Life unlimited. Lifecell is a "Regular" tariff for young people and this is not only a name. Tariff plan "Accounting" - description of the package

Everyone uses cell phones these days. They call, go online. Naturally, not for free. Sometimes you even have to pay for something you don't use. For such reasons, mobile operators are constantly creating new tariffs for our own convenience. You will find a description of one of these tariffs “Regular tariff” from the Lifecell data operator in this article.

Tariff plan "Accounting" - description of the package

Tariff is different

"Test" will go to people who are fond of the phone at night or if you, for example, work the night shift. According to the description and price, it is similar to the tariff from the same operator "Optimal contract", which differs only in the absence of a night unlimited. In such cases, Lifecell provides you with unlimited Internet at night, from 12 am to 8 am (00:00 - 7:59).

  1. When using the Internet at other times, you will have 2 GB for the operation of a 3G+ or 4.5G network and 2 GB of traffic for Lifecell Video (YouTube; MEGOGO; OLLTV; DIVANTV). When connecting a large package, you will receive 4 GB of Internet for free use and 4 GB for Lifecell Video. Access to the lifecell Campus community.
  2. Unlimited calls to subscribers of the same operator, calls to other Ukrainian numbers - 50 and 80 minutes.
  3. Lifecell in this tariff provides a complete unlimited use of social networks. networks and instant messengers (Facebook, BiP, lifebox, fizy, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype Telegram)

Price: starter package — 50 UAH/month, large package — 80 UAH/month.

The same tariff can be used for a daily fee, but instead of 2 GB per month, we will get 100 MB of free Internet per day. The remaining criteria correspond to the monthly fee. Also, for connecting a large package, you will receive 150 MB per day.

Price: starter package — 3 UAH/day, big package — 4 UAH/day.

Conditions in the table

Tariff Credit


Tariff plan names
Calls within the network


Calls to other operators, min
Internet 3g+, GB
Lifecell Video, GB
Night internet (00:00-7:59)


Facebook, bip, lifebox, fizzy


Subscription fee, UAH/month


Note: at night after using 15 GB, the speed decreases.

To change the package of services, dial *207# and press the "call" button.

If these services do not suit you, you can offer to use where you can set up minutes and gigabytes yourself.

All the services listed above are valid only on the territory of Ukraine.

Connecting and disconnecting


  1. Purchase a SIM card or the package you need in one of Lifecell city stores or online store. The cost of the starter package will be 15 hryvnia.
  2. For or a package, dial 111 from your phone (toll-free).
  3. Top up your account with an amount equal to the monthly fee for the connected package.
  4. Check connected 3G+ internet and connection.

If you have connection problems, you need to contact the managers on the website of the mobile operator or from your mobile. You can also find detailed instructions on setting up a smartphone to combine with the tariff (in case of incompatibility) on the website.


  1. Dial *112# on your mobile phone and press the "call" button.
  2. All active unpaid services will be displayed in the opened menu.
  3. To see active services on your line, dial and send "1".
  4. In the open menu, you can follow the instructions to disable the selected service.

Additional services of the tariff "Accounting"

  • Calls to numbers of any Ukrainian operators - 0.60 UAH/min.
  • Additional Internet traffic — 10 UAH/250 MB
  • SMS to the numbers of any Ukrainian operators - 2 UAH per day of use for 100 SMS.
  • After exceeding the limit of 100 SMS, a fee of 1 UAH/1 SMS will be charged.

Lifecell is a Ukrainian mobile operator. The first cellular operator in Ukraine to launch a 3G+ network for its subscribers, which is currently the fastest mobile network in the CIS countries.

This rate is mainly suitable for students. It is rare to go online during the day when everyone is at school. But this tariff may come in handy for you, even if you have already graduated from the university a long time ago, or have not even entered there yet. I hope this article was useful and informative for you.

Operator Life is a popular operator in Belarus. This operator provides many tariffs to its users. Packages are in great demand, in which a full unlimited for all actions is given. Such is .

According to the statements, the tariff gives a complete unlimited for all actions. However, there are a number of limitations that are worth discussing in more detail.

In terms of mobile communication, the user is given absolute freedom. You can make calls to any Belarusian numbers, without restrictions on operators. But, with long conversations, the call can be cut off automatically. This is required in order not to overload the line.

The internet is also unlimited. He has an average speed 3G And 4G connections. On average, when using 3G connection, the speed will reach 15-20 megabit per second. This is enough to watch videos in Full HD quality. If you use connection 4G format, the connection speed will reach approx. 60-70 megabit per second. With such a speed, it will not be a problem to simultaneously download several files and watch movies in maximum quality.

Although the company claims that the Internet is unlimited, some restrictions are still present. If a user spends more than a certain amount of Internet, his speed is significantly reduced. This is also required so as not to overload the line. On average, approx. 3 gigabyte, after which the connection frequency will be lowered. Such restrictions apply not only to the operator Life, but also in many other companies providing communication services.

In terms of SMS messages, everything is exactly the same as with mobile conversations. Within Belarus, the user will have access to an unlimited number of messages. But if you try to send them to other countries, then SMS will also be sent at certain rates, which can be found on the official website of the operator. Their cost depends on the region of connection.

How much is the fare

The price for this company's tariff Life low enough. The full price is 16 rubles 90 kopecks every month. It is for this price that the user receives a full unlimited for all operator services.

This price is valid only after 3 months after the start of using the tariff. Before that, the price will be 12 rubles 90 kopecks.

But the discounts don't end there. If you used other operators, and you have a SIM card with their number, then the company Life can transfer your number to your sim card. This will provide a discount for 6 months. When switching from different operators, the discount will be different. These details can be checked with the operator.

The discount is only saved if you use the tariff 6 months in a row. In the event that the user changed it after a month, and then returned it again, the discount will be lost.

Calls and messages abroad

When calling and texting abroad, slightly different rules apply. For other countries, unlimited will not work.

All calls abroad are serviced according to a separate tariff plan, which depends not only on Operator Life. The country in which the call is made is of great importance. If you call to the CIS countries, then the cost of each minute will be significantly lower than when calling to the USA or the countries of the European Union.

In terms of messages, everything is exactly the same. They are sent at different rates, depending on the countries and the operator. In general, sending SMS messages abroad is not worth it, because now there are a large number of instant messengers that, with the Internet, are able to perform the same function, and even more. Moreover, sending messages through instant messengers will be free. Only mobile traffic is paid.

The official website of the company shows the exact numbers of calls to different countries. For Ukraine and Russia, the cost of a minute will be 55 kopecks, and for other CIS countries 65 kopecks. For Lithuania, Poland, Germany and Italy the price is in 85 kopecks. For all other countries of the European Union, the price per minute is 95 kopecks. For all other countries, the price is 1 ruble 65 kopecks. Messages are charged 13 kopecks for each SMS.

Benefits of the tariff plan

The main advantage of this tariff is that with it the user can distribute the Internet throughout the house. Typically, operators will automatically slow down the network speed after the user has turned on the mobile hotspot. But this is not allowed here.

If you have a stable 3G-4G network, then you can not conduct a network to the house. It is enough just to turn on the distribution via a mobile phone, and all devices with a built-in WiFi module will be able to work. This can be done anywhere in the country.

How to switch to the Life Unlimited tariff for everything

You can use several methods to connect the tariff.

  1. If you don't have a sim card Operator Life, and you want to purchase it, then you should contact the official communication salon of this company. There are more 400 throughout Belarus, so finding one will not be a problem. IN communication salon purchase a card with the required tariff, and top it up with 13 rubles. After that everything will work.
  2. If you already have a SIM card, then you can change the tariff using the official website of the company Life. There are several methods on how to use it to change the tariff. In one you will need to go through authorization, and in Personal account change the data of the tariff plan.
  3. In another, you can simply find the desired tariff on the official website, click on the button " To plug' and enter your number. A special code will come to the number, which must be entered on the site. The tariff will be successfully changed, and you will receive a connection notification.
  4. If you have a SIM card from another operator and want to get a discount, you should also contact communication salon Life. You must have the card itself, and the pack code from it. In the communication salon, they will help you go through the procedure for changing the operator, after which you can safely use the tariff plan. Among other things, you will need your passport.

How to turn off Unlimited for everything

To disable a tariff plan, you will need to perform all the same steps, only for a different tariff.

  1. Go to official site, and look for other service packages. When you find something that interests you, just click on the " To plug and enter your number. After entering a special code, the previous package will be successfully disabled.
  2. Also, this process can be completed in the official communication salon of the company. Life. You need to come to the salon and express a desire to change the tariff plan. They will help you choose the best tariff, as well as help you change it.
  3. Buy another SIM card with a favorable offer for you from the Belarusian Operator Life. Remove the old SIM card from the phone and put it in storage.


Life, do not skimp on a decent service for your subscribers. The number of services is large, so it is not surprising that the use of some of them is forgotten. You should correct the list and disable unnecessary services.

Mobile Internet from Life

Share your mobile phone

To enter one of these hotspots, you must enter your own IDs and access codes. However, the practical solution is not always effective depending on the distance to the router and the configuration of the room. If you're already using your data to surf the web from your smartphone, you may not have thought to do the same for your computer or tablet.

However, most existing mobile subscribers now allow sharing. To do this, simply activate certain settings listed in the "Setting" menu of your phone. The real advantage is to keep using free internet as soon as you move away from the city center or public square.

General information on shutdown methods

  • call the operator's office to request a shutdown
  • send a specific USSD code from your phone
  • call the information and reference service after listening to the instructions of the robot - answering machine


Traffic without limit

Traffic accumulation limit
no speed limit
(with active service

« » )

including VAT, rub
Service activation
life:) Unlim 2 6,90
8 GB 7,90
16 GB 9,90
life:) Unlim 12 12 GB 24 GB 13,90
life:) Unlim 16 16 GB 14,90
life:) Internet unlim 45 GB no possibility of accumulation 31,90

What you need to know

The current balance and the exact number of remaining megabytes (MB) in the package can only be viewed if you do not have an active session. If the session is not over, then the traffic is still being used, and it is not possible to display constantly changing information (about the balance and megabytes). To obtain up-to-date information, it is necessary not only to close the window, but to disconnect and only after that check the balance.

* The procedure for activating the SIM card and services under the offer starts automatically from the moment the subscriber connects. After successful activation, the subscriber receives .

** The data transfer rate may be lower than stated depending on a number of factors: distance to the base station, number of simultaneously served subscribers, building density, etc.

Do you need Internet access from your mobile phone? Do you need to check your email sometimes, see the latest business news? Choose the appropriate option among life:) small Internet packages.


Round-the-clock traffic, MB

* Activation and deactivation of the service is carried out only at the written request of the client. You can get additional information about the possibility of connecting to life:) by calling the help desk around the clock: 8 017 295 99 99, +375 25 909 08 11, +375 25 909 09 09 and 909.

** The procedure for activating the SIM card and services under the offer starts automatically from the moment the subscriber connects. After successful activation, the subscriber receives SMS notification ("Service added successfully").
The use of paid services before receiving an SMS notification may lead to the formation of a debt (negative balance) after activation of the "life:) INTERNET" service. In this case, the subscriber will not be able to use the accrued Internet traffic within the framework of the service until the debt is paid off. Before using the 3G modem, it is recommended to make a balance request *100#.

In modern times, the Internet penetrates into every home and spreads around the world. In a mobile device, 3g Internet access is not a luxury, but a necessity. Watch videos, upload photos, check mail directly from your phone, not counting the precious traffic Life unlimited internet.

Ukrainian cellular company offers its users unlimited Life
for phone. This group occupies one of the leading positions among Ukrainian operators. It is very popular in Kyiv and Kharkov.

Now viewing videos and photos has become even faster and better. By activating the service, the subscriber receives up to 8 GB of package billing. Now it does not matter how much time you spend in the Internet space, Life unlimited Internet tariffs offer you to forget about time.

The mobile company offers various Life unlimited Internet tariffs:

Unlimited Life tariff “3g + Gadget L” is the most capacious. It includes unlimited Internet Life for 8 GB phone when you pay only 225 UAH per month. It's endless fun when using your smartphone or tablet. You can use 8GB for any purpose, based on your own preferences. Unlimited for a month Life works smoothly under any circumstances.

It doesn't matter where you are: at home, in the country, in a taxi or subway. The World Wide Web is always with you.

Connection to “3g + smartphone” and “3g + gadget” is subject to prepayment. That is, with the onset of a new billing period, the fee is charged for the next month. By paying in advance, you can use the connection without worrying about the limit on the balance for life.

Life Unlimited provides customers with uninterrupted access to the World Wide Web, high download speeds and a pleasant experience.

Another important aspect: the unlimited tariff for a month Life works both in the 3g and 2g systems. Switching from EDGE is free. When returning from Life unlimited Internet traffic to limited billing, a monthly fee of 15 UAH is charged.

Additional entertainment

For the convenience of customers, companies offer different tariffs for cellular services. Now Operator Life users will appreciate the additional upgrades. More about each of them:

Unlimited Internet Life 3g can be connected in all communication stores, or by dialing a simple combination of numbers on your smartphone, or in the subscriber's personal account.

Connecting new options

“Crazy Day” can be connected without leaving home. The options will appear on your phone after a few minutes.

To connect unlimited Internet Life to your phone, you need to dial *141*88# . For the first month of use, the subscription fee is 0.30 UAH, for subsequent use, 10 UAH per month is charged. Billing is charged daily.
In today's society, it is important for every subscriber to always stay online. For this, a large selection of unlimited tariffs is offered.

The user only needs to choose an offer that suits his taste and wallet. By connecting Life unlimited Internet, the subscriber enjoys free billing, high download speed and convenient payment.

"Life" is a fairly well-known provider that provides its customers with communication and mobile Internet services. This provider is not represented on the territory of Russia, but if you are going to neighboring countries, then information on how to connect the Internet to Life can be very useful.

Like most mobile operators, Life provides two options for connecting to the Internet:

The connection order is seriously different, so let's look at both methods separately.

Mobile phone

Life strives to make life as easy as possible for its customers, and therefore provides the ability to automatically configure APN. Immediately after installing the SIM card in your phone, you will receive all the necessary parameters for the operation of the device so that you can access the Internet.

If the settings did not come, try requesting them from the operator. You can do this in two ways:

  • Send a message to number 123 with the text "Internet".
  • Dial USSD command *123*6#.

The parameters received in the response message must be saved.

If automatic configuration does not help, create a profile manually. Go to the "Settings" menu of your phone, find Internet profiles and add a new one. Specify the following operating parameters:

Save your profile and try to go online again - this time it should definitely work out. You just have to choose the appropriate tariff, connect it, and you can surf the net directly from your mobile device.

USB modem

If you tried to connect a Megafon modem, then you can easily cope with Internet kits from other providers.

  1. Insert a Life SIM card into a network device.
  2. Connect the modem via USB interface to your computer or laptop.
  3. Install the required software using the installation wizard.

A special modem control utility will be added to the system, through which you can establish an Internet connection, send a message or monitor the balance of your personal account.

As you can see, the process of connecting a Life USB modem is extremely simple and automated, so even if you have never encountered such a task, its solution will not cause you any problems.

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