What is sleep mode on android. What is the "sleep mode", what are the differences

Often users confuse these two modes, which can lead to the loss of unsaved information. Sleep and standby modes were invented in order to allow the user to quickly return to work at the computer without loading the operating system.

Waiting mode  - It is convenient to use in those cases when you need to distract from work for several tens of minutes, and then return to it again. When you enter standby mode, the monitor turns off and the computer itself remains on. While the user will not perform any actions, the computer will be in standby mode. However, just press any key on the keyboard key, move the mouse so that the computer returns to normal mode. While the computer is in standby mode, can a power failure result in loss of unsaved data? since this mode is volatile. If you constantly use sleep mode, you may see system errors  and errors of other applications and you may need, but we hope that this will not come to this!

Sleep mode  - allows you to stop working without the mandatory completion of programs, applications and work on documents. In this case, all information is recorded on hDD, after which the computer shuts down. In this case, the computer does not consume energy, and unsaved data will remain available after turning on the computer. To resume work, you must press the power button on system unit. but operating system  will not be fully loaded. Since all the variable data has already been saved to disk, the system resumes functioning. All unclosed programs will resume their work. This mode is very convenient, it can significantly speed up the computer, save energy and, as a result, increase the productivity of your work.

You should not, however, neglect the usual shutdown of the computer, despite all the advantages of sleep mode. The fact is that when connected additional devices  the system must install the appropriate drivers and save the changes. Also system changesmany installed programs require completion work windowsto save changes and make adjustments at Windows startup.

Modern computers are equipped with a huge number of functions that are not always fully understood by a typical Windows user. One of these options, which at first glance does not cause any special issues, is "sleep mode". What is it? If to speak simple language, then this is a special mode, which is aimed at reduced electricity consumption. At the same time, his main merit is the fact that the resumption of the standard operating state occurs in one click or one mouse movement. In fact, the "sleep mode" of Windows XP (as the most popular system) and all the brothers in this line of Windows OS is a kind of pause, which allows you to economically and effectively leave your "machine" and do household chores.

Do not confuse the concept of “sleep mode” with such as “hibernation” and “hybrid sleep mode”, which in theory have the same goals, but they realize them in different forms. I will briefly explain the differences. primarily aimed at reduced energy consumption, it is used most often on laptops, however, unlike the sleep mode, which simply “sleeps” and leaves all processes in a state of operability, this mode literally “falls asleep”, turning off the computer. It is worth noting that with such a shutdown, processes and files are stored in a stable operable state on the hard drive, so when you start the results and active windows will not be lost. Hibernation is the most economical mode regarding electricity consumption.

Hybrid sleep mode is aimed at standard desktop computers. He immediately absorbed the features of both the "sleep mode" and hibernation. By the way, on any modern system  Windows exactly this type  already by default, so you are dealing with it.

For what reasons can it be inactive? This question is also quite relevant. Checking its availability is quite easy: these commands are usually located in your menu. Failure to display this command may indicate that the video adapter simply does not support “sleep mode”. Windows 7 or any other version in this situation will require a video adapter.

What parameters can the computer administrator manage? To begin with, the "sleeping" and all other similar modes in the BIOS will be disabled. In order to activate this mode, you will need to reboot and enter the BIOS itself (usually this function is performed using certain keys, which depend on the model of the computer).

How to deactivate automatic transition to a similar mode or configure it? Each user has the opportunity to set their own waiting period so that the computer automatically switches to this mode after a specific time. There is also an option to simply disable it. It should be noted right away that laptops that operate on battery power (without a network connection) may lose all information due to discharge, remember this!

So, we work with the "sleep mode". To do this, click "Start", go to the "Control Panel" and select the category "System and Security". Here we are interested in the "Power" section. In “Selecting a power plan”, pay attention to “Setting up a power plan”. Choose and change there already extra options. Here you have to freely build up the "Sleep mode" function. After do not forget to save committed actions.

How to get a PC out of this mode? Today, most models offer us just a push of a power button. There is also an option that you need to press a key on the keyboard or mouse button. You can always see the details in the supplied PC documentation or on the manufacturer’s official resource.

There are universal methods for increasing uptime mobile devices

Phones are constantly being improved, reduced in weight, become thinner, their processors become more powerful, screens increase in size. And with all this technological progress, the load on the batteries is increasing.

Phone manufacturers are constantly trying to extend the battery life in devices. But with everyday use, batteries without recharging also last an average of one to two days. Moreover, the functionality of devices, the resource consumption of programs, and the frequency of use of phones are growing. This all leads to even faster battery drainage. It is enough to run any program on the phone, sit for several hours on the Internet, and the battery will remind of itself, requesting recharging.

At the same time, there are certain universal methods for increasing the duration battery life  mobile devices. Consider these methods in more detail.

1. Disabling the Auto Brightness option. Being in the "Auto brightness" mode, the phone adjusts the brightness of the screen to the level of illumination of the place where you are at a particular moment. At the same time, such useful feature in general, it is in demand only on the condition that you move a lot, respectively, and a change in the power of lighting occurs (street - transport - office, and so on). In the event that most of the time you are in a room with a stable level of lighting, it will be beneficial for you to turn off the Auto Brightness mode. Set the most acceptable, convenient brightness mode for you, for sure, you will have to significantly reduce the brightness mode set by the phone automatically. And all because the standard light control sensor changes the screen backlight mode even when this is not necessary at all. The light sensor in real mode reacts to shadows falling on the phone screen, glare, light from a computer monitor, lighting devices. And such an effect occurs constantly while the phone screen is on and it does not automatically go into sleep mode, self-locking mode. And this, of course, is the operation of sensors, energy consumption, premature, accelerated discharge of the phone’s battery.

2. Turn off the "Auto-rotate screen". This useful function will also not be in demand all the time, at the same time, an accelerometer - a sensor in the phone that responds to turning the phone from horizontal to vertical and back, will consume significant amounts of energy that could be spent on more needed, often necessary telephone conversations.

3. Reduce screen lock time  (in the settings there may be an item “screen timeout”). By default, a phone from a store usually has a one minute gap. That is, after one minute of inactivity, the phone goes into sleep mode, standby mode, while the screen automatically turns off and locks. It is important to understand that the shorter the sleep interval, the more economical the power consumption of the phone.

4. We clean the RAM of the phone. After working in any application for the phone, do not forget to close it. Staying in random access memory  phone, applications continue to constantly use the system resources of the device, thereby consuming battery power and reducing the battery life of the device. A similar comment concerns the so-called established “live wallpaper”.

5. When working on devices with an Amoled display It is advantageous to install fully monochromatic black wallpapers on the screen. In Amoled, power consumption is directly dependent on the brightness level of the screen. Such screens require more energy, if bright, bright wallpapers are installed, they consume even more energy than liquid crystal options. Reduce the screen brightness while using a dark splash background.

6. Change the reader mode in the device to “night”  (or inversion). Reading books or any other text directly from the phone screen is very energy intensive. However, here you can go for a little trick. Inversion will replace the screen background with black, and the font will turn white. Thus, we fulfill the condition from the previous paragraph. Dark screen  as a result, it will consume less energy than white, like a sheet of paper.

7. Disconnect Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Modern devices have a function auto shut off  data modules, but they are disabled only when the device enters sleep mode. Therefore, it is safer to turn them off manually. Similarly, when not using the device, turn off all online services, email. It is also beneficial to turn off all system reminders and messages to save power. Disconnect the device from 3G networks. Such simple operations will extend the operation of the phone without recharging for several hours.

8. Turn off the vibration and vibration feedback on the phone.. The vibromotor, which sets the phone in motion, consumes not a small battery charge, turning off the vibration will not cause much inconvenience for the user, at the same time it will allow using the phone for a longer time.

9. Follow the phone manufacturer's recommendations. temperature conditions . Comfortable temperature, and for the phone it is in the region of 15 - 25 degrees, will extend the battery life, reduce the speed of its arbitrary discharge, and prevent malfunctions in the device.

10. Install additional applicationsallowing a full recharge cycle of the battery with a small current. This, for example, BatteryDoctor, the program implements careful control over the battery charge, and this positively affects the battery life of the phone from a single charge.

Thus, the tips available to everyone will guarantee a prolonged operation of the phone without recharging up to four or even six hours.

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