I can’t hear the interlocutor on the phone: we are solving the problem. The interlocutor does not hear me well on the phone

What should I do if my interlocutor does not hear me well on the phone? If the device is under warranty, then you can simply contact the service center where you will be repaired or replaced with the corresponding parts. And if the warranty, unfortunately, has already expired? Then you should try to independently determine what the cause of this defect is: in a software malfunction or in a hardware malfunction?

Why the interlocutor does not hear me on the Android phone?

To find out the cause of the problem, you can quickly enough by simply connecting a headset. If after that you make a speakerphone call and the other person hears you, it means that the microphone built into the phone is damaged and the device must be taken to a service center to replace the part. At times, a regular reboot of the smartphone helps.

Sometimes, due to the fact that the person you are talking to does not hear you well on the phone, there may be a system malfunction, which you can try to fix on your own without contacting specialists. In this case, proceed as follows:

  • Go to " Settings»
  • Find the item “ Memory and backup»

  • Create a backup by connecting a memory card, or use cloud storage, a copy can also be saved using a computer via a USB port
  • Produce " Reset to factory settings»

The measure is radical, but if the device worked normally in its pure form before you began installing the programs, then the problem is with the installed software. This turns out to be enough to eliminate the reason that the interlocutor does not hear me well on the phone.

If you use this method, save all the information that is stored on the device, since it will be deleted during the reset. Please note that all photos, videos, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications will disappear, so do not neglect the backup. Some smartphones have built-in utilities for backing up to the cloud services of phone manufacturers. Read more about this in the article.

With a complete data reset, all information stored on the device (photos, videos, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications) will be deleted. Before resetting data, be sure to back up - instruction.

What should I do if my interlocutor does not hear me well on the phone?

To troubleshoot your microphone, try cleaning your phone using a program that is available on the Play Store. Tubro Kliner will safely clean your smartphone from unnecessary files and programs that inhibit the operation of the device, as well as eliminate configuration errors. Launch the application, and the utility will monitor the operation of the system files of the smartphone.

  • Download and install the program on the device
  • Launch " To speed up»

  • Turn on Tubro Cleaner
  • Get rid of debris clogging the system

You can clean the smartphone from files that lead to software crashes using the built-in utility, if there is one on your phone. To use this function, you must:

  • Go to " Security»
  • Then select " Optimize»

  • Select files that are optimized
  • Perform cleaning

When calling, the interlocutor does not hear me - drastic measures

Well, the last option is to reflash the phone. This most likely will not work out on your own without a certain skill, if you do not have sufficient experience or have never been involved in flashing. It is better to contact the service center, where specialists will make everything faster and safer for a smartphone. If you decide to change the software yourself, you should go to the phone manufacturer’s website to download the firmware and upload it to the device. But, having ventured to such a step, be sure to create and save a backup copy, as described above.

We intentionally do not give advice such as “take a toothpick and clean the microphone’s hole from accumulated dirt or dust yourself,” since damaging the microphone is quite simple by piercing it. After this, replacement is only possible at the service center. If the interlocutor does not hear me well on the phone, use our tips.

Your question:

What to do if you don’t hear a Nokia call?

The answer of the master:

It happens that the owners of a proven and high-quality brand of Nokia cell phones suddenly turn to service salons with unexpected complaints: a call is not heard on incoming phone calls or the volume is so minimal that the call is not perceived, even if the owner holds the device in his hands. What may be hiding the possible causes of this problem and how to eliminate this inconvenience?

Before you carry the phone to the masters, so that they repair the speaker, you can dig into the settings of the device. First of all, check whether the volume of the signal is at the proper level. Note, in addition, that the ringer volume is amplified if you go to the window or go out of the room. It is natural that when you select the “Vibrate only” or “Silent” modes, you will not hear an incoming call signal or SMS message: you need a replacement for this call when switching the notification mode.

In the case when all the settings are correct, the call is replaced, but still no sound is heard, speaker replacement may be required. If you have technical skills and everything is in order with fine accuracy and fine motor skills, then you can do it at home is quite possible. To do this, the phone is disassembled, the board is removed, and then the speaker itself. In Nokia phones, the speaker is usually held very tight, so you need to remove it as carefully as possible. If you remove the grid, which is located under the speaker and insert the new speaker, working in two directions, already without the grid, and then assemble the phone, the signal will sound much louder and even remind you of stereo sound.

Very often, when repairing the speaker, the speaker is installed from another model of the phone, in which the sound is more clear and loud. This usually does not affect the operation of the device itself.

If you are not sure of your “sleight of hand” and abilities, then it would be better to shift the speaker to the shoulders of experienced specialists from the service center who will provide at least post-warranty repair if something is wrong with the phone after repair . Only “very brave and confident people” or experienced engineers can “treat” the device at their own peril and risk. The professional masters of the GSM-Help service center will surprisingly qualitatively and quickly repair the phone, because many devices with similar malfunctions pass through their hands every day.

Recently bought a brand new mobile phone and immediately decided to call and tell about your successful purchase to all your friends and buddies? But then, bad luck, as soon as the interlocutor picked up the phone, interference began to be heard from the speakers of the device, clicks, and the subscriber's voice was practically inaudible? Do not despair, this article will help you solve this situation.

Why is there interference?

The reasons leading to malfunctions in the operation of a mobile device are quite numerous and varied. The situations due to which you cannot hear the interlocutor on the phone are:

  • incorrect settings for the volume of the device, perhaps your device is set to the minimum volume of sound playback in the conversation speakers;
  • the phone’s audio clogged up. Anything can clog them, for example, dust;
  • there was a short in the speaker coil or it was burned.

For all of the above reasons, you may be very hard to hear the interlocutor, but the voice will sound.

How to solve the above problems?

If the phone is not configured correctly, you just need to increase the volume of the speaker speakers. This method is the simplest.

If the passages along which the sound goes are blocked, then opening the case of the mobile phone or smartphone, thoroughly cleaning it and, if necessary, replacing worn parts will help. Solving the problem is not so elementary, so if you do not have sufficient qualifications in solving such issues, it is better to return the phone to a service center.

If the coil of the speaker is out of order, then it is only necessary to completely replace the defective part. Without experience in this type of repair work, it is better not to undertake this matter, entrust the repair to an experienced specialist.

And if there is no sound at all?

If you don’t hear the interlocutor in the phone completely, then there are several culprits for the problem:

  • there is a break in the loop or its contact, which is responsible for the sound of the speaker, or its coil is torn;
  • if the phone crashes, then one of the reasons, because of which the interlocutor in the phone may not be heard, is a break on the main board of the mobile phone or smartphone;
  • a microcircuit or elements that ensure stable uninterrupted operation of the phone may fail.

In all these cases, you just need to contact the master for help.

No sound in Samsung Galaxy phone

This model of smartphones is very popular and quickly sold out in stores. What to do if you bought this model, and the question arose, why can’t you hear the interlocutor on the Samsung Galaxy phone?

One of the reasons for the poor performance of the device may be a software failure. The option to fix the phone can be a complete reset of all data to the factory settings. During this process, all the information contained on the smartphone, including the application that violates its normal operation, will be erased.

Also, the reason may lie in the microphone of the device. In order to understand what is happening to him and how to fix the accessory, you should come to the service center and show the defective mobile phone to the master.

If at school you received five in computer science and are versed in firmware, then one of the options for solving the question of why you can not hear the interlocutor in the Samsung phone will reflash the device. But this must be done with great caution: there is a considerable risk of making a mistake and getting a lifeless brick instead of a normally working mobile phone. If there is no confidence, it is better not to experiment, but ask for the services of a qualified programmer who is versed in such things.

So, we figured out the question of why the interlocutor on the phone might not be heard. Of course, the article indicates only the most common damage options and the same popular ways to fix the device. But in most cases, the information gleaned from this material can be very useful. Remember one thing - if you do not know how to fix the device, contact the service center, because the guarantee of the device will not be affected, and you can easily return the faulty phone back to the store.

What should I do if my interlocutor does not hear me well on the phone? If the device is under warranty, then you can simply contact the service center where you will be repaired or replaced with the corresponding parts. And if the warranty, unfortunately, has already expired? Then you should try to independently determine what the cause of this defect is: in a software malfunction or in a hardware malfunction?

Why can't my interlocutor hear me on the phone?

To find out the cause of the problem, you can quickly enough by simply connecting a headset. If after that you make a speakerphone call and the other person hears you, it means that the microphone built into the phone is damaged and the device must be taken to a service center to replace the part. At times, a regular reboot of the smartphone helps.

Sometimes, due to the fact that the person you are talking to does not hear you well on the phone, there may be a system malfunction, which you can try to fix on your own without contacting specialists. In this case, proceed as follows:

  • Go to Settings
  • Find the item “Storage and backup”
  • Create a backup by connecting a memory card, or use cloud storage, a copy can also be saved using a computer via a USB port
  • Perform a "Factory Reset"

The measure is radical, but if the device worked normally in its pure form before you began installing the programs, then the problem is with the installed software. This turns out to be enough to eliminate the reason that the interlocutor does not hear me well on the phone.

With a complete data reset, all information stored on the device (photos, videos, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications) will be deleted. Be sure to back up your data before resetting it.

What should I do if my interlocutor does not hear me well on the phone?

To troubleshoot a microphone, try cleaning your phone using the Tubro Kliner program, which is available on the Play Store. Tubro Kliner will safely clean your smartphone from unnecessary files and programs that inhibit the operation of the device, as well as eliminate configuration errors. Launch the application, and the utility will monitor the operation of the system files of the smartphone.

  • Download and install the program on the device
  • Launch Accelerate
  • Turn on Tubro Cleaner
  • Get rid of debris clogging the system

You can clean the smartphone from files that lead to software crashes using the built-in utility, if there is one on your phone. To use this function, you must:

  • Go to "Security"
  • Then select "Optimize"
  • Select files that are optimized
  • Perform cleaning

When calling, the interlocutor does not hear me - drastic measures

Well, the last option is to reflash the phone (). This most likely will not work out on your own without a certain skill, if you do not have sufficient experience or have never been involved in flashing. It is better to contact the service center, where specialists will make everything faster and safer for a smartphone. If you decide to change the software yourself, you should go to the phone manufacturer’s website to download the firmware and upload it to the device. But, having ventured to such a step, be sure to create and save a backup copy, as described above. Perhaps after installing the new firmware you will have a question - in this case, be sure to read the article.

We intentionally do not give advice such as “take a toothpick and clean the microphone’s hole from accumulated dirt or dust yourself,” since damaging the microphone is quite simple by piercing it. After this, replacement is only possible at the service center. If the interlocutor does not hear me well on the phone, use our tips. Need help - write in the comments, we will help.

Answers on questions

He dropped the phone on the floor, after which the interlocutor does not hear me well on the phone. Can I fix this problem myself?

Most likely, after the fall, the microphone is damaged, contact a service center for replacement.

Can't hear the sound on the phone? The tips in our article will help you solve this problem.

With the release of new phone models, he began to replace all existing devices. For a long time, with its help you can listen to music, play games, watch videos and even work. Unfortunately, it may malfunction when sound is lost on the device.

The main signs that the phone has a problem with sound:

  1. The complete absence of sound signals.
  2. Echo, hissing during a conversation.
  3. Frequent change of the interlocutor’s voice, interruption of the voice volume.
  4. Melodies and signals are heard quieter than before or not reproduced at all.

To find out what the problem is, you need to check the device. Now it’s not necessary to go to the repairman, you can do it yourself.

First, check the volume control. It is usually located on the phone’s body on the right or left side. By pressing the button, make sure that the slider is in the maximum position. The volume in games or when listening to music can be adjusted with this button.

If it doesn’t help, proceed to the next step. Let's try to look for an error in the device settings.

To do this, you need to go to the menu on the smartphone. In the "Settings" window, select the "sound" section. Next, select "Volume" and move the slider. These steps will help you adjust the volume of your phone.

The reason for the lack of sound may be a clogged speaker or a malfunction. If the speaker is clogged, it is enough to wipe it with a cotton swab or a napkin, and then blow it off.

To check the health of the speaker, just switch the phone to speakerphone. If the interlocutor is well audible, then the cause of the breakdown is in dynamics.

Sometimes sound problems are caused by newly installed programs. Look at which of the programs you installed last and try to remove them.

In extreme cases, you can return the phone to. Even if this method does not restore your sound, the reason lies in the breakdown of the device.

If you have lost sound, do not despair. You can try to fix the phone at home. Try the methods described above to find the reason. In this case, you will not even need to disassemble the device.

But, if you still couldn’t correct the situation and return the sound, the best solution would be to hand over the phone for repair.

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