Which company has high-quality coolers for the processor. Rating of the best cooling systems for the processor

Any computer enthusiast, and most of them on our site should know–   what parameters should you pay attention to when choosing a cooler for and how do these little turntables differ at all? Should I buy a tower cooler or a boxed version? FROMdoes it mean “dropsy” and what is the power dissipation?I will try to answer all these questions today.

So, having come to the store to choose a small spinning comrade for their processor, many users begin to run their eyes. And this is not surprising, today the market offers a huge number of models at the most varied prices. Conventionally, coolers can be divided into three categories.

Box and coolers without heat pipes

The simplest models on the market, consisting of an aluminum plate with fins and a fan attached to them. Almost every processor model has two versions for sale.

The first is BOX version  (hence the name of boxed coolers), which includes the processor itself and a simple cooler without heat pipes in the kit.

Second version - OEMwhich includes a bare processor. By the way, for boxed versions, as a rule, the guarantee for the goods is much greater, but this is not the case today.

(BOX cooler DEEPCOOL THETA 9 for the processorIntel Pentium G4560)

As we can see, in this case, the price is slightly different, but differs precisely because of the cooler in the kit and the increased warranty.

And the first question that is often asked to me is: Is it worth taking the BOX version or buying a turntable separately? It all depends on the price and purpose of your PC. In this case, the difference is 1250 rubles, which is quite noticeable. I advise you to take the boxed version of the processor, in case the difference does not exceed 400-500 rubles. Plus a bonus in the form of a large guarantee is never superfluous. As for the purpose of your computer, everything is simple, if your game or workstation is from the initial and middle price segment, then the boxed version will be quite enough for you. If your system is closer to the top options or if it will be overclocked (during overclocking, the amount of heat generated by the processor increases significantly due to increased voltage on the stone!), Then you need to buy a more advanced fan model separately. The advantages of boxed coolers include low price and compactness. Of the minuses - they are not suitable for powerful cars and due to their small size they often work quite noisily. So with the boxes sorted out, go to the next category of turntables.

Liquid cooling systems or, more simply, “dropsy”

They are a copper base, which is installed on the processor cover, a small pump that drives water, a pair of tubes and a radiator with fans.

The next question that I am asked about cooling: is it worth it to drop a drop of water? I’ll answer right away that no. If you analyze all the pros and cons of these systems and compare them with the pros and cons of tower coolers, it becomes clear that the latter are much more suitable for purchase.

Heatpipe tower coolers

The next category of processor cooling is just tower coolers with heat pipes. They are a copper or aluminum base, from which several heat pipes go, to which, in turn, a radiator is attached. And already a cooler is attached to the radiator.

If you compare them with water cooling systems, the first thing that catches your eye is the price. Dropsy is always much more expensive. This is the first reason why I do not recommend using them. Yes, they work a little quieter and cool a little better, but is it worth the double overpayment? Everyone decides for himself. The second reason is the complexity of operation and mandatory additional care. For the average user, a daily check of the pump and water pipes is an extra hemorrhoids. In general, the final decision is yours, but I outlined my position.

CPU cooler options

So, after you have decided on the type of cooling, you can move on to the parameters on which the final choice of a particular model will be based. The first thing you should look at is the type of supported sockets. Almost any online store has this feature. If not, then you know where to look - the manufacturer’s website. I will analyze everything on the example of my processor (i5 6400) and my cooler (DeepCool Gammaxx 400).

My pebble has 1151 sockets, respectively, and the cooler should be installed on the same socket.

We go further and look at the size of the turntable. It should stand in the case so that the side cover of the case quietly closes. By the way, they often ask me whether to completely close the case or leave it open. Definitely need to close! If the case is open, the air flows inside the system are disturbed, and the cooling of components becomes worse. Dust also penetrates more easily, and dust along with high temperature (I will never tire of saying this) is the main evil of computer hardware! I'm a little distracted from the topic, let's go back to the height of the turntable. In the specifications for any case, the maximum possible height of the processor cooler is written,

and in the characteristics of the cooler its height, length and width. To compare these data, I think, will not be difficult for anyone.

The next very important parameter is power dissipation. The characteristics of the processor always indicate the amount of heat generated by the processor itself.

It is heat dissipation that is the sworn enemy for our cooler and it is with it that it fights every day to ensure the stable operation of our pebble. In general, the cooler should be able to dissipate all the heat generated by the processor. To do this, we look in the graph of power dissipation indicated in the characteristics of the turntable.

But in no case do not take a cooler with power dissipation equal to the heat dissipation of the processor. The thing is that cooler developers often overestimate this parameter, so I recommend taking a cooler with a small margin. And if you are going to overclock your percent, feel free to multiply the TDP of the processor by 2 and get real heat dissipation. Of course, the amount of heat during acceleration depends on the degree of acceleration itself, but in any case, always take a cooler with a small margin.

Next, be sure to look at the size of the fan. If you read my last article about, then you already know the main rule when choosing cooling. The larger the blades, the better. The thing is that in order to cope with the same amount of air, small fans need to spin much faster than large ones. And the faster the cooler spins, the more it makes noise and wears out faster, as a rule. Therefore, I advise you not to look at the parameter showing the fan speed per minute. It’s more accurate to look, but make your choice, based more on the size of the turntable. For example, a spinner of 120 mm and 1200 revolutions will be several times quieter and more efficient than a spinner of 80 mm and 2400 revolutions.

The next, no less important parameter is the maximum air flow.

The quieter the fan, the better.

  • Introduction
  • Quick and quick tips for choosing a cooler for the processor
  • Detailed tips for choosing a good cooler
  • Conclusion


In general, a cooler is a fan with a radiator that blows a very hot processor (CPU - central processor) and other details of the computer system unit.

It turns out that almost all the main components emit heat, and some are generally very hot. Strong heating can lead to burnout of the part, which will result in either the purchase of a new one or repair. This is inappropriate for us, so we cannot do without a good cooler.

Usually all coolers are already included, if the PC was assembled at the company. In general, most often such computers are able to work for a while, but noticeably less than if all the details were selected by an experienced craftsman, given the many features of the system unit inside and the parts that are put into it.

For those who want to quickly and simply choose their own cooling for the processor, then simply follow these tips:

  1. Your processor's heat dissipation (TDP)  - This is the amount of heat that this processor emits (you need to look at the specifications for it), usually it is 45, 60, 90, 125 and more watts. When choosing cooling, see that this value is equal to the processor or higher
  2. Fan speed  - this is the number of revolutions of the cooler per minute. Usually from 1.5 to 4 thousand. It is clear that the more revolutions, the higher the noise
  3. Mounting - it’s very important not to forget that the coolers on the processor have different mounts (although there are universal ones), so don’t forget to look at the characteristics of the processor, which mount is suitable for it (or, in another way, a socket)
  4. Thermal grease - do not forget that if there is no thermal grease on the purchased cooler to the CPU (a special mass for improving heat transfer), you have to apply it yourself, or the processor will overheat and breakdown may occur, the exact same situation happens with laptops, so we recommend the article laptop cleaning and thermal paste replacement

These are the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a cooler for the CPU, but if you want to choose a really reliable and suitable instance, then read the note further.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the choice of coolers is quite diverse, which accordingly hints that you can choose the best option if you know some nuances, in addition to the recommendations described above. First, consider the structure of a cooler or cooling system for a processor:

  • Fan
  • Radiator

In short, it is precisely from them that the cooling system consists. But, if a little more detailed, then the fan itself has the following features when choosing:

  1. The bigger, the better  - this means that the blades are larger, the air intake is larger, and therefore the air flow for blowing is greater, although the rotation speed may be less. That is, if you want to choose a quieter fan, then pay attention to more instances.
  2. At the heart of the fan, it is desirable that friction bearing  - quieter and last longer
  3. Rotational speed  - here, according to your needs, if you want a noisy option, then take with a rotation speed of no more than 2 thousand revolutions (sometimes with 2 fans), although this is not so important, because if the cooler has 4-pin power, it means its speed, it will be easy to control
  4. Corporate copy  - it is advisable to choose a good proprietary cooling (although it is not necessary in a regular PC for films and the Internet), it will be better to cope with its duties and will last longer

  • The material, at least its base (where it is in contact with the CPU) should be made of copper, since it conducts heat best (from available materials). Including its base should be the smoothest, without obvious irregularities, not that it will complicate heat transfer
  • The size and shape of the radiator.  The larger the radiator, the greater the heat of the fence (but do not forget about the dimensions of the case of the system unit, so that it could fit there). Plus, the forms of radiators are very diverse (this can be useful so that the air from them additionally cools the components of the motherboard, the RAM, in general, has a certain direction of air flow)
  • The presence of heat pipes,  which improve heat transfer
  • Do not forget about fastening the heatsink to the processor,  it can be different, for this we specify the socket of the CPU and cooler, they must match


In general, if you are building an inexpensive home computer, then you can not bother with the choice of a cooler for the processor - the usual model suitable for the characteristics of your processor will suit you. But if you are working on assembling a gaming, powerful PC, then here you need to think through every little thing.

This note is just the starting point for choosing the right cooling, you can finally complete this process only by reading several relevant articles, watching various videos on the Internet and to top it all reading the reviews and recommendations of the owners of the same components.

This is the only way to assemble the most thoughtful and durable PC for games, work and other versatile tasks.

Hello. Let's talk about how to choose cooling for the computer, more precisely for the processor.

In general, any weather (in winter - batteries, in summer - sun) is a difficult time for our computer, because the temperature of the environment (and, as a consequence, the components of the computer) increases significantly, and therefore the cooling systems have to work to the fullest, trying cool the ardent nature of our iron friends with you.

However, regular coolers do not always successfully cope with their task, which leads to constant reboots, shutdowns, and other problems that follow the computer overheating.

As you probably remember, the article "" will help you identify overheating (and find out the temperatures of the components in general), and today I will tell you how to choose the right cooler for which, as a rule, is the hardest one.

Why you need to take a separate processor cooling system

To begin with, I would like to explain a little why the processor needs cooling and why the twist is bad, which is usually given in the appendage to the crystal (tobish to this processor itself). No, seriously, this part could not be dispensed with, because they very often ask me why the option that comes with the processor is so bad, because, they say, they are not fools and know what to put in the kit. Of course, I do not argue that the computer works with such a cooling system, but there are a number of nuances.

Speaking very simply, the processor consists of a huge number of small electrical conductors, each of which needs energy. And, as you know from the school course of physics, energy from a conductor does not disappear anywhere - it goes from electric to thermal.

Given that in a modern processor there are more than half a billion transistors, the question of the need for cooling disappears by itself: the heat from them will be enough to heat a small room. The processor cannot dissipate such an amount of energy on its own: the area is small, and the materials are not the same.

Therefore, with each crystal, manufacturers supply a simple cooler (in case, of course, you buy BOXprocessor version, not OEM) It is enough for working at standard frequencies and at normal temperature, but for extreme situations (long warm-up, i.e., for example, working with a full-fledged processor-dependent application or game, high ambient temperature (summer), overclocking, etc.) it is better to look for a more powerful model.

The fact is that under this very simple cooler supplied in the kit, the processor still heats up significantly. No, the temperature does not reach critical, but it is still stablyhigh, and because of it, certain chemical processes that continuously occur in the crystal are accelerated, as a result of which, firstly, it can become corrupted more quickly, and secondly, it slows down and skips bars. The main problem lies precisely in the fact that with a weak cooling system the processor .. mmm .. a small margin of performance. Look at all sorts of result tables on the Internet.

Even in an air-conditioned room, the temperature of the crystal under the standard twist rises to 73 degrees (and this is when the stand is open, that is, without a case). In the case, where hard drives, video cards, disk drives, and so on live nearby, the air can heat up under 60 degrees and the higher this temperature, the more difficult it is for the cooler, and the hotter the surrounding air, the stronger the performance drops.

However, going to the store and buying the first cooler you get is also not worth it. In the world of cooling, sometimes a device for 3000 rubles may well be worse than the model for 1000 rubles and this is due to many factors that we’ll talk about now.

Part 1: cooler base

Well, let's get started.

The work of any cooler begins .. at its base, namely, in the place where it is in contact with the processor. Here the cooler takes heat from it and transfers it to the cooling area. This process is called heat transfer, and its effectiveness depends on two variables - the area and surface material.

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It’s usually impossible to come up with something super-duper, because the processor’s dimensions are fixed, that is, the contact area cannot be increased, and there is only one material available at a price and high-quality thermal conductivity - copper (of course there is aluminum, but it is less efficient).

It turns out that the maximum that a manufacturer can do is to ensure that, with all other components, the heat transfer is carried out as efficiently as possible, namely .. the base must be perfectly polished.

Therefore, one of the first selection criteria is the “mirroring" of the metal in the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the processor, that is, ideally you should see your reflection on the surface, or at least not observe any significant irregularities or, especially, scratches, because they reduce contact area and reduce work efficiency.

Also beware of heat pipes that “tear” the cooler base (see photo above), as they also reduce the useful contact area. If you see that the tubes protrude from the total surface area, then it is better to postpone such a cooler and look for something else.

But what you rarely need to pay attention to (a common mistake of beginners who believe that color always determines the material), is color, because copper is often coated with nickel.

Part 2: heat pipes

The next stage of work is the transfer of heat to cooling surfaces. When the processors were weak and cold, this stage was not there: the radiator was attached directly to the base and dissipated heat into the air. With increasing productivity and the amount of energy released, heat transfer began to be taken more seriously - heat-conducting tubes appeared on coolers.

The invention is an old and familiar to many. A copper pipe is sealed at one end, liquid is poured into it, air is pumped out and the other end is sealed. When heated, water absorbs energy and turns into steam, which rises to the upper (cold) part of the pipe, cools, condenses with the release of stored energy and flows down. And so on ad infinitum.

Everything is the same in coolers, but with one caveat. When installed in the housing, the cooling system is in a horizontal position, and water cannot independently drain into the heating zone. Therefore, the tubes are filled with porous material. Due to the action of the capillary effect, the fluid can move against the forces of gravity and move in any direction.

It is also difficult to come up with something new at this stage, because the work of heat pipes is practically independent of their physical parameters, and therefore, as a criterion, one must rely on the number of heat pipes. Globally, the more - the better, but in general, three to four will come off as a minimum (less is already doubtful).

Part 3: housing and components

The next phase of the cooler is heat dissipation. This action takes place on the fins of the radiator, namely, dozens of plates strung on heat pipes. It is here that the heat taken from the processor will be given to the air and it will be able to breathe more freely. The radiator can look as you like - the developers are not shy to experiment with shapes, tilt angles, materials, and so on, but all this joy obeys a number of rules, which are the following selection criteria.

Firstly, the dispersion area should be maximum, i.e. the radiator plates should be as large as possible, and the radiator itself as massive as possible. Secondly, the thinner the plates, the better, because the heat will be retained less. The requirements for the material of this whole case are the same - high thermal conductivity, that is, copper should act as such. Some say that, they say, copper is not necessary in this phase and it is important to use it exclusively in the base and heat pipes, because given the high dissipation area, the radiator can also be made of aluminum .. However, I am not in solidarity with this statement and I believe that even here it is better to choose copper as the material. But see for yourself.

Part 4: active cooling, namely the fan itself

Well, the last stage of the cooling system for the processor is active cooling, i.e. the twist itself. No matter what the manufacturers say, a radiator with a powerful processor alone cannot be controlled - the limited available area and high thermal resistance (temperature drop by one watt of heat removed) will not allow it.

Again, the use of a radiator alone is doubtful due to the weak emission of dissipated heat from the housing, which leads to an increase in temperature in the housing and heating of other elements inside it.

Of course, the fan helps to overcome such problems: the powerful air flow created reduces the radiator resistance and increases the amount of heat removed.

The rule for turntables is simple: you need to look for the largest in size (and not, contrary to the opinion of beginners, the number of revolutions). The larger the diameter of the impeller, the more air is drawn in per revolution, which means that the required rotation speed and, as a result, noise are reduced.

Tobish taking a turntable 120 mm  from 1200 revolutions and turntable 80 mmfrom 2400   and comparing these, we get that the first, firstly, is more effective, and secondly, several times quieter.

By the way, in addition to the size and speed, you must also monitor the type of bearing. If it says " Ball bearing"(rolling) - we take, because they are quiet and serve for a long time. If" Slide bearning"(slip) - we postpone, because they make noise and quickly" turn sour ".

Part 5: choosing thermal paste

When buying a cooler, do not forget about thermal grease. For expensive and good coolers, it usually lies in the kit or is already applied to the surface, but for the rest it is worth buying separately.

What is thermal grease? This is a layer of paste (just like a toothpaste), the purpose of which, when applied to the surface between the processor and the base of the cooler, to eliminate the irregularities of the contacting surfaces and to remove all air between them. Good thermal grease may well bring down the temperature by 5-10   degrees.

Unfortunately, there are almost no sensible comparative tests of pastes, and those that are being done are little true. The fact is that in order to enter the operating mode, the paste requires about 200 hours, and nobody will spend so much time on each tube, as you know. So you need to choose one according to technical specifications. The most important parameter is thermal conductivity. The higher the better.

Globally, like highlighted all the main points and did not forget anything. More probably, probably not :)
  As always, if you have any questions, you want to add or say something, then write in the comments to the same article.

By the way, do not forget that dust often accumulates between the fins of the radiator and needs to be cleaned, as I wrote in the article. "There, by the way, there are a few words about choosing the right case.

As always, if you have any questions, thoughts, additions and all that jazz, then welcome to comment on this article.

  • PS2: I wrote a few words about the cooling of video cards.
  • PS3: Thanks for writing the article, thanks to your favorite magazine “ gambling addiction”.

Hello to all! Everyone knows that computers are a complex system consisting of components: a video card, a motherboard, and many other essential parts. How to cool the most ardent part of the system - the processor! There is a great invention for this: cooler! And today I’ll tell you how to choose a cooler  and which manufacturer you need to look at.

How to choose a cooler for the processor?

To begin with, we will determine the goals of how intensively you will use the computer. Use office applications, play, or will you aggressively use overclocking the processor?

  • The most common option for desktop computers is a simple cooler without heat pipes, usually their power is enough for cooling, but when using applications such as Microsoft Office, a browser or minor games, when your computer is running at its minimum capacity.

  • Well, if you, an avid gamer and like to run games like Crysis 3? In this case, the second option is used - these are cooling coolers with heat pipes or with coolant. Such a cooler is based on the removal of heat from the processor, by means of the liquid in the tube and converts it to steam, and it dissipates. The most important thing is the copper plate, which is in contact with the processor and removes heat.

Results: the first option is suitable for those who do not load the computer and work on it in normal mode, but if the computer was purchased for games, then you need either a tower cooler or water-cooled.

Weight, dimensions and specifications.

When choosing a cooler, you need to pay attention to several more important aspects:

  • Size and weight, they should not exceed 700-750 grams, because there is a load on, which can cause its deformation.

  • Socket compatibility. Before you buy a cooler, you need to see which socket your motherboard has, because fasteners for coolers are quite individual. A socket is the platform where the processor is installed, so if you buy a cooler for the wrong tip, you cannot attach it to the motherboard.

  • Sizes: width, height.Also a very important factor, because installation difficulties may occur. And even if the cooler fits in the case, it is not a fact that you can insert RAM.

  • Active or passive cooling (preferably active).There are certainly cool coolers with passive cooling, but all modern motherboards can adjust the speed. Therefore, if you are worried about noise, then with an active cooler, you may not hear anything.

  • Types of radiator - tower and standard.Tower coolers dissipate heat well, unlike ordinary ones. Therefore, if possible, take the tower. But if your budget is limited and you are not actively using a computer, then an ordinary cooler will do. Tower coolers also vary, but you can not bother, take the type shown in the picture below.

  • Noise level  - Of course, the quieter the better and more comfortable. It's simple, you need a good manufacturer and that the motherboard was with support for automatic adjustment of the cooler speed.
  • Material.There are 3 types. These are copper, aluminum and aluminum + copper. It is better to take one copper, it will best remove heat.
  • The number of coolers.If you are not going to disperse anything, one cooler is enough for you. Just in case, take one that has the ability to reinstall another one. For example Zalman perfom.

The best cooler manufacturers

Here, many probably will refute me, but I will say from my own experience. And my many years of experience say that the best cooler manufacturers are Noctua, Zalman and Thermaltake. These are the real maniacs of their business, especially zalman and noctua ...

And to confirm, I will say that they keep the temperature of the processor 30 ° intel i7 4th generation, which I have. Well, in games, of course, he repents, but! They cope with games with dignity! At first I thought I won’t cope, I’ll buy another fan to the tower cooler, but no, the tower radiator and one fan are enough!

Well, of course, the case has a great influence, I also have z11 plus, in which the air circulation is just as well thought out and the hot air does not linger.

So, in my opinion the best cooler companies are as follows:

1. Zalman  this is the undisputed leader, the rest are just trying to compete and parody. Each company has ups and downs, but in this area this company has more ups than downs.

2. Noctuathis company is no worse than Zalman, but their price tags are much higher, and if you do not disperse anything and you do not have extra money, then this company is not for you.

3. Thermaltake  - also maniacs of coolers, but in my opinion they are a little behind the latch, but there are also interesting models. But for example, I only have cooling from zalman, but from thermal tea, because they still do them better.

4. Corsair  - At this company, I like RAM more.

5. Cooler master  - They also make good coolers and cases.

6.  Glacialtech  - good coolers, at an average level of processors.

7. Arctic Cooling  - I saw a couple of good tower coolers.

8. Deepcool - cheap and cheerful. Actively developing company.

9. Intel  - Well, what can I say, a firm, to all firms - a firm. They supply coolers in a box with processors. I3 and i5 do a good job! And of course, you can’t even say about the coolers of their servers that they have a good job with the coolers in Dell or Hp. Their server costs so much that it is a sin for them to allow overheating.

Because of all this, I would advise you to choose cooling systems for both the processor and all parts of the case, Zalman!

This way you can choose the best cooler and prevent the computer from overheating. But when the computer overheats, it starts to slow down!

The processor is the main element in the operation of the computer and is responsible for all the calculations that occur in the system. When the "stone" is working, a certain amount of heat generation or TPD occurs. Cooling systems help prevent overheating and leave the processor in working condition. Nowadays, coolers and liquid cooling systems are predominantly used - liquid cooling systems or dropsy in common people, although there is no water there. Liquid nitrogen cooling has gained some popularity, but it is extremely expensive.

A standard cooler consists of a radiator and a fan, the number of which may vary depending on the model. The task of the radiator is to transfer heat from the processor cover to all its surfaces, repeatedly increasing the surface with which the air contacts. The fan, however, supplies cooler air, displacing the hot. Liquid cooling systems are more compact, more expensive, better heat dissipate. Distilled water, with many additives and impurities that increase the bactericidal and galvanic effect, initially acts as a working fluid.

We have selected for you the top 15 best coolers and liquid cooling systems for processors and motherboards.

The best liquid cooling systems

Let's start with the top five liquid cooling systems. If you want to get low temperatures, immediately pay attention to the 3-section options. It is worth noting that in Russia, unfortunately, prices are very high and it makes sense to pay attention to foreign sites. The section is presented by both serial and custom models.


Budget option for emergency
Country: China
Average price: 3782 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.2

If there is very little money, but you really want to have an LSS, you can take FROSTFLOW + 240. True, we would not advise taking risks and recommend saving money, and put a tower cooler as a plug. Despite the possibility of cooling the Intel i5 / i7 / i9 processors and the latest Ryzen from AMD, it is not a good idea to take a two-section system with revs of 700-1800.

The maximum power dissipation here is only 200 watts with a pump capacity of 96 liters per hour. Everything would be fine, but its bearing is not hydrodynamic, but ceramic, which affected the price and overall reliability in general. According to the manufacturer, the bearing is guaranteed to work out its factory 50,000 hours at a noise level of 25 dB, which is not bad for this model.

4 Alphacool Eisbaer LT120

The best single-section LSS
Country: China
Average price: 6438 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.4

A copper radiator with thermal conductivity is almost 2 times higher than that of aluminum and all this happiness will cost you only 6500 rubles. This is definitely the top one, and given that it has a quick lock mechanism for AlphaCool HF, which will expand the dropsy by adding, for example, the outline of the video card. However, in this case, the LT120 simply cannot handle the simultaneous cooling of both components, so taking risks is not recommended. There is no question of overclocking here.

The system will fit all modern sockets, including Intel i5 / i7 and AMD processors along with the new AM4 socket. The speed of the turntable ranges from 550 to 1700 rpm, depending on the mode of use. The noise level is 29 dB, and the pump performance is 70 l / h.

3 Cooler Master Liquid ML240R RGB

Great look
Country: China
Average price: 8930 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Lovers of having a rainbow in the case will definitely like the Cooler Master Master Liquid ML240R RGB. For purpose, there are 3 types of fans with different speeds, allowing you to combine components for a better effect. The company learned from the mistakes of the past and the model in the latest revisions flows only in the case of a disregard and lack of care in terms of cleaning, and it’s better to buy a filter in general.

According to customer reviews, there is no difficulty in installing here, which should also be thrown into the piggy bank of pluses. A nice addition will be a tube of thermal paste in the kit. Parts of the fasteners of the turntables are completely rubber and are screwed separately to the body, creating a minimal noise background.

2 NZXT Kraken X62 (RL-KRX62-02)

Customer choice
Country: China
Average price: 12 172 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

NZXT Kraken X62 (RL-KRX62-02) is one of the leaders in sales, but frankly, 12 thousand is an overpayment, albeit for a beautiful appearance. By installing it in the case, you get a real mirror inside, as the pump is made using the latest technology. The radiator length is 240 mm, which eliminates the need to worry about the temperature of the "stone" under heavy loads.

Paired with a radiator, 140 mm fans are installed with good speeds - 500-1800. The contact area with the unit itself is rubberized, which significantly helps to reduce the noise level and eliminate rattling. The contact area of \u200b\u200bthe pump is completely copper, and on the back there is a microchannel structure for quick heat removal. All hoses are braided, which cannot but rejoice, and the articulation with the pump has an angle adjuster to adjust to the features of your unit.

There are several global varieties of coolers:

Boxing. The radiator is small in height and it is made primarily of solid aluminum. The fan acts as a cover. The main advantage is the low cost of production and manufacturability, which favorably affects the cost. Such designs are often used by manufacturers in the sale of kits with processors. For "stones" with heat up to 65 W, this solution is considered acceptable. Boxing options can’t cope with large indicators. It is a dead end branch.

Tower. By increasing the height of the fan and adding copper heat pipes to the aluminum bar, heat dissipation can be significantly improved. There are "towers" with both vertical and horizontal fan arrangement. The first option has become more widespread, but there are no fundamental differences in efficiency. The effectiveness of such a system depends on the diameter of the tubes, their number and indirectly on the size of the turntable. The more, the better the system will cool the air.

1 Arctic Liquid Freezer 360

6 fans - the best serial LSS
Country: China
Average price: 11 705 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Having bought this dropsy for a very reasonable price, in addition to a pleasant appearance, you will immediately receive 6 coolers in the kit. Such a colossus will not fit into every box, so carefully check the dimensions of your system unit before buying.

The water block is made of copper and has impressive dimensions of 82x82x40 mm. Air is driven by 120 mm fans, creating an air flow with a force of 74 CFM. The radiator is aluminum and does a good job. The maximum power dissipation is 350 watts, and the Freezer 360 itself fits perfectly on any modern processor. There is no backlight and speed control.

The best boxed coolers

Inexpensive, with a small power dissipation and allowing to save a lot of space in the case of boxed coolers. For processors such as i5-8400, i3-8100, i7-7700, they are quite enough, because there is complete silence even at night and stability does not suffer.

5 Deepcool CK-11508

For office PCs
Country: China
Average price: 290 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The cheapest and weakest Deepcool CK-11508 in our top is suitable for office machines without overclocking, since it dissipates no more than 65 watts of energy, but you should not expect more for that price. The 92 mm fan creates a modest flow of 40.9 CFM. Noise corresponding - only 25 dB.

According to customer reviews, the model will easily fit on LGA1150 / 1151/1155 / S1156 sockets. The small contact surface is compensated by a good screw fastening and clamping force, but you should be careful and not overdo it, since it can be easily broken.

4 AeroCool BAS

Lowest noise
Country: China
Average price: 595 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Got the status of the game cooler AeroCool BAS. The maximum power dissipation is 100 W, 95 W you can’t drive the processors on it, but he can master the new Ryzen with a TDP of 65 units. The pinwheel is unregulated and the number of revolutions is only 1200 per minute. It is not enough, but enough to carry out all its tasks. The noise level is minimal - 19 dB, thanks to a wide 120 mm cooler.

Due to its compact shape, the air intake comes from the side cover of the housing, creating an air sweat up to 55.6 CFM. The radiator is made soundly, the ribs do not spring.

3 Cooler Master C116 (CP6-9GDSC-0L-GP)

For lovers of Intel processors
Country: China
Average price: 590 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

According to customer reviews, for 590 rubles you get an analog of a boxed cooler, which has a copper core and is standard for Intel processors. Only LGA 775/1151 sockets are supported, but 1151 is compatible with 1150/1156/1155. The model will cope with the cooling of 95 W processors and lower, compactness and component base at a height and does not need criticism. In the kit there is an additional mounting plate, and the cooler itself is screwed to the motherboard.

The only thing is that the plate itself is made of plastic, because of which it can bend and eventually crack. Adjustment of turns is possible only with the help of a reobass. Thermal grease has already been applied to the contact surface itself, which means you don’t have to shell out a tube.

2 Cooler Master CK9-9HDSA-PL-GP

Easy installation, high revs
Country: China
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

“The more complex the system, the greater the chance of its breakdown,” thought Cooler Master and released the extremely simple model CK9-9HDSA-PL-GP. Despite the modest size of the fan (95 mm), this option can spin up to 4200 rpm, creating a powerful air flow with an indicator of 64.1 CFM. When using it, several nuances should be taken into account.

This "baby" is only suitable for AMD processors with sockets AM2, AM2 +, AM3 / AM3 + / FM1, most of which are outdated. The presence of high speeds significantly reduced the durability of the bearing and the guaranteed operating time is only 40,000 hours, and at maximum loads it begins to resemble an airplane turbine.

Liquid cooling systems consist of the following elements:

Water block - heat exchanger;

  • water pump
  • Storage tank
  • Fans
  • Hoses and tubing

When choosing an LSS, focus on dropsy with 3 or more blocks, in which case the differences with conventional tower coolers will be distinguishable. If you are building a small gaming PC, you can also purchase a single-section version.

Many people take such systems for beauty, often buying dropsy for 4-5 thousand, which is a waste of money. Such models not only do poorly with their tasks, but also quickly begin to “leak”. In cheap options, the percentage of marriage is larger, but any even the most expensive model can leak. The only right decision will be competent operation.


The best solution for stock processors
Country: China
Average price: 955 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

As an inexpensive box, we recommend Deepcool ARCHER BIGPRO. A simple and successful design with support for AMD’s new AM4 socket allowed the cooler to establish itself on the market as a national one. Installation takes about 30 seconds with straight arms. The copper core significantly increases heat absorption, which is why the maximum power dissipation is 125 watts.

The multidirectional fins of the radiator became a good bonus, due to which heat is evenly distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe radiator. The pinwheel can accelerate to 2000 rpm, pleasing with a low noise level both at the top and at minimum speed. For my money - definitely the top.

The best tower coolers

The most popular and sought after segment.

5 Deepcool ICE EDGE MINI FS V2.0

The budget tower
Country: China
Average price: 717 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Install ICE EDGE MINI FS V2.0 on your computer and provide low temperatures for any Intel or AMD processors without overclocking. However, if the overclocking is weak, for example, as on the new ryazhenki, the cooler can be used, but very carefully. In this case, V2.0 will be slightly more efficient than a standard box turntable.

Buyers praise versatility in their reviews and this is absolutely deserved, since the package includes mounts for all modern processors. The low noise level is also pleasing, although the diameter of the turntable is only 82 mm. 2 copper heat pipes remove heat to the radiator, which must be cleaned often, because it quickly clogs. Connection is via a 3-pin connector. It is recommended to carefully approach the installation, since the mounts, especially under AM3 + are tight.

4 PCcooler GI-X6B

Best cooler for overclocking Ryzen
Country: China
Average price: 1700 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Beauty, silence, low temperatures - these are just a small list of the advantages of this model. There are already two fans and both have a diameter of 120 mm. This is enough to dissipate 160 watts of heat, since 5 heat pipes can handle it right away. The only problem is a tight brace.

The color of the blades, heat pipes and lighting became the reason for the price increase, if beauty does not bother you, you can choose an alternative. In stress tests on the Ryzen 1800s, the temperature slowly rises to 85 degrees for half an hour, after which it does not rise at all. In general, we recommend for connoisseurs and aesthetes.

3 Thermalright AXP-100R

Top solution for low profile systems
Country: China
Average price: 3770 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Option for low profile systems. Better now, just not. 6 heat pipes with a 100 mm fan can dissipate 125 watts of heat. There are no backlights and speed controls. Optionally it is possible to install a 120 mm turntable. Its height is only 6 centimeters, which greatly saves space inside the case.

The rotation range is also impressive - from 900 to 2500 rpm. This is not a standard, but for everyday tasks and a little overclocking it is quite suitable. The noise level at maximum speeds rises to 30 dB, which is basically tolerable.

2 be quiet! DARK ROCK PRO 4

Liquid Cooling Fighter
Country: China
Average price: 6700 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

2 fans and 7 heat pipes give out killer 250 W of dissipated power. He sets records and competes with dropsy, showing the most approximate, if not superior, results of the LSS. Options rich, match the price category. Radiator, turntables, mounting brackets, instructions, screwdriver, thermal grease and fasteners for Intel and AMD - all this you will find inside the package. The case is completely black, there is no hint of backlight or other excesses.

Compared with the 3rd generation, the Quartet has become much easier to install without breaking fingers and the motherboard, Ryzen owners will especially be pleased. Each module consists of 42 aluminum plates, the distance between which is only 2 mm, which is the standard. According to customer reviews, this is a great device, but the price and weight of almost 1 kg greatly narrow the circle of fans of the model.

1 Thermalright Macho 120 Rev. A

The best professional model for overclocking
Country: China
Average price: 3160 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Very quiet (25 dB), compact and convenient for installation on all modern processors cooler. It will definitely withstand overclocking on all i5 and i7-8700K at a frequency of 5 GHz. If you are going to buy it for Ryzen, then do not forget about the mounts that you need to buy separately for the AM4 socket. They cost about 225 rubles. There is an alternative. Write to the Taiwanese support company and provide a photo of the receipt and documents, after which the missing items will be sent to you for free.

It has almost a reference speed in the range from 600 to 1300 per minute. The number of heat pipes is 5. The massive radiator had a negative effect on weight and now it is 754 grams. Be careful when installing on the motherboard, because the textolite is now very thin. A small nuance - there is a “Direct” version on sale with a 140 mm fan, which cools better and costs only 200 rubles more. There is also revision B, already with 6 handsets.

How to choose a cooling system for the processor?

When choosing a cooler, rely on several important points:

  • Sizes. Before buying, measure the width of your case, in case you are going to take a "tower". Many powerful cooler models are large and may simply not fit into the case.
  • CPU heat dissipation. Choose the cooling system that will certainly cope with the heat generation of your stone. If the TDP of the “stone” is 95 watts, then you should pay attention to models with dissipated power of about 110 watts. When overclocking on a similar processor, you need to consider options from 120 W and more - it all depends on how much you are going to “drive” the processor.

We will touch on some of the nuances when buying:

  • The distance between the plates. The larger it is, the less pressure is needed for air circulation. The optimal distance is 1.5-2 mm.
  • The higher the radiator area, the higher the heat dissipation efficiency.


  • If the processor is not for overclocking, then choose a radiator 4-5 cm thick, with 3-4 tubes and 120-140 mm fans with a maximum low-speed fan. From 300-400 rpm.
  • With heat dissipation of more than 120-140 W, you need to go to the width of the radiator and not one wide radiator can be quieter than a thin one, but this condition is leveled with large fan sizes.
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