How to send a gif to VKontakte. How to send a gif in Contact? All About Animated Images

In this article, we will discuss how to correctly make gif-animations on the VKontakte social network. It is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You do not need to have any special knowledge and skills to successfully create gifs. This task is within the reach of even a novice. Well, let's get down to business.

Ready GIFs

Before proceeding to the production of gif-animations in VKontakte, we will try to deal with another problem. What should I do if you already have gif animation on your computer? To actively use it, you first need to somehow place it in your profile. If you need to send gif-animation from the VKontakte social network and place it in your archive, then this is done quite simply.

You just need to collect all the necessary animation and load it into the "Documents" section. Then you will have the opportunity to use the downloaded objects on a social network. There is nothing complicated, as you can see. But this is only the case with ready-made animations. What to do if you want to create something of your own, unique? Let's talk about it.

Using special applications

The first option for creating Vkontakte gifs involves the use of specialized applications. Using such programs from the video, you can create an animation. First, you need to edit your video clip. To do this, find the video you need and crop it to the desired size in any video editor. You need to cut out the fragment from the video that you want to use as animation. Next, install a specialized program on your computer and download the resulting video fragment there. The file is processed and formatted as a gif file.

Now you only need to save the result. After that, you can use the object you created. Some animations even have a built-in video editor. If you only need to download the video, and cropping and editing the video file will be carried out directly in the program you use. True, such tricks are far from always. Let's try to make gif-animation in another way.

Using Internet Resources

Another way to create gif-animations involves the use of special sites. It should be noted that this method is more popular than the previous version. In addition, it is quite convenient. If you want to post your own gif on the VKontakte social network, then you can use specialized sites. Most of these services are completely free. To create an animation in this way, you will need to first find the video, and only then proceed to process it.

The main advantage of this method is that the user does not have to download the video from his computer, you can simply use the link to the video. The Trollface service is very popular now. Using this service, you can take any video from YouTube, indicate the beginning and end of the video clip and format the element you selected into a gif animation. The resulting file can be added to the social network and used to place it on your page.

Using Converter

To create gif-animations, you can use special editors-converters. Such programs allow you to convert your chosen video to the desired format. Let's see how to work with similar programs. For a detailed review, we will choose the most popular program Total Video Converter. First of all, you need to find and save the video clip necessary for work on your computer. After that, launch the application and select "New task". Next, select gif as the format.

After that, you will need to select the folder in which you want to save the resulting animation. Now you can proceed to more decisive actions: you need to download the video, then mark the beginning and end of the future animation and crop it. Then mark the received object with the help of a special pointer and select the “Conversion” item. The conversion of the selected segment starts. After the conversion process is completed, the file will be saved in the folder you selected. All! You can start uploading the document to the social network. To do this, just use the "Document" section.

Now we will consider how to create a “guide” - instructions in the form of animation. For this, it is convenient to use the GifCam application. Just download it to your computer and install. When you start the program will appear on top of all windows. The program frame must be stretched to the area of \u200b\u200bthe screen that will be used when creating the animation. Now you can just press Rec and perform all the actions that you want to show through the animation. After completing all the manipulations, click Save and select the folder in which the received file will be stored.

How to upload a gif to VK, detailed, step by step instructions.

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Yes, you may ask, why are they called GIFs? The answer is simple, this word comes from the name of the file extension - gif.

Previously, when loading animated gifs on VKontakte, the animation disappeared, and friends saw a static picture without animation. Of course, that the effect of such a picture was lost.

Now in VK there are so many gifs of various topics that you can not download them, but search for them and add yourself.

This is done as follows:

However, there are situations when you want to download a specific animated picture that you have on your computer. Then, just as described above, we go to the documents section, just do not enter anything into the search, and click on the icon to the right of the search to add a document.

We load the image in the usual way, that is, we find it on the computer, then we indicate - another document.

How to add a gif to the wall

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For a long time, the social network VKontakte did not support animated images. But users often wrote and complained even to Durov himself: they say, when? And a miracle happened - VK supports GIF animation! Of course, users immediately took the opportunity and began to upload thousands of gifs to the site. And for those who do not know how to do this, we have prepared an article.

To upload a GIF file, you need to select the “Documents” section. Here it is on the menu:

If you don’t have it in the menu, click “My Settings” and on the general tab put a checkmark next to “Documents”, after which it will appear in the menu.

We go to the "Documents" section. If the gif is on the computer, click on the "Add document" button.

You will be prompted to download the GIF file from your computer.

You can do it easier. Enter a word in the search, for example, “Funny”, and you will see a list of already uploaded GIFs by other VK participants.

You will see a huge list of gifs. To add them to your documents, click on the plus sign.

Now about how to add GIF animation to a wall or, for example, to a comment in a group. There are two ways. In the first case, click on the “Attach” button and select “Document”.

After that, select a gif either from saved documents, or use the search for all downloaded gifs in VK.

The second way is a little easier. We find a gif, for example, on the Internet. Copy the link to it, paste it into the window and wait until it is uploaded to the server:

Then click on the “Submit” button. GIF loaded.

As you can see, everything is very simple.

How to download a gif from VK

How to download gifs VKontakte

It is possible to download any gif image regardless of its location, subject to the availability of the corresponding signature “GIF”.

Read also: How to download photos VKontakte

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Instructions: How to insert a gif animation VKontakte.

Recently, Vkontakte officially has the opportunity to post animations in posts and comments. GIF animation is a sequence of several static frames, as well as information about the transition timings between frames. You can loop the animation and then after the last frame the first frame will start playing. Although this kind of animation is already widely used on the social network, including all kinds of gif-trades, but many users still don’t know how to insert the VKontakte animation into their messages and posts. Most people try to load the animation like regular photos and as a result they get a static picture with the first frame of the animation.

Short and clear instructions for embedding VKontakte animation:

  1. We select / select / create animation. You can take one of our examples for the first time:
  1. In a comment or post, select the download of the document. Specify the path on your local computer to the file.

  1. Voila. Post / comment with animation posted.

Congratulations! Now you can post animations to posts.

How to download a gif from VK

In this life hack you will learn how to download a gif from VK on various devices.

Sometimes, in the tape, we find something interesting and unusual that we would like to save on our hard drive or smartphone. We have already figured out a way to download video from VK, but now we got to the point of explaining how to download GIF animations of VK. The methods are quite simple and do not require any special additional programs and services, and all you need is a browser or Vkontakte application on Android.

How to download a gif from VK to phone

To do this, simply open the animation you like in full screen and click on the icon of three vertical dots in the upper right corner, then “Save” and the file will be downloaded to your VK folder. Nowhere is easier! Now let's move on to the second method.

How to download animation in contact on a computer

Open the desired Vkontakte gif, right-click on it and select "Open Link in a New Tab", then simply click on the "Save Document to Disk" button and select the save directory (using the Chrome browser).

Now you know how to download a gif from VK to Android and PC and how you see everything is incredibly simple.

Today for each of us begins with turning on the computer, and, consequently, the Internet. It is on the Internet that we find for ourselves what we need, or what we like. The most popular websites on the Internet are social networks. With their help, at any time of the day we will be able to find the musical composition or video file we need, we will be able to play various applications, and most importantly, this is what we can communicate with our family and friends without obstacles.

In order for your life on the social network to become a bit diverse, gifs were invented. GIFs are animated images with the extension.gif. With their appearance, on the Internet, they became increasingly interested in how to send a GIF in VKontakte. In fact, this is not at all difficult.

  The first thing we will discuss will be how to upload VK gifs to the wall. In order for you to be able to add gifs to the VKontakte wall, you need to:

  • Copy the link to the gif you found;
  • Paste this link into the wall text input field;
After these steps, an attached animation will appear that you can send. Before sending a gif, you can remove the link to it. Convenient, right? Instead, you can now send funny gifs.

How to upload gifs to notes?

  If you want to add an animated picture to your notes, first you will need to go to “My notes”. Next, you will need to click "Add Entry", then click on the "Add Photo" icon. Then you will see an open window at the bottom of the browser, click on the link “Go to photo selection by URL”, then insert the link to the gif in Vkontakte, specify the size of the animation and click the “Add” button.

Can I send a vkontakte GIF to an old album? No, you cannot do this. Since the site uses only those animations that were previously uploaded to Contact.

How to put a gif on an avatar?

  First you need to be in the friends list of the author of the gif you need. If you have done this, then tag yourself on the gif. After, click "Finish" and refresh the page. Now under the gif appeared the option to put it on the profile picture. Will it display exactly like a GIF? No, it will be static.

On the Internet there are many collections of animated pictures that can be posted on the wall, in a group and notes on your page in the VKontakte social network. You can find exactly what you want for yourself. For example, it can be animated pictures in the form of a declaration of love. Or animated pictures with various jokes. In general, such a gif is quite capable of displaying your entire inner state of mind: either you are having fun now, or you are sad, or you are in love with someone, or you want to philosophize. Different category of pictures.

If you have free time, then for yourself you can find a huge number of gifs. Just in the search engine enter a request to find gifs and look for suitable ones. By the way, VKontakte has long created special groups with the so-called "Animated Pictures". A large number of participants in such groups daily share their materials with other participants. Thus, expanding your search for pictures.

This approach to finding GIFs has become very simple and quite popular. Now you know how to upload VK gifs. They, by the way, can be done independently. How? We will tell in the following articles.

Of course, emoticons on the social network VKontakte remain in demand among users, but one cannot but note the fact that gif-pictures are increasingly used today. Some generally consider emoticons as the last century, another thing is gifs! In my opinion, both of these opportunities to express feelings or emotions take place, and I use them equally often.

But if everything is more or less clear, then GIF animation for many users is a relatively new phenomenon. In simple words, the gif represents a few static images that replace each other in accelerated time. Usually such a picture is made funny and if applied to the place, it will be doubly more fun. The disadvantage of the gif is that the number of colors from which it can be created is very limited, and is 256 colors. However, few people notice this.

How to upload GIF to VK

If you are interested in how to send a GIF to VKontakte, now I will share information with you. Actually, there is absolutely nothing complicated in this process, and even an inexperienced user can easily perform this procedure. GIF animation can be inserted anywhere, for example, in a conversation, on a wall in VK, send as a comment. It does not matter where you insert the gif, the process will be identical in all cases. Suppose you decide to send an animated image to your friend in private messages. To do this, you must:

  1. Open your dialogue and click on the “Attach” button.
  2. In the list that opens, select the "Documents" item.
  3. Now click “Download a new file” and indicate the path on your computer where the GIF is located.
  4. After that, the animation will be ready to send.

I want to note that if you want to use the same GIF over time, you will not need to upload the file again. After the first download, this gif will be displayed in the list of your documents.

Where to find GIF in VK

To find diverse GIFs in VK is not a problem at all. As these pictures become more and more popular, communities are created specifically where everyone can share their favorite animated pictures. From there you can download the gifs you like on your computer.

By the way, you can also make such a picture yourself.   To do this, you need to download a special application for creating GIF animations directly to VKontakte and just follow the developer's instructions. It is also possible to do

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