Flood: what is it and who are floods? What does it mean to flood

Often in Internet communication there is a call not to flood. What does this mean, and how to determine whether your messages really relate to the flood? The Internet has its own rules that have evolved over the years, and just like in real life, there are hooligans and just rude people. To know exactly why the moderators of a site or forum have complaints about user behavior, you should understand the terminology.

What is a flood?

If we look at the history of the appearance of the term itself, then this is a somewhat simplified and incorrect pronunciation of the English word flood, which translates as "stream". This is a very accurate definition, because initially the flood was called a stream of meaningless messages, designed to densely clog the space with anything, even emoticons or character sets. Sometimes other users pick up the stream, copying the first few messages, and are taken to flood. The meaning of the word has changed and expanded somewhat over time. In the Russian-language segment of the Internet, the concept of “flood” has absorbed the phenomenon of “flame” as well.

How is a flood different from a flame?

If flood was originally a pointless stream, then flame is ignited for certain purposes. The word translates as “flame” and refers to a number of nuances of communication. A flame is not a conversation on a topic of conversation, but solely for the sake of stirring up emotions. Literally, this is a quarrel for the sake of the quarrel itself; the instigators are not interested in the truth or confirmation of their innocence. Any kind of colloquial aggression is used, from direct insults to subtle trolling.

Over the past few years, in the case of a flame, you can hear the request “stop flood” - what does it mean? There was a merger and absorption of concepts, as is often the case in Russian. Now, flood is called almost any communication that is different from that specified in the start-up post, even if it is initially conducted in a non-aggressive manner.

Flooding - what does it mean?

For example, several Internet users gathered in a forum to discuss a new feature film. After several posts, a discussion may flare up, only remotely related to the original topic of conversation. If the film is about dogs, and in the comments there is a full debate about whether a woman can wear a short skirt, and this has nothing to do with the film, nor the dogs, nor the director, then users began to flood. The meaning of the word really has grown, and the admissibility of such a dispute remains solely on the conscience of the users themselves, the moderators of the project, and concerns only the rules that still need to be observed.

Flood control methods

There are two main ways to organize communication on any Internet resource. The first is a thorough moderation of messages, which is done by people who have access to resource management. The moderator can either verbally call users to order, or take punitive measures: issue warnings or block users altogether, depriving them of the right to leave comments.

The second way is passive. For fans to just chat, a special topic is created in which you can communicate with each other on any topic, from recipes to political disputes. Over time, on many resources, the very meaning of the word has changed to a completely harmless one. You wanted to flood, what does this mean? Most likely, this is just a desire to talk with pleasant interlocutors, and for this it’s really better to go to a special topic or sub-forum, which is often called “flood” or “flood”.

If you talked off topic about someone in your personal online diary, then the owner of the resource performs the function of moderator, and in most cases it’s enough to apologize for the flood. Many do not see anything special in the desire to talk, even if the interlocutors are far removed from the original topic, and are allowed to talk, while they themselves are happy to support the conversation. Thus, a virtual imitation of a normal conversation is obtained, when the topics cling to each other, and the result is a relaxed and enjoyable pastime.

The word "flood", like many Internet terms, came from the English language. The English word flood means "flood" and its meaning on the Internet is somewhat similar to the original, although it is used in a metaphorical, figurative sense. Flood is meaningless, empty, not relevant messages from users. Accordingly, "flood" - means talking off topic. On the Internet, many resources are devoted to very specific topics and discussions. If users who start a conversation about another event come to such a site, in the topic of a forum or group, their messages are called flood. Suppose you can’t start the topic of family relations in the apartment sales group, and you can’t start discussing summer vacations in the topic of exam questions - this will be considered a departure from the topic of conversation, the user will be asked to stop such attempts and return to the original topic.

Types of Flood

You can flood both from ignorance of the specifics of the discussion, and intentionally. To avoid ignorance, you need to carefully study the new site, forum or group on social networks in which you find yourself. Read the rules of users, so as not to incur the discontent of others and not to hinder anyone. A deliberate flood can be associated with various reasons: a desire to non-compliance with the rules, an action to spite other users, mockery of them, cheating the number of messages or even a hacker attack. Some users in the form of flooding send one request or one message many times, thus blocking the requests of other users and clogging the space of the forum or group. The rules of some games in the network space prohibit players from sending several messages at once on their behalf, calling it also a flood.

The punishment for the flood

As a punishment for the flood, the moderators or site administrators use a warning and even ban the user - temporary or permanent. Usually, big problems with floods - people who spread floods - arise where moderators or resource administrators do not follow their discussion threads. With such control, users try to adhere to generally accepted norms and rules. If a person mistakenly writes a message in the wrong subject or there is a topic more suitable for such a message, the moderators usually immediately direct the user in the right direction. In other cases, the flood is more like spam, so such messages are quickly deleted.

The negative side of the flood is manifested primarily in the fact that it prevents users from communicating on the chosen topic of conversation, confuses them and even causes uncontrolled disputes. However, not always flood is so bad. Often this word is also called simple user communication on all topics in a row. True, such communication should be carried out in a separate topic, which on thematic resources usually bears the name “Flood” quite appropriate to it, and no one will control in it what topics you are communicating with other users on.

flood - flood, flooding ) - Messages in online forums and chat rooms that take up large volumes and do not carry any useful information. A technical flood is a hacker attack with a large number of requests, leading to a denial of service.

A person who spreads flooding on Internet slang - flooder, same as decomp. empty land .

Flood spreads as a result of excess free time, and with the aim of trolling - for example, out of a desire to annoy someone. Network etiquette condemns flood and flame, as they impede communication, mutual assistance and exchange of information. In most forums, IRC-chat, etc. floods are punished with a ban for a period specified by the rules. A flood, an offtopic, or other messages that carry a semantic load are often mistakenly classified as a flood.

Types of Flood

  • In the worst case, this is the placement of the same type of information on several forum threads or different forums, one repeating phrase, symbols, letters, words, the same graphic files or simply repeating short messages that do not carry a meaning, on web forums, chat rooms and blogs.
  • Normal flood messaging  - sending a large number of messages of the same type. The easiest way to organize this type of flood is to write a phrase, and then, using the combination Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V, send it to the chat. In some chats, it’s enough to type a phrase and send it to the chat by repeatedly pressing the Enter key until the message form is cleared.
  • Nick flood  It is organized by entering a large number of zombie users (bots) into the chat with a fluder or changing your own nickname as often as possible (effective for IRC) .
  • Wipe  - Creation of a large number of empty topics on the forum.
  • Smile flood  - sending to chat messages consisting of only emoticons or exceeding the permissible value of their number. For example, the rules of some games allow sending 3 small emoticons or 1 large one every 3 minutes.
  • Multipost (overpost)  - sending multiple messages that can be combined into one.
  • Presentation flood  - flood status messages (presence messages), mainly in conferences of various jabber-servers.
  • Micro-flood (microflood)  - flood using a microphone on a gaming, team-speaker or other server. The micro-flood also includes the broadcast of third-party music on the game server.

see also



  • Smirnov, Fedor Olegovich  Chapter 3. Toy for avid talkers // The art of communication on the Internet. Quick start guide. - Williams, 2006 .-- S. 71 .-- 240 p. - ISBN 5-8459-1004-8


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what "Flood" is in other dictionaries:

    Exist., Count in synonyms: 14 chatter (88) drove (12) buzzed (14) ... Synonym dictionary

    flood  - 1. Posts on the Internet for "rubbling" on topics, groups, email, etc. Flood - the head of everything!) Give flood !! Internet slang 2. A conversation on a forum or other resource that is not related to the original topic of conversation. They planted a flood here ... I’ll ban everyone! ... ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

    flood  - from English flood; \u003d flooding sending messages of the same type of content (during a discussion on the network), see also flame Network etiquette condemns flood and flame, as they make communication, mutual assistance, and information exchange difficult. (from the article Flood, Wikipedia) ... Computer slang dictionary

      - (Flood) Henry (1732–1791), Irish politician. See Flud G ...

      - (Henry Flood) Irish politician (1732 1791). Having been educated in Dublin and Oxford, F. in 1759 was elected to the Irish House of Commons and took a seat on the benches of the opposition. With extensive knowledge of English and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Rather Flood, Henry (1732 2.XII. 1791) political activist, one of the leaders of the liberal opposition to the colonial authorities. In 1759, 90 members Irl. House of Commons and at the same time (since 1783) English House of Commons. In 1775, 81 occupied large ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Flood, Flood (English Flood flood): Flood violation of network etiquette. Flood, Henry (1732 1791) Irish politician. Flood, Gavin (born 1954) is a British Indologist. Flood, Mark (born 1984) is a Canadian hockey player. See also ... Wikipedia

    Flood (Flood) Henry (1732√1791), Irish politician. See Flud G ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with that surname, see Flood. Portrait of Henry Flood (or Flood, English Henry Flood; born 1732. Ireland d. December 2 ... Wikipedia

    Portrait of Henry Flood (or Flood, born Henry Flood; born 1732; Ireland d. December 2, 1791) is an Irish politician from the time of English rule. Biography Born in an aristocratic family. In 1759, 1790 was a member of the Irish ... ... Wikipedia

You are banned for flooding in any forum, but you don’t even know what it is? This is the problem! But to understand what the flood means and where it came from, you just need to read a little below. And then your dictionary of online vocabulary will be replenished with another weighty, in fact, an official concept.

What is flood in chat, on the forum?

If we take the English word flood, we can easily find that it is a flood or stream.

If you apply this concept within the framework of the forum, then we can say that flood is a stream of messages that filled the forum threads, preventing people from receiving normal information.

Naturally, such messages are not thematic. And they do not bear concrete benefit. That is why banyats are for their distribution.

After all, if you do not do this, that the entire forum can turn into a series of clarifications, clarifications, misunderstandings, as well as insults, inappropriate jokes, and so on.

What does it mean to flood VK?

The term flood means spreading flood. In this case, in the social network Vkontakte.

There are several ways to flood:

  • Send messages without text (for example, with emoticons);
  • To write off topic and a lot;
  • Troll someone (trolling is also a kind of flood);
  • Constantly clarify, ask, off topic.

There is no coherent concept here. The degree of flooding is determined by the moderator. And when such a degree becomes too large, the hero of the occasion will be banned or eliminated in a different way.

Russian analogue

If we look at Russian words, then we have an expression: follow the bazaar, filter the bazaar. That is, if a person does not filter the market, then he is engaged in flood.

Naturally, the English version sounds better, shorter and more cultural. Therefore, it was he who took root in the vastness of Russian runet.

It should be noted that such an expression is not slang. On many very reputable sites there is a graph: ban for flood. So such a term is officially recognized. Hundreds of such analogues can only envy him.

Many people today communicate in forums, chat rooms, social networks and other services where several people can ask each other questions and get answers to them. However, it is not always possible to quickly get an answer to your question. Sometimes you have to break through the mountains of flooding. We will tell more about the flood in this article.

What is a flood

Flood - this is superfluous information that does not carry any benefit in itself. Flood means messages that are not related to the topic under discussion and only divert it away from the main issue. For example, if someone starts describing the audio system of their car on a page discussing the overhaul of automotive engines, this is a flood.

In general, in relation to forums, there are 3 main types of flooding:

  • off-topic messages (audio system in the topic about engines)
  • several messages from one user, coming one after another. To prevent this from happening, it is better to edit one message several times than to add clarifications to others
  • someone else's large quotes
  • the abundance of unnecessary signs
  • "Stamped" messages, such as "agree", "true", ")))", "+1"
  • nick flood. One person under different nicknames leaves the same message in different topics
  • smile flood. Too many emoticons in messages, too few people like
  • wipe. Creating a large number of empty topics on the forums.

Why flood is bad

A large number of flooding makes reading forums long and pointless. the user spends much more time than he could on finding the answer to his question. It is clear that the user will not want to stay on the forum for a long time, the topics of which are full of various floods.

Therefore, the self-respecting administration of the forum takes all possible measures to combat floods and floods (users who distribute floods). An important role in this war is played by moderators.

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