How to delete sent message in contact

Can you make it so that you can delete a message that you have already sent to another user, but he has not yet read it? You can edit the message, of course. In the Actions menu, select Delete messages ... I click ... Opens to write a new message ... There are many messages sent and received in the "Contact". Find out how to do this here: how to delete a message in a contact.

You have the opportunity to mark messages as unread through the old message service The interlocutor who sent you a message, and which you marked as new, will in any case know that you have read it. Simply put, everything that you do with received messages will not be displayed by the sender. An unread message can happen if it was sent to you and you did not have time to open it, or if you sent it to your interlocutor and he did not have time to view it.

Messages VKontakte

In this case, the sender of the last sent message all the time will have the status of unread. Unfortunately, deleting unread messages without deleting the entire dialog is now impossible since VKontakte removed the ability to display "in the form of messages", leaving only dialogs.

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Even if your interlocutor was not online after sending the message, then he could receive it in the form of SMS on a mobile phone or by mail, depending on his account settings. Unfortunately, it is impossible to delete a message that has already been sent so that it is deleted and your interlocutor cannot. This social network has become a place of correspondence, dating and even business negotiations. In the heat of the dispute, you can send a message to the interlocutor, for which later it becomes a shame.

First, make sure that you haven’t read the message yet: for this, go to the “My Messages” item in the left menu (from the entire correspondence, select the one from which you want to delete the message). If you are convinced that the message has not yet been read, then go to the interlocutor’s page and go to the “Send message” item, which is located on his page, immediately below the photo. You don’t need to dial and send anything - in this tab you need the item “Dialogs”.

How to see the answer to a question asked earlier by someone if I have a similar problem? Click Messages on the left of your home page. Open the conversation from which you want to delete the message. Check the boxes for the messages you want to delete. Click Delete.

Keep in mind that deleted correspondence cannot be restored. After that, I decided to delete the correspondence, (because he was offline and did not read). If YES, then how to remove? There is an option! Before you write something, write it in Word, and after an hour read it yourself, and you will already know whether to send it or not. If the desire to send does not disappear, send.

No, the profile is in place. And if the user deleted it, he could only on his page, no? They scare me here that someone came to my page and deleted my correspondence. And yet - check the archive. In PM, click on “More,” and then on “Archive.”

How to write and send a message?

The previous question was asked in June, maybe this is not a chatter and someone is already using this option. Block the recipient of the message and he will not be able to see you at all or the letters that you sent him earlier. I corresponded with a guy in classmates. Yesterday I went in. He is not in classmates and all correspondence with him is deleted. How could he delete - is it real?

However, the final decisions on this are made by senior management, including Pavel Durov himself, the creator of the country's main social network. Unfortunately (or joy), there is no such possibility in VK and, judging by the decisions of Durov, it never will be. A lot of projects adhere to such a policy. Well, well done, it's your own fault, you'll think next time. So no matter how you would like to, but you can’t delete the sent message in any way.

How to delete, cancel a message if sent to the wrong person?

An empty message will come then. It’s strange somehow. Maybe one could do the deletion of the message sent, and not just the editing? Someone wrote in haste to someone that she was a stupid fool. An hour passed, the fool had not yet read the letter, and the sender had already cooled down, calmed down, and changed his mind. This can be done without going online. Connect your VK page there (using the "Login" button) and go to the site at any time to see if you have any new unread messages on VKontakte.

How to hide from the interlocutor that you read the message sent to them

It also shows other VKontakte events (comments, likes, friend requests, photo tags, and more). And if you are already on the VKontakte website, you will find out about new messages by the icon next to the “My Messages” menu item. There will be a “plus” and a number indicating how many new messages you have - for example, +1. Click on "My Messages" and you will see them.

So you can delete the unnecessary message. Usually, until a person appears online, he will not read your message. Then click "Submit" and the message will be sent. You can delete the message at home, but the recipient will still receive it. If you are not friends with him, then in this case you cannot write a message.

Communicating on the VKontakte social network, users send a lot of messages daily, and as it sometimes happens, they may regret sending some meaningful statements. There is an opportunity to delete a message in VK, but unfortunately in this way messages are deleted only from your correspondence, but despite this, we will still consider how to delete a message in VK.

You can delete a message in VK in different ways, but in any case you need to log into your account. In the menu we need two items, “My Friends” and “My Messages”. If they are not there, you need to go to "My Settings" and activate their display.

In the first method, we will look at how to delete messages in VKontakte everything in a row, sorted by date. To do this, we go to the "My Messages" menu. Here we see two tabs “Received” and “Sent”. Opposite each message there is an inscription “Delete”, which allows you to immediately delete an unnecessary message.

Also at the top under the names of the mortgage you can see another menu that allows you to highlight a specific type of message "All", "Read" and "New." You can also mark several messages yourself by checking the box to the left of each message. After highlighting several messages, an additional menu for managing messages appears at the top.

If you delete each message individually, you can restore them, and when you select several messages and delete them through the top menu, they are deleted completely.

In the second option, we will look at how to delete VK messages related to a specific user. To do this, we need to be in the "My Messages" menu to find any message related to this user, and click on the text of the message itself. We get into the message viewing window, where at the very bottom we find the additional menu "Show message history ..." with this user.

After clicking on this item, we will be shown the message history, where when you hover over any message, the Delete button appears to the right of it.

If you place the cursor to the right of the message history message, the "Show All" menu appears, after clicking on it the "Delete All" menu appears instead.

Item \\ "Show all \\" in the history of messages in Vkontakte

The item \\ "Delete all \\" in the history of messages in VKontakte

When deleting, a message appears asking for confirmation of deletion and the impossibility of recovery.

In the third option, we will also consider how to delete messages in VKontakte related to the selected person, but in a different way. In this case, we need to go to the "My Friends" menu and select "Write a message" opposite the desired person, and in the window that appears, select "Go to dialogue ..." with this user in the menu.

We get into the dialogue view, where all messages will be visible. Any message can be highlighted by checking the box to the left of the message. After the marks appear, another menu appears at the top for managing messages. This option is slightly different from the second option, and does not allow you to select all the messages at once.

The question of how to delete a sent message in VK does not lose its relevance almost from the moment of creating a social network. People with astonishing regularity make the same mistakes by sending a letter to the wrong user or sending rash, ambiguous messages.

The desire to cancel the perfect action in such a situation is quite natural and reasonable. But figuring out how to do this can be quite difficult, because there is no special button in the Vkontate interface to clear the interlocutor’s correspondence history. This raises a reasonable question: is it possible to return a departed letter before reading the wrong message by a friend?

Unfortunately, those who are looking for a way to destroy the rash letter that they sent to the wrong interlocutor can’t cancel it. The developers of the social network did not provide such an option, considering it insignificant.

As a result, the only way to correct the mistake was to visit someone else's page and delete the entry there.

It should be remembered that hacking and using someone else's account without the permission of its owner is against the law. Therefore, you should immediately come to terms with the error and try to communicate with the person who received the letter. This will be the best solution to the difficulty.

Possible options

Those who continue to doubt whether it is possible to delete the sent message in VKontakte, and is ready to take the help of third parties, should abandon this undertaking. Any such help, even free and not requiring sending special SMS, will end in trouble. People who promised to deal with the difficulty will receive money and access to the account of the person who has applied, but they will not help to get rid of the sent message.

The result of their “help” will be a headache and a long struggle with the difficulties caused by their dishonest actions.

The only unauthorized persons capable of destroying the letter are VK support agents. But the likelihood that they will agree to help is minimal.

In extreme cases, if you need to somehow rectify the situation, you should use the following option:

  1. first, you should send the interlocutor 20-30 messages with exactly the same text;
  2. then you need to inform him that a glitch has occurred in the system;
  3. after which it remains to hope that he will not go deep into correspondence and will not read all letters received.

There are no other methods to save the situation.

Good afternoon, today I will write an article that will help you get rid of one little thing. Did you have such that there are no readings, but next to the inscription My messages (1). If you have such a problem, we will solve it.

Literally after the creation of the Vkontakte social network itself, the bulk began to wonder: “how to delete an unread message”. This topic is very relevant today. Each person has their own reasons for deleting messages, some want to delete so that the partner’s message is deleted, some want to delete all correspondence, and some only have one message. Today we will try to please everyone and answer all burning questions.

Types and methods of deleting messages "Vkontakte"

I’m in a hurry to warn you, It’s not possible to delete unread messages so that they are deleted from both you and your interlocutor. In order to delete your messages, you first need to decide in which mode you are sitting: in dialogs or in messages. If in the “Messages” mode, you just need to move the cursor to the upper right corner and click on the cross. If you are sitting in the “Dialogs” mode, then you need to perform the same actions without going into the dialogue itself. This is the only way to get rid of unread messages.

If you want to get rid of the annoying number near the messages, go to the messages and find the "Show unread dialogs" button above the messages, click and see the dialogs that have unread messages. Now you can read them or delete them, as I described above.

The methods we have given are the simplest. You definitely won’t find better information on the Internet, since it describes those methods that were 2-3 years ago.

If you have your own method, which few people know about, then you can write it in the comments under this article and next time we will tell you about it.

If you have helped or liked this article, do not forget put your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you the most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

“VKontakte” is the largest and most popular social network in Russia and the CIS countries. To this day, VK does not lose its popularity, and every year gives its users more and more various and interesting functions that not only surprise, but also delight. This social network in particular is in great demand among entrepreneurs and adolescents.

How to delete a message in VK from the interlocutor

VKontakte is a huge social network that does not stand still and is constantly being improved. So, today we’ll talk about how to delete a message in VK so that it is deleted from the interlocutor. Sometimes it happens that a user accidentally sends a message to the wrong person or vice versa wrote something without thinking. Of course, in this case, I want to delete the message once and for all so that the interlocutor does not see the message. Unfortunately, it is impossible to delete messages from the interlocutor.

Although the social network “VKontakte” pleases its users with many interesting functions, it is, however, impossible to delete a message from an interlocutor. You can only delete the message at home, for this you need to do the following:

  • Log in to VKontakte;
  • Find the message you want to delete;
  • Click on the message;
  • In the upper right corner, find the item "Delete message"
  • Confirm your action by clicking on "Yes."

Now you know how to delete a message and now you do not need to ask a question: - "if you delete a message in VK will it be deleted from the interlocutor?". You know very well that this is impossible, but you can remove it yourself.

How to delete all correspondence on VKontakte

Sometimes it happens that there is a need to delete not one message, but immediately a whole correspondence. In order to delete all correspondence with the interlocutor, you need to do the following:

  • Go to your page on VKontakte;
  • Find the user you need;
  • Having found the user, in the upper right corner click on the cross;
  • Confirm your action.

Confirming your action, you will permanently delete all your messages. Know, having deleted all messages, they will be deleted only from you, they will remain with the interlocutor until he deletes the correspondence.

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