Xperia x a. Review of the smartphone Sony Xperia XA: modest charm. OS and software

Stylish design, pleasant and comfortable to hold in your hand, bright and rich screen, fast in operation - does not slow down, decent cameras with a bunch of all sorts of settings, powerful flashlight.


It discharges quickly, very delicate plastic on the back, low volume in the headphones, lack of a fingerprint scanner.


I read a lot of reviews and watched reviews about this smartphone, and now, I decided to buy it. The first minus showed itself in the literal sense "on the spot" - the plastic of the back cover turned out to be so scratch-resistant that they appeared already in the process when an employee in the store pasted a film on the screen! Grab your cover right now! By the way, if you buy a film for the FULL screen, then because of the rounded edges it will be problematic to stick it yourself without skill, besides, these films are silicone, which complicates the process of sticking. In the process of work, the device proved to be quite worthy, it works clearly and quickly, without hanging. 2GB of RAM is enough for me personally. We were pleased with the cameras, both the main one and the front camera, the main one has many settings and additions. I am satisfied with the quality of the photos. The battery, of course, is rather weak, even despite several power-saving modes, if you actively use it for the whole day, of course, there will not be enough charge. I was pleased that the smartphone is not overloaded with various unnecessary applications like other manufacturers, but still from the declared 16 GB. almost half is occupied by the system. The sound in the headphones is very quiet, if you ride in transport, the volume is sorely lacking, you can even turn it off in the subway. To be honest, from whom, but I did not expect this from SONY. But the sound quality is perfect, and there are many settings to improve it. There are no complaints about the quality of communication, everything catches very clearly and the interlocutor can hear perfectly during a conversation. Each device has its pros and cons, but I did not regret at all that I bought the Sony Xperia XA Dual SIM, although it seems to me that the price is somewhat overpriced for such a smartphone. But it's SONY. Well, in general, if you take it, I think you will not regret it.

Everyone knows Sony. She has very high quality products in her arsenal. And there is no difference what is in front of us: microwaves, TVs, consoles or smartphones. Everything is done flawlessly. However, in the mobile technology market, the company is not doing as well as we would like. For example, the production of laptops under the Vaio brand had to be completely curtailed. They just couldn't compete. Smartphones still somehow keep afloat. But this is mainly due to models with moisture protection. Also, many take into account the glorious past of the company. The smartphone F3311 is very interesting. Reviews about it, as well as its technical characteristics, will be discussed a little later. In the meantime, let's recall the main milestones in the formation of Sony.

A bit of history

The company was founded in Japan in 1946. Then it was called TTK. This is an abbreviation. The full name of the newly minted firm was so unpronounceable that poor Americans broke their tongues in a vain attempt to pronounce it correctly. Then the company's management decided to change the name to Sony, which made the Yankees incredibly happy. And at that time, the American market was a priority for Sony, along with the European one. Therefore, the name change played a very important role in the formation of the future giant. Sony began its glorious journey with the release of tape recorders with very high quality sound. Then came the turn of compact receivers that fit easily in your pocket. The latter have become very popular in the US and Europe.

The manufacturer began to produce mobile phones back in the days when push-button tubes ruled the ball. In tandem with the well-known Scandinavian company Ericsson, the manufacturer managed to create a legendary phone. We are talking about It was an exceptionally successful gadget. In the middle of the 2000s, the company's first smartphone under the Xperia brand was released. But there could be no talk of any Ericsson. Sony only. The device turned out to be very successful. It was after the release of this device that the long history of Xperia smartphones began. A striking representative of the devices of the line is the smartphone Sony Xperia E5 F3311. Owner reviews indicate that this is a very high-quality and productive phone. Sony is no different.

Smartphone positioning

Sony Xperia E5 F3311, reviews of which we will analyze in the future, was created as a budget smartphone "for everyone". At the same time, it is a direct competitor to the notorious iPhone 5. This is evidenced by the almost complete identity of the dimensions of both devices and some similarities in design. At the same time, Sony is inferior to the crafts from the guys from Cupertino in terms of performance. But it is not surprising. That's why it's a budget smartphone. Nevertheless, this device has all the prerequisites to become a bestseller: it has a nice design, small dimensions, decent performance, an excellent camera and an attractive price. The latter, by the way, is not among the advantages of the iPhone.

The positioning of this smartphone imposes certain obligations on it. So, it should have an appropriate price with pretty good performance. Oddly enough, but the Sony Xperia E5 F3311 Black, reviews of which are positive, manages to cope with this task. Even despite the fact that its antagonist iPhone is much more expensive. But don't expect miracles for that kind of money. The smartphone is moderately productive, but without frills. It seems that the time has come to consider this interesting device in more detail. And we will start with its appearance. For this is exactly what attracts potential buyers in the first place.

Design and appearance

As mentioned above, the appearance of the smartphone is a bit like the appearance of the iPhone 5C. But only a little. In fact, we have a completely unique device. What is only branded inscription Xperia on the rear panel. However, there are those who absolutely do not like the design. Yes, he does not shine with excesses. But the body materials are very practical. In everyday life, the device does not get dirty at all. It is made in the classic monoblock form factor. The front panel is covered with tempered glass. The back cover is non-removable. But this is a modern trend. Now even budget devices do not give access to the battery. These include the smartphone Sony Xperia E5 F3311 Black. Reviews about the appearance of the device (especially the black model) are extremely positive. And this already says a lot.

A characteristic feature of this smartphone is that there are no familiar touch buttons under the screen. They are shown on the display itself. Many do not like this solution, since these same buttons tend to pop up where they are completely unnecessary. However, this makes the gadget unique. Very few entry-level models have such a solution. Usually they are equipped with touch buttons, which makes the devices faceless and identical. So this "trick" design - a clear advantage of Sony. What else interesting can the Sony Xperia E5 F3311 LTE offer us? Reviews about the device make it clear that this smartphone still has a trick up its sleeve. And now we will move on to the performance of the hardware platform.

Smartphone hardware specifications

Now let's look at what is "under the hood" of the Sony Xperia E5 F3311 LTE. Owner reviews are mixed. However, the vast majority of users agree that the smartphone has pretty decent power. As a processor, a solution on a chip from MTK is used. There are four cores with a clock speed of 1.3 GHz. The processor itself has a 64-bit architecture. The graphics chip is from Mali, which does an excellent job with high-definition content. The amount of RAM is 1.5 gigabytes. In today's realities, this may not be enough. We can say that modern "heavy" games are not available to this smartphone. But this is to be expected: after all, a budget device. Nevertheless, the device copes with everyday tasks one hundred percent. Also, the multimedia capabilities of the gadget are very wide.

The built-in storage of the device is 16 gigabytes. At the same time, only 10 are available to the user. Apparently, the system takes up a lot of space. But it's not a problem. You can expand the memory capacity with a Micro SD flash drive. The device supports drives up to 128 gigabytes. What is especially valuable - the manufacturer decided not to supply the device with a hybrid slot, in which you can install only a second SIM card or memory card. For which he is honored and praised. In the arsenal of the smartphone, there are full-fledged connectors for 2 SIM cards and a USB flash drive. The Sony Xperia E5 F3311 phone, reviews of which will be discussed a little later, supports the LTE communication standard (though not the latest generation), has high-speed Wi-Fi and Bluetooth transmitters and a fast navigation module. But what is most valuable is the presence of an NFC chip, which ensures the full operation of Android Pay.

Machine screen

Now let's move on to the device display. It is of particular interest, because this is exactly the component that should work flawlessly, since it is he who is responsible for managing the smartphone and transmitting information. The device has a five-inch screen created using IPS OGS technology. This means that there is no air gap between the glass and the screen itself. This solution helps to improve color reproduction, but it has a bad effect on the cost of repairing the device. If the glass is damaged, the entire screen will have to be replaced. The display has decent brightness. This helps to more successfully use the gadget in sunny weather. There are also oleophobic and anti-reflective coatings. The pixel density is also decent. Resolution - 1280 by 720 pixels (HD). In this scenario, it is almost impossible to see individual pixels with the naked eye. And this can be attributed to the advantages of the Sony Xperia E5 F3311. Owner reviews confirm the screen characteristics declared by the manufacturer.

The color rendition of the screen is quite realistic. Although after purchase it is recommended to correct the color temperature. "At the factory" the device is a little yellow. Nevertheless, with the help of settings, you can achieve quite good results. The display is covered with tempered glass Corning This has a positive effect on the reliability of the smartphone as a whole. Do not forget about the advanced sensor, which works out 10 simultaneous touches at once. But this is the fate of all modern touch panels. The five-inch screen proves to be very convenient in everyday use. This device is perfect for those who are tired of the giant "shovels", the release of which many manufacturers are now sinning. The best looking Sony Xperia E5 F3311 is black. User reviews indicate that the screen in it practically merges with the body. Now let's look at the cameras of the gadget.

Main and front cameras of the device

As the main camera, a 13 megapixel module manufactured by Sony is used. There is autofocus and support for the trendy HDR option. However, don't expect much from this sensor. He's on a budget. The camera does an excellent job of shooting in daylight. It also takes good pictures in good room lighting. But shooting at dusk, judging by the reviews, is generally no good. Harsh noises and various artifacts immediately become noticeable. The built-in flash does nothing to improve the situation. In the dark, it is better not to use the camera at all, because you will be disappointed with the quality of the shooting. To create masterpieces of mobile photography, such a device as the Sony Xperia E5 F3311 Graphite Black is clearly not suitable. User reviews are very eloquent about this.

The front module uses a sensor with 5 megapixels. This component of the smartphone does not shine with characteristics at all. The lens is wide angle. There is even a filter that smoothes the skin. But in general, the quality of the photos is slightly worse than average. But for posting pictures on Instagram and chatting on Skype, the front camera is enough. It would be foolish to count on more, since the smartphone is still budget. And it can not be attributed to the category of camera phones. Nevertheless, experts say that not all budget devices are able to provide even such photo quality. So we still need to say thanks to Sony for such high-quality cameras in their smartphone. Now let's move on to the operating system of the gadget.

Software platform

The smartphone is running an operating system from Google - Android 6.0. This is a pretty smart system, which is flavored with a proprietary interface from Sony. This state of affairs is typical for all devices of the Xperia line. There is nothing surprising in this. The OS runs smoothly and quickly. There are no brakes or glitches. Even despite the fact that the RAM is not 2 gigabytes. However, the optimization of iron and the system is on the level. There are a number of pre-installed applications from the manufacturer. First of all, this is a branded Walkman player. Also there are all sorts of "improvers" of sound. Sony devices have always been associated with high-quality players. And the company is clearly not going to give up positions in this regard.

A proprietary shell modifies not only the appearance of the operating system. There are also new features that are not in the stock "Android". All this makes working with a smartphone more enjoyable. Judging by the reviews, the Sony Xperia E5 F3311 (LTE) smartphone boasts the most beautiful shell among all Android-based devices. And it's not a joke. This state of affairs plays into the hands of the company. Another plus is that Sony smartphones do not try to copy the iPhone interface. While Huawei (and other manufacturers) make their shells "iPhone-like", Xperia devices have managed to maintain their uniqueness. And this is another reason to pay attention to these gadgets.

Battery and battery life

This is probably the very parameter that worries most potential buyers the most. Not every person will be happy to depend on the outlet. That is why the question of the autonomous operation of the device is the most burning. The smartphone uses a rechargeable battery with a capacity of 2300 mAh. Is it a lot or a little? Modern budget smartphones are most often equipped with batteries of 3000 mAh and above. But this does not mean at all that the autonomy of this smartphone is no good. It's not about the number of mAh, but about optimizing the operating system of the device and its filling. And with this, everything is in order with the Sony Xperia E5 F3311 White. User reviews are proof of this.

The device's operating system provides two power saving modes. They are called Stamina and UltraStamina. Both are designed to extend the battery life of the smartphone. If you only need phone functions from the device, then it is better to use the "Ultra Stamina" mode. It allows the gadget to work up to two days without recharging. In normal Stamina mode, the gadget works, according to reviews, for a day and a half without being connected to the mains. But without all these additions, in normal use, the smartphone barely survives a day. This is not good. Even for a budget device. It would be better for Sony to equip this device with a more capacious battery. Then there would be no such problems with autonomy. Well, at least there are power saving modes - and thanks for that.

Accelerometer(or G-sensor) - device position sensor in space. As a main function, the accelerometer is used to automatically change the orientation of the image on the display (vertical or horizontal). Also, the G-sensor is used as a pedometer, it can be controlled by various functions of the device by turning or shaking.
Gyroscope- a sensor that measures the angles of rotation relative to a fixed coordinate system. Able to measure rotation angles in several planes simultaneously. The gyroscope together with the accelerometer allows you to determine the position of the device in space with high accuracy. In devices that use only accelerometers, measurement accuracy is lower, especially when moving quickly. Also, the capabilities of the gyroscope can be used in modern games for mobile devices.
Light sensor- a sensor, thanks to which the optimal values ​​​​of brightness and contrast are set for a given level of illumination. The presence of the sensor allows you to increase the operating time of the device from the battery.
Proximity sensor- a sensor that detects when the device is close to the face during a call, turns off the backlight and locks the screen, preventing accidental pressing. The presence of the sensor allows you to increase the operating time of the device from the battery.
Geomagnetic sensor- a sensor for determining the direction of the world in which the device is directed. Tracks the orientation of the device in space relative to the Earth's magnetic poles. The information received from the sensor is used in mapping programs for orientation in the area.
Atmospheric pressure sensor- sensor for accurate measurement of atmospheric pressure. It is part of the GPS system, allows you to determine the height above sea level and speed up the location.
touch ID- Fingerprint identification sensor.

Accelerometer / Geomagnetic / Gyroscope / Illumination / Proximity

Satellite navigation:

GPS(Global Positioning System - global positioning system) - a satellite navigation system that measures distance, time, speed and determines the location of objects anywhere on the Earth. The system was developed, implemented and operated by the US Department of Defense. The basic principle of using the system is to determine the location by measuring the distances to the object from points with known coordinates - satellites. The distance is calculated from the propagation delay time of the signal from sending it by the satellite to receiving it by the GPS receiver antenna.
GLONASS(Global Navigation Satellite System) - Soviet and Russian satellite navigation system, developed by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense. The measurement principle is similar to the American GPS navigation system. GLONASS is intended for operational navigation and time support for ground, sea, air and space-based users. The main difference from the GPS system is that GLONASS satellites in their orbital movement do not have resonance (synchronism) with the Earth's rotation, which provides them with greater stability.

Smartphone Sony Xperia X (F5122) - overview

I am often reproached for the fact that, as a fan of smartphones with large displays, I very rarely do reviews of smartphones with a diagonal of up to 5 ". It's true, I'm not particularly interested in them, especially since smartphones with a small diagonal are usually enough frail, and in almost all components: platform, sound, camera, battery, etc. And there are users who are very annoyed by this approach of manufacturers, because they need a good powerful smartphone, but with a small display. requirements is very, very small. In this review, we will consider one of these options - a small smartphone that actually has flagship characteristics. This is the Sony Xperia X - a phone with a diagonal of 5 ".

Specifications Operating system: Android 6.0 with custom skin
Display: 5", 1920×1080, Full HD, 2.5D, IPS, 441 PPI
CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 650
GPU: Adreno 510
Flash memory: 32 (64 for Dual SIM) GB
Memory card: microSD up to 200 GB
Fingerprint Scanner: No
IR port: there is
Wireless connection: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.1, NFC
Camera: 23 MP, predictive autofocus, flash
Front-camera: 13 MP
Ports: microUSB, audio jack
Navigation: GPS (A-GPS), GLONASS
SIM card: nanoSIM
Battery: 2620 mAh, non-removable
Dimensions: 143×69×7.9mm
The weight: 153 g
Additionally: proximity, light, pressure sensors, gyroscope, accelerometer, compass
Body colors: black, silver, gold, rose gold
Price: 36-41 thousand rubles on "Yandex.Market" There is also a version of Dual SIM, which has 64 GB of internal memory. This is what the color options look like. There are also several other modifications of the Xperia X. These are the cheaper Xperia XA (weaker platform, worse performance and HD display), the more powerful Xperia X Performance on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820, which has dust and water protection, and the hefty Xperia XA Ultra with a display of 6 "FullHD on MediaTek MT6755. Contents of delivery The packaging is a strict white box with a bright Sony inscription and a barely noticeable Xperia X inscription. The bundle is extremely ascetic: a smartphone, a power adapter, a USB-microUSB cable.
On the other hand, what else do you need? Headset? All of these bundled headsets are usually of very low quality and hardly anyone uses them. At the same time, they increase the cost of the kit. Well, to hell? Another thing is that, for example, Apple completes iPhones with really high-quality Earpods, and so many people use them. Power adapter - 5V and 1.5A.

By the way, this smartphone supports fast charging according to the Qualcom QuickCharge 3.0 standard, but you will have to buy a UCH12 adapter from Sony for it. Appearance and features The design of the Sony Xperia X is traditional and expected. Sony generally does not indulge users with variety in design, and the Xperia X is no exception. The case is made of painted aluminum alloy, the display is covered with tempered glass with rounded edges. The ends are slightly rounded, but the phone is quite comfortable to take with one hand from the table, it also fits very well and grips in the hand. There are inconspicuous plastic inserts for antennas only at the bottom end, the back cover also does not contain any plastic inserts - it is made of aluminum alloy. happened to me several times. Interestingly, in this smartphone there are no holes for the speaker at all. The right end from the bottom up: the camera call button (I warmly welcome such things), the volume rocker and the power button.
I didn't like the buttons at all. Well, okay - the camera, in any case, it requires a long press so that there are no accidental triggers. The volume rocker is inconveniently located, has an extremely small and very indistinct stroke. The power button is even weirder. At first I thought that it, like in Sony Xperia Z5 Premium, has a fingerprint scanner built into it, which made the button so uncomfortable (and in older Xperia models it was done very well), but there is no scanner here, and the button is terribly uncomfortable in itself: it not only does not rise above the surface, but is also slightly recessed. Why this is done is completely incomprehensible to me personally. The upper end is an audio output and a second microphone for noise reduction
The left end is a plug insert for a SIM card and a memory card.

Well, the bottom end is a microUSB output and a microphone.
Well, here is the Xperia X next to the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge and Lenovo Note 5.
The smartphone looks good, but, let's say, without a twist, the materials and assembly are expected to be very high quality. The control buttons here are traditionally on-screen, and also quite large, so they occupy a rather large part of the screen area.

I also really don't like the fact that here, as in other Sony smartphones, you can't swap "Return" and "List of running applications", well, and in principle, the "Menu" is not called up by any combination at all. This, on the one hand, is experienced, but very inconvenient. Okay, even when the buttons are located on the bottom panel and are not reconfigured (although, for example, HTC is reconfigured), but since they are already on-screen, why can't they be reconfigured? For example, I'm very used to the fact that "Return" is on the right. Actually, almost all smartphones have it on the right, and only Sony has it on the left - and this cannot be changed. Annoying. However, Sony users probably quickly get used to this and they do not like it when the return is on the right. (But for right-handed people, the return should by definition be on the right, because this button is used much more often than calling running applications.) Display IPS display with OGS technology. Very good image quality, good margin of brightness. In direct sunlight, like the Sony Xperia Z5 Premium, the image is very clearly distinguishable. There is an effective anti-reflective filter and a high-quality oleophobic coating. pinkish tint. The same thing happens when the adaptive adjustment greatly reduces the brightness (well, or you lower it yourself), - the white color acquires such a shade. I tried to show it in the photo - I took it at an angle. It seems to be clearly visible that it is not white. And next in comparison is OnePlus 3, whose white color does not change at this angle.
That is, in general, the display is very high quality, but there is such a feature that I did not like. Device operation Android 6.0.1 is installed here, but, as usual with Sony, it uses its own shell and its own system applications. The main desktop.

Applications installed on the system.

Fast switches. They are being edited.

Editing quick switches.

Blocking window.

As usual, a wide variety of themes are offered for download and installation.

phone application Incoming call. You can reply with SMS.

Conversation mode.

Call quality is good, noise cancellation works effectively. I was afraid that due to the aluminum case with almost no plastic inserts, the level would be worse than that of other smartphones, but this was not noticeable in test conversations. The only thing is that when I measured the Wi-Fi level in comparison with the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge, it showed the level slightly higher than the Xperia X. However, slightly higher. Wi-Fi and mobile Internet speed tests showed quite normal speed (compared to the same Samsung Galaxy S7 edge).

Audio As I already said, there are no holes for the speaker here at all, nevertheless, the built-in speaker sounds very decent: clear, without wheezing and good sound quality. This smartphone supports high quality audio tracks: if you download lossless tracks, you can play them with a system application , while the HR (HiRes) icon appears next to such tracks. The LDAC codec is also supported here - transmission via Bluetooth lossless formats with almost no quality loss.

I listened to HiRes (FLAC) sound in headphones. Sennheiser CX 2.00G in-ear headphones are very good: the sound is clear, voluminous, excellent detail, good, but, for my taste, harsh and sometimes downright cutting high (for certain compositions).

Audio-Technica ATH-M50x full-size headphones are also very good: the sound is quite voluminous, clear, good bass and decent highs. There is a DSEE HX option in the audio settings, which should improve the quality of playback of compressed files. Yes, it works. Not that they turn into HiRes Audio, but the detail is clearly improved, although the sound takes on a slightly metallic tint. There is also a ClearAudio + option that does not work with DSEE HX - also interesting: playback quality does improve for most songs. Video The performance of the system is enough to play even 4K videos.
Games 3D games play smoothly and briskly.

For tanks, the FPS is kept almost at the maximum - 59-60.

Performance test by Epic Citadel.

Determination of coordinates Even with a cold start, communication with the satellites was established almost instantly. Coordinates determines very stable, navigation programs work without any problems.

Settings Conveniently grouped settings with certain additions regarding Android 6.0.

Connected devices have traditionally been a strong point of Sony smartphones.

"Smart" memory cleaning mode.

There are two power-saving modes here: the proprietary STAMINA, which really significantly increases battery life, and the ultra-saving Ultra STAMINA mode.

Here are the apps available in Ultra STAMINA mode.

This is what the desktop looks like with Ultra STAMINA enabled.

The manufacturer promises that in this mode the smartphone will last up to 20 days. I tested, I got 16 days of occasional use. Camera Camera interface.

Photo settings.

Video settings.

It uses a 1/2.3" Exmor RS sensor. A 24mm-equivalent lens with f/2.0 aperture. The camera is launched either by a long press on a separate dedicated button or by a long press of the power button when the display is off. Example shots. (All clickable, open in full size.)Indoors.

On the street.

Well, in bad lighting conditions.
In the dark.

Video example.

In my opinion, the camera is wonderful. Excellent autofocus - really very fast and tenacious. Didn't miss at all in normal lighting conditions. In some reviews, I saw claims that it focused poorly in insufficient lighting conditions - nothing like this happened to me. The focus only floated when shooting at night in situations where my mirrorless camera was also messing with the focus. The pictures are very clear, with excellent detail. The colors are vibrant yet natural. With white balance, the camera practically did not miss. The video is of good quality, and I liked how the stabilizer works there: you can see from the video that the picture is stabilizing. Of course, this is not such a good stabilizer as in cameras, but this is not a camera, but a small smartphone. In general, the camera impressed. System and performance Data on CPU-Z.

AnTuTu test.

In the comparison table, the smartphone is in 22nd place, next to the iPhone 6.

Geekbench 3 tests.

Well, the overall index for PCMark.

The smartphone is really powerful and nimble, there are no problems with performance here. Battery life My battery life tests. (STAMINA mode is off.) Internet. The brightness is set to a comfortable 40%, wireless networks are turned on, the page is updated in the browser every 30 seconds. 10 hours 40 minutes. Video. Wireless communications are disabled, the brightness of the player is set to a comfortable 10th level (15 in total), the video of the series is spinning in the MX Player in a cycle. 9 hours 45 minutes. I expected it to be a couple of hours longer. Synthetic test PCMark issued 10 hours 1 minute. And here I expected that it would be a couple of hours less.

Nevertheless, the smartphone, which is practically promised by the manufacturer for two days without recharging, does not survive during normal use. One day lives iron even with a very serious load (10 hours on PCMark is quite a lot). Two days - only with not too active use and with the STAMINA mode turned on. In general, the autonomy indicators for these characteristics and battery capacity are quite normal. Observations at work and conclusions During testing, I did not find any problems. When running 3D games or applications that heavily load the system, there was a slight heating in the area of ​​​​the chipset. In general, I liked the smartphone. For those who need a small but powerful and high-quality smartphone, this is a good option, and in almost all respects: performance, display, sound, camera, battery life. Price - yes, the price is high, I do not argue. Actually, smartphones from Sony have always been expensive. But a high-quality and powerful smartphone will not be cheap by definition.

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