What is not a warranty case of the phone. What should be included in this document. Receiving the device after repair

Phones are an essential part of life these days. modern man. When purchasing a new communication device, buyers often ask about the availability of warranty service. .

No one plans in advance for phone breakdowns, but still they are interested in whether there is a warranty period for the repair of this gadget.

The warranty period gives any buyer the confidence that if some kind of breakdown occurs with his phone, he will be able to hand it over for repair within the prescribed period.

But not always warranty repair lives up to its name. Quite often, various unpleasant nuances pop up. It is advisable to be informed in advance about these problems.

Let's look at what problems can arise during warranty repairs and how to avoid them.

How long does it take to repair a mobile phone under a valid warranty?

When choosing a phone and having received information about the technical properties of the product, do not forget to ask about the warranty repair period.

Most well-known manufacturers of mobile gadgets, such as Nokia (Nokia), Lenovo (Lenovo), Sony (Sony) and Samsung (Samsung) set a warranty period of one year for their product.

What does this period mean?

This means that in the event of a phone breakdown during the warranty period, the person who purchased the product can count on its free maintenance and repair (if necessary).

What services will be provided to the client during the warranty period:

  • elimination of damage or replacement of goods;
  • the period of warranty repair will be extended by the time during which the phone was under repair;
  • at the service center, according to Art. 20, paragraph 2 of the Law on Consumer Protection, are obliged to provide the buyer with a similar phone so that the buyer does not experience inconvenience during the absence of mobile communications;
  • complete replacement of a faulty phone with another device (in case the repairmen could not solve the problem);
  • to solve the problems that have arisen in the service center are obliged within 45 days, no more than that.

Unfortunately, buyers are often unaware of the rights they have as consumers. This is especially true for warranty repairs.

The Consumer Protection Law says that while a broken phone is under warranty repair, the owner must be presented with a similar product that matches the parameters of the purchased one.

This must be done at the service center where the buyer applied. On the basis of the application, within three days, the client is obliged to allocate new phone.

Important! In case of refusal to comply with this requirement, the seller will pay a penalty, which is equal to 1% of the cost of the phone on the market. This amount will be charged for each day of repair.

In Art. 20 of the Consumer Protection Act refers to the 45-day period allocated for the repair of the phone in a service center. In addition, repairmen do not have the right to delay the process and must deal with the gadget immediately after it arrives at the service center.

How to hand over the phone for repair under a warranty service agreement?

Let's take a look at the steps you need to take to submit your phone for warranty repair.

First of all, find the packaging from the device, fiscal receipt, warranty card (filled in by the seller at the time of purchase). Without these documents, you are unlikely to be able to hand over the phone for repair.

Note! Often manufacturersLG, Nokia, Lenovorequired to hand over with the phone and Charger, but this requirement is not mandatory.

Among the documents that are issued to the client when buying a phone, a list of service centers and their addresses is also issued. Take your phone to the store where you bought it for repair. Then it will be sent for repair to the service center.

At the initial stage, the employees of the service center conduct an expert assessment of the state of the phone and its diagnostics.

Your presence may be optional, although you have the right to do so. full right. This is necessary so that the service center employees enter the correct data on the state of the device.

During the examination, the phone is inspected, the fact of the presence of external influences that could cause a breakdown is recorded. External damage, if any, is also recorded.

In the absence of damage caused by mechanical action, the device is accepted for repair. Sign a contract with the service center, which specifies the terms of repair.

At the time of accepting the device for repair, write an application for the temporary replacement of your phone with another device similar in parameters. If the service center has provided you with such an opportunity, then you can use the new phone until the end of the warranty repair.

What to do in case of exceeding the duration of product repair?

Terms of warranty repair

Many are interested in the question, how long will the repair take?

The law protects the rights of the buyer. And commodity producers, as well as distributors of their products, are obliged to comply with the articles of this Law.

In Art. 20 of the Consumer Protection Act states, in particular, that telephone repairs must be carried out as soon as possible. If we talk about the minimum period, then assistance in troubleshooting the operation of the device should be carried out immediately. The maximum repair period is 45 days.

The above terms for the duration of the warranty repair apply to all manufacturers mobile phones.

Based on Art. 18 of the Consumer Protection Act, you can request that your defective phone be replaced with a new one if the service center exceeds the repair time.

The phone that is issued as a replacement for a defective product must be of the same model or have similar parameters. In addition, in agreement with the buyer, a model of another manufacturer may be offered.

If your requirement for timely repair or replacement of the device has not been met, file a claim with the court.

Based on Art. 13 of the Consumer Protection Act, claim a penalty for failure to comply with the mandatory requirements for the provision of warranty repair or replacement services for the phone.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that if the phone was not repaired within the prescribed period, the buyer has the right to demand that the device be replaced with a similar one.

In case of non-compliance with legal requirements, the buyer can apply to the court. As a result, his phone will be replaced with a new one, and the seller will be fined for the late provision of the service.

What to do if you refuse to carry out warranty repair of a smartphone?

Unfortunately, in practice, the implementation of guaranteed repairs is carried out in rare cases. In most cases, this is due to the presence of mechanical damage to the device. As it turns out during an expert examination, the phone failed due to the fault of the buyer himself.

Information about this obligation can be found in the documents and warranty cards of most manufacturers.

Important! Phone manufacturers provide warranty repairs only when the failure is due to a manufacturing defect.

At the service center, you will hear a refusal if you have used the phone incorrectly. Let's say your phone has taken a dip in the water. In this situation, a warranty repair is out of the question.

I would like to note that often the reasons for refusing warranty repairs are not legal.

If you were refused a repair, but you are sure that it is illegal, demand an act of work performed (in accordance with Article 18 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law).

What does this document consist of? It contains information about the cause of the breakdown of the phone and its impact on the operation of the device.

Important! At your request, they did not issue an act of work performed - the reason for refusing warranty repairs was illegal.

Also, the refusal will be unreasonable if the act contains information only about the cause of the breakdown. If you do not agree with the refusal, demand an examination in your presence.

The specialist will tell you about the exact causes of the breakdown and explain what can happen to the phone in the future. If it is proved that the service center denied you a repair on legal grounds, then it is you who will have to pay for the examination (Article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights").

Persistent buyers who are dissatisfied with the peer review can go to court and try to resolve the problem in court.

What to do if the phone breaks again?

What to do with a repeated breakdown of a phone repaired within a guaranteed period?

When your phone has been repaired, as a result of these actions, you are given a written report on the work performed .

The report contains the following information:

  • when the client contacted the service center;
  • discovered breakdowns;
  • completed work, indicating the exact date of their implementation;
  • date of return of the repaired phone to the owner.

Note! The repair period under the warranty will be extended by the time during which the phone was in the service center.

What happens if the phone is broken again?

This situation, unfortunately, happens quite often. Mobile phone repair requires accuracy and attention.

Your phone is broken and you don't know what to do? Go back to the service center or have an expert assessment.

Although this procedure is paid, it is important for you, since you can find out with accuracy about the cause of the repeated breakdown, and whether the fault of the specialists who carried out the guaranteed repair is in this.

If it turns out that the reason for the repeated breakdown lies in the wrong actions of the repairmen, then you have the right to demand in the store to replace the mobile phone with another one or pay monetary compensation.

As mentioned earlier, the Law stands for the protection of the rights of buyers. If your consumer rights are violated (the phone constantly breaks down, and you are denied a replacement), go to court.

Issues related to goods and services have always interested the population. Russia even has a special law that protects the rights of consumers. It's called "Consumer Protection".

Today we will learn how to return money for a phone under warranty. Is it even possible to do this? Under what circumstances cash will be returned, and under what - no? All these questions will be answered below. Among other things, we will be able to get acquainted with the rules for writing claims on phones that have not yet expired warranty period. What are the features of the process to pay attention to? What about the procedures being studied will each potential buyer have to remember?

The guarantee is...

The first step is to understand what a warranty period is. Every person who has ever bought equipment should be familiar with this term. Especially technically complex designs.

This is the time during which the manufacturer of a particular product produces free repair, diagnostics or replacement of components of your device. A similar document is applied to all gadgets and machines. Phones are no exception. They also receive a corresponding ticket.

So what is the phone warranty? Within a set time period (usually 12 months), the buyer will be able to:

  • to carry out free diagnostics of the device in the service center;
  • replace a broken or failed phone with a similar one;
  • repair the device for free in the service center.

This paper is included as standard with all devices. The buyer should check the availability of the corresponding one. If it is not available, it is not recommended to purchase the phone. After all, then the citizen will not have any rights to a free repair or replacement. This is the opinion of the majority of people. Is it really?

Is there any chance of a replacement?

To understand this feature, you will have to answer whether it is possible to change the phone under warranty. How legitimate is this idea?

In Russia, it is not forbidden to change and repair devices under warranty for free. This means that theoretically it is possible to replace an unsuitable smartphone. In practice, however, this is not so easy to do. Especially if you do not take into account some factors. Next, we will consider various options for the development of events regarding this issue. What tricks do cell phone stores use to avoid exchanging sold devices? and get money for a low-quality product? If you prepare in advance for such situations (it is recommended to do this under any circumstances), you can realize the idea without much difficulty. The main thing is to know your rights and not be fooled by the deceptions and tricks of sellers.

What might come in handy

How to get a refund for a phone under warranty? The first rule to remember is to save all documents and papers. Each customer purchases a certain set with a device in the store. And it will have to be saved. Otherwise, there may be problems with the return or exchange.

As a rule, in the box with a mobile phone you can find:

  • the device itself;
  • Charger;
  • battery;
  • instruction manual;
  • cable for connecting to a PC (USB);
  • warranty card for a phone bought by a person.

The presence of the last document should be of concern to every buyer. As already mentioned, in the absence of a guarantee, it is better to refrain from buying. All these components (some smartphones also have accessories such as protective film or headsets) must be saved. Preferably with box.

In addition, when paying, the buyer will be given a check. It is a mandatory attribute if you need to return or exchange a smartphone. It's kind of proof of a deal. No check? Then you can completely forget about the implementation of the task. Without it, it will not be possible to prove the fact of purchasing a phone in a particular store.

Proper quality

The quality of the product plays a huge role in the issue under study. How to get a refund for a phone under warranty? Before taking decisive action, the buyer should consider the cause of the claim.

The thing is that today the goods of good quality can be returned. But only under certain circumstances and with time limits. What is it about?

Any smartphone of good quality is offered to be returned to the store under the following circumstances:

  • the device did not fit in color, shape or size;
  • the product has not been used, it has completely retained its presentation, has all the factory seals and plugs.

And what are the restrictions? Buyer can return mobile device to the store within 14 days from the date of the transaction. This rule is governed by the Consumer Protection Act. This means that if there are no defects on the smartphone, you can still return it and get your money back.

Technically complex product of good quality

How to get a refund for a phone under warranty? In fact, everything is not as simple as it might seem. The point is that smartphones are included in the market. Therefore, buyers and sellers often have disagreements.

According to the established rules, it is impossible to return technically complex goods of good quality if they are under warranty. Accordingly, you can forget about the implementation of the task. It will be possible to return or exchange such a device only as part of some promotion held by the store. Or at the discretion of the seller.

But technically complex goods of inadequate quality can be exchanged or returned. Only with certain features and nuances.

Poor quality of complex equipment

What should I do if I need to return a phone of inadequate quality? By law, technically complex goods in this case are exchanged within 15 days from the date of their purchase. Further, such right of the buyer is lost.

But everywhere there are exceptions. You can exchange or demand money for technically complex goods of inadequate quality after the specified period in the following cases:

  • the smartphone has a significant breakdown (marriage);
  • the deadlines for eliminating defects were violated (45 days are allotted for the operation);
  • if during the entire warranty year the device could not be used for more than 30 days in total due to constant repair and elimination of device defects.

There are no other rules regarding this issue. In case of minor breakdowns or defects, if more than 15 days have passed since the purchase of the smartphone, you will have to put up with them.

About the inadequate quality of the goods

Now a little about more common situations. What should I do if my phone is under warranty? Will it be possible to return it?

As already mentioned, in Russia, buyers can demand their money for any product of inadequate quality. Moreover, this can be done during the entire warranty period. The previously proposed time limits are only relevant for 100% serviceable devices.

Returning a phone that breaks or fails during the warranty period is the legal right of every buyer. If the seller refuses the operation, you can complain about him. What should I do to get my money back?

Application procedure

Everything is extremely simple. Especially if a citizen has kept checks and documents from a smartphone. Without them, as already mentioned, it will be almost impossible to bring the idea to life.

Regardless of when exactly the breakdown occurred (during the entire warranty year, of course), you will have to follow some guidelines. They look something like this:

  1. Collect the previously listed documents. They must be accompanied by an identity card of a citizen (passport).
  2. Write a claim. How this is done will be discussed later.
  3. Contact the store where the purchase took place, with a corresponding complaint.
  4. Wait for funds or exchange the device for a similar device, but in working condition.

In reality, everything is not so simple. It is not uncommon for sellers to refuse refunds to buyers. For example, because of doubts about the causes of the appearance of certain defects. What to do in this case?

Conflicts with sellers

Do not despair. Even with disagreements, you can easily get your money back for a smartphone of inadequate quality. This is normal. The main thing is to behave correctly.

If the seller doubts the reasons for the appearance of certain defects, he must, at his own expense, conduct an examination, during which the quality of the goods will be confirmed (or not). In case of detection of manufacturing defects, the money is returned to the buyer in full. If the examination establishes that the defect is caused by a violation of the operating instructions, the operation can be forgotten. In addition, the citizen will have to reimburse all the expenses of the store for diagnostics.

Sometimes it happens that the phone is not installed or has expired. In this case, you can also return the money. But for this you will have to conduct an examination at your own expense. It is allowed to carry out the procedure within 2 years from the date of purchase of the gadget.

There are exceptional cases. For example, if more than 24 months have passed since the purchase of the smartphone. Then you can return the faulty gadget within 10 years after the start of its use or during the service life established by the manufacturer. Cell phone stores are not involved in this operation - the claim must be sent directly to the manufacturer. The lack of a smartphone with all this should be significant and irreparable. If the breakdown is fixable, it is allowed to demand money only if the manufacturer has not removed it free of charge within 20 days. The buyer must, at his own expense, prove the cause of the defect.

About refund amounts

Now a little about how much money is allowed to be returned if the phone breaks under warranty. This issue is often controversial.

First, the buyer is obliged to reimburse the full cost of the purchased device. Secondly, every citizen has the right to reimbursement of all expenses associated with the examination and repair of a faulty smartphone. Thirdly, if the price of the phone has increased, you can demand payment of the difference in cost.

It follows that sometimes the buyer is able to get more money than he once spent. Such situations in practice are very rare, you should not rely on them.

What to do when buying a smartphone on credit? The return of the phone in this case takes place according to the previously proposed principles. The money is returned in the amount of the cost of the device. In addition, the buyer is obliged to reimburse the interest on the loan that was paid.

Terms of consideration and return

In Russia today, all claims for reimbursement of funds for mobile phones are considered within 10 days. If the store did not respond to the document in any way, you can file a lawsuit.

It is important to take into account that no more than 45 days are given for the examination or repair of the device. Therefore, if a citizen was promised to repair the gadget and fix the breakdown, you will have to wait.

What can't be returned

From now on, it should be clear how to return money for a phone under warranty. Which devices will not be eligible for reimbursement?

As already mentioned, all smartphones of inadequate quality must be replaced or returned to the store without fail. The warranty on the new phone will also be updated. Money for such products must be returned at the request of the consumer.

Non-refundable smartphones include:

  • devices of good quality, if more than 2 weeks have passed since their purchase;
  • technically complex devices of inadequate quality, if the claim arose more than 15 days after the transaction.

No more restrictions. What else should every buyer remember if he wants to make a claim for a smartphone under warranty? What does this document look like? What should it contain?

Rules for writing a claim

Warranty claims over the phone can only be made in writing by the buyer personally. It is important to remember that the document can be:

  • written by hand;
  • printed out with a printer and PC.

There is no fundamental difference in the writing of the document. The main thing is that it should be a real paper that can be read.

The rest of the rules for writing a document are general principles conducting business correspondence. Among key points a special structure of the claim can be distinguished.

It looks something like this:

  1. The header of the document. It is located in the upper right corner of the sheet. Here you need to write data about the store to which the document is sent. In addition, the "header" contains information about the applicant - personal and contact.
  2. Name. It is written in the center of the page with new line. It is necessary to write "Claim". Under this word, it is recommended to write a clarification. In our case, the name looks like "Claim for a refund for a phone under warranty."
  3. Main part. It consists of a description of everything that happens. It can be said that this is the essence of the claim. Here it is necessary to tell as accurately as possible, but briefly and to the point, about the reasons for the complaint and about your requirements. After that, you need to list in a numbered list all the documents attached to the claim.
  4. Conclusion. This part of the paper usually consists of the date of circulation and the signature of the applicant.

That's all. There are no other special rules for writing a claim. It is recommended to record the fact of contacting the store with this document. This is necessary so that in case of inaction of the organization, the citizen has the right to apply to the court for protection.


The guarantee for the phone according to the law, as you can see, is set by the manufacturer. Usually it is 12 months. Sometimes you can find gadgets with a guarantee of 6 months or several years.

What will a claim for a refund look like for a mobile device that is under warranty? For example, like this:

"I, (data about the applicant, including passport information), ask to return to me the money in the amount of (amount) for the mobile phone I bought (model). (Date of the transaction) I bought in the store (information about the outlet) this device. It is under warranty until (warranty card expiration date). (Date of the incident) I took the mobile phone and tried to turn it on. The device booted up and shut down on its own after a few minutes. Restarting didn't work. The battery charge is shown as 100%. (Date) I conducted an independent examination. She revealed a manufacturing defect in mobile phone circuit boards. I paid for the operation (amount). I ask you to reimburse me the money in the amount paid for the smartphone (model), as well as the costs of diagnosing this equipment.

This claim is not exhaustive. This sample is just a small template for the main body of the document. It helps to understand the essence of the drafting paper.

About batteries and components

The last question that can only arise is the refund of money for a phone with a defective battery or other components. Is it possible to carry out such an operation? Yes. Just remember a few simple rules. The principle of filing a claim will not change.

The warranty for phone batteries will be exactly the same as for the device itself, unless the manufacturer specifies otherwise. It is enough to carefully study the warranty card. If it does not mention that the battery or some components of the smartphone are not under warranty, you can safely contact the store with claims within the entire period indicated on the coupon. The main thing is to have documents for the phone and a check indicating payment for the goods.


Perhaps this is all that every consumer should know. From now on, the topic "Phone under warranty - my rights" will no longer cause any difficulties. If the smartphone has all the documents, you can easily make a claim and return the money for the purchase of inadequate quality. Of course, the device itself will need to be given to the store.

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. Sellers often try to violate the rights of buyers. It is important to understand that you can exchange or return money for a product at any time if it is proven to be of inadequate quality, a serious defect. But a serviceable device is allowed to be returned only if the presentation is preserved and within 14 days from the date of purchase. Even technically sophisticated devices must be accepted for exchange or return.

So, if a citizen's phone suddenly breaks down, he can demand its exchange or refund during the entire warranty period. The main problem in this matter is device diagnostics. We have to prove to the stores that the smartphone was originally purchased with a defect. In practice, not every buyer succeeds in defending his rights.

You can find out about the warranty period in clause 6 of Art. 5 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". Only after studying all the necessary regulatory acts of the legislation, the buyer will be able to protect his rights.

The warranty period is the time period during which, in the event of a defect in the product, the manufacturer, distributor, performer or other authorized body (company, entrepreneur) undertakes to fulfill the legal requirements of the buyer regarding the defects found in the product.

remember, that normal functioning products and the elimination of defects are guaranteed by the manufacturer, and not by the distributor, supplier of the goods, or another person distributing the thing.

Most often, the warranty period is entered into an agreement drawn up during the sale or purchase, or indicated in a special warranty card. It is during this period that you can file a claim with the store if you find any flaws in the product.

In some cases, the consumer has to prove his case that the defect relates to production, and he is not guilty of its occurrence.

Under what circumstances can you use the right to warranty service in construction?

You can understand the meaning of the concept of "guarantee" with the help of Art. 754 of the Civil Code. Based on the provisions of the standard, the contractor is responsible to the customer for the quality of construction work, which is regulated in special documentation and other important technical norms and rules.

Also, the client can find out what needs to be done if the conditions specified in the agreement are not met, or other mandatory indicators of the leased object have not been achieved.

If the restoration of any structure is carried out, then the contractor is obliged to monitor such qualities as reliability, strength, stability of the building or other building structures.

A guarantee of appropriate quality is provided by the contractor:

  • for flaws and defects of any kind that caused a violation of the technical specifications or other technology rules;
  • when creating an incorrect design of individual units;
  • in case of improper installation, or the use of low-quality building materials.

A quality guarantee is issued both for the entire structure and for its individual elements (for example, worsening the aesthetics of the building, leading to a quick replacement of materials or parts of the object). It can also be used if minor flaws are found.

According to the Law, the contractor is obliged to eliminate all defects free of charge within the established time limits. If small defects or faulty elements are identified, they must be replaced.

Another solution to the problem is to reduce the price that was agreed in advance in the agreement. The cost reduction should be commensurate with the identified defects. This procedure is possible if it was specified in the contract.

In what cases can the buyer take advantage of the current warranty on the phone?

The phone comes with a 1 year warranty from the manufacturer. It is possible to use it only in cases that have arisen through the fault of the manufacturer. At the same time, it is necessary to prove that the buyer did not violate the operating rules, did not interfere in software, did not subject the product to impacts.

For example, the warranty will be valid if:

  • the device is not charging. Its capacity is not filled, even if the product is connected to the network. The reasons are a violation of the automation of algorithms in operation, a malfunction of the charger. Most often this happens when the company completes the product with a charger with a small current. The customer should contact the service center. There he is obliged to issue a new device;
  • WiFi and Bluetooth modes do not work. Very often, this problem occurs during a failure during the installation of elements. printed circuit board. As a result, one or more modules are not attached to motherboard and the system stops working. Thus, the service center must replace the board and give the buyer a working phone.

In most cases, there are no problems with the repair. However, there are many reasons for the manufacturer's refusal to restore work.

First of all, we are talking about mechanical damage that occurred during operation - scratches, dents, traces of various substances or liquids (today, many devices are equipped with special markers that react to water ingress in red), flashing the system, chipped or damaged parts of the phone.

In this case, it is better to immediately contact the center of independent expertise. Only after receiving the results of the check can you submit your claims.

The buyer must demand that the money be returned to him for the examination and to carry out a quality repair of the goods. To prove your case, you need to make an effort. If we talk about the price of an expert check, then it is not a cheap procedure - from 4 to 8 thousand.

As practice shows, it is very difficult to achieve the truth in this way. After all, the results for buyers are mostly negative, since the center has no desire to sue well-known brands.

When can I return, exchange or return shoes for repair under warranty?

There are several guarantees for shoes - quality and return. The latter type represents the right of the consumer to exchange only new shoes for two weeks. In this case, the product should not be worn, have a presentation and other qualities.

Packaging, tags, labels also play an important role. Present a fiscal receipt, which will confirm the reality of the transaction. Reasons for the appeal - the product did not fit the client in size, shape, color or other parameters.

If we are talking about quality assurance, then it is allowed to return used shoes in case of a defect. This is where expertise is needed. An independent center is obliged to establish the true cause of the marriage - through the fault of the consumer or manufacturer.

According to the Law, shoes can be replaced if:

  • the sole has deteriorated (peeled off, burst, deformed);
  • there was abrasion of the sole for 3 months from the date of use;
  • the paint has come off;
  • the lines were broken, holes formed.

In the event that the client has identified the above defects, he has the right to demand that the seller eliminate the defects free of charge or replace the defective product with another one. However, the buyer must prove that the defect arose prior to the transaction. This is stated in Art. 19 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Russian Federation.

Contact the seller at the store where the purchase took place with a claim. If the seller does not wish to comply with the customer's requirements, he is obliged to send the product for inspection.

Based on the results of the expert commission, an appropriate conclusion is made - if the buyer is innocent of the defect, the money is returned to him, or another similar product is issued. It is possible to carry out repairs.

In the event that the store refuses to fulfill its obligations, the consumer has the right to go to court.

It is impossible to make an exchange or return procedure if the shoes:

  • was in operation, which led to a natural deterioration in consumer properties and appearance;
  • It has mechanical damage in the form of cuts, cracks, burns;
  • deformed due to unseasonal use, after careless wear, improper storage and other reasons depending on the buyer;
  • was repaired before contacting the store with claims. Repair is not considered to be a change of heel heels or gluing of preventive soles that did not lead to a deterioration in consumer qualities and new shortcomings.

What cases are recognized as warranty when it comes to a car?

A warranty case is considered to have occurred if the item of sale or a component that has its own warranty period is rejected during the warranty period declared by the manufacturer. In this case, the existence of the material defect itself or a manufacturing defect is obvious.

Warranty claims are considered unfounded if defects appear due to violation of the rules of operation and Maintenance, requirements for the use of a car, components and assemblies of the fuel system.

The latter include substandard fuel with:

  • low lubricity;
  • the presence of moisture;
  • the presence of mechanical particles and pollution;
  • inconsistent with the standard values ​​of the octane number and the content of sulfur impurities.

Unskilled maintenance of the diesel fuel system is also included in the list of violations if:

  • untimely replacement of filters;
  • the use of filter units not intended for operation by this type of engine;
  • untimely draining of liquid or condensate from the settling tanks of filter elements;
  • independent elimination of deficiencies;
  • the presence of mechanical faults on the warranty units of the unit.

In this case, the buyer will be denied warranty service.

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