How contests are held on VKontakte. Vkontakte contests: how to get the results you want and not get banned

What comes to mind when you say "VKontakte contest"? Countless reposts (if you are a regular user) and the fight against professional "prizes" (if you are an SMM). We have already made a detailed guide to contests on Instagram, today we will talk about VKontakte: how to conduct competitive activities on this social network in order to do well for both subscribers and the company, and bypass those “prize-winners”.


One of the most frequent questions of novice SMMers: how many contests per month is it optimal to conduct? The answer depends on the brand. I also worked with large federal companies (where we held four contests a month: regional to increase sales in specific points, all-Russian for the image component, with large partners, and weekly, quick draws so that the established specific “sub-audiences” of the communities remained warm), and with small brands that could not “pull” more than one or two contests a year.

The duration of the competition depends on its size, but the universal advice is this: the faster the participants can get the prize, the higher their motivation.

If you use a randomizer application on VKontakte, make sure that it does not hang at the right time: this happens quite often, especially if a lot of people took part in the drawing.

Be sure to use applications that show the date and time of summing up and the total number of participants: participants like to pay attention to these parameters, and the results will look transparent and open. Take a screenshot, or even better - record the moment of determining the random number on the video and post it in the comments to the post so as not to clog up the community wall.

We are glad to welcome you friends again! After a long pause (through no fault of ours - circumstances dictated conditions to us), we again begin to talk about life on the VKKrutoy social network. Dear readers of our blog about Vkontakte, today we want to tell you about how to create contests on VK. The commentary of our reader, Yegor Gaiduk, prompted us to this article. He asked us - how to make a Vkontakte contest? And we are happy to answer Yegor ...

So, let's begin. Some people who use social networks do not even suspect how effective contests can be and how quickly you will reach a large audience, a considerable percentage of which will become better related to your group or public, and as a result, to the brand for which you and created a group. In this article-answer, we will talk (naturally) about the social network or, as we are more used to, Vkontakte, but these ideas are also suitable for other social networks, because there is only one idea ...

What needs to be done before creating a Vkontakte contest?

  1. You need to perform a number of easy, and in some ways not very, steps to create a competition VK: Idea for a competition. It is necessary first of all to come up with it! Original ideas will always be snapped up, but it happens that the thought “does not go”, is not a creative mood today. In this case, it will be easiest for you to spy on the idea for the competition in other groups, you can even in another social. network, here's the main idea, isn't it? Go through groups similar to yours, don't forget about other social networks - Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Mail, Google+, etc. You can also devote a little time to non-thematic groups, in which you can also "hook" an idea, because you know where the inspiration will come from ...
  2. Think about the audience that will be interested in participating in your competition, and then about what could be the source of such an audience. After all, if you gather an audience for which your competition is not interesting, then in the end you will spend a lot of time and effort, and only a few dozen people will participate in the competition so that there is no moment when only a few people will take part in the competition. Remember - your target audience is important for the competition!
  3. Think over the terms of the competition to the smallest detail, try to simulate in your head various situations that may arise, all the nuances. Write it all down in detail in the competition rules. Many options are possible, the most unpleasant is the cheating and other similar machinations of the contestants who do not want to participate honestly. Be sure to mention all these points in the rules separately, otherwise a conflict may flare up due to the fact that these points were not spelled out in the rules, and it is better not to allow a conflict in the competition. If we talk about the strategy of action of the participants, then here it is also necessary to paint all the important points tied to time, i.e. performing action 1 - a period of time, action 2 - a period of time, etc., this will make it possible to conduct the Vkontakte competition most efficiently and not waste your time. Do not forget to also specify in the rules the time when the prizes will be awarded and all the nuances associated with this.
  4. You need a banner for your competition that you can distribute. Try to compose headlines so that when a person reads the banner fluently, they catch all the key points. It is also important that the banner contains your logo and (or) the name of the brand that you are promoting on Vkontakte.
  5. Members of your VK group should find out when the competition starts not on the day it starts, but a couple of days before that. This can be done using your banner (which you probably already made on our advice). Attach a banner in front of all group entries, and also inform members of similar groups or publics about the start of the competition. Of course, if you do it by hand, then it is very long and difficult, with this you will be helped by suitable programs that are on our website, in the section "Vkontakte promotion". We have already written about why it is better to use these programs and how we tested them, do not step on the rake that many people have already stepped on and paid for it with VK accounts. But now not about that ... If you have your own site, be sure to add an article about the competition to the site, the more accessible it is on the site, the better. Create a separate page on the site, put all the information about the new competition in VK on it and let there be links to the registration pages for the competition and, of course, to the rules.
  6. Many of those who are just starting to create contests on Vkontakte immediately "zealously rush into battle", i.e. all the time they go to the competition, monitor its state, watch the number, track those who are trying to wind up the result ... You shouldn't do this, you will only annoy yourself with this. Allocate a certain time for this, and then control the progress of the competition, believe me, once a day to devote a little time for this is quite enough. But if the competition has a huge number of participants, then you will need an assistant, you cannot cope here alone.
  7. You also need to communicate with your audience. Users often write messages, ask questions. Communicate with them, answer, your audience is your EVERYTHING! Also clean the group from spam, if it is difficult for you to do it yourself, there is a special software for cleaning groups from spam. Also - do not delete "bad" messages, i.e. those that you think are negative! Try to "sort out" the situation yourself, competently, politely, tactfully. Otherwise, the negative can result in big consequences.
  8. A few days before the end of the competition, notify all participants that the competition will end soon. This has one very important goal - the activation of participants in the VK competition. Write to them that they still have every chance to compete for prizes, by the way (prizes) it is better to do not one but three, why? we will talk about this in the next article about contests, it makes sense
  9. When the competition is over, provide your participants with all the information about the winners and the presentation of prizes. All this must happen within the time period specified in the participation rules. But anything can happen, and it happens that sometimes you do not have time to do everything on time. If so, post in the group a full explanation of the reason for the delay. Remember - the slightest negative can negate the entire effect of the competition.
  10. Finally, thank everyone for taking part in the competition. You can create separate polls about the competition or create a topic where participants can leave their feedback about it.

Taking into account all the recommendations that we have given here, you can conduct a successful competition in VK, and not only in it, but also in other social networks, the main thing is to understand the principle. Everything, as always, depends on your desire.

New article about VKontakte contests! This time we'll figure out how to find contests on VKontakte. This is a simple matter. Therefore, I advise you to spend a few minutes reading the article.

There are three ways to find contests on VKontakte:

By tags

One of the simplest ways is to search for contests in VK by tags. To do this, go to the "News" section, select "Search", enter the word "#contest" into the line and press "enter".

After a small download, a list of records will appear in front of you, as in the screenshot. This is where you can find relevant contests held in VK. To find more contests, try other similar words and phrases. For example: "#repost contest", "#lottery", "#draw", "action" and so on by analogy.

The disadvantage of this method is that you have to search for a long time + sometimes such tags are prescribed not only for contests.

In communities

As a member of different communities, you can find out about contests in the news feed. Often contests are held in communities of companies that provide any services. Sushi and pizza communities are prime examples, as they often host various contests.

The disadvantage of this method is that your VK news feed gets heavily clogged because of this, and you will have to look for them in the feed.

In specialized groups

There is a way to find contests quickly and not waste time searching through tags and communities. It is enough to join the community, which contains the current contests on VKontakte.

Remember that finding contests on VKontakte is only half the battle. We must also be able to win these competitions. I tell you how to do this in the article.

Summarize. You can search for contests manually on VK using tags and having joined different communities. And you can only join special groups with contests, take a few minutes to find the right ones, participate and continue to do your own thing.


If you can't win a prize in the competition, don't be upset. You can make money on it, and quite simply. There are sites where money is paid to complete simple tasks.

So, by completing such and similar tasks, you can earn yourself what you wanted to win. And then for something else. In general, a good way to earn extra money. Recommend.

The most interesting and effective way to attract members to communities, as well as increase loyalty to your brand, is repost competition in contact. Thanks to such a competition, you can tell many users about a new product, service or brand. Build brand awareness and get real feedback on your products.

Before the technical organization, you need to decide on the main points that you want to solve with the help of a competition in VK. If you have no idea why you are holding a competition in the community, then the results of your activities will be unclear. It is best to set a goal that is measurable in numbers.

For example, double the size of the group. Get a certain number of shares and likes. Decide on the prizes. They don't have to be too expensive.

There is no need to promise users a car in exchange for a repost or a trip to the Maldives. Most likely, no one will believe this. Also, prizes that are too cheap will not work. People simply won't see the value in participating.

If you are promoting your brand or service, you can provide branded clothing, popular products, or a trial pass as a prize. To make it easier to determine the winners, the conditions of the competition should not be too complicated. The most popular contests are those where you just need to repost.

Set a date. It is best if your VK competition takes place within a week or a month. If you set a deadline of six months or more, there is a risk that people will forget about it.

Also, before the competition, it is important that you have sufficient , which would include at least ... Once you have a clear goal, prizes, and deadlines, you can post on your community wall. First, pick a beautiful picture that people would like to add to themselves. Make a note to her. Describe in detail the conditions of the competition, point by point. Don't forget to write a deadline and a colorful headline. Decide how many prizes will be in the competition. in the group and on my wall. Wait a couple of days and see what the response is.

How to determine the winner of the Vkontakte contest by reposts

Determine the winner of the Vkontakte contest by reposts possible with the help of a jury, by voting in a poll, and also thanks to a random selection.

If you choose the first method of determining the winner, then it is best to write in the conditions of the competition by what criteria the evaluation will take place. Otherwise, instead of thanks from the players, you can only get dissatisfaction. Note in the conditions that, in addition to reposting, users claiming to win must also actively participate in group discussions, upload beautiful photos to an album and to the records. Then the most active of them can be identified using a special service, such as

This resource allows you to track the statistics of the community, understand who gave you the most likes and posted pictures and highlight the most active ones.

The simplest and most transparent method for determining the winners is the random method.

Vkontakte repost contest random

When determining the winners vkontakte repost contest randomly special services are used. For example, https: //vkonkurs.rf/

To select a random lucky one, you will need to enter a link to the post to which you had to repost and drive in how many prizes you have designated. Next, run the program. After a few seconds, she will choose a random winner. With this method of assessment, do not forget to take a screen.

The brand's social media page will help you easily get new followers, increase audience engagement and improve sales. It is important to find a format that will not only captivate fans and draw their attention to the product or service being offered, but also be simple to organize. Of course, you can offer an iPad, get a large number of participants, but this will not bring a noticeable influx of customers who are really interested in your business.

Every day there are more and more services that allow you to easily choose a winner. And where to get ideas that will collect likes and comments? We offer 30 wordings that you can use to conduct a competition on your page on social networks.

1. We have almost 40,000 subscribers. Celebrate with us - just like our page! The hundredth subscriber will receive a free [NAME OF PRIZE].

2. Leave a comment "Coupon" and get a 20% discount on your next purchase from us. The winner will be chosen at random tomorrow at 17:00 Moscow time.

3. We want to get to know you better! Attach a photo of you and your best friend in the comments to win [PRIZE NAME]. The winner will be determined tomorrow at 12:00.

4. Leave a comment below and win a T-shirt! The best ____ is _____. The winner who gets the most likes before 14:00 Moscow time tomorrow.

5. Do you know in what year [YOUR COMPANY NAME] was founded? The first correct answer will receive [PRIZE NAME].

6. Come up with a new way of using our product in the attached photo. The most inventive will get it for free! The name of the winner will be announced tomorrow at 14:00.

7. Who is happy with the coming winter? Like it and get the chance to win [PRIZE NAME]. The winner will be announced tomorrow at 13:00 Moscow time.

8. Our 50 percent sale kicks off tomorrow! Like and we will pay for your purchase (maximum - $ 500). The name of the lucky one will be known tomorrow at 13:00 Moscow time.

9. We have added a new dish to the menu, and we are interested in your opinion! Write in the comments below the picture which ingredient you think it is missing. The winner will be able to enjoy this dish for a whole year for free. We will find out the name of the lucky one tomorrow at 14:00 Moscow time.

10. How many companies do you think use our [TARIFF NAME] tariff? Write your answer in the comment to the post and become a contender for a month of using the [TARIFF NAME] completely free. The winner will be determined tomorrow at 13:00.

11. Like it if you can't wait for the weekend! The lucky one will take them to [LOCATION] for free!

13. Count how many beans are in the jar in the picture. Whoever gives the most accurate answer will receive a year's supply of our beans for free! The name of the winner will be announced tomorrow at 17:00 Moscow time.

14. How much do you love [YOUR COMPANY NAME]? Measure your love in points from 0 to 10+ and write about it in the comments. The most enamored will be determined tomorrow at 12:00 Moscow time. We will post their photos on the cover of our page!

16. Yesterday we played a cool show at [LOCATION]. Like it if you were with us (or wanted to be there) and win our CD!

17. Are you ready for Halloween? Show off your costume and get the chance to win [PRIZE NAME]! The winners will be announced tomorrow at 13:00 Moscow time.

18. What do you think will be the end of the Eagles vs Redskins game? The author of the most accurate answer will receive [PRIZE NAME].

19. What did you want to become when you were a child? Share your dreams and get the chance to win [PRIZE NAME]. The winner will be announced on Friday [DATE] at 12:00 Moscow time.

20. Click on the photo and press L on your keyboard to win [PRIZE NAME]! A little hint: L likes;) The hundredth liked photo wins.

21. How many cups of coffee do you think are too many? Leave a comment and win a $ 10 Starbucks Gift Card to satisfy your coffee cravings! You will find out the name of the winner tomorrow at 9 am (if, of course, you have coffee and you have time to wake up;)

22. Show me what you did last weekend? The photo with the most likes will be our page cover for the whole week!

23. Now I would like to be in _____ (a place on earth). If you had the opportunity to be anywhere in the world now, what would you choose? Leave a comment to win our prize! We will determine the lucky one tomorrow at 18:00 Moscow time.

24. Name who played Darth Vader in the classic Star Wars trilogy, and win the Black Lord T-shirt!

25. Which Major League Baseball player has the most home runs? Whoever gives the correct answer will receive tickets for the 2013 World Cup! The lucky one will be named on Wednesday at 17:00 Moscow time.

26. Name your favorite song and artist and win tickets to his show! The winning commentary will be selected at random tomorrow at 19:00 Moscow time. Do not miss!

27. What dish from our menu could you eat all year round? Share with us and win a gift certificate! The winner will be announced on Wednesday [DATE] at 14:00.

28. What can you do on the beach all day long? The author of the most interesting variant will become the owner of tickets to the annual art festival Burning Man 2014! We will learn the name of the most inventive this Friday at 18:00 Moscow time.

29. Name the first astronaut and win a ticket to the Astronautics Museum! We are waiting for your answers until 17:00 Moscow time [DATE].

30. “Notice! I didn’t suggest it. ” Name who owns the line and the film in which it sounds. The winner will receive [NAME OF PRIZE].

When choosing an idea, remember that contests should be aimed at your potential customers and reflect the specifics of your company. This is the only way to get a loyal audience that is really interested in your products and services. Organizing contests will show your company from a different, friendly side, which will create even more trust and turn subscribers into regular customers.

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