What is title and what is it for?

Notably stand out from the rest, anime fans, who are also called animeshniki. Among them, a special slang has formed, which is not entirely clear to other citizens .. Add the resource to your bookmarks, as we have new information every day. Today we’ll talk about another interesting word, it’s Titleswhich means you can read a little lower.
  However, before I continue, I would like to advise you to read a few more popular news on the subject of anime slang. For example, what does Boku no Pico mean, how to understand the word Yamero, what is Slash, who is Shipper, etc.
  So let's continue what does title mean? This term has been borrowed from the English language " title", and is translated into Russian as" content "," title "," title ".

Title in anime- this is the name of any anime, starting with a 30-minute OVA, full-length full-length and ending with any multi-part series, all these will be anime titles

  Because on the Internet about anime titlesthere is practically no information, I took the liberty of revealing this topic in more detail. For example, you are talking with your friend, and he tells you that today he already managed to see the new title. This means that he watched "from cover to cover" a new anime series, although some think that he was staring at the name of this cartoon, but this is not entirely true.
  In this particular case, the word “title” will have an analogue of the term “anime,” or if its type is known, it can be called an anime movie or an anime series.

Unfortunately, accurately identify the anime by " Title"it’s simply impossible, because there are times when the cartoons have the same headlines and the anime is completely different.

When your interlocutor suddenly says that his list of watched cartoons includes about a hundred titles, then in this case, the concept of “title” will be equivalent to the word “title” or “title”. This means that in this list there will be exclusively the names of anime works that indicate a specific work, of those that he has already looked.

Take for example the name title"My neighbor Totoro." In Russian, this sentence is completely correct, that is, not the name of the "name", but specifically the name of a particular title.

What is still not entirely clear? Then a little addition.

If your friend tells you that he has already watched the Death Note anime, it will not be clear what he means. Did he watch a couple of the first episodes, or did he watch the whole work?
  It was in order to facilitate understanding that the word "title" was introduced. Because when your friend proudly declares that he already looked title"Death Note", then most likely he meant the whole season.

Internet title- this is the element of the web page that is displayed in the window title, it will also be displayed in the search results as a link to the site, and the keywords contained in it will affect the relevance of the page

Bookmaker Title- this is a champion status, title, title

  Most bookmakers accept bets on teams or individual athletes who are fighting for the right to hold a champion title (title). If the team you bet on won the championship, then it won the title (title).
  For bookmakers, sometimes the word “Title” is used as a substitute for polite treatment (Mr., Sir, Miss, etc.)

After reading this article, you learned what does anime title mean, and what is a title on the Internet, it will allow you to no longer get into trouble if you hear this concept again.

Tag   Is the page title, page title   and one of the most important elements both in terms of and in terms of conversion optimization. The page title is the first element that most often meets the user. From the contents of the header ( ) it often depends on whether the page is selected among others or is closed.

Correct title   pages can attract the attention of users, help in search engine optimization   and getting to the top of search results. The wrong title can push the user away or make the page invisible among other pages, as a result, the potential customer will never know about the super offer that was posted on yours.

Title syntax

Tag   located inside the tag <head></head>   and has a mandatory closing tag -. The TITLE document title tag has no attributes and can only be used on a page once. Also item   does not have a direct display on the web page. More often than not, the title of the title page is displayed at the top of the browser window. However, not only for this, you should consider <b>how to optimize title page title</b>.</p><p> <head> <title>Headline

Header value </h2><p>Tag <title>   has a key meaning on the page and is used for various purposes as the page title:</p><ul><li><b>Informing visitors about page content</b>. The title text allows the visitor to get information about the page title, page content, site name. Since the page title is displayed on the tab of the browser taskbar, the text of the page title helps navigate collapsed pages. The lack of text can negatively affect the visitor’s desire to view the page.</li><li><b>Saving a webpage on a local computer</b>. Many browsers allow you to save the contents of web pages as a file on your local computer. The page title will be selected as the file name when saving. <title>.</li><li><b>Save page to favorites</b>. Modern web browsers allow you to create lists of preferred links in a special section of "Favorites". When you save a page link to your favorites, the contents of the title header are used as the page title. And since the links from the "Favorites" are usually stored as separate files, the title of the TITLE page is also used as the name of the files.</li><li><b>Page Title in Search Results</b>. Search engines actively use the page title to form the name of the link to the page of the site. Tag text content <title>   used to calculate page relevance. The presence of key in the page title can positively affect. Correspondence of the title to the key request and the correct wording can make the link to the site more visible and attractive for visitors, which in turn will increase CTR - (synonym - clickability, from the English click-through rate) and increase search traffic on the site.</li> </ul><h2>How to optimize page title tag <title></h2><p><b>Title page title length - 60-100 characters</b>. Think about what the page title will look like in search results or in a browser tab. Due to the limitation of the length of the page title, the long title will be truncated and what will be the result? Will the page title be informative and attractive? <span>The page title should be short.</span>. And the shorter the page title is, the more likely the visitor will read it and go to the page. Indeed, often it is by the name of the page that users decide to open the page or not.</p><p>Limiting the length of the header makes it inadmissible to place all kinds of informational garbage in the page title like: “Home page” or “Welcome!”. The title should consist of page-specific keywords, collected in a short, readable, meaningful and informative phrase. Try to avoid direct recounting of keywords. In addition, there are a number of characters undesirable for use in the page title: (\u003d /!? * ":< >   | + _). Do not use any characters to “decorate” the page title. It is necessary to rid the heading of everything that does not carry useful information about the page.</p><p>It is advisable to use the general style and structure of building phrases to form headings on all pages of the site. It’s best to place the target keywords closer to the beginning of the title, and less significant keywords at the end of the page title. Often, page titles use site names and even contact information, such as a phone number. Here we can only advise you not to use such elements at the beginning of the header. Similar duplicate parts of the header are most likely to be dropped by search robots, so it’s better for them to stay at the end of the page title.</p><p>However, a bright and attractive headline can play a trick if it is a deliberate or unintentional deception. A user who opens a site whose contents do not match the name of the page is likely to leave the page and return to the search. Return to the search is one of the parameters, and with high rates of return to the search, the page of the site may expect a reduction in relevance and loss of position, for non-compliance with the key request.</p><h2>The correct page title</h2><p>Immediately evaluate the degree <b>headline efficiency for SEO page optimization</b>   or boosting your conversion is not easy. However, there are a number of conditions, the observance of which will help to avoid errors when creating site headers:</p> <ol><li>Heading length 60-100 characters;</li><li>Place keywords at the beginning of the title or closer to the beginning;</li><li>Use fewer direct keyword listings;</li><li>The brevity, clarity and meaningfulness of the page title;</li><li>Eliminate, if possible, extra characters (\u003d /!? * ":< > | + _);</li><li>Exclude duplicate parts or leave them at the end of the header;</li><li>Maintain uniformity in page titles;</li><li>Do not mislead visitors, the title should match the content of the page;</li><li>Do not use rare, complex or allegorical phrases - the title should be simple and clear.</li> </ol><p>Compliance with these conditions is the first step towards understanding what headline optimization is, on which a substantial part of search engine optimization of website content rests.</p><p>Add the page to your favorites, see the title. Share your opinion in the comments, ask questions. Like, tell your friends. <br>   Be sure to subscribe to blog updates!</p><p><b>And write the right headlines!</b></p> <p>About how to compose titles correctly.</p> <p>In this article I will describe in detail the basic principles of compiling and optimizing the title. Here I will answer some recurring questions, show examples from the video and not only.</p> <p>In general, this article is all that you need to know about how to correctly create a title, description for the site.</p> <h2>What is a Title?</h2> <p>The Title tag is an HTML element that tells search engines and visitors in the most concise and understandable way what exactly is being discussed on a particular page. The title is displayed in: browser, social networks and search results. Must be unique for each page.</p> <h3>What does it look like?</h3> <p>In browser</p> <p>In search results</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/title-1.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/title-2.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <h2>Why is it important?</h2> <ul><li>Because a significant number of optimizers do not know how to compose metadata.</li> <li>Metadata is included in the mandatory list of actions that cannot be fails, otherwise all further actions turn into a waste of time.</li> <li>Because it can be a shame to other optimizers, which dissatisfied customers will go to.</li> <li>On a simple title update, you can increase attendance at times:</li> </ul><h2>General principles</h2> <p>Fundamental truths, which consist of only 9 points</p> <ol><li>A lot of title headers are crooked and wrong.</li> <li>To correctly compose the Title tag, you need to conduct a preliminary analysis.</li> <li>You must be able to carefully compose the semantic core.</li> <li>You need to be able to analyze the core.</li> <li>You need to be able to distinguish between human and robotic.</li> <li>It is necessary to distribute semantics between pages.</li> <li>One must have a clear mind.</li> <li>Need to read books.</li> <li>Need to spend time.</li> </ol><p>Do not forget that title is just part of the page layout, there is also text with headers. Do not try to add absolutely all requests to it.</p> <p>Remember that too short titles may not always be justified. So far, you can often find this situation:</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/byvajut-sluchai-kogda-google-ne-pokazyvaet-title-i-v-vydache-pokazyvaetsja-zagolovok-stranicy.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>Google, unlike the younger brother, shows only the first part of the title. There are times when Google does not show the title, and then the page title and the brand name are shown in the results.</p> <p>By the way, experimenting with Title helped us.</p> <h2>How to write title incorrectly</h2> <h3>Compilation of titles without collecting a semantic core</h3> <p>In any issue, you can find examples of trust sites that have incorrectly written titles.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-trastovyh-sajtov-u-kotoryh-nepravilno-napisany-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Title</b>: Climadom Climatic Equipment Store - Climatic equipment and air conditioning in Moscow and the Moscow Region</p> <p>It is enough for this site to register the correct title and optimize the page to instantly grow in SERP.</p> <p>But the owners tried, paid money for the creation, filling, and even the functionality of automatically displaying a message about the work schedule after 18–00.</p> <p><i><b>The main error of such sites - titles are registered without compiling a semantic core and site structure.</b> </i></p> <p>This is a very common mistake of sites that did not access, but tried on their own to conduct quick page optimization.</p> <h3>Adjectives</h3> <ul><li>For Commercial Key Inquiries</li> </ul><p>Using adjectives in the title tag is unjustified. I do not recommend words such as <b>best</b>, <b>profitable</b>, <b>most</b>, <b>huge</b>.</p> <ul><li>For key information requests</li> </ul><p>Using adjectives improves CTR. Important! Content should be consistent with the adjective used.</p> <h3>Stop words in title</h3> <p>Do not use pronouns, particles and prepositions in the title. They are not counted by search engines.</p> <p>The most popular stop words: and, or, oh, to, i, not, to, etc.</p> <p>Exception: phraseological turns “to be or not to be”</p> <p>Care should be taken when referring to the brand name at the beginning of the title. In rare cases, this option is allowed if the company is very well known offline. But in competitive topics, leaders rarely use this method.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/brend-v-nachale-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>This is a blunder and complete chaos in the head of a person who makes up a similar description of the page.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ves-perechen-zaprosov-v-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>Listing cities when writing the title tag is in most cases an unjustified measure. If the goods are sold all over the country, it will be simply impossible to cover them in the title.</p> <p>In what cases is the use of the city (toponym) justified:</p> <ul><li>If the company operates in one region.</li> <li>If the company operates in several regions or has a representative office or other competitive advantage in these cities.</li> <li>If the content of the page is imprisoned for the city (ads, etc.).</li> </ul><h3>Uppercase</h3> <p>Do not use UPPER REGISTER when forming a Title. Stand out with content and mind.</p> <h3>Templates for title</h3> <p>The use of templates is justified for standard pages. But often, in order to save time, specialists create templates for all pages. In this case, the semantic core and the personal approach to optimization are ignored.</p> <p><category name> <brand-name> <product name>Buy online store <Brand></p> <h3>Complex errors in one title</h3> <p>To buy bedding at an affordable price in the Brand online store with delivery to Yekaterinburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Ufa, Kurgan, Surgut, Salekhard</p> <p>This title will be missed by many seoshniki. And they won’t even think about changing it. Only one thing is good in it - Using a key query at the beginning of a phrase. Everything else is wrong.</p> <h2>Preliminary data collection</h2> <p>Most of the errors with compiling metadata are associated with the use of incorrect preliminary data on the structure and semantic core. Simply put: there is no understanding of what requests are being promoted to a particular page.</p> <p>The sequence of actions is very simple:</p> <ul><li>We make up the site structure.</li> <li>We break groups of requests under specific pages.</li> <li>We compose the semantic core.</li> </ul><h3>No titles without structure</h3> <p>After the video, I got a few questions about the title, which featured the same error. We will analyze one of them:</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/voprosy-pro-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>The application has the following semantics for the page:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/semantika-dlja-stranic.jpg' height="154" width="178" loading=lazy></p> <p>Here is the answer:</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/title-dlja-uslug.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>Accordingly, the title was originally the following:</p> <p><b>Assessment of the cost of an apartment for a mortgage, bank, court.</b></p> <p>With that, you need to create a separate page Appraisal of the apartment for the court and the title will be like this:</p> <p>Appraisal of the apartment for the court. Independent assessment of the cost of an apartment, repair for a court.</p> <p><b>Rule number 1</b>: title can be composed correctly only with a well-formed site structure.</p> <p>Structure example:</p> <p>On the site, such a structure may look like this:</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-struktury-sajta-na-sajte.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>After the structure, we prepare the semantic core. To use the correct words in the title, you must immediately consider the specified frequency of a particular request.</p> <p>You need to know exactly which phrase is more correct to write in the title - Website Promotion or Website Promotion, Apartment Repair or Apartment Repair?</p> <p>Indeed, very often optimizers do not check this parameter before compiling metadata:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/teg-title-i-semanticheskoe-jadro.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>After working with the semantic core, we get data that you can work with when compiling a title:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/semanticheskom-jadro-dlja-sostavlenija-tajtla.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <h2>How to make Title</h2> <h3>Analysis tools</h3> <p>After the preparatory work, you can begin to compile a title for the site pages.</p> <p>To make sure everything is done correctly, we use the following tools:</p> <ol><li>We look at the search results and the metadata of competitors.</li> <li>We look at the semantic core and the adjusted frequency.</li> </ol><p>When analyzing competitors, we exclude very trust sites. The metadata of these sites should not be paid too much attention.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/pri-analize-konkurentov-iskljuchaem-ochen-trastovye-sajty.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>In the title of competitors, you can find new ideas or queries that for some reason were missed in the semantic core. Very often you can find non-obvious words, synonyms, etc.</p> <p>In addition, the correct headings increase the chance of a page getting into.</p> <h3>Title length</h3> <p>The optimal title length ranges from 55 to 90 characters.</p> <p>In the issuance of Yandex, the number of characters in the Title is up to 68, in the issuance of Google up to 59 characters.</p> <p>The basic rules are as follows:</p> <ul><li>The main keyword is at the beginning of the title.</li> <li>All words with the highest specified frequency should be placed in the first 55 characters.</li> <li>All other words can accommodate a segment of 55 to 90 characters.</li> </ul><p>I never use a very short title and do not duplicate it with titles like H1. An exception may be a blog post, service pages, news.</p> <h3>Regional Inquiries</h3> <p>If the business is aimed at the local market, in the title you must use the name of the city (toponym).</p> <p><b>The main rule for regional sites: the toponym should be at the very beginning of the title.</b></p> <p><b>Wrong</b>:<br>   Buy air conditioning. Air conditioning for sale in Moscow</p> <p>Do not write the name of the country in the title (in Russia, in Ukraine). In rare cases, when you have a large directory with regions for the root category, this can be done. In all other cases, no.</p> <p><b>Right</b>:<br>   Buy air conditioning in Moscow. Prices, sales, installation of air conditioners in Moscow.</p> <h3>Characters</h3> <p>Here the rule is very simple and universal:</p> <p><b>You can use the characters that your competitors have in the title.</b></p> <p>At the moment, there is present in the output: dot, comma, long dash, short dash, colon, such a stick |.</p> <p>In order of priority, I use the following characters: comma, period, dash, colon.</p> <p><b>Rare characters in Title</b></p> <p>Here you need to experiment, and monitor whether the CTR increases after their implementation.</p> <p>You can test how a site with symbols in Title will look in the snippet generator.</p> <h3>Brand in title</h3> <p>The brand name must be used in the title. In most cases, it should be used at the end of the tag.</p> <ol><li>Buy a coffee maker in Moscow in the Kofevarkin online store (the best option).</li> <li>Buy a coffee maker in Moscow - online store Coffee maker.</li> <li>Coffee maker: buy a coffee maker in Moscow (not recommended).</li> </ol><h3>Number of keywords</h3> <h3>Technique: Common Sense</h3> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/zdravyj-smysl-pri-sostavlenii-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Title</b>: The largest online store of children's toys can not be called right. But for a number of other factors: content on the site, linking, links to the domain, this site is in the top 3 results for “Toys”.</p> <p>In this situation, the title main can not be touched. Although it can not be called ideal.</p> <h3>Title for product cards</h3> <p>The product card in online stores is an example of typical pages for which title compilation should be automated.</p> <p>A template usually consists of:</p> <ul><li>product names</li> <li>words buy</li> <li>the region</li> <li>online store names</li> </ul><p><b>Example</b></p> <p>Fitness tracker Xiaomi Mi Band 2 buy in Odessa - Citrus</p> <h2>Example of creating a new title</h2> <p>On the example of the query "Corrective underwear milavitsa"</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-sozdanija-novogo-title-analiz-title-v-vydache.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>Here are the titles now in issue</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-sozdanija-novogo-title-spisok-title-v-vydache.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>More or less correct title in 3 and 4 places in the issue.</p> <p>We compose semantics, look at the tips:</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-sozdanija-novogo-title-semantika-dlja-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>We specify the frequency of requests:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-sozdanija-novogo-title-chastota-zaprosov-pri-sostavlenii-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>I propose to automate the process using a key collector.</p> <p>As a result, we get the following options for Title:</p> <ol><li>Shapewear Milavitsa - catalog, buy slimming lingerie Milavitsa in the online store <BrandName></li> <li>Buy Milavitsa shapewear: a catalog that stretches Milavitsa lingerie online store <BrandName></li> </ol><p>Old title: <b>Free software for house design, review, download a program for home planning</b></p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/primer-dorabotki-sushhestvujushhego-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>New title: Free programs for designing houses: a review, download a program for creating a 3D project and planning a house - Website name</p> <p>It is very important not to forget that the article itself also needs to be finalized.</p> <p>An interesting case for refining metadata is presented in the article:</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/livepage.pro/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/crimea2-670x272.png' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>Studying semantics and adding a year to the title influenced traffic growth by more than 4 times.</p> <h3>findings</h3> <p>When drafting the title, it is necessary first of all to distribute requests across pages, compose a semantic core and unload the specified frequency of requests.</p> <p>The general conclusions are as follows:</p> <ul><li>Correct title \u003d higher CTR in search results than competitors;</li> <li>First, only the most frequent word or phrase;</li> <li>In the first 55 characters, use the most frequent words;</li> <li>Never make a title in isolation from the semantic core;</li> <li>Always correctly distribute pages depending on key queries;</li> <li>Use delimiters;</li> <li>Learn the title of competitors;</li> <li>Use only frequency keywords;</li> <li>Do not forget about the text;</li> <li>Make the title look and read well;</li> <li>Do not list keywords;</li> <li>Do not steal from standards and do not steal at all.</li> </ul><p>By the way, we used this principle when, where the site grew to 3 million search traffic per month.</p> <p>You can also watch a webinar in which I talk about some points in more detail:</p> <p></p> <p>Well, remember: a good title does not solve all optimization issues, but it is one of the most important markup attributes. Any optimizer should be able to correctly compose a title title, combining the benefits for search engines and readability for site visitors.</p> <p>Need to improve Title for the site? Livepage team consultation.</p> <p>Russian anime terminology is described in detail: title, franchise, season, coor, series, episode and others.</p> <p>According to the most popular interpretation, “title” in Russian means the same as English “title”, namely “title” or “title”. Which is not entirely true. So much so that if you understand the word in this meaning, the interlocutors may have a false idea about the subject of the conversation.</p> <p>a: distinguished name of products written, printed or filmed for a movie</p> <p>b: also the distinguished name of a musical composition or work of art</p> <p>As you can see, the English word “title” can refer not only to the title of a work, but also to the work itself.</p> <p>The term " <i>anime title</i>" or simply " <i>title</i>»Is still trying to gain a foothold in the Russian language. One root <i>title</i>"Previously came to our language in the form of the word" <i>title</i>", Including the phrase" <i>title page</i>"Which is semantically very close to the concept of" <i>title</i>". (In English, the same word " <i>title</i>"Is used to mean" <i>title</i>"And for" <i>anime title</i>”.) However, all the explanations for the meaning of the term that I know allude to the English source.</p> <h2>Let's start with examples.</h2> <p>"I watched the new title yesterday."</span>   The commentator did not mean at all that "he looked at the anime headline yesterday." Still, it was meant to view the anime itself, and not just its name. In this case, the word “show” or “anime” will most likely be used in the English text. In such situations, the word “title” is also sometimes used in English, but not in the meaning of “title”, but as neologism “anime title”.</p> <p>"Actually, it was a different title."</span>   In this sentence, “title” can be replaced by the word “anime” or, if its type is known, by “series”, “anime film”, etc. But not by “title”. Even rephrasing <span>“Actually, it was an anime with a different name”</span>You will not be exactly accurate. Yet here we have in mind a very specific anime, and not just its name. Anime is not always completely identified by its title - there are times when it matches, and the anime is different.</p> <p>“My watchlist includes 50 titles.”</span> It seems that here the word “title” is exactly equivalent to the word “title” (or “title”). If you look at the contents of the list, only they are present in it. But, in fact, the author of the statement nevertheless had in mind a little different. He talked about watching 50 different animes. And in his list, the names are only an indication of the specific content of what he saw.</p> <p>“The title of the title is Spirited Away.”</span>   Yes, this is a perfectly correct sentence in Russian. Not the “title of the name”, but the title of the title.</p> <h2>Let's try to clarify our term</h2> <p>"I already watched the anime" Index of Magic "."</span>   From this statement it is not entirely clear what its author had in mind. Did he watch only the first <i>season</i>, or the second too? Did he look <i>specialists</i>? Did he watch all the anime <i>franchises</i>, including “Some Scientific Railgun,” or only those that are directly related to the “Magic Index” itself?</p> <p>The word title more accurately describes the content viewed than the more general word anime. A title is an unambiguous set of video material (although, sometimes, in different versions) with a certain number of episodes. Mentioning the word “title” in your message, you are talking about something completely concrete. If you write <span>"I already watched the title" Index of magic ""</span>, then most likely you are talking only about the first season. If the reader of the message still does not understand what is at stake, you can give a hyperlink to the source (for example, this one), which will definitely not cause disagreement among readers.</p> <p>Although sometimes the “title” is used in a broad sense, where its meaning is identical to the word “anime”.</p> <h2>What is the basis of the term “title”?</h2> <p>The term “title” is laid in the production process of anime. You probably know - the main work on creating anime begins with the release of the document ( <i>declarations</i>) on the decision of the so-called <i>production committee</i>. The production committee is a group of representatives of different companies, specially created to make decisions (decisions) on the financial sources of anime production, methods of advertising and display, release of related products and, most important for us, determining the parameters of a certain anime unit (film, series, OVA and etc.): the names and positions of the main creators (primarily the director), the number of episodes, their duration and the amount of financial resources allocated to a particular studio for the actual production of anime and other related works moves.</p> <p>The production committee prepares and signs a document - <i>anime title declaration</i>   - which uniquely defines the content of the term “title” for a specific anime. Without this declaration, banks do not allocate money for production and the anime itself cannot be born.</p> <p><b>Side note</b>. As always, any rule in real life is impossible without exceptions. The preparation of a declaration for Monster Stories (2009) took so long that the production of the title was started at the expense of Schaft's own funds. The truth is then responsible for the preparation of the declaration, one of the most influential figures in the anime business in Japan, was dismissed from his very respectable position in his company.</p> <h2>Anime databases</h2> <p>A clear answer about the contents of the title can only be given by the declaration of the production committee. But there is a significant difficulty. The texts of the declarations are not available to the general public. What do we do?</p> <p>Fortunately, studio officials usually provide enough public information to make unambiguous conclusions about the contents of the title. The rest of the information accumulates as it is released. However, you do not have to collect data yourself. For many years, there are widely available databases of anime. Moreover, the term “title” itself received meaningful content precisely after the appearance of such resources. You probably already know them.</p> <p>The most popular base is the English-language MyAnimeList (MAL). You can also use the Russian-language portal Shikimori to the same database, which expands the database in Russian. An alternative (and older) Russian-language resource is the anime section of World Art. As far as I understand, they use their own base. Well, the last on the list (but not in importance) is the English-language Anime News Network (ANN), also with its own base. I cannot recommend other Russian and English-language resources, their data is usually fragmentary and may be inaccurate.</p> <p>As you understand, anime databases are filled (almost) independently of each other and, therefore, there are discrepancies in them. At the same time, their administrators (and often users) consider the information of their database to be the most correct. Fortunately, information from different databases is very close, and if there are discrepancies, then usually for insignificant details. And one should not forget that database compilers often “peep” information from each other.</p> <p>Lovers usually group around one of the bases. Therefore, the chances that they will not understand you when discussing anime just because of differences in the databases are very small.</p> <h2>How to find a title in a database?</h2> <p>In all the portals I have listed, the concept of title is associated with a specific page of the portal web interface. (Or with the result of a specific request through the program interface, if available. However, the API is beyond the scope of our discussion.) So from a practical point of view, the concept of “title” is what a page of one of the databases describes of a certain type. That’s basically all you need to know about titles. What I mentioned above may be interesting, but not necessary for understanding the term.</p> <p>In each of the databases I have listed, it is possible to search for titles by their names. I will demonstrate with examples how to find the page of the 2003 series “Fullmetal Alchemist” in two different bases.</p> <h5>Shikimori</h5> <h2>Types of anime</h2> <p>The type of title is determined by the format in which it was first presented to the general public. According to MyAnimeList classification, anime can belong to one of the following types:</p> <ul><li>TV serial</li> <li>OVA (Original Video Animation)</li> <li>Film</li> <li>Special</li> <li>SHE (Original Network Animation)</li> <li>Music video</li> </ul><p>There is no “Music video” in the Anime News Network database and the database does not contain this type of title. One of the most commonly used primary sources of title type information is the Japanese allcinema resource.</p> <h2>Anime Original Type</h2> <p>Anime can be made on the basis of a script specially prepared for this project, or it can be an adaptation of previously released manga, ranobe, games, etc. The concept of the original is a purely formal term, since only when it is mentioned in the declaration of the production committee does it have the right to royalties. MAL distinguishes between the following types of sources ( <i>originals</i>) anime:</p> <ul><li>Anime title itself as original</li> <li>Manga</li> <li>Yonkoma</li> <li>Web manga</li> <li>Digital manga</li> <li>(Japanese) short story</li> <li>Ranobe</li> <li>Visual Novel (novel)</li> <li>Computer game</li> <li>Card game</li> <li>(Not Japanese) book</li> <li>Book of illustrations</li> <li>Radio production</li> <li>Musical composition</li> <li>Another type of source</li> </ul><h2>Other terms</h2> <h5>Episode</h5> <p>In the anime community, the word “episode” is used instead of “series” to refer to the unit of the series (Special / OVA / SHE). The latter can usually be found only with beginners. The word "series" is correctly used to denote the logical sequences of anime titles (seasons): <span>The Magic Index franchise includes two <i>series</i> - actually the "Index of magic" and "Some scientific Railgun."</p> <h5>   Anime seasons and split titles</h5> <p>The word "(anime) season" appears at the moment when we are talking about the release of a new title in continuation of the previous one. Usually the term refers only to series, but there are cases with OVA / SHE. We call “season” something that logically continues the original title and is logically completed (to the same extent as the original title). In rare cases, the type of title of the season can change, for example, the first season of “Feats of the School Council: Chronicles of the Hekiyo Academy” (2009) is a television series, and the second (2012) is IT.</p> <p>Dividing the franchise into seasons, where part of the titles is designated 1st season, 2nd season, etc., and part remains “just franchise titles”, is a rather arbitrary and voluntary action. Sometimes we may encounter a situation where some sources consider some title to be the next “season”, and some do not. Complete uniqueness occurs only when the next title is announced as the next “season" by the creators themselves.</p> <p><b>Side note</b>. Although here " <i>not so simple</i>". The title of the title “Fate / Girl-sorceress Illia 3” (2016) is written in Japanese “Fate / kaleid liner プ リ ズ マ ☆ イ リ ヤ ド ラ イ !! 3rei !!”, where “3rei” - “3rd instance” - clearly indicates 3 season. At the same time, on the World Art website (and on a large number of other Russian-language resources), the title is designated as “Fate: Girl-sorceress Ilya [TV-4]”, that is, the season is already the 4th (the 3rd season was - “ Fate / Girl-sorceress Illia 2: Continuation "(2015)).</p> <p>The release of the new season is preceded by the same administrative procedure as the original season / title. That is, a production committee is created, an anime title declaration is signed, an advertising campaign is conducted, and so on. This distinguishes it from the so-called “split title” ( <i>split-title</i>), when the release of part of the episodes is delayed for purely technical reasons (lack of resources at the studio for the production of part of the episodes, lack of a free window on the television station for broadcasting, etc.). An example is Monster Stories, in which the first 13 episodes aired from July 3rd to November 3rd, 2009, the 14th episode was released on February 23rd, 2010, and the final 15th June 25th, 2010.</p> <h5>Franchise</h5> <p>A franchise is a collection of titles connected by common events and / or characters. The division of all released titles into separate "franchises" is a rather arbitrary and voluntary action. The average viewer can find out which titles are related to a particular franchise by accessing anime databases. In MyAnimeList, this is a subsection of the “Related Anime” title page, in Shikimori, “RELATED” (repeating the mentioned MAL section) and separate pages “Timeline” and “Franchise”, which already contains a full list of franchise titles. The Anime News Network also provides a complete list of franchise titles in the Related anime section.</p> <p>As you can see, the concepts of the Steel Alchemist franchise are different in different databases.</p> <p>In MyAnimeList, a complete list of franchise titles can be built by sequentially switching to all title pages from the “Related Anime” section and combining them into one list. Although there is a danger. Sometimes titles are issued where heroes / events from different franchises are artificially combined. Thus, this particular title simultaneously refers to different franchises, but the franchises themselves do not turn into one.</p> <p>Franchises are identified by one of their titles and the name of the franchise is usually the name of the first time that the “full” title is issued (sometimes franchises start with the release of short OVA / SHE / specials). Although for some popular franchises in the anime community, other names become common. For example, the first title of one of the franchises was Monster Stories (2009), and the franchise itself is referred to as the “Cycle of Stories” or “Gatar”. But if you intend to provide a hyperlink to a franchise, the Monster Stories will be the correct link.</p> <h5>Anime release season</h5> <p>Animes are usually broadcast on television from the start of one of the 4 standard 3-month periods: winter (January to March), spring (April to June), summer (July to September) and autumn (October to December) . Example: <span>"The series" Invasion of the Giants 2 "is released in <i>spring</i>   season. "</p> <h5>Coor</h5> <p>Kour (cour in English, ク ー ル in Japanese, kor / chicken in other versions in Russian) - a unit of measurement of the duration of the anime or part of the anime shown on TV for a standard three-month period (see above). Since anime usually comes out once a week, one kour usually includes 12 or 13 episodes, in rarer cases 10-11 or 14. Sometimes the word “season” is used as a synonym in Russian, which leads to funny constructions: <span>"Duration of the 1st <i>of the season</i> Index of Magic - 2 <i>of the season</i>autumn and winter. "</span>   Hee hee</p> <p>The exact origin of the term is unknown, in the Japanese and English-language anime community, it began to be actively used somewhere in the 2007th year. The most popular version - the word comes from the French "cours", where it means "flow" or "(training) course." The Russian-language Wikipedia suggests the spelling of “hens” (most likely as the closest to the original French pronunciation), which does not seem to me successful because of its excessive consonance with another Russian word. I noticed that in Russian texts they write either “cour” in Latin, or “core” / “kour” in Cyrillic.</p> <h2>FAQ</h2> <p>Maintaining the anime database in a state where there is information on all old and newly released titles is a serious job, given that their number has already exceeded 10 thousand. All databases, except those listed by me, have a small number of registered users (less than 10 thousand). Here the record holder is MyAnimeList, which has more than one and a half million of them. Adding information on new titles and fixing errors in existing ones requires the joint work of users and administrators, with which databases with a low user base simply can not cope. The more anime on your watch list, the more often you will stumble upon errors.</p> <p>I understand correctly that in Russian-language databases I need to know the names of anime in Russian, and in English-speaking in English?</p> <p>Not really. Russian-language databases support the search for titles in both Russian and English. English-language databases include some Russians in their lists of alternative names, but you should not rely on the coverage of all animes.</p> <p>I don’t remember the exact name of the anime, how can I find it?</p> <p>Nevertheless, try to enter the name in the form in which you remember it in the search bar of the anime database. When searching, heuristics are used, which in some cases will allow you to find your title. If you still can’t find anything, try writing an inaccurate name in your browser’s search term and add the word “anime” at the end. Most likely one of the links found will lead you to the place where the correct name is available. I myself do this and I do not remember a single case when I could not find my title.</p> <p>[Fragments of drawings of key animation of the series The Magician Girl Madoka ★ Sorcery (2011) published in Key Animation Note Extra were used as illustrations.]</p> <p>An important role in determining the genre of the series is played by the “slot” - the broadcast time. For the convenience of viewers, television channels broadcast anime series of different genres at different times of the day and different days of the week. Each time period is assigned to a particular genre. For example, the channel shows Shionen fighters at seven in the evening on Monday, Maho-shojo at eleven in the morning on Sunday, and children's anime comedies at five in the afternoon on Wednesday. <br>http://www.animemanga.ru/Articles/tv-series.shtml</p> <p>We have released a new book, “Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Subscribers in the Head and Fall in Love with Their Brand”.</p> <form onsubmit="return false;" class="innerContentSubscribe_form swpmc-js-form" data-container=".innerContentSubscribe" data-on-success="swptEvents.blogSubscribeSuccess()"> <p> <input class="inputText js-placeholder" type="text" name="email" id="innerContentSubscribeEmail" value=""></p> <p>Subscribe</p> </form> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/semantica.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/27fe505ef8a0-1.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>The title tag is a title tag, its contents are displayed in the browser header.</p> <p></p> <p><b>More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA</b></p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/semantica.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/yutub.png' height="37" width="178" loading=lazy></p> <p>To understand what the title is for, you need to determine what functions it performs. Its main task is to inform search engines about the content of the page.</p> <h2>Where is the title</h2> <p>You need to search for the title tag in the code at the beginning of the page, inside the tag <head> </head>. </p> <h2>Title tag requirements</h2> <p>The position of your site in the search results largely depends on whether the search engines “understand” what it is and for whom it is intended. This is what title tells them about, and that is why it is so important. When deciding what to write in the title, keep in mind that there are a number of requirements for the wording of this tag, without which you will never "make friends" with search engines.</p> <ul><li>The most common question is what should be the length of the title. The size of the visible part of the title ranges from 55 to 80 characters with spaces. The rest will not be visible in the SERP, but the search engine will take it into account. Yandex usually shows 70-80 characters, and takes into account the first 15 words of the tag. Google shows 55-70 characters and takes into account 12 words.</li> <li>The meaning of the title should be clear at a glance. Upon seeing it, the user or search engine must instantly understand what the text is about. It’s better if the wording of the tag is “catchy” in nature.</li> <li>You can include several key queries in the title. At the beginning it is recommended to put the most frequency of the group. The wording of the sentence in the tag should look natural from a grammatical and stylistic point of view. That is, not to be a simple enumeration of keys or a pile of words (just to enter everything). “Curves”, unreadable constructions from keys are not allowed.</li> <li>This tag should not duplicate the title of the text that you enclose in the H1 tag. If you want both the title and the title to have one request, change the wording, a literal match is not allowed.</li> <li>Do not insert comma-separated keyword listings in the title. A search engine can identify your site as spammed, and you will spend a lot of effort removing it from sanctions.</li> <li>Each document on your site needs its own unique page title. Identical tags for different pages have a very bad effect on website promotion.</li> <li>The title tag must be unique. You can’t copy other people's tags if you don’t want search engines to punish you for plagiarism.</li> </ul><p>Title spelling rules will help you learn how to fill out this tag as quickly as possible.</p> <h2>Title tag for different sections and pages</h2> <p>First of all, the title tag is formulated for the main page. It includes the main, as a rule, highly competitive request. Since it will be shown in search engines as a snippet, it is necessary to make its wording as attractive as possible so that the user wants to know in more detail what is behind it. In fact, such a title works like an advertising slogan.</p> <p>The remaining titles on the site depend on the content of the pages. In order not to suffer, deciding what should be the title, for the same type of pages you can come up with a template. Usually it includes the name of the page or section of the catalog and the words that attract attention - reviews, photos, cost, discount. This technique can be used by writing a title for product cards, sections of the online store, images in the gallery. In the title cards, they begin with the name of the product or words like “buy”, in sections - with its name, in the gallery with the words “images”, “photos”, “examples of work”.</p> <p>Correct spelling of all tags is extremely important for website promotion. Your investment in promotion will not work until the main tags are verified and fixed, among which the title is the main one.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </article> <div class="entry-footer"> <span class="entry-meta__comments" title="Comments"><span class="fa fa-comment-o"></span> </span> <span class="entry-meta__views" title="Views"><span class="fa fa-eye"></span> </span> </div> <div class="b-share b-share--post"> <div class="b-share__title">Do you like the article? 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