Mythology: who are trolls? Who is the Internet troll and how to deal with it

Today we’ll talk about who the trolls are on the Internet and learn how to distinguish these characters and protect their nerves from their antics.

A troll is a user who has become famous for his constant trolling. In general, it is difficult to give a definition to this phenomenon, because the name of such a character is, by and large, in no way connected with his “professional activity”. From English, “trolling” translates as “spinner fishing”. Analogies can be drawn, but very subtle and indirect: the troll also “fishes”, throwing a spinner, that is, any provocation and pulls out “fish” - the most unrestrained and naive users who simply don’t know who they are contacting. Speaking of who the trolls are on the Internet, it is also necessary to indicate the connection of the name of a group of users with mythological characters of the same name, nasty and malicious creatures, hunting for small dirty tricks.

Summarize: the troll is a small network bully who gets indescribable pleasure by watching the skirmish provoked by him in the comments / chat / on the forum or continuing to participate in it. Provocateur, instigator of conflicts, petty dirty tricks - there are many synonyms.

A few signs of a typical troll

The troll, like any web user, has distinctive features, and now we will list several features of a typical troll.

In order not to become a victim of trolling and not expose yourself in the end, it is not enough to know who the trolls are on the Internet, you also need to be able to distinguish them. Fortunately, this is not difficult to do, because all trolls behave stereotyped. How exactly, see here:

So, the troll on the network:

Troll Classification

It's time to talk about the types of Internet trolls: so, to your attention a brief, but quite capacious classification of trolls.

Internet trolls have two “breeds” that differ in their methods of activity:

  1. Fat trolling is preferred by near-minded individuals, most often by schoolchildren, whose main goal is to attract maximum attention to themselves. It’s easy to crack them, and fight too, such trolls are timid and disorderly only until they are repulsed. There is little harm from their activity, the maximum, a spoiled mood and shaky nerves are especially impressionable.
  2. Troll acting subtly. A much more dangerous character. A good psychologist and manipulator, who does not just achieve hype around him, but can fulfill more global goals, even to cover up one or another resource. There are not so many real professionals in the network, but they do more harm than all the fat trolls combined.

Absolutely every person heard the word “Troll”, but not everyone is faced with the manifestation of such social provocation.

What does this mean and how does it affect modern people, communication between them? First you need to find out where this word came from.


What it is

Trolling  - This is a type of provocative communication in the process of virtual dialogue, which is aimed at covertly creating a conflict between the participants. A participant who seeks to humiliate another by violating all permissible ethical standards is a troll.

It is worth noting that this style of communication has a negative aspect, since the dignity of another person often occurs.

Projecting it into real life, you can compare it with a form of vampirism, in which the troll feeds on the negative energy of another person.

It can be used by a hidden person (incognito), or become part of the shocking style of communication, a hallmark due to which a person will be recognized on social networks.

Recently, the latter aspect is much more common.

How did

The 21st century is considered the starting point for the emergence of this concept.

At that time, this term was not yet so popular, therefore, its inception began with the appearance of ordinary forums, where users began to actively discuss it and share available information.

In addition, they had a common interest - how to spark a conflict between participants in communication.

As for its origin, it is immediately worth noting that this concept has nothing to do with scientific topics.

Translating the concept from English, trolling is a type of fishing using gums.

Speaking of the true meaning, we can say that this is a provocative form of social interaction aimed at suppressing the established ethical norms of communication on the network between active users.

It may look in the eyes of other people as an “anti-hero," but it is under the scrutiny of the public.

Speaking of the concept of “Troll”, you can immediately remember children's talesin which they were portrayed by ugly and unpleasant creatures that carry only evil into the world. In reality, the troll shows well the cinema.


For people who want to add shocking, insolence and rudeness to their own image, trolling is the best option, but its use cannot be considered universal.

First of all, his habitat is Internet resources: forums, news sites and any other platform where there is an active discussion of a subject.

Almost every site where you need to register, in the questionnaire there is a standard "About Me" field. As a rule, the troll actively uses it to declare its own person.

All the data that a person indicates about himself form his virtual role.

Most often, such moments are not monitored by the administration and do not constitute a significant reason for blocking an account.

How does it affect

A troll, visiting a certain resource, never begins to declare itself from a "threshold". To begin with, he always tries to become a member of the active process of interaction.

He can empathize or share the general opinion of the group.

Since more and more people are beginning to pay attention to the concept, they are trying to expose the provocateur at the first stage of dating, to study its publications.

As a rule, if you identify such a participant before the moment he begins his social game, in most cases he leaves the forum or site in search of another option to try again.

It is important to note that the success of the case depends on how successful the analysis of the contents of the questionnaire and its publications will bewhether there is a hidden hint in them.

The other side of the issue  - this is the ability of the troll itself to hide its true face and the competent construction of its own strategy.

Provocateurs with experience can be on the same resource without revealing their true role for a long time.

Regardless of the level of training , trolls are characterized as negative characterswho are capable of slowly but surely destroying even the strongest communications, bring up for discussion the most absurd and destructive ideology that is contrary to the norms of society.

In virtual communities, where falsification reaches its climax, trolling is not considered any provocation at all.

Specific features

Since trolling is considered a social method of invoking artificially induced aggression, he and any other phenomenon there are a number of its features:

  • It exists exclusively in the Internet space.  However, recently you can meet such people on the street, but they all speak out not so confidently
  • Aggression, which appears in all participants in communication, spreads as a "domino" effect.  As a result, even the most positive conversation leaves no trace
  • The inability to communicate with the troll in real-life tête-à-têtethat most often only pumps the whole atmosphere.

What to do if a person becomes a victim

Unfortunately, today no one can be immune from attacks from a real troll, since in the Internet space, such behavior is not considered illegal, although undesirable.

Perhaps there is only two basic concepts that will help to cope with trolling:

  • Ignore the participant who applies all leverage  to encourage another person to splash out a dose of aggression
  • Take the same position to engage in a fight with him.  However, in order to win such a struggle, it is important to have a sharp mind, intellectual superiority and cunning.

The use of one's own intellectual abilities is necessary in order to leave trolling in the virtual world at the end and not transfer it to the real real space.

These are ordinary, useless conversations of people who thus wish to draw attention to their person, or come up with similar entertainments for themselves.

The ability to think quickly should not be confused with mental abilities.

In this case, the ability to react to what is happening as quickly as possible and give out an equally sharp reaction that will help to confuse the enemy is implied.

Adaptation to emerging circumstances is also an equally important point.

It is worth paying attention to the tricks that other people use and if they prove to be really effective, then you can take them into service.

The ability to concentrate and have a good memory are also important aspects.  First of all, it is necessary to be able to collect all the information from the adversary in order to find his “weak spots” in the future and use them against her. Equally important is the control of one’s own behavior and conversation, since the experienced one will also look for errors in the sayings and mercilessly point to them. With the help of good memory, you can make fun of unsuccessful expressions or speech, sending it in such a way to knock out.

The process involves communication in, so quick printing is also an equally important aspect.

After all, too slow speed can also be the subject of another ridicule.

In total, it is worth noting that all of the above factors will help provide good protection, as well as give a full rebuff in the event of a similar situation.

Proper use

Despite the fact that trolling refers to negative social forms of communication, there are still situations when its use will help to solve some problems or pacify the offender, so it’s worth learning a trivial technique.

As for the professional level, for this it will be necessary to withstand more than one “battle of minds”.

There are several options for how to deploy a troll company.

So, for example, registering in a thematic community, you can introduce yourself as an interested person who wants to become an active and active participant.

To begin with, it is worth observing in what way communication takes place, which topics are most relevant.

Based on the information collected, it is worth considering what issues will become attractive to other participants. Next, you need to follow the planned role - this is the main point.

If this succeeds, then provocative actions can be carried out in absolutely all directions.

Surprisingly, only one correctly chosen phrase can provoke a negative attitude of almost all users of one resource.

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The troll is a mythological creature that originally appeared in Germanic-Scandinavian legends. These are some mountain spirits hostile to man; people have always associated their appearance with mysticism. It is known that trolls live in caves and guard their treasures, but they like to kill people and just like that. The vital activity of this creature wakes up when the last ray of the sun hides behind the horizon, and they leave their caves in search of prey. If they captured a woman, they did not always kill her, leaving any of them as their wife, or as a cook to cook food from human meat and bones.

Despite the tremendous physical strength and cunning, and on the troll is the government. He needs to solve the riddle and if he cannot find the solution, then the creature dies, but if it is solved, the victim is also addressed to the riddle, and if it is impossible to solve it, the person will be torn to pieces. If both opponents give alternate correct answers, then the most basic thing for a person is to hold out until dawn, as the rays of the sun turn the troll into stone.

In various works, trolls are depicted in different ways, but always with large noses, brown wrinkled skin, and an evil facial expression. The description of long fangs sticking out of the mouth and tangled hair is added. But, sometimes trolls appear to be small and kind creatures, but this is in fairy tales for young children. In addition to mountain trolls, there are also similar creatures that settle under the bridge, which they themselves build, but after passing through it they charge people. Bridge trolls do not bring harm to humanity, they behave quietly and if the bridge is destroyed, they will die.

The image of trolls is widely used in fantasy films, but here it is more often represented as evil, but sometimes it helps a person to get rid of a common enemy who threatens to destroy the world.


Glory to the trolls was created by the dramatic poem “Peer Gynt” (1867) by Henryk Ibsen. He portrayed them primarily as patriots: trolls think or try to think that the disgusting drink they make is a delicious drink, and that their caves are palaces. In England, the Valkyries were pushed into the village, and turned into simple witches, among the Scandinavian peoples, the giants of ancient mythology who fought with the god Thor also degenerated, turning into rural trolls. Trolls of folk beliefs are evil and stupid elves living in mountain caves and dilapidated huts. And two-three-headed ones are considered the most notable among them ...

Trolls by nature were so vicious that they could kill a person simply out of a whim, out of habit. During the day, night trolls hid in caves. But as soon as the last ray of light died out, they crawled out to scour the dark pine forests and fjords in search of human victims. Long-armed and strong, they were dusted with earth and covered with moss.

Eyes bulging, wide mouths open, swollen nose-bombs constantly moving, sniffing in search of a human smell. Trolls are cold creatures, and only the warmth of human blood could warm them.

Not always the trolls killed and devoured their victims. They could grab and drag the woman to their cave in order to turn her into a slave, buried forever in the darkness and dampness of the underground den. She was supposed to cook human bones and pieces of meat brought by the troll after his nocturnal wanderings on the ground. She could become the wife of a troll. Then the unfortunate beggars awaited, ruthless abuse. And so for the long months. Finally, she was rubbed with magic burning ointments, and the woman turned into a terrible creature. Her face was dark and covered with wrinkles and pockmarks, her nose looked like an onion, her delicate skin was coarse and covered with hair, and her voice suddenly changed so much that it was more like a grunt. Never again is she destined to bask in the rays of the pale northern sun, never will she recognize human love. Now she is the wife of the troll, as ugly and voracious as he is, as lustful and at the same time clogged and shaking from the slightest stern look of her underground ruler.

How to defeat the troll?

Trolls possessed power that was many times superior to the power of mere mortals. But the trolls were reprimanded. This council is especially well known to young children: if you ask the troll a riddle, he will be obliged to solve it, he will not be able to resist the riddle. If the troll cannot solve the riddle, then he will die, but if he does, he will ask his own and if this time you cannot solve the riddle, the troll will tear you to pieces. If you managed to solve the riddle, then you must try to take the troll with these questions before dawn, because with the first rays of the sun the troll will immediately turn into stone and this will be a salvation to man.

The image of the troll in modern culture

In literature

  • In the tales of Scandinavian writers of the 19th century, trolls played the same role as in the German tales - the gnomes: the main source of miracles occurring with human heroes. The Norwegian P.K. Asbjørnsen and the Finn Zacharias Topelius wrote a lot about them in the 19th century. Their trolls are giants and powerful sorcerers who like to cruelly make fun of a man. Such they are in the famous play by H. Ibsen, “Peer Gynt”.
  • In the series of books by the Finnish writer Tove Janson, “Moomins” (1945), perhaps the most original view of trolls appears. These are small peaceful creatures living a peaceful pastoral life. Outwardly, they look like small humanoid hippos.
  • Trolls appear in the story of the English writer John Tolkien "The Hobbit" in 1937. Tolkien trolls are huge, evil, but simple-minded creatures, cannibals, more like ogres (cannibalistic giants) than Scandinavian trolls. This stereotype turned out to be so tenacious that in the mass consciousness, especially among Anglo-Saxon writers, these two species of creatures practically merged. Tolkien trolls become stony when exposed to sunlight. Occasionally, trolls appear in the epic "Lord of the Rings."
  • The image of the Scandinavian trolls, often mixed with the image of the jotuns, continues to appear in the literature - in particular, they play a central role in Paul Anderson's novel “The Broken Sword”.
  • Clifford Saymak in 1968 included trolls, like fairies, goblins, banshees, and dragons, in his science fiction novel The Goblin Sanctuary. Trolls - wild, but almost harmless - are found by Astrid Lindgren in "Roni, the daughter of a robber."
  • Terry Pratchett's books on the Flat World present an original race of trolls — organosilicon creatures whose thinking depends on ambient temperature. Their stupidity is explained by the poor functioning of the organosilicon brain at normal temperature, with strong cooling, the trolls show ultra-high intelligence.
  • In Asprin's books about the MIF corporation, an important role is played by the difference between female trolls (trollins) and men. Unlike men, trolls are very beautiful. One of the regular characters in the series is Tananda Trollina, a professional killer.
  • In the Edith Pattu novel “East,” trolls are beautiful, but vicious creatures that outwardly differ from people only in very pale and stiff skin and a creaky voice. They live in the far north of Greenland and speak Finnish. They capture people in slavery, making forays into the southern countries.
  • Also, trolls are repeatedly mentioned in the Harry Potter books of the English writer Joan Rowling.

In the cinema

  • In addition to films made on the basis of fantasy literature, trolls are the heroes of films with an original script. For example, the evil troll in the 1991 comedy "Frightened Fool Ernest."
  • The difficult fate of the Norwegian trolls, whose existence is hid by the state under the script, is dedicated to the film “Troll Hunters” (2010), shot in the genre of pseudo-documentary film.
  • A more original interpretation of the life and existence of trolls was presented in the first film of the Peter Jackson trilogy “The Hobbit”: “they talk and have clothes like people” (quote from the movie “Troll Hunters”).
  • In the film Beowulf and Grendel (2005), Grendel and his parents are called trolls.
  • In the series “Merlin,” one of the villains is the carnivorous, but greedy troll, who prefers to eat rotten fruits and dung.
  • Trolls are the heroes of the mini-series "Tenth Kingdom" (1999). The troll king - the Joker - rules the third kingdom and along with the Evil Queen. His children - Beauty, The Strongman and Pustozvonon - are stupid and cause a lot of trouble for the father. This troll family loves shoes and collects all sorts of different shoes, as well as gold and jewelry.
  • The trolls in the series “Grimm” (the 19th episode of the 1st season of “Leave it to the Beavers”) are real racketeers who consider all bridges to be their property and are cruel even to their allies.

In animation

  • The ectoplasmic creature in the animated series Extreme Ghostbusters was called the troll.
  • In the fourth series of the first season of the animated series "Metalocalypse", the Finnish lake troll Mustakrakish appears.
  • In the 2012 animated film Snow Queen, there was a troll named Orm. In the second part of the animated film “Snow Queen 2: Re-freezing”, which was released in 2015, the troll Orm returned and became the main character of the film.
  • 1994 cartoon “Troll in Central Park”.
  • In the cartoon "Fairies: The Lost Treasure", Ding-Ding meets two trolls when crossing the bridge, which intimidate passers-by.
  • In the 2016 Trolls cartoon, they are portrayed as kind and constantly having fun creatures hunted by the Bergen giants.

In music

  • There is an old Scandinavian ballad "Herr Mannelig" in which the lady troll unsuccessfully tries to seduce a Christian knight. This song in modern processing was performed by In Extremo, Haggard, Garmarna and many others.
  • Trolls featured in the music of Norwegian composer Edward Grieg to Ibsen's drama Per Gynt. The famous play “In the Cave of the Mountain King” sounds when the troll king appears.
  • Finnish Finntroll band, singing in Swedish, has completely devoted its work to trolls and their struggle with people - "invaders". A similar but less militant theme is developed by the Trollfest group, focusing more on the fun drinking of trolls. Humorous tales of trolls are told in the songs of the group “Troll Bends Spruce”. A slightly different direction was chosen by the Belarusian group Litvintroll, performing traditional folklore and ancient songs of Belarus in a heavy “troll” treatment, with energetic bagpipes (Belarusian drum) and electric guitars.
  • The American death-metal group Dethklok has in its repertoire the song Awaken, which tells about the awakening of the Finnish lake troll Mustakrakish.

Internet trolling

Trolling is not a new word; it appeared at the beginning of the 21st century along with the development of the Internet. In essence, trolling is a provocation of users in order to get emotional comments from them. At the same time, the troll itself may be a person who does not take a specific position on the issue on the topic of which is fueling a debate. In the process of trolling, the user tries to ask provocative questions, to prove to other members of the community that they are wrong without any arguments, to do everything to make opponents lose their temper.

Trolling is an interesting psychological and social phenomenon that originated in Usenet in the 1990s. Many people have tried to publish provocative messages on the World Wide Web once or twice just out of curiosity. But for some it has grown into a habit and even a style of communication on the network. So far, there is no serious study of whether this style of communication with avid trolls can turn into real life and lively communication with people, but, obviously, such a danger could potentially exist. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Internet trolls have begun to form their own communities and organizations, sharing experiences on the most effective way of inciting conflicts. Now any popular forum, newsgroup and wiki project sooner or later faces trolls and trolling. Wikipedia did not escape this.

What is the meaning of trolling?

Since on the Internet any community (forum, news portal with comments, a group on social networks) consists of participants who monitor changes and participate in the discussion, each user has his own specific status. Even without being familiar, people gradually recognize each other by nicknames and communicate like with friends in real life. The modern Internet is built on user interaction, and trolls try to break the rules, quarrel people, escalate a conflict atmosphere in order to achieve angry comments and get a person out of himself. Often trolling is based on creating comments with a hidden meaning that half of the users will not understand exactly.

This is a special level of trolling art that such users are proud of. They can take screenshots of their “victories”, making ridiculous opponents a laughing stock, or they can start trolling in order to relax and have fun on the Internet. Trolls, for whom the creation of conflict situations are part of the job, may receive a certain fee for comments. They are asked to respond to user messages and incite hatred under posts of a particular topic. For example, during the war with Ukraine, on all thematic sites, you could find the same comments that offend Russia. Getting involved in a dispute, the troll speaks on behalf of the opponent, thereby forming the attitude of users to a specific country and its inhabitants.

Who is a troll?

It is believed that users of several categories can become trolls: schoolchildren and students for whom this form of communication is no more than fun, adults trying to compensate for the lack of attention by “working” on the Internet, as well as conscious users who make trolling for a living. Since the massive presence of trolls on the network allows you to control the emotions of ordinary users, this practice is often used by PR agencies that do not neglect the black methods of promoting a new product and destroying competitors. Trolls can be stupid and smart people who create detailed, reasoned, well-thought-out comments that initially contain a provocation, or they can work according to a pre-prepared scheme. It all depends on the form of trolling and the goal that a person pursues.

Recently, more and more specialists are interested in the troll phenomenon. They believe that competent trolls can make a real revolution in social networks and on thematic platforms, which can later translate into popular protests in real time.

So different trolls

There are several types of trolls. We will name the main of them:

  • Political. In the midst of election campaigns at all levels (usually at the provincial level) entire armies of trolls appear on the network, tracking news with the mention of certain candidates and leaving positive or negative comments, depending on whose interests the trolls represent. Such users can act on their own if they want to support the candidate, but they can work on the instructions of the campaign headquarters. Trolls working on a different, higher level, spark controversy at venues where world issues are discussed (confrontation between Russia and the USA, Russia and Ukraine, the election of a new president of the country). Similarly, they can work on their own or for hire.
  • Arsonists. Such users can create disputes from scratch for fun. They do not want to offend other people, but they like to monitor their reaction to absurd comments and are ready to spend aimlessly on the network for several hours a day. To start the debate, they choose the most relevant, hot topics like religion, attitudes to controversial laws, discussions of an odious person and the like.
  • Experts. Users who are trying to prove their competence in a particular field in the comments and are filled with scientific facts to point out the mistakes of other commentators are called “expert trolls”. They like to argue and bring the conversation to the point where they stop responding. Only then do they put an end to and leave, emphasizing the ignorance of others in the subject of the dispute.
  • Fraudsters. Scam trolls are the most dangerous of these users. They argue not just like that, but with the goal of finding out important information from people: place of work and social status, relations with this or that person, and even credit card information. In the heat of argument, a person may say too much, it is this information that a fraudster will need to do something bad.

Solutions and alternatives

Popular wisdom teaches us to avoid feeding the trolls and ignore the temptation to answer them. The answer to trolling inevitably leads the discussion away from the topic, unbalances the observers and supplies the troll with the attention he craves. When hunters attack the troll, he replies “ABGZ. DRP. GTsLR. ", Or" You were divorced. You lose. Good luck". However, since hunters (similar to trolls) often provoke conflicts themselves, as a result, only other forum users lose, who would prefer that the conflict does not appear at all. Literature on the subject of trolling suggests that labeling the “troll” on a person can cause clearly undesirable and unhealthy consequences. A person rejected by a social group, both in online communication and in real life, can consolidate such an antagonistic role in itself, and will tend to continue to annoy or outrage group members. The role of the “troll” is often a sign of social disability, and the label can forever make the user like that.

Recently, a concept such as the Internet troll has appeared on the network. Who is this at all? How can you distinguish it from a regular user? What are we talking about? All this should be understood, because this issue concerns everyone and everyone. Someone even manages to receive money on his status! It would also be nice to know about the means of combating trolls on the network. After all, it is clear from one term that we are not talking about someone good. The association is unpleasant, nasty. And this is normal. So who are virtual trolls? How to recognize them? How to fight? About all this and not only - further!


What does the internet troll mean? You can simply say - a pest. But this does not reflect the true meaning of the term and users. The thing is that trolling on the network is very common. And those who organize it are called trolls. They need to be recognized, and also able to deal with them.

What does it mean a user who communicates rudely, and also posts provocative posts and posts on a variety of forums and sites. Often such people write silly (sometimes even frankly "stupid") messages. We can say that the troll on the Internet is the one who behaves slightly inappropriately, spitefully, and even “teases” and provokes users. In general, it is difficult to define this concept. Usually it means an evil prankster who enjoys provoking other people.

What does

The Internet troll, as we found out, is a kind of provocateur. But he, like any other user, has his own activity, which he trades. So what do such people do?

Of course, provocations. Trolls compose and invent silly provocative texts, mock users, ask obscure and ambiguous questions. In general, they annoy with all their might, viciously "pin up" and in every way attract attention to themselves with inadequate, sometimes stupid behavior.

Nothing more can be expected from them. Unless of sharp messages, insults, provocations. The Internet troll (a photo example is presented below) is the most ordinary user who constantly “dulls”, provokes and annoys. This we found out. These people need to be able to fight. But you should also learn to distinguish them from other users. After all, it is not always a provocation on the network or a stupid, ambiguous post - this is the work of the troll. How can you distinguish him from an ordinary person?


In general, this is not very easy to do. After all, there are no signs of a troll on the Internet. All you can do is rely on your own intuition. Nevertheless, there are some points for understanding who is in front of us. True, not everyone is able to pay attention to them.

Who are called trolls on the Internet? Provocateurs and inadequate. These are the main signs of trolling. Have you seen a stupid post that is distinguished by its bitterness? The handiwork of a troll!

It is also worth paying attention to user communication. Trolls, as a rule, constantly turn to personalities, repost messages and correspondence in order to evoke emotions in other participants in the conversation. Plus, the principle "I am the king, you are nobody" works here. That is, when communicating with the troll, you will notice that your interlocutor imagined himself the center of the universe. Also a clear sign of trolling.

Please note: this type of user is a provocateur. They will constantly touch on “sore topics” in order to evoke emotions of the rest, and negative ones. Also, trolls often express an opinion on a particular issue that is fundamentally different from what is generally accepted on a forum or topic. Inadequate, sometimes stupid, uneducated and bombastic user - this is the one who falls under the description of our today's term.


Oddly enough, but trolling has its own classification. More precisely, the Internet troll can be different. In some cases, even recognizing such a user is difficult. So what types of inadequacies can you meet on the net?

There are two concepts in total. This is a "fat" and "thin" troll. These users differ in their behavior. Therefore, you will immediately understand who you are dealing with. Especially if you have ever encountered provocations on the network.

How to distinguish a troll on the Internet? For example, “fat” is a typical inadequate. He simply attracts attention, often does not respond to adequate answers. Shy, trying, if something happens, to self-destruct. Fighting a fat troll is easy. Usually so called users "near", with a shaky nervous system. As some say, a typical rebel schoolboy.

But the “thin” troll is already a more serious problem. Such recognition is not easy. And to figure out how to deal with trolls on the Internet of this type is also not always easy. Usually the "subtle" are well versed in psychology, behave quite adequately, but manage to attract attention, as well as evoke negative emotions in people. These are clever manipulators who always achieve their goal. Able even with complete calm to bring the interlocutor to hysteria and a nervous breakdown. Very dangerous, especially for those who succumb to psychological influence without any problems.


Many people wonder how trolls earn on the Internet. After all, something drives users when they "go crazy" on the network. It is earnings that become the main motivation.

In fact, usually all the profit of such a user is self-satisfaction with attention paid to his person. Or direct payment of "labor". Sometimes users turn to trolls to destroy forums and groups, and they are paid for this. The same applies to the "tricks" of various citizens. For example, if you want to play a trick on someone online and bring him to hysteria, turn to the troll.

Perhaps this is all the user data earnings. In real life, they work and earn income just like everyone else. It turns out that money is not the main motivation for the troll. Rather, moral satisfaction with a scandal on a forum or site provides greater advantage.

The answers

But how to behave with trolls on the Internet? Here you can offer several options for the development of events. A lot depends on what type you came across. Most often, of course, there are "thick" trolls. And to fight them is not so difficult as it might seem.

The first option, although not the best and most effective, is to respond to provocations. The main thing is to remain completely calm. Your answers should be reasonable, balanced. Try not to show that you are annoyed and put on emotion troll posts. After all, this is precisely what he achieves! As soon as it is noticed from your answers that you are not responding to provocations, they will leave you behind.

Calm, only calm

The next technique that will help you in the future is calm. Remember, the more indifference you show to the provocateur, the less interesting you will appear. It has already been said - the Internet troll in the first place simply attracts attention and provokes. Do not fall for these tricks.

Yes, sometimes it’s not so easy to keep calm. Especially if you come across a thin troll. Nevertheless, it’s worth trying. Otherwise, instead of rebuffing, you will attract a fool to yourself even more. This will make you an interesting target. So be calm, no aggression, even if you really want to.


The best and most effective option that you can offer is just ignoring it. Just do not notice the troll, do not respond to its provocations, by all means show that you do not care about him. The main thing is no aggression, only peace.

By the way, this option is relevant for all types of trolls. It doesn’t matter who is “fat” or “thin” in front of you, you can still otmazatsya by ignoring. Sometimes it is not easy to do this, but you will have to try. Even if they brazenly get into your dialogue, don’t notice it.

In general, with any provocateurs, ignoring is the best weapon. Interest in you will simply disappear, because there will be no emotions and attention needed by the troll on the network. So, it makes no sense to have a dialogue with you. It is a waste of time that will not bring any pleasure to a fool.


How to behave with trolls on the Internet? Often, users are simply not able to stay calm when provoked. And here you can only advise one thing - if you don’t have the strength and desire to endure, try trolling the troll. That is, to pay him back with his own “coin."

Trolls do not always expect this kind of behavior. Not too relevant, not particularly effective, but sometimes even this technique works. Especially if you have a “fat” troll, a typical schoolboy who is enough to put in place, to be taken by surprise.

Nevertheless, it is not recommended to go down to the level of such users. Only as a last resort, when there is neither the strength nor the desire to endure. And if you yourself enjoy provocation provocation. Sooner or later, a person will get tired of receiving returns, and he will lag behind you.

Black list

True, there is another rather interesting scenario. It is relevant for a variety of social networks. If someone is clinging to you and is already annoyingly mad with his "near" mind, and ignoring it did not help, you can resort to the last reception. It will help not to see provocative messages.

It's about adding a user to the blacklist. It can be said, in the same ignore, but only forced. However, you will no longer be able to receive messages from the provocateur. A good option if you are just annoyed by the annoying troll. It is often used in a variety of forums and social networks.

Sometimes, in order not to think about how to deal with trolls on the Internet, you can contact the site administration with evidence of trolling, so that the provocateur is banned. The inappropriate behavior that these users are famous for is usually a great reason to cover access to a resource. This is also a good option, although soon there is a chance that the troll will register a new account.


So we met you with a rather interesting term that appeared on the network not so long ago. The Internet troll is who it is. In addition, it is now clear how you can distinguish this provocateur, what and why he does. You won’t have to think about ways of dealing with such people either.

Remember, there is such an expression: "Do not feed the trolls." It means that you just need to ignore user data, not give them what they are seeking - attention and emotions. Sometimes it’s not so easy, but it’s worth trying. It is ignoring that is your main weapon in the fight against provocations on the network. So do not stoop to the level of trolling, try not to apply it in response. This will only aggravate the situation. Show that you are not interested in dialogue - then there will be no attention to your person from the trolls.

Internet troll. Who are they and why are they doing this? Means of dealing with Internet trolls.

Who is the internet troll? What does the internet troll mean?

Troll is a user who communicates roughly, and also posts provocative posts and messages on various groups of social networks. Often such people write silly (sometimes even frankly "stupid") comments. We can say that the troll on the Internet is the one who behaves inappropriately, spitefully, and even "teaches" and provokes users to swear and negate.
Emotions are called trolling, which only works with very emotional or inexperienced people who have no idea what trolling is and who troll is. The most primitive way of fat trolling is to insult the opponent or his relatives, negative reviews about what is valuable to him. Now it’s almost no effect on anyone, besides, moderators on all resources mercilessly ban for this. Yes, and the "food", that is, other people's emotions, the troll will receive a minimum.
  Those. any troll message will be aimed at insulting or provoking. They will constantly touch upon “sore subjects” in order to evoke emotions in the rest, and negative ones.

Some signs of a troll.

Constant attempts to get personal in the conversation.
  Using the topic of the dispute only to provoke the emotional reaction of the interlocutor (demagogy).
  The pretense of foolishness and ignorance - or vice versa, knowledge of everything in the world (usually the inverse relationship between the real and the shown is traced).
  Opinion radically different from the opinion of the local majority.
  Bad manners, boorish behavior (usually this is a sign of a fat, that is, uninteresting, obvious, troll).
  Filing g%: on the fan (touching obviously controversial provocative topics).
  Confidence that everyone else is “dull g%: but” and another demonstration of their superiority.

So what do such people do?

Of course, they are engaged in provocations. Trolls write provocative texts, mock users, insult, ask obscure and ambiguous questions. In general, they annoy and attract attention to inadequate behavior in every way.
  Now this is already taking the turn of an ideological information war. The psyche of people is so shaken, and then these mercenary trolls poison, really pushing people to action.

How to distinguish a troll from a person?

Examine his profile. If at least 1-2 of the listed items, then this is a troll:
  - there is no personal photo on the avatar, but there is an incomprehensible, usually stupid picture .
- the troll has few friends, usually less than 10
- The troll page has recently been registered. This is easy to check against the troll's profile wall. Just look when he had the first post on the wall. If today or yesterday, then this is definitely a troll.
  - no personal photos. In general, there are few photos, and instead only a few pictures.
  - a typical troll is absolutely immune to criticism of itself, to the arguments of reason, to logic or to appeals to morality.

First of all, the troll never stands on ceremony with its opponents and does not choose decent expressions, it acts on the principle of “the worse, the better”, therefore everything is used - mate, accusations and insults.

And the more they answer him, the more he “starts up”. At the same time, the troll is absolutely not interested in your opinion, as such, it does not listen to the arguments, the main thing for it is to remove as many people as possible from mental balance, lower it to your level and make you communicate in your own language. In fact, the troll is a person who is amused by impunity for rudeness. The main part of those who want to troll on the Internet are those who solve their psychological problems in this way.

Why do trolls specifically cause people to abuse them?

Paid commentators. Do not forget about paid commentators, who are hired in order to revive the exchange of views on a particular site or group on social networks. Naturally, with intelligent comments this goal cannot be achieved, a scandal is needed. It is provided by paid commentators: the angrier their words, the more they respond to them and, accordingly, the higher the rating of this article and the entire site as a whole.

What can not be done with Internet trolls?

The desire to argue with the troll in order to prove to him how wrong he is is akin to desire, getting on all fours, mowing at the dog that barked you. The Troll will be rude to you, trying to provoke you to be rude or thoughtless. The classic troll technique is to say that you were scared of it or that you had nothing to answer.
  If you tried to insult the troll, then he won, because he stole you to the negative. If you started to answer him, but then stopped talking - he won because he decided that he managed to offend you or that you have nothing to answer (like he "leaked" you).

Classification of trolls on the Internet.

Oddly enough, but trolling has its own classification. More precisely, the Internet troll can be different. In some cases, even recognizing such a user is difficult. So what types of inadequacies can you meet on the net? There are two concepts in total. This is a "fat" and "thin" troll.
  For example, “fat” is a typical inadequate. He simply attracts attention, often does not respond to adequate answers. Shy, trying, if something happens, to self-destruct. Fighting a fat troll is easy.

Usually so called users "near", with a shaky nervous system. As some say, a typical rebel schoolboy.

But the “thin” troll is already a more serious problem. Such recognition is not easy. And to figure out how to deal with trolls on the Internet of this type is also not always easy. Usually, the “subtle” are well versed in psychology, behave quite adequately, but manage to attract attention to themselves and also cause negative emotions in people. These are clever manipulators who always achieve their goal. Able even with complete calm to bring the interlocutor to hysteria and a nervous breakdown. Very dangerous, especially for those who succumb to psychological influence without any problems.

How do trolls earn on the Internet?

Payment for them is different. Some receive money for each reply to them, while others simply for each message of their own. In the second case, your answer and reaction are not important to the troll - it just makes money. The calculation of customers that people are silent, but they read and draw their conclusions.
  After all, something drives users when they "go crazy" on the network. It is earnings that become the main motivation.

Sometimes users turn to trolls to destroy forums and groups, and they are paid for this. The same applies to the "tricks" of various citizens.
  For example, if you want to play a trick on someone online and bring him to hysteria, turn to the troll. Perhaps this is all the user data earnings.
  The troll raises the topic, which in this community should cause heated debate and quarrel, and enjoys the reaction. It is considered to be special chic for the troll to write only one, starting message in the subject, after which dozens of pages of disputes and quarrels of participants who have long forgotten who started it all will follow.

The main topics for srach and seething, in general, have long been known.

This is primarily politics, in the second story, followed by a series of sexual issues. For example, just mentioning the name of Stalin on almost any platform is enough to cause a fierce srach. Especially if this community does not adhere to a clear assessment of its activities. Supporters and opponents immediately rush in and start tossing each other tons of texts, historical calculations, analyzes, etc. If society is more or less intelligent. In a less intelligent society, participants begin to shower each other with tons of insults and threats. Someone banyat. The troll rubs his hands, “eats” and grows fat.

Trolling is more experienced in trying to pit different participants together, as if remaining aloof.

To do this, the troll must find two people with different looks and play on it. When they quarrel, everyone can form a support group. Moreover, if you do everything quite subtly - no one will notice the initiator at all and remember that everything started with his messages.

Rates approximately (3 years ago) And the payments are different, I know in one place they pay for a provocative comment - 15 rubles, for inciting a discussion - all 60 rubles. But they say that if they work officially and under control, they get from 15 to 20 thousand.

All this goes to keep attention to this or that group in a social network!

Trolls also receive money for directing discussions in the right direction, creating the appearance of public opinion, and provoking hatred of certain famous personalities or political forces.

Group trolling

The trolls raid consists in the fact that several trolls attack the participants together, causing everyone to be puzzled: they talked peacefully, where did these negatives come from? More subtle raids can have different scenarios. For example, two trolls start a dispute among themselves, each has a support group. When the degree of emotions reaches the desired level, one of the trolls suddenly agrees with the other and takes his point of view, starting to scold what he just praised with all his might. Those who are embroiled in a dispute on his side are confused.

Another option:

trolls breed people into emotions, and themselves somewhere on another resource (for example, in another group, if it happens on a social network) discuss the emotions of participants and laugh at them. At the right moment, one of the previously not participating trolls gives a link to the resource where the trolls laugh at their victims. Participants come, read and understand that they mocked them.
The advantage of group trolling is that even a person who knows who the troll is may not be able to figure it out. “Well, this troll, and that one? Not everyone is around trolls? ”Not everyone will guess that trolls can act together.

How to behave with trolls on the Internet?

Respond to provocations.  The main thing is to remain completely calm. Your answers should be reasonable, balanced. Try not to show that you are annoyed and put on emotion troll posts. After all, this is precisely what he is achieving! As soon as it is noticed from your answers that you are not responding to provocations, they will leave you behind. The more indifference you show to the provocateur, the less interesting you will seem to the troll. Yes, sometimes it’s not so easy to keep calm. But no aggression, even if you really want to.
  Please note. telling the troll that he is a boor, a bastard and an idiot is the stupidest thing you can do. The troll just expects you to break loose, yell and wave your hands - he only needs it. When you are calm, answer him specifically, and if he continues to carry the blizzard, leave, the troll does not reach its main goal - it does not breed you to an emotional reaction.
  It is impossible to convince the troll - it has a completely different task.

Ignore is the best and most effective option.which can only be offered is simply ignoring.

Just do not notice the troll, do not respond to its provocations - show that you do not care about him. The main thing is no aggression, only peace. Even if they brazenly get into your dialogue, don’t notice it. In general, with any provocateurs, ignoring is the best weapon. Interest in you will simply disappear, because there will be no emotions and attention needed by the troll on the network. So, it makes no sense to have a dialogue with you. It is a waste of time that will not bring any pleasure to a fool.

Contact the site administration (for example, through the button "complain - insult)to provocateurs banned.

It sometimes helps, to answer in one word: "Thick."  Or: “A young troll, for the first time in her life, is trying to get food for herself. How touching. "

  The most useful thing you can
  to write is to remind other participants in the discussion that one does not have to enter punctuation with the troll. But do not pay public attention to the troll by publicly complaining about it.

Remember! Do not feed the trolls with negativity.   If h the man begins to get angry, nervous, curse, and this only makes the troll more angry. If you were attacked by a troll, then most likely we are promoting some useful and productive idea.

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