What does the signal mean. What is VKontakte signal

Signal as it is

Do not be afraid if someone asks you to make a signal. There is nothing wrong or vulgar. In this article, we will describe in detail what a signal is and where it is used.

Signal word  borrowed from English, in which "sign" means "signature", "confirmation".

Signal  in relation to the Internet - this is a kind of gift photo, the essence of which is that you photograph yourself under a nickname or name of another person. Nick can be written on any part of the body - arm, stomach, face, or on intimate bulges.

It is also allowed to write a nickname on a piece of paper, and hold it in your hands.

She's not a piece of paper

Usually a signal is made for friends and fans (sometimes for a certain “reward”). When a person tells you, “Make me a signal,” then he admires your beauty or is pleased to receive such a sign of attention.

That is, it is a certain gratitude for the veneration. Some well-known personalities in social networks (and not only), instead of signing autographs, give out signals. Also, with the help of a signal, your authenticity is confirmed. For example, if you have a pretty girl on your avatar on a social network, you may be asked to make a signal with an ID or nickname. They may even require a video in which you say that your account and you are a real person.

In conclusion, we will tell a little about the history of this concept. It is believed that the signal first appeared on social networks (VK, Facebook, etc.) and was originally used to prove its authenticity. But then many realized what benefit could be derived from this: you can exchange signals for virtual gifts and voices (for example, Vkontakte).

And so the signal business appeared. There are special resources on which signals are sold and bought. In addition, they even began to collect.

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Photo with signals is a trendy phenomenon on social networks. Surely you have come across such pictures more than once: on the body (most often, on the female and attractive) it is written name  (usually male). Or nickname - but nickname of another userand not whose skin was used as a canvas to create a calligraphic picture. What does all this mean, and why do girls stain their tummies, hips, or breasts with a marker? Let's figure it out.

For the answer, what does the word “signal” mean, we turn to the English-Russian dictionary: “sign” - sign, mark. In a certain context, a stigma. Sheep is marked with a stigma so as not to mix up where whose. Therefore, if a guy asks his beloved girl, girlfriend or just a pretty friend to make a signal for him, it means that somewhere deep down he thinks it is his property. It’s nice to brag to your friends with a photo with a half-naked “branded” beauty ... especially if you managed to beg some signals from different girls - you just feel like a sultan, the owner of a harem! But it would be better if the hero-lover did not forget that the marker is miraculously washed off the skin with ordinary soap, and tomorrow another different male name may appear on the chest of his “concubine”.

In fact, what is a VKontakte signal? This is a recognition of "I am yours" ... or "I am yours", because such marks are less common, but still found on male bodies. Particularly romantic young men can also please their girlfriends with such an unusual sign of attention. If the two are in not too close relationships - for example, being heterosexual friends, you can write a signal in the palm of your hand: “Happy Birthday, Sanka!”, And put the photo on the birthday's wall. Sometimes messages are written and not at all on the body, but on a postcard - you need to hold it in your hands in front of the camera. The main thing is that your face and the name of the “marked one” are clearly visible. The less intimate a place for writing a signal is chosen, the more friendly it is. Unless with a slight hint of a desire to become closer - because girls are much more likely to write the names of boyfriends than girlfriends.

It should be mentioned that the Vkontakte signal is also a way to identify the identity of the account owner.

For example, you meet a chic girl online, and it turns out that she is from your city. Why not meet She agrees, great! One thing only worries: what if the beauty on the avatar is her sister, girlfriend, or even some kind of model? Suddenly, a plain-looking fat woman will come to the meeting - there will be a surprise ... And then you ask her to take a photo specially for you, with your name on ... well, we will not give in to vicious fantasies - let's say, on the shoulder. If the new acquaintance agrees, it will not be difficult to compare her and the girl with an avatar. Then draw conclusions, and feel free to go on a date ... or not go, how lucky.

Of course, a girl may refuse to make a signal for an unfamiliar friend, even if she likes him. Not everyone wants to feel like a branded sheep. What if the boyfriend begins to show photos to friends, and those to his friends, taking photos? Or maybe he's some kind of weirdo, and just collects a collection of cards with signals? ..

In any case, you should think three times before taking on the marker and camera. In the end, there is an easier way to prove that you are you: using a video call on Skype.

Signal Collectors  really exist. This may be a strange hobby, but it, in fact, is no worse than others. And like any other, it requires investment. Yes, you can buy the necessary photos of any degree of frankness on specialized Internet resources. Girls with presentable figures are happy to write your name on their bends and roundness, if their rates suit you. Actually, the cost of signals is not prohibitive - and sometimes they are made for free, in exchange for likes or virtual gifts.

It’s worth noting that vkontakte signal must certainly be written by hand, but not added to the photo using image editors. If everything was so simple, every contact album would be full of images of branded movie stars! The fake recognized in the signal (and to notice the imitation of the inscription, you do not need to be an expert) covers the reputation of its owner with an indelible spot of shame. No one likes fakes. And those who produce them, too.

To confirm the authorship of a photo or video on VKontakte, you must clearly understand what a signal is, why, when it is used. This term is relatively young, originally appeared among users of social networks, it is considered a good opportunity to reduce the number of fakes. For modern youth it has become an original sign of gratitude, a way of expressing the sincerity of romantic feelings. Therefore, it will not hurt all network users to find out what signals are in VC, how to use this attribute correctly.

What does it mean to make a signal

At a specific email address you can find the page of the user VKontakte and other social networks. To make sure once again that the interlocutor has contacted your account, he may ask for confirmation of the authenticity of the content. There are several options, and one of them is a signal with a name in the photos. Real photos are posted on avatars or at the request of a user. These images are full of social networks, they wander in unlimited quantities on the Internet.

What does the word mean?

The meaning of the word sign in translation from English sounds something like this: "denoting a signature." Roughly speaking, this is a gift photo, as a form of gratitude on social networks. Signs can gain a lot of votes, become a subject of publicity or be sent by personal message, like something secret to the addressee. Initially, on a blank piece of paper, users wrote the address of their social network page and took pictures to eliminate the suspicion of a fake.

Later, the signals became a gift, a surprise, a romantic recognition. This sign of attention is often shared by modern youth, and leaves a thematic inscription not only on paper, but also on one of the visible parts of the body. This also matters, since in this way it is possible to confirm not only the authenticity of the VK account, but also the self. So do the signals on the arm, leg, chest, face, other parts of the body (at will).

Why do we need signals

Before making a signal in VK, it is important not only to understand the significance of this youth slang, but also its necessity in practice. Some users make a cryptic signal the name of the page to attract a large number of fans with their mystery. This is a feature of beautiful girls who draw attention to their figure, but initially cover their faces with a sign. So you can become the idol of modern youth.

The second option is to use the signal when they want to find out whether the pretty girls are real or the fake wandering around the Internet. For example, they ask on a piece of paper or part of the body to write the name of the guy, take a selfie with a transfer to the addressee. This also applies to athletic, attractive guys who have become frequent visitors to social networks. Some girls, especially curious and suspicious, want to find out if their idol is fake or real. In addition, making signals is considered a fashionable youth movement, a trend of modern youth.

What can I write

Over the past year, the mysterious signal is very popular, and many VKontakte pages cannot do without its direct participation. On such realistic photos, poses and inscriptions are distinguished, goals for taking selfies and feedback from users of social networks. Pictures can cause increased public interest in their peculiar appearance, and then they will surely gain a lot of likes, positive comments, which is especially important for life hacking.

Studying what a signal is, the question arises of which signature should be and is appropriate in the picture. There are many options, for example, what they ask to do the addressee, then write on a piece of paper, parts of the body. More often, girls leave declarations of love on their chests and arms or simply write their name, the name of a particular guy to confirm the authenticity of the page, public. The main thing is to take pictures in an original and heartfelt manner, such pictures will not necessarily remain without attention. Instead of inscriptions, you can use drawings, for example, from thematic sites and not only.

What to draw

Graphic images are also part of the current theme of modern youth, what is a signal. Initially, it all started with the signature of the name, but over time, such a gift photo acquired a deeper meaning, capacious content. For example, sentimental girls in drawings on their bodies left a romantic message for the guys they liked. Other users of social networks created true masterpieces on the body to increase the number of likes and comments.

How to make signals

There are special sites on the World Wide Web devoted to the topic of creating a signal with and without translations. There you can find valuable recommendations on how to check such a picture for authenticity, and exclude another fake on the network. Even some celebrities use signals instead of a personal autograph in virtual communication with fans and fans. In the same way, famous people confirm the authenticity of email addresses on social networks. It’s useful to know how to make the right signals, and what tricks of this fascinating process exist.

Video signals

Signs have become not only a good opportunity to confirm your identity on social networks, but also a profitable source of income. Especially popular users with a huge number of subscribers sell their own photos with the signatures of their fans for money. Many "novice celebrities" are also hunting for this, but they are also doing it as an advertisement, a PR.

Recently, among young people, not only photos have become popular, but also short (short) video clips that also confirm the identity of the author, transmitting a certain message with a meaning to the addressee. If we talk about the classic video signal, the following is the home instruction for creating such an original material:

  1. Create a thematic inscription on a piece of paper or a hand that the addressee asked for confirmation.
  2. Run a video clip, forward it to the addressee. Simply put, in the video a man shows an inscription with the name of a friend, girlfriend, etc.
  3. Send the finished video work to the wall or by personal message - at the discretion of the creator of the video.

On the hand

  1. Write on the bare hand the inscription that was asked.
  2. Take a picture so that you can see the face and the original signature.
  3. Forward the finished picture - a signal to the addressee.

On paper

You can create a signal on a regular sheet of paper. This is often done by celebrities or ordinary users of the world wide web to confirm the authenticity of their electronic page. Such signals appeared one of the first, therefore, when creating them there are no problems. So:

  1. Write your name, boyfriend’s name or email address in legible handwriting on a piece of paper.
  2. Take a picture of yourself with a decorated piece of paper so that your face is clearly visible.
  3. Forward the signal to the recipient.

You can often find certain words on VKontakte, the meanings of which are incomprehensible to outsiders, since they are a kind of local slang. One of these words is a signal.

When translated from English, the word takes on the meaning of "mark". But even with the translation it does not become clear what exactly is meant by this word, therefore, the meaning of the expression should be considered in more detail.

In a social network, the word signal means an inscription made on a piece of paper or even a body. The goals of its creation are different. For some, this is a way to make sure that the owner of the page is a real person, for others it becomes a way of earning. For example, some beautiful girls have a good income, fulfilling requests to make an individual VC signal containing a word or other materials that are sent in the form of a photo.

Signal Value

Initially, similar marks written on the body were placed by animals, meaning belonging to a particular owner. Now, such a mark no longer carries the initial value, since they can be made an unlimited number of times using a marker, and then erasing.

How to get a signal

To do this, you will need contact with a person.

The purpose of sending or receiving may be to certify that the person is who he claims to be or buy a mark from someone who does this professionally.


If you want to receive a signal, then instead of the last two actions, ask the user for a photo yourself. With the specification of what to write and where. It can be id on a separate leaflet, or initials on a part of the body.

Understanding the meaning of the word signal is simple. To get it or to do it yourself will not cause difficulties for an ordinary user.

Sayna or signal - what is it? Firstly, it is one and the same. Secondly, if you still do not know, then it's time to make up for this missed cultural layer in your education. Photo with signals is today a trendy phenomenon in many social networks. It usually looks like this: on an attractive female body is written a male name or nickname. Most importantly, it certainly should not belong to the owner of luxurious forms. It should also be noted that the real signal must certainly be written by hand, and in no case can be added to the photo using such graphic editors as Paint or Photoshop.

What is a signal? What is it to make a signal?

The word "signal" itself has an English origin: "sign" in translation means "mark", "sign", "imprint". The girl can write the name of her chosen one on any part of the body - hands, palms, fingers, neck, abdomen, legs, back and hips, but the signal on the chest or buttocks looks the sexiest. Such options are also allowed when the name is simply written on paper, attached to clothes or held in hands and photographed so that the inscription necessarily falls into the frame. Then the resulting masterpiece is sent to the one to whom it was dedicated. As a rule, the signals on the girls' bodies are made for close friends and fans, but for many young and enterprising beauties this harmless entertainment has become an additional source of income. Girls draw any foreign name on their body in exchange for votes, so to speak, the internal currency of such social networks as VKontakte or Facebook. At the same time, the most candid photographs exposing the intimate parts of the body are always paid more. In turn, for the customer, the signals are a kind of advertising, a kind of PR. Indeed, the photos collected on his page of beautiful young ladies “dressed” only in his name will certainly attract the attention of thousands of users, friends and friends, not only his personal, but also young beauty, which will automatically increase the status and self-esteem of the young man.

There are just collectors. For some, such a hobby may seem strange, although in essence it is no worse than any other, of course, only if it does not have any pornographic connotation.

Like any other business, especially subject to the possible anonymity of the model, signal purchase and sale transactions are very susceptible to all kinds of fraud, both on the one and the other. A girl can take money in advance and not provide a signal by blocking access to her page, and a client can get a picture and not pay. Therefore, it is more reasonable to use a compromise payment scheme: the customer makes an advance payment of 50% of the agreed amount, the model sends a picture of poor quality, the customer pays the rest of the money and then receives a high-quality version of the signal.

Why else do you need a signal?

What is it, when a pretty young blonde is on the avatar, and a well-fed lover of beer and popcorn is behind the monitor, everyone probably knows. Therefore, here the signal will help you make sure that exactly the person for whom he claims to be sitting on the network is behind the announced nickname. Video signals are especially valuable in these cases, in which a girl can say information known only to her interlocutors directly into the camera. If a young lady suddenly wants to demonstrate her sympathy to her beloved guy and do it in some original way, then a signal can come to the rescue too. What is it when your name flaunts, the guys do not need to explain - it's damn nice! Absolutely none will remain indifferent. In fact, today, signals are becoming more and more popular, photos are becoming more beautiful and better, expensive cameras, lights and an interesting artistic inscription are used. Who knows, maybe, thanks to signals, body art will open up a new creative direction for itself?

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