What queries are your competitors promoting. How to find out what requests are driving traffic to the most visited pages of competitors

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Yandex.Webmaster (beta)

How to find out what positions a website is in in Yandex

The less “Wed. position ", the better, since each request pulls up / down in the search results other queries relevant to the site ():

"Search queries" - "Statistics" - "Groups" - "Group: All queries" - "Period: Quarter"

How to find out what requests my site is found for

"Search queries" - "Statistics" - "Popular queries" Let's look at the statistics on impressions. A total of 25 phrases. If you raise the site in the search results for the specified requests to the first positions, then this will give the most tangible exhaust.

Where can I see what phrases my blog is found for?

Google Webmaster Tools... My list of popular queries has 10,083 phrases. Changes over time are visible. If you click on the request, then it is shown which page the person goes to with the given text. You can set filters, for example, view only mobile search queries.
It's the same if you go to the "Popular Pages" tab. In the example, I decided to see which requests are related to the page (I counted 130 requests in total).

What keywords are used to find a specific page on my site

Google analytics gives a more detailed picture. I click on the same page. I choose "Main parameter": "Keyword". There are already 334 requests here. V (not provided) and (not set) hidden requests encrypted by Google [official announcement] and Yandex [official announcement].

Keywords in Yandex.Metrica for one web page URL

Key phrases encrypted by Yandex can be found in Yandex.Metrica. In order to collect data only for a specific page, you need to create a report. At least with these points:

  1. Build a report by: search query
  2. Calculate: number of visits
  3. Under the conditions: URL of the login page is equal to http: //site.ru/...html

By the way, 334 was also displayed here. keywords a.

Shares a list of sites that will help you get a report on the position of competitors on the Internet (and not only). Search, compare - and win!

Today, a huge number of sites operate on the Web: companies and specialists, online stores, portals, a variety of services, etc. An important step in the development of the resource is the analysis of competitors. You need to be one step ahead, or at least keep up. For competitor analysis, there are several simple and free ways which we also use to develop Nethouse.

1. Study of search results "Yandex" and Google: Site-Auditor

Positions of competitors' sites in the search results and the dynamics (history) of changes are most conveniently tracked in full free program Site-Auditor. By specifying the address of the resource of interest, you get all the key data on the site from search engines in one click, incl. positions according to the generated list of requests (independently or through Wordstat.yandex.ru).

With its help, you can also conduct an express audit of a competitor's website: find out how many pages are indexed, see what statistics systems are installed, TCI, PR and much more. Also, Site-Auditor can be used to check the SEO promotion of your site and to regularly track the dynamics of position changes.

2. Analysis of competitors in the search "Yandex" and Google: Spywords

You can find out how your competitors are promoting their website using such services as Spywords.ru, Advse.ru, Advodka.ru, Adtrends.ru. Their functionality is not much different, so we will consider in detail only one of them - spywords.ru - it provides the most information and has a limited free version.

Using the service, you can find out:

    The dynamics of various indicators (number of requests, budget for the context, etc.) over time;

When analyzing, be careful: do not take statistics figures as absolute and exact values, since these data are calculated using a certain algorithm and an error is possible.

3. Traffic comparison: Similarweb

The service will help you compare traffic with competitors and find opportunities that you do not yet use in your business.

Here's what you can learn from the service:

    Traffic to the site for the last month and traffic dynamics for the last 6 months;

    Behavioral factors on the site: bounce rate, average time on site, viewing depth;

    Traffic sources for the last 3 months: the ratio of direct, search engine, etc .;

4. Studying trends: Google.com/trends and Wordstat.yandex.ru

Using the services "Trends" Google and "Yandex" you can see the dynamics and history of requests in each country or around the world.

You can find out if your competitors are growing in popularity. To do this, look at the trends for requests for their names in Russian and English language... If the scale on the graph grows, then, accordingly, the popularity of this brand among Internet users also grows. You can check the trend by the names of competitors both in Russia and around the world.

While developing your site, it is very useful to observe the sites of competitors. Especially, we should be interested in sites that are in the TOP-10. Since they occupy high positions, then most likely some work is being done.

True, there are cases when unoptimized sites are in the first places for some key phrases, but this is rather an exception. Therefore, for the analysis we take only those sites that are confidently in the TOP-10 for various queries from your topic. However, no one bothers you to check any site: whether it is being promoted at all, by what requests the site is being promoted and what places it takes.

To know search queries site in several ways. Some days require experience, and some can be used by anyone.

We find out the key queries of the site manually.

The easiest way, but requiring certain skills, is manual. Knowing the principles of site optimization, you can understand what key phrases the site is optimizing for.

Sometimes, this is obvious, for example in the text key site queries mark them in bold or list requests separated by commas at the bottom of the page. (By the way, I do not recommend promoting this way, for this you can get a filter for spam). If you see in the sentences non-standard use of the form of words or unusual phrases, then this is also work for promotion, so that check site requests... Something like this.

The non-obvious method is more difficult and requires a little skill. Usually, on the pages being promoted, they try to insert key phrases into special tags: title, description, keywords.

They can be seen by clicking anywhere on the open site. right click and select the item "source code" / "view page code", etc. You will see these tags at the beginning of the opened code. On the good, title and description should contain meaningful text, but keywords are just keywords. But some people stuff promoted queries into all 3 tags.

We determine the visibility of the site by request using services

The easiest way to determine the visibility of a site by request is through online services. In addition to the fact that you will find out the phrases for which the site is being promoted, you will also see the position of the site for these requests. I will tell you about two services and one non-obvious method, which, in addition to visibility, will prompt an approximate one.

XTOOL.RU service

This service is designed to check the trust of the site, i.e. which supposed the credibility of the site in the search engines. You will be able to see how high-quality the site is, rate, its spamming and much more. But we are interested in the visibility of the site in search engines, which the service also gives out at the end of the result page. Also, the position of the site by queries is shown.

I draw your attention to the fact that this way you can find out only a small part of the requests. And it's not a fact that these are the requests for which he is moving.

Megaindex.ru service

I like this service more, because there are many others. useful tools which we will consider later. To analyze site requests for which it is ranked in search engines, we need to select the Site Visibility tool in the SEO Services menu. Remember that he does not show everything either. Check it out on your website and you will see what I mean.

By the way, the approximate cost of promoting requests is shown here, but very rarely it corresponds to reality.

Service spywords.ru

This is my favorite, I have a yearly unlimited account. With the help of this service, I receive data on site requests in search engines, on requests in Yandex.Direct and Google.Adwords. I see advertisements and snippets in search engines. This service saves a lot of time, because in half an hour I can collect the semantic core or keys for contextual advertising... To do this, it is enough to analyze a dozen leading sites in a niche.

Automatic promotion services

You can add a competitor's site to a website promotion service like Rookee or Seopult. After analyzing the site, you will be offered requests for which it is worth promoting the site. But since These services are aimed at making money for themselves, then those requests are selected for which there are already some significant positions, to make it easier, and you are glad that the service is cool. But as a selection of requests for which the site is already visible - an excellent tool.


Hello dear readers. Today's article is on site analysis. I will talk about how to find out what requests visitors come to the site for, and what is most important - what exactly our competitors are promoting their resource, their articles.

Once I have already written how it is possible. This time we will determine by which words a certain resource is being promoted. We will look at some very useful services, thanks to them we will be able to find out the search queries of any site for which they are already in the top. Therefore, we will be able to see which key phrases bring more traffic.

How to find out for what requests a certain site is visited using statisticsLiveinternet?

The well-known statistics of Liveinternet, the counter of which is placed on almost every site, will help us find out the search queries for which this or that site is being promoted.

So, to find out the search queries, we go to the resource of interest to us and look for the Liveinternet counter. Or go here: http://www.liveinternet.ru/rating/ru/, select the category of interest and then look for the desired site and click "Site Statistics". The only catch is that many request statistics are password protected, but if not, then we will be able to view the information we are interested in, namely:

1). By search phrases- by clicking on it, we will see a list of key queries by which people visit the site.

2). Entry points- here we can see the pages, i.e. a list of urls by which visitors get to a competitor's blog, what words and sentences they use.

Each of these pages is tailored for certain search key phrases, which in turn we can choose for promotion. own resource... They will be able to bring us traffic from search engines.

3). Search traffic share- here we already directly see the number of transitions to the site for certain requests, as well as the site's place in terms of traffic on request.

Thus, we find out by what words the site is found and we have the opportunity to analyze the list of requests, which will further facilitate our work in terms of promoting our blog. There you can, which is taken into account by search engines.

How to find out the keywords of a competitor and for what keywords visitors come to the site if the statistics are closed?

Resource trust verification serviceXtool

If the statistics of the site you are interested in is closed, then you can use this service. We pass on link and enter the address of the desired site into the line to view its requests and other information:

- number of links (external / internal);

- site bellows (TIC / PR);

- the promotion of the site in (Yandex / Google);

statisticsLiveinternet ;

Here you can see "Visibility in the PS", the table will provide the visibility of keywords in Yandex and Google. Those. what requests are in what positions.

Site analysis servicePrcy. ru

Here is another website analysis service, Pr-cy.ru easy to use, here we also enter the url of the site being checked and click "Analyze". We go down to the very bottom of the page and under the words "Visibility in Yandex" and "Visibility in Google" we look at which search phrases what positions are.

MegaIndex - service for automated website promotion

One of good services, it has many tools that will certainly be useful for any webmaster - this Megaindex.

I already introduced you to him when we determined. In the same place I told you how to add your site there. After registration in the "Seo services" section, we will have access to the "Site visibility" item, with the help of which we will be able to receive all requests for which the competitor's site is being promoted.

In general, visitors who came for specific queries from search engine results should immediately find interesting answers to their questions on key phrases. Therefore, each optimizer, a competitor who has good traffic on his resource, not only observes the relevance of the resource, but also analyzes the key queries of competitors.

Now you know how to find out for what queries a site is found in search engines and what queries our competitors are promoting.

Many site owners want to know what queries are in the TOP-10 for the sites of their competitors. We decided to collect free tools to analyze the keywords of competitors, and submit them in a review.

1. PR-CY.ru

In the service, you can make a free analysis of the site, including the projects of competitors. Among various indicators, the service displays information on which queries the site being checked is found in Yandex and Google. True, it shows only 100 requests for each search engine... But for free service it's not bad.

Below you can see an example of a report:

To view a competitor's requests, enter their website address at home page service pr-cy.ru and click the "Analyze" button. A page with the results of the analysis will open, which will contain data on what requests the competitor's site is being promoted and on what positions it is located.

Screenshot of the form:

Service advantages:

  • Allows you to see what queries the competitor's site is being promoted by.
  • Besides the list key phrases, displays their frequency and site position. You can estimate for what queries a competitor's site is in the TOP-10.
  • Registration is not required to analyze 1-2 sites. It is enough to enter the site address on the pr-cy.ru page and click the "Analyze" button.

Cons of the service:

  • You can see only 100 queries in each search engine.
  • When analyzing a large number sites, the service will require you to register.

2. X-tool.ru

A free service that allows you to find out for what requests a competitor's website is being promoted. In addition to position data, it displays information about landing pages, their titles and snippets in search engines.

An example of a report from the service:

To see the requests for which the site is displayed in search engines, you need to add the site URL to a special form on the Xtool.ru website and click the "Check" button:

In the received report, you need to go to the "Visibility in Yandex" or "Visibility in Google" tab to view queries in the corresponding search engine.

Service advantages:

  • In addition to the list of requests and site positions by them, it displays Additional information: page that is displayed on request, traffic forecast, Page Title, snippet.
  • Allows you to upload information to Excel after registration.
  • The data in the table can be sorted by clicking on the column headings.

Cons of the service:

  • Without registration, you can see only 100 queries for each search engine. Registration is required to view more data.
  • Shows data not for all sites.

3. PromoPult (formerly Seopult)

It is a system of automatic website promotion. After registration, you can create a project in it. In the process of creation, the system displays the current positions of the site in Yandex and Google. Thus, using Seopult, you can see what queries the competitors' site is promoting. At the same time, order the website promotion itself not necessary.

An example of a table with a list of requests in the system:

Service advantages:

  • Shows a lot of requests.
  • Shows a forecast for the number of clicks on queries and positions on them.
  • Allows you to sort queries in a table by different parameters... For example, you can see the most popular queries by which the competitor is in the search engines.

Cons of the service:

  • Can't upload data.
  • Registration required to view data.


We have analyzed three services that can be used to collect information free of charge about the requests for which competitors' sites are being promoted.

At the end of the article, I want to recommend other useful articles.

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