What is M&G? Strictly look at the age limit

Today, for the first time, you decided to drive on your own, without a driving instructor, and were left alone with the car and the road.
I want to give you some practical advice before the first
independent trip.
First of all, you need to convince yourself that you
prepared enough and learned a lot, and most importantly, calmness,
you will succeed.
Go to your car, open it and get behind the wheel. Adjust the seat, seat back, interior mirror and side mirrors. Make sure you have all the documents you need to have with you during your trip. These include:
1. Certificate of vehicle registration;
2. Driver's license.
3. OSAGO policy.
After making sure that all documents are available, open the car hood lock and open the hood itself. Now you need to make sure that all filling tanks,
that are in the engine compartment are filled. These include:

Expansion tank

Expansion tank of the cooling system (it is made of transparent plastic, it is usually located on the side of the steering wheel. On a cold engine, the fluid level should be between the min and max marks).

Reservoir of the main brake cylinder

The reservoir of the main brake cylinder (located on the side of the steering wheel, 4 metal tubes depart from the cylinder itself. The brake fluid level must be between the min and max marks).

Method for checking the fluid level in the power steering.

According to the marks on the tank gur;
According to the marks on the dipstick located on the lid of the power steering reservoir.
To check the fluid level on the gur reservoir there are corresponding marks:
for the minimum and maximum levels of hot liquid - Hot min and Hot max, respectively;
for the minimum and maximum levels of cold liquid - Cold min and Cold max, respectively.
Checking the hot liquid level marks is carried out when warmed up to operating temperature engine, according to the marks of cold liquid gur - with a cooled engine.
The fluid level in the reservoir must be between the min and max marks. The tank itself is located mainly on the left side of the engine compartment and high pressure hoses depart from it.

Oil dipstick

The oil level in the engine is checked with an oil dipstick. (The dipstick also has min and max marks, and the oil level should be closer to the max mark, but not exceed it). accurate measurement oil level in the engine, proceed as follows; remove the oil dipstick and wipe it dry with a rag. Then reinsert it in place and remove it again. The remaining oil at the end of the dipstick will be an indication of the oil level in your engine. , and if you want to check the oil level immediately after the trip, do it in 10-15 minutes. During this period of time, the oil will completely drain into the engine sump and your check will be more accurate. Before checking the oil level, the car must be put on a flat area.

Windshield fluid reservoir
Be sure to check the tire pressure (for most cars it is 2 or 2.2 atmospheres).
If everything is in order, get behind the wheel, fasten your seat belt, start the car and warm up the engine. An engine is considered warm if the temperature is +40 degrees and above.

Warm up - start moving. Now I want to give some useful tips practical driving for a novice driver:

  1. Try to drive during daylight hours.
  2. It is safest to start driving on streets with low traffic. If you start in winter or summer, prepare the appropriate rubber.
  3. At first, don't drive during rush hour. You can get up early in the morning, wait out this time at work in the evening.
  4. I recommend that you start driving only one route (where you studied with a driving instructor). And it is desirable to know the route thoroughly. You can practice on it early in the morning or on weekends when there are few cars. It will also be better if it does not have U-turns, left turns and exits from a secondary road.
  5. Don't drive long. It is better to make short trips, but more often, and if you are tired, rest.
  6. Avoid driving on the highway for the first time, keep in mind that there cars drive at higher speeds.
  7. At first, try to ride in the same shoes.
  8. Do not try to go around all the holes, if you are not sure that you can handle the maneuver. Be aware that there may be other vehicles on the side that you didn't notice because usually the first time an inexperienced driver has time to look only ahead. It is better to let the suspension suffer than the "side" of your and someone else's cars.
  9. Park far away from other cars, it is even better to leave the car farther from the destination and walk than to think about how best to leave. Park better so that you can then drive forward. You need to constantly train in parking forward and reverse.
  10. Be patient. Many beginners get into difficult situations due to the inability to move quickly, although this can be easily learned. To do this, work out this maneuver to automatism in any deserted place. A couple of days later, no problem.
  11. Don't get annoyed. If you stalled at a traffic light, and you are signaled, do not be nervous. Usually novice drivers frantically start the car and stall again. It is better to turn on the emergency gang and wait for the next traffic light.
  12. Of course, the first time driving is very difficult. However, it is all a matter of time spent behind the wheel. After three to five thousand kilometers, you will remember with a smile the beginning of your driving experience.
  13. Now let's talk about the most common mistakes novice drivers make. : Passing through an intersection at a red traffic light.
  14. This often happens when a novice driver is only focused on the road in front of him and does not look at the signs and traffic lights. Try to balance your speed and observation. Because leaving a red traffic light at an intersection is fraught with getting into an emergency. Driving turns, U-turns, entrance to the yard.
  15. A novice driver before these maneuvers, even slowing down, twists the steering wheel strongly and does not have time to unscrew it back. As a result, a skid may occur, so until you have leveled the steering wheel back, in no case press hard on the gas. Pedestrian crossing.
  16. Before passing a pedestrian crossing with pedestrians standing or crossing the road, many novice drivers slow down very sharply, stopping the car in front of a zebra. This may come as a surprise to vehicles driving behind you. Therefore, if you see a pedestrian crossing the road or about to cross, brake in advance and smoothly so that other motorists can understand your maneuver and also slow down. Riding in yards.
  17. Many novice drivers, having driven into the yard for the first time, do not manage to drive, because. the speed is usually higher than they can control in tight spaces. Don't forget to slow down to a very low speed so that you can calmly deal with the steering turns. Distance behind the car in front.
  18. When stopping at a traffic light, you must stop behind the car in front so that you can see at least part of its rear wheels, because. the machine can roll away before starting, especially uphill, and, as a rule, a truck. If it rolls back, you will be to blame. did not keep a safe distance.

Good luck and be careful!!!


When driving on a winter road, adhere to the following rules:
- Drive at reduced speed.
- Don't forget to increase the distance and interval, as on such a road, more space is needed in order to have time to stop the car.
- Try to keep the speed constant by using the gas pedal softly and smoothly.
- When going uphill, keep your speed constant by first selecting the desired gear so that you do not change gears on the hill.
- In dangerous areas (ice, water, oil, etc.), do not change the speed limit.
- Even if the road is strewn with sand, be careful not to accelerate, the sand may have been sprinkled unevenly.
- Drive the car smoothly, do not make sudden movements, they can lead to skidding.
- Slow down as smoothly as possible, especially when approaching intersections and curves.
- Recognize dangerous sections of the road in advance (compacted snow, ice, etc.) in order to have time to slow down.
- To enable you to slow down smoothly, maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front.
- When choosing a stop on a slippery road, be careful. Try to find the least slippery section of the road in advance.
- If a dangerous (critical) situation occurs, do not try to correct it by applying emergency braking, this can lead to skidding and loss of control over the car.

Brake in an intermittent way and try to leave the roadway if possible (for example, a snowdrift by the road will help you stop and leave the roadway at the same time). Better a snowdrift than a collision with an oncoming car.

Remember that any movement that you carry out on a slippery surface should be smoother, more controlled, more controlled than on a dry road. Do not make sharp turns of the steering wheel, sudden braking, sudden gear shifting, sharp pressing on the gas pedal. Even and soft driving will give it greater stability and reduce the likelihood of skidding, which is always present on a slippery road.


At the box office of the venue of the concert and on sites specializing in the sale of tickets. It makes no sense for the organizers to hide this information from you, so all the necessary links are usually present in the official meeting of the event.

The main thing is to think ten times before buying tickets from your hands so as not to fall for the bait of scammers who Lately has become especially numerous, and avoid unverified sites that the organizer does not mention anywhere.

How long before the concert do I need to buy tickets?

If you really want to go to this concert, it makes sense to take care of the purchase as early as possible. In some cases, the price of tickets rises closer to the concert, and on the day of the event it is consistently higher. And if the performer you want to listen to live is popular in your city, there is a chance that tickets will run out long before the concert.

However, do not panic too much on this issue: there are not so many artists in such demand. Even if the organizer escalates the situation and writes that tickets are running out, remember that tickets, as a rule, go on sale in waves up to the appointed date.

Are you looking at the age limit?

Usually documents do not look. When a distraught crowd of fans is rushing into all the entrances, the guards are not up to checking passports. However, there are exceptions.

Is the e-ticket secure?

There are people for whom an electronic ticket is the most convenient way get to the concert. But when buying an electronic ticket, you need to consider whether you are ready to face a number of difficulties and misunderstandings.

It happens that the reader accepts such tickets with grief in half. Sometimes it turns out that you stand in line for several hours exactly at the entrance where e-tickets not accepted at all. In the practice of the author of the article, there was also such a case when the guards took an unfamiliar piece of paper for a fake and somehow agreed to let them through to the concert almost half an hour later, when it was useless to fight for the coveted place near the fence.

If that's important to you, stick with traditional tickets (and they look prettier).

Does the e-ticket need to be printed in color?

Not at all. The most important part of an electronic and any other ticket is a barcode, and as of 2016 barcodes are not made in color.

By the way, if you find it difficult to resist the temptation to post a fresh ticket for your favorite group on social networks, do not forget to hide the barcode. Attackers can use it to get to the concert before you and thus cancel the real ticket.

What is M&G?

M&G is Meet & Greet, a backstage get-together where you can take photos with your idols, get their autographs, tell them how much you love them and give them something to remember. Meet-n-grit also includes other bonuses, such as being at the soundcheck. This is an optional part of the concert, but the organizers often hold contests and draws that allow you to get a coveted invitation.

Some top performers sell tickets to meet and grit, and this is quite expensive.

How to get an autograph?

If you didn’t manage to get to meet-n-grit, don’t despair. Sometimes the organizers arrange autograph sessions for popular artists. Entrance to such events can be both free and won in some competition.

If it didn’t work out here either, you can try to linger after the concert and wait for the musicians at the service entrance. The option, frankly, is very flimsy: some performers love this form of attention and sincerely try to please the fans, but in most cases, the musicians are simply not up to it, because there is most likely another plane, another city and another concert ahead.

The most ethically dubious option for especially arrogant and intrusive is to guard the artist at the airport or at the hotel.

In the end, you can just rethink the meaning of the marker squiggle and hope to catch a pick, drumsticks, setlist or any other piece of happy memories at a concert.

Can I bring a camera?

In many cases, any kind of filming is formally prohibited, but in practice, the pattern is this: the larger and more professional your equipment, the less likely it is to bring it to the concert. For example, with shooting on mobile equipment, there are usually no problems (unless half of the audience will hate you for a spade-shaped tablet raised in the first row), and simple soap dishes also do not raise questions.

But you can bring a SLR camera only if you are an accredited photographer or this is a very small concert.

Can you carry water?

At most concerts, all liquids are taken away at the entrance. There is also the following brutal practice, especially common at summer festivals: the guards ask you to open the bottle, check if there is alcohol inside, and do not give the cap, leaving you at a loss with a full bottle of water, very difficult to transport in festival conditions.

In the hot season, a spare cap is a must-have.

Is there any way to go to a concert with a backpack?

There are two significant factors in this matter. The first is common sense (you understand that a huge backpack is not the best equipment for a concert, even if the guards do not have any questions for you?). The second is the specifics of the concert venue. In most cases, a small urban backpack does not become a problem for the owner, but there are also places where they will be asked to hand it over to the wardrobe, and in some places it is also paid.

For security reasons inspection is present almost everywhere. In general, it is better to clarify the issues of carrying certain things with the organizers or representatives of the site. Sometimes such things are written on tickets.

Approximately how long do you need to arrive to be closer to the stage?

It is difficult to give even an approximate answer to this question. You need to evaluate the popularity of a particular artist, as well as the size and enthusiasm of the fandom.

In some cases, the most devoted fans line up in the morning or even spend the night outside the building. If you follow an artist's career or even remotely imagine his target audience, such pandemoniums are easily predictable. Implementation teams are very helpful in assessing the extent of a disaster. in social networks: there you can always find a discussion of the planned arrival time, and closer to the concert, people begin to upload photos of the queue at the entrance, according to which you can figure out whether it is worth leaving the house now or you can stick around on the Internet a little more.

It is also worth remembering the element of luck: a good place in line does not guarantee you a good place in the hall. A good life hack for concert queues: make a lot of music friends, and one day they might be in the right place in right time and call you thirty people ahead.

When you joyfully run into the hall and choose a place, remember (or better study in advance) how the musicians usually stand on the stage. Let's say if your favorite keyboard player prefers to sit on the right side of the stage, then it's logical for you to try to find a place on the right.

Can I only login once? Or in, out, back in?

Re-entry to concerts in the vast majority of cases is paid. The exception is festivals, where a special bracelet is put on your wrist after the ticket has been validated. In some places at the entrance you will be stamped on your wrist, which will allow you to calmly leave the hall and return, but everything is individual.

What songs will be played?

As a rule, within the same tour, setlists at different concerts do not differ much from each other, so for a rough idea of ​​the program of the evening, you will only need to look at a couple of setlists from previous performances. Setlists of many musicians are posted on the site Setlist.fm. The site is good not only for its simplicity and efficiency, but also for various interesting features: you can study statistics on songs, albums and artists and read comments on the performed compositions (for example, that such and such a song was performed for the first time since 2005, and in such and such song soloist forgot the words).

What is merch?

Merch is fan paraphernalia, that is, t-shirts, badges, posters and any other things with the image of the band, for which the musicians and their managers have enough imagination. Before concerts, merch is often sold in a special pavilion inside the building. If you want to buy something with the image of your favorite artist and have the necessary funds (and merch is usually not cheap), you should not wait until the end of the concert: it is not a fact that the pavilion will still work.

In fact, it is much easier to contact the artist's online store, which is usually present on his website and works around the clock.

What is funk?

Funka (fan zone) - a fenced area, which, as a rule, is located closest to the stage. There are only standing seats in the fan zone, so do not pay attention if a row and a seat suddenly appear on your ticket, but this is not displayed on the hall map. Even at concerts, there is sometimes a so-called dance partner, which goes right after the fan zone.

The main pros and cons of the zones of typical concert venues. However, do not forget that it is better to clarify this question for a specific hall in which the concert will take place.

What is slam?

Slam is an aggressive human mess in front of the stage, in which all kinds of pushes, kicks and jumps take place. On the one hand, slam is considered to be a positive audience reaction to music, and some people really love this action. Nevertheless, this is a very dangerous phenomenon, fraught with serious injuries. This is especially true for people who are not accustomed to this method of collective expression of approval. Sometimes slam is accompanied by stage diving (in other words, when a musician dives into the crowd).

Is there always slam in funk?

Not always. If at your first concert you are going to listen to metal, grunge, punk and other heavy genres, soberly assess your physical fitness and do not go into the thick of it (usually the first rows in the center). In other cases, there may not be a slam.

It is difficult, but it is important to try to assess the adequacy of the people around you. You can see from some people a mile away that they will start to run amok from the very first chords. And there is also a softened version of the slam, when the participants follow a certain ethic: they do not seek to cause real harm to others and help those who have fallen to rise.

If you suddenly feel that you are weakening, and the chaos around does not think to calm down, try to get out of the epicenter, step aside and come to your senses.

How to dress?

The ideal option is comfortable clothes without outstanding details and accessories. In the dark, among the raging crowd, it is unlikely that anyone will evaluate your outfit, so you should not wear your best and newest things (they can get soaked, dirty and even torn).

Avoid large earrings, shawls and scarves, spikes of all kinds, high heels and open shoes. It is hot at concerts even in the cold season, so do not overdo it with warming. Comfortable shoes are essential, even if you don't plan on queuing for hours for the perfect spot. Fragile and valuable things are best left at home or at least more securely hidden. Long hair should be collected to make life easier for yourself and the people around you.

Most of these tips are relevant for the fan zone and the dance floor. If you have seating, you can afford a little more.

When will the concert end?

Find out the start time and add at least three or even four hours. The concert itself is unlikely to last that long (usually 90-120 minutes depending on the setlist), but be aware that concerts rarely start on time. In addition, many concerts have an opening act (ie a lesser-known band performing in front of the main performer) that lasts just under an hour.

After big concerts, there is a danger of getting stuck at the exit or in the wardrobe. This is especially true for stadiums, where people are released in portions, by sectors.

P.S. We hope that our small collection of life hacks did not leave you under the impression that the concert is a kind of exam, in which all the problems and difficulties that we mentioned are sure to happen. In fact, concerts are one of the best inventions of mankind, and there is little to compare with the positive energy that you get from the live performance of your favorite band. You do not know the names of like-minded people around you and it is unlikely that you will ever see them again, but the magical moment when thousands of voices merge into one joyful chorus, and touched musicians smile happily, is worth a lot. Getting hooked on a concert needle is easy, but investing in experiences is the best.

Follow the Rock Cult poster, go to concerts with pleasure and enjoy the music. And may the post-concert depression escape you (but this is a topic for a separate article).

Hello friends. Today I will not write huge articles or lessons with dozens of pictures. But I just want to give you a lot of short tips that should improve your pastime at the computer. Whether you are new to computers or already an experienced user, it doesn't matter, everyone will find something useful here. Among so many!

Do you think I can write for you? ? And now we will check it.

01. Be vigilant.

02. Do not sit too long at the computer.

03. Clean your PC from debris.

04. Delete files you don't need.

05. Benefit.

06. Play in moderation.

08. Master the computer.

09. Look for answers to any questions on the Internet.

10. Movies, music and more are available for free.

11. Online shopping is much cheaper.

12. Learn new things online.

13. Master the blind typing method.

14. Learn to reinstall the system.

15. Make sure your laptop or system unit computer does not overheat.

16. Install good antivirus, such as Avast or Kaspersky

17. Remove the flash drive safely.

18. Try to work in Total Commander, instead of regular folders.

19. Router is a great thing, wireless Internet this is great.

20. Format new flash drives in NTFS, because FAT is already outdated.

21. Master Photoshop - a great and necessary thing.

22. Recently, the fastest browser is Google Chrome.

23. Synchronization of bookmarks, notepads and more, use.

24. I switched to Windows 7 a long time ago. And you?

25. Update your drivers regularly, for example Driver program Genius

26. Call via Skype worldwide for free from one computer to another.

27. Keep your passwords in a safe place, like a flash drive.

28. You can close access to the site through the hosts file.

29. You can delete what is not deleted with the Unlocker program.

30. To watch videos on the Internet, you need to install Flash Player.

31. Don't give out your address Email at every step.

32. System Restore will return your PC to a healthy state.

33. Use an automatic switch Punto keyboards switcher.

34. Use uTorrent to download files: movies, music, programs.

35. Once every 3-4 months, open the system unit and clean it from dust.

36. Do not eat at the computer.

37. Clean your keyboard sometimes.

38. The computer must be in order.

39. Fresh thermal paste must be applied to the processor, a heatsink is installed on top.

40. Once a month, take a break from the computer for a day, or better for two.

41. To convert videos or songs, use the Format Factory program.

42. Once a month, scan all your hard drives for the presence of viruses.

43. Do not leave foreign things on the laptop keyboard.

45. Don't keep large files on your desktop.

46. ​​Watch out for system drive there was enough free space.

47. Never send SMS anywhere. You won't get a code back.

48. Remove programs correctly, for example, through the Uninstall file.

49. Teach the computer to others, help in the work.

50. If Odnoklassniki does not work, then first check your computer for viruses.

51. Netbooks are dying, it's better to buy a tablet or a full-fledged laptop.

If you, dear reader, at least 2 - 3 tips have become useful, then I wrote this article for a reason. Dozens of people who read it will take them into service in the computer world.

Which allow you to optimize the work in MS Excel. And today we want to bring to your attention a new batch of tips to speed up the action in this program. Nikolai Pavlov, the author of the "Planet Excel" project, which is changing people's idea of ​​what can actually be done with the help of this wonderful program and everything, will tell about them. Office package. Nikolay is an IT trainer, developer and product expert Microsoft office, Microsoft Office Master, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional. Here are the methods he personally tested for accelerated work in Excel. ↓

Quickly add new data to a chart

If for your already built chart on the sheet there is new data that needs to be added, then you can simply select the range with new information, copy it (Ctrl + C) and then paste it directly into the diagram (Ctrl + V).

This feature only appeared in latest version Excel 2013 but worth upgrading to new version ahead of schedule. Suppose that you have a list of full names (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich), which you need to turn into abbreviated ones (Ivanov I.I.). To perform such a transformation, you just need to start writing the desired text in the adjacent column manually. On the second or third row in Excel will try to predict our actions and perform further processing automatically. It remains only to press the Enter key to confirm, and all names will be converted instantly.

In a similar way, you can extract names from emails, glue full names from fragments, etc.

Copying without breaking formats

You most likely know about the "magic" autofill marker - a thin black cross in the lower right corner of the cell, by pulling which you can copy the contents of the cell or the formula to several cells at once. However, there is one unpleasant nuance: such copying often violates the design of the table, since not only the formula is copied, but also the cell format. This can be avoided if, immediately after dragging with a black cross, you click on the smart tag - a special icon that appears in the lower right corner of the copied area.

If you select the option “Copy only values” (Fill Without Formatting), then Microsoft Excel will copy your formula without format and will not spoil the design.

In the latest Excel versions 2013, it became possible to quickly display your geodata on an interactive map, for example, sales by city, etc. To do this, go to the "App Store" (Office Store) on the "Insert" tab and install the Bing Maps plugin from there. This can also be done via a direct link from the site by clicking the Add button. Once a module has been added, it can be selected from the My Apps drop-down list on the Insert tab and placed on your worksheet. It remains to select your data cells and click on the Show Locations button in the map module to see our data on it.

If desired, in the plugin settings, you can select the type of chart and colors for display.

If your book has more than 10 worksheets, it becomes difficult to navigate through them. Click right click mouse on any of the sheet tab scroll buttons in the lower left corner of the screen.

Have you ever matched the input values ​​in your Excel calculation to get the output desired result? At such moments, you feel like a seasoned artilleryman, right? Just a couple of dozen iterations of "undershoot - flight", and here it is, the long-awaited "hit"!

Microsoft Excel can do this fitting for you, faster and more accurately. To do this, on the Insert tab, click the What If Analysis button and select the Parameter Selection command (Insert - What If Analysis - Goal Seek). In the window that appears, specify the cell where you want to select the desired value, the desired result, and the input cell that should change. After you click OK, Excel will take up to 100 "shots" to find the total you want with an accuracy of 0.001.

If this detailed overview covered not all useful chips MS Excel that you know about, share them in the comments!

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