What frequency of RAM is better. How to choose RAM? RAM options

My respect, dear site visitors. In a previous article, I wrote about. Now, having learned what it is and why and how it serves, many of you are probably thinking about acquiring a more powerful and efficient RAM for your computer. After all, an increase in computer performance with the help of additional memory RAM  is the easiest and cheapest (unlike for example a video card) method of upgrading your pet.

And ... Here you are standing at the window with packages of RAM. There are many of them and they are all different. The questions are: And what kind of RAM to choose?How to choose the right RAM and not miscalculate?What if I buy a RAM, and then it will not work?  These are quite reasonable questions. In this article I will try to answer all these questions. As you already understood, this article will take its rightful place in the series of articles in which I wrote about how to choose the right components of a computer i.e. iron. If you didn’t forget, the articles included there:

  This cycle will continue to be continued, and in the end you will be able to collect for yourself the perfect super computer in every sense 🙂 (unless of course finances allow :))
  In the meantime learning to choose the right RAM for the computer.

RAM and its main characteristics.

When choosing RAM for your computer, you need to start from your motherboard and processor because the RAM modules are installed on the motherboard and it also supports certain types of RAM. Thus, the relationship between the motherboard, processor and RAM is obtained.

Learn about what kind of RAM does your motherboard and processor support  You can on the manufacturer’s website, where you need to find the model of your motherboard, and also find out what processors and RAM it supports for them. If this is not done, it turns out that you bought a super modern RAM, and it is not compatible with your motherboard and will gather dust somewhere in your closet. Now let's go directly to the main technical characteristics of RAM, which will serve as peculiar criteria when choosing RAM. These include:

So I have listed the main characteristics of RAM, which should be paid attention primarily when buying it. Now we will reveal each of them in turn.

Type of RAM.

To date, the most preferred type of memory in the world is memory modules. DDR(double data rate). They differ in release time and of course in technical parameters.

  • DDR  or DDR SDRAM  (Translated from the English Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory - synchronous dynamic memory with random access and doubled data rate). Modules of this type have 184 contacts on the bar, are powered by 2.5 V and have a clock frequency of up to 400 megahertz. This type of RAM is already outdated and is used only in old motherboards.
  • DDR2  - widespread at the moment type of memory. It has 240 contacts on the circuit board (120 on each side). Consumption unlike DDR1 is reduced to 1.8 V. The clock frequency ranges from 400 MHz to 800 MHz.
  • DDR3  - Leader in performance at the time of this writing. Distributed at least DDR2 and consumes voltage 30-40% less, unlike its predecessor (1.5 V). It has a clock frequency of up to 1800 MHz.
  • DDR4  - A new, super modern type of RAM that is ahead of its counterparts both in performance (clock frequency) and voltage consumption (which means it is less heat-generating). Support for frequencies from 2133 to 4266 MHz is announced. At the moment, these modules have not yet arrived in mass production (they promise to release in mass production in mid-2012). Officially, fourth-generation modules operating in mode DDR4-2133  at a voltage of 1.2 V were presented at CES by Samsung on January 04, 2011.

The amount of RAM.

I will not write much about the amount of memory. I can only say that it is in this case that the size matters 🙂
  All several years ago, RAM with a capacity of 256-512 MB met all the needs of even cool gaming computers. Currently, for the proper functioning of only the windows 7 operating system separately, 1 GB of memory is required, not to mention applications and games. RAM will never be superfluous, but I will tell you a secret that 32-bit windows uses only 3.25 GB of RAM, even if you install all 8 GB of RAM. You can read more about this.

The dimensions of the slats or the so-called Form - factor.

Form - factor - these are the standard sizes of RAM modules, the type of construction of RAM strips themselves.
Dimm  (Dual InLine Memory Module - a double-sided type of modules with contacts on both sides) - mainly designed for desktop desktop computers, and SO-DIMM  used in laptops.

Clock frequency.

This is quite an important technical parameter of RAM. But the motherboard also has a clock frequency and it is important to know the operating frequency of the bus of this board, since if you bought for example a RAM module DDR3-1800, and the slot (connector) of the motherboard supports the maximum clock speed DDR3-1600, then the RAM module as a result will work at a clock frequency in 1600 MHz. In this case, all sorts of failures, errors in the system and.

Note: Memory bus frequency and processor frequency are completely different concepts.

From the tables above it can be understood that the bus frequency multiplied by 2 gives the effective memory frequency (indicated in the “chip” column), i.e. gives us the data transfer rate. The name tells us the same thing. DDR  (Double Data Rate) - which means doubled data rate.
  For illustration purposes, I’ll give an example of decryption in the name of the RAM module - Kingston / PC2-9600 / DDR3 (DIMM) / 2Gb / 1200MHzwhere:
  - Kingston  - manufacturer;
- PC2-9600  - the name of the module and its bandwidth;
- DDR3 (DIMM)  - type of memory (form factor in which the module is executed);
- 2Gb  - module volume;
- 1200MHz  - effective frequency, 1200 MHz.


Throughput  - a characteristic of memory on which system performance depends. It is expressed as the product of the system bus frequency and the amount of data transmitted per clock cycle. Throughput (Peak Data Rate) is a comprehensive measure of capability. RAM, it takes into account data rate, bus capacity  and the number of memory channels. The frequency indicates the potential of the memory bus per cycle - with a higher frequency, more data can be transmitted.
  The peak indicator is calculated by the formula: B \u003d f * cwhere:
B - bandwidth, f - transmission frequency, s - bus capacity. If you use two channels for data transmission, multiply everything received by 2. To get a digit in bytes / c, you need to divide the result by 8 (since there are 8 bits in 1 byte).
  For best performance rAM bus bandwidth  and processor bus bandwidth must match. For example, for an Intel core 2 duo E6850 processor with a system bus of 1333 MHz and a bandwidth of 10600 Mb / s, you can install two modules with a bandwidth of 5300 Mb / s each (PC2-5300), in total they will have a system bus bandwidth (FSB) equal to 10600 Mb / s.
  Bus frequency and bandwidth are indicated as follows: " DDR2-XXXX"And" PC2-YYYY". Here, “XXXX” refers to the effective memory frequency, and “YYYY” peak throughput.

Timings (latency).

Timings (or latency)  - this is the time delay of the signal, which, in the technical characteristics of RAM are recorded in the form " 2-2-2 " or " 3-3-3 " etc. Each digit here expresses a parameter. In order, it’s always “ Cas latency"(Working cycle time)," RAS to CAS Delay"(Full access time) and" RAS Precharge Time"(Pre-charge time).


So that you can better understand the concept of timings, imagine a book, it will be with us the RAM that we are accessing. The information (data) in the book (RAM) is divided into chapters, and the chapters consist of pages, which in turn contain tables with cells (such as in Excel tables). Each cell with data on the page has its own vertical and vertical coordinates (columns) and horizontal coordinates (rows). The RAS (Raw Address Strobe) signal is used to select a row, and the CAS (Column Address Strobe) signal is used to read a word (data) from the selected row (i.e., to select a column). The full reading cycle begins with the opening of the “page” and ends with its closing and reloading, as otherwise the cells will be discharged and the data will be lost. Here is the algorithm for reading data from memory:

  1. the selected “page” is activated by sending a RAS signal;
  2. data from the selected line on the page is transferred to the amplifier, and a delay is required for data transfer (it is called RAS-to-CAS);
  3. a CAS signal is sent to select (column) a word from this row;
  4. data is transferred to the bus (from where they go to the memory controller), while this also causes a delay (CAS Latency);
  5. the next word is already without delay, as it is contained in the prepared line;
  6. after the call to the line is completed, the page is closed, the data is returned to the cells and the page is recharged (the delay is called RAS Precharge).

Each digit in the designation indicates how many clock cycles the signal will be delayed. Timings are measured in nano-seconds. The numbers can range from 2 to 9. But sometimes a fourth is added to these three parameters (for example: 2-3-3-8), called " DRAM Cycle Time Tras / Trc”(Characterizes the performance of the entire memory chip as a whole).
  It happens that sometimes a cunning manufacturer indicates only one value in the characteristics of the RAM, for example, " CL2"(CAS Latency), the first timing equal to two measures. But the first parameter does not have to be equal to all the timings, but maybe less than others, so keep that in mind and do not fall for the manufacturer’s marketing move.
  An example to illustrate the effect of timings on performance: a system with memory at a frequency of 100 MHz with timings of 2-2-2 has about the same performance as the same system at a frequency of 112 MHz, but with delays of 3-3-3. In other words, depending on the delays, the difference in performance can reach 10%.
  So, when choosing, it is better to buy memory with the lowest timings, and if you want to add a module to an already installed one, then the timings of the memory you buy should coincide with the timings of the installed memory.

Modes of memory.

RAM can work in several modes, unless of course such modes are supported by the motherboard. it single channel, dual channel, three channel  and even four channel  modes. Therefore, when choosing RAM, you should pay attention to this parameter of the modules.
  Theoretically, the speed of the memory subsystem in the two-channel mode increases by 2 times, in the three-channel mode - by 3 times, respectively, etc., but in practice, in the two-channel mode, the performance increase, in contrast to the single-channel mode, is 10-70%.
  Let's consider the types of modes in more detail:

  • Single chanell mode  (single-channel or asymmetric) - this mode is activated when only one memory module is installed in the system or all modules differ from each other in terms of memory size, operating frequency or manufacturer. It doesn’t matter in which connectors and which memory to install. All memory will run at the speed of the slowest memory installed.
  • Dual mode  (two-channel or symmetric) - the same amount of RAM is installed in each channel (and theoretically, the maximum data transfer rate is doubled). In dual-channel mode, the memory modules work in pairs: 1st with 3rd and 2nd with 4th.
  • Triple mode (three-channel) - in each of the three channels the same amount of RAM is installed. Modules are selected by speed and volume. To enable this mode, the modules must be installed in 1, 3 and 5 / or 2, 4 and 6 slots. In practice, by the way, this mode is not always more productive than two-channel, and sometimes even loses to it in data transfer speed.
  • Flex mode  (flexible) - allows you to increase the performance of RAM when installing two modules of different sizes, but the same frequency. As in dual-channel mode, memory cards are installed in the same connectors of different channels.

Usually the most common option is dual channel memory mode.
  To work in multi-channel modes, there are special sets of memory modules - the so-called Kit memory  (Kit-kit) - this kit includes two (three) modules, of the same manufacturer, with the same frequency, timings and memory type.
  Appearance of KIT-kits:
for dual channel mode

for three-channel mode

But most importantly, such modules are carefully selected and tested, by the manufacturer himself, for working in pairs (triples) in two (three) channel modes and do not involve any surprises in operation and configuration.

Manufacturer of modules.

Now on the market RAM  manufacturers such as: Hynix, amsung, Corsair, Kingmax, Transcend, Kingston, OCZ
  Each company has its own product. marking numberaccording to which, if it is correctly decrypted, you can find out for yourself a lot of useful information about the product. Let's try to decode the module marking for an example Kingston  family ValueRAM  (see image):


  • Kvr  - Kingston ValueRAM i.e. manufacturer
  • 1066/1333   - working / effective frequency (Mhz)
  • D3  - memory type (DDR3)
  • D (Dual) - rank. A two-rank module is two logical modules wired on one physical and using the same physical channel in turn (needed to achieve the maximum amount of RAM with a limited number of slots)
  • 4   - 4 DRAM chips
  • R - Registeredindicates stable operation without failures and errors for as long as possible continuous period of time
  • 7   - signal delay (CAS \u003d 7)
  • S  - temperature sensor on the module
  • K2  - a set (kit) of two modules
  • 4G  - the total volume of the whale (both straps) is 4 GB.

I will give one more example of marking. CM2X1024-6400C5:
  From the marking it is clear that this dDR2 module  volume 1024 MB  standard PC2-6400  and delays CL \u003d 5.
  Stamps OCZ, Kingston  and Corsair  recommended for overclocking, i.e. have the potential to disperse. They will be with small timings and a reserve of clock frequency, plus everything they are equipped with radiators, and some even coolers for heat dissipation, because during acceleration, the amount of heat increases significantly. The price of them will naturally be much higher.
  I advise you not to forget about fakes (there are a lot of them on the shelves) and buy RAM modules only in serious stores that will give you a guarantee.

  That's all. With the help of this article, I think you will not be mistaken when choosing RAM for your computer. Now you can choose the right RAM  for the system and increase its performance without any problems. Well, for those who buy RAM (or have already bought it), I will devote the following article, in which I will describe in detail how to install RAM  into the system. Do not miss…

Probably, every user of a modern computer trying to upgrade it in order to improve performance by installing additional RAM slots knows or at least realizes that the matter is not limited to just buying a new module and inserting it into the corresponding slot on the motherboard. If you do not take into account some basic parameters and do not comply with the necessary conditions, conflicts may subsequently arise. Therefore, initially it is necessary to check the compatibility of RAM and the motherboard. This can be done in several ways, which will be discussed later.

Why do I need to check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM?

Earlier, at the dawn of the development of computer technology, when only DDR SDRAM standard strips were mainly produced, there were no problems installing them. Here the question was only in volume.

With the advent of new standards, checking the compatibility of RAM with the motherboard has become more relevant, since not all manufacturers managed to retrain for new types of RAM. Today the situation is repeating exactly the opposite: motherboard chip makers refuse to support old modifications of RAM, excluding their support. With outdated motherboard chips, the situation is similar.

This can be illustrated by an example. Suppose the motherboard supports the operation of the DDR3 RAM strips with a frequency of 1333 MHz, the user bought and inserted a DDR3 bracket in the slot, but operating at a frequency of 1600 MHz. What does he get in the end? Yes, the bar will work. But! At the frequency of the mother chip, and not the one for which it was originally designed. At the same time, stable operation is not guaranteed absolutely. And if the bandwidth of the strap is incommensurable with that of the central processor, wait for trouble.

What parameters should be considered when replacing RAM strips

As for the main parameters that should be considered when installing new or additional RAM modules, the following are distinguished among the main ones:

  • type of memory and generation;
  • operating frequency;
  • the amount of memory of each individual bar;
  • timings;
  • operating voltage;
  • manufacturer;
  • type of computer device (desktop PC or laptop).

How to find out the compatibility of the motherboard and the simplest method?

Now directly on the verification. Everyone knows that when buying a computer device, the corresponding technical documentation is supplied with it (unless it was purchased with it).

Thus, the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM is checked elementarily in the passport of the motherboard chip. As a rule, all manufacturers indicate the necessary technical parameters and a list of supported devices or manufacturers. But what if the user does not have such documentation? In this case, you have to turn to the Internet.

Where to find chipset parameters?

But first you need to find out some basic characteristics of the "motherboard" itself, or at least know the model number. On desktop PCs there is no problem. You can simply remove the side cover and look at the specified modification.

For laptops, this option is less convenient, so you can use the Run console, write the msinfo32 command in it, and then view the main characteristics of each component, including the main chipset.

But this information may not be displayed. In such a situation, you can check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM on the manufacturer’s website. For laptops, this is generally ideal.

For example, the compatibility of RAM and the motherboard ASUS can be found directly on the official resource. Upon entering the site, you just need to enter the model number of the laptop, and then go to the main chip section and use the characteristics or support tabs.

The first option is intended for so-called advanced users, where in the RAM section all the main parameters of the supported modules will be shown. The second tab contains a link to download the main list. By downloading it, you can see exactly what requirements are presented to the RAM strips, and which manufacturers are included in the list of officially supported ones.

Using AIDA64

In principle, in order not to go far, you can use universal utilities for checking the configuration of a computer system, one of which is the most powerful program AIDA64.

First of all, you need to check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM for the maximum amount of RAM. To do this, use the main section "Motherboard", find the line "Chipset" in it, or through the menu "Properties of the North Bridge" view the item "Maximum memory size".

But this is only general information. More detailed parameters are presented in the SPD section. And here there are already all the main characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing new RAM strips (the list above). Based on these data, it will be possible to choose exactly what is best suited for the motherboard chipset.


Summing up the brief results, it remains to add that the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM when purchasing additional memory modules or when replacing old brackets with new ones must be done without fail, otherwise conflicts that can lead to a complete failure of a computer or laptop cannot be avoided. In terms of the methods used, you can either consult the equipment manufacturer’s website, or use the AIDA64 application or something similar. Only after that, even on the Internet will it be possible to pick up the necessary RAM bars.

If you want to build a powerful computer, then you should consider purchasing many components. This article will focus on RAM for a gaming computer. It is very important for storing executable code and data that the processor processes. If you do not go into details, then without good RAM you will not be able to play modern games. The following are the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying.


For different purposes, different volumes will be required. Processing standard applications requires about 4 GB, RAM for a gaming computer - at least 8 GB. If you are engaged in modeling, video editing, carry out work with graphics, 16 GB will be very helpful.
  To find out the amount that the motherboard supports, take a look at the manual. Standard units have four slots with the ability to install up to 32-64 GB. But do not forget that for a RAM larger than 3 GB, a 64-bit operating system is required.

There are currently two types: DIMM and So-DIMM. The first option has large dimensions, the second is more compact, but with a lower frequency. When choosing a motherboard, consider the importance of module size.


DDR4 RAM for a gaming computer is the best option. Today, DDR3 modifications are still being made, but for games it is better to fork out and buy DDR4, because the new generation has an improved operating frequency and is a third more economical than DDR3 in terms of electricity. And this has a significant impact on the maximum speed for data transfer. Gaming components are usually resource-intensive in terms of electricity, so opt for DDR4, because this RAM for a gaming computer will be the best choice.
  Each type of memory has a connector, pay attention to this.


New DDR4 operate at frequencies from 2133 to 3200 MHz. Mobile systems such as So-DIMM overclock only to 2133 MHz. The higher the frequency, the better the throughput.
  Integrated graphics are a separate case. Replacing low-frequency RAM with a higher one affects the increase in frames per second in games.

Number of modules

Modern processors are created with a dual-channel memory controller, but four and eight-channel modules are also available. To activate multi-channel mode and unleash the full potential of the system, you must adhere to a certain sequence when filling out the slots. This can be determined by color coding, but not everywhere you can see it. Before doing this, read the manual that came with the motherboard.
  It is recommended to use memory modules from the same manufacturer and with the same characteristics of each of them, but nothing bad will happen if you install RAM strips from different companies on your computer.


Timing is indicated as a set of numbers on the label, for example, “15-17-17-35”. This means how much the loop system takes to prepare for data transfer. This parameter is not as important as the clock frequency, so you should pay attention to it secondarily. But in short, the less the delay, the better.

Manufacturers selection

At the moment, the largest memory companies in the market are: Samsung, Mikron, Toshiba, Hyuniks. If value for money is important to you, trust companies with extensive manufacturing experience.

For me, this is Kingston. How much do I remember, all memory bars for a gaming computer were of this particular company.

Cooling system

The memory of the gaming computer is preferably equipped with a passive cooling system. The radiator arrangement can be different: aluminum plates and even massive structures with a liquid-type cooling system with tubes of various diameters.
  In stock, DDR4 has additional radiators even when operating at minimum frequencies. But cooling in this case is practically not necessary, but for fans of experiments that allow to overclock the memory, it is worth thinking about lowering the temperature.
  Remember about free space, because if you install radiators, then a large cooler for the central processor simply does not fit.

About overclocking

All modern modules have a technological reserve, since they can accelerate several times higher than the specified frequency. DDR3 and DDR4 will have slight delays during overclocking.
  There is another way of "pampering" - reducing the timings until the loss of stability of the system.
  Speeding up RAM is not so much an important event as an extra gift. Experiments with opportunities - pranks for fans to try new things.

Register type of memory

This view is designed to correct some errors that occur in the system and are used to solve server issues, but not for gaming computers.
  Data buffering during operation contributes to a delay, plus the installation of additional equipment is required, which affects the price. Yes, and standard motherboards are available without suitable connectors for the register type.

Water is actually the whole article, we hope that it will help you choose the right memory for your gaming computer.

Video: How to choose a memory for a gaming computer

In contact with

Random access memory (RAM) is the computer's memory, which is responsible for the rapid exchange of user and system data with the processor. RAM is no less important device in the system unit than the motherboard or processor. Choosing the right memory is very difficult, since there are many types of them and they have many important features. That is why in this article we will try to tell you everything that you need to know for the correct choice of RAM.

RAM Features

What is RAM for?

The purpose of RAM is to store information currently used by the user or programs. RAM exchanges data with the processor directly or through the cache. The speed of RAM is tens or even hundreds of times higher than the speed of the hard drive. Here is an example: the DDR3 speed is 12800 Mb / s, when the HDD speed is 80 Mb / s. In this case, the difference is 160 times, which is very, very important.

One of the features of RAM is its volatility, that is, it is able to save information as long as the power is on, when the computer is turned off, all information is erased. There is really one exception - sleep mode, in this case, all information from RAM is recorded in a special temporary file on the hard disk. Therefore, when you wake up a computer from sleep or standby mode, you can see applications, videos, music, documents that you haven’t closed and continue to work from the place from which it was interrupted.

Why is RAM important?

The amount of RAM directly affects the performance of individual programs and the system as a whole. The larger the amount of RAM, the less the system will have to access the hard drive, and accordingly there will be no freezes and slight slowdowns.

In practice, RAM plays the role of a buffer between the hard drive and the processor. For example, you decide to play a game. When the game has loaded, you see the game menu, which means that the data from the HDD has been transferred to RAM. Now you are working directly with RAM. Next, the game levels are loaded and your profile is also the unloading of data from the HDD to RAM. The game process itself is the interaction of RAM with the processor.

The same thing happens when you work with programs. The amount of RAM will determine how many documents you can work at the same time, how many tabs in the browser you can open without freezes. If you have a large amount of RAM, then you can open all of the above paired with the game, and even in a small window in the corner of the screen you can watch a movie. A large amount of RAM allows you to watch high-resolution movies without hangs, as well as use various graphic effects.

RAM selection

RAM Type

When choosing the type of RAM, be sure to pay attention to the features of your motherboard, as it will dictate the conditions to you. Usually on the manufacturer’s website you will find comprehensive information about what type of RAM the motherboard supports and its other features, for which the memory will be selected.

All modern motherboard models support DDR3 type of RAM. It is important to note that RAM is divided into: computer and laptop. That is, long panels are used for a computer, and short for a laptop, so they do not fit together.

How much RAM to choose

If we are talking about a stationary computer, then today the most optimal amount of RAM is 8 GB. In a tandem with well-balanced components, they are quite enough for most games, not to mention various programs and work with multimedia content.

A limitation in choosing the amount of RAM can be, since not all of them support large amounts of RAM. This is what you need to learn first of all in the characteristics of the "motherboard".

As for the laptop, for a start, study its parameters: the number of slots for RAM and the supporting volume. Thus, you should also find out if there are free slots in the motherboard for installing additional RAM panels, and whether this amount of RAM will be supported by the motherboard. For most laptops, 4 GB of RAM will be sufficient.

Also, when choosing RAM, remember that 32-bit operating systems do not support more than 4 GB of RAM, or even less. Therefore, it makes no sense to increase its volume. Buying a larger RAM is worth it if you install a 64-bit operating system that supports up to 64 GB of RAM. But for this you must have a powerful computer.

Number of strips

Computers in which the total amount of RAM is divided into an equal number of slats for the slots available to them is the best option. Two 4 GB sticks are better than one 8 GB stick. The fact is that motherboards have support for two or more channel modes of working with RAM. In theory, by activating this mode, the throughput is increased by 2 times. In practice, a little less, but it is quite noticeable. Therefore, try to disperse the total amount of RAM in the slots, but be careful.

Sooner or later, and you will need to upgrade your computer, so give yourself the opportunity to increase the amount of RAM in the future. For example, if you have 4 slots for RAM - buy two 4 GB panels, in the future you will be able to purchase another 2 4 GB - and thus increase the volume correctly. If you buy trims of a smaller volume, then later you will have to put them in a box and buy new ones, since there will be no sense from them. A larger amount of RAM slats is welcome, but illogical.

RAM slots can be sold either one at a time or as a bundle. Buying RAM in the kit is more profitable than one at a time.

Clock frequency, bandwidth and voltage

When you choose RAM, make sure that the clock frequency, bandwidth and voltage are supported by the motherboard. By the way, the higher the value of the listed parameters, the more powerful the RAM.


Site experts site strongly recommend giving preference to models of RAM with a radiator. The RAM radiator is a metal plate that is located on the panel chips. Radiators are used to improve heat transfer, mainly in models operating at high frequency.

Which company is best to buy RAM

The company that produces RAM is also very important. Today, RAM panels from manufacturers such as:

  • Corsair

  • Kingston;

  • Hynix;

  • Patriot Memory;

  • Transcend

When choosing RAM, try to ensure that all available panels are not only of the same company, but also of the same model and with the same parameters, for high-quality and synchronous operation.


RAM compared to other components, such as:, the motherboard, and others, is quite cheap. A pair of 4 GB DDR3 strips (with a total volume of 8 GB) costs from 2500 to 3000 rubles. If you buy the straps separately, then they will cost a little more.

No need to buy just released RAM models (for example, 32 GB DDR3). Firstly, on average, one megabyte of memory in this case is more expensive, and secondly, you are unlikely to find a way to use the entire amount of memory. As a rule, 8 GB of RAM is enough for any user to work comfortably.

RAM size

Next, we dwell in more detail on the following important characteristic of RAM - its volume. First, it should be noted that it directly affects the number of simultaneously running programs, processes and applications and their uninterrupted operation. To date, the most popular modules are strips with a capacity of 4 GB and 8 GB (we are talking about the standard DDR3).

Based on what operating system is installed, as well as for what purpose the computer is used, it is necessary to choose and select the amount of RAM correctly. For the most part, if a computer is used to access the World Wide Web and to work with various applications with Windows XP installed, then 2 GB is enough.

For fans of the “run-in” recently released game and people working with graphics, you should install at least 4 GB. And in the event that you plan to install windows 7, then you will need even more.

The easiest way to find out how much memory is needed for your system is to launch the Task Manager (by pressing the keyboard combination ctrl + alt + del) and launch the resource-consuming program or application. After that, it is necessary to analyze the information in the group “Memory Allocation” - “Peak”.

Thus, it is possible to determine the maximum allocated volume and find out how much it needs to be increased so that our highest indicator fits in RAM. This will give you maximum system performance. There will be no need to increase further.

  RAM selection

Now we turn to the question of choosing the RAM that is most suitable for you specifically. From the very beginning, you should determine exactly the type of RAM that the motherboard of your computer supports. For modules of different types, there are different connectors, respectively. Therefore, in order to avoid damage to the system board or the modules themselves, the modules themselves have different sizes.

The optimal amount of RAM mentioned above. When choosing a RAM should focus on its bandwidth. For system performance, the most optimal option is when the bandwidth of the module coincides with the same processor characteristic.

That is, if the computer has a processor with a 1333 MHz bus, the bandwidth of which is 10,600 Mb / s, then to ensure the most favorable conditions for speed, you can put 2 slats, the bandwidth of which is 5,300 Mb / s, and which in total will give us 10,600 Mb / s

However, it should be remembered that for this mode of operation, the RAM modules must be identical both in volume and in frequency. In addition, must be manufactured by one manufacturer. Here is a short list of well-established manufacturers: Samsung, OCZ, Transcend, Kingston, Corsair, Patriot.

  In the end, it’s worth summarizing the main points:

  • Based on the definition: RAM or RAM is an integral part of a computer, necessary for temporary storage of data, which in turn is necessary for the processor to work.
  • After completing any operations (closing programs, applications), all data associated with them is deleted from the chip. And when new tasks are launched, data that the processor needs at the given time is loaded into it from the hard drive.
  • The speed of access to data in RAM is several hundred times greater than the speed of access to information on the hard drive. This allows the processor to use the necessary information, gaining instant access to it.
  • To date, the most common 2 types: DDR3 (with a frequency of 800 to 2400 MHz) and DDR4 (from 2133 to 4266 MHz). The higher the frequency, the faster the system.

If you are having difficulty choosing RAM, if you can’t determine what type of RAM your motherboard supports and how much more will meet your needs, then you can always contact the service site. We are computer help at home in Moscow and Moscow region. Our experts will help with the selection, replacement and installation in a computer or laptop.

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