Everything about the optimization of the title that you have overlooked. Title tag - page title

Its filling and other important components of these processes. Today, I would like to touch on a topic that is of particular importance for the successful promotion of your Internet resource.

I’ll tell you about the title of the page, which gives this attribute for promoting a web project in various search engines, and will share my own experience in its proper design.

What is this title and what is it for?

Title (title of the page of the Internet resource) - a special tag located at the beginning of html code inside the structure   and having the following form:

....   page title ....

....   page title ....

Along with elements such as descriptions (a brief description of the contents of the page) and keywords (keywords), the title is one of the cornerstones of the successful promotion of any site. There are at least three reasons that require special attention to the issue of its optimization:

  1. When distributed in social networks, the title of the site is displayed.
  2. The title of the article, its URL and description are displayed in the search results.
  3. Analysis of page titles allows Google and Yandex to determine their place in the search results.

Yandex and Google rules for titles

Yandex returns only 80 characters from the title in the query results. If your title consists of more than 80 characters or longer than 15 words, then the "extra" words will not be displayed.

Google search - no more than 12 words or 70 characters will be displayed.

Also, you should not insert into it all the keywords that you can think of. Search engines will consider this behavior as spam and lower the article in the SERP.

Use only the main key query and dilute it with additional text (for example, after the “:” or “-” sign).

Important ! The main key query will tell search engines what key the article is under, and additional words are designed to attract the attention of readers.


You have probably noticed that key words are always in bold. This allows you to attract the user's attention, because he can immediately see the phrases he needs from a search query made by him.

This, in turn, has a positive effect on the position of your pages in search engines, if this user goes directly to your page, bypassing the others

In this case, it is important to correctly fill in the descriptions field. Remember about spam. I believe that the key to success is not to use key words as often as possible, but to hook the reader with some intrigue in the first sentence.

Page titles in social networks

When a user of a social network shares your page, then a snippet is automatically generated. Most users prefer not to change the original headers (although this is entirely possible). What does it mean?

And the fact that title can be seen by your friends. If they are interested in the information posted on the published page (which they learn from the headline), then for a more detailed review of the material they will definitely go to your resource.

For whom should I write titles - for poskovikov or for people?

Definitely, writing should be for people, but be sure to consider the specifics of the search engines.

Rules for creating a good title

Now I want to tell how to write titles that will appeal to both visitors and search engines Google and Yandex:

  • Absolutely all titles on the resource must be unique. Duplication will have a very negative effect on promotion.
  • Title should consist of a maximum of 12 words, and its length should not exceed 70 characters for Google (15 words and 80 characters for Yandex). Fill it clearly and compactly.
  • The title must contain the main key phrase, which should be placed closer to the beginning.
  • Titles should be easy to read and attract reader interest. Do not get hung up on seo optimization alone. The title is the first thing that appears to the potential visitor in the search system, so you should do everything possible so that this first meeting does not become the last.

Should I include the brand name in the title?

On this issue, the opinions of experts differ. Personally, I think that the name of your brand in the title should be included only if it is quite popular. Seeing the name of the advertised company, the user will probably want to click on the link.

If you are developing your personal blog, then it is better to exclude. Although it is at your discretion. Personally, I do not want to add a construction like “| Abdullin Ruslan's blog” to each title of my articles in the search. It seems to me superfluous.

Title Optimization

So that you can see how everything written above looks in reality, I will give you the following example.

Suppose you have created a page with the title " Genuine leather jackets at retail and wholesale | Jacket Price | Jackets for sale Russia | Sewing genuine leather jackets on request».

It consists of 24 words, and its length is 123 characters. This title is not compiled correctly. And the matter is not only in the number of characters, but also in the spamming of keywords. Now I will tell you how to make the title capacious and presentable.

To solve this problem, you need to create a title that contains the semantic components of all key words. That is, the correct option should look something like this: " Genuine leather jackets in Russia: tailoring, retail and wholesale».

Thus, the entire text fits into 70 characters and 12 words, which are perfectly perceived by both the search robot and the person. The main key request is used at the very beginning, there are additional words that help to reveal the whole essence.

That's all! I think I have fully disclosed the topic. You can check the correctness and effectiveness of the methods described above by me in practice.

Share this article on social networks, let your friends, if they include webmasters and owners of web resources, also make sure that the correct use of titles is effective. Do not forget to subscribe to the blog updates, see you soon!

Respectfully! Abdullin Ruslan

A title is the only thing that matters more in SEO than behavioral factors. That is why this topic should be thoroughly known, which will happen to you after reading this article.

For some queries, you can go to the top by just writing them in the Title. In ranking for non-competitive and low-frequency queries, search engines still pay special attention to the title.

What is a title?

The Title tag is a meta tag containing the page title. It is part of an html document and is part of the block design. . In fact, this is an alternative page title, which is visible only in the open browser tab. The title is not displayed anywhere else on the page.

If visually, then Title is this:

Often, search engines use it, and not H1, giving a link to the site in search results. The resource attendance also depends on the attractiveness of title headers for the user. Together with description, the tag will allow search engines to better represent the document in the search results, which has a good effect on page ranking.

Tails promotion

One of the main mistakes of seoshniks is a title registered without taking into account low-frequency queries. That is, some expect to advance on request by writing “Sony CX405” in the title. There are enough such clever men, and it’s clear that such a page will not bring traffic almost completely. But if we write in the Title “Buy a Sony CX405 handycam camcorder: review, reviews and specifications”, then it is highly likely that at least one of the low-frequency frequencies, for example [Sony CX405 specifications], our page will get to the top.

Here the technique is this - first the search engine puts the page in the top for long queries, and if the user behavior is good for them, then this page will be put in the top for higher frequency keys as well.

Primary requirements

Typically, the technical requirements for Title are set as follows:

  • It should begin with a key phrase and with a capital letter.
  • Size up to 120 characters.
  • Valid separation characters are colon and quotation marks. The comma limit is no more than 2 pieces. The question mark is used only for questions.
  • We try to use highlighting, synonyms and intentions. So you can attract more traffic on the bass
  • The title should differ from h1, but not very much.

And the rest of the title should be like this:

  • Basic keys are applied at the beginning;
  • Corresponds to the content of the page;
  • Stop words and adjectives to a minimum;
  • Better to avoid repeating words;
  • Do not forget about readability, people will see this table of contents in their browsers and with links on the social network;
  • If your web resource is oriented to a region, indicate its name in the tag;

If your headings are in the style “title | site.ru ”- it would be better to get rid of such crap. If uniqueization is needed, then writing a site name through a dash will be preferable.

At the same time, it is best to take the main key phrase in the exact direct entry into the title. Of course, in a form that is correct from the point of view of the Russian language - that is, not “buy a green elephant Moscow”, but “buy a green elephant in Moscow”.

Why is title more important than H1?

The H1 table of contents is just the name of the material on the page, while the title displays the essence and meaning of the entire html document and is its name (name page). It can contain more characters than h1, enclose keywords and phrases. H1 cannot be too bloated so as not to take up much space on the page, and you won’t push extra LF requests there, that is, the title becomes the main one for promotion.

  • Title is used by search engines to gather more information about the document.
  • This title is displayed on social networks with links.
  • It is seen by users in the SERP, making requests to the search engine.
  • The title can be “branded”, which will not only increase the recognition of the company, but also absolutely unique the alternative heading (for example, the sentence: “Repairing refrigerators in Saratov, quickly, reliably” is probably not unique, but in this form: “Repairing refrigerators in Saratov, quickly, reliably - Masterfrost ”, where the latter is the name of the company, is no longer repeated anywhere on the Web).

Do you need uniqueness

Firstly, it is desirable that your Title meta tag is unique throughout the Web. Although today it is difficult to achieve 100% originality in this matter. In this case, branding will help to unify the names of html documents.

Secondly, it is undesirable for him to duplicate H1 and phrases from discription.

Thirdly, each page should be named with different titles. If you have to split one text into several, it will be reasonable to use the same title, but make prefixes to it in this form: part 1, part 2 or page 1, page 2 and so on.

If you ignore these rules, the page you promote may fall under. From the point of view of the search engine, it will not contain the original information, you know?

Size requirements

Yandex and Hum will still "squeeze out" only a certain number of words and symbols, and no more. The display options for the snippets for these two search engines vary.


The system takes into account no more than 13-14 words and shows in the sickle about 70-80 characters without spaces. The rest will simply remain out of sight and will be replaced by an ellipsis.


It displays even less characters - approximately 12 words, and a total of 68-70 characters without spaces. However, recently Google has increased the width of snippets in the SERP.

There is one more funny trick in all of this. The search engine generates a search depending on user requests. It follows from this that title is a “quantity” inconsistent, but dynamic in displays. Based on one or the other requested phrase, the robot can produce the same page, but at different positions and with different highlighted keywords. And those characters that he highlights in bold take up even more space, and narrow down the number of visible words in the table of contents.

The influence of browsers on the display of snippets

The visibility of snippets depends on the browsers and the individual settings of each computer. Screen resolution, fonts - it all matters. Of course, there will be no significant difference in the display of characters when adjusting the zoom, a maximum of a few characters. Other results can be obtained in the mobile layout. It is difficult to predict and calculate in advance where and how the title will be displayed. If only 60 characters fit, then almost completely the title will be fully displayed in the output.

Symbols and stop words

Not every symbol carries a semantic load.

Punctuation marks

The heading may contain signs and symbols that will divide the phrase into passages.

The meaning of the word "passage": the passage means a certain sequence of words on a web document, separated by punctuation marks or html tags. If a person may not pay attention to the separating punctuation marks and perceive the whole phrase, then the search engine cannot “think” like this and analyzes the individual groups of words between the passage symbols.

What punctuation marks break the sentence into passages: significant points for search engines are the period, question mark, and exclamation point. The robot reads the phrases separately if there is a space after these characters, and a new word begins with a capital letter.

Example: “The street is cold! Is it possible to walk with a baby? ”- here the search engine will see two passages. And in the same sentence, but of this kind: "It’s freezing outside! Is it possible to walk with a baby?" - one passage. The remaining punctuation does not affect the heading structure in the "eyes" of search engines, but still it is not recommended to abuse them, as they hide the place for really meaningful words. Valid commas, colon, in extreme cases, dashes and quotation marks. But the less they are in the offer, the better.

Stop words

We will not go deep into the rules of the Russian language, remember the main thing: stop words are particles, prepositions, pronouns that do not carry any semantic load in a sentence, but are used only for a bunch or to strengthen expressions.

Search robots do not attach much importance to them. However, requests: [what to do when the headache and how to get rid] and [what to do, the headache, ways to get rid] will give different results. Therefore, it cannot be said that stop words are not important and are completely ignored by bots. It’s not worthwhile to part with them, but you can apply them in accordance with key requests and a readable logical structure.

These are the very basics to please robots. But if you want to become a guru in writing sentences without water, I advise you to watch Ilyakhov.

Double H1 and title - is it permissible?

Quite. There are still many pages where the title H1 completely repeats the title. How does this affect the ranking?

Let's go back to the definition that H1 is for people. The rest is for robots. This means that the title of the article should be completely human-readable, interesting, logical, when, as in tags, "games" with keys are allowed, contrary to the parameters listed. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fact that two tags will duplicate each other. Although some seoshniki argue that this is unacceptable, facts prove that in the TOP there are many sites that do not have titles at all.

They only allow you to expand the parameters of SEO, more practical use of keys and increase the chances of a successful promotion. If your H1 is so successful that it will attract the attention of users and at the same time contain key phrases, then there is every chance to break into leading positions and without filling in additional tags.

Can I edit the headings if the page is already indexed?

Yes. If the page is indexed and does not achieve the desired results, then it is quite possible to edit it. It is unlikely that anyone would think of changing headers when the site is in the top and carries gorgeous traffic. But giving up on unsuccessful attempts is not worth it.

Change word forms, analyze queries, use more relevant, fresh ones. After all, the indicators here are always dynamic. But do not forget the main thing - so that the title does not mislead users and always match the content. The results of edits will not be immediately noticeable, so take your time to draw conclusions, give time to the page. This can take from 1 to 6 months.

Services that help you edit snippets

There are several great tools that will help the site owner to see their resource through the eyes of search engines.

One such program is Screaming Frog SEO Spider. With its help, you can see how snippets will look in the results of Google.

Another good service is serpsimulator.com, which also has a huge number of settings and will allow you to see the display of met in search results.


Correct titles are the foundation of the basics. The fastest way to increase traffic with search engines. No wonder there is a saying "Title - the head of everything."

Notably stand out from the rest, anime fans, who are also called animeshniki. Among them, a special slang has formed, which is not entirely clear to other citizens .. Add the resource to your bookmarks, as we have new information every day. Today we’ll talk about another interesting word, it’s Titleswhich means you can read a little lower.
  However, before I continue, I would like to advise you to read a few more popular news on the subject of anime slang. For example, what does Boku no Pico mean, how to understand the word Yamero, what is Slash, who is Shipper, etc.
  So let's continue what does title mean? This term has been borrowed from the English language " title", and is translated into Russian as" content "," title "," title ".

Title in anime- this is the name of any anime, starting with a 30-minute OVA, full-length full-length and ending with any multi-part series, all these will be anime titles

  Because on the Internet about anime titlesthere is practically no information, I took the liberty of revealing this topic in more detail. For example, you are talking with your friend, and he tells you that today he already managed to see the new title. This means that he watched "from cover to cover" a new anime series, although some think that he was staring at the name of this cartoon, but this is not entirely true.
  In this particular case, the word “title” will have an analogue of the term “anime,” or if its type is known, it can be called an anime movie or an anime series.

Unfortunately, accurately identify the anime by " Title"it’s simply impossible, because there are times when the cartoons have the same headlines and the anime is completely different.

When your interlocutor suddenly says that his list of watched cartoons includes about a hundred titles, then in this case, the concept of “title” will be equivalent to the word “title” or “title”. This means that in this list there will be exclusively the names of anime works that indicate a specific work, of those that he has already looked.

Take for example the name title"My neighbor Totoro." In Russian, this sentence is completely correct, that is, not the name of the "name", but specifically the name of a particular title.

What is still not entirely clear? Then a little addition.

If your friend tells you that he has already watched the Death Note anime, it will not be clear what he means. Did he watch a couple of the first episodes, or did he watch the whole work?
It was in order to facilitate understanding that the word "title" was introduced. Because when your friend proudly declares that he already looked title"Death Note", then most likely he meant the whole season.

Internet title- this is the element of the web page that is displayed in the window title, it will also be displayed in the search results as a link to the site, and the keywords contained in it will affect the relevance of the page

Bookmaker Title- this is a champion status, title, title

  Most bookmakers accept bets on teams or individual athletes who are fighting for the right to hold a champion title (title). If the team you bet on won the championship, then it won the title (title).
  For bookmakers, sometimes the word “Title” is used as a substitute for polite treatment (Mr., Sir, Miss, etc.)

After reading this article, you learned what does anime title mean, and what is a title on the Internet, it will allow you to no longer get into trouble if you hear this concept again.

Tag   is the most important part of the page of any site, so you should pay great attention to how you compose it. Creating headlines is like art and not everyone can compose it in the right way the first time, for this you need to know some subtleties. Applying the following 12 tips for using and optimizing the title tag for your sites, you will avoid many problems in the future.</p> <h2><b>1. The title should reflect the essence of the page.</b></h2> <p>This item refers to usability. It must be remembered that the title is shown in the search results in all search engines and that users primarily pay attention to it. From what you put in the tag <title>   clickability and, accordingly, the amount of traffic received will depend.</p> <p>The title is also used when describing a page (or site) in a directory of sites, a directory of useful links, social bookmarks and other social services. If it does not reflect the essence of the content, then the page will not receive high-quality targeted traffic. For clarity, compare the following examples:</p> <blockquote> <p><i><span><title>home page of the site
</i><i><span>Nigma</i> </span><i><span>   - intelligent search engine

or internal pages

Test: Are you a true blogger?

2. Include your brand in the page title.

Use the name of your site or brand at the beginning or end in the title tag on each page to help users understand where they will go and increase the percentage of return. Some search engine users run their eyes down the search results to find a trust brand.

Option 1: Search Engine Optimization
   Option 2: Search Engine Optimization - Wikipedia
   Option 3: Optimization.ru: Search engine optimization and website promotion

3. Use different titles on different pages.

The title tag must be unique on every page, and it must be unique throughout the search results. To uniquely tag inside your site, use the names of articles, sections, categories, and so on. If any article is paginated, then add text at the end of the title Page 2 of 10   or simply Page 2. It is convenient to use the brand name in the title to uniqueize page titles throughout the search index. The same headings can cause the appearance of duplicate content and, accordingly, the inclusion of some old women in the “additional results of delivery.”

4. The title should contain keywords.

Keys should fall into the title in a natural way, to these words search engines will assign the largest weight of all that are found in the text. Therefore, optimizing the page for a specific key phrase, it is worth it, first of all, to include in the title. Internal links to a particular page most often contain its name in the anchor, just as with natural external links, people put the page title in the anchor, so if this tag does not contain keywords, then you lose the great opportunity to make the page more relevant without cost for a specific keyword phrase and promote your site on it a little higher in the search results.

5. Do not include too many keywords in the title.

Adding keys to this tag is necessary, but you need to know the measure and find the line between seo optimization and usability. When adding keys to a title, make sure that it remains readable. Do not put more than 2-3 key phrases in the page title, leave the title primarily readable and understandable to users. With a large number of keywords, create several pages on the site, each of which will be devoted to a 1-2 key, so you will shorten the headings and increase the conversion.

Examples of long and short headers:

Download music in mp3 format: dance, club, electronic, download clips of new songs - music portal Muz.ru

MP3collection.ru \u003e\u003e Dance music, electronic club music

6. Do not use stop words in the title.

Search engines do not take into account stop words - those that are found in texts so often that they cannot be meaningful for the search. As a rule, these are pronouns, prepositions and particles. Search engines usually ignore stop words, even if they appear in the query text.

Among the Russian-language stop words, one can distinguish such as: about, and, or, to, i, not, before   etc. Among English speakers it is a, about, an, as, are, but, be, or, and, for   other.

7. Each word should not be repeated more than two times.

It is better to combine words, insert derivative words, etc., focus more on users. When a word appears in the title more than two times, the heading becomes long, unreadable and spammy from the point of view of search engines. For example, here is this heading:

Nokia 3410 - phone, case for Nokia 3410, housing Nokia 3410 battery for Nokia 3410

   not at all usable, its redundancy resembles spam, which strives to remind search engines what the page is dedicated to. It is better to use this type in this case:

Nokia 3410 phone - case, case, battery, accessories

8. Do not use page headings that are too long.

Limit on the number of characters counted in the title tag for google   is an 70   signs so that the name in the sickle fits into one drain. AT yandex   counted in title no more 15 wordsbut no more is displayed 80 characters. If your title is more than the maximum value, the search engine will automatically crop it (google will add an ellipsis at the end).

9. Make the title length no more than 8 words.

At 70-80 characters, it is quite difficult to accommodate more than 8 words, however, some still make the title too long. For google, the number of words taken into account in the link text is eight, for Yandex - 16. Remember that users who link to your pages do not like to change the title by inserting it into the link anchor. Focusing only on Yandex and making the title more than 8 words, you lose in google.

10. Put the most significant keys at the beginning of the title.

Thus, even with a long title, you will be sure that the keys will go into the anchor of internal and external links and will affect the link ranking. If you like long titles, then put the brand at the end, not at the beginning of the tag. Pay attention to how different companies and services make headlines. For example, Wikipedia:

Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

however, for the inner page:

Federal Constitutional Law - Wikipedia

11. Use patterns.

A pattern is a pattern. If you need to place several keywords in the title tag, or use several modifiers, then apply templates like this:

[modif1 key] + [key mod2] \u003d [mod1 key mod2]

   For example, Find a job at home + Work at home via the Internet = Find a job at home via the Internet.

The templates may be different, here are some of them:

KW1, KW2, KW3
   KW1, KW2 and KW3
   KW1 | KW2 | KW3

   However, it is worth remembering that with long keywords you may not fit in the necessary restrictions on the length of the header.

12. Do not use special characters.

Search engines support a number of special characters that you can put in the title tag. These are the following characters (not the entire list):

In the search results, special characters look something like this:

Earlier, other special characters were also supported, which at the moment are simply ignored. Among unsupported characters, ASCII characters and the following HTML entities can be distinguished.

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So back to the secrets of optimization. What do you think they even have? You can find my answer to this question at the end of the article. But one thing I can tell you right away, to win the love and reciprocity of search robots is a difficult task.

To do this, you need to comply with a number of technical requirements for the design of the finished article and at least draw up a thoughtful title.

About what a title is, for what purpose it is prescribed, how it is indicated, what tag parameters are relevant for today and we will discuss.

Title (title) is an important attribute necessary for promoting articles in different search engines. It is visible in the browser tab before opening the resource and in the list generated by the search engine. Hover over the browser line and here it is - His Majesty the title.

The purpose of the title is to make Internet visitors come to your web resource, that is, to attract their attention, “hook”, make them go to your site. But then they can already like, share information with friends, finally, purchase goods and services offered on the pages.

So what should be the title? How to make your chosen and go directly to your article?

He must:

  • arouse the interest of the visitor, encourage the transition to the resource;
  • fully, reliably, but briefly convey what is contained in the "body" of the article;
  • help increase clicks / conversions;
  • position the site on the front pages when typing queries.

Where is the title located?

Before publishing on the Web, the article is placed in an NTML shell. The title tag is an important code and an integral part of the head tag. With an HTML scan, the formatted text is as follows:

  Buy inexpensive doors

  the text itself

To see it in the code, press either the Ctrl + U keys together or the right-click “View Code”. So we found him.

A title is a concise title that summarizes its essence. It should not be confused with headings of the first, second and third level.


. In contrast, the title provides more generalized and accurate information.

Also, do not confuse it with description. About description, I will prepare a detailed article, so I will not dwell on it now. so as not to miss this important material.

Now let's see what our title looks like when we type in a query on Google.

Which of the three options do you like more? Which one is catchy? Chur, only honestly! Me - the third option 🙂

But seriously, as you can see, Google shows in the SERP not the title of the article, but the title. This is the first moment. And second: pay attention to its length. Scraps look very ugly and unattractive. Therefore, consider this when compiling titles.

By the way, you noticed that the main keyword (keyword), which corresponds to the user's request, is highlighted in bold formatting.

What does Yandex show here? And he shows the title, not the title.

This is how title search engines work. Therefore, not only the title in the article is important, as many people think, but also the title.

Title Rules

Title meta tags are filled in by webmasters at the same time for people and for search engines according to the following rules:

  • The correct (that is, “working”) tag must contain the main key request. It is at the beginning of the paragraph. The presence of several additional keywords other than those in the headings is allowed.
  • The number of characters and stop words in the title is minimized. Search robots “hate” dots and question marks, do not take into account prepositions, particles, and interjections as meaningful words. Dashes, colon and commas are allowed.
  • The title is created in accordance with the norms of the Russian language. The science of how to write it is not mastered by specialized programs. This is not a set of keywords. Otherwise, the search engine will perceive the document as "spam", and this leads to a decrease in the position of the blog in the search results.
  • Title in a concise and concise form conveys the contents of the article.
  • It must be mandatory on the topic, otherwise you will simply mislead the search robots. I think this is completely useless for you, so you need to be serious about thinking over a title.

The title effect is difficult to predict. Sometimes brief summaries lead to the fact that Internet visitors find a resource on 1-3 pages of search results. And all this - thanks to the extraordinary talent of a blogger.

  1. Seo experts recommend starting the title with a key request. A colon is placed after the keyword, and then a more common description begins.
  2. Some optimizers add a few additional keywords to the description. Additional keywords of different content become part of the h1 header.
  3. To get the maximum effect, the title is made up of no more than 12 words.
  4. The main keyword is used in pure entry, without declension and dilution with other parts of speech, as well as punctuation marks.
  5. The key request used in the title should be logical (“how to cook okroshka”, not “okroshka how to cook”).
  6. The title should be chicken, just don't be too smart.
  7. The title must be true. Try to write in it only about what is really in your article, and not just provocateurs words (“how to cook okroshka: secrets from the chef”, but not a word about secrets in the article).
  8. The brand name is included in the title when the pages are talking about a popular brand name (additional incentive to click).
  9. In connection with the emergence of the WordPress Yoast SEO plugin, templates for names, keywords and descriptions can be easily rewritten. To change the title tag, just go to the admin panel, find the “All records” tab and select the article in which you need to make changes.

Title Examples

An example of a good title:   Types of search queries: full classification

An example of a bad title is an incoherent, illogical text or set of keywords:   Doors to buy, cheap, price

Many novice bloggers think that the more they put keywords in the title, the higher it will stand in the search results. Do not be mistaken, this is not so!

Title filling in Yoast SEO plugin

I will not tell in this article where to get it and how to install this plug-in, since everything has already been described in detail in the article "". If you do not have this plugin, then follow the link, read, install and come back 🙂

So, suppose you have it installed. We start work on filling all the data by clicking the "Change Snippet" button.

I’ll talk about filling out other meta data in the next article.

New time dictates its own laws. Now in the top will be those projects that are created for people, and not for "soulless" and "insensitive" search engines. Let me remind you, because recently a new algorithm from Yandex Baden-Baden was released. Who else is not up to date, read in my detailed article.

In conclusion, I want to say that everything is important for website promotion: unique content, lack of spam and proper design of page codes in the head tag. You can familiarize yourself with a very detailed guide to internal website SEO optimization with recommendations.

Here is my answer: there are no secrets!

Now you know what a title is, so keep this in mind and take enough time to create it.

Video for dessert, for those who read the article to the end 🙂

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See you soon!

Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you

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