Manage issuance or search prompts Yandex

Updated: August 28, 2017

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the topic and go to the description of my main tool, which I have been using for the second millennium.

So historically, I usually first lead search in Yandex, and only then, if nothing decent is found, I switch to Google (recently, by the way, I wrote about what tools they can and how they can be used).

In Yandex, as well as in Google, there is a place to be your (but very similar) query language, advanced filter, as well as family search. True, there is no such rich set of filters in the search result itself (page with search results), but there is a place to be a display, which are present in this issue. I don’t know about you, but this case helps me very quickly to find sites worthy of my attention that I trust and whose answers I had been comfortable with before.

Is it convenient to search in Yandex?

In general, of course, it looks a little strange that I’m writing about the main tool of the Yandex corporation (read,) after I reviewed other (secondary in relation to the search) services:

Probably, this happened because the process of searching for information on the Internet itself became for us the same self-evident thing as breathing, walking, talking, etc. We are not focusing on this, although, if we approach this process sensibly and in order, it will be possible to significantly save our time, nerves and find something that would normally have escaped our attention.

So let's go over the look of the search results page and the tools that are there.

At the very top is a list of other services and thematic searches for Yandex that might interest you. However, in the results of the general search results are mixed with the results of the search for news, products, pictures, etc. For example, the images on the right are displayed from the search by pictures.

For some types of requests, Yandex (as well as Google) can give rather specific answers. At the runet mirror this feature is called the sorcerer. There are a lot of witches (you can read about them and look at this page). Sometimes the witcher displays his block, similar to what I described in the article about the pro, and sometimes gives only a link, for example, to.

When requesting the weather, immediately after the request input form, you will see the weather warlocker:

Settings and search capabilities

If you have a slow Internet channel (for example, via a mobile phone), you can disable display of graphic banner and imagelocated on the right (the “Settings” button in the upper right corner of the output window).

By default, in the settings of the search window, the display of site icons (favicons) is also enabled, which allow you to quickly find among the results those sites that you used to trust. Also there it will be possible to increase the number of answers on the page with the results up to 50 pieces, which, personally, I do, because in the first ten there is a lot of noise, as a rule.

You can enable the display of separate statistics for each of the words contained in your request (displayed below the request entry form), but this will be an unnecessary excess for the vast majority of users. Yes, even in the search results of Yandex, you can sometimes see dialog prompts  (see the gray buttons on the previous screenshot under the request entry form), which allow you to quickly view the results for a refined query.

Search tips and what is important can be seen in the issuance (results)

Yes, I'm still talking about yandex search tips  did not say. They now become personalized by default and take into account all the requests you previously typed and all the other nuances of your personal life.

You can disable their personalization either on this page, or by clicking on the appropriate link (My Requests) directly from the drop-down box with these same search hints.

You see, this settings page is different from the general search settings page. For some reason, Yandex has several such pages and the functionality of some of them overlaps. To behold all possible search settings  Runet mirrors will be available on the page.

Previously, I also chose to display a more detailed snippet, taken from the text of the site (in the area "Document Description"  the option “Extended”) or its descriptions, so as not to go over to those resources where the answer to my question is most likely not to be found. Now, with a fairly fast Internet (), it is easier to go to the site than to get a grasp of the snippet that is formed by the runet mirror is not always successful and informative.

Under the snippet is a chain of links leading to the found document on this site (similar to bread crumbs), which in some cases can stimulate additional clicks if they are attracted by the name of the category or section where this page itself lives. Usually, these chains and taken their bread crumbs, available on the site.

The title of the document is taken from, although exceptions can sometimes be made. But this is more important not for those who are looking for in Yandex, but for those who want to be found ().

The user is more interesting, for example, the link "Copy"which allows you to view a cached search engine copy of this document. This may be necessary in the case or in the case, which will make it impossible to switch to it from issuing Yandex.

In addition, on the page with a copy, the keywords you have typed will be highlighted with a bright yellow background, although this case can be turned off by simply unchecking the “highlight query words” box. The arrows to the right and left of the query text will allow you to move between the found keywords and in the text.

But there is still a better way to see what is no longer - this. Very interesting thing and even about thin or not so yandex humor itself  can tell us (the source is located, and the selected fragment is visible only when it is selected, for it is written in white font on a white background, which is strictly forbidden to make the rules of the search engines themselves).

Also, you probably noticed that, as a rule, in the search results of Yandex, and Google too, most often there is only one page from the site. Here it is. And if you are interested in this particular resource and all the information on the problem of interest only found on it, then the button will come to your aid "Still".

Much less often you can find the inscription "Found by reference"that will tell you that the words from your query were not found on this site, but then there are references to this document, in the anchor of which such words were present. Similarly, the site of Bush Jr. was successfully searched by a completely unflattering phrase, which could not be found in the text of his pages. Guess how it happened?

The following area of ​​the Yandex search settings allows you to select the language in which you would prefer to see the answers, as well as it is possible to prohibit automatic correction of typos you make in the request or errors. In fact, there used to be even such a tendency as advancement on queries with errors, which are often repeated. But now Yandex fixes them and the chip is no longer working.

Family Search, Live and Related Searches

Here you can enable or, alternatively, disable the filtering of adult content (who needs what). By default, a moderate filter is used, when adult content will be shown only in the case of your explicit desire to see it in the request. If the children use the computer, it is best to switch to Family search, in order to avoid all unpleasant excesses.

Well, if you really want to prevent the possibility of including adult content in search results, you can use special yandex site for family search, which looks exactly like the main page of the runet mirror, and which can be added as a default search and home page to the browsers you use.

Since we started talking from special Yandex websites with a specific search, how would you like this? Dnez Search  , when clicking on the "Search" button will show the output for one of the query typed now:

It is also very interesting to follow the link. "Live "  and see in the background exactly which requests and at what point of the planet are typed by those who are trying to search for something in Yandex.

In the last part of the search results settings, you can enable or disable Yandex tracking for you and take into account the data when you create prompts and results.

Just like in Google, those who decide to search for something in Yandex will be assigned a dossier that can be viewed by clicking on the “My Finds” link. Everything, with settings is finished.

By the way, at the bottom of the search results window quite often related querieswho were entered by the same users, trying to find the answer to the question that torments them. First, you can click on them to see a page with these search results, well, and secondly, webmasters can then choose for their future articles.

Unlike Google’s rich filter sets, at the runet mirror we see only sorting switches by relevance (matching the query text) or by date. And the latter method gives sites extremely far from what you wanted to see by entering your request.

Advanced search and Yandex query language

All filtering capabilities are concentrated exclusively in advanced Yandex search, which we are now quick and consider.

Thus, not only experts of the query language of this search engine (which, by the way, is very similar to Google's query language), but also ordinary unprepared users, can professionally search in Yandex. First you enter a query in the “I'm looking for” field, where you can apply one or more operators to narrow your search. In Google, in this regard, advanced search is more functional.

Let's go over those now. search query language operatorswhich you may actually need:

    By default, between all the words in the query, Yandex places the logical OR operator. However, if you need one of the words in the output would necessarily be present, then put a + in front of it without a space on the right, but with an obligatory space on the left:

    Website promotion + Moscow

    Just like any other search engine, the mirror of the RuNet ignores words that are too often found in queries. This is the so-called stop words  and most often these are prepositions, particles or pronouns. In order for these stop words to be taken into account by you, it will again suffice to put a + sign in front of them without a space:

    Engine + for the site

    You can search using negative operator. For example, you need to find an overview of some things, but you’ll see only online stores with this product in the results. How to be? Pretty simple. It is enough to put in front of words that you do not want to see in the output, double tilde ~~ (with a space between them and a word), well, or at worst, a minus sign (without a space on the right, but with a space on the left):

    Ipad 4 ~~ prices ~~ buy ipad 4 -prices -buy

  1. Often people search for quotes and for this it is possible to enclose this phrase in double quotes so that Yandex searches for these words in the same sequence.
  2. If you have forgotten one or several words in any quotation, proverb or saying, you can put a sign or an asterisk * separated from other words by spaces: "I have rested in *"
  3. By default, Yandex understands the morphology of the Russian language and searches not only for the word forms (cases and numbers) that you used in the query, but also for all other forms (of the smart type). True, this does not apply to parts of speech (if you specify a noun in the request, then adjectives derived from this word will not be searched). But this is not the point.

    Another thing that in rare cases you may need forbid Yandex to search with morphology. This can be done with exclamation mark  delivered without a space in front of the word that needs to be looked for only in the form in which you used it (case, number).

       "!website promotion"

    Moreover, if the search word is usually written with a capital letter (for example, a surname), then an exclamation mark in front of such a word will cause the search engine to search only for words with a capital letter:

    Lev! Nikolaevich

    There is also the option of using a double exclamation mark, which makes the mirror of the RuNet look for the dictionary form of this word, but I am far from linguistics and did not understand in which cases it might be useful.

    Often there may be a situation that a search on a site that interests you is so stupid and stupid that it is better not to use it. In this case, you can, of course, refer to the Yandex advanced search (see screenshot above) and specify the address of the desired site (or several sites separated by commas) to limit the search area.

    But everyone can do that. It would be much more effective to use site query language operatorwhich will look something like this:

    Website promotion site: http: // website

  4. Also advanced search allows you to select document typeIn which the phrase you need will be searched (usual web pages, pdf documents, Word files and something else there). Conveniently, when an essay or diploma is found in the exact format that is required for its delivery - no extra gestures are needed. However, the operator Mime  use will be much more cool: the promotion of sites mime: doc
  5. It is not entirely clear why this may be necessary, but since the ancient times, the runet mirror has operators &   and && that allow you to search for words separated by it in one sentence or in one document (in fact, && replaces the default logical OR operator with AND operator)
  6. Even more mysterious for me is the Yandex query language operator in the form slash "/", which allows you to set the interval (measured in the number of words), which will be maintained when searching for your request. The distance between adjacent words is taken equal to one.

    Promotion / 2 sites

    This means that between the words "promotion" and "site" in the found documents can not stand more than one word. And there are other options for using the plus or minus sign in front of a digit to determine the order of words. Yes, and you can also cram in the same & & (&&) in order to demolish the tower from the very poor user:

    Promotion && / (- 1 +2) sites

  7. And as you can see from the last example, we can use parentheses to compose super-complex queries.
  8. In the advanced search, you can quite subtly limit the area by specifying a specific time interval when these documents were created or updated. There are also query language operators that allow you to do the same thing - Date. It allows you to set both a specific date and intervals.

You will find examples of using all the mentioned and forgotten operators, it is possible that this will help you search Yandex more productively, quickly and with less nerve cell costs.

   Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog site pages.

To send



Kick it

Today, a slightly shocking headline, in order to experiment on screaming headlines, let's see how much I can shout on the Internet. And if on the topic, in fact, Yandex began to trust webmasters more and allowed to manage one function of its search. Does Yandex really reveal its secrets and gives the opportunity to control the issuance of webmasters? ..

Yes figs there - relax. Naturally issue management, Yandex did not transmit to anyone. So, I deceived you with the title of this post. Not really, really. Yandex and the truth made a step towards meeting webmasters and now they can better configure the search on the site from Yandex. That is, the function of managing search prompts has now been added to the search settings, and now every site owner who uses the site search from the Yandex search engine will be able to set up search prompts.

What is it, Yandex search tips and what does the issue management have to do with it? Search Tips  - this is a drop-down list of key phrases during user input. In general, I wanted to say that this is a list of words that Yandex offers when you enter a search query. You must have seen them.

But how does this relate to issuing control? In fact, indirectly. But still connected. Yes, and note that I do not mean the general issue of Yandex, I mean the issue of your site. That is, if you use the search on the site from the Runet leader, when the user is on your site and begins to enter your query, search prompts appear that can help the user find what he wants, because now we can configure them, and means and affect the issuance of search results on the site. What can be called the issue management Yandex.

So, let's see how this works and what is the benefit to us from this. To get started, install a search on the site from Yandex, if it is not already installed. If it is installed, then you need to perform a minimum of actions, namely: go to the search management, select which you want to edit and in the menu, on the left, select "search hints".

Here we can choose to show hints or not. Choose a language. And of course add, delete or move yandex search tips. To do this, you must begin to enter a request, thereby presenting yourself in the user's place. For example, a visitor wants to find information on the installation of dle, but not everyone will begin to fully enter the request, because "laziness" will not allow this. Here are the hints for them, so that they can choose, rather than enter the entire query. So, for example, we just type dle and what do we see? The search offers us some rather strange options, well, to be honest, complete garbage that has nothing to do with my site and even more so with installing or configuring dle.

But now we can correct this situation and just delete the unnecessary and add the necessary, as well as interchange the requests - put some higher, some lower. And it is convenient and really Yandex search tips can affect the issue. After all, if the visitor does not begin to enter the request further and does not find a suitable option in the drop-down list, he can simply leave. And with the help of management capabilities, we can correct the situation and the user selects the desired phrase from the list and remains on the site to read the article, which in turn can affect behavioral factors and, accordingly, the main issue of Yandex.

But what can be obtained as a result, by editing tips. And a small instruction on editing.

And in order to change requests in places, just hold down the left mouse button and drag it to the right place. And do not forget to save the results.

That's it. I hope no one was upset that they could not manage to manage the issue of Yandex and move their site to the top. Then what will be the interest? In general, all the luck, I have it all. Search tips Yandex, to help you.

December 21, 2014 2940

It is convenient enough in itself. However, it has extensive interface customization capabilities, which we will discuss in this article.

Many Internet users (and, more specifically, the Runet segment) do not even realize that a Yandex search page can be customized for oneself. But it allows you to display the necessary information, delete unnecessary, as well as arrange it as convenient for you! Let's take a closer look at this opportunity.

Yandex configuration occurs on the page installed on your computer. This site is fully owned by the service itself.

Let's start from the top: Setting the city. Following the link, we set the city "Default". You can also check the box "Do not specify my location" so that the site no longer asks if you are in a particular city.

"Setting the interface language" - everything is also clear. The point here is only one, choose the language and return.

"Customize search results" - sets the display of default search results. Automatically here are the most optimal settings, but you can substitute them for themselves.

  • Document description: either standard or extended with additional information;
  • Open found in the search window or in a new window;
  • Documents per page - how many query results will be issued: 10 (by default), 20, 30 or 50;
  • Graphics - whether it is necessary to display graphic banners and pictures or pictograms of sites. Necessary to save traffic;
  • Interface language - choose between Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Belarusian and Tatar;
  • Interface - standard or without AJAX - scripts;
  • The language of the documents found is either any or selectively - Russian, English, French, German, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Tatar or Kazakh;
  • Page filtering - family search is the most stringent filter, which does not produce any "forbidden" pages for children, the moderate filter is standard, without restrictions - the results are not filtered at all;
  • Correction of the request - automatically, or with a hint of options;
  • Search results - to consider or not the search history in Yandex;
  • Search tips - show or not requests or favorite sites in the tips;
  • Record or not the history of the service "My finds".

With this sorted out. Come back.

Now - the settings of the My Finds service, which is responsible for storing requests to Yandex. Here you can either turn on history recording or stop recording.

In the "Search tips" menu, you can select "Search tips", "My queries in search hints", clear query history, and also include "Favorite sites in tips".

In the "Display banner on the main page" menu, you can enable or disable the banner ad on the main page. Advertising is usually formed from search queries, and therefore may be useful. Off by default.

"Considering the range of interests for advertising" - Yandex.Direct collects information, taking into account your behavior on Yandex or in the Yandex Advertising Network. In this menu you can turn off consideration of your interests when advertising is shown.

Now Yandex search has become more personalized, which means more convenient! Use on health!

Going to a search engine on the same computer, but from a different browser, you will have to create the settings again. When you reinstall the browser, the settings are reset.

When entering the Yandex search window opens:

There is no settings button on the main page, but it’s enough to click the “find” button even with an empty search line, how the search engine view will change and additional buttons will appear.

To start the search engine settings, just click the button that is located to the right of the search bar. After that, the settings menu appears below the line.

On the left, the mode selection button, the default is “safe” - that is, removes sites with erotic content, unless, of course, there is a direct request to such sites. The mode “for children”, except for erotic nature, removes the same sites using mats and obscene language. Instead of the mode for children, you can use the direct entrance to the search engine at  - “family search”. The "no protection" mode shows all sites without any filtering.

The next button can filter outdated material, set the time interval for creating or updating the site page with the necessary information. The default is “for all time”, but there is also “for the day” - only those pages that were updated no more than 24 hours ago, that is, the most recent information, will seem. Next comes “two weeks” - the information was updated no more than two weeks ago, “for a month”, “for a year”. This setting allows you to select from the entire database the option of “freshness” of information.

Site Language Format - allows you to select sites that are written in a specific language. The default is "any language" - without restrictions, but you can choose one or more of the languages ​​offered in the menu. By removing all the checkmarks, again there will be "any language."

Button “file format” - sets the file format in which information is searched. That is, if for example the abstract is needed, then it is better to enter a topic or necessary information in the search bar, and choose a text format. This will not show sites with similar information, but only text documents stored on the Internet. You can choose one or several formats, or all at once, but all the same, sites with such information will not be shown. Only text, graphic or tabular documents. To return to the usual search for sites, you must uncheck all the checkboxes in this section.

"On the site" - selects the site on which to search. Information from this site only will be displayed. In this line, you must enter the email address of the site.

"Select region" - select the region to search. First you need to start entering the desired city, and then select it from the list in the menu that appears. If you enter a random city, or one that is not listed, the result will remain unchanged.

The buttons on the left are also a search filter. The picture button puts the search engine in the search mode for any photo or image. Search by video puts the search engine into search mode by video file. The top icon in the form of a circle with the signature "search" - returns the system to normal search mode.

A plus sign under the icon that says “video” opens additional Yandex services, among which you can conduct a search. That is, conduct a search among news sites or search among sites with online stores, and the like. Each service determines its direction. The same function is performed by the button in the upper right corner. Whatever button is pressed, the result is the same.

In the menu that appears, the most popular services are shown, but if this is not enough, then you can click the "all services" button.

After this transition, there will be more than enough services (at least for most).

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