Who is cooler than Yandex or Google. Yandex you are sweetheart, but Google is better and other search fun

Greetings to all)))

I once thought about it - how many search engines exist in the Internet universe ... Some are already giants as planets, others are small ones, which have begun to radiate their bright sunlight.

But there are two main search engines that are used by many Internet users: I’m index and G o about gl e. And how many opinions, how many perturbations and objections can be found on the Internet from ordinary users about the correct operation of these search engines.

Or, for example, here are interesting comments:

American and the world's first search engine in the world, processing billions of queries per month.

  - Russian search engine, very popular in our country.

Recently, they have become not just search engines - they are powerful tools that have seized enormous power in the Internet space. And the struggle for users will go an infinite number of years.

How can you figure out which search engine to put in the browser by default, as the main one? And what's the point if the result is about the same.

Or not the same. How do you think?

Should I take into account personal sympathy, convenience, if you are a simple Internet user?

And being a blogger, and once having received an insulting disregard by the search giant, you will not be able to give your heart and love to a particular search engine? Mind you seem to understand that to work you need to use all the capabilities of search engines, try to adapt to their incomprehensible algorithms, but it is not as easy to do as said.

Who should trust more, what sympathies do most people give to a particular search engine and what to do next if the heart is completely broken?

After all, do not use the constantly not very popular search engines, knowing that a great deal depends precisely on Yandex and Google.

I ndex or G o o g l e: a battle by the rules?

I decided to understand and weigh all the pros and cons in this matter. Perhaps with your help, friends! There are many articles on this subject on the Internet, and the point is to praise one and belittle the other.

Many believe that Yandex finds less information than Google.

But let's look at it from the other side: Google first appeared and it is already a powerful tool for searching information with a whole corporation, thousands of employees and with complex multi-step algorithms, with the help of which search robots follow links on the Internet to analyze information.

Yandex appeared later and this is the Russian equivalent of Google. In some things, he simply "mirrors" the American search engine.

Yandex as well as Google can search for information for you, if you are too lazy to enter a request. Here are links to these pages, who are interested:


This is an entertaining project that, in a joking way, teaches users to look for answers to questions. I thought that he was from Yandex, but the authors claim that the project is in no way connected with the Yandex search system.


This is also a fun service: “Let Me Google That For You.com” allows you to send a link to the user who is waiting for you to hear something, and he is too lazy to ask the search engine.

My personal note is that Google indexes new sites much faster than Yandex. Perhaps he has faster algorithms. While Yandex wakes up, it will take several days and maybe your article will already be copied by other bloggers hunters, and subsequently Yandex accepts the authorship not for the one who first indexed the information.

Now the truth has appeared hope to prove that the article was written by you.

Google has much more services than Yandex. Google developed the Android mobile system, it has its own Chrome browser. Yandex also has its own Yandex browser. But some services have closed. These are the coups.

If a webmaster submits an application to these search organizations to place advertisements on his site, how does the process go?

Google is more loyal in this matter than Yandex. He has no restrictions on the number of sites, in contrast to Yandex.

But, here the interesting moments begin, with obscure misunderstandings, representatives of Google usually block the display of ads, ban an account without the right to restore and do not go on a direct dialogue with the user. Answer pattern letters. Money does not return from a blocked account.

Employees of Yandex support service, hiding behind a fictional character, also respond with standard letters and try not to bother with explanations. But, it’s still more realistic to reach them than to Google’s support service.

That's it. Please write in the comments, which search engine is most convenient for you and left you a pleasant impression?

Yandex or Google - which is better?

If you find this information useful, then share with friends. To do this, click on the buttons of those social networks in which you are a member)))

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I want to say a few words about how optimizers joke. If you exaggerate greatly, then on any request with certain selfish interests. Usually they do this in order to bring up their own site or client’s site to the Top (the first ten answers of Yandex or Google). Everything is clear and prosaic here (loot rules the world). But life would be boring if we stopped doing stupid things ...

Well, you see, what is the use of creating the search engine “Yandex you are sweetheart” with promotion to the Top of the site with the answer “I am not your sweetheart, but with ---- and t ---- I”. After all, roughly the same (it is possible that it is labor-intensive), but most of the audience with whom this joke is intended (shkolota) will be quite amused. Oh, yes, you see, Yandex can swear. Cool ...

But it does not matter, funny joke or not. Another thing is important - it clearly demonstrates that it is not so difficult to manipulate the issue, however, if the request is not very competitive. Those. need to come up with some kind of provoking request and promote a funny answer to the Top   on him. As soon as it becomes the property of the bored schoolboy, the request will instantly gain popularity and everyone will advise each other to enter into the search box something like “Yandex (Google) you are sweetheart (deer)” and laugh at one of the first answers.

You know what? And this can be quite curious. So much so that I (already having a son, almost out of the age of “shkoloty”) decided to write a post about it. Let's see how well our optimizers have a good sense of humor and what they could and can boast about right now. Curious? And then ...

How did Yandex become a sweetheart and why is Google better?

Actually, you can get acquainted with the answer “how to do it” by going to the site, which will be the first in the issuance of Yandex and Google on the request “Yandex are you sweetheart”.

There, the “enterprising tovarisch” explains that he created a page with a title that will be the answer to this question. But in order for this page to be displayed in the delivery of Yandex to the specified request, it used it several times in the text and even highlighted it in bold.

Since there was no particular competition at that time, then the article jumped into the Top in a remarkable way and even eventually took first place. We applaud while standing, because now this phrase is requested about sixty thousand times in Yandex, and the “prankster” website receives decent traffic.

There are still variations of this query, such as the one in the title “Yandex you are sweetheart, but Google is better”, “Yandex you are deer”, “Yandex you love me”, etc. Now you know the secret and you can repeat it all or even surpass it if you wish and if you have enough creative and knowledge of SEO. For me, simply stating a fact.

It was an example, when the joke gave a very good return in the form of additional traffic to the site and in the form of satisfying the ambitions of the author who invented it and realized it. But often the more successful (in my opinion) jokes and jokes, which were implemented by SEO methods into the search results of Yandex or Google, did not bring their authors anything except moral satisfaction. It is precisely in front of such enthusiasts, as it seems to me, that it is worth taking the hat off.

Wow jokes Yandex

Next, I want to give a number of examples of more "alive", and most often already deceased in a Bose search jokes Yandex and Google, which were realized from only one bare desire to laugh and give a hearty laugh to other users of the network. Agree, when the search engine jokes - it is much funnier (and more natural) for demotivators, etc. smesharikov.

Jokes google

If you know any more fun in the search engines, then share - we laugh together.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog site pages.

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Internal linking of the site for LF, MF and HF search queries - we make its promotion easier

This story is as old as the world. A person comes up with a search engine, after a while it ceases to satisfy his requirements, and he goes to another system. Seriously, the Russian-speaking population of our planet has been arguing for many years about whether Google or Yandex is better. The great battle of the titans still continues. It should be noted that both systems work very well, and if we talk about the quality of the search, then the results of the search engine data are relevant.

What is better - Google or Yandex: and how is it without criteria?

Let's try to determine the criteria according to which the capabilities of these search engines are evaluated. However, when choosing Google or Yandex, there are few universal signs to evaluate, and there are enough subjective ones. We single out two of the most significant in terms of the type of signs - the quality of the search and usability.

In each group you can find many criteria that are important for people when using a particular search engine. If we talk about the difference between Yandex and Google, then, first of all, the methods of search promotion, but this topic should be discussed in more detail.

Analyze the points

Firstly, a certain number of users, first of all, need convenience in the location of the buttons and visibility in the issuance of results. In this case, you can give the palm to Yandex. The fact is that for many users the numbering of positions of search results is of great importance, which Google simply does not have - there the answers are displayed without serial numbers.

The string for the search query is more convenient in Yandex. Google has a shorter input field. At the same time, on the main page of Yandex there are more buttons of additional services, and in Google they cannot be found immediately.

If you put the question like this: “How is Google better than Yandex?”, There is no definite answer, since the first service was created for a different audience. If we consider the problem from the standpoint of the Russian-speaking user, with regard to convenience, we can recognize the leadership behind Yandex.

What is better, Google or Yandex, in search quality?

Regarding the quality of these services is not so simple. Yandex was originally created for the Russian segment of the Internet, and it is constantly changing (in the best sense of the word) and growing. Google search engine began to transform only over time. At the same time, the company's programmers are constantly working on improving the search, improving its quality. Among the important innovations is the implementation of a regional search. Update updates in the Yandex system are not as frequent as Google’s, but they are of higher quality.

The constant experiments of Yandex employees lead to the fact that the positions of certain sites all the time change their location, making the search process not always stable, but we believe that all this is done for the benefit of users.

From this point of view, Google can be defined as a more stable search engine.

As you can see, it is difficult to unequivocally determine which is better - Google or Yandex. It all depends on the point of view. We can only give statistics that indicates that 70 percent of the population of Russia use the Yandex search engine. This is probably no accident. But there are also disadvantages: many people call the issuance of Yandex commercial. Of course, there are grounds for this, but the system has serious requirements even for fully commercial sites, determining their relevance for search queries.

The answer to the question which search engine is better is not. Everyone makes their decision depending on what needs to be found and what benefits can be gained from searching on this site. Yandex is a search service with leading positions in the CIS segment of the Internet. Its share is about 55-60% of all requests.

Google features

Google still lags behind and has 35-40% of the search. But is this a long time, and are there any chances to come forward? The quality of Google search is constantly changing for the better to fully satisfy every user request. Special attention should be paid to the amount of information found and the speed of its collection. The search base of this service is updated in real time, which makes it possible to constantly give fresh information. A year ago, in the list of sites, in response to a request, it was possible to find pages that should not have been there, but today everything is much better.

Yandex, on the other hand, has long thought about the quality of the search, and for the past 3-4 years, sending a request, you can get the really necessary information, but not in the same amount. These technologies can discard the site, and it will never be found, such protection is provided against the appearance of unwanted pages. Yandex is great for searching in Russian and languages ​​of CIS countries, but if you send requests in English or any other language, you will not receive an answer.

Where to go for search

Google is an international search engine with huge budgets for each language and region. Wherever he was not stopped by the government, he won and captured the lion’s share of the market. In Russia, Yandex is still holding on to the quality of the search and its browser, but for how long?

For searching in Russian and on popular topics, Yandex will be one hundred percent suitable, but if you need to find some specific information, it’s better to turn to Google. Yandex databases are updated on average once a week, so there is no need to talk about any fast and current search. If you touch on the commercial topics of requests, the issue does not change at all. What is the reason, it is difficult to say, but certainly not with the quality of sites and the fullness of information on them.

Yandex pays great attention to the development of signs of people's behavior on sites of a particular subject, which makes it possible to judge how fully the site responded to a user's request. Using completely different technologies, both Google and Yandex so far get along in the Russian search market. For the completeness of the information on your request, it is better not to be lazy and turn to both systems.

For years on the expanses of the Russian-speaking Internet is a fierce battle. Opponents continuously improve their skills and converge in new battles. And there can be only one winner in this battle. Only one: either Google or Yandex. And this slaughter goes for attracting Internet users, who have a Yandex query, “Yandex, you’re shit Google better” for the month and showed as much as 6,661 times. So the topic is relevant.

No matter how much effort the developers of the Yandex search system put in, they still haven't managed to catch up with the world leader. Users (and Russian speakers first of all) choose Google. Tell me wrong? And rightly so: Google is indeed much more effective than Yandex. Why? Now tell.

Google is better because:

  Honey spoon

The superiority of the Google search engine is obvious, but some of the “local” merits of Yandex are worth mentioning. These include, for example, the Russian news feed, the Yandex.Probki service, and a cinema poster on the main page. If you just want to know what's new for the day in your area, what temperature will be on the street tomorrow, etc., then Yandex will really help you. More from him and do not need to demand. After all, for everything else, there is Google. Like this.

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