How to download and return standard classic games

Do not worry, despite all the farce of this situation, you, like millions of other users, have an excellent and free opportunity bring everything back. This became possible thanks to Windows Store where the developers have posted a package of standard games. You will be surprised, but this happened at about the same time as the OS itself came out, and this suggests the conclusion that information about the lack of built-in entertainment components leaked from the company before the release of the operating system.

Therefore, the return algorithm is very simple:

  • We download the distribution kit for free from the link on our page;
  • We install just like any other product, for example, like;
  • We launch any toy that we need;

That's all, that's all that had to be done. Therefore, we are even more surprised why Microsoft was not able to include such an easy and simple process in the operating system. The good news in this situation is that it is not in all assemblies, and not only in Home.

What games can be returned

Everything. Starting from the classic Spider and ending with the unusual Minesweeper. But in order to somehow compensate for the inconvenience - that you had to download everything manually, the developers added some interesting additions like chess.

Also you will find in the set and updated versions... In terms of their mechanics, they are no different. Moreover, it is impossible to come up with something radically new in a product that has existed for hundreds of years before the release of computers themselves. But there are updated versions in terms of design. Some of which are intentionally made so that you can play on touch device.

About some system requirements and there is no need to say, since the utilities are so simple that they will go on 100% of devices where Windows 10 is launched. If you still have problems due to performance, and not drivers or other reasons, then feel free to write in the comments, we will understand together. Perhaps you just chose the wrong bit depth, for example 32 bits for 64 or vice versa.

Please note that you have the opportunity to download everything separately from each other. This is a convenient option if you are faced with a task, as little distraction as possible at work, or you really have little space. Of course, in order to download standard games for Windows 10 and install them on your computer, you will need no more than 200 MB, but in some cases, even such a volume plays a role.

It has become that everything has disappeared from the standard entertainment. The developers decided that such an add-on was useless on a working machine.

But users did not like such changes and they are looking for ways out of the current situation.

Let's consider how to install standard game applications for different versions Windows.

Previously, to the standard entertainment that has always been on any PC on which this operating system is installed, there has always been an unchanged set of toys:

  • "Klondike";
  • "Worms";
  • "Tapeworm";
  • "Spider";
  • "Pinball";
  • "Sniper";
  • "Worms".

Windows 7

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Standard Windows 7 games can be returned to the desktop by simple manipulations.

1 You need to go to the toolbar and from it go to the "Programs" section or "Programs and Features", depending on the version of the operating system, the names differ from each other.

2 Find a shortcut "Enabling and disabling Windows components» and activate those toys that we need on the desktop.

To do this, check the boxes opposite the name.

You can install one application at a time, or select all at once.

3 Confirm the selected settings with the "OK" item.

4 After a few minutes, the standard entertainment will be installed on your PC in a folder.

By the way, you can change the name of the folder where you save. To do this, use the right mouse button and the item from the "Rename" pop-up window.

Now in the "Start" menu section, in the games folder, everything that you just activated will be displayed. The seventh version also contains comments for each of the programs.

They include age ranges for each application, configuration requirements, cover color.

Using the same steps, you can remove the standard set of games from the desktop of your computer.

It will be useful to carry out such manipulations on a working PC - to increase the productivity of employees or on a schoolchild's apparatus, so as not to interfere with learning.

Download games for Windows 7

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You can resort to another option and download standard games for Windows using search engine the Internet.

If we talk about their compatibility with the new version of the operating system, then it is one hundred percent. There is no reason to refuse to download or activate toys, except as the user's desire.

After reinstalling the operating system using Windows 8, the user will see that there is no Start button on the desktop.

There is no section "My Computer" and in general, appearance its different. There are no standard toys either. Metro - the interface suggested here With.

Such applications must be downloaded from the Internet. Preferably from the official store on the developers website.

There you can find how free apps and their paid versions. You can install them yourself.

Just enter the name in the store search engine the desired program and upload it.

Or there is an option to put on your computer a standard set of toys, which the developers have prudently put together in one file.

It is available for Windows 7, 8.1, 8, and 10.

You can download such an application in a kit provided by the developers in the Microsoft Store

You need to download the file and then unzip the zipped document to the desired folder on your desktop. In the settings you can change the interface language.

After unpacking, a window will appear that prompts you to install the program. You don't need to do anything here, just click the Next button.

After this window, a page will appear, offering to indicate the path where the program will be located or leave the one offered by the computer.

If you want to change the address, click the "Browse" button and specify a location that is convenient for you.

You need to specify the location where the file will be installed or leave the address offered by the system

Click the "Install" button and the program will open the last window in which you should click the "Finish" button.

You downloaded the game applications to your computer, now you need to work in Metro.

1 We turn to the main page of the interface. Need to press right click mouse over an empty space in the window and open the settings page.

4 In it, click on the "Games" icon. Here they are, in front of you. Click on the shortcut and start fun.

5 Work done.

Windows 10

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In this operating system there are also no similar applications with toys by default.

But their can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft store.

If you prefer other resources, it is recommended to first check the site for availability malware , and then start downloading them.

For convenience, a set of standard games has been developed, which is called "Windows 7 games for Windows 10".

They contain all the old toys that were previously on Windows. You can download part or all at once. The program supports Russian.

Installing the package is easy. Download it to your computer and start the installation.

The system will offer to choose one of thirty-five supported languages. Find Russian and click "OK".

In the window that opens, continue the installation by clicking the "Next" button.

A page will appear where you can decide what toys you need and install exactly them.

Or check the boxes next to all and download the full package.

By the way, the application will take up eighteen megabytes of disk space.

The program will display the following window in which you need to specify the path for the installation of the folder to be installed or leave the one that is provided by default.

Changing the location of the file may adversely affect the playback of the selected applications.

This is the last step of the installation.

Now a window will open, which will offer to confirm the actions with the "Finish" button, and thereby complete the installation.

After the performed manipulations, the corresponding icon will appear on the desktop, and in the "Start" menu - the "Games" section.

There is an option that the downloaded toys will have an unusual appearance for the user. You will need to get used to it.

You need to know that the tenth Windows version has Microsoft Solitaire Collection - the application is built-in and you can run it yourself.

It contains the following toys:

  • "Free cell";
  • "Klondike";
  • "Spider".

If this is not enough, you will have to go to the Internet and download what is required.

Klondike Solitaire is a standard card game that was available to everyone previous versions Windows, but on the 10th version you need to download it yourself. You can download the kerchief as part of a package of standard games, than you will restore not only this product, but also all other standard toys on your computer.

Why Microsoft removed standard games from Windows 10 is still a mystery. There are no comments or even official guesses. Be that as it may, if you need to return the standard things, then there is a way - download the package from this page. It includes all popular solutions, including the notorious Klondike. It is precisely about this solitaire that we have the most questions. If other solutions did not really enjoy great popularity, then this one and the Spider were the leaders.

Yes, you can, you can download the entire package (weighs 170 MB) and select only what you need during installation. But we recommend choosing everything at once, because this solution takes up the minimum volume, but then you will have access to the best classic toys at any time. The package includes:

  • Klondike;
  • Sapper;
  • Spider;
  • Pinball;
  • Chess;
  • And some others;

But please note that this is an unofficial solution. Unfortunately, there is no official one. But there is no problem here, since this is a proven distribution kit, without viruses and other problems. All you have to choose is bit depth. For example, 32 bits or 64 bits. This choice is based on which OS version you have.

New version or classic for your laptop

The package includes two kerchiefs at once. This was not done by chance. Some users do not really like the design that migrated from Windows 7, so the developers of the package have added an updated version. It differs only in design, otherwise it is the same engine, the same game logic. This is good because you don't have to re-learn the processes and you get beautiful picture.

The assembly has its drawbacks, for example, it has nothing to do with the Internet. Despite the fact that you can download Klondike to a computer on Windows 10 from the Internet, this is where the whole connection with the world wide web ends. You will not be able to send data, share results and perform other operations that are available in more professional games like.

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