Ips or lcd which is better for the TV. TFT IPS matrices: a different look at LCD technology. IPS: pros and cons

When choosing a TV for the home is on the agenda, consumers are most often interested in parameters such as screen diagonal and resolution. In addition to them, you can find the terms LED TV, IPS, OLED or QLED in advertising, but they often do not say anything to buyers. In this article, we will consider the types of TV displays on the mass market and find out their key differences.

Such different matrices for TVs

Liquid crystal arrays based on thin-film transistors (TFT LCD) are the first truly mass-produced type of screens after CRT. They quickly supplanted expensive plasma panels and now occupy most of the TV market. The technology is based on the property of liquid crystal molecules to change their orientation in space under voltage and, accordingly, to control the light flux passing through them. There are several subtypes of LCD matrices, the differences between which are very significant.

TFT TN matrices: simple and cheap

In the absence of voltage, the molecules of liquid crystals in the TN matrix form a spiral through which the light passes freely through the light filters, forming a white point on the screen. If the voltage on the electrodes is maximum, then the molecules line up perpendicularly to the light filters and do not transmit light, respectively, the dot on the screen turns black. The rest of the colors are formed by the rotation of the liquid crystal elements caused by the change in voltage. The polarization of the beam changes, and with it the intensity of the luminescence of individual subpixels, the colors of which are determined by light filters (red, green, blue), also change. A similar principle of forming the desired color is implemented in other types of TFT technology.

Advantages and disadvantages of TFT TN displays

TFT TN is the simplest and oldest LCD technology in existence today, and therefore the cheapest. It was the low cost of TN displays that allowed them to remain on the market until now, despite all their shortcomings. TVs with this type of screen cannot reproduce completely black, and other shades are not always displayed accurately. In addition, a high-quality image can be seen only at a right angle or with a slight deviation from it, since otherwise noticeable distortions are observed up to the negative effect. And although in modern models the horizontal viewing angles have been brought to values \u200b\u200bof 140-160 degrees, the vertical indicators still remain low - 90-120 degrees. But TN-matrices can boast short time response, which in modern models can be 1 ms.

Which TVs use TFT TN matrix

Currently, TN-matrices are used mainly in low-end TVs with diagonals of 19-32 inches, produced by brands of the so-called "second tier" - BBK, Mystery, Orion and others. Most of the presented on russian market models belong to the price segment from 8,000 to 16,000 rubles.

TFT IPS matrices: a different look at LCD technology

The abbreviation IPS stands for In-Plane Switching, which literally can be translated as “switching in one plane”. In contrast to TN matrices, the electrodes in the cells are located not on both sides of the LC molecules, but only on the lower plate.

In the absence of voltage, the molecules of crystals are located parallel to each other and the surface of the screen, due to which the light passing through the first filter does not change its polarization and is completely blocked by the second filter. As a result, the viewer sees a deeper black color than on tFT displays TN. When the maximum voltage is applied to the electrodes, the molecules are rotated 90 degrees, making the light transmission also maximum.

TFT IPS displays - pros and cons

The main advantages of IPS are 180-degree viewing angles, realistic color reproduction, including almost perfect blacks and sufficient contrast.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that the cost is higher in comparison with TN screens and the response is longer. True, engineers have already coped with the last problem, and now this indicator has been brought to such a level that motion blur has become invisible.

What are IPS TVs

The largest number of IPS TVs are supplied to the world market by LG Electronics. Its lineup includes both relatively inexpensive "kitchen" models with small diagonals and resolution (from 22 inches, 720p), and full-size 49-inch 4K-panels for home theaters. Various solutions based on IPS-displays are also offered by Sony, Panasonic, Philips, Xiaomi and some other brands.

PLS matrix as a kind of IPS

Despite all the advantages iPS technology, it is impossible to find it on the TVs of the largest manufacturer in the world - Samsung. And the thing is that in 2010 the South Korean electronics giant developed its own alternative to IPS, which it called PLS - Plane-to-Line Switching ("switching from plane to line"). Technically PLS is still the same IPS, but with some changes. Samsung claims the PLS has wider viewing angles, 10% higher brightness, and 15% lower cost price.

Based on PLS displays, Samsung manufactures both compact 24 ”1080p (Full HD) TVs and large 40-65” Smart TVs with 4K Ultra HD (2160p) support.

TFT VA matrix: a compromise between IPS and TN

VA stands for Vertical Alignment, that is, “ vertical alignment". The name comes from the perpendicular orientation of the liquid crystal molecules in the absence of current on the cell (light is transmitted completely, the dot glows white). When the maximum voltage is applied, the molecules unfold at an angle of 35-40 degrees with respect to the panel surface, blocking the passage luminous flux (the pixel turns black).

VA Matrix: Replacement IPS or Alternative TN?

VA matrices were created as an alternative to IPS and TN at the same time. Compared to IPS, they have a lower price (although TN is still cheaper), reduced response time, increased contrast and often with a greater depth of black. At the same time, their viewing angles are smaller, although they exceed those of TN. The latter VA TVs also win in color reproduction, although they are inferior in this indicator to IPS. Another characteristic feature of VA is the whitening of the image when looking at the screen perpendicularly.

What TVs can you find VA displays

The most widely used VA display is Samsung. Most of its mainstream Full HD and 4K (Ultra HD) models are based on this technology. VA screens can also be found in the range of products from Toshiba, LeEco, TCL, Sony and other brands.

Edge LED vs Direct LED - which is better

In the descriptions modern TVs you can often come across the term LED TV. If you translate it into Russian literally, you get an "LED TV", but this definition is absolutely incorrect. The fact is that LED in this case only denotes the light source, and not the type of matrix, which is in fact a liquid crystal (TN, IPS, VA or PLS).

There is no alternative to LEDs as manufacturers of consumer TV receivers no longer use fluorescent lamps. However, LED backlighting is not the same everywhere - distinguish between Edge LED and Direct LED. In the first case, the LEDs are located only at the edges of the matrix, in the second, they are evenly distributed over the entire area behind it. The main advantage of Edge LED is considered to be the ability to create models with a minimum body thickness, while Direct LED wins in terms of brightness and uniformity of the glow.

LG bets on OLED TV

The first organic light-emitting diode (OLED) TV was introduced by Sony ten years ago. The device had a diagonal of only 11 inches and a resolution of 960 540 pixels. In the early 2010s, LG, Samsung and Sony were the main producers of OLED TV, but today LG is almost a monopoly in this segment. It also supplies LED matrices to Sony, which in 2017 decided to resume production of OLED TVs.

OLED display - how does it work?

The key element of OLED panels is carbon-based organic matter that is exposed to electric current is capable of emitting light and, accordingly, does not need additional illumination. The desired glow color is achieved through the use of phosphors: in modern OLED TVs you can find both 3-color pixels (RGB) and 4-color pixels (WRGB), in which white is added to the traditional red, green and blue LEDs. The second option was patented by LG Display and allows for more realistic reproduction of shades and midtones.

Which is better - OLED or LCD?

The design features of OLED technology predetermine the main advantages of TVs based on it over liquid crystal TVs. These include higher brightness and contrast, perfect black reproduction, very fast switching pixels, occupying hundredths of a millisecond, and wide viewing angles.

What, then, prevents OLED TV from conquering the market and replacing LCD TVs? First of all, these are prices: in the Russian market, the most affordable models of 2017 cost a little less than 100,000 rubles. In addition, some are afraid to buy OLED TVs due to the allegedly short lifespan, although in fact rumors about the fragility of this type of screens are exaggerated. The fact is that LEDs of different colors have a different resource. The most durable is green (130,000 hours), followed by red (50,000 hours), and blue (15,000 hours) loses brightness the fastest. It is estimated that the average duration of TV operation until the moment when changes in color balance become visible to the naked eye is approximately 30,000 hours. We are talking about continuous work, that is, if it works 6 hours a day, then the matrix will wear out after almost 14 years of operation. During this time, the device is likely to become obsolete morally.

QLED and Nano Cell: Quantum Dots Displays

AT recent times on the TV market, terms such as QLED and Nano Cell are found. From a technical point of view, they are practically the same thing, and the different names are just marketing tricks of Samsung and LG. In both cases, we are talking about the so-called displays on quantum dots (Quantum Dots), which are the latest type of liquid crystal matrices.

An interlayer with quantum dots only a few nanometers in diameter (for comparison: the thickness of a hair is 60,000 nm) is placed between the layer of liquid crystals and the backlight. Having passed through the points, the light is emitted with a strictly defined wavelength, which allows you to achieve a cleaner, than when using traditional light filters, reproduction of the three primary colors - red, green and blue. In addition, due to the absence of light filters, the picture on the screen is brighter, richer, with a wider color gamut and with wider viewing angles.

Who makes QLED TVs, how much does it cost?

Samsung is now the sole manufacturer of QLED TVs. The most available model with a diagonal of 49 inches costs 135,000 rubles, the most expensive 88 inches is estimated at 1.5 million rubles. The Nano Cell brand is used by LG, and here we are also talking about premium TVs.


Despite the existence of several varieties of TV displays, they cannot be called competitors to each other. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, and most importantly, most of them occupy different price niches in the market. Thus, the choice of the type of matrix is \u200b\u200blargely determined by the buyer's budget and his requirements for the image and functionality of the device.

LCD TVs have appeared on the market for a long time and everyone has already got used to them. However, every year more and more new models appear, differing in appearance, screen diagonal, interface and more. In addition, there are models of liquid crystal displays that differ in a special refresh rate, types of LEDs and backlighting. However, about everything in turn. To begin with, I propose to understand what it is - LCD monitors.

Probably, many of you have heard such a concept as LCD panels. LCD is an abbreviation that stands for Liquid Crystal Display. Translated into Russian, this means a liquid crystal display, which means that LCD and LCD panels are one and the same.

Image display technology is based on the use of crystals in liquid form and their amazing properties. Such panels have a huge number of positive qualities due to the use of this technology. So let's see how it works.

How an LCD monitor works

The crystals used to create these monitors are called cyanophenyls. When they are in a liquid state, they have unique optical and other properties, including the ability to correctly position themselves in space.

Such a screen consists of a pair of transparent polished plates on which transparent electrodes are applied. Cyanophenyls are located between these two plates in a certain order. Voltage is supplied through the electrodes on the plates, which is supplied to the areas of the screen matrix. There are also two filters located parallel to each other near the plates.

The resulting matrix can be manipulated by making the crystals transmit a beam of light or not. In order to get different colors, filters of three basic colors: green, blue and red. The light from the crystal passes through one of these filters and forms the corresponding pixel color. A certain combination of colors allows you to create other shades that will match the moving picture.

Types of matrices

LCD monitors can use several types of matrices, which differ from each other in their technology.

TN +film... This is one of the simplest standard technologies, which is distinguished by its popularity and low cost. This type of module has low power consumption and a relatively low refresh rate. It is especially common to find a similar module in older panel models. "+ Film" in the name means that another layer of film was used, which should make the viewing angle larger. However, since it is used everywhere today, the name of the matrix can be abbreviated to TN.

This LCD monitor has many disadvantages. First, they have poor color rendering due to their use for each color channel only 6 bits. Most of the shades are obtained by mixing the primary colors. Secondly, the contrast of LCD monitors and the viewing angle are also poor. And if some subpixels or pixels stop working for you, then most likely they will constantly glow, which will please very few people.

IPS... Such matrices differ from other types in that they have the best shade reproduction and a large viewing angle. The contrast in such matrices is also not the best, and the refresh rate is lower than even in the TN matrix. This means that with fast movement behind the picture, a noticeable trail may appear, which will interfere with watching TV. However, if a pixel burns out on such a matrix, it will not glow, but, on the contrary, will remain black forever.

Based on this technology, there are other types of matrix, which are also often used in monitors, displays, TV screens, etc.

  • S-IPS. Such a module appeared in 1998 and differed only in a lower response refresh rate.
  • AS-IPS. Next type matrix, in which, in addition to the refresh rate, they also improved the contrast.
  • A-TW-IPS. This is, in fact, the same S-IPS matrix, to which a color filter called "True White" was added. Most often, such a module was used in monitors intended for publishing houses or photographic laboratories, as it made white more realistic and increased the range of its shades. The disadvantage of such a matrix was that the black color had a purple tint.
  • H-IPS. This module appeared in 2006 and was distinguished by screen uniformity and improved contrast. It does not have such an unpleasant black backlight, although the viewing angle has become smaller.
  • E-IPS. It appeared in 2009. This technology has helped improve the viewing angle, brightness and contrast of LCD monitors. In addition, the screen refresh time has been reduced to 5 milliseconds and the amount of power consumption has been reduced.
  • P-IPS. This type module appeared relatively recently, in 2010. This is the most advanced matrix. It has 1,024 gradations for each subpixel, resulting in 30-bit color, which no other matrix could achieve.

VA... This is the very first type of matrix for LCD displays, which is a compromise solution between the previous two types of modules. Such matrices best of all convey the contrast of the image and its color, but at a certain viewing angle some details may disappear and the white color balance may change.

Such a module also has several derived versions that differ from each other in their characteristics.

  • MVA is one of the first and most popular matrices.
  • PVA - this module was released by Samsung and features improved video contrast.
  • S-PVA - Also manufactured by Samsung for LCD panels.
  • S-MVA
  • P-MVA, A-MVA - manufactured by AU Optronics. All further matrices differ only by the manufacturing companies. All the improvements are based only on a decrease in the response speed, which is achieved by applying a higher voltage at the very beginning of the change in the position of the subpixels and using a full 8-bit system that encodes color on each channel.

There are also several more types of LCD matrices, which are also used in some panel models.

  • IPS Pro - they are used in Panasonik TVs.
  • AFFS - matrices from Samsung. Used only in some specialized devices.
  • ASV - matrices from Sharp Corporation for LCD TVs.

Backlight types

Liquid crystal displays also differ in the types of backlighting.

  • Plasma or gas discharge lamps. Initially, all LSD monitors were backlit from one or more lamps. Basically, such lamps had a cold cathode and were called CCFL. Later, they started using EEFL lamps. The light source in such lamps is plasma, which appears as a result of an electric discharge passing through the gas. At the same time, one should not confuse LCD TV with plasma TVs, in which each of the pixels is an independent light source.
  • LED backlight or LED. Such TVs have appeared relatively recently. These displays have one or more LEDs. However, it should be noted that this is only a type of backlight, and not the display itself, which consists of these miniature diodes.

Responsiveness and value for 3D video viewing

Responsiveness is how many frames per second a TV can display. This parameter affects the image quality and smoothness. In order to achieve this quality, the refresh rate must be 120 Hz. In order to achieve this frequency, TVs use a video card. In addition, this frame rate does not create screen flickering, which in turn has a better effect on the eyes.

For watching movies in 3D format, this refresh rate will be enough. At the same time, many TVs install a backlight that has a refresh rate of 480 Hz. It is achieved by using special TFT transistors.

Other characteristics of LCD TVs

Brightness, Black Depth and Contrast The brightness of such TVs is quite high levelbut the contrast is poor. This is because with the polarization effect the black depth will be as deep as the backlight will allow. Due to insufficient levels of black depth and contrast, dark shades can blend into one color.
Screen diagonal Today, you can easily find LCD panels with a large diagonal, which can be used as a home theater, and models with a fairly small diagonal.
Viewing angle Modern TV models have a fairly good viewing angle, which can reach 180 degrees. But older models do not have an adequate angle, which can make the screen appear rather dark or distorted when viewed from a certain angle.
Color rendering The color rendition of such displays is not always pretty good quality... This again applies mainly to old screen models. But modern models are often inferior to other types of TV.
Energy efficiency Liquid crystal displays consume 40% less electricity than other types.
Dimensions and weight Such TVs have a rather low weight and thickness, but today there are panels with a smaller thickness and weight.

In its labeling of TVs, LG, like other manufacturers, encrypt a certain technical information about the model. From the labeling of the TV receiver, you can find out the size of the screen diagonal, year of manufacture, series number, availability and type of tuner, for which country the model is made.

Screen size

The first two digits in the designation of LG TVs indicate the size of the screen diagonal in inches. One inch equals 2.54 centimeters. Increasing the diagonal size by a few inches can have a big impact on the price, so you need to pre-select the size of the TV according to the distance from which you will be watching the TV set. The most popular among buyers are TVs with diagonal sizes from 32 to 50 inches.

Display manufacturing technology

A distinction is made between plasma screens, liquid crystal screens with backlighting from a lamp or from diodes, and, recently, OLED screens based on organic LEDs. The screen layout can be recognized by the letter immediately following the first two digits indicating the screen size.

  • E - OLED screen (from 2016 to 2018 OLEDs are designated by one letter, from 2018 another marking, it is further written about it);
  • U - matrix on liquid crystals with backlit LED and with Ultra HD resolution;
  • S - designation introduced since 2016, means "Super UHD" technology (the best LCD models, backlight on quantum dots Nano Cell);
  • L - matrix on liquid crystals (LCD) with backlighting on light-emitting diodes (LED) with HD resolution;

Not released today:

  • C - a liquid crystal matrix (LCD) with backlight from fluorescent lamp (no longer available);
  • Р - plasma panel.

Year of manufacture

The year of manufacture of the TV is indicated by the next letter after the letter of the screen type. Each year, two or more letters were used in the marking, denoting the presence of certain functions in a particular year. And only since 2014, one letter has been used in the LG TV labeling.

  • 2018 - K for LCD models, and digit "8" for OLED (W8, G8, E8, C8, B8);
  • 2017 - J for LCD models, and number "7" for OLED (W7, G7, E7, C7, B7);
  • 2016 - H for LCD models, and number "6" for OLED (G6, E6, C6, B6);
  • 2015 - F - flat screen, G - curved screen (EG - OLED 4K, UF - LED 4K, LF - LED Full HD);
  • 2014 - B;
  • 2013 - N, A (A with 3D function, N without 3D);
  • 2012 - LW, LM, PA, PM, PS (LW and LM with 3D);
  • 2011 - LV.

L and P are screen views.

LG TV series

The following numbers in the marking indicate the series and the model in the series. The larger the number in each position, the more functions this model has and the more better technology applied. Series can range from 4 to 9... The most advanced is Episode 9.

The series and set of functions differ (3D, Smart TV version, frame rate, etc.), used components (processor model, set of connectors, etc.). Every year distinctive features each series changes, in order to know exactly how the series differ, you need to familiarize yourself with the specifications for a particular year on the LG website or on specialized resources. The main differences, which may be quite enough for choosing a TV model, are given in the corresponding section here. From year to year, certain components and functionalities become cheaper and move to the younger series. So if this year some models are expensive for you, then in a year or two it will be possible to buy a TV with the same capabilities cheaper.

The following digits after the series number are the model in this series and the modification of this model. The higher these numbers, the better the TV's performance.

Tuner designation

The last letter in the LG TV marking designates the type of tuner for signal reception.

  • T - formats tuner DVB-T/ T2, DVB-C;
  • S - tuner formats DVB-T, DVB-C, DVB-S / S2;
  • V - tuner formats DVB-T / T2, DVB-C, DVB-S / S2;
  • C - DVB-T, DVB-C tuner formats.

An example of decoding the labeling of a LG TV until 2018

Take the LG 49SJ810V as an example. What can you learn from this marking? Let's sort it out in order:

  • 49 - diagonal size in inches;
  • S - TV with a liquid crystal matrix and backlighting on quantum dots with 4K resolution (Super UHD);
  • J - 2017 model;
  • 8 - series number;
  • 1 and 0 - modification of the 8 series (speaks of appearance and about minor differences in parameters);
  • V - information about the tuner.

Changes in 2018

LG is making changes to the labeling for compatibility of the OLED and LED designations for different countries. Now marking in different countries will be the same.

The main change affected the meaning of the letters at the end, if earlier the type of the tuner was indicated there, now there is a letter indicating the sales region, then a letter indicating the tuner and at the end a letter concerning the design.

At the end there may be letters like this:

  • First (designation of the region):
  1. R - Europe, USA;
  2. W - Korea;
  3. A - USA;
  4. S - Great Britain, Singapore.
For our countries, there must be a letter "R".
  • Second (tuner designation):
    1. U - ATSC, Clear QAM;
    2. L - DVB-T / T2 / T2HD / C / S / S2;
    3. N - ATSC 3.0, ATSC 1.0;
    4. S - SBTVD;
    5. J - BS110.
    For our countries there must be a letter "L".
  • Third (denotes design differences).
  • There is no decoding of the third letter from the manufacturers, it is believed that it is enough for the buyer to get acquainted with the appearance in the store.

    Example for OLED: LG OLED77C8PLA


    • LG is a manufacturer;
    • OLED - OLED screen;
    • 77 - screen diagonal size in inches;
    • С - series (for OLED models there are W, G, E, C, B series);
    • 8 - year of production, in this case 2018;
    • P - region where implementation is taking place (P - Europe, USA);
    • L - tuner designation (L - DVB-T / T2 / T2HD / C / S / S2);
    • A - design features.

    Example for LCD: LG 43UK6300PLB


    • LG is a manufacturer;
    • 43 - screen diagonal size in inches;
    • U - LCD matrix with LED backlight and 4K resolution;
    • K - year of manufacture 2018;
    • 6 - series;
    • 3 - sub-series;
    • 00 - modifications within the 6 series;
    • Р - region of implementation (Europe);
    • L - tuner type (L - DVB-T / T2 / T2HD / C / S / S2);
    • B - differences in design.

    Product code decoding

    The TV label usually also includes additional Information, encrypted in letters and called the "product code".

    Let's consider what other information can be found in the labeling of the LG TV.

    1) The first letter denotes the continent of destination:

    • Z - Europe;
    • U - Asia;
    • T - East and Africa;
    • N - North America;
    • A - Australia;
    • S - South America.

    2) The second letter refers to the design.

    3) The third letter indicates the country of manufacture of the TV board:

    • A - Korea;
    • In Russia;
    • C - Czech Republic.
    • AE - United Arab Emirates;
    • AM - Armenia;
    • AT - Austria;
    • AZ - Azerbaijan;
    • BG - Bulgaria;
    • BY - Belarus;
    • CZ - Czech Republic;
    • EE - Estonia;
    • GE - Georgia;
    • HU - Hungary;
    • KR - South Korea;
    • KZ - Kazakhstan;
    • PL - Poland;
    • RU - Russia;
    • UA - Ukraine.
    • Z - LG IPS, 120 Hz matrix;
    • R - LG Display Co. Ltd. TN;
    • W - LG Display Co. Ltd. S-IPS;
    • Y - LG Display Co. Ltd. S-IPS;
    • U - LG Display Co. Ltd. IPS WUN SAB1 / SAB2;
    • P - LG Display Co. Ltd. IPS WXN SBA1 / SBA2;
    • Q - LG Display Co. Ltd. IPS WXN SAA1 / SAA2;
    • V - LG Display Co. Ltd. IPS WUD SBA1 / SBA2;

    6) The next letter indicates the type of backlight (L or W).

    7) The last letters indicate the country where the TV was built:

    • JG - Poland;
    • JU - Russia;
    • LH - Korea;
    • LA - Czech Republic.

    Example of decoding product code:

    The label says: Product code: 42LA620V - ZA.BRUYLJU... Here "42LA620V" is the model name and how to decode it is written above. But let's try to decipher the designation "ZA.BRUYLJU".

    • Z - TV for Europe;
    • A - refers to design;
    • B - the board was collected in Russia;
    • RU - TV is made for Russia;
    • Y - matrices in the LG Display Co. Ltd. S-IPS;
    • L - indicates backlight;
    • JU - build country Russia.

    LG TV serial number

    The serial number is encrypted:

    1) The first digit indicates the year of manufacture.

    2) The next two digits indicate the month of issue.

    3) The following two letters indicate the country of manufacture:

    • PT - Korea;
    • RA - Russia;
    • AK - Kazakhstan;
    • L - Czech Republic;
    • WR / MA - Poland.

    Example of decoding the serial number of an LG TV:

    The label says: Serial number: 305RAYB59434... The TV is the same as above: model 42LA620V.

    • 3 - the year of manufacture 2013 (the same year in the name of the model "LA" - means the year of manufacture 2013);
    • 05 - month of issue;
    • RA - country of origin Russia (the same country is encrypted in the product code);

    Long pleasing to the eye, you need to carefully approach his choice. If the design and diagonal are purely a matter of taste preferences, then the technologies used in the production of TVs require careful study. Since the decline of CRT screens, developers have resorted to using new technologies. For a long time, only LCD (TFT LCD) displays could be an alternative, they also tried to replace them plasma panels... Then the use of OLED matrices based on active LEDs was developed. Now it is TFT LCD and OLED screens that are the most popular. Among them you have to choose.

    TFT LCD is the general name for a display technology that uses liquid crystals (special substances that combine the properties of liquids and solids). But within the framework of this technology, there are branches, so the consumer qualities of the matrices may differ depending on which one lCD type used. The most popular are TN and IPS types of LCD matrices. The first ones are distinguished by their low price, and the second ones - by the increased picture quality.

    The development of IPS technology is due to the presence of irreparable flaws in TN matrices. Their main advantage has always been their high response speed. But in terms of color reproduction and viewing angles, such screens have always lagged behind and were not suitable for professionals. The IPS matrix in the TV allows you to avoid these disadvantages, providing high quality shades, excellent viewing angles and rich color gamut.

    To find out, which iPS TVs matrix really is such, and the quality of the picture corresponds to that for her - it's not easy. For example, viewing angles for IPS should be up to 178 degrees or so. Even if the manufacturer claims to use such a matrix in the device, but the viewing angles do not exceed 176 degrees, this is hardly a real IPS technology. dedicated to devices that are actually equipped with such a screen, and their picture quality corresponds to the declared one.

    TOP 6 best models of TVs with IPS matrix

    Philips 40PFH4100 - 6th place, from 4937 UAH

    7th in hit Philips 40PFH4100. It is a 40 '' IPS LCD TV that attracts with its slim design and high-quality screen... Its resolution is quite standard 1920 × 1080 pixels, LED strip is used for backlighting. The viewing angles of the matrix correspond to the ideal for IPS, 178 degrees. The scan rate is small, 60 Hz, but for a TV without 3D this is more than enough. The backlight brightness is 250 cd / m2.

    Double tuner, with support for analog and digital TV broadcasting... Among the declared standards - DVB-C and T. This is enough for cable TV users, but those who need only terrestrial channels may be disappointed: there is no DVB-T2. The connection is carried out using two HDMI, already outdated but universal SCART, analog VGA. USB content playback is also supported. It is also possible to record TV programs on a USB flash drive or external hard disk.

    The Philips 40PFH4100 is powered by two 16W speakers. External acoustics are connected using a 3.5 mm jack or optics. The TV is mounted on the wall using a universal VESA bracket 20x20 cm.

    Toshiba 40S2550EV - 5th place, from UAH 8731

    Sixth inTOP TVs with IPS matrix located Toshiba 40S2550EV. This is a 40-inch TV with an IPS panel, a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. It is equipped with light-emitting diode (LED) backlighting, providing brightness up to 250 cd / m2. The scan rate is 60 Hz, which is typical for most TVs. The viewing angles are reference for IPS, 178 degrees vertically and horizontally.

    The TV is equipped with a receiver designed to work with analog and digital terrestrial channels DVB-T2. There is no satellite and cable receiver, but with the help of a tuner everything is solved. Considering that digital channels, completely free, 3 dozen are already working, and a pair of HDMI allows you to connect a media player or a PC, the need for a cable may not arise. The older video transmission standards are VGA, tulips and SCART. If you need a large TV that will also be used as a monitor, the Toshiba 40S2550EV is optimal. And without it, you can enjoy watching a movie from an external drive: uSB port and support for popular formats (DivX, MKV, MPEG4) are present.

    The sound of the TV is quite powerful, 2 speakers of 8 watts each. For a room of 20 m2, this is enough. If you want it louder, you can connect a stereo system via a 3.5 mm jack. The main thing is that the neighbors do not swear. And if they suddenly start to swear, you can connect powerful headphones to the same jack so as not to disturb anyone loud sound... Wall mount is standard with 200 mm VESA hanger.

    LG 32LF510U - 4th place, from 4985 UAH

    The Korean company LG equips its TVs with matrices of its own production. They are of high quality: LG (along with Sharp) are considered the best developers of IPS screens. LG 32LF510U is an example of an inexpensive TV equipped with good screen... That is why he got intorating of TVs with IPS matrix... Its screen has a diagonal of 32 ″ and its resolution is 1366x768. A bit like for a monitor, but if you use it specifically as a TV (where the viewing distance is greater), then this will be enough for your head. Moreover, the viewing angles correspond to the ideal 178 degrees, and the sweep frequency reaches an impressive 300 Hz.

    The dual (digital + analog) tuner allows you to receive terrestrial, cable and satellite TV channels. The current DVB-T2 standard is also supported. Of the interface ports, the TV is equipped with antenna inputs, HDMI, USB with support for storage, SCART and audio connectors. Output sound on home theater you can use a 3.5 mm jack, optical output.

    For sound reproduction, 2 speakers with a power of 6 W each are responsible. Virtual Surround support is present. Among the media formats played from a flash drive, AC3, MP3, AAC, RA, WMA, MPO, JPG and others are declared. For wall mounting, a standard VESA footprint with dimensions of 20x20 cm is provided.

    Samsung UE-32J5100 - 3rd place, from UAH 5760

    Samsung is one of the world's leading display manufacturers. Its products are of high quality, and specifications correspond to those officially declared (which is sometimes lacking in Chinese technology). Samsung UE-32J5100 - LCD TV with IPS matrix, 32 inches diagonal. It has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, backlighting is carried out using LEDs. The picture refresh rate is 100 Hz. The viewing angles are reference for IPS and reach 178 degrees.

    The TV is equipped with a built-in tuner with support for analogue broadcasting and "digital". Of digital standards both terrestrial TV DVB-T2 and satellite S2, cable C are declared. To connect image sources (in addition to antenna input) there is a pair of HDMI, "tulip". There is also a pair of USB, 3.5mm headphone output and optical output to connect a home theater.

    Sound is output from a pair of 10W speakers with surround stereo support. It is not difficult to connect a stereo system, since there are connectors for this. Playback from external drives is supported, all popular video and audio formats (MP3, MP4, AAC, DivX) work. The TV is supplied with a stand by default, but wall mounting is also available.

    Choose good tv - a responsible occupation. After all, it is this device that will help while away the time on cool evenings. It is the TV that will show how your favorite football team is winning the next victory. It is he who will tell about all the events that are happening in the world. Therefore, the choice of a TV for the home must be approached with due responsibility.

    In the first part of the material, I will consider the main characteristics of modern televisions. We will talk about technologies for creating matrices, resolutions, marketing "chips" of manufacturers, Smart capabilities of devices and much, much more. Therefore, I propose not to be distracted and, as they say, start right off the bat.

    How to choose a TV. Part 1: study the basic parameters of devices

    The main parameter is the diagonal

    The main parameter of the TV, which the buyer pays attention to, is the diagonal. Not the type of matrix, not the resolution, not the presence of 3D and Smart TV, but the screen diagonal. Of course, the cost can be equated to this parameter, however, as practice shows, these values \u200b\u200bare very closely interrelated, because the larger the diagonal, the more expensive the TV.

    It's probably best not to watch TV from this distance.

    There is a common myth that a TV with a large diagonal must be viewed at a very decent distance. And a decent distance is harmful to vision. This "theory" is so deeply rooted in the masses that when dealing with TV manufacturers, I constantly have to hear complaints about the fact that people are afraid to buy large panels.

    In fact, when choosing a TV and calculating the distance from which you will look at it, you must first of all start not from the diagonal of the device, but from its resolution and the quality of the content being played. There are many studies on this topic. However, I propose to discard all speculation and fears and take as a basis the recommendations of THX, an authoritative "player" in the film industry and television. The firm, founded by George Lucas, recommends the following distance from television:

    I will only note that THX, with a certain display parameter, recommends such a distance so that a person does not run his eyes across the screen when watching the lights.

    SONY S9 Curved TV

    It should be noted here that there is no standard. Each manufacturer bends the displays as they please. For example, the Japanese from SONY prefer a "soft" curve. Engineers turned to research at Kyushu University. Dr. Takeda found in 2009 that at a distance from which a person usually watches TV, the minimum distortion is achieved with a curve radius of 5000 mm to 11000 mm.

    Curvature degree sONY TV S9

    4K TVs are different

    3D support has become commonplace. The boom in the use of technology has passed, and the manufacturers themselves have ceased to focus on it. Now even models with a cost starting from 10,000 rubles are equipped with 3D glasses.

    As always, there are both passive and active technologies on the market. Plus, many devices have learned to convert 2D to 3D.

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