What does the Yandex home page look like. How to make Yandex start page in browsers. How to set up a background in minutes

Hello friends. Today I will show you how to make a Yandex website. home page your browser. Despite the fact that it is not difficult to implement this feature, many novice Internet users do not know where and by what means.

Most Russian-speaking people use Yandex as their search engine. This search engine has a lot of advantages - this is good quality search results, and a pleasant appearance, and a large set of related services, and a convenient home page.

In general, the Yandex start page compares favorably with its main competitor Google in terms of information content. It is easy to get to all search engine services from the page, it is supplemented by various widgets and modules that provide quick reference information. In addition, these blocks can also be customized according to your wishes and preferences.

For example, I also use Yandex as the start page of my browsers. One of the widgets that I added to myself is a random aphorism, sometimes it's interesting to read something unusual. I also installed a module from Yandex.webmaster, checking fines and others.

I will show you how to add these blocks at the end of the article, but now let's move on to.

Application for installing Yandex.ru home page

The easiest way to make Yandex your start page is to use an application developed by Yandex itself. You can download the application on this site - http://home.yandex.ru/

It automatically replaces the home page of all your browsers with the Yandex one. No hemorrhoids and manual settings not required.

If for some reason the application did not work or you do not want to use it, then hold desired settings we can manually in each browser separately. I'll show you how to do it.

Setting up the start page in Mozilla Firefox

I'll start with this browser, as I use it most often. The entire setup procedure for it will take 20 seconds. To do this, you need to open the browser itself. Further, in the upper right corner we find the "open menu" icon (in the current version it looks like three horizontal stripes). Click on this button and in the drop-down menu we are looking for an icon in the form of a gear - these are settings.

There are many sections in the settings menu, the very first of which is "Basic" (looks like a light switch). This section contains what we need. In the line “When Firefox starts”, select “Show home page”. In the line "Home page" you need to enter the address of the site that we want to make the start (in our case, http://yandex.ru). Click the "OK" button and that's it - the operation is complete.

Installing Yandex as the start page in Google Chrome

Customization home page in Google chrome is just as simple. We open the browser, in the same upper right corner we are looking for a button in the form of three horizontal lines with the name "Settings and google management Chrome ". In the drop-down menu that appears on the screen when you press the button, we find the item "Settings" and go to the appropriate section.

On this page we are looking for the section " Appearance", Put a tick in front of the item - Show the button" Home ". In order to set or change the address of the main page on Yandex, you need to click on the "Change" link and, in the window that opens, specify the address you need.

How to put the start page in Internet Explorer

As in all previous cases, setting up the home page in the Internet Explorer browser is very simple. We open the program, in the upper right corner we find the icon in the form of a gear and in the drop-down list select "Browser properties".

In the properties of the browser we will open the "General" tab and at the very top of this tab there is a field for start pages. In the window we enter the address - http://yandex.ru, put a full stop opposite “Start from home page” and press the “Apply” button. If you need to set a different start page, then repeat the procedure by specifying a different address in the window.

How to make Yandex your start page in Opera

Moving on to one of the most popular browsers. The Opera has a lot of fans and it would not hurt them to know about the settings of their favorite web browser. To configure, run the program, enter the browser menu (the button labeled Opera and the big red letter O in the upper left corner) and select "Settings" in this menu. You can make the transition to the settings a little faster using the hotkeys Alt + P.

The second item in the settings menu is "At startup". At this point, we need to choose the following option - "Open a specific page or several pages ". In order to specify a specific address for opening, click on the "Set pages" link. In the window that appears, indicate the address of the site that should open when the browser starts.

Start page in Yandex browser - change by trick

Frankly, I do not use this browser, since my experiment showed that it works much slower than competitors (I wrote about this), and in appearance the Yandex browser does not differ from Google Chrome. But for this article, I installed it and am reviewing it along with others. popular programs for the internet.

Despite the fact that Yandex browser is based on the Chrome engine, it does not allow standard ways make a start page. It allows you to either show the start page with bookmarks, or open the tabs left over from the last time and, only if they are not there, automatically loads the Yandex search engine (without the ability to choose another).

There is a way to customize the start site by manually modifying the browser files, but I would not advise unprepared people to climb there.

We'll go the other way - apply a little trick, which will make any site a home page.

For it to work, we need to do the following:

1. Configure the display of the quick access page upon opening

We open the program, in the upper right corner we find the button "Settings yandex browser"(Three horizontal stripes). In the drop-down menu, select the "Settings" item.

The first thing that is written in this paragraph "Where to start?", We need to put a full stop in front of the paragraph about opening the page quick access... Everything is saved here automatically, you do not need to press a button.

2. Set up the start page of Yandex browser

We open the site that we want to make the home page (yandex.ru). Right-click on the tab of this site in top panel Yandex browser. In the drop-down menu, click "pin tab".

That's all. Now, every time you open the browser, the tab that you pinned will open.

If you want to delete the home page, then also click right click mouse and select "unpin tab". To install a new page, repeat the entire procedure described in this section.

Customizing the Yandex page

Not everyone knows that you can customize the home page of this search engine for yourself. Now you will know it, and hopefully use it.

This setting is done in 2 steps.

Step 1. Yandex account

You need to create an account with this search engine. This is done by opening mailbox... The mailbox address will be your login for all services, and the password, respectively, will be your password.

All our settings will only take effect when we are authorized in the system.

Now you can go to the settings.

Step 2. Settings

There are several sections.

"Put the topic" - the name corresponds to the function being performed - you can apply the unique design of the Yandex site by choosing the appropriate one from dozens of possible options.

"Add widget" - this is the function that I talked about at the beginning. an information block that you can place on your page. There are a lot of widget options.

"Configure Yandex" - this item allows you to move the widgets you use across the page, placing them as you like.

"Change city" - most often, the search engine automatically detects the region in which you entered the Internet, but this is not always convenient (

Hello friends! You've probably often come across such a situation that your start page, when you open the browser, suddenly changed to some kind of left one, which we don't need at all. Most often, the start page is changed free programs - did not remove the extra check mark during installation? That's it, khana, now we have Bing or something worse on our homepage ...

We are not worried, now I will tell you and show how to make Yandex your start page automatically in any browser. This method is the easiest and fastest. No need to poke around with pens, a special program from Yandex will do everything for you, you just need to download and install. In the article you will also learn about the browser manager, it blocks all changes in your browser. This is protection against any viral bars (panels) and programs that change the settings and the start page in browsers without your knowledge.

Make Yandex the start page automatically in all browsers

To make Yandex the start page automatically, special utility, you can download it from the link: http://home.yandex.ru/- we do not hesitate to go in, the site is verified, official.

Nothing complicated and scary: we boldly press the "Download" button, and soon we will have Yandex as a start page, and even free!

Just install the application, you don't need to do anything, launch it - and you're done! Our beloved Yandex is back with us! Well, after restarting your browser, of course. But Yandex also offers us a certain browser manager, I wrote about it above. If necessary, why not? Security won't be superfluous, will it?

I also installed a browser manager, my feedback is only positive. It immediately became clear that this is a useful thing. More than once it was such that programs on the sly put all sorts of satellites Mile.ru or Rambler to me, and many do not even know how to remove this muck from the browser. And the browser manager knows and protects you from this muddiness, and if the parameters have already been changed, it will return the default settings.
I had a whole bunch of all kinds of bars in the Internet Explorer, and Yandex returned everything back:

Automatically making Yandex your home page easy. Our Yasha rules unambiguously! Like the article - click on the social buttons! See you in the next posts, good luck!

Attention! You may be interested in how to use Paint on a computer, for example, and other chips.

How to make Yandex the start page in all browsers manually

So, now we'll show you how to do this manually.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

Opera Browser fans and admirers can be offered a simple option, how to make Yandex the home page in the Opera browser in just a few steps. We just repeat and everything will work out.

We open the Opera browser (this is important, do not make a mistake with the button, otherwise nothing will work) and at the same time press the buttons on the keyboard Alt and P, or enter the browser menu and select the "Settings" tab in it:

In the window that appears (and it will surely appear, do not hesitate) we find the "At startup" section and put a tick in front of the item "Open a specific page ...":

As a result, the "Home Pages" window will open. In it we find an empty field and just so impudently enter the address www.yandex.ru. After that, click the OK button:

The most difficult thing remains. Yes Yes! We need to close our beloved Opera. Closed? What's wrong? Well, don't cry, don't get killed. Now we will open our Opera again. Here, we opened it. So what do we see? Yandex? Wow! Is it Yandex? Still would! Now your dear search engine is always with you at the start of the Opera. Easy as pie, isn't it?

How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla (Mozilla Firefox)

How to make Yandex a start page in Mozilla ( Mozilla Firefox)? Terribly difficult. It will take you as much as 1.5 minutes! Have you changed your mind? Well, then open your browser "fire fox", find the "Settings" tab at the bottom and click on it with the left mouse button:

In the window that appears, we find and select the "Basic" tab:

Now the most important part of the job remains. We work with full dedication and sweat. So, in the new window we find the item "Home page" and in the field opposite it, enter the Yandex address (www.yandex.ru) and click OK:

Close the browser and, lo and behold, after reopening Mozilla Firefox as start page Yandex appears. Complicated? Well, you were worried!

How to make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer

How to install Yandex as a start page for Internet Explorer? It's very simple! To get started, just open the Internet Explorer browser. Did you handle it? Well, then you can handle the rest. What are we doing? Find the "Service" button at the top of the page, click on it with our favorite left mouse button and select the "Browser Properties" tab:

In the new window we find the data "Home page" and enter a new one instead of the old address: www.yandex.ru (of course, if you have not changed your mind about installing Yandex as the start page for Internet Explorer). After that, put a tick in front of the "Start from home page" item, and let everything be OK with the button of the same name:

Want to check if the method worked? Yes please! We close the browser, open it and admire our miracle Yandex. That's all! Thomas is not a believer, this is necessary!

How to make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome

Have no idea how to make Yandex your start page in Google Chrome? Then open your browser. Come on, come on, do not hesitate, not at the reception at the gynecologist, by God! Have you opened it? Excellent! Now we drive into search string chrome address: // settings /. What do we see? Correctly! Settings window! Now we find the section "Initial group" and put a tick in front of the item "Next pages: add":

After that, in a new window, drive in the Yandex URL and click the OK button:

It's all! Don't believe me? Yeah, put you up here like a rabbit! Then close Google Chrome and reopen it. What do we see? Yandex? Oh really! Come on again! Closed, slowly open. What appears? Yandex again? Oh, this can't be! The miracle happened, and, therefore, we have worked wonderfully well!

How to make Yandex the start page if it doesn't work

What? Why so sad? Wai wai wai! What, sorry for the bird? No? AND! Didn't manage to install Yandex as the start page in your favorite browser using this method? Yes, well, it happens. What, the seedy Webalta appears again? No? What? Conduit Search? No again? And then, probably, Pirrit Suggestor! Exactly? Well, nothing with these "garbage" programs to get rid of, too, will not be difficult. This is what we do.

We find the shortcut of our browser and click on it with the right mouse button. You can also do this from the Start menu. Do you know how to open it? Correctly! The key with the Windows logo on the keyboard or the same shortcut on the far left in the tray. After clicking on the shortcut, in the menu that opens, we find the item "Properties" and click on it now with the left mouse button:

After that, in a new window, find the "Object" tab and remove the Webalta address and other "additives" from it. You should get "clean" browser data. For example, like this:

The final touch is the OK button. Note that in 98% of cases, after this intervention, the problem disappears by itself. There is nothing to worry about.

I think it's already clear how to make Yandex your homepage, so I missed one of the popular browsers, guess which one? Yes, the same Yandex Browser, if you got to the page from it, then read the last, fastest and easy way (will work for sure).

As you can see, it is easier to install Yandex as a start page than a steamed turnip, and regardless of the browser installed on your computer! Use it to your health!

P. S. Eh, we will reveal to you one more secret!
You can make Yandex a home page automatically in any browser on the search engine website itself: www.yandex.ru. Just select the "Make Yandex home page" section, and then click the "Add" button in the window that opens:

All right, now our conscience is definitely clear! Use Yandex and find everything you need without wasting time!

Popular articles:

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Each of us regularly works with our computer. This is normal, since we are all looking for some information, having fun, working and communicating over the network. Consequently, we spend a huge amount of time at the monitor screen.

Since in one way or another we all interact online, we need a browser - a program that allows us to view the web. It can be Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari or any other software - you choose it based on your own preferences. At the moment, for example, you are reading this article using one of these applications. But now we are not talking about that.

When you open your browser for the first time, it may (if provided in the corresponding settings) load the so-called home page. This is the site that will be considered the “starting point” in your networking. This is where you start your session, and it will determine how quickly you will do what you have in mind.

In this article, we will talk about installing it. In particular, let's talk about how to create a Yandex home page.

Service selection

A logical question may arise: why exactly Yandex? After all, there are many such portals from which it is convenient to start your work. On the other hand, if you are reading this article, then you were looking for exactly how to set this search engine.

You see, it is customary to set pages as "starting" pages that give the user quick and convenient access to as many resources as possible. with the help of which each of us can go to where he is interested. Therefore, it is so important to define once and for all where you will start a session in your browser.

Let's deviate a little from the topic and say that instead of looking for how to make the Yandex home page, you can simply specify in the program settings so that it shows last page your previous session - the one where you were at the time of closing. On the one hand, it is convenient for those who constantly start and end sessions on the same sites. However, for those who work with a wide range of Internet resources, this approach will not seem the most convenient. Since you are looking for how to create a Yandex home page, we suppose it will not suit you.

Another option is to connect any other popular portal or service as a "starting point". Take at least the same Google - it can also be defined by the home page.

But not everyone will find this convenient: there is a principle of habit. If a person is used to working with Yandex, it is difficult for him to switch to Google. The same rule works in reverse. Therefore, you know that you want to install this service and are looking for information about this.

Customization options

The Yandex service has a lot of advantages, even if we compare it with Google. This, in particular, the presence of two pages - a purely search form (ya.ru), which can be used as a system for instantly finding the information you are interested in; as well as a portal with different built-in modules. The latter is a service where are collected information windows from one or another “Yandex” service. For example, there is a "Mail" window, there is "News", "Weather" and so on. The beauty of such a device is that the user can individually determine the presence or absence of all these blocks, change their size and location. As a result, the site offers to completely customize the look of your future home page as you wish. This makes it clear why the Yandex home page is so popular. In addition, this is a Russian service, which is more in demand on the RuNet than

Defined in the browser

So how do you make a Yandex home page? Let's note right away that there are several ways how this can be achieved. The first is the installation directly in the settings of your program (be it Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, Safari or any other solution).

All of these programs have a different interface, but the scheme for defining the "start" page is the same for them. You need to go to "Settings", and then find the item that is responsible for setting a resource as a home page. Here, as a rule, the user is prompted to set the url. In our case, you need to specify ya.ru in the event that you are satisfied empty page with a search form, and yandex.ru, if you want to be able to work with a full-fledged site that contains the modules described above. This setting of the Yandex home page will give you the opportunity, for example, to see only mail notifications and, for example, data on traffic jams. Agree, it's very convenient.

We activate through the website

Another way, also very simple, is to go to Yandex. “Home page”, “Install” - this is the sequence of buttons that you need to click after visiting the main site of the service. It turns out that in this way you are not setting what you would like to see on the home page, but you are offered to make such a setting.

How to recover?

It may be that after installing some third party program your home has been changed automatically. In this case, if you want to restore the Yandex home page, you need to use the same methods as above - either in automatic mode through the site, or manually in the settings.

How to change?

When you want to change the Yandex portal, you can use our instructions in the reverse order. That is, you need to go into the settings and just change the site address to another, the one that you would like to use. Another option is to visit another resource, for example, "Google", and then select the button "Make homepage" directly on it.

In some cases, a situation may arise when the page of your browser does not change (the system indicates that "home is set by the administrator" or something like that). Don't panic, this is just someone else's program that changed the configuration in the settings. It is easy to remove it, you just need to do it according to the instructions. However, this is a topic for another article, so we will not talk about it. And as you can see, the manual installation of the home one turned out to be very simple. Reviews note that it is very easy and simple to do this in any of the presented ways, and it is convenient and pleasant to use.

The start page in the browser is the tab, page or site on the Internet that opens first when you open your browser each time you start it, or when you press the Home key.

Do you want or need to work with the Yandex search engine? The start page, which can be installed by a user of absolutely any level, will always open first when loading the browser program.

To achieve this, you can use one of the following methods. It is quite easy to install and fix Yandex as a homepage, and in this article we will consider in detail the options for how to do this.

It all depends on which browser you are using, because the applications and settings algorithms for each program are different. But I wonder why there is no start page in the Yandex Browser itself?

The most versatile and simple way: type in the address bar of your browser "www.ya.ru" and wait for the web resource to load. In the upper left corner you can see the inscription "Make homepage".

Click on it and you're done. From this moment you start your work with the site "www.yandex.ru" or, more simply, with the Yandex search engine.

Installation with a free utility

Read also:Yandex Mail - Complete instructions for registration and configuration (2017)

Yandex itself provides us with a convenient and convenient way to customize the initial pages in browsers using specially created automatic utilities for this.

When the download is over, you should install a browser manager on your computer or laptop, and this smart utility will be able to monitor the change of the home page by itself, even in spite of the actions of various malicious programs.

The manager will be able to save you from such unpleasant surprises as Webalta and calculate so that only Yandex remains in the role of the start in your browser. But not always the manager can get around all the obstacles. More on this later in the article.

The most common browsers in use today are:

If you are a supporter of the classic browser software default Internet Explorer, then the following algorithm helps you configure the Yandex start page.

Open Internet Explorer and click the icon "Settings"
in the upper right corner, which brings up the window "Service" .

You can also call this menu by simultaneously pressing the Alt + X hotkey combination.

In the drop-down menu, select "Browser properties" , or else it may be called "Browser property" ... Next, open the tab "Are common" .

In operating systems such as Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, Internet Explorer is built-in.

But the installation has been carried out in the same way as other versions of this browser for almost 20 years now.

To make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper right corner, click "Settings" and choose "Browser properties" .
  2. We enter links to the addresses of home pages in the field. If, besides Yandex, other links are needed, then here we also enter the addresses to them. Each line should contain only one address.
  3. choose "Start at home page" .
  4. We confirm the actions by clicking on the button " OK" .

After completing all the steps, our Internet Explorer will display Yandex as the first page when loading.

Installing on Microsoft Edge

Read also:Yandex Zen: What is it and how to use it? + [Pros and Cons]

For fans Microsoft Edge there is the following algorithm. To open the options in Microsoft Edge, click on the icon

The function will be displayed at the bottom of the page "View additional parameters" and turn on the add-on Show home button .

Enter the required address "https://www.yandex.ru" into the text field in the same way as in the case of Internet Explorer.

Fixing our actions by pressing a button "Save" ... When you restart your browser, Yandex will become the newly introduced home page.

Installation in Google Chrome

Google Chrome - the most popular browser according to independent surveys on the Internet, offers us the following method. We are looking for the icon in the browser "Settings"
and open it.

Find the button "Appearance" ... Turn on the add-on Show Home Button .

On the line with the request "Enter web address" enter the required link: "https://www.yandex.ru/". This completes the setup, because all user actions are immediately synchronized with your profile in the browser.

After completing all the manipulations when restarting Google Chrome, Yandex will be displayed when the button is pressed "Home" (image of the house).

And if you want Yandex to load completely automatically, then you should use another installation option. To change you will need:

1 In the Google Chrome menu in the upper right corner, call the command "Settings" .

2 Looking for an item "Initial group" , where we put a tick (if it is not checked) "Next Pages" .

4 If you are a fan of Yandex, then here you can configure it search engine "default". In chapter "Search" specify the search engine Yandex.

5 Close the settings. Confirm your actions by pressing a button "OK" no need, in this browser everything syncs instantly.

If you configured your browser as described above, then when you turn on Google Chrome, the pages installed in the initial group (in our case, Yandex) will always open. "Settings" - "Basic" .

There we are looking for a line "When Firefox starts up" and adjust the value Show home page ... Accordingly, in the line "Homepage" enter the link "https://www.yandex.ru/".

As in Google Chrome, in Mozilla Firefox, you can go to the home page using the Alt + Home hotkey.

Installing in Opera

Supporters opera browser can use the following method: call up a menu by combining the Alt + P hotkeys.

Switch to "Browser" to section "At startup" ... Next, click on the link "Set Pages" and in the field Add new page» enter the path "https://www.yandex.ru/".

After all operations, we confirm the actions by pressing the button "OK" and set the switch to position "Open start page" .

That is all the necessary steps in order to achieve our goal - to make Yandex Search the home page in the Opera browser.

After completing all the instructions, the browser will automatically open the search engine at startup.

Greetings to all! Today's article will come in handy for all Internet users who want to make Yandex their home page. As a rule, such a setting is quite easy to perform, but as practice shows, many users do not know where to register the address and how to do it correctly. Therefore, in this article, we will analyze in detail how to configure the start page in browsers:, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that setting up the main page in the browser can only be prevented by the presence of a malicious software... This happens in cases when you seem to have installed a start page, and the search for Webalta or Pirrit Suggestor is loaded in the place you need. We will consider a way out of this situation at the end of the article.

It is possible to make Yandex the start page either manually, by changing the browser settings, or in automatic mode, using special programs... First, we will look at how to manually configure the settings, this method good because we don't have to install additional programs, and at the end of the article we will consider a method for the lazy.

Make Yandex home page in Internet Explorer

I suggest considering the setting first on the list internet browser Explorer. Since it, firstly, is on all computers with operating system Windows, and secondly, setting up the start page is the same in all versions of IExplorer.

To install the initial page of the Yandex search engine, we take the following steps:

That's it, the stage for setting up the start page for Internet Explorer is complete. Now, as soon as you launch your browser, you will have a search engine open.

Setting up the start page in the Opera browser.

In, making Yandex a start page is also not difficult. To do this, do the following:

Now you can restart your browser and see which page loads at startup.

In Google Chrome, set the Yandex start page.

If you are a fan google browser Chrome, but at the same time remain a patriot and use the Yandex search engine, then in order to customize the initial page, we do the following:

Now when working in chrome browser, if you quickly want to go to the search engine, it will be enough to click on the house-shaped icon.

Note! When this way settings, Yandex will not open as a start page.

If you want exactly the start page, then we do it a little differently:

Now when you start the browser, you can immediately type search query in Yandex.

Make Yandex the start page in Mozilla Firefox.

In the Mazil browser, everything is done in a similar way. Follow these steps to customize the start page:

Now firefox browser will load the Yandex start page. As you can see, all settings are elementary, but users are often afraid or do not know what to do.

How to make Yandex your home page automatically.

If for some reason you cannot manually set the Yandex home page, you can do this automatically. Fortunately, the search engine itself provides the tool.

In the first case, you need to go to the address: home.yandex.ru and click on the "Download" button, and then follow the simple instructions that will be displayed on the monitor screen.

The second option is to install a utility called "Browser Manager", also an invention of the Russian search giant. You can download the link: yandex.ru/soft/bm

This manager is good because it automatically controls the change of the home page, and warns the user about the changes. This will help you protect your computer from search engines like Webalta and the like.

If instead of Yandex, Webalta, Pirrit Suggestor and others open everywhere.

Very often the user is faced with a problem when, after installing the desired start page, it does not open at all what he would like, for example, webalta search engine... This happens when your computer starts up malicious code and writes its settings to browsers. As a rule, getting rid of this trouble is not always easy.

The first thing to check is open the shortcut property on the desktop. To do this, right-click on the browser shortcut and look at the "Object" field in the window that opens.

Only the path to the folder with installed program... If you see something different from the original data, for example, you see a link to Webalta or other search engines, then you need to delete the excess.

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