The computer does not open word documents. Why won't the Word file open on my computer? Restoring a document using Microsoft Word

In the process of working with Microsoft Windows, a situation often arises in which it becomes impossible to open a file for editing, the file does not open, for example, load a Word document into the editor window, as the system reports that the document is occupied by another application. Most often, such phenomena are observed after the user forcibly removed a task (for example, unloaded a hung Word from memory) using the Task Manager. This happens for the following reason.

What should I do if the file does not open? In addition to tasks, Windows also has processes. A process is a virtual address space in memory allocated for execution by a program or by the operating system itself of any procedures. One task can activate several different processes in Windows: for example, Word (one task) can simultaneously work with several text documents (one document - one process). In our case, after the Word editor stopped working (the task was canceled), the document processing process opened by it remained in the computer’s memory, that is, Windows continues to consider that the document is still open in the editor window, although the editor itself is not running, at this time you can earn on forex. This problem is solved as follows. Open the Task Manager window by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Del keys. In Windows 2000/XP, click on the top of the Task Manager window to open the Processes tab. Select by clicking on the file processing process in the list that you cannot open (usually in the Username column it is indicated by the name of your account) and remove it by clicking on the End Process button.

In Windows 98/Milennium Edition, there is no Processes tab in the Task Manager window. In this case, if the process is not displayed in the Task Manager window, simply restart the computer by selecting Shut down from the main Windows menu and then Restart in the window that opens.

What to do if the computer freezes? > What to do if the text editor freezes?

What to do if EXE files won't open?

EXE files are executable files for most of the applications we use every day. When we install any program on a computer, we create a shortcut for it on the desktop to make it easier to find. But it happens that a program that worked yesterday does not open under any manipulation.

Let's assume that you are facing this problem: EXE files won't run. In this case, a window often appears in which you are prompted to select a program to open the file. In this case, you first need to check your computer for viruses and malware. If your antivirus is outdated or not available at all, the first thing to do is install an updated version of the scanner or antivirus and scan your computer in a deep scan. If you often use a portable flash drive and take information from different computers, then you simply need to install a program designed specifically for portable USB devices. When you connect a flash drive to your computer, it scans it for viruses, worms, and malware that prevents EXE files from opening. There are many such instructions, and they take up few resources in the system of your machine. But it also happens that the user himself accidentally makes changes to the registry, thereby disrupting its work. Of course, EXE files don't open afterwards. In this case, you need to restore the registry to make the file executable.

How does this happen? Let's describe the problem in more detail. The user or malware disables the registry editing feature. To enable it and make the necessary changes, you need to:

Go to "Start>Run ..." Then at the command prompt, type: "gpedit.msc", click OK, then "Group Policy", select "Local Computer" in the list that appears, then go to the line "User Configuration", then "Administrative templates". In the dialog box that appears, select "System" ... In the "System" window, find the line with the name "Make registry editing tools unavailable". After all, the problem with the fact that EXEs do not start is related to the work of the virus. It puts registry editing into the state – "Enabled", making changes impossible.

In the Properties window, disable the feature that prevents changes to the registry. After a reboot everything should work. In order not to enter information into the registry yourself, you can download data for it that is suitable for your operating system.

If EXE files still do not start after that, you can enter the information manually or download the reg file. You need to name it arbitrarily, double-click on it and open it. Then you need to go to the command line: "Start>Run", enter the name of your created file (with the .reg extension) and click OK.

If nothing comes out after the work done, use an anti-virus utility to recover data. If the EXE still does not start after running this utility, try reinstalling the operating system on your computer. Before performing this procedure, save all important information to a disk that will not be formatted.


Greetings to all blog readers!! On today's topic of the article, I was prompted by one woman who wrote me a letter and in it she asked why she could not open the file. In her case, everything was elementary, since she did not have the necessary program to open this file.

But how do you know which program opens a particular file you need? It is precisely on this question that novice users simply get into a stupor. But in fact, there is nothing complicated in this, everything is very simple !!

Files do not open for you, why the file does not open, what to do, how to be ...

Well, friends, let's deal with this issue, and understand how we should act in such cases.

Let's say you downloaded the file you need on the Internet, if it is in the archive, then you unzip it, (I advise you to first check the archive with an antivirus program) then you double-click on the file, but instead of it opening, you have a window in which you are prompted to choose a program with which you can open it.

But, I can say that if the computer did not immediately find the program that can open the file you downloaded, then you absolutely do not have such a program, and you need to install it. The window will be something like this, maybe not much different, depending on the operating system, but the essence is the same !! See fig.

Now, if we don’t have such a program, and we don’t know how to open this file, then you need to copy the name of the file extension (ending after the dot) and enter the following phrase (example) in the Yandex or Google search engine: what opens psd. Search engines will indicate to you that this file will be opened by Photoshop, in your case by some other program.

Next, we need to download and install the recommended program on our computer. But that is not all. It happens that when the program is installed and you click on your file again, the above window may pop up again.

You just need to click the Browse button and navigate to the location where you have the programs installed, usually C:\Program Files. See fig. (click on picture to enlarge)

Find the program you need and run it from the folder. Now check the box so that the file you need is always opened by this program, I showed everything in the figure.

Thus, we can say that you should not panic if some file does not open for you, do everything as I described above, and everything will be opened.

And one more thing, always check downloaded files, archives with antivirus programs, otherwise you will have to treat your computer, remove viruses. And it is possible that this will not help either and you will have to reinstall the operating system.

Today we examined why the file does not open, what to do with it, and I hope that you understand how to deal with it. Well, now you know what to do if your files do not open. I advise you to definitely subscribe to blog updates, you will find a lot of useful information, as well as materials on making money online, come back more often, I'm glad for everyone !! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'll be happy to answer!

I wish you all good luck and all the best!!

Sincerely, Alexander.

Alex Below Working with windows

I downloaded a file but it does not open or how to open an unknown file

Hello friends. Excuse me for such a not very original title, but I wanted to reveal the entire topic of the article as accurately as possible. I want to write today about what to do when you download a file from the Internet, but it does not open on your computer, I think that if you got to this page, then you have exactly the same problem. Well, let's solve the problem :).

Below I will show what files look like that simply cannot open on your computer. And you cannot view them because you do not have a special program installed that supports one or another format. And among the standard operating system tools, there is no such program. Let's look at all this with an example and with screenshots. I think it will be better and clearer.

Opening an unknown file

1. You have downloaded a file that does not want to come off, it looks like this:

When you try to open it, the following window will appear:

2. You can select “Search for a match on the Internet”, and if a program for this file is found, you can download it and the file will open. Well, if the program is not found, then you can search with pens.

Let's look at an example on the same popular .pdf format, which is not opened by the standard operating system tool, and which everyone needs to view.

3. We look at which extension is indicated at the end of the file, if you have hidden the display of extensions, then we read this article on how to enable or disable the display of file extensions. And we are looking for a program in Yandex or Google to open a specific file. If, for example, you have a .pdf format, then we write how to open pdf, or “how to open (and your file extension)“. We open a couple of sites in the search and download a program that can open one or another format. In the case of .pdf, you will most likely need to download Adobe Reader.

The Microsoft office suite is a critical part of the Windows operating system, driving millions of people to continue using the OS, and macOS users to install virtual machines and Boot Camp. While Office 365 is currently available on mobile platforms and macOS, Windows is where it works best. The work of entire companies often depends on the correct operation of Office 365, therefore, if Word does not work, then this must be urgently corrected.

The first thing to check if Word does not start on your computer is the license to use it. The Microsoft office suite is one of the most popular programs among pirate software enthusiasts, so the company regularly fights its illegal distribution.

If you're a bona fide Office 365 subscriber and Word still doesn't work, try running the program as an administrator. To do this, just right-click on the application icon and select the appropriate item. Also in the properties of the shortcut in the "Object" field at the end of the line, you need to add "/ r" without quotes.

If this does not help, then search for the folder Microsoft> Office> Templates. Find the file in it and delete it if it is present. Another possible reason for Word freezing is the incorrect operation of OneDrive cloud storage, which is necessary for its normal operation. Make sure OneDrive is enabled and configured, and the app has all the appropriate permissions.

If none of the above helped, then the only thing left is a complete reinstallation of Office 365.

Resolving an error when trying to open a Microsoft Word file

We wrote quite a lot about how to work with documents in MS Word, but we almost never touched on the topic of problems when working with it. We will consider one of the common mistakes in this article, talking about what to do if Word documents do not open. Also, below we will consider the reason why this error can occur.

Lesson: How to Remove Reduced Functionality Mode in Word

So, in order to solve any problem, you first need to find out the cause of its occurrence, which we will do. An error when trying to open a file can be related to the following issues:

  • The DOC or DOCX file is corrupt;
  • The file extension is related to another program or incorrectly specified;
  • The file extension is not registered in the system.
  • Damaged files

    If the file is corrupted, when you try to open it, you will see a corresponding notification, as well as an offer to restore it. Naturally, you must agree to restore the file. The only problem is that there are no guarantees for correct recovery. In addition, the contents of the file may not be completely restored, but only partially.

    Wrong extension or link to another program

    If the file extension is incorrect or associated with another program, the system will try to open it in the program with which it is associated. Therefore, the OS will try to open the “Document.txt” file in Notepad, the standard extension of which is “txt”.

    However, due to the fact that the document is actually a Word document (DOC or DOCX), although it is incorrectly named, after opening in another program it will not be displayed correctly (for example, in the same Notepad), or even not at all. will be opened because its original extension is not supported by the program.

    Note: The icon of a document with an incorrectly specified extension will be similar to that in all files compatible with the program. In addition, the extension may be unknown to the system, or even completely absent. Consequently, the system will not find a suitable program to open, but will offer to select it manually, find a suitable one on the Internet or in the application store.

    There is only one solution in this case, and it is applicable only if you are sure that the document that cannot be opened is indeed a MS Word file in DOC or DOCX format. All that can and should be done is to rename the file, or rather, its extension.

    1. Click on the Word file that cannot be opened.

    2. By right-clicking, open the context menu and select "Rename". You can also do this by simply pressing the F2 key on the selected file.

    Lesson: Hotkeys in Word

    3. Remove the specified extension, leaving only the file name and a dot after it.

    Note: If the file extension is not displayed and you can only change its name, follow these steps:

  • In any folder, open the “View” tab;
  • Click on the “Options” button there and go to the “View” tab;
  • Find the item “Hide extensions for known file types” in the “Advanced options” list and uncheck it;
  • Click the "Apply" button.
  • Close the Folder Options dialog box by clicking OK.
  • 4. Type “DOC” (if you have Word 2003 installed on your PC) or “DOCX” (if you have a newer version of Word) after the file name followed by a period.

    5. Confirm your changes.

    6. The file extension will be changed, and its icon will also change, which will take the form of a standard Word document. The document can now be opened in Word.

    In addition, a file with an incorrectly specified extension can also be opened through the program itself, while changing the extension is by no means necessary.

    1. Open a blank (or any other) MS Word document.

    2. Click the “File” button located on the control panel (previously the button was called “MS Office”).

    3. Select “Open” and then “Browse” to open the “Explorer” window to search for the file.

    4. Navigate to the folder containing the file you are unable to open, select it and click Open.

      Tip: If the file is not displayed, select the “All *.* files” option located at the bottom of the window.

    5. The file will be opened in a new program window.

    The extension is not registered in the system

    This problem occurs only on older versions of Windows, which are unlikely to be used by ordinary users now. These include Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, 2000, Millenium and Windows Vista. The solution to the problem with opening MS Word files for all these OS versions is approximately the same:

    1. Open "My Computer".

    2. Go to the Tools tab (Windows 2000, Millennium) or View tab (98, NT) and open the Options section.

    3. Open the File Type tab and set the association between DOC and/or DOCX formats and Microsoft Office Word.

    4. Word file extensions will be registered in the system, therefore, documents will open normally in the program.

    That's all, now you know why an error occurs in Word when you try to open a file and how you can fix it. We wish you no more difficulties and errors in the operation of this program.

    We are glad we were able to help you resolve the issue.

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    Microsoft word program not working

    After reinstalling the MS Office 2013 package, I encountered the fact that Word (.doc), Excel, etc. files stopped opening for me. When opening the .doc file, it writes:

    If I go to the Windows Event Viewer (press "WIN + R" and enter the command eventvwr.msc) I see an error:

    I can't enter the Word options, because it closes when a document is opened or created.

    The solution to this problem was to remove in safe mode the add-ons that were linked. For this you need:

    1. In the menu, enter the command winword / safe

    2. Go to the menu "File" -> "Options". Select the "Add-ons" section.

    Select the active add-on in this case “ABBYY PDF Transformer…” and click the “Go” button

    4. In the "Add-ons for Component Object Model (COM)" window, clear the checkboxes for add-ons (in this case, "ABBYY PDF Transformer..."):

    Click on the "OK" button

    After that, the active add-in (in this case, "ABBYY PDF Transformer...") will become inactive:

    Similarly to the ABBYY PDF Transformer add-on, disable all other active add-ons.

    P.S. for other MS office programs - Excel, outlook, etc. Similarly, you need to disable active add-ons. To switch to safe mode, use the commands:

    • For Excel: Type excel /safe and click OK.
    • For Outlook: Type outlook /safe and click OK.
    • For PowerPoint: Type powerpnt /safe and click OK.
    • For Publisher: Type mspub /safe and click OK.
    • For Visio: Type visio /safe and click OK.

    On a PC, ignoring warnings that at some point, for various reasons, a failure may be triggered, as a result of which the operating system or software will crash. Also, the file may be damaged, which can not be opened again.

    Surely, many have come across a situation where an important document was created using the Microsoft Word office application, but if it became necessary to open it, a message appeared in front of the user informing that the file was damaged and could not be opened. If a lot of effort has been spent on creation and it is of any value, such a message can provoke a heart attack.

    To protect your health and not worry again when such a notification occurs, it is better to read the recommendations on how to open a damaged Word file.

    Microsoft Office software developers, anticipating such emergencies, have taken care of methods for recovering damaged files. In this regard, it is initially important to figure out how to recover a damaged Word file without resorting to the use of third-party tools or software.

    Functionality of Microsoft Word

    If a document typed in Microsoft Word has been slightly changed, as a result of which it has ceased to open correctly, you can easily restore it and resume working with it using the capabilities of the office application itself.

    To do this, you must first open a new document. Next, in the top menu bar, you need to move the mouse cursor over the "File" group, the context menu will immediately open, in the list of which you need to find the line "Open". Now a selection window appears, in which you should specify the path where the damaged document is saved.

    Typically, the user would click on a button that would open the document. In this case, you should open the list of additional features by clicking on the drop-down menu. This is where you can easily find the "Open and Repair" offer. If, indeed, the document has not undergone catastrophic changes, the office application will be able to easily reanimate it.

    Even if such attempts are unsuccessful, one should not fall into despair, since there are other possibilities for recovering documents.

    Recovery via third party software

    If it is impossible to open an important document through an office application, there are other ways to achieve the designated goal. Experienced users offer valuable advice on how to recover a damaged Word document using special software or service resources.

    The potential of online services

    On the wide expanses of the Internet, it is easy to find many services that offer effective assistance in case of serious damage to documents when the office application could not fix the problem on its own.

    One such service is The resource is absolutely clear, so even a beginner will not be difficult to understand.

    Entering the site, you should first select a document, indicating the path where it is saved on the PC. When opening, it is important to take into account that if the document is accompanied by a set password, it must be entered in a special window, otherwise all attempts made will simply be unsuccessful.

    After that, it remains to click on the button " Safe». The process is short and takes about two minutes. Upon completion, the user will be shown a small piece of the recovered document. If it is not readable, it means that it has been so damaged that it is difficult to restore it even with powerful resources. If everything is fine, you can request the full text of the document. Unfortunately, this resource is paid, so you have to pay for the services. Many users agree, especially in cases where the file is of great value.

    This online service is not the only one, there are many others, among which there are free ones.

    Special software

    You can also download special programs that are endowed with the functions of recovering damaged documents. Among them is Recovery Toolbox for Word. The program is easy to use, does not take up much space on the hard drive, so it can be used on "weak" machines.

    After starting the program, the user must again indicate the location where the document is saved, which is important to restore. Next, the program conducts an analysis, after which it immediately starts the recovery process.

    Recovery Toolbox for Word is a powerful tool that can be used to revive even seriously damaged documents.

    So, there are several ways to fix the problem associated with the inability to open any document created in Word. If the file is of value, it is important to try all methods, including paid resources in the end.

    Quite often, users contact me with such a problem - a Word document does not open on a computer. There are several reasons for this. As experience tells me, the most common of them is the banal absence of a text editor - a program that can work with such documents. Accordingly, the operating system does not know what to do with such files and sends the user through the forest. In this case, all Word documents are not opened, and not just one specifically. The solution seems to be simple - install the program. But not everything is as easy as it seems at first glance!

    How to open a Word file without Microsoft Office

    You won’t be able to install the Word or Excel application separately just like that - you need to install the Microsoft Office suite. If licensed, then it is expensive, very expensive. If it is unlicensed, then firstly it is illegal, and secondly, you still need to find it and not catch the virus. There are easier and more convenient options.


    Since early versions, the Windows operating system has a built-in document editor - WinWord. If Windows itself does not open the document through WinWord, this can be done by right-clicking on the file and selecting the "Open with" menu item.

    Of course, it is simple and suitable for the simplest actions, but when you need to quickly open a Word document and edit it, it is quite suitable.

    2. Google Docs

    In cases where the capabilities of WinWord are not enough, you can use the excellent online tool Google Docs.

    This is a whole office complex that allows you to work with Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations without installing editors. Everything is done online - the main thing is to have access to the Internet. At the same time, there is one cool feature - file sharing at once for many users from any corner of the world where there is access to the World Wide Web.


    But in those cases when you will open Word documents on your computer all the time, it is better to install an office suite. If it is not possible to install Microsoft Office, you can always install the free LibreOffice.

    You can download it for free from the official website. This office suite works smartly and is in no way inferior to its eminent competitor in terms of capabilities.

    Word file is corrupted

    This is the second most common reason why a Word document won't open. In this case, any other documents are opened without problems. If you downloaded it from the Internet, try downloading it again. In the event that the document was sent by mail, ask the sender to send it again. If you can't open a Word file on a flash drive or other removable media, try copying it to your computer and opening it directly from it.

    If none of the suggested methods worked, then you are unlikely to be able to open a damaged Word file. If it is very important, then you should try to use file recovery programs such as Recovery Toolbox for Word. Alternatively, you can use special online services. One of the most popular is Online File Repair Service. It can work with *.doc, *.docx, *.dot, *.dotx or *.rtf files and will be able to provide the text that can still be recovered.

    How to open a word document?

    Word is one of the most popular text editors. Basically, in order to open a document in doc format, which is read by a text editor, no effort is required from the user. However, there are times when the document does not open. The reasons for this may be different, so in this article we will consider them in detail.

    Also in the article you can find information on how to open documents in doc format and other text formats using similar text editors from Microsoft.

    How to open a text document with word

    If word does not open documents

    One of the main reasons why the word text editor refuses to open a particular document is file corruption. A damaged file can be recovered using the built-in recovery feature. To do this, open a text editor and go to the "File" tab, then "Open" and select "Open and Repair" from the pop-up menu.

    This method is considered very effective, however, it does not guarantee the restoration of the entire text. Part of the file may not

    be recoverable.

    5. Confirm your changes.

    6. The file extension will be changed, and its icon will also change, which will take the form of a standard Word document. The document can now be opened in Word.

    In addition, a file with an incorrectly specified extension can also be opened through the program itself, while changing the extension is by no means necessary.

    1. Open a blank (or any other) MS Word document.

    2. Press the button "File" located on the control panel (previously the button was called "MS office").

    3. Select an item "Open", and then "Review" to open the window "Explorer" to search for a file.

    4. Navigate to the folder containing the file you are unable to open, select it and click "Open".

      Advice: If the file is not displayed select an option "All files *.*" located at the bottom of the window.

    5. The file will be opened in a new program window.

    The extension is not registered in the system

    This problem occurs only on older versions of Windows, which are hardly used by ordinary users now. These include Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, 2000, Millenium, and Windows Vista. The solution to the problem with opening MS Word files for all these OS versions is approximately the same:

    1. Open "My computer".

    2. Go to the tab "Service"(Windows 2000, Millennium) or "View"(98, NT) and open the Settings section.

    3. Open a tab “File type” and establish an association between DOC and/or DOCX formats and Microsoft Office Word.

    4. Word file extensions will be registered in the system, therefore, documents will open normally in the program.

    That's all, now you know why an error occurs in Word when you try to open a file and how you can fix it. We wish you no more difficulties and errors in the operation of this program.

    On a PC, ignoring warnings that at some point, for various reasons, a failure may be triggered, as a result of which the operating system or software will crash. Also, the file may be damaged, which can not be opened again.

    Surely, many have come across a situation where an important document was created using the Microsoft Word office application, but if it became necessary to open it, a message appeared in front of the user informing that the file was damaged and could not be opened. If a lot of effort has been spent on creation and it is of any value, such a message can provoke a heart attack.

    To protect your health and not worry again when such a notification occurs, it is better to read the recommendations on how to open a damaged

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