Upgrade your flash player to the new version. How to update the Adobe Flash Player plugin

I am glad to welcome you friends to my blog. In this article, I want to tell you why Adobe Flash Player is not installed on your device, and we will also look at a complete set of instructions to fix this problem. This add-on is a whole multimedia platform with various purposes and is used by most Internet users to play video recordings, for example, on the service. Also, without the add-on installed, some sites simply will not work for you. As you can see, this application must be installed in your operating system (Windows XP, 7, 8) without fail and function normally.

Well, let's move on to the practical part of our article and look at the reasons why the installation of Adobe Flash Player throws an error.

First go to official website of the company, download and install the latest version of the add-on. It is completely free and distributed without any registrations or SMS messages!

Important! If you use the Google Chrome browser in your work, then you do not need to install anything. The application is already built by the developers into the browser itself and is updated along with it.

If you are using other browsers and the application is not installed on you, proceed to the following recommendations:

1) The most common mistake users make when installing Adobe Flash Player is the running process of one or another browser. Remember friends, at the time of installation, all browsers on your computer must be closed... After closing, for reliability, you can check their processes in the Task Manager. To do this, press the key combination on the keyboard:

Ctrl + Shift + Esc

and take a close look at the list of processes.

If there is an incomplete process of any of the browsers there, then we end it manually.

To do this, right-click on the selected process and select the End process tree item.

After that, we try to install the flash player again.

2) Often, an error during installation occurs as a result of incompatibility of the browser version (outdated) with the new version of Flash Player. To solve it, you need to update your browser. I have described how to do this in the following articles:

Please update your browser and try to install the Flash Player app again.

3) Sometimes there are cases when users download the wrong installation package. For example, you have Windows 7 installed, and you downloaded the installation package for Mac OS X. I think everything is clear here without further ado. We carefully choose our version of the operating system and only download the application for it.

4) If an error occurs during the installation process, try disabling the antivirus and firewall at the time of the installation itself. The fact is that some of the installer's actions can be blocked by the above programs. Just don't forget to turn everything back on later!

5) Do not run the downloaded installer several times. There are times when we launched the installation file once, did not wait for it to start, and let's start it again 2-3 times. You don't need to do this, several running processes appear and the application simply won't be installed. To solve this problem, you need to start the Task Manager and kill the corresponding processes. You can simply restart your computer and try the installation again.

6) If the question - why the Adobe Flash Player is not installed has not been resolved, try updating the Java platform on your PC. How to do this, I described in.

7) You can also try to uninstall the old version of Flash Player using the steps described in this article... This method allows you to carry out the cleanest removal of this application.

If you are a frequenter of the Internet and spend a lot of time to immerse yourself in the world of videos, for example, on YouTube, or listen to your favorite music on Vkontakte and many other social networks, then you need to constantly update Adobe Flash Player to the latest version so that you could do and continue your favorite activities in the future. So why should this issue be given some period of your time and your attention?

The fact is that when the Flash Player on your computer or other electronic device you own becomes obsolete, the drivers included in the shell of the program from Adobe also become obsolete. At the same time, the owners of entertainment portals timely update Flash Player to the latest version, so your version with outdated drivers comes into conflict with it and as a result cannot work. So it is highly desirable install the latest versionso that you do not have unnecessary headaches while enjoying your time on the Internet.

However, you should not be upset about the presence of an outdated version for the following two reasons:

  1. Time updates usually take two or three minutes.
  2. Adobe offers to install Flash Player on your electronic device for free and will not require you a penny of money.

How to install the latest version of Flash Player correctly?

Before starting to talk about the process of updating itself, it is necessary to say about one very important thing. Surely, while visiting the Internet, you could have noticed that on some sites there are pop-up messagesthat tell you the following:

  • Your Flash Player is out of date.
  • Outdated Adobe Flash Player blocked.

Skip these messages and under no circumstances don't click on them, because in the end you can easily become a victim of some nasty virus.

What are the typical ways the program can tell you to get the latest version? For example, these are methods such as:

The only correct site from which you can download updates for free and without fear of a malicious attack on your electronic device or Windows operating system is adobe official website, developer of Flash Player.

Updating the Adobe Flash Player plugin for Windows in Firefox

In order not to get confused in the update procedure, follow the steps below in order:

Updating the Adobe Flash Player plug-in for Windows in Google Chrome

By default, this browser, independently and without your participation, is engaged in tracking the appearance of a fresh upgrade of Flash Player and installs it automaticallyso you won't need to manually update. However, if the automatic upgrade feature is disabled for you, then follow the sequence of steps that you need to follow to reinstall Flash Player on Firefox. With a few exceptions, all steps are identical.

Updating the Adobe Flash Player plug-in for Windows in the Opera browser

The steps you need to take to get the new Flash Player plugin installed on your Opera web browser are exactly the same as those you need to do to upgrade the Adobe Flash Player in Firefox. The only exception is that after the end of the update process, you will definitely need reboot your electronic device.

Updating the Adobe Flash Player plug-in for Windows in Yandex Browser

This player is preinstalled in this Internet browser, so after you start using Yandex Browser, you will have it final version... To make sure you have a possible new version of Flash Player, you need to do the following:

Adobe, meeting the needs of administrators and users, starting from version 11.2 introduced the automatic update function of Adobe Flash Player. This might sound like great news, but getting auto-update to work in real-world conditions requires a lot of effort. The idea behind automating Flash player updates is that computers should automatically update the Flash Player version to the current version without having to grant users advanced rights. In addition, if a browser is running on the computer, the flash will be updated only after the browser is closed.

How does it all work?

Automatic update works as follows:

  • The computer must have a version of Adobe Flash at least 11.2.x
  • During installation, a new scheduler task is created that runs daily to check for updates. The scheduler task runs with system privileges (SYSTEM). If a new update is found, it is downloaded, the old version of Flash is removed and a new one is installed.
  • If the computer does not have access to the Internet, the task runs once an hour, checking for an Internet connection.
  • If the old version of the flash is running (the browser is open), then the update starts only after it is closed.

Some details

Scheduler task:

  • Called Adobe Flash Player Updater
  • Runs from SYSTEM
  • Launches application C: \\ Windows \\ SysWOW64 \\ Macromed \\ Flash \\ FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
  • Configured to run daily, then restart every hour until an internet connection is detected

The installer creates a separate service:

  • Service name AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc’(Adobe Flash Player Update Service)
  • Startup Type - Manual
  • Runs with system rights
  • Executable \u003d C: \\ Windows \\ SysWOW64 \\ Macromed \\ Flash \\ FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe

In a corporate environment, using automatic Flash Player updates causes a number of problems, the most common of which is the problem of using a proxy server (there is a lot of discussion on this on the forums). The problem is that the automatic update task from the Adobe server is launched with SYSTEM privileges, which does not know anything about the presence of a proxy server on the network, its address and port number (for more information on setting up system request in Windows). And even if you change the proxy server settings using the proxycfg.exe utility, if the proxy server is configured for account authorization, then in this case the automatic update will not work.

Disable automatic updates for Adobe Flash Player

You can turn off Flash Player automatic updates. To do this, we need to create and configure a parameter in a special file mms.cfg... Because since Adobe Flash 11 this package is supplied in two implementations, 32-bit and 64-bit, then this file can be located in different directories:

  • On 32-bit Windows:
  • On 64bit Windows 32bit Flash: % systemroot% \\ SysWOW64 \\ Macromed \\ Flash
  • On 64bit Windows 64bit Flash: % systemroot% \\ System32 \\ Macromed \\ Flash

We determine the version of Windows and Flash and go to the appropriate directory. Let's create a MMS.CFG file in it in UTF-8 encoding, containing one line: AutoUpdateDisable \u003d 1.

Thus, we will disable the automatic updating of Flash Player, and no pop-up messages about the need to update Flash will appear (do not forget to restart Flash). To check if the update is disabled, go to Start - Control Panel - Flash Player - Advanced tab. If you did everything correctly, then the line "Never check for updates" should become inactive.

You can also disable automatic Flash updates using Group Policy by copying the MMS.CFG file to the required computers using a vbs script. To do this, create a file that disables the flash update using the above method and place it in the network directory. Next, we will assign the following logon script to be executed on target computers:

Set obFSO \u003d CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strNetworkFlashPath \u003d \\\\ srv1 \\ Share \\ Adobe Flash \\ mms.cfg "strLocalFlashPath \u003d" C: \\ WINDOWS \\ System32 \\ Macromed \\ Flash \\ mms.cfg "If obFSO.FolderEx C: \\ WINDOWS \\ System32 \\ Macromed \\ Flash ") Then obFSO.CopyFile strNetworkFlashPath, strLocalFlashPath, True End If Set obFSO \u003d Nothing

This script checks for the presence of the C: \\ WINDOWS \\ System32 \\ Macromed \\ Flash directory and copies the mms.cfg file from the network share.

Alternatively, you can turn off Flash Player updates using GP Preferences by creating a file copy task (Computer Configuration -\u003e Preferences -\u003e Windows Settings -\u003e Files).

Described another interesting aspect of Flash Player, which is the complexity -a.

Update Flash Player for free from the official site. The latest version of Adobe Flash Player is available for installation on all browsers.

Adobe flash player - a free utility or a necessary plug-in that is needed to display multimedia content on various websites and Internet services. Without this application, browser online games will not run, music and videos will not be played.

Most users, after installing the browser on their computer, try to launch a YouTube video or play games on their social media pages, but they fail - an error appears, which is necessary and install it.

Some people don't know what this program is, how and where to download it, how to install or update it. On this page we will try to tell you in detail how to quickly install this plugin on your computer and install it.

Update Adobe Flash Player

  1. The first thing to do - this is to download the Flash Player installation file for your browser, to do this, at the top of the page, select the button indicating the browser and the operating system that is installed on the computer. After clicking on the desired button, the selected file will be automatically downloaded.
  2. Second thing to do is to launch the downloaded plugin and unpack it into the system. Just run the unpack utility file Adobe flash player double-click and follow the instructions given in the installer. Use visual controls to move to the next steps.
  3. Upon completion of unpacking, we recommend restarting the browser for which you installed Flash Player.

As you can see, the installation process is not that complicated. If you do not understand how to organize all this, we recommend that you watch the video clip or use the instructions provided in the pictures below.

How to update Flash Player?

Detailed instructions with pictures are provided here! Install the latest version of the plugin now.

Use one of the download options above. Each browser type has its own installer version.

There are 3 types of them:

  1. For Internet Explorer
  2. For Mozilla Firefox
  3. For other browsers (Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser)

In our case, we will install a file named install_flash_player_ppapi.exe It must be launched, after which a dialog box should appear in front of you, where you will need to agree to the terms of the license agreement (check the box) and click on the install button.

Stage 2. Waiting for unpacking

All you need to do at this stage is to wait while the plugin is being installed. Please note that during installation an error may appear stating that the browser for whom the utility is installed is open (you must close all active windows and try to run the unpacking wizard).

Stage 3. Completion

Final action. If the program has successfully completed all the necessary actions, then a message about successful unpacking will appear. Now you just have to launch the browser.

No further action is required. If you have any problems, we can always help you figure it out and answer your questions. Don't forget to leave a comment at the bottom of the article.

Please note that you can download the plugin for different browser versions:

Works on operating systems:

If the version of the Adobe Flash Player plugin is outdated, then it needs to be updated. How to do it? Read the simple instructions for installing the latest version of Flash Player.

Png "data-category \u003d" Instructions "data-promo \u003d" https://ubar-pro4.ru/promo/bnr/download3.jpg "href \u003d" "target \u003d" _blank "\u003e Update Flash Player

Is free!
check Official distribution kit Update Flash Player check
close Silent installation without dialog boxes check
close Recommendations for installing required programs check
close Batch installation of multiple programs check

Checking for Opera Updates

Check for an update for Mozilla Firefox

If updates were found for your web browser, be sure to take a minute to install it. It is more than likely that as a result of these simple steps, the update for Flash Player will be successfully installed.

Option 3: reinstall Flash Player

It's no secret that Adobe Flash Player is a very unstable plugin that often crashes on users' computers. And that is why, with this solution, we will offer you to reinstall the plugin.

Option 4: disable the antivirus

In quite rare cases, Flash Player can be accepted by the antivirus as a potential threat, which means that you should check this probability of the cause by simply disabling the antivirus for a while, and then checking whether the Flash Player is updated or not.

If this action helped to solve the problem, then you should open the antivirus settings and add Flash Player to the antivirus exclusion list so that the protective actions will not apply to this plugin in the future.

Option 5: direct installation of Flash Player

It is possible that the plug-in is installed on your computer incorrectly, as a result of which it becomes impossible to update it automatically. This issue can be the result of using a plug-in web installer that is downloaded by the user by default when they try to download Flash Player to their computer.

In this step, we want to invite you to download a direct plugin installer for your browser and operating system version. They are distributed on the official Adobe website.

Option 6: viral activity

In rare cases, virus activity can prevent the automatic installation of updates for Flash Player. To check this, you will need to perform a system scan.

  1. Run the scan function in your antivirus or use a special free utility. Please note that you must perform the most thorough scan available.
  2. If, as a result of the scan, viruses were found on the computer, you will need to quarantine or disinfect them, and then be sure to restart the computer.
  3. After that, you need to return the Flash Player to its correct operation - for this you need to remove it from your computer, and then reinstall it on your computer (how to do this was described above).

These are almost all the recommendations that can help you troubleshoot the automatic updating of the Flash Player plugin.If you have your own way of solving the problem, which was not included in the article, be sure to share it in the comments.

What if the Adobe Flash Player plugin is out of date? It's simple: it needs to be updated. Although, in principle, this is not necessary. But then you will not be able to listen to music on VKontakte, watch videos on Youtube and play games in the browser. And all because in this case special drivers are required. And they are all available in Adobe Flash Player. Therefore, whatever one may say, but still you have to update it.

But I have 3 good news. Firstly, this is done in just 2-3 minutes. Secondly, it's completely free. Third, below is how to update Adobe Flash Player on a computer or laptop.

How to update Adobe Flash Player correctly?

To begin with, I will explain one important point that you definitely need to know. While working in a browser on any site, the message "Adobe Flash Player is outdated" (or "Outdated Adobe Flash Player module / plug-in is blocked") periodically appears. In principle, the text may be slightly different, but the essence remains the same. What does Adobe Flash Player mean is out of date? It's simple: the developers have released a new version, and your current version is no longer relevant. Therefore, it needs to be updated.

Also, the following may remind you of the need to update:

  • antivirus;
  • online player on some website;
  • the Flash Player itself (for example, in the tray).

Do not under any circumstances agree to this reminder and do not click the "Refresh" button! Just read the message and close it. The fact is that it can contain viruses. Especially if the message appears on an unknown site.

You need to update Adobe Flash Player only from one single source - the developer's official website. Otherwise, you run the risk of infecting your computer or laptop with all sorts of viruses (most often this is a ransomware banner that blocks the operation of your PC).

Is this all clear? Then let's get down to the main thing.

Below I will show an example of how to update Adobe Flash Player for Windows 7 (in Firefox). However, this procedure is universal. That is, in a similar way, you can install Adobe Flash Player for the browsers Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Yandex and all operating systems (Windows XP, 8 or 10).

So, to properly update your outdated Adobe Flash Player to the latest version:

Hide your browser and run this file. The Adobe Flash Player installer will open, where you need to select the update settings. There are 3 options to choose from:

  • automatic update of Adobe Flash Player;
  • notify before installing updates;
  • never check for updates.

After that, the installation of the latest version of the plugin will start. In this case, you need to close the browser. If you don't, the following message will appear during installation:

Close your browser and click "Continue".

After updating Adobe Flash Player, your browser will automatically launch and open the official developer page.

It will say something like “Thank you for using our product”. You can ignore this - just close this tab.

Done. You were able to update an outdated Adobe Flash Player plugin. As you can see, this is not difficult at all.

But there may be one problem here. Updating the plugin to the latest version periodically goes sideways. And as a result, videos, music, and games still don't work. Or they work, but bad: the video slows down, the browser is buggy, the sites freeze, etc. It happens sometimes. In this case, you need to roll back Adobe Flash Player to the previous version, and then install it again. That is, a complete reinstallation of the flash player is required.

How do I uninstall Adobe Flash Player?

There are no difficulties here. To uninstall Adobe Flash Player:

Done - the plugin is completely removed from your computer (or laptop).

If you have already deleted the installation file on your desktop, then you need to download the Adobe Flash Player update from the office again. site and install it from scratch. This should usually help. After that, games, videos and music will play normally.

Sometimes the standard uninstallation procedure does not help resolve audio or video errors in the browser. In this case, I recommend reading:?

That's all. Now you know how the Adobe Flash Player plugin is updated (as well as uninstalled). And if necessary, you can easily do it. And you will have to update it regularly, since new versions are released quite often.

In recent years, various services for watching videos have become increasingly popular. What is the same YouTube, on which some videos are gaining several million views!

Most of these sites are based on Flash technology, which was created by the notorious Adobe. In general, she has enough advantages. The only good thing is that with the help of "Flash" today every user who has a more or less modern browser and Internet access can watch movies without even downloading them to his computer.

Unfortunately, there were some troubles here too. So why Adobe on some computers? Indeed, without this program, you will not have access to the wonderful world of entertainment, music and games! Let's look at the main reasons why this can happen.

Close the browser!

Alas, not all users can read the program message, even if it is written in their own language. But this utility specifically warns that to complete its installation, be sure to close all currently open browsers.

Attention! It is not enough just to click on the cross and close the active program window. This is due to the fact that modern browsers create a lot of processes, some of which sometimes remain in memory even after the "official" closure of the program.

What to do? Surely all Windows users are familiar with "miraculous" buttons. Of course, we are talking about the combination of Ctrl + Alt + Delete, which invokes the Process Manager dialog box.

In the list that opens, you need to find a "tenacious" process, right-click on it, and then select "Close". Everything! You can start the installation process again. But why doesn't Adobe Flash Player install even after that?

Checking the version

In this case, you need to return to the official website from which you downloaded the installation file. Check if you downloaded the correct version to your computer? If not, then don't be surprised by the installer.

Important! To a large extent, this applies only to those users who downloaded the installation file not on the official website, but on some "left" resource. In this case, no one will be able to guarantee the compatibility of versions, and from the presence of a virus in such a file, or you are definitely not insured.

What browser version do you have?

By the way, how new are you using the browser? If your system still has something similar to Firefox 3.6, then this misunderstanding needs to be urgently corrected! Remember that older versions of the Internet browser can not only make it impossible to install and configure Flash, but are also extremely vulnerable to attacks by malicious software.

Google chrome

Important! This browser already contains built-in tools for playing Flash files, so you don't need to install anything else! By the way, if some site insists on installing a new Adobe Flash Player "specifically for Chrome", leave as soon as possible: when you try to install this kind of installation, the guarantee of virus infection of your computer is almost 100%!

User Account Control (UAC)

Occasionally (!) The reason for such behavior of the installer can be users. More precisely, not the control itself, but the reaction of inexperienced users to it. When UAC is enabled, when trying to launch a program, a dialog box appears in which the user is asked to agree or refuse to start the application. For some reason, many people click "No", as a result of which the installation is interrupted.

This is why Adobe Flash Player is not installed. Unfortunately, the list of all possible reasons is not limited to this.

Removing the old version

In principle, this is exactly where our article should start if it had been written a couple of years ago. In those days, programs were rarely able to be installed on top of older versions, and when attempting such an installation, dozens of errors often appeared.

Today the problem is practically solved, but it doesn't hurt to play it safe. To do this, uninstall the previous version manually. This is completely easy to do, so even inexperienced users can easily cope with the process.

First you need to click on the "Start" button, launch the "Control Panel" from there. The last menu contains "Programs and Features". Click on the link with the left mouse button, after which you will see a list of all installed components.

Look for "Flash Player" in it, and then select it again with the left mouse button. Look at the top of the working window, where there is a "Delete" button. Click on it, after which the uninstallation process begins. After that, the computer must be restarted, and then again try to install Adobe Flash Player on the computer.

Alas, the problem may well remain even after that.

System updates

It is unlikely, but the utility may not install due to the lack of some important updates in your operating system. For example, older versions of XP (even before SP2) often got into trouble due to the outdated Windows Installer.

In this case, only updating the system to the current level can help. This is done using the Windows Update service. All necessary updates will be downloaded from the Microsoft website. Restart your computer and then restart the installation process.

User errors

Very often the users themselves are to blame for the problem. Remember: you click on the installation file icon and ... nothing happens. It may take a long time for the antivirus to check the program for malicious applications, while the system displays a UAC warning window.

But users don't have any patience! They can click on the hapless file ten times, launching a couple of dozen installation processes. Not surprisingly, in this case, Adobe Flash Player is not installed, and the computer freezes!

This is especially true for outdated computers that have a limited amount of RAM and not too powerful processors. There is only one way out: be patient, do not click on the installation file a hundred times in a row!


The advice is very banal, but it has not lost its relevance at all. If the program stubbornly refuses to be installed on your computer, the installation crashes with a dozen of various errors, it makes sense to check your system for viruses. This can be done using any utility from Kaspersky Lab or from Doctor Web.

Mobile devices

As the prevalence of smartphones and tablets has increased dramatically in recent years, the number of people wishing to install Adobe Flash Player for Android has also increased. Difficulties may also lie in wait on this path, but they are not so great.

First, it is worth remembering one simple thing: never install programs for Android OS from anywhere, except for the Google Store (especially Adobe Flash Player in Russian)! If the installation process cannot be completed, then there may be only two problems.

Either your device is incompatible with the current version for some reason (very important for cheap Chinese gadgets), or you just need to check the amount of available memory on your device. The fact is that Android is a strange system in some respects. A removable card can have several gigabytes of free space, but the lack of a couple of MB on the internal drive often leads to this kind of problem. We'll have to clear the memory!

That's why Adobe Flash Player won't install!

Novice and experienced PC and Internet users face the same problem: the video does not play in the browser and the inscription “ Deprecated Adobe flash player". In this article, we will give you helpful tips on how to troubleshoot this crash and restore your player to work.

What to do if adobe flash player is out of date?

Adobe flash player can be updated for free, but first determine the reason that caused the disruption to its work. If games do not work for you, videos do not play, and individual sites do not open, try uninstalling and reinstalling Flash Player. Another reason for the crash is the plugin setting in the browser you are using.

I would like to note that some browsers already have a built-in Adobe flash player plugin, and if you accidentally install it again, a plugin conflict occurs and the sites stop opening. That is why it is important to pay attention to browser features and plugin settings.

It is important to keep your flash player up to date, as updates may include new modules that increase security. You can even install a special program that will remind you of the availability of updates for individual programs. If you do not plan to install additional extensions, then just check which version of the Flash Player is installed on your computer.

If you have plugin conflict in Google, then enter chrome: plugins in the address bar
and enable the Flash Player plugin. Pay attention to how many plugins you have working together, if two, then you need to disable one. If you use Yandex, enter browser: // plugins in the search and perform the same operations as in Google.

We hope that our article was useful and you can without any problems adobe flash player update freeand also resolve the plugin conflict issue. Tips in the heading will make using your PC convenient.

Often, PC users face such a problem - Flash Player is not installed on the computer. At the same time, most users and would-be specialists say with absolute certainty that this PC is simple. In fact, this option is far from always correct, since reinstalling the OS is the most extreme option and it is not at all necessary to resort to it every time. Much depends on the situation, the analysis of which will determine what needs to be done.

How to fix the problem.

1. First of all, when reinstalling Flash Player, you should close all browsers and ensure that no processes associated with them are running in Task Manager.

Note! If you are unable to install Flash Player in Google Chrome, then there is a quite understandable answer to this: Google Chrome already contains a built-in Flash Player, which is automatically updated along with the browser.

2. Often, the reason for the inability to install Flash Player is an outdated version of the browser, under which the latest version of the player simply will not fit.

Therefore, the only sure way out in this case would be to download and install the latest update version. In addition, also only the latest version, i.e. from the official website of the developer at the link at the end of the article.

3. Often, when downloading Flash Player, you are prompted to select an operating system. If the service incorrectly detected your OS version, select the appropriate item on the left side of the Flash Player download window.

4. If, when installing the program, a message appears on the screen stating that Flash Player is already available on your PC, you should download the uninstaller from the official website using this link and demolish the program. However, usually you do not need to uninstall Flash Player, because when you install a new version of the player, the current version is removed automatically.

5. When your PC lacks the necessary system requirements, the program may also fail to install. In this case, you must first study these requirements and make sure that the computer supports them.

6. The presence of special ones can also prevent the installation of Flash Player, which, in turn, can block the installation of the program, as a rule, they will notify about this in the form of a pop-up window. To get the program installed, go to your antivirus settings and pause it to install Flash Player. After installing the program, do not forget to restore the antivirus again.

7. Make sure that the installation process has not been started earlier, which can be done through the Task Manager. As a result of such a problem, the installer will also throw an error.

8. If you do not remember the last time you updated Java, I strongly recommend that you follow this link, which leads to the official website of the developer.

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