What is auto-correct on iPhone? How to disable word correction on iPhone. How to disable Auto-Correct on iOS

The age of progress sometimes plays a cruel joke on ordinary people. Things that were once considered fantastic and incomprehensible suddenly turned into boring everyday life, sometimes even annoying. In this article we will talk about auto-correction on Iphone. And also about how to remove T9 on an iPhone. However, first you need to figure everything out.

What is T9

Before you disable something, you need to understand what it is and why. We will talk about a special T9 dictionary for mobile devices. By the way, this miracle of engineering was invented even before the appearance of the first smartphone from Apple. And it was considered quite a progressive and useful technology. However, some people still think so.

So, T9 is a system that predicts which keys you will press when sending a message. Sometimes the system works falsely, and this causes various incidents. However, it can be useful.

How it works

Before answering the question of how to remove T9 on an iPhone, let’s try to understand the principle of operation of this system. This built-in program is a dictionary consisting of preloaded words. In addition, it is possible to add new words to it simply by repeating the text. T9 allows you not to press the same keys at the same time, but to use only nine. That's where the name comes from. The more often you use any words, the more often T9 will prompt you to write them.

Thanks to this feature, funny incidents sometimes happen, many of which are captured on social networks.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the positive features of this system is that it sometimes helps to send a short and competent message to the interlocutor. This is convenient, for example, when the user is very busy with something and does not want to divert all his attention to his mobile device. For example, while eating or studying. However, you can come up with a lot of such situations.

Of the minuses, T9 sometimes distorts texts so much that you then have to wriggle out in front of your interlocutor or, at best, retype everything. However, the function is definitely quite useful. But not always.

How to remove T9 on iPhone

In fact, the formulation of the question itself is slightly incorrect. The iPhone essentially does not have a keyboard, but rather a large touch screen. Accordingly, this function is called auto-correction.

Nevertheless, people ask questions about, for example, how to remove T9 on iPhone 5s. There is an answer. You need to do some minor manipulations, namely: go to the settings item, then select the “Basic” sub-item and go to the keyboard section. All that remains is to uncheck the "Auto-correction" checkbox. That's all. The issue is resolved.

How to remove T9 on iPhone 6 and subsequent models? The principle is completely similar, you should do the same steps, and you will save yourself from ridiculous situations when you send nonsense to your interlocutor instead of completely reasonable thoughts. After all, the operating systems of both devices are similar, so this will work on almost any relatively new iPhone models.


So, we got acquainted with the wonderful auto-correction function, which is sometimes useful. But more often it interferes with users who are already accustomed to typing quickly and do not want technology to help them in their creativity. In addition, we answered a very popular question about how to remove T9 on an iPhone.

Have you ever had this experience when you are texting with a friend or your parent, you press send, intending to say something very serious and suddenly the person you are talking to suddenly responds with a lot of emojis. Or, they may be confused and even angry about what you just sent them. Could iOS AutoCorrect be screwing you over?

This is what can happen with autocorrect.

Confused, you double-check what you sent, and there it is - a glaring error! This happens to even experienced iPhone users. You probably think that such mistakes are quite common. The result can be quite funny or downright embarrassing. No, thanks to iOS autocorrect. Some people even attribute broken relationships to autocorrect. Just imagine if it was your business conversation or date when you wrote!

Since you can't always catch errors before you post, address the root cause. Stop sending those confusing texts by taking full control of iOS's AutoCorrect feature.

Here are five ways:

1. Auto-correction learns well

iOS AutoCorrect has its charms. This will really help you save time when sending text messages. It learns from you too and adjusts its words based on the terms you use most often.

Autocorrect learns from you, taking into account your most preferred words.

If you are in a hurry and intend to type "instead", you may already be receiving suggestions even if you have just typed the first letters. However, by clicking on your chosen word, you teach the autocorrect function that this is the word you prefer. While this is sometimes convenient, it also creates a problem.

The next time you type the word "instead" may immediately appear in the message. But what if you meant a different word? Now you have to delete it and enter it again. Or, what if you didn't notice that iOS AutoCorrect had adjusted a word? And you send a message with confusion.

So make sure you thoroughly understand the autocorrect feature. You can do this by typing words you think you use often a few times. These words will then be arranged as sentences and auto-correct terms. Once you learn autocorrect well, this feature will save you time and effort when typing.

2. Close the predictive text.

Now, if you find word replacement suggestions bothering you and causing you extra difficulty, simply turn off predictive text. Then you can freely enter any data. And you minimize the risk of iOS autocorrection.

How do I turn off predictive text?

Just follow these steps:

  • When in the application "Messages» find the button « Keyboards" Here you activate emojis.
  • Click this button to disable option " Predictive" And you did.
  • If you want to re-enable predictive text, simply turn it back on using the button on your keyboard.

For iOS 10 users you have an alternative:

  • Open menu "Settings» operating system.
  • Find General, and in it click “ Keyboard".
  • There you will see an option Predictive. Turn it off (or turn it on if necessary).

By limiting the use of predictive text, your typing mistakes are counted as your preferred words using iOS AutoCorrect. Plus, you can avoid that annoying pop-up of suggested words (which may not even make sense) while you're typing.

3. Create shortcuts using text replacement

Another approach to iOS autocorrect is to use a keyboard shortcut. Instead of disabling this feature, why don't you make it work for you?

For example, if you often tell your friends “see you later,” you can create a shortcut with that phrase. The next time you type those seemingly random letters, iOS will automatically correct it with the correct phrase. This makes the auto-correct feature work well and saves you typing effort. Really convenient when you are in a hurry to work, eat and can text with only one hand, or when you are distracted by something.

To create these useful shortcuts you need to use "Text Replacement" function" in the following way:

  • Open the menu " Settings".
  • Click " Are common", then " Keyboard".
  • There you will see Replace text option.
  • Will be next to him "+" sign That's why click on him.
  • Then add the shortcut you want to create in the field "Label".
  • Add the correct words to the field "Phrase".
  • Click Save.

Voila! You have created a shortcut. Enjoy the convenience of input that will be automatically corrected.

However, the beauty of Text Replacement doesn't stop there. You can also use it to prevent iOS from auto-correcting certain words that you don't want to change. For example, you have a foreign friend and you often send him “Thank you”, thank you in English. iOS AutoCorrect may not be very good at this and may randomly change a word to "interval" or something weird that will completely confuse your friend.

To avoid getting lost in translation, use the function "Text replacement».

  • Open it using the menu "Settings.
  • Place this or any other word that you do not want to auto-correct in the field Phrase.
  • Leave the field "Shortcut" is empty.
  • Click Save.

Then, every time you type a foreign word, iOS AutoCorrect will leave it alone, allowing you to convey your gratitude properly.

4. Reset your iPhone's keyboard dictionary

Like most phones, the iPhone has a built-in dictionary. This works in conjunction with iOS's autocorrect to correctly correct any word it thinks is incorrect. When typing, there may be cases where misspelled words are stored in the dictionary. If incorrect terms become too abundant and frustrate you, it may be time to reinstall your dictionary.

Here's how to do it:

  • Open "Settings".
  • Click "Are common", then click "Reset".
  • You will see Resetting the keyboard dictionary. Click to begin the reboot.

After the reset, the dictionary should now be open for retraining. Make sure you keep the correct words this time to avoid repeat spelling mistakes. You never know when you'll need to send a professional text. It will be very embarrassing if your boss or potential client thinks that you cannot write correctly. This can ruin their first impression of you. So it's better to be safe than sorry.

5. Disable iOS startup.

Okay, so you're really annoyed with iOS autocorrect. Every time this word turns into something strange, you feel anger rise within you. Because of this, many times, you just want to throw away your phone. Or perhaps you were completely humiliated or lost a potential boyfriend/girlfriend due to an auto-correct error. You might just be better at grammar and sentence structure than your phone.

In any case, if you can't stand this feature anymore, here's the ultimate solution - turn off iOS's AutoCorrect feature!

Tired of auto-correcting, making people think you're into soup and cat poop rather than the cultured, theatrical person you are?

Turn off! How?

  • Go to "Settings».
  • Open "Are common" and find "Keyboard".
  • From there disable auto-correct feature.

All. Goodbye autocorrect!

A little more about the IOS auto-correction function for your texts

As with most technology, auto-correct was designed to make your life convenient. Sometimes, however, the best intentions can lead to negative results. This, however, does not mean that there is nothing you can do. With these five ways, you can become a master of autocorrect instead of being mastered.

Implement any or all of these methods to become an autocorrect ace!

In fact, it’s not called T9 at all, but “ Auto-correction" Common people also use the term " AutoCorrect" This function is activated on Apple gadgets by default, so an iPhone user will definitely suffer from the “disservice” of the device from the very beginning of its use. Fortunately, turning off T9 and avoiding discomfort is easy as pie.

« Auto-correction» makes sure that What the user writes in the field “ Text» SMS. If he uses a word unfamiliar to the program, “ Auto-correction“believes that the user made a mistake and offers the correct (in her opinion) option. The corrected word is visible just above the one entered by the compiler.

The user needs to click on the “cross” and close the option offered by T9. If he clicks on the space bar, the word he wrote will be replaced by the top one. Therein lies the problem: iPhone owners always forget to press cross when typing“—the result is sheer nonsense instead of a reasonable message.

« Auto-correction” was supposed to help increase the speed of printing SMS messages, but had the opposite effect. The reason is simple: there are a huge number of slang words in the Russian language, and new ones are constantly appearing - it is, alas, impossible to teach a program “vernacular Russian” and force it to follow speech trends.

How to disable T9?

If a feature is ineffective, it is wiser to disable it. You can remove T9 on iPhone in just a few steps:

Step 1. Go to " Settings" and select the section " Basic».

Step 2. Scroll down and find the subsection " Keyboard».

Step 3. Switch the toggle switch " Auto-correction» to the inactive position.

The time has come for a relieved exhalation - T9 will no longer interfere with the process of writing SMS, as well as messages in instant messengers Viber And What's App.

In the “Keyboard” section, you can not only turn off T9, but also make a lot of other settings that most iPhone owners don’t even know about - for example, add a new keyboard in Hebrew, Chinese, Korean and other languages, set up auto-correction for abbreviations (“etc” in "etc").

How to turn on T9?

It is logical that it turns on " Auto-correction"in the same way as turning it off - you just need to move the slider to the active position. The main question is: Is it worth enabling this feature and, if so, why??

In fact, T9 is not as useless as users think, because she can study. If you set up, for example, abbreviations for those cumbersome terms that you are forced to constantly use as part of your work, this will help significantly save time on correspondence.

Teach " Auto-correction» new words can be like this:

Step 1. In the subsection " Keyboard» find the block « Abbreviations" and click on " New reduction».

Step 2. In the fields " Phrase" And " Reduction» Write down the full cumbersome phrase and its truncated variation (for example, an abbreviation), respectively.

Step 3. Try writing an SMS - add an abbreviation to the body of the message.

« Auto-correction" suggests using an expanded version of the phrase. Click " Space", and the abbreviation will be immediately replaced with the full phrase.


Most iPhone users take T9 for granted - they constantly suffer from the interference of this function, but do not try to disable it, although this is done in a few simple steps. It’s not necessary to disable it, because the T9 on the iPhone can not only “put a spoke in the wheels,” but also be a “good assistant” - you just need to spend some time replenishing its vocabulary.

The iPhone's automatic text correction feature allows you to type messages to friends and relatives almost blindly - it itself will replace all incomprehensible characters with the words that it thinks are most suitable. However, as practice shows, many users try to disable auto-correction immediately after unpacking their new smartphone. Why? The Russian language is so vast that iOS and half of the words that you use in everyday communication.

But this is also not the best way out of the situation. Often, the speed of typing messages using autocorrection is several times higher than without it. How then? The function can be fooled using standard iOS tools.

The point of this trick is to use keyboard shortcuts to temporarily disable auto-correct. Suppose you often use a word that, unfortunately, iOS does not know and constantly changes it to a combination that is not even close in meaning. Let in our case it be the word “collapse” - auto-correction understands it as “collage”.

Feel free to go to the main iPhone settings, then to the “” section. Then scroll down to the “Abbreviations” item, where by default there is only etc. (and so on).

Adding a new abbreviation. At the same time, in the “Phrase” field we enter the word that we want to see on the screen, and in the “Abbreviation” field we write down the result of its automatic replacement.

All is ready! From now on, when you type “collage,” iPhone will replace that word with “collapse.” Of course, this method is unlikely to work for a hundred words, but for three or five it’s fine. Surely everyone has their own favorite word, which is always subject to the influence of auto-correction. I only hope that it can be found in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

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