Mail how to delete a mailbox. How to delete a mailbox on

Life in the Internet space is impossible without e-mail, because when registering on any web resource, you must specify the address of your mailbox, where various messages and notifications will come, including for recovering a forgotten password.

In this regard, new Internet users immediately have a question: “Where to get mail?”. Indeed, there are so many offers online that it’s not easy for a newcomer to navigate them.

The choice of a mail service is a serious matter, especially when it comes to registration in payment systems, online purchases,

If for an organization or company to have a free mailbox is simply not solid, then for personal use it is quite suitable. The most popular in Russia are such national postal services as,, From international services, Russians prefer the Google and Yahoo mailers.

Google’s email system,, is considered the most popular in the world. It is characterized by speed, reliable protection against viruses, lack of advertising, ease of use.

Most Russians prefer the domestic free Yandex resource. Users note its simplicity and convenience, a large number of settings, the ability to send voluminous files in messages.

It happens that users start several mailboxes, and some of them soon become unnecessary. mail? It is very easy to do. Removal in different boxes may vary, but it always comes down to following the suggested prompts.

How to delete mail in the Yandex system? To do this, log in to the mail and go to the "Settings" in the upper right corner. At the very bottom of the settings page, you need to find the line printed in small print, through which it is proposed to delete mail. Click on the word “delete”, which is underlined. A window will open in which the client will be warned that along with the box all the letters contained in it will be deleted, and you will be prompted to enter the current password. After that, you need to click the "Delete" button.

In the next window with personal data, you must click the red line "Delete account" to complete the process. Now the box is completely deleted without the possibility of recovery. The login or address of the just deleted mailbox cannot be used to create a new account within a month.

First you need to go into the box, at the very bottom of any page find the Help section and press. A window will open with a list of frequently asked questions. The eleventh of them is just about how to delete mail. After clicking on the question, a tab will open where it is proposed to delete the box using the special interface, which can be accessed via the blue link. A window opens with a warning about the consequences of the removal. Here, in the special field, you need to specify the reason for deleting the box, enter the current password and click "Delete". After that, a window will appear in which you need to click “OK” to complete the procedure. This will be followed by a message stating that the account has been locked for 30 days, during which access to the box can be restored.

Everyone who uses the Internet has e-mail, all the more actively. Registration on all sites is confirmed through mail. Therefore, you should not start several electronic mailboxes at once, so as not to get lost among them, not to confuse passwords, etc. Therefore, we immediately recommend that you delete mail that you do not use. In general, it is worth having one working e-mail, where a useful mailing of letters will come, and by which you can communicate with friends, in which you could solve work issues, etc. The only question is whether you know how to delete mail. But we can help you with this issue, read the article below.

However, the reason for removing the mail may be something else. For example, many, due to little communication on the Internet, decide to completely retire from there. So they delete all pages from social networks, sites from browser bookmarks and, in fact, email. If your e-mail is regularly hacked and spam is sent from there, then you should change the password to a new and secure one, not related to prompting questions. If, in spite of this, the mail is regularly received by others, it is worth changing the mail system. A popular reason for deleting an email account is that it doesn’t like its address; One way or another, you have decided to delete your email address, it remains to find out how to do it.

Removing mail mail.

If you decide to delete mail to mail, remember that you can always register again, only under a different address. For example, if your email address was “ [email protected]”, After deleting for some time you will not be able to use the same address for registration, and you will have to choose a different address yourself, or choose from the ones proposed by the system, for example,“ ivanovivan1982 ”or“ iivanov56740 ”. Namely, changing the name of your mailbox becomes a frequent reason for deleting old mail, because the possibility of renaming e-mail has not yet been provided for by any mail system, although most likely this could be a success with users.

But more about deleting mail on the mail ru service.

  1. Go to the main page of mail -,
  2. In the upper left corner of the site, enter your mail using login and password or “wand”,
  3. You will be in the mailbox. Here you need to click on “More” in the top panel of the site, then click on “Help”,
  4. Now in front of you are pages with various useful mail information with the most popular questions and answers to them. Then find the number 11 "How, which I no longer need?" And click on this line,
  5. A new window will open where you need to read how to delete email. Follow the directions there;
  6. Follow the link “Special interface”, enter the reason for your desire to delete your mailbox, for example: “I don’t like the name of my mailbox, I want to create a new one”, etc.,
  7. Enter your email password in the form, and click on "Delete", and then click "OK."

Then you will receive a notification that your mailbox on mail will be deleted, if you change your mind, immediately click "Restore this mailbox", if your decision is final, just leave the mail.

Removing yandex mail.

It remains to learn only how to delete mail on Yandex. As in the version with mail, there is nothing complicated. First you need to log in to your inbox. If you don’t remember it, it’s possible your data was recorded somewhere, otherwise what is the point of deleting mail on Yandex if you don’t even remember it and never go there?

So, you found the username and password for your account on Yandex mail. In the email in the upper right corner you will see the account name, or "email address", as it is now commonly called. Here is what you need to do next:

  1. Hover over the account, a window will pop up where you need to find the “Passport” and click on this line,
  2. In the new dialog box, you need to go to the page with the cherished line “Delete account” on the right,
  3. Click on the link and read what happens if you delete your email inbox. As always, all letters and money will be deleted if they were in your Yandex Money account, and you will never be able to receive letters that will be sent to you by users or sites after deleting your electronic mailbox, they will be deleted and not stored anywhere
  4. Next, you need to confirm the deletion of the mailbox on Yandex by entering the password from the electronic mailbox and clicking on the "Delete account" button.

As you know, the process of deleting mail from Yandex will take even less time than deleting mail from mail. If you have another mail, then the essence of the removal is similar, so proceed according to the worked out scenario.

Mail recovery.

If you deleted the mail, but want to restore it, it is up to you. So, how to recover deleted mail on mail: it is very easy and simple to do, you just need to report it to the Email Support Service using a special request. Here's what you need to restore your email account:

  1. Log in to the mail portal (in this case, the mail ru),
  2. Enter the email address and password into the form on the main page of the site,
  3. A window pops up asking you to restore the work of the email account you need,
  4. To restore the electronic, you must click on "Unlock".

If restoring e-mail you expect to see the previous page, letters stored there, information, view your blog, etc., then you can not waste time, it is not possible. When you delete a mailbox, you were informed about the removal of all information and data assigned to a specific mailbox. You agreed with these and confirmed the deletion, your data has been eliminated and now only the "empty" mail address remains. So the advice is for you, dear readers: do not delete the mailbox in a hurry, on emotions, it is better to wait a while and consider your decision, the past cannot be returned.

Mail.Ru is a Russian-language Internet portal owned by Mail.Ru Group, the founders of which are Dmitry Sergeyevich Grishin and Yuri Borisovich Milner. combines the main page of the website and the following projects: Auto, Kino, Children, Health, Lady, News, “Sport mail ru”, “Cars mail ru”, “High tech mail ru” and “Real estate mail ru”. He owns various Internet services, among them: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World social networks, cloud, search, Agent and Aisikyu messengers, as well as mail.

Briefly about mail Mail.Ru

Mail "" is the most used postal service in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and one of the most popular in the CIS countries. And in 2013, she was in sixth place among the most popular postal services around the world. This mail has many positive aspects.

Why is it good: the advantages of Mail.Ru mail

Mail is good because it has a convenient, intuitive interface. The volume of the mailbox is not limited to a certain number of letters that can be accommodated, and, according to the information from the website, it is well protected from viruses and spam, although, in fact, there is plenty of spam in the mail.

It should also be noted, among the other advantages of the service, a convenient mobile application for smartphones and a mobile version of the site. In addition to all of the above, it’s worth adding that you can always change the language to the one that you own, and change the interface theme at your discretion if you suddenly get bored.

Safety comes first: are we protected?

No matter how many advantages this mail has, many of its users are wondering:. Why is this happening? The answer is quite simple: users care about their security. And they are very afraid of the invasion of their personal space. That is why many of them are sitting on social networks under alien (fake) names, and some decide to completely remove their pages from harm's way.

But before you burn all the bridges, it is worth remembering that if the mailbox is Mail. ru deleted, when it is restored, all folders will be empty - the letters can no longer be restored.

According to the developers, the mail "" has excellent protection and is on guard of each person’s personal correspondence. But is it really so? In the modern world, the state is trying to control every person. For the time being, the Internet was the only free platform on which people could express their opinions openly, communicate their thoughts without fear of consequences. Now everything has changed dramatically.

The global information network has long been insecure: the movements of each of its users can, if desired, be traced. This is also confirmed by numerous legal proceedings, arrests of citizens who uploaded the wrong photo, the wrong music or wrote something that the law enforcement authorities did not like.

Recently, the number of such cases has increased - and users of the VKontakte social network, which belongs to the same company as the mail, usually become victims. Therefore, it is not surprising that users decide to delete the Mail.Ru mailbox permanently. Nobody wants someone else's to read his personal correspondence. No one wants to be in prison because of a written comment, perhaps without thinking. Everyone wants to feel protected.

How to delete a mailbox on Mail.Ru

First of all, you need to go to the "" website and enter your data in the "Mailbox Name" and "Password" columns.

Among the popular questions asked by users of, the penultimate one is the following: how to delete a mailbox on Mail.Ru. This is what we need.

By clicking on it, we are transferred to the tab where we are intelligibly given the answer to the asked question. We go to the delete page and, if you have not changed your mind, select the "Delete" option.

But this does not end there, although we are already at the finish line. As you can see in the image, you will have to specify the reason why you want to leave the site, then enter your password and enter the specified code so that the system makes sure that they are not dealing with a robot.

In conclusion, you need to click "Delete" again, and you're done - the Mail.Ru mailbox has been deleted.

Now perhaps it’s worth finding another email service. But how to find her? How not to miscalculate with a choice?

Which mailbox to choose

Now there are many similar services, including foreign ones, among which you can make a choice. And you need to approach this matter consciously and try to make it right so as not to regret it in the future and not to ask a question that has already worried you - how to delete a mailbox on Mail.Ru or any other site.

To do this, you should first familiarize yourself in detail with the work of different services, with their advantages: are they safe, protected, convenient to use, and so on. It will not be superfluous to read detailed reviews and reviews from real users. And, in the end, you are sure to find a suitable postal service. Good luck!

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Every day, millions of letters and parcels are waiting for sending. And the advent of the Internet made it possible to send them at the speed of light to any corner of the Earth. The number of email accounts almost exceeds the number of people living. At the same time, some have ten, and others - not a single one.

Thousands of gigabytes of information are received and sent every second - text, images, videos, documents, music, news and much more. Through electronic correspondence, contracts are concluded, meetings of company presidents are scheduled. Paper letters are no longer as relevant and are used primarily by government agencies.

The only reason they are still afloat, except for the romance of the epistolary genre is the impossibility of physical objects via the Internet. But the advent of 3D printers can change that.

So you created yourself a mailbox to send a couple of letters, register on a couple of sites, and now you get rid of the evidence. Or you created a new account, and the old one is now useless to you.

Why delete mail?

There may be many reasons, but the most common are:

  • The email address and password became known to scammers who now use it to the detriment. Confidence in such a box is naturally undermined, so it’s better to create a new one.
  • A huge amount of spam.
  • The account was created only to send a couple of anonymous letters, but now it needs to be deleted to cover the tracks.

How to permanently delete mail on mail ru

In fact, you can delete the box, but not forever. This is done so that you can restore it if you change your mind. And also in order to make it more convenient to follow you. However, if you delete it, you will do so with all the letters. Only copies of letters from those to whom you sent them will remain.

If you still intend to do this, then follow the instructions below. To start, log in to your email using login and password. Then at the bottom of the page find the link “ Help».

Now select item 13 " How to remove a box if I no longer need it?"As shown in the screenshot:

A warning appears on the page that opens that all information and all letters will be deleted about you. Click on the "" button.

It is not necessary to indicate the real reason - it is enough to write absolutely anything, but still you should not hammer on the keyboard. For example, write that the box was created for verification or that you are leaving for the monastery. No one will check, because they need this reason in order to supposedly improve the work of mail. After you click on the blue “Delete” button, your mailbox will be deleted, but you will still have the opportunity to restore it.

As already mentioned above, copies of letters sent by you, as well as all information about you, will remain on the server. But don’t worry about it - there are so many people on the Internet that you’re unlikely to be interested in them if you don’t use the forbidden words used to track criminals and terrorists. Yes, and this data will be available only to server owners and special services, so we can assume that all this is really deleted forever.

How to recover a mailbox mail ru

If you suddenly change your mind, no matter how much time passes, you still have the opportunity to fix it. And this is done quite quickly and simply - enter your address and password on it on the main page. By doing this, you will restore the box.

Whatever goals you pursue, today you have mastered a useful skill that is useful in many life situations.

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Instructions for removing software from from a computer

Software solutions from are distributed through a batch installation. You download the desired program, and Guard is built into it.

Also, during the installation, by clicking "Default Installation", or by thoughtlessly pressing the "Next" button 3 times, you become the unhappy owner of unwanted software.

Anti-virus programs classify products as “Adware”, and classify them as “Potentially Unwanted,” or “Potentially Dangerous” software. Partly due to the fact that software is quite difficult to remove. But there is a way to remove from the computer completely. It takes 4 steps.

Uninstall programs

After installing one of the products from Mail.Ru, you become the owner of a whole package of programs. You need to delete them all at once:

  1. Go to the "Start" menu.
  2. Select "Control Panel".
  3. Go to the "Add or Remove Programs" tab.
  4. Now you need to remove those related to unwanted software from the list of installed programs. To do this is quite simple, if you click on the "Organize" tab, and select "By installation date".

Removing tasks in the manager and deleting folders

Using the combination CTRL + ALT + DELETE, open the "Task Manager". Go to the "Processes" tab, look for running programs that have not been deleted. Right-click on the desired process, open the folder in which the executable file is located.

  After that, we complete the process, and in the folder that opens, delete the file. If the file is in a folder, delete the entire folder.

This operation must be repeated to all malicious processes running in the task manager.

Some malicious files remain in the system even after the processes are deleted. They are stored in the Temp temporary folder:

Control residue cleaning

Account deleting

If you used the services of and tied the main mailbox to them, then you run the risk of regularly receiving fresh spam on it. To prevent this from happening, you will have to get rid of your My World account. This is not difficult to do:

  1. Log in to your account, go to the "Settings" menu. You can find this item by clicking on the "More" button in the menu.
  2. At the bottom of the page is the “Delete My World” key.
  3. When you click on it, you will get rid of mail binding to the My World service. If you need this service, just change the main mail to another.

How to permanently delete a mailbox?

The removal of the mailbox is at the discretion of the administration. To delete mail, log in to your account. Click "Settings", in this tab go to "Personal data". To delete an account, you will have to indicate the reason and re-enter the password. Removal takes up to 5 business days.

There are questions about uninstalling the software, then ask them to us. Indicate what the problems are with, so that we can help.

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