Comparison and rejection of platinum SEO Pack and All in One SEO Pack SEO plugins. All in One Seo Pack - the right SEO optimization setting for your blog

In this tutorial, we'll look at how to install the All in One Seo Pack plugin. This is one of the most required plugins for a successful SEO promotion site. But I'll say right away that it is only suitable for the WordPress engine. Sites with other engines need to use completely different schemes of work.

Well, let's start installing the plugin. To do this, let's first go to the admin area of \u200b\u200byour site. To install the All in One Seo Pack plugin go to the section "Plugins" choose "Add new" and in the search bar we write ... After that we press "Search for plugins".

Among all the plugins found, we need the All in One Seo Pack. Select it and click "Install"... After that, in the window that appears, click on the button "Activate plugin"

All plugin installed. I think that now everyone will know how to install the plugin and any of them. Because the installation principle is the same for all plugins.

Now let's tweak it a bit. You can go to the plugin settings from the WordPress dashboard. Go to the column SEO Tools "Basic"... Click here and go to the plugin settings panel.

Let's now go through these settings step by step:


  • check mark "Canonical URLs" - must definitely stand. This prevents duplicates from being created on the site;
  • "Display title by default" - Leave the default "Disable" This checkbox affects the compatibility of the plugin with various themes;
  • "Keep an event log" - do not put.

Main page settings:

  • you will learn how to correctly fill in the Title, Description, Keywords fields in the lesson about compiling a sematic core for a site. Now we will not touch on this issue. This is a very broad topic.

Key settings:

  • "Use Keys" - must be "Connect" If this is disabled, the site will not be used keywords;
  • "Translate headings into keys" - we remove;
  • "Convert labels to keys" - we also shoot. Because we will write all the keywords manually;
  • "Generate keys to records automatically" - uncheck the box for the same reason.

Header settings:

  • "Overwrite Headers" - there must be a check mark “Connect”;
  • check marks Capitalized Headings and "Heading headings with uppercase" leave included. In principle, this does not really affect anything. It's just that some pages on the site such as "Tag Pages" Category Pages every word in the title will start with a capital letter.
  • then "Format for Pages", "Format for Records", "Format for headings" and do not touch all other formats, leave them by default. The only thing that can be translated is in the section "Format for 404 pages" the phrase "Nothing found for" and write here in Russian "Nothing found for", and in "Format for navigation" the word "Part" is translated into Russian as " part". This format needed for pages broken into parts.

Appearance settings:

  • "Show SEO settings for post types" - only "records and pages" should be ticked.
  • We skip Settings for Webmaster and Service Settings in Google.
  • Indexing settings (noindex) - we determine whether the site will index category pages, archive pages and tags. Here we put a tick and prohibit indexing archives and tags, and leave the headings.

Additional settings:

  • "Generated Description" - uncheck this box. With the help of this checkbox, descriptions will be generated automatically, for those pages on which there is no description. But I recommend that you uncheck the box and write all descriptions manually.

Also in this plug-in there is still a tab of the "Performance" settings. You don't need to touch anything here. We leave everything as default.

And there is also a tab "Other modules" Here, too, you do not need to touch anything. We leave everything as it is.

We have configured the entire plugin now you can use it.

After we installed the plugin in the "Posts" section in the editing window of each post, the plugin settings now appear for each post separately, where we can enter the title for the post, post description and keywords. All this data is needed for search engines - first of all.

Here, by the way, the plugin also displays how our site will look in google SERP: Title, article link and description.

IN new version plugin we still have a few checkboxes. Using them, you can prohibit indexing the page, prohibit search engines, follow the links on this page, or we can disable the plugin for this article altogether. But we don't need these checkboxes, so there is no need to check them.

Perhaps you still have the old All in One Seo Pack plugin installed, but that's no big deal. All settings remain the same. The plugin interface has just changed a little.

We sorted out everything how to install the plugin, and tweaked the All in One Seo Pack settings. That's all for today. Goodbye to everyone.

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Hello! Today my next victim, which I will take apart for parts, will be a super popular plugin - All In One SEO Pack, for a wordpress site. This plugin is designed for automatic SEO site optimization for popular search enginessuch as - Google. Here is a list of just some of the plugin functions that will be available to you after installing and activating the plugin:

Using the popular markup

Meta description, keywords

Webmaster tools Google and Bing

Google+ profile

Performance function

XML Module Sitemap

Social meta module

Robots.txt module

File Editor Module

Bad Bot Blocker Module

You can install the plugin directly from the WordPress admin panel. Go to the tab: Plugins - Add New, enter the name of the plugin in the search form, press Enter, install and activate the plugin.

To start configuring the plugin, go to the tab: All in One SEO - basic settings... On the plugin settings page, you can subscribe to the newsletter of secrets and tips from the plugin author. It also displays all the main plugin settings that need to be configured, this is what we will do now.

basic settings

I enjoy this plugin and have made a donation, check this box if you've made a donation to the plugin author.

- Canonical URLs, if you check the box, the plugin will create canonical URLs, that is, the main URLs for your posts and pages. I recommend enabling this feature only for those who have problems with duplicate records. If you have no problem with duplication, do not check the box!

Disable pagination for canonical URLs, if you include canonical URLs, then this function will allow you to prevent the creation of pagination, that is, so that the links do not display the record numbers 1,2,3. If you have Canonical URLs enabled, check the box here.

Include custom canonical URLs. this feature is only available if you have the Canonical URL feature enabled. If you check the box, then you can edit Canonical URLs on the post or page creation page.

Set protocol for canonical URLs, you can choose a protocol for canonical URLs. Look at what protocol you have in your site URL, and choose this one. Or you can choose - Auto, so that the plugin itself determines your protocol. If the Canonical URLs feature is disabled, then this feature will also not be available.

Use default title, Recommend - Enable to use the default headers. If left disabled, the plugin will create its own headers. If your site already has headers, then enable this parameter, otherwise there will be a mess and extra load.

Use Markup, I recommend including the markup from the popular service, since all search engines support this markup. This markup will make your site more preferable in search results.

Keep an event log, if you check the box, you will be able to log events, that is, all plugin actions will be recorded in a special file. If there are problems with the plugin, you can view the event log to find out the cause of the problem. If your hosting maintains an error log, then you do not need to enable this option.

Home page settings

Main page title, it is not necessary to indicate the title for the main page here, it is not necessary. Leave the field blank and the plugin will use the title that is displayed in the general setting of the wordpress admin panel.

Main page description., the same is not necessary to provide a description here for the main page, since the description is already specified in general settings wordpress. The point is to create another description? The fact is that the plugin does not change the main title and description, which are specified in the general wordpress settings, the plugin creates another version of the title and description, there is nothing to it! There are more than enough basic settings, leave the fields blank!

Homepage keywords, probably for many it will be news, but keywords are also optional. For those who are not in the subject - Keywords are out of date! Search engines no longer take them seriously, but even ignore them, you can read what the Google search engine writes about the use of keywords. You can specify keywords, but it will not get better, but most likely it will get worse if your keywords do not match what you display on the site. At the moment, search engines only accept titles and meta descriptions, that is, everything returns to normal, from complex to simple.

Use Static Front Page Instead, if you have a static page selected as the main page, and not yours the last notes by default, then when this option is enabled, the title, description and keywords will be taken from the page that is selected as the main one in the reading settings.

Key settings

Use keywords I recommend disabling the use of keywords. I have already explained above why there is no point in using keywords.

Header settings

I see absolutely no point in rewriting the titles, this is my personal opinion, my titles suit me, then why rewrite them? You can see the headings at the top of the browser page, in the special field for the URL.

- With a capital - this means with a capital letter, you can turn it on.

Look at your titles and if they don't suit you, you can overwrite them. Click on the question mark and you will be shown the available heading templates, you can experiment with them.

For me, for example, for all basic post types, standard template header, in Settings - Permalinks... And if I also specify the header template in the plugin, then it will be some kind of nonsense!

Settings for custom post types

SEO for custom post types, enable this option to display a special meta box with settings for all post types, on the post or page creation page.

SEO for these post types only, here I recommend choosing Posts and Pages, Media files can be omitted.

Enable advanced options, you can omit it, there are more than enough basic options, additional ones are unnecessary.

Display settings

It's the same here, turn on for Posts and Pages, Media files can be turned off. Show menu in admin panel - leave a check mark. Show menu in top bar - if you uncheck the box, the SEO tab in the top panel will disappear, you can not enable it, everything is the same there.

Webmaster verification

This function is for those who have not added their site to Google and Bing searches. You can enter a special code in the field - Google Webmaster Tools to verify your rights to the site. When, you will need to confirm your rights to the site, for this select - Alternative ways , mark the value - HTML tag, then copy the code specified in the meta tag, in quotes.

Paste the copied code into the field - Google Webmaster Tools and update the settings. Then on the Google Webmaster page, click the Submit button.

The same should be done with the Bing browser. If you do not have a profile on the social network Pinterest, then leave the field blank, and if you have, then follow the instructions by clicking on the question icon.

Google settings

Here you can confirm your authorship in google search, although this is not necessary at all. If you have a profile on the Google+ social network, then go to your profile page, copy your profile URL at the top of the page and add it to the field - Google+ Profile.

- Set Preferred Site Name, the plugin will choose the most preferred name of your site for google search engine.

Google Analytics ID, here you can enter your Google Analytics ID in the field.

Indexing settings

Here you can close some elements of your site from indexing, that is, so that they do not appear in the search. For example, if you want your categories to be indexed by search engines, then uncheck the box for categories. Leave the rest of the parameters unchanged.

Advanced settings

For those who do not want to delve into, just leave everything here unchanged as it is, by default. For the curious:

Avoid using excerpts in descriptions, if you check the box, then the meta descriptions will not be taken from the excerpt of the record.

Auto-generated descriptions, if the checkbox is checked, the meta description will be taken from the post text.

Use shortcodes in auto-generated descriptions, descriptions in the form of shortcodes, do not tick.

Remove descriptions from pagination pages, check the box to remove the description for paginated pages, that is, numbered pages. You can delete it, you can not delete it, it will not play any role in the promotion of your site.

Never shorten long descriptions, check the box to avoid abbreviating long descriptions. You don't have to tick this box, because in any case, only a certain number of characters from the meta description are displayed in the search results. Same pointless setting.

Unprotected META fields, just leave the box unchecked.

Exclude pages, you can exclude pages from All in One Seo Pack.

Add. post headers, you can add something at the same time to all the post titles, for example a word, but it's not clear why to do this? Leave this field blank!

Add. page titles, same, leave blank.

Add. homepage titles (static)

Add. home page titles (blog), same, leave blank.

After all the changes made, click on the button - Update settings.


On the page - Performance, You can - Increase memory limit and Increase execution time... But, if your hosting has a memory limit of - 256 MB, then you cannot do more here. The same goes for runtime. That is, it turns out that you will not be able to make the limits more, only if you switch to a higher hosting plan.

By the way, the limits of your hosting can be found on this page, in the information - About the system. Including PHP memory limit and Maximum script execution time.

XML Module Sitemap

On the page - Manage modules, you can activate the XML Sitemap module. What it is? The xml map will display the records and pages of your site in order to notify search engines in time about all changes on your site. I recommend enabling an xml map for your site, for this click on the button - Activate.

After you activate the XML Map, on the left in the admin panel menu, under the All in One SEO tab, you will have a new tab - XML \u200b\u200bSitemap, go to this tab to configure the xml map.

Let's analyze the XML Sitemap settings.

XML Sitemap

- Leave the file prefix unchanged.

- Notify Google, check the box.

- Notify Bing, tick the box.

- Schedule Updates, here you can set a schedule, that is, for example, if you select - Daily, then you tell the search engines that the map needs to be viewed every day, but this does not mean that the robots will follow your instructions, they have their own algorithms, plugins for them not a decree. There is no point in setting a schedule. Leave the value - No schedule (no schedule).

Enable sitemap indexing, enable this option if your site has more than 50,000 records.

Post types, the types of records that will be displayed in the map, I recommend choosing - Posts and Pages.

- Taxonomies, if you use Categories on your site, you can include them in the map. It's the same with the rest.

Include archives for the day, do not tick the box!

Create a compressed version of the sitemap, check the box, it will help reduce the load.

Dynamic sitemap, check the box to keep the map updated.

Additional pages

Here you can add additional pages to the map that are not on your site. If you do not have such pages, then leave everything unchanged.

Excluded objects

Some Headings or Pages can be excluded from the map.


Do not change anything here, as it will not affect the priority of your pages. As I wrote above, search engines have their own algorithms, they just index content and that's it. They do not care about the plugin settings, you can give instructions in the robots.txt file. In my opinion, these are meaningless settings.

Update frequency

The same, there is no point in specifying any frequency, do not change anything here. You have dynamic map enabled and that's enough. They forgot to write in the plugin instructions that search robots do not accept such settings. Finally, update your sitemap.

Social meta module

On the module management page, you can activate the module - Social Meta. This module is designed to customize your site's metadata for popular social networks. I must say right away that it is not at all necessary to activate this module, that is, if you are satisfied with how the announcements of your posts are displayed in social networks, then you can not activate this module, you will not get anything supernatural. But for the curious, I will of course analyze the settings.

After activating the module, go to the tab - Social Meta to configure the plugin.

Basic settings.

- Run Shortcodes In Title, displaying shortcodes in the title, if you do not use shortcodes for titles, which is rarely used by anyone, then do not check the box.

Run Shortcodes In Description, the same, only in the descriptions.

Autogenerate OG description, check the box to auto-generate descriptions from content.

Home page settings

Here you can customize the display of the main page on social networks.

Use AIOSEO title and description, if you check the box, the title and description will be taken from the main plugin settings.

- Site name, enter the name of your site.

House header. pages, title for the home page, which will be displayed on social networks.

Description of the house. pages, description for the main page, which will be displayed on social networks.

House image. pages, you can choose an image for the default home page.

Image settings

Select OG Source: Image, do not change anything here to use the default post thumbnail. On the post creation page, you will be able to select an image for the post in Social Settings.

Use default imageif no other is found, check this box so that if the entry does not have an image, the default image will be used.

OG: Image by default, you can select an image that will be used by default if the entry has no image.

- Default Image Width, you can specify the default image width.

- Default Image Height, the default image height.

Use custom fields for the image, leave blank. Additional fields for images can be added here, optional.

Social Profile Links

- Social Profile Links, you can link here to your profiles on social networks, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

- Person or Organization ?, choose what your site, person or organization represents.

- Associated Name, enter your name here, which is indicated in social networks.

Facebook settings

Admin Profile ID, enter your facebook admin profile ID in the field, which will allow you to add additional facebook tags to the site. To find out your profile ID, use the tool:

- Facebook data type, select your site type.

Automatically generate tags for articles, if tags for articles are not specified, then they will be taken automatically from articles. If you are not using labels, then leave the checkbox unchecked.

Include meta Facebook for, turn on for Records and Articles.

Show Facebook publisher in articles, specify here a link to your facebook page, then the link will be displayed in the records on the site.

Records Data Type (post), if you have a blog, then leave Article.

Pages Data Type (page), if you have a blog, leave an Article.

Twitter settings

Default Twitter Card, select the type of display for your Twitter posts.

- Site Twitter, enter here the twitter username that your site is associated with.

Show Twitter author, if you check the box, then on your profile page, in the WordPress admin panel, a field will appear where you will need to enter your username in twitter to confirm the authorship of the articles you publish in twitter. An example is @ zhuravljov35.

- Twitter domain, enter your site's domain here, without http.

In the end Update settings... Here you can also check the site for duplicate social meta tags. If you use other plugins to create meta tags for social media, then there may be a conflict between the plugins. Then you only need to use one plugin.

Robots.txt Module and File Editor

On the module management page, you can activate the Robots.txt module and file Editor module... The Robots.txt module is designed to tell search engines what can and cannot be indexed on your site. For example, in the robots.txt file, you can close unnecessary sections from indexing, such as wp-admin. In the File Editor module, you can edit the robots.txt file as well as the htaccess file.

After activating the modules, go to the Robots.txt page, here you can create a robots.txt file using the constructor:

- Rule type, Allow - allow, Block - deny.

- User Agent, specify the search engine for which the content of the file will be intended.

- The path to the directory, the name of the section that you want to close from indexing.

User-agent: *
Disallow: / wp-admin /

The example states: do not index the wp-admin section, that is, the wordpress admin panel, for all search engines.

Here you can also Optimize your robots.txt file, the plugin will analyze your file for errors.

On the File Editor page, you can edit your robots.txt file and htaccess file. If you do not have a robots.txt file, then you can add to this field and click the Update button. Here you can also edit the htaccess file.

Import and Export module

The import and export module will allow you to import or export All in One SEO Pack plugin settings from one site to another. If you do not need this function, then do not activate the module.

To transfer the settings of the All in One SEO Pack plugin from one site to another, first you need to export the settings, check the boxes everywhere to transfer all the settings and click the Export button, a file with the plugin settings will be saved on your site. Then go to the site to which you want to transfer the settings, install the plugin, activate this module, click on the button - Select the file, download the file that you exported from the site from where you want to transfer the settings.

- General Settings, basic settings.

- Post Data, the settings that are specified for each post.

Bad Bot Blocker Module

On the module management page, you can activate the Bad Bot Blocker module. This module is designed to protect your site from bad bots and spam.

- Block Bad Bots, check the box to block bad bots that try to hack your site.

- Block Referral Spam, check the box to block spam.

- Track Blocked Bots, check the box to display logs with blocked bots, that is, information about bots.

- Add rules to .htaccess, if you check the box, bots will be blocked in the htaccess file.

- Edit Blocklists, check the box so you can edit the list with bad Bots and Sites where requests are coming from. That is, you can add or remove bad bot names and site addresses.

In the end Update settings.

Meta description settings

On each post or page creation page, you will have a special widget for customizing meta descriptions and other settings.

- Title, you can add or change the title that appears in the search results.

- Description, you can edit the description for the search results.

Custom canonical URL, you can set the main address of the record. Leave blank if you have no duplication problems.

Add NOINDEX argument, if you check the box, then search engines will not index the entry.

Add NOFOLLOW argument, if you check the box, then search robots will not follow the links in the records.

Add NOODP argument, check to ask search engines not to use descriptions from the Open Directory Project for your site.

Add NOYDIR argument, check to ask the Yahoo browser not to use Yahoo directory descriptions for your site.

Exclude from sitemap, if you check the box, the record will not be added to the XML Sitemap.

Disable for this page / post, disabling SEO for this post or page.

Social settings, here you can set up meta data for social networks, that is, choose which title, description and image will be displayed on the social network if your post is shared on social networks.

- Title, specify the title that will be displayed in social networks for this post.

- Description, specify a description that will be displayed in social networks for this entry.

- Image, you can select the image that will be displayed in social networks for this entry.

Custom image, you can set the default image.

Specify the width of the image, mono to specify the width for the image.

Specify the height of the image, you can specify the height for the image.

Custom video, you can specify a link to the video that is displayed in the post for display on the social network.

- Facebook data type, you can choose the post type.

- Facebook Debug, if you click on the button - Debug this Post, then you can see how your post is displayed on the Facebook social network.

- Twitter Card Type, you can choose how your Twitter post is displayed, with or without a picture.

Still have questions? Write a comment! Good luck!

Setting up the All In One SEO Pack wordpress plugin new instruction updated: April 23, 2018 by the author: Ilya Zhuravlev

Greetings friends. Without undue modesty, I can say that the updated SEO plugin for wordpress All in One Seo Pack is the most necessary and useful among all other plugins. It allows you to optimize every nook and cranny of a WordPress site (especially in the latest versions). In addition to fixing problems with canonical URLs, mega-useful functions have been added.

Without competent internal website optimization, break through to high places in the search results for good inquiries there is practically no chance. Therefore, the first thing we need to do is to prepare quality content, and the second step is to optimize the page on which this content is posted.

What is internal optimization

There are many elements related to internal website optimization, and each of them is of considerable importance. You don't have to think that installing a plugin will solve all your problems. All in One Seo Pack will only cope with the part that depends on it.

Internal optimization consists of the following elements:

  1. The visible part is for people. This is the content and its design. This includes all styling, including unique pictures, headings, paragraph breakdowns, etc. Here I wrote in detail about.
  2. Service data - for search engines. Using htaccess and robots.txt files, Yandex and Google decide which sections should be included in the search and which should not. The metadata title, description and keywords determine the topic of the site as a whole and its individual articles. The All in one seo pack plugin is responsible for this invisible part.
  3. Internal linking of pages among themselves allows you to tell search engines which pages, for which queries are of greater importance and, accordingly, should be higher in the search results. Internal linking is helped by other plugins, in particular WordPress Related Posts.

I will write separately how to correctly do internal linking.

SEO Tools Plugin Features

As I said above - this plugin allows you to optimize everything that is not visible to the eyes of a common user, but which is extremely important for the correct indexing and ranking of the resource.

All in One Seo Pack is constantly evolving, new functions for wordpress seo optimization are added to it, some of them appeared only in the latest versions. The plugin is now able to do the following:

  1. Allows you to fill in the title, description, keywords meta tags for the main page and individual records. This gives search engines unambiguous information about the niche of the site and the correspondence of each individual page to a specific key query.
  2. Sets canonical addresses. In the process, wordpress is able to create many pages that are identical to each other. For example, for large number comments, comment pages 1, 2, etc. appear, the main content for them is the same. The plugin adds a special tag that tells robots which URL should be considered the main one and shown in search results.
  3. Allows you to close individual sections from indexing, such as archives and categories, which saves the resource from unnecessary duplicates. You can close a specific page from indexing.
  4. Automatically generates a sitemap with which - sitemape.xml. I used to do it using a plugin Google XML Sitemaps, but since this feature appeared in All in one Seo Pack, it has disappeared.
  5. Allows you to create or edit an existing Robots.txt file directly from the wordpress admin area, without logging into the hosting.
  6. Htaccess file is edited in the same way

As you can see, some of the features simply simplify the work, and some functions cannot be replaced.

Installing the All in One Seo Pack plugin

This wordpress SEO plugin is very popular and is in common base all the add-ons of this engine, making it very easy to install. There is no need to download it to your computer, and then upload it to the hosting, just enter the wordpress control panel and search for “all in one seo pack” plugins.

I have shown how to install plugins.

Find, install, activate, that's all - you can go to work.

How to set up a WordPress SEO plugin

The setup consists of several elements, and I will show each of these elements separately.

1. General settings

After installing the All in One Seo Pack plugin, the “SEO tools” tab appears in the blog menu with a shield icon. You can click directly on this bookmark, or select the item "General" in the drop-down list that pops up when you hover over.

Several sections will open, let's look at them separately.

Block "Basic"

Here, check the "canonical URLs" checkbox so that search engines will be informed about which link is the main one (will be added canonical tag). Also check the checkbox disabling pagination for canonical URLs. If it is not there, then for multi-page pages (sorry for the tautology) several canonical links will be created.

And one more thing, micro-markup does not work correctly here (thanks to the commentator Egor for the tip). It's better to turn it off and do everything manually.

I left the rest by default, without changing anything.

By the way, in front of each item there is an icon with a question mark, when you click on it, a hint opens. In the current version it is in English, but you can use a translator to understand it.

Block "Setting up the main page"

Here you write the title of the main page (title), its description (description) and keywords (keywords).

If a static page will be used as the main page on your blog, then you will need to enable the use of its metadata (title, description and keywords) in the "Use static front page instead" item.

Key settings block

By default, the use of keys is enabled and there is a check mark - “translate labels into keys”. You don't need to change anything.

If you have a desire, then you can add automatic translation into the keys of category names, as well as automatic generation of keys. I did not do this, since it is better to do optimization by hand - it is more efficient that way.

Header settings block

The checkbox "Enable" allows you to use title tag different in content from a headline written for humans. If you disable it, the title will always match the title of the article.

Also, in this section, it is worth putting a checkmark in front of the paragraphs about headings with uppercase so that the plugin automatically changes lowercase letter to uppercase, if you suddenly did not do this when writing.

Each page type has its own individual title structure.

You can change the English text to Russian in "Format for page 404" and "Format for navigation", since "Nothing found for ..." looks better than "Nothing found for ...".

Block "Settings for custom post types"

This section sets up those types of records for which it will be possible to individually write metadata.

We enable SEO for custom post types, and in the next paragraph we put a checkmark in front of posts and pages (no media files are needed). Additional options I didn't include.

Appearance settings block

In the item "Show SEO settings for post types" select the same "Posts" and "Pages".

The next two items enable or disable showing links to SEO tools at the top of the admin panel on the left and in top menu - all for quick access.

Block "Settings for a webmaster"

This block serves to confirm the ownership of your site when adding it to the webmaster tools from Google and others.

My blog was added there a long time ago and I confirmed my rights by entering data directly into the site template, so there was no need for this section. If you have not yet been added to these services, then the corresponding field will help you verify your rights.

Block "Google services settings"

This part is responsible for merging your site with google accounts+ and Google Analytics.

I connected analytics google plugin Analyticator, therefore, this function was not relevant for me here, and I did not check its work, perhaps in the future I will try to use it.

To merge with Google+, you need social. network to register the address of your site, and in this field add a link to your Google+ page. Previously, this bundle showed a profile photo on Google plus next to the site in the search results, but now this does not work, so there is not much benefit.

Indexing Settings Block

Here we block certain sections of the site from indexing, protecting it from the appearance of duplicates. Opposite the excluded sections, you must tick the box, after which they will be enclosed in the tag .

Whether to close the categories or not, decide for yourself, I left them on my blog, but I chose the following 5 points. As a result, I am not indexing daily archives, author archives, tag archives, search results pages, and 404 error pages.

Also, in order to avoid accidental duplicates, you can close pagination pages in noindex and nofollow.

This is not necessary, keep in mind that if you have categories open for indexing, then when you mark 3 and 4 points from the end, only the main pages of the categories will remain open, and the second and subsequent pages in a category, like this one, will no longer be indexed.

Block "Additional settings"

I left it unchanged - nothing is selected or specified in it.

After you fill in all the fields described in this paragraph, you must click the "Update settings" button below to save the changes.

2. Setting up pages and posts

All in one Seo pack plugin allows you to equip every page of the site your own settings... We can optimize both new and existing posts.

For both, the data entry form is located at the bottom of the editor (you need to open the page for editing).

By analogy with the main settings, this form has 3 fields for metadata (title, description, keywords) - they should always be filled in.

The next field allows you to manually change the canonical address of a particular record if you are not satisfied with the automatic one.

  • Close the page from indexing - tick noindex
  • Add nofollow to all links in the article
  • Noodp and Noydir I don't know what for
  • Exclude this page from the sitemap
  • Disable SEO for this page

In normal mode, all of the listed check boxes should be cleared.

3. Sitemap sitemap.xml using All in One Seo Pack

If you have previously used another plugin that performs the same function, disable it so that there is no conflict.

By the way, the sitemap created by the All in one Seo pack plugin does not contain links to other sites, as was the case with Google XML Sitemaps.

To create a kite map using All in one Seo pack, you need to connect an additional module, which is inactive by default. Modules are connected in the plugin section of the same name.

Press the "Activate" button in the sitemap module, after which the XML sitemap link will appear in the drop-down list of the plugin menu. There will be an "Update Sitemap" button at the top of this page, but before clicking it, head down and make some adjustments.

Check the "Notify Google" checkbox - this function will notify the search engine about information updates and, possibly, allow.

Exclude "Media / Attachments" from the types of records placed in the map - you don't need to index links to pictures.

In taxonomies, leave only those sections that are allowed to be indexed by search engines. In my case, these are rubrics.

Use a dynamic map to automatically include all new articles. In this case, the map will be generated every time a request goes to it - this guarantees the relevance of the data.

Block "Additional pages"

This block allows you to add those URLs that are not formed by wordpress. For example, on my blog there are landing pages created in the html editor, and the plugin itself cannot find them, and therefore cannot place them in the map.

Block "Excluded objects"

You can exclude from the map separate pages and entire sections of the site. Check the boxes for this or add addresses separated by commas.

Blocks "Priority" and "Frequency"

Priority sets the level of importance for different categories of pages. In reality, it has little effect. I put 1 (maximum) for the main, 0.8 for taxonomies, 0.5 for posts.

The frequency indicates the frequency with which the corresponding pages are updated. For search engines, this information is only advisory, and they will still come to the site on their own schedule.

Indicate the approximate frequency with which your site data is updated.

Click on the "Update sitemap" button and it will be created. You can see how it looks at the link http: //

Hello friends.

In this article, we will take a look at the All in one seo pack plugin (SEO tools) for search engine optimization blog, and also configure it correctly.

This plugin is constantly being updated, the developers add new settings, new functions. Therefore, it is often necessary to update the information about this plugin, which I am doing now.

At the moment, the information about all the settings is more relevant than ever. In addition, from the article you will learn how this plugin can harm the development of your blog. The article is long, since setting up an All in one seo pack is not an easy procedure for a beginner. The information is worth exploring.

As you can see from the content, the material is very extensive. I hope he will answer all your questions. If any ambiguities remain, I am always glad to see you in the comments. I will answer all questions and make new materials. Now let's get down to mastering the plugin.

An important point. There was an opinion that there was a jamb in the plugin. This or that, I wrote at the very end of the article. I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with this material.

You can download the current version of the plugin by clicking on the button below.

On the official website, click on the orange button to download the plug-in archive to your computer.

After downloading the plugin, install it. Install in any way convenient for you (wrote about the methods).

Now let's look at the importance of this add-on to the WordPress engine.

Why do you need the All in one seo pack plugin?

Pure WordPress does not have the ability to add meta tags to articles (title - title, description - description, keywords - keywords). If we look into the editor of any post or page without using similar SEO plugins, then besides entering the standard title and post content there is nothing there.

This option does not suit us very much, because we need to let the search engines understand what our material is about. In this case, the meta tags mentioned earlier solve this problem.

After installing the All in one seo pack plugin or similar ones, a new plugin block appears in the editor, which allows you to add data to articles.

This is how the complete plugin block looks like, which is added to the editor after its installation.

In the image, I have highlighted the areas for entering a title and description. There should also be a field for entering keywords. But, since I do not use them, I disabled them.

An interesting setting in this block is the "Custom canonical URL" field, in which we can enter the main address to the page, if necessary. Thus, indicate to the search engines which address will be the main one for this page and it is it that needs to be indexed, and all other addresses at which this page is available do not need to be flattened.

I thought for a long time where to find the use of this function and here it is. It happens that you want to place an article in 2 categories at once, after which it will be available at 2 addresses and this is an obvious duplication of content within the site. To prevent this from happening, we indicate in this field the address of the article of only one heading and then the second address should not get into the index, which will save you from duplicate pages.

But nevertheless, it will be better if the article will be included in only one heading, so as not to create unnecessary headaches for search engines to index the site.

In addition, the plugin has very important parameters for configuring the correct indexing of a WordPress site. There are also settings for integrating popular and necessary services with the site.

We begin to talk about all the settings in more detail below.

Setting up All in one seo pack step by step

After installing the plugin, a new item appears in the WordPress admin panel called "SEO Tools". Go to the main plugin settings.

Let's get to the page with all the settings. Let's go through each block of settings.

First, I will list all the settings, and then give an image of how everything was done for me.

basic settings

  • Thanks for the plugin, I made a donation - we don't check-box. But you can actually donate a certain amount for the development of the plugin;
  • Canonical URLs - this setting be sure to include. She assigns a tag to the created pages rel \u003d "canonical", which shows search engines that this particular page is the main one and only needs to be taken into the index, and other pages are not taken into account. This item prevents the appearance of duplicate content;
  • No Pagination for Canonical URLs - this setting disables pagination of pages with a tag rel \u003d "canonical"... It is better to enable the setting. To understand this parameter in more detail, I recommend that you read the last paragraph of the article and study the entire instructions for this plugin from A to Z;

Pagination - pagination of information. On blogs, this phenomenon is clearly expressed in the form of page navigation.

  • Display the title by default - select "Disable", since we will write our own titles;
  • Enable Custom Canonical URLs - as it is written in the description for this setting, if you enable it, a field will be added to assign the main address (adding the canonical attribute) to posts. A similar field is available in the plugin block, which is added to the post and page editor. Since this field is available in the editor even when this setting is disabled, it seems that this parameter is responsible for enabling this function in arbitrary post types (media files and other pages that can be added by third-party plugins, such as WPpage);
  • Set Protocol For Canonical URLs - select a protocol for pages with canonical attribute, that is, for the main page addresses. I chose the HTTPS protocol option. I recommend that you set the parameter "Auto", since for the https option to work, you need to install the appropriate certificate for the domain. We will consider how to do this later;
  • Use Markup - adds markup to the page and structures the data on it. This setting can be enabled, but conflicts can arise if your site already has inline markup from I have markup, so I don't include this setting;
  • Keep an event log - if we want to track the plugin's work, we can enable this setting. Then the whole process of the plugin will be recorded in a separate file all_in_one_seo_pack.log.

Home page settings

At this point, we just need to register the title, description and keywords that describe the site.

  • Home page title - write the name of the site. I wrote like this: "Personal blog of Konstantin Khmelev about creating websites (blogs), setting them up and promoting them on the Internet";
  • Description of the main page - write a small description of the site. Write down what your site is about or what the visitor will find on it. Here's my variation: "On this blog you will find a lot of useful information about creating, configuring and promoting sites (blogs) on the Internet ";
  • Homepage keywords - given line I did not fill in, so for the frequent use of keys you can get sanctions from the search engines;

And it has long been said that this meta-tag (keywords) is no longer taken into account by search engines. I prefer to let the search engines make their own choices and figure out the whole situation. In addition, everything will be natural and you will not have to correct the situation later in case of any problems or falling under the filters.

Key settings

This setting is responsible for keywords for posts and pages.

I wrote above that I don't use keywords. I made this decision in view of several reasons:

  1. For illiterate use key phrases you can fall under the sanctions of search engines, as this can be taken into account as manipulation by the site owner;
  2. We need to let the search engines figure out the whole situation themselves. To do this, search engines are constantly updating their algorithms, which are becoming smarter and will only keep high positions on SOMs (sites for people);
  3. Well, as mentioned above, there is an opinion that the keys have not been taken into account by search engines for a long time, and sometimes the situation is aggravated for their use when promoting the resource.

Therefore, I turned off the ability to prescribe keywords.

After disabling this function, in the reactor for adding pages and records, the field for entering keywords will not be present.

Customizing headers

In this item, the display of headers is configured:

  • records;
  • pages;
  • heading;
  • archives;
  • tags;
  • 404 pages;
  • search pages.

All settings will not be touched. And here's what needs to be done.

  • Overwrite headers - enable;
  • Capitalized headings - check-box;
  • Headings with uppercase - check-box;
  • Format for pages - you need to remove the part of the code that displays the name of the blog. This information in the title is completely unnecessary and does not carry any semantic meaning. You need to remove the part of the code that comes after the vertical bar (% blog_title%). We also remove the line;
  • The format for records is similar to the format for pages.

You can also change the title for the 404 page. Replace the English phrase "Nothing found for" into Russian "No results found for".

Similarly, in the "Format for navigation" item, change the word "Part" on word "Part".

See the screenshot below for more details.

Settings for custom post types

If you use any content formats on your blog other than regular records and pages, you can enable this setting. These can be WPPage subscription pages as an option. Then you can write meta data for such pages (subscription, selling).

I don't use anything like that. Therefore, the setting for arbitrary post types is disabled for me.

Appearance settings

In this block, we configure where the fields for entering the title, description and keywords will be displayed. By default, they are displayed in the post and page editor. I believe that it should be so, therefore, we leave the settings in the "Show SEO settings for post types" item.

  • The first item is responsible for displaying the "SEO Tools" menu in the top admin bar on each blog page;

  • The second item is responsible for displaying the "SEO Tools" item at the top of the WordPress admin panel. If enabled, this item will be displayed at the top, if disabled - at the bottom;

Here, of course, we choose how you like. I am more impressed by the option below.

Settings for the Webmaster

When adding your site to the Google and Yandex webmasters panel, you need to confirm ownership of the site. This is usually done by uploading a special file to the root of the site or by adding a special tag to all pages of the site.

All of these procedures require technical skills.

This paragraph greatly simplifies the verification of ownership of the site. You just need to enter a special verification code in the appropriate fields, after which the rights will be confirmed.

The only moment that I really do not like is the lack of the possibility of verifying rights for Yandex. Let's hope that this defect will be corrected soon.

Google services settings

Also a very useful point. But, perhaps, one of the most difficult in this plugin. Requires some knowledge of the Google search engine services.

Despite this, it simplifies the work and saves us from the same work as in the previous paragraph "Settings for Webmasters". Now there is no need in the template files to register links to your profile on the social network Google+, which is necessary to confirm authorship in the Google search engine.

It is also possible to connect the site to the tracking system google statistics Analytics. Now there is no need to place the code in the site files.

Below is a screenshot of my settings.

I will return to this point shortly when I write detailed material on the Google Analytics statistics tracking service. I recommend not to skip this article.

Indexing settings (noindex)

There are a lot of pages on WordPress sites that create duplicate content. Such pages must be hidden from indexing, and this item helps a lot with this.

I will not describe these settings in detail. Let me just say that the last 2 settings should not be active. See the image below.

IN recent times I disabled the "Use nofollow for paginated pages / posts." This was done so that on the pagination pages, search engine robots could go to the articles themselves. Thus, we facilitate access to the content for the PS robots. In addition, I analyzed popular resources; nowhere are these settings used on pagination pages. From this I made the following conclusions.

Additional settings

At this point, the only thing you need to pay attention to is generated description.

We register all the data for our materials by hand. Therefore, this setting should be disabled.

This completes the settings of the All in one seo pack plugin.

After all the changes made, be sure to save the settings by clicking on the "Update settings" button.

If something is not clear to you from the text version of the article until now, then I provide you with my video tutorial on setting up this plugin. But there may be some differences in the text version and in the video. In the text, I described and showed everything in more detail and more clearly. Watch the video below.

After the done settings, which are applied to the entire site, I will say a few words about the settings of the "SEO Tools" block that appears in the post and page editor after installing the plugin.

Setting up the "SEO Tools" block in the editor

I showed how this block looks like at the very beginning of the article. But, just in case, I'll show you here.

Let's take a quick look at each setting.

  • Preview - at this point we can view the view of the snippet, which is formed depending on the data entered in the "Title" and "Description" fields. In the SERP, the snippet may differ, since search engines can choose any most suitable piece of text for the most accurate description of the article (page);
  • Post title - enter the title of the post, which will be displayed in the search engine results, as well as in the browser tab;
  • Record Description - displayed only for search engines. Should appear in the snippet, but not always (see above);
  • Keywords - this field is not visible in the screenshot above, since I disabled it. But by default it is present and it is necessary to register keywords (phrases) in which the page is promoted. The plugin says that it is necessary to register with a comma, but the option also works "through a space";
  • Custom Canonical URL - if it is necessary to indicate its main address to the created page (if it differs from the created one), then enter it in this field. At the beginning of the article, I already wrote why this is needed. Alternatively, it can be useful in a situation if the article falls into 2 categories. Then it is imperative to indicate the main address of the article from any one heading so that the second address does not get into the index and duplicate content does not appear at different addresses;
  • Add NOINDEX argument - if the page has external links, then you can enable this setting and they will all be closed with the noindex tag. Thus, we will close the links from indexing;
  • Add NOFOLLOW argument - gives a signal to search engine robots not to follow external links;
  • Robots Meta NOODP - enable the option to prevent search engines from using page descriptions from the Open Directory Project (This is an open directory of sites, also known as dmoz);
  • Robots Meta NOYDIR - the same as the previous one only for the Yahoo! dir;
  • Disable SEO - activate this checkbox so that all settings from the "SEO Tools" block for this entry will be disabled.

Important note: the settings for adding noindex and nofollow arguments do not completely block links from indexing. Even with these settings, links harm your site. Therefore, links must be closed in other ways. This will be one of the following blog articles. Wait!

On this, I completely finished the process of setting up and describing the plugin, with the exception of the additional modules that it contains. These modules can also be useful for beginners.

I don't use them, but they are still quite interesting, since they allow you to do some functions without directly interfering with the files of the site on the hosting. Everything can be done through these modules.

In the near future I will definitely add all necessary information in the most detailed form.

Finally, I left the sweetest. As promised, I will briefly describe the hole in this plugin that can harm your blog.

A jamb in the plugin, is it true or not?

I decided to supplement this article with my observations and reasoning about the jamb, which allegedly showed up in the plugin after the release of version 2.0.

The "jamb" was not discovered by me. I am only now expressing my opinion and my practical observations. Alexander Borisov started all this. Here is his article about this "jamb".

It concerns the not entirely correct operation of the previously considered rel \u003d "canonical" tag.

This tag in new versions of the plugin does not fully finalize its function. The tag is well written on all blog pages, but a situation may arise when, due to the incorrect operation of this tag in conjunction with wrong setting plugin, completely unnecessary pages may appear in the search results.

Let's see what is the matter. As an example, I will take this page where you are currently reading this article. Let's go through its source code (ctrl + u) and find the rel \u003d "canonical" tag. We should see a link to our article after this tag. Here's what it shows.

Everything is fine here. Now let's add an addition like "/ 111" or any other numbers to the link to this article. That is, at the end of the link we put "/ 111" and go to the same address, only with the added part in the form of a line with numbers. At the exit, we will remain on the same page with exactly the same content. But look at the page address. You will see that at the end of the link there is our added part in the form of numbers.

It seemed to be nothing, it seemed. The rel \u003d "canonical" tag should state on this page that home pageth is the one without numbers and that you need to take it into the index, and not this one with numbers. But let's look at the situation as it is.

We look at the source code of the page already with the new address and see what our tag is responsible for the canonical URL "s. In theory, we should see the same thing as before. But in fact, we can see the following picture.

See what our tag does? He indicates that this page is the main one, although it is not. Moreover, it also shows the address of the previous page with the numbers "/ 110". If somehow such a page gets into the index, then all the others with similar addresses will be picked up. And this is already a very large number of pages with duplicate content.

The plugin will add a tag to such a "non-main" page if the "No Pagination for Canonical URLs" setting is not active in the main settings.

But even with this setting turned off, the pages themselves will not be included in the index. I write about this a little below.

If we put a checkbox in front of this setting, then on each such page the plugin will always indicate the main page with the main address, which is what we need. Therefore, I will put this setting.

If we now look at the source code for the / 111 page, we can see that rel \u003d "canonical" points to the main page without any numbers.

With this, I hope, sorted out.

You can ask: "But how does such a page (c / 111, etc.) end up in the index, if in fact it does not exist, and we just added some numbers there?".

Honestly, if everything is done carefully and correctly, then such pages will not get into the index. Such pages are essentially pagination pages, as far as I was able to find out by experiment. If you configured the plugin as I described above, then it should add a robots meta tag to such pagination pages, which gives a strict instruction to search engines not to index the page.

This is the responsibility of the last 2 active checkboxes in the plugin's indexing settings.

This tag can be seen in the source code of the page.

Therefore, if you have these 2 settings, then you can rest assured. Such pages will not be indexed by themselves. This tag gives a strict ban to search engines.

Even if you do not enable the "No Pagination for Canonical URLs" setting, nothing bad will happen. They will have a robots.

How else can such pages get into the index?

Here I see 2 variants of events:

  1. Your competitors will want to annoy you and add your pages with such addresses to the index using the Yandex and Google URL add tool. But here is immediately a dubious question: "Will search engines index such a page after adding it through the URL adding tools, if they have a robots met-tag?"... While I find it difficult to answer this question. But it seems to me that all the same, PS will not index the page, since it has a strict ban in the form of a robots tag;
  2. Possibly a glitch in the WordPress engine or plugin.

So is it worth worrying about this problem and is it a problem?

What did we learn earlier? It turned out that the canonical tag does not work quite correctly, if you can call it that. But it also turned out that on pages that can harm us and end up in the index as duplicate content, you can put a robots meta tag, which is a strict prohibition from indexing for search engines.

Based on this, we can conclude that we are not afraid of such pages. Unless our competitors can use URL adding tools to help such pages get into the index. The only question is one: "Will a strict ban on the robots meta tag in the video play a role in this case?".

I'll look for an answer to this question and tell you about everything!

Now let's answer one of the main questions in the discussion of this question: "So keep the plugin All in one seo pack?"

I won't change it yet. And that's why.

First, I do not see anything dangerous in his work yet. I can't call this a cant. I can only justify this as a kind of work of the plugin. There are such pages, but they will not be included in the index themselves (see above). Maybe I'm wrong and time will tell. Maybe someone knows what? Write in the comments.

Second, by enabling the "No Pagination for Canonical URLs" setting, the plugin perfectly specifies the main page address.

Thirdly, I analyzed just one well-visited resource (4000 visitors per day), which has the All in one seo pack plugin. It works exactly the same. There are no such pages in the index. And the setting of canonical addresses on it is generally disabled. And the resource is developing steadily.

Take a look at the blog It also has All in one seo pack. A resource with good traffic and indexing is all right.

For these reasons, I will not remove this SEO plugin yet. But, the rather large "stuffing" of the plugin with various unnecessary things for me gives reason to think about moving to another lighter analog that works great.

If you want to completely play it safe, then you can put a plugin on your blog. All data to articles can be transferred from All in one seo pack with one click and is also easy to set up. The next article will be just about him. Wait.

These are my arguments and practical observations about this "jamb". What is your opinion?

And this is where I end this article. It came out very extensive. Hope you figured it out. If something is not clear, then I am waiting for you in the comments.

By the way, write your SEO plugin that you use on your site. After all, there are enough of them. I would like to know your choice.

Thanks. See you soon in other materials.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev.

Flector 5

This is the most popular plugin for WordPress... It is even more popular than the plugin, which is included in the engine distribution by default. The plugin allows users to edit SEO titles on their website easily and without unnecessary headaches.

For beginners, a little clarification: SEO titles can be used by search engines to form search snippets. For instance:

This is what the search snippet looks like for the home page of this site. If you do not specify a meta description of the site (or any page on it), then the search engine will compose this description itself and show it in the search snippet. The problem here is that the description will be composed of random phrases taken from the page, and for a person such a description will not be very readable and attractive.

Therefore, the very first and main task of any SEO-site optimization is compiling correct SEO headers for every page of your site. There are many rules for composing these titles, but it is important to strike a balance between listing keywords and human readability of the snippet.

The title of the page is also important (it is shown in the snippet almost always the way you filled it in) and the meta description (the search engine can compose the description itself, but this does not mean that you have to forget about compiling it).

There are also meta-keywords, but you shouldn't fill them in at all - according to official information from both Google and Yandex, meta-keywords are not taken into account in the ranking, but visitors do not see them at all.

Why should you choose exactly, and not some other, more powerful and functional plugin? Because of two things: it is extremely popular and it is very simple. Sounds paradoxical? I'll explain now. Let's assume that the plugin author has scored on supporting his plugin. And the next update WordPress suddenly turned out to be incompatible with the plugin and it stopped working. In such a situation, there will definitely be enthusiasts who will correct the plugin code so that it works on new versions as well. WordPress... After all, the plugin is quite simple and it will be easy for any programmer to understand it and it is very popular, and therefore there are many specialists who can program among those who use it.

Usually, if during the upgrade WordPress some of the plugins suddenly stops working, then we just replace it with another similar one. With SEO plugins, this trick will not work - you can replace the plugin, only now you can re-fill in new plugin titles and descriptions on thousands of pages can be overwhelming. A few years ago, bloggers advised using not a simple, but something like the Platinum SEO Pack, which is much better functionally. But if you now go to the page of this plugin in the repository, you can see that it has not been updated since 2010. Would you trust a plugin as important as SEO title generation that hasn't been updated for over 2 years? The plugin forum is full of messages that some of the plugin functions have become buggy, but there is no one to fix the shortcomings, since the plugin is not very popular.

There are also super-combines like the SEO Ultimate plugin, which is marketed as a "true all-in-one" SEO plugin, clearly hinting that the plugin, with its scanty features, cannot be called an "all-in-one" SEO plugin. I do not argue, SEO Ultimate it is really a super plugin that contains everything you can for SEO optimization. But the size of the plugin archive is almost 1.5 megabytes, while the entire engine WordPress weighs only 4.7 megabytes.

In my opinion, this is overkill. I don't even want to check how much memory consumption and processor load on the server will increase after turning on this plugin, well, to hell with it. Not to mention, if you completely rely on such a super-harvester, then jumping from it to another SEO plugin in case of any problems will be extremely problematic. That is why, with all its functionality SEO Ultimatewill never be as popular as a simple one.

Actually, now you understand why you need to choose not the most functional plugin, but the simplest and most popular one to generate SEO titles?

1. Unpack the archive.

2. Copy the folder all-in-one-seo-pack in / wp-content / plugins /.

3. Go to the blog admin panel on the " Plugins"and activate the plugin.

Immediately after its activation, the plugin will give you a sign like:

It says that you need to configure and enable the plugin. The plugin setting is in " Options \\ SEO all in one", here you must check the box" Module status: "

Formally, this checkbox should enable the plugin, but in fact this checkbox affects only the warning output, which I wrote about above. Even if the option is set to "Disable" - the plugin still works. I still do not understand the meaning of this option, apparently I do not have enough experience with this plugin to explain such things. But you still need to check the box so that the plugin stops displaying its warning.

The plugin is translated into Russian. Not completely and slightly crooked, but translated and no one should have any special problems with setting it up. Each option contains a hint - click on an option to see it:

But in order. The first thing we see on the plugin settings page is a bunch of ugly banner ads. I wanted to describe a way to remove them, but then decided that it was not worth it - the plugin is updated often and every time it would be time consuming to edit it to cut out ads. Moreover, it is on the plugin settings page that you go after it initial setup you will not have to.

The first part of the plugin settings:

As you can see from the screenshot - here you need to specify the title and meta description of the main page. Carefully fill in this information - the main page of the site is often also the most popular in the search and the values \u200b\u200bindicated here will directly affect the traffic to your site.

Filling in keywords does not make any sense - as I said, no search engine takes them into account now and filling out this information means just wasting your time.

Uncheck the "Canonical addresses" option. WordPress He himself has been generating them for a long time and it is not worth duplicating them with a plugin. Moreover, the plugin somehow strangely displays canonical links (indicating the canonical url on the main page of the site or on the heading pages has no logic).

The "Rewrite Headers" option is required to be enabled. Without this option, the plugin will essentially not display headers at all. Why then does the plugin provide an option not to overwrite headers? Probably so that the plugin can be used in conjunction with plugins of the type that form only headers and nothing else.

The second part of the plugin settings:

In this part of the settings, the template of the generated headers is filled in. I am filling this template as shown in the screenshot, but no one bothers you to fill it in, as you think is best. When you click on an option, the plugin will show you hints on existing macros and what they mean.

The third part of the plugin settings:

I can't say anything about support for custom-type records - I just didn't use it, so figure it out yourself. The option with the obscure and long name "Custom type posts for SEO support columns" is just displaying the columns with SEO information on the post edit page, like:

That is, this option allows you to quickly assess which posts or pages on the site do not have completed SEO titles. To select or remove several types of records, hold down the "Ctrl" key.

In fact, I have nothing to say about further options - the plugin settings page already has complete and understandable information on them, which does not need my additional explanation. I will just say that all other options are completely disabled for me. But I have it, and I advise you to check the options "Use the" noindex "parameter for the archive:" and "Use the" noindex "parameter for the archive tags:" - they will allow you to avoid excessive duplication of content on your site. Although I personally prefer to close archive and tag pages via robots.txt, it somehow seems more reliable to me.

Configured the plugin, how to use it now? It's actually very simple. For example, we go into editing any post on your site and see there the plugin's administrative widget like:

We fill in and press the "Update" button, everything is very simple. When editing a page, not a post, the plugin widget will be slightly different:

The difference is small, but it exists - you need to fill in the "Label menu" field with a short page name (that is, the page will be displayed in the menu under this name). In some templates, this option is optional, and in some (where the menu with pages is built through " Appearance \\ Menu") this option must be filled in without fail, otherwise the menu will display a long page name.

It is not possible to fill in the meta information of the categories with the plugin. Rather, it will display in the title what you specified in the "Category Title Format" option, but the plugin will take the meta description from the filled "Description" field of the category. For obvious reasons, this is a drawback of the plugin - a category description and its meta description are completely different things and often incompatible. For example, the description of categories pops up when you hover the mouse over their links:

I don't want to use this same description as a meta description. It is short and informative only for those who are already on the site, and not for those who are viewing the search engine results. So in this regard, the plugin is crooked.

The plugin constantly counts the characters that you enter in the title and description, but don't trust its advice. If the title really should consist of 60-65 characters, then the description now cannot be more than 120-125 characters. If only because Google has taken the habit of displaying the date when the post was published before the description, and thus the length of the meta description is automatically shortened. And more - the plugin can lie about the length of the title and description, if special characters like quotation marks are found in their text, keep this in mind.

Speaking of quotes. Always, always remember that quotes must be replaced with a sequence of html characters in the form " ... Unless you replace the quotes with " , then the description will be truncated, and you won't even notice it until you look at the source code of the site page.

Possible problems? Yes, in fact, the problem can only be if you do not have a function call in the template wp_head ();, but now there are practically no templates left where the author would forget to insert a call to this function.

An error like: "PHP Warning: error_log ([...] / wp-content / plugins / all-in-one-seo-pack / all_in_one_seo_pack.log)" is also possible. This means that you have checked the options:

Plugin tries to create and write logs to file all_in_one_seo_pack.log in the plugin folder. Though, obviously, by default the plugin folder doesn't have the correct write permissions. So create manually the file all_in_one_seo_pack.log and put rights on it 777 ... Although, to be honest, there is nothing useful in these logs and it is easier to forget about this plugin function.

The plugin constantly advertises Pro a plugin version called "". The benefits of this Pro the versions are small: it is ad-free and supports custom post types. I would not buy a plug-in - it is sold according to a curve model like "$ 39 now and then $ 10 every month." Never understood such a distribution model.

The author of the plugin is also the author of an old plugin, which, by the way, I still use. So, in his plugin, the author implemented the import of the database from the old plugin into the new one, when you activate the plugin, you will see something like:

After clicking on the " Update DataBase"all information will be irrevocably transferred from the old plug-in to the new one. You won't be able to roll back, so just in case, do as, in fact, the plug-in advises you in this message.

It is not without its drawbacks, but it ideally combines ease of use and the necessary functionality, which is why this plugin is the most popular plugin for WordPress or

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