Secret contact. VKontakte secrets few people know about. We write a surname from a new line

Want to learn about some of the useful features of the megapopular in our latitudes of the social network VKontakte? Then, read about the seven hidden features of VK and use the knowledge gained right now!

More recently, we wrote about. Everything was decided there by installing a special plug-in that automatically added the functionality we needed, among which, downloading media files is only a small part of the improvements ...

However, not always and not everyone has the opportunity to install something on a computer from which they access online ... Yes, and it turns out that in most cases it is far from necessary to use third-party software - the main thing is to know some secrets and be able to use them use;)

Therefore, I bring to your attention a small but useful selection of tips that will allow you to significantly diversify your stay on VKontakte :)

  Change language

And we will start, perhaps, with the most useless, but fun feature - changing the interface language of our account. Previously, in the "basement" (at the very bottom of the page) of the social network, there were links to quickly change the language, among which there were two funny versions of Russian: "Pre-revolutionary" and "Soviet".

Then Contact underwent a redesign and part of the "chips", among which were the mentioned interface options, disappeared somewhere. But, in fact, everything remained in place, it was just moved :) Soviet and pre-revolutionary Contact can still be included. To do this, go to "My Settings" and the last two items in the "Language" drop-down list and will be our treasured parameters :)

Select the desired design option, click the "Apply" button and get the desired result. The only pity is that friends will not see and appreciate your new interface, since it is visible only to you. However, one can laugh at the company, for example, by changing one of the comrades on his computer the language to pre-revolutionary, and watching the reaction with a calm look :).

By the way, on the same first settings tab ("General"), you can also change the address of your page of the form "" to a more readable and memorable option, such as "". To do this, just enter the desired name of your account in the "Page Address" field, just above the list of languages.

How to add characters and underscores in messages

If the change in the interface language will be visible only to us, then now I propose to study the question of what can be done in Contact so that it can be seen by everyone :) Specifically, I mean the possibility of formatting the text in my messages. After the last redesign (around April-May), many of the text formatting functions were discontinued, but something remained ...

The general concept of formatting text on VKontakte is as follows: a letter that needs to be highlighted in a certain way is preceded by a special code starting with characters and ending with a certain number with a colon at the end. In practice, it looks something like this (we introduce the example without quotes): "͠п͠р͠и͠в͠е͠т":

In addition to wavy underline, the following codes are still working:

  • ́ - stress (put in front of the letter on which we want to emphasize and works only once in one word);
  • - Inextricable space (replaced by a blank character and allows, for example, to send an empty message);
  • ¯ - overline with a solid straight line;
  • ̅ - dash overline.

At the moment, everything is formatting, however, it is worth mentioning that the VKontakte codes partially coincide with the popular ALT codes. If someone else is not in the know, then the ALT code is a special set of numbers that are entered from the numeric keypad (a block of buttons with numbers on the right) with the ALT key held down. While the button is pressed, we can enter certain numbers that will not be visible, but as soon as we release the key, a certain character will appear.

So ... By experimenting with the numbers after, you can get interesting results. For example, the code © will give us the copyright icon - :)

  Wall posts only visible to friends

Once the conversation turned to messages, then it is worth mentioning one far from obvious, but useful function, such as hiding information on the wall from all visitors except friends. If you try to do this during normal editing from the "My page", then you will not succeed, because nowhere is the desired option.

Someone can rightly notice that in the Settings in the "Privacy" tab (second) you can configure so that only friends can see the wall (or no one at all :)). But it will be a global setting. But what if you want to hide only a separate post?

It turns out that this is possible and completely uncomplicated. You only need to know where to look :) And you need to search in the "All Records" section! You can get into it if you click on the inscription on your page where the number of posts on the wall is displayed (in the upper left above the “What's new?” Field). This will open a page that displays only your wall and an expanded news entry field:

Under the news input field, we will have the treasured "friends only" checkbox. We activate it, publish the news and it will be invisible to everyone who is not in the list of your friends!

The only caveat is that you can no longer hide the news added earlier. You can only hide new posts that you post directly to your wall with an address like "".

  How to find out who comes to you most often

There are many different questions connected with VKontakte friends ... For example, officially we cannot find out which of the friends visited our page. For this, VKontakte has dozens of applications that show with varying degrees of certainty who supposedly visited you. However, in reality, most often such applications do not work.

It turns out that there is a very real way to find out who recently came to you most often, even without third-party applications of dubious quality. True, it is not known how much certainty there is in this method, since you can only check by asking people directly if they have come to you. Although, everything coincided with me, so I’ll tell you about the method, and you decide :)

So, we first need to go to "My Settings" and at the very bottom of the page find the inscription "You can delete your page." Click on the link in this caption and go to the page for deleting your account:

You do not need to delete anything! We are only interested in the item "Do not comment on my page." We select it and in the field with the standard answer the system will give us the names of two people who have visited your page recently :) If you want to find out who else besides these two came to you, repeat the procedure and get the names of a couple of visitors. So you can repeat until we calculate all! I got 7 people a day - it seems like the truth, though, whoever understands their developers :).

  How to remove friend request

The last situation related to friends, which often occurs among VK users, is requests for adding friends from strangers, of a dubious kind of activity :). Previously, there was a button that allowed you to directly delete any add request. Today, we are offered only two options: either add or leave as subscribers ...

Subscribers will not be able to write messages directly to you, but they will be able to read and comment on your posts on the wall ... If you do not want people to receive information about all your new posts, then you can do the following ...

We leave the person in the subscribers, and then go to the "My subscribers" section (in the menu under the profile picture on your page). A pop-up window will open with a list of people following you. We find the profile picture of the person we just added, and in the upper right corner we click on the "Block" button with a cross. Everything is ready - you will not be disturbed anymore :)

  How to download music and videos

For downloading music and video from Contact, there are a whole bunch of services, plug-ins and full ones. However, there is a way to download media files directly without additional devices :). To do this, any browser that allows you to view the code is suitable for us (usually viewing the code is called by pressing the CTRL + U key combination).

To download music, go to the "My audio recordings" section and look for the track that we want to download. For speed, copy its name and call the page code using the context menu (in Chrome it is the item "View page code") or the combination mentioned above (works in all popular browsers). We call the search by code (CTRL + F) and paste the copied name of the desired song (if there are several, then leaf through the code manually):

For ease of search, you need to know that all the links we need are in the block with id \u003d "audios list". Now we find the name of the desired song, and the link to it will be in the block above in the block with the class class \u003d "play_btn fl_l". Copy the link, starting with "http" and ending with ".mp3", create a new tab, paste this link into the address bar and press Enter.

In some browsers (mostly old ones), after such manipulation, the download will immediately start, and in some the player will appear. If you started playing, you need to call the context menu and activate the "Save As" item in it. A standard save dialog will appear in which you can select the place where the file is downloaded and give it a normal name.

To download a video, we need to add it to My Videos, open it for playback and quickly press CTRL + U to access the code. Video in Contact can be stored in two formats: .mp4 or .flv. We enter both options in a search and look at the result. A link of this kind should be found:

As you can see, it is not stored in a completely working form. Specifically, backslashes, which stand three in front of straight ones, interfere with its performance. We need to copy the link, starting with "http" and ending with ".mp4" or ".flv", and then paste it into the address bar and remove unnecessary slash groups. Further, the algorithm is the same as for links to music: either the video immediately starts loading into the default download folder, or the player appears and we can save the video through the context menu.

The only thing worth saying is that we can download a video in this way only if it is uploaded to one of, servers or friendly video hosting sites, but not YouTube or RuTube. And yet :) For some videos there are several links - they are preceded by the codes url240, url360, url480 or url720. These numbers mean resolution, and therefore video quality;).

  Status "Online from a mobile device" on a PC

One more simple trick for snack :) Recently, VKontakte, besides the status "Online", also started displaying the status "Online from a mobile device", displayed if you are sitting on the network from a phone or tablet. Some comrades immediately "cut the chip" and began to brag about the fact that they have cool tablets and smartphones. As proof, of course, they give their status :)

But the status, if necessary, can be quite easily obtained if your browser is similar or similar (a new one will do too :)).

We need to go to the browser menu and find there the item "Tools" - "Developer Tools" (also called by CTRL + SHIFT + I). Now in the panel that opens, activate the "Emulation" section and select the device that we want to emulate from the list in the "Device" tab. I chose Google Nexus 10, because this tablet has a rather high screen resolution and with this resolution it will work comfortably on a regular monitor.

Now it remains only to click the "Emulate" button and reload the Contact page. You will be automatically transferred to the mobile version of the site, and a status icon in the form of a mobile phone will appear next to your name :) Close the "Developer Tools" panel and with the last step switch to the full version of the site by clicking the "Full version" button in the lower left menu. Although, if you are comfortable with the mobile version, you can leave it ...


So our mini-excursion into the hidden features of VKontakte came to an end. In fact, there are many more secrets in VK, but all of them are unreal to know! Yes, and the obsolescence of certain chips is pretty fast. While this article was being written, for example, the contact returned the function of choosing the language from the basement of the site :) And the article was written only two days ...

In a word, you can’t keep track of everything, so today we will use to the maximum today what you can still use, and what will happen tomorrow - see :) Fast surfing and more friends with whom you can talk on any topic!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and cite this article provided that an open, active link to the source is provided and Ruslan Tertyshny’s authorship is preserved.

Now we will talk with you about what cheats (see) and secrets are available on the social network Vkontakte. They will help you take advantage of unusual functions, expand the functionality and appearance of your page, promote your account (see) much more.

Personal Page Design

Let's see which chips we can apply to change the look of our page.

Theme of design

If you want to completely change the design of your profile, use ready-made themes from the site:


Go to it, and select your favorite topic from the list.

Now in the block with the selected topic, we need to click the "Apply" link. The browser extension will be installed (see), with which the selected design style will be installed for your profile.

As a result, you get this result.

Change the language

An interesting feature - you can put a different profile language (see). To do this, go to “My Settings - General”. Find the block here "Regional settings", and try to choose the Soviet language.

As a result, you get such a funny result.

Look - all the words are now written in the Soviet style.

Block "Personal Information"

There is a small trick - display lines with information, but leave the value in them empty (see).

We get this result.

You see, the Hometown field has remained empty.

We remove advertising from design

We go to the site:


And install the extension.

It will automatically block annoying VKontakte ads.


What are the secrets to promoting your Vkontakte account?


You probably heard about the domestic currency - the voice. For them you can purchase chips that a social network offers (see). But at first glance it might seem that you can get votes only for real money. This is not true.

We looked at this in an article -.

Like the photos

You probably already know that the more likes a photo has, the more popular it is. But the secret with which you can get them in large quantities without investing money is still available to few people (see).

Secrets and loopholes are constantly being closed, so hurry to use it until you have covered the shop. PP number 10 in my opinion does not plow.

1) View photos / videos / groups on a closed page
  You can view photos from closed pages if only the user’s page is closed. That is, if he went into the settings and in the tab “ Privacy”Forbade only viewing his page, but not photos and videos.

To view photos / videos / groups on a closed page, you must:

1. To take advantage of this advice, first find out the ID of the person whose photos / videos / groups you would like to view. To do this, find it on the resource and hover over the “Message” link to the right of this person’s avatar. Even if the page is hidden, then when you hover over the browser’s status line (bottom of the screen), a link containing the user ID will be displayed. The link will be of the following type: “\u003dwrite&to\u003d27026? The last few digits are the desired ID.

2. To view the user's photo albums (provided that he / she has hidden (a) only the page and not the photos themselves), you must insert the link “\u003dID” in the browser line ( where is the address of the site) and instead of “ID” enter the user number. Press “Enter” or the “Transition” button in the browser.

3. To view “Photos with me” on a hidden page (provided that only the page is hidden, not the photos themselves), insert the link “\u003duser&id\u003dID"…. Further chain action described above.

4. To view “Videos with me” on a hidden page, insert the link
  “Http://\u003dtagview&id\u003dID” and follow the already familiar algorithm.

The “Enter” key needs to be pressed only after you have replaced the ID in the above links with the unique number of the person whose photos you would like to see.

2) We mark all friends in the photo

1.This is quite simple - you just need to upload photos to your page. After that, go to the photo page on which you want to tag friends and then click “Mark”.

2. The next step is to paste the code below into the address bar of the browser. You only need to insert it on the page where the “Mark” button was clicked. You need to insert this code:

javascript: (function () (function getPhotoInfo () (if (res \u003d /(+)_(\\d+)/.exec(location.href))return (”mid”: res, “pid”: res); else return (”mid”: 0, “pid”: 0);) p_mark \u003d function (i) (if (i\u003e \u003d window.friends.length) (ge ('rotating'). innerHTML \u003d “

  All friends have been marked on this photo!

”; ClearTimeout (timerID); return;) request_uri \u003d“ /photos.php?act\u003dput&pid\u003d"+mid+--------_--------+pid+--------&id\u003d"+mid+"&oid\u003d0&subject\u003d"+window.friends[i]. id + ”& name \u003d” + encodeURI (window.friends [i] .name) + ”& add \u003d 1 & x \u003d 0 & y \u003d 0 & x2 \u003d 100 & y2 \u003d 100?; img \u003d new Image (); img.src \u003d request_uri; ge ('commentArea' ) .innerHTML \u003d (i + 1) + ”of” + window.friends.length + ”friends have been marked!”; timerID \u003d setTimeout (”p_mark (” + (i + 1) + “)”, 500); ); p_markall \u003d function () (if (! confirm (”Are you sure want to mark all friends? \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nBugs & Thanks:\u003d 5500005?)) Return; ge ('rotating'). InnerHTML \u003d “

  Please wait ...

”; Ajax \u003d new Ajax (function (a, r) \u200b\u200b(eval (r); window.friends \u003d fr; p_mark (0);), function (a, r) \u200b\u200b(alert (” Request problem. Try again ”); )); ajax.get (”/ photos.php? act \u003d get”);); if (! (location.href.match (/ && location.href.match (/ photo /))) (alert (”Open page with photo”); return;) var info \u003d getPhotoInfo (); var pid \u003d info [“pid”], mid \u003d info [“mid”], friends; p_markall ();)) () ;

3. Press “Enter” and wait until all friends are checked out. Approximately 100 friends are marked in one hundred seconds at a speed of 1 megabit per second.

3) We mark all friends in the video

1. Upload the video to your page, click “Mark” to display the list of friends.

2. Insert the code below into the address bar of the browser on the page where you clicked “Mark”. You need to insert this code:

javascript: for (blabla \u003d 0; blabla<5000;blabla++){ var elem = document.getElementById(’f’+blabla); if(elem == null) break; elem.onclick(); }

3) Press “Enter” and wait, as in the previous paragraph.

4. We write a surname from a new line

Want to stand out in front of your friends in an unusual location "In contact with"? If you follow the instructions, then there will be no problems

1) Go to the “My settings” page and right-click on a white background, and in the menu that appears, click “View HTML code” (for Interet Explorer) or “View source code” (for Mozila Firefox and Opera).

2) On the code page that opens, look for the word “hash”. To do this, press "Ctrl + F", and in the search menu that opens, type the word "hash" and press "Enter", after which the word will be found. To the right of this word will be a character set of the form name \u003d ”hash” value \u003d ”?. You must copy the character set enclosed in quotation marks after the word “value” - this is hash. Copy it into a notebook! The character set for each account is unique.

3) On the VKontakte page “My Settings”, insert the link “\u003d15&hash\u003dHASH&act\u003dchange_nickname&subm\u003d1&nickname\u003dNICK” into the address bar of the browser. In the link above, we change the word “hash” to the same set of characters that was copied, and then we replace the word “NICK” at the end of the link with any desired nickname (nickname, middle name, etc.), then press the “Enter” key "

5) Find out the age of a person by birthday

1) We look at the day and month of a person’s birth on his VKontakte page — we remember or write it down.
  2) Open the calendar - “\u003dcalendar”.
  3) We are looking for the right month, the right day, we find this person in the calendar, move the cursor over his avatar, after which a pop-up tooltip appears below, showing the name of this person and his age in brackets.

6. Add to bookmarks the person who hid his page

1) Find out the ID of this person.
  2) Insert the link “\u003daddPerson&mid\u003dID” into the address bar of the browser.
  3) Replace “ID” with a unique user number.
  4) Press the “Enter” key, after which incomprehensible characters will appear. Click “Back”, and after that the person is already in the bookmarks.

7. We look at the history of statuses if a person does not have a status

8. How to make the status in a column?

This is best done using the Opera browser or using the VKStatus program.

1) Open Opera and go to your VKontakte page. Right-click anywhere on the page and select the “Source Code” context menu item. After that we press “Ctrl + F”, and in the opened search menu we insert the view code - .

2) Replace this code with -