How to find out your postal code? Index error. Error in payment order. Instructions for solving the problem

The Tax Code does not fix the algorithm for the actions of companies and entrepreneurs in the event of an incorrect indication of the CBC in the "payment". In this case, I advise you to be guided by the provisions of paragraph 2 of clause 7 of Article 45 of the Tax Code. The norm says what needs to be done "after discovering an error in the execution of an order for tax transfer, which did not result in non-transfer of this tax to the budget system to the appropriate account of the Federal Treasury." That is, we are talking about those cases when the money, albeit not there, but nevertheless arrived.

So, first of all, you need to submit an application to the inspection at the place of your registration, in which to report inaccuracies. It is required to attach the actual payment order to this paper. The document should also ask for clarification of the CSC.

In addition, you can offer the tax authorities to conduct a joint reconciliation of the fees paid. By the way, the inspectorate itself can act as the initiator of such an audit.

Based on the application and the act of joint reconciliation (if it was carried out), the auditors decide to clarify the payment. At the same time, they will have to recalculate the amount of penalties. We are talking about the interest that was accrued on the amount of tax for the period from the date of its actual payment until the moment the inspectors decide to clarify the payment.

However, in practice, things do not always go so smoothly. As a result, there are numerous disputes between companies and inspections.

sharp corners

Cases on challenging the actions of officials - in case they refuse to clarify the payment - the courts consider a lot. At the same time, the arbitrators are unanimous in their opinion. They come to the conclusion that the indication of an incorrect budget classification code in the payment order does not entail non-transfer of the tax amount to the budget. As an example, we can cite the decision of the FAS of the East Siberian District of May 14, 2013 in case No. A33-8935 / 2012.

Thus, the fulfillment of the obligation to pay fees is not made dependent on the correctness of the indication of the CCC in the payment documents. After all, this code is necessary only for the correct distribution of funds between budgets. That is, it is impossible to blame the accountant for the fact that the company did not pay tax in such a situation.

An erroneous indication of the CCC does not lead to non-payment of funds.

Consequently, there are no grounds for additional tax assessment and corresponding sanctions in such situations (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the East Siberian District of May 21, 2008 No. A33-15157 / 07-F02-2044 / 08, Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District of December 22, 2010 in Case No. A03-6827/).

Existing but invalid code

Another situation may also arise: the accountant indicated an existing, but incorrect code. For example, the tax amount is transferred to the property at the location of a separate subdivision, and not a legal entity. I will briefly talk about one case, just for such a situation (determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2009 No. VAS-16862/09 in case No. A37-99/2009). The arbitrators then recognized that the company correctly calculated the amount of the property tax due, transferred it to the account of the Federal Treasury, and the funds entered the country's budget system.

Other tax code

Another mistake may be due to the fact that the accountant indicated to the CBK the wrong tax that he was going to pay. For example, BCC 18210301000010000110 when paying personal income tax, although this code corresponds to VAT. Tax officials often in such situations "stand in a pose" and refuse to satisfy the request of companies to clarify the payment. Entrepreneurs have no choice but to go to court. What is the outcome of the dispute?

The organization appealed against the refusal of the tax authorities to clarify the payment. According to the position of the arbitrators, the company has the right to apply for this if it made a mistake in the payment order. As a result, the servants of Themis satisfied the requirements of the company, guided by the following arguments: the tax was transferred to the budget system of the Russian Federation, the inspection had no grounds for refusing to clarify the payment with the erroneously indicated CBC (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District of September 13, 2010 No. A75-301 /2010.)

Wrong BCC within one tax

If the wrong BCC is indicated within one tax, then problems should not arise at all. Auditors, as a rule, in these situations, put operations on the personal account of the organization in order on the basis of its application.

The tax authorities expressed their opinion on the issue of incorrect indication of codes in payment orders in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated March 29, 2012 No. 03-02-08 / 31. The officials recalled that the budget classification code belongs to the group of details that allow determining the ownership of the payment, and in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 45 of the Tax Code, it can be clarified. They confirmed that the Code does not provide that the incorrect indication of the CCC in the payment order is the basis for recognizing the obligation to pay tax as unfulfilled.

The most correct way to solve the problem is to submit an application for clarification of the CSC

If the company asks for the offset of the resulting overpayment, then it is not immune from the refusal of the auditors to recalculate the amount of penalties. Officials can refer to the fact that, in accordance with Article 78 of the Tax Code, they are not required to do this. That is, the inspectors will accrue penalties on the amount of tax not paid to the budget on time due to the indication of the wrong CCC in the payment order. In this case, the organization will have to challenge the actions of the tax authorities again in court. A similar dispute was considered by the FAS of the East Siberian District (Decree No. A58-1756/10 dated June 14, 2011). The court then expressed the following opinion: the inspectorate was aware of the fact of the erroneous tax transfer. Accordingly, the decision to offset the overpayment is a decision to clarify the payment. At the same time, it does not matter that the organization submitted an application for a set-off, and not for clarifying the payment: this cannot be a basis for refusing to recalculate penalties. Therefore, when the auditors refuse to recalculate the interest, you have to go to court.


To prevent the error from becoming fatal for the company, you need to follow some rules:

  • it is worth periodically asking the tax authorities for information on the reflection of payments on the company's personal account;
  • in disputable situations, you can ask the inspection to verify the calculations;
  • if an error in the payment order is found, then you should contact the tax authority with an application for clarification of the CCC

In case of refusal to clarify the CBC - the company opens on a direct path to the arbitrators to resolve the dispute.

Tax authorities are required to provide companies and entrepreneurs with the information necessary to fill in instructions for transferring taxes to the budget system. Subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article of the Tax Code imposes such a duty on them. The information required for filling out settlement documents, including the budget classification codes, is usually posted on information stands in inspections. In addition, up-to-date data on the details for filling out settlement documents are published on the website of the Federal Tax Service under the heading "tax reporting" (subheading - "Filling out settlement documents by taxpayers").


In order not to make a mistake when specifying the BCC, use the accountant's reference book. .

The delivery address on Aliexpress is incorrect, what should I do?

4.5 (90.88%) 57 ratings.

It is impossible to change contact details in an already placed order for Aliexpress! Moreover, not only the buyer, but also the seller does not have such an opportunity. But if you still encounter such a problem, you can try to solve it in the following ways:

1. Notify the seller about the change of address in the already paid order;
2. Cancel the order, indicating the reason - the wrong address.

In the first case, you must contact the seller through personal correspondence. If the order has not yet been shipped, it will have the option to print the correct address and contact details on the package. It is recommended to write the full address as a message to the order in the MESSAGE field in English, in the following form:

  • Contact Name (full name);
  • Address (street name, house number, building number, apartment number);
  • City (city);
  • Province (Region);
  • Post Code (zip code);
  • Country (country);
  • Phone (contact phone number).

You should not indicate additions to the previous address, as you can confuse the seller.

In the second case, after canceling an order with an incorrectly specified address, a new order should be placed, indicating the new correct address. In both the first and second cases, contact with the seller is necessary.

Note! When specifying contact details, you must use the address of the place of residence, or the address to which you want your package to be delivered. The buyer's address is not required by postal services.

If your order has already been shipped

If you find an error in your contact details after the order has been sent, you will also have a chance to receive the package. Track the order using the track number provided by the seller. As soon as the status of the parcel is “arrived at the place of delivery”, you should go to the indicated post office with your phone and passport and try to explain the whole situation to the postal worker.

If you make a mistake when entering the house number, present your passport to the postman and give the phone number. Since the address, name of the recipient and phone number are indicated on the parcel, there should be no problems with receiving it.

Due to an incorrectly specified postcode, region or city, the parcel may be delayed, but in any case it will be delivered to the address. That's what the post office says.

Sending a parcel to another address
Thanks for the advice to the user with the nickname Exasa
“I found out that I can, as a recipient of a postal item, use the service of sending to any post office of the Russian Post from the post office where I no longer live:

1. Come to any (it seems to me better to your own, at your address, where they know you) post office and ask for an Application-notification form to change the delivery address of the postal item. I did not find this form on the Russian Post website itself, and in order to receive it at the post office, I had to call the head of the department, since the operators were not in the know.
2. Fill out this application, and indicate the address of departure and the date of departure in Latin, i.e. as it is written on the parcel, the recipient's address is erroneous, also write in Latin, as indicated on the parcel. Write the new address for receiving the parcel in Russian.
3. Fill out this application at ANY branch of the Russian Post. Just come to the operator with the completed form and PASSPORT and issue. The cost of sending one small package is 2 kg. cost me 70 rubles. After payment and registration, you will be given a tear-off coupon for an application-notice.
4. The application is sent to the complaints department of the local central post office, it is processed there and then follow the tracking as the package is sent to the new address.

The rules for writing the adverb incorrect and the adjective incorrect.

According to the rules of the Russian language, adverbs that are formed from adjectives are most often written together. But, as in any language, there are a number of exceptions. In this article, we will look at how to write an adverb incorrectly or incorrectly.

There is not one single rule. Before you write this phrase or write a word together, you need to analyze the sentence in detail. In general, the rule says that all adverbs that are formed from adjectives and end in -o must be written together.

With the adverb "wrong" in almost all cases, the rule works. That is, it is necessary to write together. But there are a number of amendments and exceptions. If it is an adverb that indicates incorrectness, and there is no opposition and negation in the context, then it is one word. That is, it is written together. But often there is opposition in sentences, in which case it is necessary to write separately.

An adverb is written together if it denotes the incorrectness of something and indicates an error. At the same time, there should be no denial or opposition in the context.

Examples of continuous spelling of an adverb:

Incorrectly assembled puzzle picture.

He again misunderstood everything, and did as he saw fit.

In what cases is "incorrect" spelled together?

There are also rules by which the adverb is written separately. This usually happens when the text itself contains an opposition and a particle "a". In addition, the adverb is written separately if the text is reinforced with such words as at all, at all, far, not at all.

Examples of separate writing:

Everything was wrong, but wrong.

This statement is not at all true.

Doing so is by no means correct.

In what cases is "not true" written separately?

The adjective is almost always written together, that is, in one word. The exception is sentences and texts with opposition. The rule with this adjective works the same way as with an adverb.

Examples of merged and separate writing:

Her wrong choice significantly influenced the further course of events.

One wrong step and he could fall into the abyss.

The answer was not correct, but wrong.

How to write: “incorrect” or “incorrect”, together or separately?

As you can see, this dialect is no exception to the rule and obeys the basic postulates of the Russian language. The adjective and adverb are written together in all cases, except for texts with negation and opposition.

VIDEO: Rules for writing adverbs

: how to change.

A postal code is a sequence of 6 numeric values, which greatly facilitates the work of automatic sorting of correspondence. The number of the post office where the postal item should arrive is indicated in these 6 digits.

  • The first three digits determine the city code, the remaining three - the number of the post office. The postal address must contain the exact postal code. Correspondence is automatically sorted by these numbers.
  • Delivery of letters, parcels is faster if 6 digits of the index are entered in the delivery address correctly. Otherwise, the correspondence you are expecting winds circles around the city for a long time until the recipient is still found.
  • The goods you ordered from Aliexpress follow the post office to the address, based on the six digits of the index. The postal worker, sorting the mail, no longer looks at the index, and not at the address indicated on the parcel.
  • Visitors to the Aliexpress site who register for the first time or are at the stage of filling out an order form when entering information in the "delivery address" field may have difficulty determining the postal code. The buyer must enter 6 digits of the branch of the Russian Post nearest to him. To ensure that your parcel is not lost and delivered on time, learn from the article how to correctly enter the index on Aliexpress when filling out the registration form or when placing an order, and how to make changes to the "delivery address" field.

What is a zip code in Aliexpress, what does it mean when ordering?

If you are just starting to shop on Aliexpress or other online stores, then you may have questions regarding the delivery of parcels. When placing an order on Aliexpress, you will need to specify an index.

What numbers to enter in the order form? For residents of small towns in which there is only one post office, the index remains the same. But what numbers should be given to residents of large cities, with several post offices?

Registration form on Aliexpress

  • An index assigned to a specific post office is entered into the Aliexpress form. These 6 digits are entered by you in the delivery address.
  • The index of the city, district center, main post office is not indicated. The buyer needs to find out which post office serves his address. The address contains numbers indicating the number of this post office.

If you are now completely confused and cannot figure out which 6 numbers to enter in the "delivery address" field on Aliexpress, then this article is for you.

How to find out your zip code for Aliexpress?

To determine the number of the mail to which your address is assigned, use the site with the laid out base for matching the address and index.

To find out the index, you need to go to the Russian Post website
  • It is enough to perform several actions: go to Yandex and enter the city, street and house number in the search box.
  • Follow any of the links that open on the page and you can find the familiar six digits of the index.
  • If this method does not suit you, enter the name “Russian Post" into the search engine and enter your mail address that you use to receive correspondence. You can also use the special tab "index search".
  • However, it also happens that after searching the index on the Internet, you still have doubts about the correspondence of the index to your address. In such a situation, it is worth looking in your house for correspondence from government agencies, which was sent to your address to you personally (from the tax, traffic police, social security).

By clicking on the "buy" button for the first time on the site, you will be able to fill in the "delivery address" field

  • If you could not find such letters, then you can ask a friend of a pensioner about the index. The pension is calculated at the address of the post office, the index of which you are interested in.
  • In any post office you will also be able to tell the correct index.
  • When you fill in all the fields, do not rush to press the "Save (Confirm)" button: check whether the entered data is correct. Perhaps you made a small mistake or entered the wrong number, which will make the delivery of the ordered and paid goods to you impossible.

Wrong index on Aliexpress: how to change the index?

If you did not write down that index on the Aliexpress website, then you should not be upset.

  • Automatic sorting of correspondence facilitates the work of specialists at the post office. But the recipient's address is also taken into account by local postal workers.
  • If there are two or more post offices in the city, if the address contains the index of the main post office, or the address assigned to another post office, you will eventually receive the goods ordered from Aliexpress with, but not soon.
  • When placing an order, do not skip the step of entering 6 digits of the index, hoping that sooner or later the product you need will arrive at its destination. By doing this, you only complicate the work of the post office, and the moment when you can receive the parcel moves away for an indefinite time.

How to change the shipping address on Aliexpress

You can change the address on Aliexpress in the following way:

  • Go to the "My Account" section, then go to the "My AliExpress" tab.
  • Proceed to the "Delivery address" section and click on the edit button
  • After the changes have been made (do not forget about transliteration: we write everything in English letters), click on the Save button

The buyer can change the data in the address already at the stage of making an order, using the "Edit" tab. It is located directly below the address. After clicking on the button, changes are made. Without an index in the address, the parcel will be on the way for a long time.

You can inform the seller about contact details entered incorrectly in an already paid order in personal correspondence. For mail that has not yet been sent:

  • The seller will print the address with changes on the parcel itself. There will be no confusion if you write information in English in the "MESSAGE" field in the message. However, the buyer should be aware that this is not the responsibility of the seller.
  • In addition, in this case, he will need to pay for sending a budget unregistered parcel with a changed address, or this procedure will be impossible.
  • Indicating in the message only additions to the already entered address is not worth it, because in this way you will only make confusion. It will be difficult for the seller to determine the exact address.
  • If the order has already been placed, but the buyer noticed an error in the contact details, then you can cancel the order. In this case, the reason for the cancellation is indicated - the wrong address. But you should know that the cancellation of your order must be confirmed by the seller.
  • In this case, the money received by the seller for the order, the buyer will receive in 9-14 days. After that, all that remains is to place a new order, which will already have the correct contact details (the address where you want to receive the package, and not the address of registration or place of residence).

Wrong index on Aliexpress | Aliexpress: what will happen, where will the package arrive?

  • A “lost” parcel will, of course, be forwarded if the postal workers deal with the wrong address. But if things are really bad, then the package that you are waiting for will be sent back or delivered to the first available mail. If such a product finds its recipient, then it is likely that it will have damage due to repeated shipments.
  • If you ordered a product on Aliexpress and the seller quickly processed the shipment, then it will not work to make changes to the delivery address, as well as change the index to the correct one. It is believed that the seller in this case submits an application to the post office. However, this solution to the problem with the wrong index is not real.

  • The buyer can change the delivery address if the shipment of the ordered goods was not rushed. If you see the wrong index, you should change it as soon as possible.
  • This is done from a personal account on Aliexpress. We write directly to the seller by filling in the "Message" field, which is located on the order details page. Even if the seller decides to ignore your message, then in a dispute because of a product that did not arrive, but paid for, you will have an advantage.
  • It is impossible to receive a parcel without specifying the city in the "address" line.
  • A parcel that gets to the wrong mail will receive the tracking status “Sending” and will be redirected to another branch.
  • If the goods you ordered were sent, but with an error in the address, then the parcel can be tracked by the track number. The buyer will be able to receive the goods from Aliexpress if he comes to the post office with a passport and a phone number. You will have to explain the situation at the post office and convince the workers that the ordered goods are intended for you.

How is the parcel sent?

  • The Russian Post provides the service "Sending a parcel to another address." To do this, you need to contact the post office at your address. There you will be given an Application-notification form to change the delivery address of the parcel.
  • The application must indicate the address and date of departure of the parcel in Latin. The wrong address is also entered in Latin. Please indicate the address to which the postal item should be delivered in Russian.
  • Next, you need to apply at the post office. Don't forget to take your passport with you. The service of sending the parcel is paid. You will need to keep the tear-off coupon of the notification statement and track the further path of the parcel by tracking.

Video: What to do if, according to the track number, your package is not going to your address?

Today you will learn what to do in such a situation: I made a mistake when filling in the shipping address in a foreign online store. Will my package arrive?

I must say right away that this is a rather broad question. Here the main role is played by the postal employees themselves and in which particular place of the address the mistake was made.

While the parcel is on the way, it passes through a huge number of sorting points. Postal employees, based on the data indicated on the parcel, determine exactly where your order will go.

If the address is written with an error, some postal employees, not understanding the problem, simply mark “Address Mismatch” and the parcel is sent back to the sender (seller). Other mailers treat their work with more humanity - they will try to figure out the current problem and send the package to the right address.

Below I have analyzed several cases of writing an erroneous address and how postal workers can react to this:

Wrong index (index error)

Often, parcels with an erroneous and non-existent index receive the status “Without an index” and are sent to the address that was indicated on the parcel (that is, it will be sent to you). Sometimes it happens differently - the parcel is returned to the sender (seller).

If an erroneous, but existing postal code is specified, the parcel can be sent to the specified (erroneous) index. Having got to the wrong branch of the RUSSIAN MAIL, the parcel is already sent to your address.

It happens that the delivery is not made and the parcel receives the status “Arrived at the place of delivery”. Then it is already worth being alert and on your own (for example, by phone) to ensure that the parcel is redirected to your post office.

How to determine where the parcel is currently located, and what status it has (“Arrived at the place of delivery” or “Without an index”)?! - It's simple. You need to track the parcel by track number. If there is no track number, then sadness is a disaster and you are not destined to intervene in the fate of the parcel. Everything will depend on the employees of the RUSSIAN POST.

Error in the name of the street/avenue/passage/lane

If a banal typo is made, there is nothing to worry about. Postal workers will sort out the current problem and throw a notice of the parcel in your mailbox.

If it is impossible to read the street name, then the parcel will remain within the walls of the post office - it will be stored here for 30 days. While the parcel is in the status “Arrived at the place of delivery” (this is tracked by the track number), you can safely take your passport and run to the post office without notification and demand to issue the parcel. Remember, if the parcel with the goods lies in the mail for more than 30 days, it will go back to the seller.

If you do not know the track, then you will have to periodically look at the post office with a box of chocolates or a chocolate bar so that the postman looks for the parcels that came to your full name. And they don’t like to do this without a track number!

Wrong apartment / house number written (or not indicated at all)

In this case, most likely, the parcel will be waiting for you within 30 days at the post office. Although, if you have a small town / village / village where everyone knows each other, then the postman will find the right mailbox and throw a notice there. Also, during the next round, he can simply knock on the door to make sure that the package is right for you.

If you didn’t receive notifications, and according to the track number of the parcel, the status “Arrived at the place of delivery” has long been in effect, feel free to run to the post office - they are waiting for you there!

Mistake in first or last name

If the name or surname is not indicated, or a typo is made in them (the letters were mixed up, they were not added), but the address on the parcel still matches the address of registration (the one in the passport), then you will be given the parcel without any indignation. But if your name is Igor, and the parcel came to Maxim, the parcel will not be returned. The situation is similar with the surname - the parcel that came to Sidorov will not be given to Ivanov.

Middle name not written

It is not necessary to indicate the middle name in the delivery address. The absence of a middle name is not a reason for refusing to issue a parcel. Remember this once and for all!

It is worth noting that on the most popular online trading platform in China, AliExpress, when filling out the delivery address, they warn that the RUSSIAN MAIL requires a middle name without fail - THIS IS ALL NONUS! NEVER MIND! There is an official refutation of the RUSSIAN MAIL, so send everyone to the forest.

Error in the name of the region, district, city, village, etc.

Errors in the names of regions, districts, cities, republics, etc. not critical. The main thing is that the postal code is correct. According to its code, the relevant government authorities can easily determine which post office the parcel should arrive at.

Still have questions? If yes, then ask them in the comments below!

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