How to get a trust payment on Tele2? How to borrow on Tele2

You have run out of money in your account, but you need to make an urgent call or send a message. Familiar situation? Fortunately, the Tele2 mobile operator has a solution to this problem in the form of a loan for mobile services. How to get a loan on Tele2, how to use it and to whom it is provided, we will tell in this article.

What is it for

Currently, the services of mobile operators are especially popular, which allow you to continue using mobile communications with a zero or negative balance. When, for various reasons, it is not possible to immediately replenish the subscriber’s balance, “” comes to the rescue - a service that allows you to borrow funds from the Tele2 operator to the subscriber’s number for a certain period of time.

The borrowed amount of money will be debited from the subscriber’s account a few days after being credited. Reuse of the service will be possible only after repayment of the loan no earlier than in a day.

Ways to borrow money from Tele2

You can use the promised payment in one of three ways:

Terms of Service

The service does not require a preliminary connection, it is included in the standard set of services from the operator. But the ability to use it is not provided to all subscribers. To borrow money from Tele2, the amount of funds on your number should not be less than - 10 and more than 30 rubles. If you are a Tele2 subscriber for less than 60 days, then, unfortunately, this type of service will not be available to you. The possible amount of a trust payment increases with an increase in the period of use of the services of the Tele2 operator:

  • more than 60 days: the maximum borrowed amount of money - 50 rubles;
  • more than 120 days: the maximum borrowed amount of money - 100, 200 or 300 rubles.

Debt is written off automatically either after a specified period of service or after replenishment of the account for an amount equal to or greater than the debt. Write-off occurs in any case, even if after that there will be a negative balance on the subscriber's number.


Connection to the service is free, there is no subscription fee for its use, however, there is a commission that amounts to 10% of the borrowed amount and is charged at the time the debt is written off along with the principal amount (5 rubles for a loan of 50 rubles, 10 for 100, 20 - for 200, 30 - for 300 rubles).

Terms of debt

Minimum amount of trust loan:

  • 50 rubles issued for a period of 3 days;
  • 100 rubles is given for 7 days;
  • and 200 and 300 for a period of 10 days.

After the expiration of the term, the money borrowed from the operator, taking into account the commission, will be deducted from the balance of your number even if after that the balance becomes negative. Therefore, before the end of this period it is necessary to deposit funds to the phone in an amount equal to at least the loan, taking into account the commission.

Questions from subscribers

How to take 50 rubles. on credit?

50 rubles is the minimum size of a possible loan, therefore, to activate it, dial the command * 122 * 1 #. If this type of service is available to you, the money will automatically come to your balance after 1-2 minutes.

How to take 100 rub. on credit?

To do this, make sure that you can receive this amount. Dial the command * 122 #. If there is a required amount among the proposed options for a trust payment by the operator, follow the instructions for receiving it indicated in the message.

This type of payment is essentially an emergency measure that helps to stay in touch with a negative or close to zero balance.

It is important to know how to borrow on Tele2, because almost every subscriber of mobile operators has faced a situation where the balance has run out of funds, and there are no opportunities to replenish right now. At the same time, you need to call or use the Internet access in the very near future. The best solution in this situation is to figure it out, or use the promised payment. The second option is preferable, since it returns all the functionality provided by the operator.

How to use the service

Tele2's policy is based on ensuring that subscribers always have access to the Internet and the ability to make calls, regardless of the prevailing conditions. For this reason, it was introduced, thanks to which you can stay in touch even with a minus on the account. Having decided to borrow money in Tele2, the subscriber receives on his account for several days. Thus, you can continue to use all the functions of the tariff within the amount taken, and as soon as possible replenish the balance. Step-by-step instructions on how to borrow money on Tele2 (USSD-requests):

  • Find out if the trust payment is valid on the subscriber number, as well as the maximum allowable amount of borrowing: using the command * 122 # .
  • In response to the first request, you will receive a message with the allowed loan amount, as well as a proposal for its activation. It remains only to follow the instructions of the operator.

If the trust payment service has already been used before, to re-activate it, just dial * 122 * 1 #   , and the funds will immediately be credited to the account. You can borrow again only a day after the repayment of the previous loan.

If you want to know about the function, read our other article.

Terms of Service

When the service is activated, an SMS message is automatically sent to the user, indicating the amount and duration of its action. If the subscriber decided to borrow money from Tele 2, but did not manage to top up his account on time, the number will be blocked until payment is received. It is worth looking for the subscriber region, as well as the conditions for the provision of services, since the differences can be quite serious. For example, the minimum period for activating a loan may vary - from 60 to 120 days.

Please note that the promised payment is a paid service, and a commission is charged for it. The size of the commission is from 5 to 30 rubles, depending on the amount of the loan and the region.

In order to prevent debts on the balance sheet, it will not be out of place to figure it out - this will relieve unpleasant surprises.
  Read on: if possible, then

Each mobile user has repeatedly had such a situation when the balance balance went to zero, and there is no possibility of replenishing an account to make an important call. It is for such cases that Tele2 offers its customers several services for the prompt receipt of funds for balance. Now, subscribers can take a loan from the operator or ask their loved ones to replenish your account.

The service of the Promised Payment operator allows you to quickly borrow funds to your balance:

  • To get detailed conditions for using the option for your number, you need to dial the number combination * 122 #, in response to which you will receive an SMS message with data on the available loan amount, option fee and method of payment;
  • To get an urgent loan, you need to use the digital combination * 122 * 1 #, which will allow you to immediately get the minimum loan into your account;
  • After a period of up to 10 days, the amount of the loan and the commission for its use (up to 20 rubles, depending on the size of the loan) will be removed from the user's balance;
  • The minimum available loan is 50 rubles .;
  • In case of non-repayment of the loan, the use of services by the subscriber’s mobile number can be suspended until the balance is replenished.

A free service from the operator "Top up my account" allows you to send a request for an urgent deposit of funds to the balance by the number of any subscriber:

  • The service is available to all subscribers of the operator’s network and works even in international roaming;
  • After learning service SMS messages, your loved ones will be able to deposit funds into your mobile account in any way convenient for them;
  • To send a free request, you must use the numeric combination * 123 * number to send a request #;
  • After sending the request, the requested subscriber will receive an SMS message with a request to replenish the account sent from your mobile number;
  • Each client can use 5 such requests per day.

How to send money from Tele2 to Tele2

In order to send money to a Tele2 network subscriber or another mobile operator, you must use the numeric combination * 145 * recipient's phone * amount #. If you do not know how much money you can transfer as much as possible, then use a simple command of the form * 104 #. To recognize the mobile operator by the recipient number, use the request * 145 # to call the context menu.

Before using the Mobile Transfer service, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its terms and conditions:

  1. The recipient's phone number can be indicated in any format without the “+” sign.
  2. The amount for transfer must be set only in rubles without cents.
  3. If the transfer is made by the sender for the first time, then the money is not withdrawn after the request, and the subscriber receives a notification with the terms of use of the service.
  4. After reviewing the contract by option, the sender must re-enter the request.
  5. If the operation was successful, the client will receive an SMS message.
  6. If the service does not work correctly, the subscriber will also receive a system SMS notification.
  7. The minimum transfer is 10 rubles, and the maximum cannot be more than 1000 rubles.
  8. After the transfer of funds, at least 20 rubles should remain on the balance of the sender.
  9. The daily amount of transfers should not exceed 600 rubles.
  10. The service is available to all active network subscribers for more than 60 days.

You can throw money into the account of a Tele2 subscriber for only 5 rubles. commission for each transfer. If the money will be sent to the balance of numbers of other operators, then the commission for using the service will be 5 rubles. and 5% of the money transferred. The full amount is credited to the beneficiary's account, and the option fee will still be charged to the sender’s balance.

When it becomes necessary to call someone, send a message or access the Internet, but there is not enough money in the account for this. At the same time, there is no way to replenish an account at the company’s office or to purchase a recharge card. In general, when the balance on the account approaches zero, then there is a need to quickly replenish the account.

Tele2 company is always trying to expand the range of its services in order to make it most comfortable for subscribers to use mobile communications. How to get the promised payment on Tele2? The answer to this question will be considered in this article.

This allows you to get money into your account in a short time. After the trusting amount of money is credited to the subscriber, he can immediately make calls and use the Internet.

We take the promised payment through the USSD-team

First you need to find out if it’s possible to activate the “Promised Payment” for your number and tariff. To do this, you can send the command * 122 # (this is a free procedure).

In response to this request, you will receive a message that contains the available amount for the Trust payment, the amount of the commission for this service, as well as detailed activation instructions.

To receive money into the account, just send the command * 122 * 1 #. When the USSD request is sent, the service will be activated immediately. At the same time, the minimum amount that is available by the Promised payment will be credited, but this is the case if Mobile Transfer is available for your Tele2 number.

SMS message

Auto payment is confirmed with a password that comes to the phone

Take the promised payment through your account

By visiting the page you can go to the "My Account". This is the easiest way to manage communications services.

Call operator

Before using the service, you need to know in detail about it. To do this, there are free service numbers from the Tele2 operator - 655 and 637. Thanks to this, you can find out detailed information about the regions available to her.

Automatic promised payment

For these purposes, it is necessary to link the subscriber's bank card. Having passed the link, it is necessary to make some actions. On the official website, in the menu item, you need to open the "Auto payment" tab. In the menu “New auto payment” you need to fill in the data with the phone number, type of payment, its amount and limit replenishment.

Promised Payment - Internet

Having access to the Internet, the easiest way is to visit the official website of Tele2. Using the "Personal Account" service, you can most quickly arrange a cash loan. Here you can fully explore all the tariffing and information about all the services provided by the operator.

The cost of the promised payment on TELE2

The commission that is charged for the provision of the service may be 5-20 rubles, while it is debited from the subscriber’s account. If you often use the "Promised payment", then the available amount increases. At first, the minimum loan is 50 rubles.

The “Promised payment” service can be provided free of charge in several cases:

  • more than four months have passed since the registration of the number;
  • on the subscriber’s account less than 30 rubles, but more than minus 10.

Within three days, you need to pay off the loan and pay 3 rubles of commission, simply replenishing your mobile phone account.

In order to always stay with relatives and friends, colleagues or business partners, you can take the promised payment on Tele2. This service allows you to replenish your account at any time convenient for you. If you wish, you can issue an automatic bill payment.

At the time of the initial availability of mobile communications for most of the country's population, the main method of paying for the use of services was the use of scratch cards with a code, but these times have passed. A little later, operators began to establish cash desks for payments, and they were replaced by self-service systems in the form of terminals. At the same time, operators began to present to subscribers the possibility of leaving in the negative without losing communication.

The team allows to borrow on Tele2*122*1#

In addition to this, financial services have entered the market that offer a new procedure for reaching a zero mark, or when you have a negative account at all. For example, the subscriber got the opportunity to borrow money from his friend. At a zero balance mark, “Informer” is automatically connected - a call is made for a friend’s money. In today's review, we will describe a service called “Promised Payment”, which makes it possible to borrow money on Tele2.

Topping up a balance on Tele2 in debt allows you to continue using the services without having finances in the account and the lack of the possibility of replenishing it. The replenishment itself is carried out by the borrowed funds of the operator. But far from everyone will be able to borrow money for using mobile communication - subscribers are required to meet certain conditions. Let's figure out who can ask for a loan from Tele2, and what is needed to receive a trust payment.

The main condition is that the subscriber who has expressed a desire to borrow money must be serviced from 60 days   (from the moment of conclusion of the agreement for a specific number). Are there other SIM cards at your disposal that have been yours for quite some time? This is certainly not bad, but it has nothing to do with this number specifically - there is a rule as a rule. The second condition is the balance in the personal account. You can get a loan from Tele2 on your phone only if you have no more debts on your balance sheet -30 rubles.

What is the maximum loan? From 50 to 300 rubles, the loan amount for a phone from Tele2 depends on the time it takes to service a particular number and how regularly the account is topped up. How to find out the amount available to you? Dial a digital request *122#   - as an answer, you will receive information with the loan amount (maximum). If you agree, confirm the operation, if not, just ignore the SMS.

For what period is money given? Time depends on the amount, namely:

  • 50 rub. you will be issued for 3 days with a fee of 5 rubles .;
  • 100 rub. give for 3 days with a commission charge of 10 rubles;
  • 200 rub. you will receive for 5 days when collecting 20 rubles .;
  • 300 rub. the subscriber will receive for 7 days, and the commission that he will pay is 30 rubles.

That is, having received the required amount in debt, you are obligated to return the money, and at the same time having paid a commission fee. The return must be made within the prescribed period - you just need to put the amount of debt into your account. By the way, you can re-request a loan from the operator only after a day.

Who has the right to take money from the operator? “Promised payment” is available to everyone regardless of the tariff. The main condition is that more than 60 days must elapse from the moment you purchase a SIM card.

How to fund a Tele2 account on credit?

If you have less than -30 rubles on your balance, then you can count on a trust payment. To do this, type the command *122*1# - record this combination in the phone book to subsequently have quick access. In addition, the service is activated using LC on the site.

These conditions are valid exclusively for subscribers of the Moscow region. If you are serviced in another region of Russia, then the same combination will allow you to borrow from Tele2, just find out the specific conditions on the operator’s website (commission differs).

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