Will the computer start without a video card. Will the computer work faster if you replace the video card

It is difficult to answer in advance the question whether the computer will work faster if you replace the video card.
  It's easier to see the replacement result and draw your own conclusions.

Was geForce video card  550TI
  GeForce 660GTX replacement

GeForce GTX 550TI Specs

Theoretical performance 1088.6

  (Picture 1)

  Graphics processor NVIDIA GeForce  GTX 550 Ti
  PCI-E 2.0 interface
  The code name of the graphics processor GF116
  40 nm process technology
  Number of Monitors Supported 2
  900 MHz graphics processor frequency
  Frequency shader units 1820 MHz
  The amount of video memory 1024 MB
  GDDR5 video memory type
  4104 MHz video memory frequency
  RAMDAC frequency 400 MHz

GeForce 660GTX Specs

Theoretical performance 1881.6

  (Figure 2)
  Type of video card office / game
  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 graphics processor
  PCI-E 3.0 interface
  The code name of the graphics processor GK106
  28 nm process technology
  Maximum resolution 2560 × 1600
  The frequency of the graphics processor 1033 MHz
  The amount of video memory 2048 MB
  GDDR5 video memory type
  Video Memory Frequency 6008 MHz
  The bus width of the video memory is 192 bits
  RAMDAC frequency 400 MHz
  SLI / CrossFire mode support
  3-Way SLI support is

Windows ratings

1. Evaluation of the GTX 550 Ti

  (Figure 3)

2. Evaluation of the GTX 660

  (Figure 4)


It is easy to see that although the difference in theoretical performance of 790 points, the estimates grew slightly.
  It is also clear that the bottleneck in the system is SATA hDDIt is desirable to replace the SSD drive.
  However, the result was achieved - new games, without brakes.
  It’s hard to say whether your computer will fly - everything will depend on the motherboard, video card and degree of obsolescence of the personal computer.

I draw your attention to the fact that if you are going to make an upgrade for games, then first of all you should replace the video card.
  Regarding the replacement of RAM, you can read.

But it all started not with the question, but with the upgrade of the home servach. According to the plan, there was no provision for a video card in the server, so it was decided not to buy it, and when choosing a motherboard, to ignore the presence of a chipset video. The purchased board has many different slots and no AGPs. But in the previous version of the servachka there was a video card for the AGP-slot. And sometimes this slot and the corresponding video card still needed to solve some fatal problems that my experiments with FreeBSD setup often led to.

So, servachok was successfully assembled. And temporarily, at the time of setup, the PCI – E – video card from my desktop computer moved into it. First of all, I got into the BIOS, disconnected everything unnecessary: ​​USB, LPT, COM, and other unnecessary frills on my server, poked around unfamiliar settings and got a very pleasant surprise. My cheapest slowest is the easiest and most primitive AMD Sempron 140 single core processor on the market has miraculously turned into a pretty good and not affordable AMD Athlon II x2 4400e dual core processor.

The second surprise was less pleasant, because nowhere in the BIOS, I did not find the usual tick to disable stopping the download in case of errors. I was looking for the Halt On item on the Main tab, where it usually happens in Award BIOS, and as a result, after a lot of time searching, I found the Headless item somewhere in the wilds. (After all, it was not for nothing that I always disliked the AMI BIOS.) After turning on this mode, the computer still started up without a video card. But the story does not end there.

This is where the fun began. FreeBSD did not want to start in any way without a stuck video card. The loader checks the equipment and everything ... What is happening with the system wondered for many hours. Noguglil a lot of interesting tips. The essence of which has always been reduced to one logic: 1) turn off the error check in the BIOS, 2) connect the null modem cable, 3) I have everything working.

I made the necessary settings in the BIOS, but I didn’t have a zero-modem cable, so I asked my friends and still found it! I brought the cable home, stuck one end into the server, the second was going to plug into the working car, but ... But then another surprise awaited me. It turns out I don’t have a COM port on my computer! :) The cable, unfortunately (and perhaps fortunately) was useless.

Then it was time for a hard unwinding of configs and reading mans. During the reading of kilometers of man and volumes of books, inspiration periodically came. And it was found and studied a lot of ways to bring down or otherwise make the system not usable. But everything revolved around the notorious null modem cable and its COM port. As it turned out, the output can be done not only on video, on the COM – port, which was recommended by knowledgeable people, but also in NULL, by writing in the bootloader config /boot/loader.conf:

  1. console = "nullconsole"

I do not know what else he needed, but this construction did not work.

It was recorded and

  1. console = "comconsole"

For output to COM – port, but this did not help either. In BIOS, it included a COM-port, the kernel recompiled with the support of the same COM-port, but nothing worked. Mana re-read again, the options were tried again and again ...

And so, when I decided to spit on everything and buy a video card, I finally wanted to do everything right again. Once again I switched on the COM – port in the BIOS, once again rebuilt the kernel with COM – port support, once again entered the output through the COM – port into the boot loader config, once again loaded the computer, once again thrust out the video card and ... Oh miracle ! The system has booted!

In short, the problem was a banal unsystematic and inconsistent action. I rebuilt the kernel many times, launched the output many times where necessary, included the COM port in the BIOS many times, and only once did it at the same time. :)

P.S. By the way, no one knows why I turned off the COM port every time after another attempt in the BIOS? :)

You have a broken video card, but you need to do some work on the computer. The device is defective and the motherboard does not allow startup. To be able to start a computer without a video card, you need to perform a few simple steps.

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  If the replaceable video card stops working, and your computer has a built-in one, you need to disconnect the faulty device and connect the monitor to the slot of the built-in video card. Typically, this connector is located next to the connectors for the mouse and USB devices on the back panel. system unit. The computer will boot and display the image on the screen, which means you can continue working. In case you do not have a built-in video card, then in order to turn on the computer without a video card you will need to go into the BIOS. Press the Del button before booting the OS while testing the RAM. In the BIOS menu, go to the Standard CMOS Features section and find the Halt on option - conditions for stopping the download. The item All Errors forces to stop the download in case of any error (including the lack of a keyboard). Select the No Errors item - then the system will continue to load in case of any errors. In different versions of the BIOS, you should look for similar language, for example Halt On Errors, instead of the All option, select None. But provided that you do not have a video card, it will not be possible to display the image on a monitor. Still, if you have old computer, you can use a PCI video card or buy it in private stores upgrading computer equipment. The cost of such a card is very small, but it is enough to work on a computer if your new graphics card. Yes, you will not be able to play modern games, but for working with documents, the software installation / uninstallation is enough for it. It is possible that in order to work with a PCI video card you will need to configure the BIOS to initialize the adapter from the PCI bus, but most likely this will happen automatically without your participation. How simple

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The image on the monitor is perhaps one of those characteristics of the system that every user wants to improve. And the process of this update has no limits. But before upgrading the equipment or searching for fresh drivers, you should look at the parameters of the video card installed in the computer.

Video cards are integrated (built-in motherboard  computer) and discrete. Integrated video card has no memory and uses rAM  computer. Such a board has much less power than discrete cards. But this does not mean that she

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