Analysis of search phrases. How many requests does Yandex handle

Hello dear readers of the blog site. I want to once again touch on the topic of keyword selection for individual articles and the entire site as a whole. This will allow you to more accurately get into the audience that may be of interest to your publication.

Potentially. Those. this does not guarantee success, but allows us to hope for it. In other words, this is a necessary condition for the successful development of the site, but not at all sufficient.

The most popular tool for analyzing statistics on the use of various words and phrases in the queries of users of search engines is the tool "Selection of words" from Yandex   (famous WordStat). It is intended for advertisers who advertise in, but this does not matter, because the statistics they provide can be useful for optimizing their own site.

You can work with Wordstat both manually and using special programs. If you need to break one or two key phrases according to the statistics of Yandex queries, then it will be easier to go to the website just above, but if you want to compile a database of keywords for the topics you need, automation will not be possible.

Yandex word selection online service from Yandex

I understand that there are more than enough publications on the topic of compiling a semantic core on the Internet. But, as it seems to me, they are written mainly by those who are involved in this business professionally, i.e. SEO optimizers or freelancers. The methods described by them are quite interesting, because they allow me to automate and simplify the process of assembling the kernel, but personally they make me bored when reading.

The little things and nuances they describe help save time with a large stream of projects that pass through their hands, but if you have a task keywords for your own site, then in most cases excessive automation can even interfere, because you can miss something or not take into account.

Here, it seems to me, there is no need to rush. For example, I once bought a wonderful program for Partner Profit bonuses Key collector   . Here. Twisted it, turned it, and put it on the far shelf. Why? Yes, it’s just not for me - it’s difficult to master and understand the usefulness of all the richest functionalities available in it. For the same reason, I use Yandex Metric, and not Google Analytics.

Of course, I’m not right and I had to rest against my horn and get an understanding of all the chips available in Key Collector (certainly useful). But in reality, I downloaded from the site of the same developer a lite version of this word-matching program, though under an unprofitable name Slovoeb   (written in Russian letters it is not very printed).

Everything, now I work exclusively with him, and Kay Collector once again, after updating the system, was blocked (it has a binding to the computer configuration) and I am too lazy to write to the author again to revive him.

Therefore, today I’ll talk only about the manual use of the Word Selection tool from Yandex, about using Slovoeb to quickly get statistics on thousands of key phrases at once and sifting out dummies. There are other tools like Wordstat (you can read about them in the article about), but they have not gained such wide popularity.

Generally, of course, working with Wordstat is outrageously simplein terms of theory, but rather dreary in terms of practice. By the way, not so long ago their design changed, but not only. According to subjective feelings, the parsing speed of the new version of the online word matching tool has increased significantly.

Where to begin? With calm thinking over the current situation and what you would like to receive as a result. You have the subject matter of your resource (future or existing). Under this subject, you can immediately pick up a dozen or two phrases or words that may be related to it. How to understand which of the phrases in your head have perspective?

You need to look at the statistics of their use when accessing the Yandex search engine. For this purpose, Wordstat is needed. True, more recently, it is available only to registered users, so you will have to preliminarily, and also be burdened with it.

If you already have all this good, then it will not hurt to remember your authorization data, because you will have to enter them into Slovoeb to make it workable. Next, enter your first request in the appropriate form on the service page Word selection :

Oh, how much has happened. Wordstat provides statistics on keywords for the last calendar month. So in a year it will be possible to get the number an order of magnitude more. Although this is not entirely true. One of the reasons may be the fluctuation of the request frequency from the time of year (i.e. seasonality).

This can be checked by checking the box. Query History. For clarity, let’s take, indeed, something with a pronounced seasonality, where the frequency of entering this keyword into the Yandex search line can change six times depending on the time of year.

If the request you are interested in has a regional binding, then this will also significantly affect the frequency of its entry into Yandex. To understand this, just click on the link "All regions"   and select the geo-location you need.

For example, this is how the statistics on the Yandex audience, which is interested in pizza delivery in a small city, will look like.

In addition, many SEOs and site owners check) for all kinds of keywords, and do not always use their own. And that means that cheating occurs   (not special) frequency. Therefore, you should not recklessly believe the numbers of these statistics and do not take it literally.

And without it, everything is not so simple. If it were statistics solely on the use of this word (phrase) alone, which you entered, then everything would be wonderful. But the Yandex word selection service, when entering a query into it without any additional operators, takes into account all phrases in which the given phrase was used (in any word form) in the shown tsifirka.

For example, if you return to the first screenshot, you can confidently say that almost 900,000 times a month Yandex users entered queries that included the word Joomla (for example, “templates for Joomla” or “the most popular sites in the world on a site management system Joomla ").

This statistics will help you evaluate the prospect   creation of a site or a separate section on this topic, but when writing specific articles, you will need to use other tsifirki with more specificity. Where to get them? Good question, which we will try to answer now.

How to collect statistics of the real frequency of requests (Wordstat operators)

Before starting to practice, I want to dwell on those wordstate operators, which can be used in the Yandex keyword selection service. Actually, there are very few of them. I think that no one can tell about them better than their own help of this service.

Personally, I use only two of them - quotation marks and an exclamation point. You are free to do as you see fit.

So, quotes make the search engine share statistics on entering only this phrase. However, all possible word forms of the words contained in it (cases, numbers) will be taken into account. For example, like this:

Strange, isn't it? Three times decreased tsifirka. But how else can you formulate this query to a search engine? Well, if you think about it, it is most likely in the plural, especially since the remaining tsifirki immediately show where to go:

Well, with the theory, consider done, it's time to start practice. All my projects are informational in nature and therefore the seasonality and regionality of my requests do not bother me much. If you have a different situation, then you will also have to consider these data in order to understand the prospects.

What you need to consider when building the semantic core of the site

Since we are talking about prospects. Assembly   consists of several stages:

When developing a semantic core, it is very important to start somewhere (catch on something). A few key phrases gleaned from your competitors, taken from your head or obviously obvious, will be your starting point. But be sure to continue the search process and always have a piece of paper at hand so that you can write down the idea that has arisen and then look at the statistics in the word selection service from Yandex to make sure its consistency.

From any high-frequency query, you can use dozens or even hundreds of keywords for your future articles using Wordstat or Slovoeb. How to do it? First you need to find such tweeters. These are the most obvious phrases that users use when accessing Yandex when they want to get an answer to a question on the topic in which you want to get involved in creating the site.

For example, for my blog, it could be the words Joomla, WordPress, website promotion, website promotion, earnings, etc. You can start with them. But many do this, so it would not be bad if you tried to formalize all the ideas for future articles that came to you with those queries that Yandex users could find. We must try to think as an ordinary Internet user asking a question to a search engine.

Selection of words for the semester directly in Yandex Wordstat

Okay. You can pour water for a long time. Let’s type the query “Website Promotion” in Wordstat and see what it can do for you and me.

Wonderful. We got a bunch of information that we will now need to try to process somehow. Yandex selected words for us based on the phrase we entered and distributed them in two columns. Both of them are very important.

In the left column of Wordstat   all phrases are collected where the entered keywords are directly encountered. To the right of them is the frequency of their request from Yandex by its users. But do not rush to rejoice, for this frequency in most cases is fake (). Those. the numbers written there can actually be fictitious.

How to check it? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is to open another Wordstat window on a new browser tab and enter all these phrases from the left column in turn, enclosing them in quotation marks.

Then you will get real statistics (well, or closer to real). You can copy these phrases into a Word or Excel document and add the frequencies calculated in this way.

Simply? Theoretically, yes, but in practice, after checking a dozen phrases from the left column (from the screenshot above) in Wordstat, opened in a new tab, you will want to score all this and go get drunk (well, or hang yourself).

Routine, it is not everyone's pleasure. But the left column of the Word Selection service window also has page-by-page navigation. Imagine, there can be up to 50 pages, which in total will give 2000 selected key phrases. And all of them manually will need to be verified by enclosing in quotation marks. Perhaps what is under the force of units.

And that's not all. We forgot about the right column of the Wordstat Yandex. But this is just a wonderful thing. It displays the requests of the same users who entered the phrase from the right column, made by them in the same search session. This will allow you to significantly expand the semantic core of the site, and sometimes even in a very unexpected direction.

What to do with all this wealth from the right column? View its contents and all phrases that are relevant to your subject, and then break through them in the newly opened browser tab with Wordstat. In our example, the phrase “website optimization” with high (potential) frequency is striking.

And what do we see here? And again, a lot of interesting things. From the left column, you will need to check all phrases for fake by enclosing the phrase in quotation marks. And the contents of the right column can be checked to find there something new that you have not yet added to your semantic core.

And so for many hours you can sit with the Yandex “Word Selection” service pages open in different browser tabs so you don’t miss anything out of potential keys and at the same time weed out all the dummies. After a while, however, you will want to quit all this, because efforts and perseverance here are truly not human.

It is against the background of such torment of manual selection of keywords that you will feel all the charm of Key Collector, or its light version called Slovoeb. What kind of buzz (without exaggeration) is to drive into the program any high-frequency query that came to your mind, automatically parse all the pages from the left column of Wordstat, after which also on the machine to weed out dummies.

The resulting list of keys really needed can be sorted in descending order of frequency and saved in CSV format for subsequent analysis and breakdown by articles. By the way, the process of distributing keywords by articles can also be automated. I learned about this quite recently from the exchange newsletter Contentmonster   (I have been buying articles lately mostly only from them).

It turns out that there is an online service Keyassistant   under the auspices of this exchange (it’s free, as I understand it), which allows you to scatter keys into pages, and pages into sections. It’s been a long time to explain its functionality, so I suggest watching a “movie” on the topic and, perhaps, it will interest you:

Okay, we got distracted, and in the meantime, it's time to get to know our today's hero with an extremely unpretentious name.

How to automate the selection of words from Yandex in Slovoeb

Download Slovoeb   You can follow the link. It does not require installation - just unzip the downloaded archive and run the Slovoeb.exe file

Immediately after the launch, it makes sense to go to the program settings, where on the Parsing - Yandex Wordstat tabs the area Yandex Account Settings   you will need to enter at least one login-password pair (separated by a colon and without spaces) to access the services of this search engine. What for? I have already mentioned that recently, Wordstat allows only authorized users to use it.

note that it’s better to create new accounts in Yandex (fake, i.e. not the main ones, where you, for example, work with YAN or money). Why? The search engine does not directly allow parsing of its results (instead, it provides limits for XML to work), so you can grab the ban of your account for displaying excessive arrogance.

It also makes sense to put the maximum number of pages from the left column of Yandex's Word Selection service, which will be parsed (50). This is useful when punching RF requests, as there may be so many possible options. Sometimes, even on the last page, the total frequency is several thousand, which means that not all keys can be collected using Wordstat (unfortunately).

If you don’t want to overload and annoy Yandex, then on the first tab of the “General” settings, increase the timeout range (breaks between submitting requests to the search engine).

Save the settings and click on the "Create Project" button, or on "Open Project" if you have not finished some work before.

Give the project a name, then enter the key phrase or word that interests you in the line that appears. Enter? OK, press Enter on the keyboard.

Yes, there is an alternative. Click on the button “The left column of Yandex Wordstat”   and enter into the opened form several phrases at once (one per line) for which you want to parse statistics. Then press the button located below and get at once several lists of merged together.

In the modern version of Slovoeb, you will have to wait for heels or a little less than minutes until it docked with Wordstat (this happens only after the program is launched, and there will be no such delays in further work).

Then parsing of the left column of the Word Search service will begin   for this phrase to the depth (number of pages) that you set in the settings. I always have 50 installed there. As a result, get no more than 2000 keys including your original phrase.

For an example, I took the super high-frequency request “work”. As you can see, even on the last page of the Wordstat, the overall frequency of phrases goes over ten thousand. Therefore, in this case we cannot use the tool to cover the entire pool of requests and much remains behind the scenes. It’s probably possible to pull out the “tail”, but it’s already much more complicated and less reliable.

So, we just parsed the keys, but you still need to separate the grains from the chaff, i.e. understand which of these keywords it makes sense to use further in the semantic core, and which to discard due to their extremely low real frequency. The latter is calculated by enclosing the phrase in quotation marks or even with the addition of exclamation points.

In Slovoeb, you only need to select the buttons from the drop-down menu. “Yandex.Wordstat frequencies”   last or penultimate paragraphs. You should already understand the difference between them, so choose what you think is necessary. For some reason, I prefer the latter option, but this may unnecessarily limit the results.

The punching of real frequency in Slovoeb is much slower than parsing, and what’s important, do not go to Wordstat through the browser at this time, because on which this program hangs for me. It is possible that this problem only takes place on my computer, but it is still worth warning.

You can personally monitor the process of checking the real frequency - new numbers will appear in the corresponding column in real time. Although it makes sense to let this matter drift and go do something more useful, you can only periodically look into the program. At the end of the collection process, the red hexagon in the upper left corner will turn gray.

If you wish, you yourself can stop the process by selecting the appropriate item from the context menu of this button. The project can be saved, and Slovoeb closed. And then again open the program and the saved project, after which, as described above, continue collecting statistics. Very convenient and, most importantly, just to disgrace.

Here. After the end of the process, you can sort the results by decreasing frequency by clicking on the column heading with statistics of phrases enclosed in quotation marks, or with them and exclamation points in front of each word. It will turn out very clearly, because the most promising (albeit often not realistic due to high competition) requests will be at the top of the list.

I advise save all keywords selected   Lists to file. This is done in Slovoeb using the icon shown in the screenshot located at the top of the program window. Saving is in CSV format, which, if desired, can be opened with regular Excel, the main thing is to specify the correct column separator so that everything grows together.

If it doesn’t work, then in the program settings on the “Interface” - “Export” tab, select a different save format (xlsx). There you can see the separator used when exporting to CSV.

Extra columns in Excel can be removed (or removed in the same export settings by simply removing the checkmarks from the columns you do not need - see the screenshot above), so that they do not reduce the clarity. Personally, I leave only the key phrase itself and its real frequency, and everything else is in the furnace.

Actually, you can already work with these lists, taking something directly from there, and then punching something through Wordstat again to obtain new keys (for example, not a complete phrase, but a word or phrase that occurs in it, which in itself can give rise to a lot of options). In general, the process is very creative and, due to its strong automation, is not very tiring, especially in comparison with the manual method of using the Word Selection service described above.

Other Slovoeb statistics collection features

Yes, I forgot to mention that Slovoeb is able to collect and search tips. This is what appears when you enter a query in the search bar of Yandex or Google.

Among them, there may also be quite interesting options for keywords that can then be checked using the method described above for their real frequency.

Previously, for this there was a separate utility (Slovoder) from the same developer (Alexander Lyustik), but now this functionality is enclosed in one program. To collect search hints, just click the corresponding button on the Slovoeb toolbar.

In the window that opens, you need to check the boxes opposite those search engines from where these tips will twitch.

Actually, you should also specify the keywords for which these tips will be collected and click the "Start collection" button. The collected keys from the hints will be added to the general list, so that later you can check them all together and collect statistics on the frequency of use.

In the general list, they will be marked with a different icon so that you can more clearly work with them and distinguish between the parsing of Wordstat and search hints.

The same goes for word collection from the right column of Wordstat   (Slovoeb knows how to parse it too).

A little higher in the text I said that it is very important when assembling the semantic core to pay attention not only to the frequency of the selected words and phrases, but also to how much competition   exists in the issuance of Yandex and Google for these requests. The higher it is, the more difficult it will be for you to break into the TOP.

To evaluate it, many suggest using the number of search engine responses that they give to this request. A little higher I wrote about this in more detail. So, our wonderful program can parse this very number of responses from the issuance of Yandex and Google.

Those. for all collected words, you can break through their competitiveness with a button Kei   on the Slovoeb toolbar:

The KEI parameter is obtained and, in order to rely on it, it would be better to use Key Collector (a paid version of this free program with significantly more advanced functionality).

As you can see, even the simplified version of the program has quite rich functionality. What to say about Key Collector. Another thing - do you need this functionality? Personally, it turned out to be very difficult to find time for its development, especially since I did not see any special prospects in this. I'm wrong? Dissuade me in the comments then.

However, not everyone has the time and energy to carry out such work (collecting the full cotyledon), but doing it anyway necessary. However, if there is demand, then there will be supply. There will always be people who are willing to do this for you, another thing is that they may not always be honest and executive.

I will allow myself the impudence and bring to the end a video taken from the blog of Maxim Dovzhenko, where he talks about the settings and the selection of words in Slovoeb:

While training SEO beginners, I encountered the problem of scarce or excess information on the issue of creating a Semantic Core for a site. I decided to write a short guide myself, but since the information for one article was too much, I broke it into several parts. In this article, standard information on the use of the Yandex.Wordstat service, which in the future will help to understand all the tricks of compiling an AX.

Meet Yandex.Wordstat

First, go to the Yandex wordstat page. The search will go through the “Words”, but first we need to specify “Region.” For example, select the region “Moscow” and enter the key “laptop repair” in the field of Wordstat. The following picture will appear before us:

As you can see, there are two columns - left and right. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

The left column displays all keywords and phrases that contain the words “repair” + “laptop”. Here we will find the following options:

  • "Repair" + "laptop" + "X"
  • "X" + "repair" + "laptop"
  • "X" + "repair" + "laptop" + "X"
  • "X" + "repair" + "X" + "laptop" + "X"
  • "X" + "laptop" + "X" + "repair" + "X"
  • etc

- where X is any word or phrase,

Word forms with our key will also enter here. For example, “laptop repair”, “laptop repair” All the above phrases are called diluted.In reality, they play a key role in attracting potential customers.

As can be seen from the screen, the phrase "laptop repair" was requested by 21,590 people over the past month. But there is a catch. In fact, this figure shows the total number of queries with the words “repair” and “laptop”. That is, it includes all those diluted phrases that Wordstat shows below: “laptop repair in Moscow”, “laptop repair addresses”, etc. This point must be taken into account in the forecast audience size. I’ll talk about how to determine the exact number of requests and their quality later. When all possible queries from this column are collected, go to the right side.

The right column displays related queries that users searched for. Thanks to these data, it is possible to get a hint for increasing the list of keywords. In this case, we see that there are potentially interesting requests such as “replacing the laptop screen”, “laptop service”, “laptop center”, etc. In turn, for almost every such key, you can pick up a list of diluted queries corresponding to it and again find the right keys on the right. And so on, until the new keywords in Wordstat run out.

Thus, using the “word selection” service from Yandex, you can collect all kinds of key phrases. Naturally, to collect keywords for sites of popular topics, it would be better to resort to using special programs and services that automate the work process. I want to write about one of these programs a little later. Now let's look at some useful things that may come in handy.

Support operators Yandex Wordstat

Yandex keyword selection can work with certain characters that are responsible for refinements, sorting, grouping, etc. The ability to use these operators makes life easier for SEO.

The operators “!” Are the exclamation point and “” are the quotation marks

The quotation mark operator is used to filter out diluted keywords. If we apply it to a key phrase, Wordstat will show only the results for this particular phrase with its word forms, without taking into account additional words in the keys. For example: “laptop repair”, “laptop repair”, “laptop repair”, etc.

Another useful operator when selecting keywords is the exclamation point “!”. It removes the word forms of keywords. For example:

Remember, I said above that the numbers opposite the words repair laptops (21590) show the total number of queries with the words “repair” and “laptop”. So, if you enclose the key phrase in the operator “” (quotation marks) and put “!” (Exclamation mark) without the space before each word, then we will see the exact number of queries for this key - 2152 queries

The difference between the total number of queries and the exact one determines the quality of the keyword. The smaller it is, the better the keyword for promotion. It is necessary to remember and be able to use this pair of operators.

The minus operator

Used to exclude negative keywords. In our example, for a site for repairing laptops, these words will be: “do it yourself”, “free”, “watch”, “manual” and the like. For example, we exclude the search for the word "Moscow". Here's what a typical output looks like:

Here is the result with the negative keyword "Moscow":

+ Operator plus

Used for mandatory inclusion in the key phrase of prepositions and conjunctions. For example, we derive all phrases on laptop repair from the prepositions “in” and the name of the city “Moscow”

The listed operators for Wordstat are more than enough to work confidently with the keyword selection service. For a particularly perverted audience, there are toys in a more interesting way.

Grouping operator () - brackets and OR operator “|”

Suppose the service in question deals not only with laptops, but also with computers, tablets, etc. In addition to repairs, other actions are also performed: diagnostics, cleaning, etc. In order not to enter all these known requests every time again, we can group them and write them down as one request. In this case, it will look like this:

Now we turn to real perversions. On the previous screen, I did not like it. that there are negative keywords in the list and for more accuracy I wanted to get the keys with the exact word "Moscow" and with the pretext "в". Using all the operators described above, I compiled the following query:

The only thing worth remembering is that operators do not work when searching by region and query history

PS.Subscribe to our blog updates. Now all efforts are directed at launching WP-Puzzle, developing an affiliate program for our readers, compiling plugin descriptions, etc. But soon everything will be 🙂 We try not to disappear and always answer your questions in the comments.

To search for information on the Internet, users interested in goods and services enter their queries into the search engines - keywords and phrases. Each request represents the needs and desires of a particular user of the search system. These queries are analyzed by search engines, on the basis of which search results for sites suitable for the user are displayed.

contextual advertising

  1. Contextual advertising is shown only to users who may be interested in it.
  2. The advertiser pays only the user’s click on the advertising link, and not the time it was displayed.
  3. The advertiser determines the cost of the visitor going to his site.
  4. Impressions occur depending on the cost that the advertiser pays to click on it.
  5. The dependence of the advertising campaign on the audience of the impression, since the submission of advertisements is based on user searches.
  6. Clear control over the effectiveness of the ongoing company. The number of clicks from advertisements to the site is easily calculated. At the same time, an analysis is made of both the site for advertising and the advertisement itself in relation to the number of its impressions and the number of clicks from it.
  7. Fast return on investment.

Search Query Analysis

The benefits of receiving and analyzing input search queries for any business operating on the Internet are enormous. Thanks to the analysis of these requests, emerging lines of business are highlighted, and the product adapts to the target audience of users. As a result, the site is promoted in the search engine to the first lines of the rating and gets the opportunity to be viewed more often by visitors.

For example, a company sells microwave ovens. To find her site on the Internet, the user must enter the query "buy a microwave."

In order for the company’s website to be as high as possible in the search results, the keywords placed on it should be as relevant as possible (correspond to the niche occupied by the company). Then he will get ahead of the general thematic sites, and he will be visited by more potential buyers.

How to choose keywords

A very easy-to-use, but very powerful in its characteristics tool that simplifies the search for keywords in Yandex, offers the keyword planner Yandex. Wordstat.

On the main page "Yandex. Wordstat" there is a line for a keyword, a number of switchable functions and a button "Select". The key phrase for the search is entered into the line, and the “Select” button is needed to launch it.

Important points:

  • in the line it is allowed to use keyword operators;
  • you can also exclude unnecessary words directly in the line.

To refine the search, it is always useful to indicate the region in which the product or service will be searched. Indication of a whole country as a region usually gives a very large selection of options, so it is better to limit yourself to cities.

After choosing a city, you must put the switch in the "according to words" position and press the "Select" button. A table of two columns appears on the screen.

On the left are those phrases that fit the entered query, and on the right are words entered by users along with our query. That is, this column contains keywords that also need to be included in the list. In the same Yandex service, you can study the history of requests and determine demand for any period. To do this, you only need to put the switch in the "Query History" position.

Assessing the information received, you can flexibly change the contextual advertising strategy, making decisions on how to conduct advertising campaigns in each specific city.

A convenient plug-in aimed at selecting keywords has been developed for Chrome - the Yandex Wordstat Helper service, which significantly saves efforts and time for searching keywords in Yandex. It can be installed from the Chrome Web Store.

What is Yandex.Direct

This is a system for placing ads in and its search engine. For each specific user, these ads are individual, because for their placement, the system uses those search queries that this user entered into the system earlier. Therefore, such advertising is contextual.

Yandex.Direct simultaneously displays advertisements not only in Yandex search results, but also on other resources:

  • "Classmates";
  • "Livejournal";
  • online newspaper "From Hand to Hand";
  • search engine "Aport";
  • portal

How to conduct an advertising campaign

The strategy of a competent campaign for contextual advertising of a product in the Yandex.Direct system consists of three parts:

  • study and formation of key queries;
  • creation on their basis of effective advertisements;
  • analysis of the results.

Key request generation

Now we will try to figure out why it is necessary to know the number of requests in Yandex and what advantages this information offers to the user or site creator.

Let's start by defining

Let's start by understanding what keywords are and their frequency.

No less important question: "Why is the number of Yandex search queries so important for site development?" Obviously, on a site or blog one of the main roles is played by traffic, or rather, visitors who most often access the resource from search engines, and therefore it is so important to understand the principles of their work.

All requests in Yandex can be divided into 3 groups, depending on their prevalence: low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency. In most cases, the group to which the request relates determines because each topic has its own level of competition.

Let's move on to statistics

Now we’ll deal directly with where to see the number of requests in Yandex per month. First of all, you need to visit the page of this search engine called WordStat, literally, this term means "statistics of words." Finding the right service in the search engine is easy. And here you are on the specified page.

which you want to check the number of Yandex requests per month. After that, click on the button called “Pick” and get statistics of the entered key, as well as words close to it. The arrow shows the total number of such requests. Opposite each of the keys, the number of requests in Yandex is shown exclusively for him. So we figured out the basic principles of this service, we will discuss the details further.

Perfect world

Idealists believe that it is not worth spending time to find out the number of requests on Yandex. Indeed, in their opinion, the main thing that helps in promoting the resource is its unique content. If you are writing articles yourself, the project will certainly be successful and attended. At the same time, the bulk of visits will be provided by transitions from

Unfortunately, in reality the situation is somewhat different, and the fault is

the ill-fated requests at Yandex, which dictate their terms and force to make adjustments to the work.

Internet users sometimes formulate their desires rather strangely, and if this is not taken into account, then even the most informative and interesting site can be doomed to failure. In no case should you spam the text of the article with keywords - this can ruin everything.

The number of requests on Yandex: why is it not hidden?

Why should Yandex give us the opportunity to study statistics? Indeed, optimizers have always been on the other side of the barricades of search engines. Sadly, everything always rests on money. Optimizers unwittingly rob a search of a certain portion of its main income, which is generated through contextual advertising.

it is strange that the Yandex system opens access to And again money from Advertisers needs the specified information to create optimal ads in Yandex.Direct. Thus, the search engine has to open data for everyone, what people are successfully using who want to attract an additional audience to their resource.

More about the service

Yandex statistics is the main tool for webmasters. In Wordstat, all data is displayed in a simplified form - all word forms are combined, most often prepositions and interrogative forms are not taken into account. It’s great that the service cites both derivatives of the words entered and associative queries typed by Yandex users along with the words they are interested in.

This feature allows you to significantly expand and improve the semantic core. The first tab of statistics “By words” shows the total number of hits of the specified words. In turn, the tab "by region" allows you to understand how often they ask a question of interest to webmasters in different regions. Yandex system
splits the search zone into approximately 300 regions.

Use card

Users of the service have access to another interesting feature that cannot be passed by. Pay attention to the tab “on the map”, thanks to which you can visually assess the frequency of application of certain words on the world map. In addition, you can track the change in the frequency of the specified question in a certain period of time using the tabs "by week" and "by month".

Flies separately, cutlets separately

Keywords and search queries are often confused with each other, so try to clarify. A search query is a set of words typed by any user in a special search line. Keywords are individual words from the queries you define, based on which you will advance in the top ten resources in the SERP.

Often for a certain article it can consist of only a few words, which you need to enter several times in the text of the article, be sure to include them in the title. Be careful not to bring the key density to 3 percent or more — your material may be excluded from the system index. It is better to use keywords in various word forms, according to the logic of the narrative.

To summarize

When you write on a piece of paper requests, thanks to which you expect to receive

additional influx of visitors, you will need to select keys from the resulting semantic core, be sure to use them in the title of the material. In addition, you must use keywords with a density of 1-2 percent in the text itself.

It may take a lot of time to master the principles of analysis in all the details. Many professionals who work with other methods of advancement experience inconvenience in mastering new techniques, but sometimes it is necessary to take a breath and understand whether you are moving in the right direction. Specifically, considering the number of requests in Yandex, using the Wordstat service to analyze your own project, you can revise your views on work and, if necessary, change the direction of movement.

Using Yandex statistics, you can manually find all options related to the subject of your resource. You will have to do this manually, so such work will be time-consuming, but in the end you can get incredibly valuable results. Gradually, the analysis reveals most of the obvious blunders, and also allows you to predefine topics for future publications, since the questions that users most often ask search engines are primarily interested in them, which means they should primarily concern developers of various resources for greater efficiency.

It should also be noted that during the analysis you can find out if the site you are creating currently has any positions regarding the phrase or word that interests you. For this purpose, you can use various programs, among which should be noted "Site Auditor".

Appointment: Yandex Wordstat   is one of the key tools for determining current demand in a specific topic, and, accordingly, the formation of the actual semantic core. It is actively used by SEO-optimizers, copywriters and webmasters.

Searching for keywords on Yandex Wordstat today is one of the fastest and most convenient ways to select keys for the semantic core. From experience, to select keywords in this online Yandex service is to collect from 30 to 40% of the total size of the semantic core. Additionally, you can search for keywords in Yandex through a selection of search hints, but this is a topic for another article. The service is absolutely free.

In addition to selection, you can perform a convenient analysis of search queries in Yandex Wordstat, how many queries are targeted and in demand - there is a lot of functionality for this in the service. The analysis of keywords in Yandex Wordstat comes down to:

  • Analysis of word frequency (query popularity) for 3 match options: broad, phrase, exact.
  • Popularity of requests in different regions
  • Determining the seasonality of a search phrase through the Query History tool.

Case 1. To automate the work with the service, there are a number of tools: Keycollector   (paid) SlovoEB   (free KeyCollector option), keyword parser "Magadan"   (paid and free edition), extension for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome for Yandex Wordstat Helper, Allsubmitter   (module "selection of keywords"), Ywscheck.

Below will be considered in more detail the statistics of keywords from Yandex Wordstat (, as the main tool for selecting statistics on Yandex queries and the words themselves. However, you can choose the necessary popular queries using another service from Yandex - Direct ( It was created for advertising campaigns and allows you to fine-tune the display of ad units that will be displayed for specific search phrases.

Although both services use the same infobase, they have some similar functions, their purpose is completely different.

Case 2.
   - Information in the service is updated once a month.
   - The maximum number of pages with results is 40.
   - The minimum frequency is 1.

1. View query statistics using Yandex Wordstat

To take advantage a tool for selecting popular keywords and see Yandex search query statistics, you must be a registered user and go through authorization. If there are no problems with this, then by going to the page you can immediately get to work.

In the search line, enter the query of interest. For example, if you plan to create a landscape design information website, enter “landscape design”.

After a couple of seconds, in the left column you will see statistics on the entered keyword phrase. The first line will display the phrase and the number of impressions per month.

Attention! Frequency in Yandex Wordstat and Direct is not how many entered this request in Yandex search line, but how many times Yandex Direct appeared on this search query - this should be remembered!

All phrases below are diluted word forms of the entered key. You should not summarize the number of impressions for them, since all of them are included in the total number indicated on the first line. By clicking on one of them, for example, on the "landscape design of the site", you can find statistics specifically in this direction, with all sorts of additional words.

Case 3. To get around the Yandex limit on the number of query options, you can search for them in various forms, for example: cleaning, tidying, tidying, tidying, etc. As a result, you will get more search query options than if you only asked: cleaning

Similar queries and statistics of Yandex queries on them will be displayed on the right line. This is very useful when compiling and expanding the semantic core if, for example, the main search phrase does not have a wide scope.

Case 4. Remember that the frequency indicators are very often wound up and do not always correspond to real demand. The reasons:
   - owners of sites and seo companies daily monitor the visibility of their sites
   - the work of various services for checking positions, wrapping up behavioral factors, grouping search queries

2. Region setting

If you are creating a site that focuses on a specific region (for example, the site of a company delivering water to Moscow, or any city portal), then statistics of search phrases must be configured by region. By default, Yandex Wordstat is tied to your location. However, in any case, you should specify the correct region for processing statistics. You can do this by clicking on the appropriate button under the search bar. Here, you can select the checkbox “by region” and see the frequency of use of the words that interest you on the world map.

Case 5. For large regions: Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, you can expose the region of Russia, and after collecting remove all regions except the one you need (on the Internet you can find a lot of lists of regions of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine). So you can get a wider list of key phrases.

In the report “by region” it is possible to understand in which regions this request is more popular. And when you click on the button " map»You can visually see on the world map the frequency of use of the phrase.

Case 6. When hovering over a country, the percentage may be more than 100. “Regional popularity” is the share that the region occupies in impressions for a given word, divided by the share of all impressions of search results that fell in this region. The popularity of a word / phrase equal to 100% means that this word is not highlighted in this region. If the popularity is more than 100%, this means that in this region there is an increased interest in this word, if less than 100% - reduced.

This data can be used in the formation of contextual advertising and decide whether to create separate advertising campaigns for certain regions.

3. Seasonality

The Query History tool allows you to:

  • See detailed statistics for months, weeks.
  • Assess the seasonality of a particular topic.
  • Determine whether the phrase is a “dummy” (the number of impressions earned by webmasters in a short period).

By entering a search phrase and clicking on “Query History”, you can see the impression statistics for the year. For example, having scored our query “landscape design” in a search for Yandex Wordstat words, we will see that this topic is at its peak only in the spring and summer months. And by the new year, the frequency barely exceeds 100,000 impressions per month.

Case 7. Seasonality allows you to find “twisted” / “dummy” requests, for example, if the phrase has a frequency of 0 for a whole year, and the frequency has become 3000 for the last 1-2 months. The exception to the rule may be explicit seasonal requests, for example: buy a large artificial Christmas tree, buy Christmas toys, of course, that in summer the frequency of such requests will be zero. An exception may be important news and events, for example: the victory of an unknown athlete at the Olympics.
   When analyzing jumps on a chart, it is advisable to analyze a few requests from the group in order to understand the general trends of growth and fall of the chart.

Yandex Wordstat will be useful to novice webmasters who create their first website. With it, they can pick up key phrases with stable popularity. This will allow them not to depend on the time of year and have a more stable income.

Case 8. The wordstat operators do not work here!   Keep in mind that this report does not support any query language operators. The seasonality of the Yandex request does not provide information using the quotation mark, exclamation mark, and all other operators. In this report, Yandex provides information on the broadest type of compliance.

4. Operators in Yandex Wordstat for the selection of keywords

The search form in Wordstat supports 5 operators, using which you can: "Refine queries", "Exclude unnecessary words", "Combine data for multiple queries":

  • The operator is “-”.   If you put it in front of a certain word, then all queries that contain this word will disappear from the selection. Example: Buy a bmx bike -bu -moscow
  • The operator "(|)".   It is used to add synonyms to the selection. For example, the design “Flights to (Istanbul | Antalya)” is equivalent to two queries: “Flights to Istanbul” and “Flights to Antalya”.
  • The operator “!” Is an exact match.   It is necessary so that the words you enter are taken into account by the service in an exact form, without changing the endings or declensions.
  • The quotation mark operator "" is phrase match.   Taking the desired phrase in quotation marks, you can remove from the selection all diluted queries containing additional words and leave only its exact form and word form.
  • The operator "+".   Unions and prepositions will be taken into account only if this operator is placed in front of them. Otherwise, they will be ignored by Yandex.

Example. The difference in the frequency of different matches for "all regions":

  • Broad match - apartment cleaning - 15,912 hits per month
  • Phrase Match - Apartment Cleaning - 1,963 impressions per month
  • Exact match - “! Cleaning! Apartments” - 1,057 hits per month

Case 9. When selecting search queries for a site, it is necessary to additionally check the frequency by exact match, since phrases “null” are very common, and by broad match they can have very impressive meanings.

5. Consider the word order in the request

If there are 2 queries in the kernel that contain the same words, only in a different order, now everyone can find out which of the two options users ask more often, for example:

It was before the operator: “buy! Christmas tree” - “469 impressions per month” or “buy Christmas tree” - “469 impressions per month”

It became when using the operator: "buy a Christmas tree" - "442 hits per month" or "buy a Christmas tree" - "27 hits per month"

Conclusion: the query "buy a Christmas tree" is more configurable than "buy a Christmas tree."
   The “true” frequency is 442 impressions per month for the most popular option - “buy a Christmas tree”.
   * verification was carried out - 09/26/2016.
   * Previously, to determine the correct spelling, I had to resort to the services of the Keyword Planner tool -

The operator ""   (square brackets). Allows you to fix the word order in the search query. This takes into account all word forms and stop words.
  For example, for the phrase “tickets [from Moscow to Paris],” the ad will be shown for “tickets for flights from Moscow to Paris”, “for tickets from Moscow to Paris”, but will not appear for requests “tickets for flights from Paris to Moscow”, “ tickets Moscow Paris "or" how to fly from Moscow to Paris. "

Often there is a task to collect all queries from 2, 3 or 4 words with the occurrence of the main marker queries. Here are two examples of how to do this:

Example 1: if you need to collect all 3-word queries in the subject with the words cleaning, you need to form the following line - "cleaning cleaning cleaning".

More compact alternative line:

(cleaning ~ 3) - parses all 3 word queries with the word cleaning
   (cleaning ~ 4) - parses all 4-word queries with the word cleaning

Example 2: If the main query is two-word and you need to parse all 4-word queries with it, then you need to form the following line - "cleaning cleaning cleaning of apartments".

More compact alternative line:   (cleaning ~ 4) apartments

7. Features of the work of Yandex Wordstat

The disadvantage of direct parsing of Yandex Wordstat is the technical limitations that the service itself imposes:

  • When checking frequencies, it is necessary to form separate requests for each phrase being checked. Due to this, the time for collecting information increases.
  • With a large number of requests, additional proxy servers may be required, as the service can impose sanctions in the form of an eternal captcha or ban (you can also try changing the IP address by resetting the Internet connection if the IP address is issued dynamically by the provider).

8. Browser plugins for the convenience of working with Yandex Wordstat

  • Yandex Wordstat Helper - An extension for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, which can significantly speed up word collection using the service.
  • Yandex Wordstat Assistant - An extension for the Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser and Opera browsers, which allows you to significantly speed up manual word collection using the Yandex word search service (wordstat).

9. Selection of search phrases using Yandex Direct

Yandex.Direct is a contextual advertising service, and the lion's share of its users are sellers of goods and services, advertisers. Despite the fact that it is “sharpened” for conducting advertising campaigns, this service also allows you to see Yandex statistics for popular keywords or products that users want to buy. But, since this is an exclusively commercial tool, here you can also calculate your profit from promotion for specific requests.

Keyword Selection for Yandex Direct   can be done using the following instruction:

  • Go to the page
  • Click on the button “ Place an advertisment"And click" start using the service. "
  • Fill in the data on the advertising campaign and go to the next stage of its configuration (the "next" button at the bottom of the page).
  • Go to the "new keywords" field.

By clicking on the “Match words” button and entering a search phrase, you will see the same statistics as in the word matching service. Right there add   specific Yandex.Direct keyword phrases so that your ad appears on them. Tips are also available to fine-tune your ad campaign.

Case 10. A very quick collection of search queries is implemented in the KeyCollector program, in a few minutes with a sufficient number of accounts you can collect thousands of phrases.

10. Additional budget forecasting service in Direct

As we saw, the Wordstat and Yandex services are designed to solve completely different problems. If the Webstat is used by webmasters and CEOs who are trying to make money on advertising, then the Directors are also used by advertisers to build their campaigns.

Nevertheless, Yandex.Direct functionality has a very popular tool for both webmasters and advertisers - “ budget forecast". The former can really assess the potential profit from the site provided they get into the Yandex Advertising Network, while the latter can estimate their advertising costs.

Case 11. In its interface, in the "Tips" window, only "not dummy" frequency queries are displayed, with which you can collect all the meaningful initial phrases in the subject, which can be further expanded.

By adding a group of keywords, you can see not only their frequency (“Impression Forecast”), but also the cost of an ad click, as well as the clickthrough rate (CTR).

11. Features of Yandex Direct

  • You can use both the batch collection of phrases from the left and right columns, and the refinement of all types of frequencies for the phrases available in the table. This mode reduces calls to the service and at times increases the speed of collection.
  • When you remove phrases from the left or right column through Yandex.Direct, the service can render fewer phrases than it mainly gives Yandex.Wordstat
  • When collecting frequencies in KeyCollector through the Yandex.Direct interface, a huge data collection speed is achieved (up to 1000 phrases per minute for 1 stream).
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