Should Title and H1 tag match on blog pages? TITLE and H1 headers: same or different

This question is often heard on SEO forums and conferences. Let's try to understand it and we.

Some are of the opinion that they should not be alike. Their argument is this. Search engines pessimize the page in the SERP if they find manipulations in order to strengthen the keyword by double mentioning (by writing it in the Title meta tag and in the first level heading).

The second opinion - yes, they should be similar. They link to Yandex's section on how to design search results. It says that you need the text in the title tag for important pages of the site to match the title, which is highlighted with the h1 tag. However, here you need to understand that this prescription was given by Yandex for webmasters in connection with the correct spelling quick links.

So how do you do them? Make them exactly the same, or completely different? In fact, there is not much difference. When making an individual decision, you just need to know some of the nuances.

HTML document title (title) and page title (h1) must overlap

Writing them differently can lead to confusion. For example, the website of a company offering services for the design and renovation of premises has the following title: How to choose the right wallpaper. Going to this site, the user sees an article with the title: How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom. The user leaves immediately. As a result, the site receives a large percentage of bounces, because the visitor is looking for general information... He needs to reveal the principles of choosing wallpaper for different rooms, and not wallpaper for the bedroom. If the title and the h1 tag are not interconnected in any way, then it will be difficult for the search engine to determine the relevance of the page. given request... It's even worse if the h1 header doesn't use the keyword at all.

A normal heading would be something like this: How to choose a wallpaper, taking into account the characteristics of the premises. As you can see from these examples, the title of the article does not repeat word for word the meta title tag, but they do overlap.

Title and social networks

Whenever a user shares a website page on social networks, the title of this page will be taken from the title and not from h1. Therefore, when compiling a title, you should write the correct title with the expectation of showing the page on social networks. It should also influence the transitions from social networks to the site and the sharing of a web page on the Internet.

Title and related queries

In some cases, keywords from low-frequency and related queries (in addition to the selected mid-frequency phrases) should be added to the title. It all depends on the type of landing page and your desire. Naturally, this will distinguish it from h1. If, in addition to the main key, you insert more words from the semantic core into h1, then such a header will seem overspammed. But if you distribute word forms among other fragments of the page code, then this approach will be fully justified.

For example, there are a number of keywords: installation of paving slabs, paving slabs, video installation, technology for installing paving slabs, laying paving slabs, price, paving slabs, photos, etc. Title: Installation of paving slabs, installation technology. Price, video. Heading h1: Technology for installing paving slabs.

Contact of users with titles Title and h1 in different periods of using the web resource

The user sees the title on the search engine search page, and the h1 tag - when he has already entered the site. Therefore, the title should be optimized not only to have textual relevance, but also because it should encourage the user to visit the site. In other words, it must have a call to action. Otherwise, you can miss some traffic. An H1 heading is best done with few words. Then it will convey the essence of the landing page.

As an example, let's take an information request: how to knit sorghum brooms. H1: How to properly knit sorghum brooms. Meta title tag: How to knit sorghum brooms. Video, detailed instructions with photos. The phrases “detailed instructions, video with photos” not only increase the request pool, but also increase the likelihood of going to the site. When making such an information request, the user is most likely looking for a guide with detailed instructions, with photos and videos on this topic.

Let's also take an example of a commercial request: gasoline lawn mower. H1: Petrol lawn mower. Title: Buy a gasoline lawn mower with delivery to Ivanovo. The word "buy" - encourages action, and "with delivery to Ivanovo" - eliminates questions.


Whether the title and h1 headings are the same or not depends on personal preference and your expectations. There are no clear rules regarding their drafting. If only they intersect, do not contradict each other, are relevant to the main request, do not mislead the user and stimulate him to take action.

Should TITLE and H1 be the same and which option is better for SEO? Are there any differences between the two headings and how should they be composed correctly? Stop looking for an answer, read this short note and make your own decision.

TITLE and H1 headings: the same or different?

Once again, on the forum saw an entry about TITLE and H1. The Thread Starter (TC) on their site made the same headlines. According to him, positions in Yandex are in the black, while in Google the situation is ambiguous. See the screenshot from the forum.

If we try to find the answer in the search, we will see that the question was raised back in 2007. I read the answers and realized that there was no clear solution. Some sin on spam and over-optimization, others insert synonyms for keywords, others see an advantage in the same titles - after all, somewhere you read that search engines are good about it.

I believe that there is no difference and there is no need to bother with this issue. Today, many factors influence a page's ranking. Keyword importance has long since receded into the background. "Correct and Optimized SEO Titles" that will appeal to both people and search engines is a myth.

I don't want to waste time analyzing the results and delving into the work of algorithms, trying to find the right answer. I advise you to stop, and read this entry to the end... Let's see what is the difference between TITLE and H1, what benefits can you get in fact?

</b> - the title of the page that you see on the tab of the browser window, the user does not see it on the page of the site. <b>Most often used to form a snippet in search results.</b> </blockquote> <p>Yes, the most important task of TITLE is to get <b>clickable snippet</b>... To do this, I recommend adhering to several rules:</p> <ul><li>use <a href="">keywords</a>;</li> <li>neat title - 70 characters;</li> <li>use snippet preview -</li> </ul><blockquote><b><H1> </b> - a first level heading that helps <b>visually break the text of a page (document) into sections</b> and make it easier to read. It is considered the most significant, therefore it is at the beginning of the page and may overlap with the TITLE.</blockquote> <p>If we take all the H1-H6 headings, then their task is <b> structure text</b>. <span><i>"Sheet or footcloth"</i> </span> the text becomes readable. In theory, for search engines, headlines can signal the importance of a section of text. I will give a couple of recommendations:</p> <ul><li>you can add keywords;</li> <li>must stand above other headers and be used once;</li> <li>from all levels, for H1 in CSS use <a href="">maximum size</a> font;</li> <li>it is forbidden to use the heading H1 as a link and add other HTML tags.</li> </ul><p>In custody. Don't look for success in small details. The same or different titles are not as important as the overall content of your pages. The main task - <span><b>submission of content and solution of the user's problem</b> </span>.</p> <p>On a blog that I have been working on for more than 2 months now, I have to correct many mistakes that I made earlier, in the process of writing articles and promoting them. I wrote about one of these mistakes, and today I want to continue my story about <span>title pages and h1 tags</span>... Rather, the conversation will not even go about the tags themselves (you probably already know what they are and what they are for), but about their use on your site. Let me try to explain to you in more detail. <br> When we write an article for a blog, with its subsequent posting, we need to fill in certain fields in the blog admin panel, for better ranking for the key query in the search engine. Simply put, you need to register the title of the page itself and the second most important element - the heading h1. <br></p> <p>In order to specify the h1 tag, you must fill in the following field when adding a new record.</p> <p>To register the title page, fill in the field at the end of the post itself, which is generated by the plugin <span>All In <a href="">One seo</a> Pack</span>.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>All this is understandable, you tell me, but what is the essence of the post, Alexander? And the essence of the post is to tell you that you cannot use the exact repetition of the title page and the h1 tag when writing any blog article and its further publication. This is a mistake and, in fact, there is a simple duplication of content on the page. And since this content consists of keywords, the conclusion is obvious.</p> <p>When I just started blogging, I used different methods of internal optimization of articles, including repeating the above tags. In addition, I also duplicated the key request in the h2 tag, which, of course, attracted close attention from Google and, as a result, entailed the imposition of a filter for a combination of different factors.</p> <p>The result is only 8-10% of search traffic, I get from Google PS.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>Of course, at this point in time, all the mistakes I made earlier are eliminated and sooner or later, I will receive the coveted traffic from the global search engine.</p> <p>Well, and to you friends, I recommend correcting the situation if it is similar to that described in the article (you can simply dilute the heading h1 with 1-2 words, or you can decline the key request). By the way, you can use one tricky trick, and in order not to manually fix each title or h1 heading, you just need to add an insert like this:</p> <p>in field <span>Format for pages</span> in the All In One Seo Pack plugin settings.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>After such actions, the name of your blog will be substituted for each title-page, which will already make it different from the heading h1.</p> <p>That's it, this is where I will end this article. If you have any questions, ask in</p> <p>Should H1 and TITLE be the same or should they be different? A long-standing question that always arises at every meeting where there are SEOs. Where he came from is difficult to say. Perhaps because of the discrepancy between the recommendations of search engines and examples in the TOP10.</p> <p>Arguments for different title tags and H1: they say, the search engine will "think" that we want to double use the meaning of the keyword, for which it will definitely punish 🙂 <br> Arguments for <a href="">identical tags</a>: Quote in Yandex Help for Webmasters.</p> <blockquote> <p>In order for the robot analyzing your site to be able to correctly highlight the most important sections and key pages, you need ... the text in the TITLE tag for key pages coincides with its title (with the page title highlighted, for example, with the H1 tag) and with the text of links pointing to this page.</p> </blockquote> <p>How, in fact, to make them the same or different? By and large - no difference. But there are a few things to consider.</p> <h2>- H1 and TITLE must overlap</h2> <p>If the title is about one thing, and H1 is about another, then it is more difficult for the search to determine which keywords the page is relevant to, and users will be in difficulty. Also, these pieces of code help search engines form special elements in the snippet, such as breadcrumbs or quick links. In other words, you don't need to make TITLE and H1 completely different. Let's see some examples (just as a demonstration, without preliminary analysis of the semantics).</p> <p>The site is a salon of Italian furniture in Moscow. Key queries: Italian furniture showroom, Italian furniture ... <br><b>TITLE:</b> Salon of Italian furniture in Moscow. Buy furniture from Italy | Name-Salon</p> <p><b>H1:</b> Welcome <br> Not an optimal option, since there are no promoted keywords at all in H1. The greeting can be written in the text.</p> <p><b>H1:</b> Exclusive furniture from Italy <br> Already better, since the tags overlap on the key "furniture from italy". But it may not be on priority requests.</p> <p><b>H1:</b> Salon of Italian furniture Name-Salon <br> Normal header for the main request, nothing extra.</p> <p>As you can see, there is no point in making H1 and TITLE completely identical, but they should still overlap.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <h2>- H1 and TITLE are visible by users at different stages of interaction with the site</h2> <p>TITLE is often seen by the user even before going to the site. H1 sees already when it is on the page. In this regard, it is better to make H1 short and describe the essence as much as possible. <a href="">landing page</a>, much depends on its purpose. As for the TITLE, in addition to the content of the keywords, it should motivate the user to click (transition). Otherwise, you can optimize text relevance, but not optimize conversion in clicks and, accordingly, not receive all traffic.</p> <p>For example, the section on radio-controlled helicopters on the website. <br><b>H1:</b> Radio-controlled helicopters (logical) <br><b>TITLE:</b> Buy radio-controlled helicopters with delivery in Moscow</p> <p>Here the word “buy” calls to action, and “delivery in Moscow” removes a number of questions before the click.</p> <p>Information topic: how to weave bracelets from rubber bands <br><b>H1:</b> How to weave rubber bracelets on a machine <br><b>TITLE:</b> Rubber bracelets: <a href="">step by step instructions</a> and weaving patterns with photos and videos</p> <p>"Step by step instructions and diagrams" not only expand the semantics, but also increase the likelihood of clicking on the title. A person looking for “how to weave” just means step-by-step instructions from a photo, but may not include this in their request.</p> <h2>- TITLE pulls up on social networks</h2> <p>If the code is not additionally configured, then when users share a page on a social network, the title is taken from the title. If it is spam, then it prevents both the transition from social networks and sharing in principle. If it is just short, like H1, then this is also a bad option.</p> <p>This item is most relevant for information and news projects. But some of them only work on social networks, so take an example from headlines like “This woman could no longer look at herself in the mirror. And here's what she did ... ”is not always correct for SEO. Just when composing titles, remember that they can get headlines on social networks.</p> <h2>- TITLE may contain additional key phrases</h2> <p>To promote the page not only by selected mid-frequency phrases, but also by adjacent ones, as well as a large pool of low-frequency phrases, you can add some words from the core to the title. Accordingly, this will distinguish it from the H1 tag.</p> <p>For example, we have a pool of requests: installation of bituminous tiles, installation of flexible tiles, instructions for installing tiles, technology of installation of tiles, technology of laying bituminous tiles, laying of bituminous tiles, installation of flexible tiles, video, etc., etc.</p> <p><b>H1:</b> Installation instructions for flexible shingles <br><b>TITLE:</b> Installation of flexible tiles, laying technology. Price, video</p> <p>Here, the title and H1 are completely different, they intersect only with a few words (installation, bituminous, tile). There is no point in inserting all words from the core into a title or into H1, it will look spammy, and dividing words into code sections (including other headings) is a good strategy.</p> <p>Headers are an important part of the site. But for some reason, many people ignore the Title and H1 heading tags. Why are they needed and why is it necessary to start optimizing the resource with them? You will find out in this article.</p><h2>Two main headings</h2><p>Titles are assigned to all pages and briefly describe their essence. Often times, people decide whether to visit a site or stay on a page based on the title alone. AND <a href="">search engines</a> use them to determine the relevance of pages to a query and to rank a site in search. In this regard, it is necessary to set such headers that will work as efficiently as possible.</p><p>To style them, use special HTML tags - Title and H1. Title is the page title tag found in the head directive at the top of the HTML document, related to metadata. It is from him that the search engine begins to get acquainted with the content and, according to it, distinguishes one page from each other. Therefore Title must be unique. You can see the Title in the snippet, in bookmarks and in the browser tab.</p><p>H1 displays the title of the page content: product cards, catalog section, article. Users often enter the site without having visited the search results; from the H1 heading, they quickly find out what the page contains.</p><p>Webmasters often use H1 as a stylistic device, highlighting different semantic parts of the text. You can't do that. H1 conveys the main meaning of the page to the search engine. Two or more H1 tags will spoil relevancy. To form the structure of the text, you need to use the tags H2, H3 ... H6.</p><h2>Using keywords in Title and H1</h2><p>Since search engines analyze tags for relevance to a search query, the titles must contain keywords. Title usually uses their exact occurrence at the beginning of the title. There is no single rule here. To select the best option for a specific query, you can analyze the TOP10 results.</p><p>Also, other words that can be requested with it in conjunction, however, at the same time corresponding to the content of the page, are prescribed to the keyword in the Title. You can find them using <a href="">search hints</a> or "highlighting" words in search results.</p><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy><br></p><p>The length of the displayed Title part in the search results is about 60-70 characters. The longer phrase is shortened by default. This often negatively affects the attractiveness and informativeness of the phrase.</p><p>The H1 tag also requires an entry <a href="">key phrase</a>however, it can be modified to make it look adequate. For example, instead of "Installation of a split system, instructions" - "How to install a split system yourself."</p><h2>Title and H1 headers for different types of pages</h2><p>For <a href="">home page</a> 3 Title templates are applicable: "product indication + company name", "characteristic + company name", "business specifics + company name".</p><p>Option 1:</p><ul><p>Title «Download books for free in <a href="">pdf formats</a>, epub, fb2 without SMS - "</p><p>H1 " <a href="">Free library</a> "</p> </ul><p>Option 2:</p><ul><p>Title "Apartment renovation Krasnodar: design project, turnkey fit-out, water pipe laying - RemontMaster"</p><p>H1 "Apartment renovation in Krasnodar"</p> </ul><p>On the pages of the catalog sections in <a href="">title tag</a> a product category with trigger words ("order", "cheap", "cost", "delivery") is prescribed. To increase conversion, use <a href="">real numbers</a>, indicating cost, quantity, volume, etc. In the H1 tag, name only a group of products (by analogy with a sign in a store).</p><ul><p>Title "Buy bicycles with a lightweight frame from 7000 rubles with delivery across Krasnodar - Velodom"</p><p>H1 "Bicycles with a lightweight frame"</p> </ul><p>The title of the product card contains the full name of the product, the meaning of the offer, the category and <a href="">brief information</a> for the consumer. In H1 - product name and section identifier.</p><ul><p>Title "Order Sony SD9 red camcorder: description, reviews, product review - Technomir"</p><p>H1 "Camcorder Sony SD9 red"</p> </ul><p>For the title of an info article in the H1 tag, it is better to write words close to how people ask them when they are interested in such material. In Title, you can supplement the semantics of the article title and add interesting facts.</p><ul><p>Title "Chair selection - photo review of popular models"</p><p>H1 "How to choose a chair"</p> </ul> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </article> <div class="entry-footer"> <span class="entry-meta__comments" title="Comments"><span class="fa fa-comment-o"></span> </span> <span class="entry-meta__views" title="Views"><span class="fa fa-eye"></span> </span> </div> <div class="b-share b-share--post"> <div class="b-share__title">Did you like the article? 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