Slowmo apps with effects. What is the Slow Motion effect and how to achieve it

The slow motion effect is often used in movies when it is necessary to show interesting moments in more detail and effectively. The equipment that allows you to shoot slow motion costs a lot of money. However, the result is really cool. Using special designs with cameras, operators achieve a slow motion effect (with a change in shooting angle).

Slow motion can be achieved in a more budgetary way. So, more and more modern flagship smartphones support Slow Motion technology. People slow down skateboarding stunts, jumping into water, raindrops, whatever they can. Not surprising, because this is an interesting feature that is convenient to use.

How the slow motion effect is obtained

Slow motion is achieved by increasing the number of frames per second. This is why you can often hear the phrase “120/240/960 frames per second”. The recorded "slow" video is played back at a frequency familiar to the human eye, for example, 30/60 frames per second. In this regard, 1 second of the captured video is stretched in the final slow-motion video by 2.3, 5 or more. However, remember that when shooting with a smartphone in slow motion, the image resolution usually decreases. Therefore, it is recommended to shoot such videos in good lighting conditions, for example, outdoors in clear weather. This way, the loss of quality will be almost imperceptible.

The higher the frame rate, the more you can slow down the moment. To date, among phones, the maximum frequency of the camera is Samsung Galaxy S9. Its value is equal to 960 frames per second. For professional cameras, this number can rise to several hundred thousand.

How to make Slow Motion from regular video

Slow-motion video is very easy to achieve, even if you don't have an expensive camera or phone to shoot such videos. Of course, for the best effect, it is desirable that your smartphone camera captures video at 60 FPS (frames per second), but the standard 30 is also fine. We will use the Movavi video editor program, since there is a special tool for our task.

First of all, download, install and launch Movavi Video Editor. Next, you need to add entries to the program. To do this, click the “Add Files” button or simply drag and drop the video onto the timeline. You can add several fragments at once, for example, if you want to make a movie with slow motion moments from different parts.

In the program, you can slow down both the whole video and a specific section of the video. So, a filmed jump on a skateboard can be slowed down only at the moment of flight, so that the effect is even steeper. To do this, you need to cut the video at the beginning and end of the desired moment. On the timeline, click on the desired break point and click on the cut tool (the Scissors icon just above the timeline).

Double click on the desired fragment, the tool menu will open. Find the option "Slow motion" among them. By changing the position of the slider, select the optimal speed for the video. By the way, here you can also make sure that the video length is increasing. The lower the percentage on the slider, the longer the fragment on the timeline.

After setting the duration, if desired, you can delete sound track and add musical accompaniment... This will eliminate the distortion of the original sound and add impact to your video. After editing, save the result by clicking the “Save” button and choosing a format.

Create slow motion video yourself

Happy creativity, friends, with Movavi Video Editor!

Accelerated Videos and Slow-Motion in recent times become mainstream. Posting a regular video on VK or Instagram means showing that you are behind the times. But if everything is more or less clear with accelerated shooting, then how to make high-quality Slow-Motion? This question was asked by my nephew last weekend. Sorry my old model Samsung did not pull the creation quality video with a slowdown effect. Will your smartphone, tablet or camera cope with this task? Let's figure it out together.

Frame frequency

The first thing to start learning about slow-motion is the frame rate. It is measured in fps - the number of frames per second. Modern smartphones can offer 120 fps, the iPhone 6 took the bar at 240 fps. How much do we need for slow motion? The average frequency of videos that we watch on TV or on the network is 24 frames per second. It is at this speed that our brain stops defining frames as separate incoherent pictures and perceives them as movement.

How do I shoot a half-motion slow motion video at 24 frames per second? It's very simple, you need a camera with a frame rate of at least 48 fps. But a video slowed down by 2 times is not quite slow-motion yet: most users tend to get 5-10 times slowdown. Accordingly, the required frame rate is increased. Therefore, offers of amateur cameras with a frequency of 1000 fps or more appear on the market.

For slow motion you need a "high-speed" camera and a slow shutter speed

The slow motion effect also directly depends on the shutter speed setting. When we shoot normal video, we use 1/48 shutter speed at 24 fps. This level will add some blur to the footage and make the motion effect more natural to the human eye. But if we want to get a slow-motion video, then a shutter speed of 1/48 with an increased frame rate will give us incomprehensible blurry images on the video. Therefore, we use the rule: the exposure denominator is calculated as 2 x fps. That is, if we shoot a video for the slow-motion effect by 2 times at 48fps, then we set the shutter speed to 1/96.

But it will not do without pitfalls: the lower the shutter speed, the less light enters the matrix. Hence the conclusion: you can shoot at a frequency of 120fps either in bright natural light or using lighting devices.

How to spot a fake slow-motion effect

Is it possible to "stretch" a video with a frequency of, for example, 96 and 120 fps by 8 or even 10 times? In theory, this can be done in the editor. But if the final frequency is less than 24fps, then the video "decays". You will see a slow transition from one frame to the next. Have you decided on this step? I advise you to use the Twixtor plugin: it will paint the missing frames and return the effect of natural motion.

In addition, the main advantage of slow-motion is in the details that elude our view in life and in ordinary video. Therefore, high-quality slow-motion at home can be obtained with a frequency of 240fps (congratulations to iPhone 6 owners). Well, for a professional video that is worthy to decorate youtube channel, you need at least a few thousand fps.

Finally, here's an example of quality time-lapse footage from Slow Mo Guys.

Time scale

Time scale - quantitative measure of motion slowdown, equal to the ratio of the projection frame rate to the shooting frame rate. So, if the projected frame rate is 24 frames per second, and filming was performed at 72 frames per second, the time scale is 1: 3.

The maximum degree of acceleration is determined by the design of the filming apparatus, the dynamic characteristics of the jump mechanism of the camera. In amateur equipment, accelerated shooting at frequencies up to 64-72 frames per second is provided. Professional equipment uses specialized grapple mechanisms that provide 360 \u200b\u200bframes per second for 35 mm film and 600 frames per second for 16 mm.

Increasing the speed above these values \u200b\u200bis carried out by changing the method of fixing the frame on film.

High-speed filming

High-speed filming (rapid shooting, from fr. rapide - fast) - filming with a frame rate of 200 to 10,000 frames per second. It is carried out with continuous uniform motion of the film using various optical and electronic ways switching the luminous flux.

It is used in various fields of science and technology to study short-term and fast-moving processes. Such are, for example, the processes of combustion and explosion, interaction different mechanisms, propagation of shock waves and spark discharges.

It is used to create popular science and educational films that show in detail all phases of movement of the subject.

The main ways to implement high-speed filming:

Optical compensation

In order for the frame image to remain stationary relative to the uniformly moving film, a rotating prism or mirror is introduced. The size and position of this optical element are chosen so that the linear displacement of the resulting image corresponds to the movement of the film.

Short-term exposure

With this method, slotted shutters cut off short times for the exposure of each frame.

Another common way is to use impulse sources light with a flash rate corresponding to the required frame rate. However, for this, the duration of the flashes must be extremely short, about 10 −7 seconds.

High speed filming

High speed filming (Ultra-rapid shooting) - filming with a frame rate from 10 4 to 10 9 frames per second. Film in this method of shooting remains stationary during exposure, and the beams of light generated by the optical system that form the image move. Typically, a rotating mirror prism is used for this.

Optical switching

Film is placed on the surface of the cylinder in a special film channel. A commutation prism and a secondary lens are usually placed opposite each future frame. A mirror rotates in the center of the cylinder, which performs "sweeping" along the length of the film. This method it is used for processes taking place in a relatively small volume. The direction of the axis of the high-speed camera is unchanged.

Electronic switching

With this method, an object moving along a row of fixed lenses located along the fixed film is illuminated by separate light sources. This method is most often used for fast moving objects.

Frameless shooting with image dissection

Frameless shooting using raster systems

Photochronography (slit frameless shooting)


In cinema, television and computer games used to repeat and show in detail interesting momentsespecially in sports.

In feature films, the use of accelerated filming creates the impression of reduced gravity when simulating human movement in the lunar and Martian landscapes. Also, accelerated shooting is used in mock shooting to create the illusion of a collapse or destruction of a large object at a great distance from the camera (for example, part of the shooting in the film "Crew" was performed).


  • S. V. Kulagin High-speed filming // Photocinema: Encyclopedia / Editor-in-chief E. A. Iofis. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia, 1981.
  • A. V. Nissky High-speed filming // Photo cinematography: Encyclopedia / Editor-in-chief E. A. Iofis. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia, 1981.
  • A. V. Nissky Accelerated filming // Photo cinematography: Encyclopedia / Editor-in-chief E. A. Iofis. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia, 1981.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Slow motion" is in other dictionaries:

    slow motion - noun uncount action in a film or television program that is shown more slowly than the real speed: in slow motion: Let s watch the situation again in slow motion. a. only before noun used about action that is shown in slow motion: a slow motion ... ... Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    Slow Motion - puede referirse a: Slow motion: cámara lenta Slow Motion (álbum): álbum de Supertramp, así como canción homónima contenida allí. Material musical del grupo Ultravox: Slow Motion (sencillo de Ultravox): Sencillo lanzado en 1978, que contiene la…… Wikipedia Español

    slow motion - n [U] movement on film or television shown at a slower speed than it really happened in slow motion ▪ Let s see that goal again in slow motion ... Dictionary of contemporary English

    slow motion - n. 1. slow motion movement or action 2. an effect using slow motion photography or video techniques… English World dictionary

    Slow Motion - bezeichnet: Zeitlupe, eine Methode, die Bewegungsabläufe verlangsamt darstellt Slow Motion (Album), ein Studio Album der britischen Pop / Rockband Supertramp Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehre ... Deutsch Wikipedia

    Slow Motion - Slow Mo | tion [... mouʃən] die; aus gleichbed. engl. slow motion, zu motion "Bewegung": a) Zeitlupe; b) in Zeitlupe abgespielter Film… Das große Fremdwörterbuch

What is Slow Mo? Slow motion-effect (or rapid) is a special technique of slowing down time, which is used in cinema. "Slow mo" has been used in cinematography for a long time to make the picture more spectacular. The next article will tell you about the meaning, history and peculiarities of using rapid in films.

What is Slow Mo?

Rapid is an effect of slowing down time in the visual part, which is achieved using (the frame rate is higher than the standard). After projection of the captured movie at standard rate, the effect of imaginary motion slowdown is achieved. Many directors use this technique to improve the quality of their film and add more spectacularity to it. But this is not always possible.


Who discovered the "slow mo" effect is still a matter of debate. But the first to patent his own method of slow motion was the Austrian physicist and priest August Musger.

Soon after this, rapid has acquired not only widespread use, but also understanding. French avant-garde artists (among whom were Jean Epstein and Dmitry Kirsanov) and Russian film revolutionaries Sergei Eisenstein and Vsevolod Pudovkin reflected on its possibilities in the 1920s. They all attached great importance to this technique. Therefore, when asked what "slow mo" is, they would answer that this is a great opportunity to allow the viewer to peer through the painting as a person looks at a portrait image.

Rapid became entrenched in Soviet cinema thanks to the films "Battleship Potemkin" by Eisenstein (most vividly displayed in final scene) and "Deserter" by Vsevolod Pudovkin.

In Western cinematography, the following films have most influenced the development and popularization of the Slow motion effect:

  • "Beauty and the Beast" (1946) - in the film with the help of this emphasized the romantic atmosphere of what is happening.
  • "Seven Samurai" - Kurosawa demonstrated the dramatic effect of rapid.
  • "Bonnie and Clyde" - during the execution of two criminals in the final of the picture, the effect of "slow mo" was used.
  • The Matrix Trilogy has launched a real cult of using Slow motion.

The main goals of rapid

What is slow mo and what is it used for? The main goals that directors want to achieve when using rapid:

  1. Spectacularity - "slow mo" always allows you to fascinate the viewer, showing what is happening in slow motion. Thus, a much greater perception opens up for the moviegoer, which allows him to plunge even deeper into the picture.
  2. Epic - using rapid, as an effective tool, you can always show the weight of a certain event or the importance of a particular hero.
  3. Dramatic - tragic moments can seem even stronger if stretched over time, which causes an emotional outburst and is reflected in the viewer.
  4. Comic - in some cases, rapid can be used for comic effect. This is not always intentional. One example of such a movie, where the author did not intend to make the viewer laugh, but he succeeded, is the classic of Turkish trash cinema "The Karate Girl".
  5. Subjective vision - "slow mo" not only shows all the horror or spectacle of the moment, but also reflects the feelings of a person who is experiencing nightmarish events in order to even more impress and feel the viewer, to allow him to personally visit the scene.
  6. Romanticism - rapid is able to convey the romantic and intimate side of what is happening.
  7. Suspense - "slow mo" breaks the usual human picture of the world, which causes additional tension during battle and action scenes. For example, in the "Matrix".
  8. Importance - Rapid adds additional meaning to a particular scene in a painting.

Thus, the goals of the slow mo effect can be completely different, but all of them, with good processing and script, will affect the viewer and leave their imprint on his mind.

What should be considered when filming in Slow motion?

When shooting with rapid speed, keep in mind that light behaves differently than at normal frame rates. For example, in poor lighting conditions, glare or flickering may occur. Especially if you work in a large pavilion or on a chroma key. In normal shooting, the use of slow mo devices does not significantly affect the image quality.

But remember that going from 25 to 100 fps requires a fourfold increase in light. This can be difficult, especially when the director is trying to simulate cloudy weather or late hours of the day. It is not a problem to create a directional diffused light source, but it will require a lot of power from the lighting, which is sometimes difficult to achieve.

Programs for adding "slow mo"

When editing a video, you can add not only stickers, emotions, filters, but also the rapid effect. Moreover, in Slow motion, you can even shoot videos. All this is achieved using certain programs.


Free app, in which there are many useful functions, including the slow time effect. To edit your video in Slow motion, you need to go to the "Edit Clip" tab and find the "Slow motion" option there.

Using the slider, you can choose how slow the video should be. In the same program, you can add music for "slow mo".

Slow Motion FX

Unfortunately, rapid is the only function of this application.

Before using the slow motion effect, you can use the slider to select unwanted parts and crop them from the video. This concludes the program parameters.

Action Director

Multifunctional editor provides basic functions for changing video. Here you can add stickers, sound, filters and cut off unnecessary parts of the recording.

In the Action tab, you can change the playback speed or repeat the same moment several times. It is even possible to play back a separate piece of the video. You can also add songs for "slow mo".


The program allows you to edit not only videos, but also images that can be found using a search on the device. It doesn’t have unique features, but it does have a basic set of tools for changing the video.

Slow Motion Frame Video Player

This application does not allow you to save videos, in all other respects it is not inferior to the programs presented. The editor is very useful for speeding up or slowing down a movie. Everything requires only two buttons - "plus" and "minus".

This application is not only a program for creating videos and processing them, but also for conducting live broadcasts, as well as messaging.

Users in the application can record videos from 15 seconds to 1 minute long. You can combine video with sound and various effects like rapid. There are a lot of songs for "slow mo" in "music". Finding music on the site is not difficult, but you can add your own. Platform users can exchange private messages via direct or interact with each other using the "duet" and "ask a question" functions.

There are a lot of users on the resource, so many videos became viral not only on the "music", but also outside it. There is a trending section here that allows you to distribute videos across the platform. The most active users receive a "crown", which gives a certain status to its owner.


Another platform that allows, in addition to creating and editing videos, share them with friends, gain subscribers and distribute your videos to other people. For "slow mo" in "likes" music can be added separately or found on the resource itself.

The application is used by a huge number of people, so it is quite easy to find like-minded people in creating videos. Today, becoming a blogger is very easy, especially if you create interesting videos using rapid. By the way, the Slow motion effect on the platform is not implemented as well as we would like, therefore it is better to use third party application... This will provide a higher quality video, and you can process filters in Like itself. And it's worth remembering that the best "slow mo" is handmade.

Thus, Slow motion is an effect that has been used in cinema for a very long time. The first patent for time-lapse photography came in 1904. Later, Soviet and foreign cinematography popularized rapid, and today it is used in the creation of many films to display drama, spectacle, epic, comic and suspensefulness. Technology has leapt far ahead, and now everyone can create their own slow motion video. It is enough to learn how to work in the presented programs, and the platforms will help to distribute the video among other fans of "slow mo".

All modern iPhones have a colossal number of functions that users sometimes do not even know about, and this is a technological and rather expensive device. Today we will tell you about such a wonderful function as the slow motion mode: on which devices it is present, how to use it all, and what settings can be tweaked.

In contact with

Starting with the iPhone 5s, all models of Apple smartphones can record video at 120 frames per second, but only latest versionsequipped with A11 Bionic chip like iPhone 8 and iPhone X can record Slo-Mo video in full resolution HD (1920 × 1080 pixels) at 240 fps.

Comparison of slow motion quality on different iPhone models

By default, iOS devices record Full HD video at 120 fps, but settings can be changed if desired. Note that the ability to shoot Full HD video at 240 fps is present only in the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, earlier models only support video recording in 720p (1,280 × 720 pixels).

  • iPhone 5s - 720p (1,280 x 720 pixels) @ 120fps
  • iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus - 720p @ 240fps
  • iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, and iPhone 7 Plus - 1080p @ 120fps or 720p @ 240fps
  • iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X - 1080p at 120 or 240 frames per second.

1080p / 240fps video recording requires the H.265 (High Efficiency Video Coding) codec built into the Apple A11 Bionic microprocessor or higher.

What devices can you watch slow-motion video captured on iPhone

Full HD video recorded at 240 fps can be viewed on any device compatible with operating systems iOS 11 or macOS High Sierra 10.13, although high quality playback may require modern iPhone models or Mac (iPhone 6 and up, iPad Air 2, Mac models released since Mid 2015).

Slow motion video can be viewed on iPhone just like any other. All iPhone models from the 4s are equipped with a 60Hz screen, so any high frame rate video plays without loss of quality. For high-quality playback of the recording on desktop computers (macOS or Windows), you need devices equipped with a processor Intel Core 6th generation or below.

However, it is best to watch the video on iPad Pro... All 2017 models support up to 120Hz refresh rate. When playing video at 1080p / 240fps on an iPad Pro that supports this technology, the screen refresh rate will automatically increase to 120Hz for smoother, clearer playback.

How much space does slow motion video take?

Due to the efficiency of the H.265 video codec (HEVC), 1 minute of recording in Slo-Mo mode (1080p / 120 frames per second) takes about 170 MB of memory, 240 fps - 480 MB.

How to Record Slow Motion Video on iPhone (1080p / 240fps)

1. Open the app "Settings" on your smartphone.

2. Tap the option "Camera".

3. Select a subsection "Slow down. video".

4. Select a time-lapse quality.

Council. To display the hidden option to record 720p video at 240 fps on modern devices, switch from format High efficiency on Most Compatible in "Settings" - "Camera""Format"... The camera format menu does not appear on unsupported devices.

5. Close "Settings" and run the application "Camera".

6. Select an option "Slowly" at the bottom of the interface.

Council. iOS can remember the last used mode, for example, "Video" or "Photo". To do this, open "Settings""Camera""Save settings" and toggle the option toggle switch "Camera mode" in position "On".

7. Click the button "Record" or the volume key to start or stop recording.

The recorded video will be saved in the app "A photo" as a file with the extension .MOV.

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