What is a VPN connection and how to set it up. VPN - what is it and why is it needed. Description of the connection and setting up a free VPN server Set up a VPN connection

A private virtual network (VPN) is good in that it provides the user with a secure or trusted channel with another PC without the need to provide a dedicated communication channel. It is created over another network - the Internet, for example.

Windows has built-in tools for establishing a VPN connection between computers located over long distances. Let's set up a VPN tunnel between two PCs that are controlled by the Windows environment.

Let's create the server part

The connection of remote clients to the VPN network is organized through a special access server. It may require an incoming connection to go through identification and authentication procedures. It knows which users have access to the virtual network. Also, it has data about allowed IP addresses.

To set up a VPN access server in the Network and Sharing Center, you need to open the applet for changing adapter settings. If the applet's main menu is not displayed, press the "Alt" button. At the top of the applet, the main menu should appear, in which you should find the item "File", and then select "New incoming connection". Let's consider in more detail.

In the control panel, go to "Network and Internet".

In the next step, we will open the network center.

Let's create a new incoming connection.

The window that appears will prompt you to select from existing users or define a new one who will be allowed to connect to this PC.

When adding a new “user”, you need to specify the name and password with which he will be allowed to connect to the VPN access server.

In the next step, the Private Network Setup Wizard will ask how users will connect.

It is necessary to indicate that they will do this over the Internet, so we check the required option.

The next step is to set up network applications that should accept incoming connections. Among them is the "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" component. You will need to open its properties and manually enter the range of IP addresses that are allowed to access the server.

Otherwise, leave this matter to the DHCP server to automatically determine IP addresses. In our case, we had to manually define them.

After processing the entered data, the access server will receive the required information to grant the necessary permissions to authorized users. At the same time, the system will prompt the computer name that will be needed in the future.

As a result, we will get such a result. There are no connected clients yet.

Let's set up the client

Modern networks are most often built on a client-server architecture. It allows you to highlight the main computer in a networked environment. Clients initiate requests to the server and are the first to attempt to connect to the server.

We have already configured the server part of this architecture. Now it remains to establish the work of the client part. The client must be another computer.

In the network center of another PC (client), we will establish a new connection.

We need to connect directly to the workplace.

Again, we turn to the Windows Network Center only now another PC. Select the option to set up a new connection. The applet that appears will offer several options to choose from, but we need the option to connect to the workplace. The wizard will ask you how to connect. We also need to opt for setting up an Internet connection (VPN).

The wizard will ask you in the next step to specify the IP address of the VPN access server and assign a destination name. The IP address of the access server can be found on our first computer by entering the ipconfig command at the command line. The IP address of the Ethernet network will be the address you are looking for.

Then, the system will apply all the entered settings.

Let's connect

The X time for our experiment is to perform a client connection to the server side of our network. In the network center, select the "Connect to the network" option. In the window that appears, click VPN-Test (we indicated the destination with this name) and click the connect button.

So, we will open the VPN-Test connection applet. In the text fields, specify the name and password of the "user" for authorization on the access server. If everything goes well and our user not only registers on the network, but is also able to fully connect to the access server, then the designation of the connected “user” will appear on the opposite side.

But sometimes, this kind of error can happen. The VPN server is not responding.

Click the tab for incoming connections.

On the marked tab, open the properties of the IP protocol.

Let's set the option to specify IP addresses explicitly and write down which IP addresses should be served.

When we reconnect, we will see such a picture. The system shows us that one client is connected and this vpn(SimpleUser) client.


So, in order to establish a VPN network between two PCs, you will need to decide which one should become the “master” and play the role of a server. Other PCs must connect to it through the authorization system. Windows has tools to create the back end for our network. It is configured by creating a new incoming connection, specifying the user, as well as applications that should accept the connection. The client is configured by establishing a connection to the workplace, specifying the user and data of the server to which this user should connect.

It's no secret that many people, in some cases, use a virtual private network, or VPN, when connecting to the internet on their computer or smartphone. It may seem paranoid, but there are real threats and situations are only getting worse. On Wi-Fi networks, unscrupulous people may try to intercept your information. And whenever you connect to the internet, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) has access to everything you send. On the web, advertisers and spies can track your movements between websites and distinguish your location by looking at your IP address. This is scary! And in order to prevent and protect yourself, you need to use a VPN, and we will describe how to set up a VPN in this article.

The fact is that the internet itself was not designed to protect your privacy. It was created for easy information sharing, not user privacy, anonymity, or encrypted communication. Although the HTTPS protocol is designed to protect your information, it does not protect against Internet attack attempts or local network attacks, which is a serious problem if you have ever used a connection that does not belong to you. For example, in a hotel or cafe.

So a more private, closed internet won't become a reality (perhaps never), using a VPN is the easiest way to make sure you're sharing as little information as possible.

What a VPN Does and Doesn't Do

As with any security tool, it's important to understand the capabilities of a VPN.
After all, you don't expect a Kevlar vest to save you from falling out of an airplane, it's designed to stop a bullet.

When you turn on the VPN, your traffic is routed through an encrypted tunnel to a server operated by the VPN company. This means that your ISP or anyone connected to your router will not be able to see your web traffic. From the VPN server, your traffic goes to the Internet.

Because your traffic is coming from the VPN server, your actual IP address is hidden. This is important because IP addresses are distributed geographically and can be used to determine location. If someone checks your IP address, they will see the IP address of the VPN server. This can come in handy if you want to fake your location. By connecting to a VPN server in London, it looks like you are connecting to the internet from the UK.

What a VPN won't do is completely anonymous traffic. To do this, you will need to use Tor. This excellent anonymization is easily accessible through a special version of the Firefox browser. Instead of just sending your data through one VPN server on the network, your data is sent through several different computers. This makes it much harder for those who are trying to track your activities and understand what you are doing.

In addition, websites can track your movements using cookies, online trackers, and other sophisticated tools. Using an ad blocker like Adblock Plus helps keep these nasty things down and makes it a lot harder to access and make it harder for advertisers to learn your movements on the web.

Finally, just because you have a VPN doesn't mean you can forget the basics of security. While some VPN services claim to be able to block malware, we recommend standalone antivirus software for your computer because these tools are designed specifically to protect your computer from malware. Another precaution is to use common sense when clicking on links or opening email attachments. Phishing attacks - where an attacker uses a dummy website that mimics someone you know to trick you into entering your credentials - are very common, so stay on the lookout.

How to choose a VPN

When we consider a VPN, there are several key metrics we look for. First, the VPN service must allow you to connect to at least five devices at the same time. Another is whether the VPN service supports BitTorrent traffic on its servers.

Speaking of fees, the average cost of a VPN service is $10.53 per month. A VPN service that charges more per month has to offer something substantial, like a great interface or plenty of server locations to sweeten it up. You can usually get a discount if you're buying long term, but we recommend avoiding them until you're sure you're happy with the service.

Before signing up for a VPN, be sure to read its terms of service.
This document will outline the information the VPN collects and what it does with that information. Most companies say they don't log traffic, which is great. Others go further by saying that they don't monitor user activity at all. This is important because the VPN provider has access to all the information you are trying to protect from others. Be sure to read this question and consider trying a different service if the terms don't work for you. The most important thing about a VPN is trust. If the location, pricing, or terms of service don't fill you with confidence, try a different service.

Free VPN or Paid VPN?

Recently, we at WoW IT conducted a survey of 1,000 people asking questions about VPN usage.

According to our results:

  • 62.9 percent said they didn't want to pay more than $5 per use.
  • 47.1 percent said they want to use a free VPN.

Some services offer a free trial, but usually for a limited time. Others, such as TunnelBear and AnchorFree Hotspot Shield Elite, have completely free versions but may limit some features for paid users. For example, TunnelBear has a data surcharge for free users. On the other hand, Hotspot Shield has a free, ad-supported version. The Opera browser, until recently, had a free VPN and didn't charge anything for using it. Opera separately offers excellent VPN apps for Android and iOS, also completely free, extending your protection wherever you are.

How to set up a VPN and get started with it

After you buy a service, the first thing to do is download the company's app. The VPN service website usually has a download page. Next, download applications for your mobile devices; you'll want to secure as many of your devices as possible. Typically, you pay one subscription fee for a certain number of licenses (usually five), you can use this service on any device for which applications are provided. If suddenly you have problems and you can’t set up a VPN, the support service of the company where you purchased the VPN will always come to your aid. This is another plus of a paid application.

Once you've installed the app, you'll be prompted to enter your login details. In most cases, this is the username and password you created when you signed up. Some companies, such as Private Internet Access, assign you a username that is different from your credentials to give customers more privacy.

After logging in, your VPN app will usually connect to the VPN server closest to your current location. This is to ensure faster speeds with a VPN, as latency and speed reduction increase with the distance to the VPN server from your actual location. Like this: Your information is now securely tunneled to the VPN server.

Note that you don't have to install the VPN company's app. Instead, you can configure your device's network settings to connect directly to the VPN service. If you're concerned about in-app surveillance, this might be a good option for you. Most VPN services will have documentation on how to set up your device.

Perhaps you want to spoof your location, use BitTorrent over a VPN, or want to take advantage of some of the custom servers provided by your VPN company.

Many VPN companies include an interactive map as part of their app. For example, NordVPN allows you to click on countries to connect to these servers. This is a useful way to understand where your information is going.

The choice of server depends entirely on what you want to achieve. For security and speed, you should choose a server that is nearby. To access region-specific content, you need a server that is local to the content you want to watch. If you're trying to watch the BBC, you need to sneak into the UK. Some VPN companies, such as KeepSolid VPN Unlimited and NordVPN, have dedicated video streaming servers.

These dedicated servers are useful because streaming services like Netflix block VPNs. It's about licensing Netflix deals. For example, Netflix has the right to provide Star Trek: Discovery outside the US, but in the US you need to pay for the service.

It's also a good idea to check if your VPN service is giving BitTorrent traffic on any server or only certain ones. NordVPN clearly states that the servers do not provide torrent traffic.

Other services like NordVPN and ProtonVPN have advanced security options like access to Tor or multihop virtual networks. Tor, as mentioned above, is a way to better protect your privacy and allows you to open hidden websites on the so-called Dark Web. Multihop VPN instead of just routing your traffic through one VPN server, connecting through multiple hosts connects you to one server and then to another.

If you choose to ignore third-party apps and manually configure your network settings, you may need to enter information for each VPN server separately.

Advanced VPN settings

The feature set in each VPN varies from service to service, so we can only generalize what you can see when you open the Settings panel. But we recommend that you read the documentation and try clicking a few buttons. After all, the best way to learn how to use a tool is to try it out.

Most VPN services include a Kill-Switch feature. Once enabled, this setting prevents the computer from sending or receiving information over the Internet unless a VPN is enabled. This is useful when your computer disconnects from the VPN and it can prevent small pieces of data from getting through to unencrypted ones.

We recommend using the OpenVPN protocol. Open source, so as many potential vulnerabilities have been tested and you can set up a VPN with ease. IKEv2 is also a good, secure option if OpenVPN is not available. Please note that on some platforms, such as macOS and iPhone, OpenVPN is not always available due to additional restrictions set by the developers. The best VPNs for iPhone give you access to the latest and greatest protocols available on this platform.

How to set up a VPN and use it?

For maximum security, you should use a VPN as often as possible, and ideally, all the time. But this is an ideal, and it is not always achievable. At a minimum, you should use a VPN when you're using a network that you don't control, and especially if it's a public Wi-Fi network. But in general, we recommend that users set VPN as the default in their apps. You can always disconnect if that causes a problem.

VPNs for Android and other mobile devices are a bit tricky, especially if you move around a lot and get cell phone coverage. Every time you lose and reconnect, the VPN should reconnect. But at the same time, it is less likely that your mobile traffic can be intercepted, but as the researchers prove, this can be done. And given that law enforcement and intelligence agencies have virtually unhindered access to telecommunications data, it is recommended to use a VPN even over cellular. In addition, most mobile devices can automatically connect to any familiar Wi-Fi network. At a minimum, you should be using a VPN when connected via Wi-Fi.

If you're concerned that a VPN is slowing down your connections or blocking important traffic, you should take a look at split tunneling options. Again, different companies give this feature different names, but the bottom line is that you can decide which apps will use the VPN for their traffic and which apps can work without a VPN. For example, TunnelBear includes the option to not tunnel Apple apps to ensure they function properly on a Mac.

How to Set Up a VPN for Streaming with Chromecast or AirPlay

Chromecast and AirPlay let you stream music and videos from your computer or mobile device to speakers, TVs, and streaming boxes. But they all require Wi-Fi, which can be a problem when using a VPN.

When a VPN is enabled, your traffic travels through an encrypted tunnel, preventing devices from finding each other on the same Wi-Fi network. This is as it should be, since you don't want anyone snooping around the network and knowing what you're doing. Unfortunately, this also means that Chromecast and AirPlay won't work if you activate the VPN.

Chromecast Ultra

The simplest solution is to disable your VPN, but that's not the only option. You can use split tunneling as mentioned above to route only the traffic you want to secure through the VPN. You can use a VPN browser plugin that only encrypts your browser traffic and nothing else.

In addition, you can install and configure a VPN on your router. This means that all devices connected to your router, from your phone to your smart juicer, will have encrypted traffic. This is a great option for a smart home.

VPNs are not a rocket

Too many of you don't use a VPN just because they think it's a covert security tool. But many companies have worked hard to make them convenient and easy to use. Most install and forget about security tools, as they should. And while opening your wallet to protect yourself from potential threats is always annoying, buying a VPN is one of the best and easiest ways to protect your web traffic.

If you are unable to set up a VPN or you have problems with it, the WoW IT team is always ready to help.

In addition to a powerful computer and an impressive list of additional programs for convenient surfing and safe browsing on the Internet, you need a reliable server - a tool that provides communication with people, services, companies and information sites. Among the different types, the most successful choice would be a VPN server, if only because it is included as an option in the Windows operating system. Read on and you will be able to independently and cost-free run and configure it on Windows 7.

Connecting and configuring a VPN server

Don't be scared. Creating and preparing a VPN server for correct operation is not difficult, but a prerequisite is that you have administrator rights.

What is a VPN Server

Literally VPN (Virtual Private Network) is translated as "virtual private network". Technically, it is such a set of protocols and solution architecture that provides secure communication in a digital environment. In essence, a VPN is a secure add-on on top of a familiar virtual network.

Installing and configuring a VPN server will not require much time from you, as it is already built into the Windows operating system. According to experts, the most successful configuration of a private server is contained on this platform.

This is how a simplified connection scheme through a VPN server looks like

The server's job is to create tunnels that connect the user to the endpoints they want to reach. Moreover, the information is encrypted according to a complex algorithm, which is almost impossible to decode. No one from the outside can get inside the tunnel. The server blocks such attempts, leaving well-protected personal information - correspondence, calls, messages, video and audio files.

What is it for

The essence of the answer is in the tasks that the server performs. It not only combines many devices in the virtual space, such as computer terminals, laptops, tablets and even mobile devices. Its technology provides anonymity, data encryption and protection of confidential information from interception by intruders.

Some will object: we have no need for anonymity and data protection, because there is nothing to hide. Let me not believe you. Not only attackers use encrypted traffic, most are not averse to protecting data in order not to “share” access passwords to their bank card or become an object of blackmail due to leakage of personal information. As they say: it is foolish to leave the door of the house open if the world does not consist of only good and kind people. Anonymity also adds a nice detail - the ability to visit resources that were previously inaccessible for various reasons.

One of the most common reasons for using VPN is the unwillingness to be tied to the workplace.

It’s also good to mention the benefits of using a VPN:

  • scalability - no additional costs are required when connecting another participant;
  • flexibility - it doesn't matter where you get access from;
  • a valuable opportunity to work anywhere.

A VPN server is also essential when creating corporate networks, when for the safe operation of a company or enterprise it is necessary to restrict unauthorized persons' access to information circulating among employees. Using technical VPN solutions, it is not difficult to organize the privacy of clients who are outside the company.

How to create and configure on a Windows 7 computer: step by step instructions

The sequence of steps that you need to follow to start and configure the VPN server on the Windows 7 platform is as follows.

  1. Open the Start menu and go to the Control Panel tab.

    Go from the Start Menu to the Control Panel

  2. In Computer Settings, select Network and Internet.

    Open the "Network and Internet" section

  3. In the window that opens, click "Network and Sharing Center".

    Select "Network and Sharing Center"

  4. Then click "Set up a new connection or network".

    Select "Set up a new connection or network"

  5. Select "Connect to a workplace" in the new window.

    Click on the "Connect to a workplace" button

  6. Then click on "Use my internet connection (VPN)".

    Select "Use my Internet connection (VPN)"

  7. On the offer to establish an Internet connection immediately or postpone this action, select "Postpone setting up an Internet connection."

    Select "Postpone Internet connection setup"

  8. Next, write the server address, destination name, and come up with a name for the connection.

    Enter the address of the VPN server, in the field "Destination name" write the name of the connection

  9. In the next window, enter the login and password that are registered on the VPN server. In the "Remember this password" field, check the "tick" so that you do not need to enter it every time you connect. Be sure to save.

    Enter the username and password registered on the VPN server. Check the box "Remember this password"

  10. The connection has been created. Click the "Close" button. For convenience, create a shortcut to the program on the "Desktop".

    Close a window

  11. Go back to the "Start" menu, then to "Control Panel", "Network and Internet", "Manage Networks and Sharing", where select "Change adapter settings".

    Go to "Change adapter settings"

  12. Find the VPN connection in this window and right-click on it, then go to its "Properties".

    In the VPN connection window, right-click on it and go to its "Properties"

  13. Next, select the "Security" item, where in the "VPN Type" field select "Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)", and in the "Data Encryption" field, click on the "Optional" item.

    Open "Security" and in the "Type of VPN" field select "Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)", in the "Data Encryption" field select "optional"

  14. In the same window, only on the "Network" tab, uncheck the boxes next to "Client for Microsoft Networks" and "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks".

    On the "Network" tab, uncheck the boxes next to the items: "Client for Microsoft Networks" and "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks"

  15. Then, without closing the window, go to the "Settings" tab and uncheck the box next to "Enable Windows logon domain", then click "OK".

    On the Options tab, uncheck the box next to Enable Windows Logon Domain, then click OK.

The VPN will ask for a location before starting. The best choice is "Public Place", then the greatest privacy in the digital space will be ensured. Optionally, in the "Connection" menu, configure the settings for encryption and the use of other devices.

The installation process is quite simple, except that you will need to temporarily disable the antivirus. When the program is loaded, the virtual network adapter TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 and the driver for it are introduced into the system. The task of OpenVPN is to set the IP address and mask of the local add-on.

First of all, you need to copy the configuration file that the provider should provide you. Save the data in the C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config folder. While in it, click on the "Insert" item.

More and more cafes, hotels and other public places are acquiring their own Wi-Fi networks. But by using insecure traffic, device owners endanger the security of their own data. Therefore, the relevance of private networks is also increasing. To protect yourself, you can create a VPN connection. About what it is and how to properly configure it in Windows 7, read our article.

What is a VPN connection and why you need it

This technology implies a secure network created on top of an insecure network. The VPN client, using a public network, connects to the VPN server through special protocols. The server receives the request, authenticates the client, and then transmits the data. This is provided by means of cryptography.

VPN features allow you to use it for the following purposes:

  1. Hide your real IP and become anonymous.
  2. Download a file from a network where access is restricted for the IP addresses of the user's country (if you use the IP address of the country that has access to this network.
  3. Encryption of transmitted data.

How to set up a connection?

  1. Through the "Start" open the "Control Panel", then launch the "Network and Sharing Center".

    Select the "Network and Sharing Center" area

  2. Click on the "Set up a new connection or network" link.

    To create a new connection or network, you need to click on the corresponding line in the list

  3. Click "Connect to a workplace".

    Select "Connect to Workplace"

  4. Select "Use my Internet connection (VPN)".

    Select "Use my Internet connection (VPN)"

  5. In the "Internet address" field, enter the address of your VPN server.
  6. To find out, you need to run the Run tool (Win + R) and enter cmd.

    You need to type in the cmd line and press "Enter"

  7. Then write the ipconfig command, run it and find the line "Default Gateway", which contains the desired address.

    You need the address that is in the line "Main gateway"

  8. Now you need to insert the address and check the box "Do not connect now ..." and click "Next".

    Enter the received address in the field, check the box next to the item "Do not connect now ..."

  9. Enter the username and password provided by the provider and click "Create".

    Enter login and password

  10. Close a window.
  11. Open "Network and Sharing Center" again and click "Change adapter settings".
  12. The VPN connection icon has appeared here. To connect, you need to right-click on the icon and click "Connect". To disable - also right-click on the icon and click "Disable".

    Here is the VPN connection icon, through which you can connect or disconnect

  13. In the window that opens, enter your username and password and connect.

    Enter your username and password (if necessary) and click "Connect"

Video: Creating and configuring a VPN

Possible errors and ways to solve problems

400 Bad Request

  1. Turn off the firewall or other program that affects the security and activities on the network.
  2. Update the version of the browser you are using or use a different one.
  3. Delete everything that the browser writes to disk: settings, certificates, saved files, and more.

611, 612

  1. Restart your computer and check if the local network is working. If this does not solve the problem, then call the technical assistance service.
  2. Close some programs to increase system performance.


Check firewall settings. As a last resort, you can disable it, but this is undesirable, as it will reduce the level of security.


Reinstall network adapter drivers.


  1. Check if "Local Area Connection" is working.
  2. There is a problem with the network card or network cable.


  1. It is possible that the username and password were stolen by intruders.
  2. "Hung" session. After a few minutes, try to connect again.


  1. The local firewall is configured incorrectly.
  2. Changed access attributes (international phone number instead of VPN server address).


Open the VPN connection settings, go to the "Network" tab and select "Automatic" or "Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)" from the available VPN types. Then reconnect.


The cable, router or router may be damaged. If they are in order, then you need to check the following:

  1. LAN connection properties. Perhaps they got lost or were removed. You need to open the properties of the VPN connection, select "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and open its properties. Then check the correctness of the parameters: IP address, subnet mask, default gateway. As a rule, they are specified in the provider's contract for connecting to the Internet. Alternatively, you can check the boxes next to "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically".
  2. If a router or router is used, then the Default Gateway field is ( More information about this is described in the instructions for the router. If it is known for sure that the access point has a default gateway of or, then the IP addresses are in the range of ( and higher.
  3. IP address conflict (in the tray on the monitor icon there is a yellow exclamation mark). This means that there is a computer on the local network with the same IP address. If there is no router, but there is a conflict, then the IP address that is not specified in the agreement with the provider is used. In this case, you need to change the IP address.
  4. There may be problems with the subnet mask or DNS server. They must be specified in the contract. Where a router is used, the DNS is often the same as the default gateway.
  5. The network card is turned off or burned out. To check the device, you need to click "Start", select the "Run" tool and enter mmc devmgmt.msc into the line. In the window that opens, click on "Network adapters". If it is turned off (crossed out), then you need to start it. If the card does not turn on, it means that it burned out or left the slot (the second option is only possible if the card is not built into the motherboard). If the card works, then turn it off and start it again. As a last resort, you can remove the network card from the configuration and click on the "Update hardware configuration" icon. The system will find the network card and install it.
  6. Incorrect VPN server address. It should be listed in the instructions. If there is no such information, then you need to contact the technical service. If the Internet works without a VPN connection, then go to the provider's website and find the address of the VPN server. It can be either literal (vpn.lan) or as an IP address. To view the VPN server address, you need to open the properties of the VPN connection.
  7. There is no money in my personal account.

Regardless of the error, if it cannot be fixed on your own, you will have to contact the technical support service.

How to enable automatic start?

  1. In order for the connection to start automatically, you need to go to "Control Panel" - "Network and Internet" - "Network Connections".

    Find VPN in Control Panel

  2. We find the VPN, open the properties, then go to the "Settings" tab and uncheck the boxes "Display connection progress", "Prompt for a name, password" and "Enable Windows logon domain".
  3. After you need to open the Windows Task Scheduler. Go to "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "Administrative Tools" - "Task Scheduler". Or you can go through the registry: Win + R, enter the taskschd.msc line.

    Open Task Scheduler

  4. Select "Action" from the menu, then "Create a simple task".

Today, Internet users are increasingly using the term VPN. Some recommend using it more often, while others recommend avoiding it. Let us consider in more detail what is hidden behind this term.

VPN connection, what is it

VPN(Virtual Private Network) is technology, which provides communication closed from external access in the presence of a high connection speed. Such a connection is carried out according to the principle dot - dot". In science, this connection method is called tunnel. You can join the tunnel at PC with any OS, wherein VPN client installed. This program "forwards" a virtual port using TCP/IP to another network.

To implement such a connection, you need a platform that scales quickly, ensures the integrity and confidentiality of data.

In order for the PC to ip address connected through the gateway to the external network, you need to register connection rules on the router. When a VPN connection is made, the address of the remote PC is transmitted in the header of the message. The message is encrypted by the sender and decrypted by the recipient using a shared key. A secure connection is then established between the two networks.

How to connect a VPN

Previously, a brief scheme of the protocol was described. Now we will learn how to connect the client on a specific device.

On computer and laptop

Before setting up VPN connection on Windows 7 PC, follows check IP address or server name. For this, in Network Control Center" on " Control panels" need to " Create a new connection».

Select item "" - " (VPN)».

The next step is to specify Name And server address.

You need to wait for the connection to complete.

Let's check the VPN connection. For this, in Control Panel" In chapter " Network connections»Call the context menu by double-clicking on the shortcut.

On the tab " Details" need to check IPv4 address. It must be in the IP range specified in the VPN settings.

On your phone, iPhone or tablet

Now let's look at how to create a VPN connection and configure it on gadgets with Android OS.

For this you need:

  • smartphone, tablet;
  • login, password to the network;
  • server address.

To set up a VPN connection, you need to select the "" item in the phone settings and create a new one.

An icon with a new connection will be displayed on the screen.

The system requires a username and password. You need to enter the parameters and select the option "". Then at the next session you will not have to confirm these data again.

After activating the VPN connection, a characteristic icon will appear on the toolbar.

If you click on the icon, the connection details will appear.

How to set up a VPN to work correctly

Let's take a closer look at how to automatically configure VPN on computers with OS Windows 10.

Go to PC settings.

In chapter " Options"go to the subsection"".

... and add a new VPN connection.

On the next page, specify the VPN connection settings:

  • Service Provider - Windows;
  • Connection name;
  • Server address;
  • Type of VPN;
  • Username and password.

After the connection is established, you need to connect to it.

How to create a VPN server

All providers record the activities of their customers. In the event of a request from law enforcement agencies, they will provide full information about which sites the offender visited. Thus, the provider disclaims all legal responsibility. But sometimes there are situations in which the user needs to protect their data:

  • Companies transmit their data over the Internet via an encrypted channel.
  • Many services on the Internet work on a geo-referenced location. For example, the Yandex.Music service operates only on IP from the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. A Russian, being in Europe, will not be able to listen to his favorite music.
  • In offices, access to social networks is often blocked.

You can, of course, clear your browser history every time after visiting the site. But it's easier to create and configure a VPN server.

To do this, call the command line ( Win+R) and then enter the query ncpa.cpl and press Enter. In a new window click alt and select "".

Next, you need to create a user and give him limited rights only to the VPN. You will also have to come up with a new long password. Select a user from the list. The next step is to select the connection option " Through the Internet».

How to use a VPN

After a new connection has been created, it is enough to open a browser and load any page.

Beginners may not create a connection, but immediately download a VPN client from the Internet or install a special browser extension. After downloading the program, you need to run it and click the " Connect". The client will join another network and the user will be able to view sites prohibited in his region.

The disadvantage of this method is that the IP is issued automatically. The user cannot select a country. But the connection is configured very quickly, by pressing just one button. The option to add an extension also has disadvantages. Firstly, the user must be registered on the official website of the program, and secondly, the extension often crashes. But the user can choose the country through which the connection to the external network will be made. The connection process itself also does not raise questions. Just press the button " start” and the browser will reload on the new network. Consider how to install the extension using an example ZenMate VPN.

Download the program from the official site. After installation, an icon will appear in the browser:

Click on the icon. The extension window will be displayed:

If you move the mouse cursor to Russian flag icon, then the screen will display current IP. If you move the cursor over the icon with the flag of Romania, the IP of the selected server will appear. If desired, the country of connection can be changed. To do this, click on the globe and select one of the automatic addresses.

The disadvantage of the free version of the program is the small number of available servers and the imposition of advertising.

Most Common Mistakes

Various antivirus programs as well as firewalls can block the connection. In this case, an error code is displayed on the screen. Let's analyze the most popular problems and how to solve them.

Error Cause Solution
678 The OS does not allow encryption. You need to open a command prompt and check the "ProhibitIpSec" parameter in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\RasMan\ Parameters" registry. It should be equal to 0. If the provider itself uses an encryption channel to provide services, then changing this setting will affect Internet access.
691 Invalid username/password entered You need to login again
692 Firewall error Turn off the firewall
720/738 User already connected Error 720 occurs only on Windows 7. Code 738 is reflected on all other operating systems. If you have to work from different PCs through one client, then you need to create several usernames.
734 Automatic VPN It is necessary to change the type "Automatic" to "L2TP IPSec VPN" in the connection properties. If the error persists, then you need to re-create the connection.
766/781 Key not saved/entered Open the VPN properties, on the "Security" tab, select the "Advanced options" item and in the new window enter the key
768/789 (Windows 7, Vista, XP) IPSec not working RMB on the label "My Computer" - "Management". In the "Services" section, select "IPSec". Set the connection type to Auto.

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