How to remove someone else's mail from Yandex. Reasons to delete mail on Yandex. Consequences of committed actions

Every day, millions of users turn to the Yandex search engine. Using it, you can not only find the information you need, but also take advantage of many other useful functions. For example, find out the weather, the location of a particular object, as well as read the news. All these services have been operating for a long time. However, many have long been taking the opportunity to register their email inbox with this service. The creators and developers are trying to improve the functionality and appearance of this service. However, some owners no longer need Yandex mail for one reason or another. In this regard, they are all in a hurry to delete mail.

  How to delete mail on Yandex?

The procedure for deleting mail on Yandex is quite simple. However, this special button with which you can delete mail is not displayed on the main panel in the mail. This is probably due to the fact that mail owners will be able to accidentally delete it. For this reason, it may be difficult for some users to delete their mailbox from Yandex. So how do you do this?

Using the above steps, mail on the Yandex service will be permanently deleted.

  Is it possible to recover deleted mail on Yandex?

After you confirm the deletion of your mailbox on Yandex, all data from the server will be deleted. Therefore, it will be impossible to restore your mail on Yandex. There will be an opportunity to restore your username. You can take advantage of this opportunity after a month. For these reasons, before deleting, you should consider whether you want to delete your Yandex mail permanently.

The procedure for deleting mail on Yandex is not so complicated and will take very little time for all users who are familiar with the interface of this mail. However, it should be remembered that it will be impossible to return the mailbox on this service and all data will be lost. This must be taken into account when deciding whether to delete mail on the Yandex service.

How to delete Yandex mail? If you use Yandex services, then over time you may need to delete your mailbox registered on Yandex.

You should immediately warn that along with the mailbox all the letters that were stored in it will be deleted, and the mailing address itself will no longer be available for message delivery. Therefore, if you still made this decision, consider the procedure for deleting a mailbox using an example.

The implementation of this task will not take you much time.

1. Log in to your Yandex mailbox.

2. In the window of your mailbox, select the “Settings” menu item (click on the graphic menu item in the form of a gear).

3. In the drop-down menu, select "All Settings".

4. At the bottom of the new settings window, in the message “If necessary, you can delete your mailbox”, click on the active link “ remove».

5. After that, in the Yandex Passport window, you will be asked to familiarize yourself with the information message about the consequences of deleting the mailbox. Next, you will be asked to answer the security question and if the answer is correct, then the field "Enter account password" will appear. Enter the password and confirm your intention by clicking on the "Delete mailbox" button.

The procedure for deleting the Yandex mailbox will be completed.

However, if you carefully read the information message in the previous Yandex Passport window, you noticed that “At the same time, your Yandex account will not disappear: if you go to Mail again with the same login, you will receive a new mailbox (old letters they will not be restored). ”

To permanently delete your account and, accordingly, the mailbox, you will need to perform additional operations.

1. In the "All settings" window, in the lower left part, click on the "Specify your data" button.

2. In the next window “Yandex Passport” on the tab “Personal data” in the “Other settings” section, click on the link “Delete account”.

3. In the "Passport" window, you will again be asked to familiarize yourself with the information message. In this case, deleting an account will entail the removal of all your active services, including mailboxes. Next, you will be asked to answer the security question, enter the password and control characters from the image, and then click on the “Delete Account” button.

The procedure for permanently deleting the Yandex account is completed.

In the modern world, when the Internet is so actively developed, it is very difficult to do without personal email. There, as a rule, your friends, colleagues, and, possibly, relatives, “drop” letters and await your reply. There are various services offering the creation of your own email: Google, Yandex, Mail and many others. Among the most popular can be called the Yandex service. As a rule, there are no problems with creating mail. To register an account on Yandex, it is necessary to fill in the registration fields that are simple for a person. On the other hand, if you need to delete a mailbox on Yandex, a lot of problems begin. Perhaps someone from your environment has already told you about this.

People rack their brains to understand how to delete mail on Yandex. What caused such a strange pattern with an account for a mailbox on Yandex? Most likely, this is not a mere coincidence. The task of Yandex developers is to get a response from an audience on the Internet, lure customers to create a mailbox on their service and save as many users as possible. For this reason, the process of deleting an account for a mailbox on Yandex is a laborious process, which is sometimes very difficult for an average amateur to cope with.

Reasons to delete mail on Yandex

For what reason can I decide to delete an email account on Yandex? There may be a large number of reasons, but the fact is that not all of them are a real reason for deleting data from Yandex mail. Any situation related to the operation of the service can be resolved by directly contacting technical support. The answer will be prompt. More often than not, a simple password change is the solution.

One of these reasons could be hacking a mailbox. If your password is easy to decrypt, attackers will definitely take advantage of this. It’s not at all difficult to guess that your email account on Yandex or any other service has been hacked. You may receive a message that your account is logged in from a device. If at the moment you did not perform any actions related to e-mail, this is a reason to worry and immediately change the password.

In addition, dissatisfaction with the operation of the system, a large amount of incoming "spam" may become the reason for deleting an account in Yandex mail. This reason also occurs, however, as a rule, instead of deleting mail on Yandex, people simply stop using it. Changing the password here, unfortunately, will not help.

Whatever the reason for deleting the mailbox, you should think several times before deciding to delete mail on Yandex, because you will no longer be able to return data and letters with important answers. That is why account deletion should be a deliberate decision.

Step-by-step instructions for deleting mail on Yandex

So, if you really decided to delete the account in Yandex mail, use the following step-by-step instruction with a photo:

1 step:   To get started, go to your Yandex mail, which you need to delete. Enter your username and password. In the upper right corner you will see a gear-like icon. Click it. Next, a window will appear, at the top of which there is a button “All settings”. Also click this button.

2 step:   After you clicked on opening the settings, a large window the size of the entire screen will appear. In the lower left corner the button “Specify your data” will appear. Thinking of clicking this button to delete is very difficult. But the reason for such an intricate scheme we have already described above.

3 step:   Now, various settings and services associated with your mail are displayed on the screen. In the lower left corner you can see the section - “Other settings” and the active button “Delete account”. Click her. You are already close to completing the whole process.

4 step:   The last answer that Yandex mail sends you before deletion, please fill in some data. To prevent someone else's interference in the process of managing your mail, the Yandex service offers you to fill in the data that is known only to the user. In this case, this is a security question (that question, the answer to which you indicated during registration). Then you also need to specify the numbers or letters that are presented in the picture. The system does this in order to make sure that you are not a robot. After filling in all the fields, you can click the “Delete Account” button and the process can be considered completely completed. If for some reason you change your mind at the last moment, use the "Return to Passport" button.

After that, Yandex may offer you to once again verify the correctness of their actions and confirm their decision to delete the login with a password.

Video: how to delete mail on Yandex

For greater clarity, you can watch a video with the answer to the question of how to delete mail on Yandex.

Yandex provides its users with free, fast, reliable, well-protected spam email, along with a large number of other useful services available for the same account. After a period of successful use of mail, users may also in some cases want to delete their mailbox on Yandex. How to do this will be described in detail in this article.

  1. Go to the Yandex home page.

  2. Enter the login (name) and password from the mail in the appropriate form on the page. Click the “Login” button to go to your Yandex mailbox.
  3. The main page of your email account will open and you will be taken to the inbox tab.

  4. In the upper right corner of this window, click on the link that looks like your email address. In our example, this is [email protected]
  5. In the menu that appears, click on the “Change Password” item.

  6. On the updated page, find the link "Personal data" and click on it with the left mouse button.

  7. On the personal data page, the link “Delete account” of interest to us will appear, which, unlike the others, is highlighted in red. Click her.

  8. A window for deleting an account on Yandex will open. In this window you can get information about all the services that are currently active on Yandex.

    Be sure to pay attention to the warnings that along with the mailbox all the letters contained in it will be deleted, and all correspondence sent to this mailing address will not be delivered.

    In addition, upon account deletion, all services associated with it (blogs, photos, Yandex disk storage) will become unavailable and deleted without the possibility of recovery.

  9. If you intend to continue deleting the mailbox, then in this window you will definitely need to enter the answer to the secret question, the mail password and the verification characters from the picture. If the characters in the picture are difficult to see, click the “show another picture” link located below it to update it.
  10. After entering all the necessary data, click the "Delete account" button.
  11. In response to the button press, a pop-up window will appear warning that an account with the same login can be registered no earlier than in one month. Click the Continue button in this window.

  12. Your Yandex mailbox will be deleted, and the browser page will be redirected to the main search page.
The algorithm of actions described in the article is valid at the time of writing and can be changed by Yandex over time. If you find that this happened and this instruction is out of date - be sure to let us know in the comments to the article and we will make the necessary updates to it.

Hello dear readers. Today I will tell you how to permanently delete mail on Yandex.

But before moving on to the process itself, it is worth noting that if you get rid of the email account, you will also lose access to all other services from Yandex. For example, access to Yandex Music will be lost (and at the same time all your playlists) or to Yandex.Disk (along with all the cloud capacity). Therefore, before deleting mail, think carefully, is it worth it?

Well, for those who still decided - I give detailed instructions:

1. We go directly to the electronic box itself. At the top we find the icon with the image of the gear (settings) - click on it.

2. A menu will open with all possible mail settings. We find and click on the "Other" section.

3. Then, in the lower left part of the screen, click on the “ Enter your details».

4. You will be redirected to the personal data editing page. On this page there is an inscription in red " Delete account"- click on it.

5. Fill in the data that you entered during registration, namely the security question and password from the mail. Well, and captcha of course. Then click on the button " Delete account».

6. After clicking on the “Delete Account” button, a dialog box appears with a warning that it will be possible to register an email with your current login no earlier than after 6 months. We agree with this and click " Continue».
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