What does it mean through a proxy. What is a proxy server and why is it needed

The English word "proxy", which means "empowerment", is well known to everyone, and one has to deal with this concept daily. However, not all PC users know what a proxy is and how it works. Between users and the system of all Internet servers, this invisible intermediary makes it possible to work on the network.

Proxy server - what is it?

A typical computer user may not know what a proxy connection is and why it needs it. In fact, access to WWW resources is not possible directly from the client-server system. This requires an intermediate link, which is a proxy. Any request from a personal PC is sending your data in order to get the necessary information back. He always goes to the intermediary - a set of computer programs that processes the request and sends the client to the address. That is, a person connects to servers through an authorized proxy, acting on his behalf.

What is a proxy server for?

Without a proxy complex, working with resources is impossible. There are several reasons why PC users need to use a helper server:

  1. Substitution of location.If you access the site through a proxy, you can bypass restrictions on access to services.
  2. Protection of confidential information.An anonymous proxy server hides the location of the client, its IP address. The client can go online anonymously. This proxy feature also protects users from network attacks.
  3. Security.   Restricting access to "restricted" sites. This is practiced in companies so that employees do not spend time on entertainment portals and in.
  4. Resource caching to increase access to them.The server is able to store some data in short-term memory, and when it is static, the client already displays previously downloaded content.

How to use proxies?

Even those who are not good at computers can understand what a connection, such as a proxy, greatly simplifies networking and ensures the anonymity of the client browser. It will help you bypass IP blocking, visit a restricted site, request a web page in accelerated mode. Basic concepts of the principle of the intermediary server take user skills to a new level. Before using a proxy server, you need to be able to configure it correctly.

Where to get the proxy?

Today, individual proxies are bought and sold. They may be free, but you should not save on a quality product, because for a little money the client receives some useful services. Where to find an anonymous proxy?

  1. Free are laid out on special sites. Anyone can use them, so sometimes they can slow down and fail.
  2. You can download proxy using the Proxy Switcher program. It will sort the server by country, allow testing the speed and operation of the selected proxy. One "minus" - the program is paid, you have to pay about $ 30.
  3. You can buy an “authorized” server at 50na50.net, foxtools.ru and hideme.ru. The list of available helpers is updated daily.

How to configure a proxy server?

When the choice in favor of one of the proxies is made, you need to install it on the computer. Proxy settings will not take much time. How to act?

  1. Open browser settings.
  2. Go to the “advanced settings” tab.
  3. Select “Connection Settings”.
  4. Specify the proxy connection settings.
  5. Enter the server IP address.
  6. To restart a computer.

How to find out your proxy server?

If the computer already has a set of necessary technical means, but the user does not know the port number, there are several ways to find out your proxy.

  1. For ordinary users or members of the corporate network - by opening tabs on the control panel. These are items such as “Connection Properties” and “Internet Protocol TPC \\ IP”. If the address column contains not the usual numbers 192.168 ..., but others, they indicate a proxy.
  2. If you have problems determining the server address, you can ask your system administrator for advice.
  3. Mozilla Firefox browser users can find their settings in the “Settings” - “Advanced” - “Network” tabs. It gives a full description of the server, if any.
  4. Internet Explorer contains the following information in the "Tools" - "Internet Options" sections.

How to change the proxy server?

Sometimes an experienced user asks the question: how to change the proxy connection? This is also not difficult. In the computer settings there is a tab “Change proxy server settings”, where you can put the appropriate marks. Exceptions are the Google Chrome browser. It will have to act like this:

  • select the menu item "Parameters";
  • go to the "Advanced" page;
  • find the “Network” tab;
  • go to the "Change settings" section;
  • the Internet Explorer browser settings window opens, where you can change the proxy.

How to disable a proxy server?

Understanding what a proxy is and how it helps in the work, the user skillfully uses the properties of this assistant. But sometimes there is a need to completely disconnect connection services. Perhaps this is done in order to move to another server, and perhaps for its complete uselessness. Before disabling the proxy, the user weighs the pros and cons. If the decision is not made in favor of the assistant, you need to proceed according to the following instructions for different browsers:

  1. In Internet Explorer, go to the “Connections” tab, click the “Network Settings” button, where uncheck the box next to “Automatically detect settings”. Next to "Use a proxy server for local connections", check the box. In both open windows, click OK.
  2. In Mozilla FireFox, in the connection settings window, check the box next to "No proxy."
  3. In Opera, go to the "Quick Settings" subsection by pressing the F12 key. Left-click on the line “Enable proxies” to uncheck this item.

When you use the Internet in normal mode, your device connects directly to application and site servers. As a result, these servers recognize your, location and other data, that is, you lose anonymity on the Web. In addition, application and site owners or a provider can block your access to servers.

Fortunately, instead of a direct connection, you can use a proxy - an intermediary server that provides data exchange between the device and servers of Internet resources. It disguises your data from the owners of the applications and sites you visit, which prevents them from blocking you by IP. In addition, a mediated connection allows you to bypass the locks imposed by the provider.

Proxies provide only relative anonymity on the Internet.

With the availability of special equipment and skills, interested parties will be able to track you. Nevertheless, using a proxy, you can access many blocked sites and hide your IP from them.

How is a proxy different from a VPN

Both technologies help bypass and protect user privacy. But more perfect in technical terms.

If you are not against installing additional software and are willing to pay more for the high speed and degree of anonymity, and also want to protect the transmitted data as much as possible, choose a VPN.

If you only need a way to access blocked sites and a simple anonymizer without reliable data protection, it will be enough to configure the proxy. They do not require special software. Plus, in most cases, paid proxies are cheaper than paid VPNs (if you need a quality service without restrictions, then in both cases you will have to pay).

The main types of proxies

  • Cgi   - Simple proxies for web surfing. Unlike the others, this type does not require any settings: you go to a special site, enter the desired URL - and the proxy opens this address in the browser. At the same time, CGI often display pages incorrectly and work only within the open tab, which is not always convenient.
  • HTTP   - proxies designed to work with the hypertext transfer protocol. Simply put, suitable for full viewing sites. If you connect such a proxy in the settings of the operating system, it will be active immediately for all browsers, until you disable it.
  • SHTTP   - proxies with SSL encryption support. They differ from the previous type in that they allow you to view protected sites (their addresses begin with https).
  • SOCKS4, SOCKS5   - support additional data transfer protocols. It may be needed if you want to configure proxies not only for the browser, but also.

CGI proxies are available for free on sites such as Hidester, Hide.me, ProxySite. As stated above, you will not need any settings.

But to use any other type of proxy, you must first bind it to the device. To do this, just find out the IP address and port of the proxy server, and then enter this data into the settings of the operating system.

Lists of proxies with their addresses and ports can be found on sites like HideMy.name, FoxTools and FineProxy. Many servers are available for free, but among them you will find slow and completely inoperative ones - be prepared for this. If you do not want to waste time, pay for a quality and stable proxy. For example, on the same FineProxy.

When choosing a proxy from the list, pay attention to the “Anonymity” parameter. The higher its value, the more chance you have of hiding your real IP.

Selecting a server of any country from the list, copy its IP address and port. Then simply insert this data according to one of the instructions.

  1. Open the “Start” → “Settings” section (gear icon) → “Network and Internet” → “Proxies”.
  2. Find the “Manual proxy settings” block, activate the option “Use proxies manually” in it.
  3. Enter the address and port, and then click "Save."
  4. To disable proxies, simply deactivate the option “Use proxy server”.

  1. Go to the control panel and open the menu "Internet Options" ("Internet Options"). Or use Win + R, type Inetcpl.cpl and press Enter.
  2. In the menu that opens, go to the “Connections” tab and click “Network Settings”.
  3. Check the option "Use proxy server ...".
  4. Enter the server address and port, then click OK.
  5. To disable proxies, uncheck "Use proxy server ...".

  1. Lower the Apple menu and go to "System Preferences" → "Network".
  2. Highlight the active connection and click Advanced.
  3. Click the Proxies tab and select one or more types of proxies that you intend to use in the left pane.
  4. Enter the server address and port for each selected type and click OK.
  5. To disable proxies, uncheck the proxy types.

The Android interface is different on different devices, but the approximate procedure for most of them will be as follows:

  1. Open the Wi-Fi settings and click on the active connection to open the context menu. You may have to hold your finger on the connection name.
  2. Use the context menu to open advanced network settings.
  3. Find the item associated with the proxy server and select the manual settings mode.
  4. Enter the server address and port, and then save the changes.
  5. To undo the changes, go back to the settings, find the item related to the proxy, and disable it.

  1. Open the Wi-Fi settings and click on the round icon next to the active connection.
  2. Click “Proxy Settings” and select “Manual”.
  3. Enter the server address and port, and then click "Save."
  4. To disable the proxy, again look for the item “Proxy settings” and select “Off”.

Most likely, a proxy enabled at the OS level will work only for browsers. If you want to use it for another application, look for instructions on how to configure it on the Web or immediately on the official website of the program. For example, you can configure the SOCKS5 proxy to bypass Telegram blocking.

  In this article we will try to tell you as simple and accessible as possible about what proxies are and where you can buy them. In addition, we will focus a little on classification (i.e., we will tell you which
proxy there are). If you are just discovering cyberspace for yourself and want to at least have something to fuck in its vastness (money, fame, pleasures, etc.), then this educational program will be to your liking - we will not ship. All you need to do is read the material, cut into the basics, and then act according to the circumstances, namely, you either continue to study the topic (in order to become an expert in everything related to proxy), or relying on the knowledge gained, reap the benefits that this miraculous judo will supply you (and this, without a doubt, will happen).

Let's start the story a little unconventionally and define " a proxy server is ...."we’ll give it a little later. We begin with a banal example, which very clearly demonstrates why some simple mortal users are actively starting to delve into the network in the hope of finding a well-functioning proxy server.

Take a look.

Imagine this picture - you are connected to the Internet and want to download music. There are not so few places where this can be done, but, unfortunately, it very often happens that the very music you need is located only in a single place. Either you do not know how to use search engines, or indeed the archiver with the album you require is posted only in a single copy - in a word, the devil knows it - nowhere else, even though you crack!

So. Here you have found the opportunity to download what you need and click on download. Clap - get on free uploader host   entitled rapidshare.com. Fine! We are waiting for the set time. for freeloaders who do not buy a premium account there is always a slight wait before jumping. The set 60-70 seconds passed and the desired button appeared Download file.

And it wasn’t here - it turns out that someone is already downloading from speedsharas, and in addition to everything, also from your IP address! The world is cruel and the system is not going to give you the go-ahead to download a file unequivocally - it just says - " wait until they download, and then try again". You wait, wait, wait ... And so without end.

And here's the thing: you have a static IP address and your provider, to put it mildly, is very bad (if you allow yourself such things).

So what to do - you say - how to download from rapidshara? Well, yes .. The answer is on the network - and here you are breaking in there, in order to understand and understand, and then make it work so that everything works. And, of course, the first thing you find on the web is if you type in Google " how to download from rapidshara"there will be useful advice -" use a proxy and you will be happy!"

Oops What is a proxy? And with what eat it? Where to get it? How to set up? Yeah ... There are a lot of questions, and you are one ... But do not despair! Now we will tell you everything (well, almost everything!)

What is a proxy server.

A proxy server is an intermediate computer that is an intermediary (from the English "proxy" - an intermediary) between your computer and the Internet. All your calls to cyber space pass through the proxy server. The proxy server processes these calls, and transfers the results (for example, files downloaded from the Internet) back to your computer.

  If to explain on the fingers, then technically the proxy server operation procedure looks like this:

  • - you configure your browser to the appropriate proxy server (how to do this - see below);
  • - The browser sends a request to this proxy server through your provider;
  • - the proxy server (if it is working and kind) sends a request to the site you need;
  • - the site (if it is not malicious and trusts a good proxy) accepts the request and issues the information requested by the proxy server;
  • - a proxy, accepts this response and sends it to you (again - through your provider);
  • - your browser, accepts the received data;
  • - you save the file to the screw or look at the page of the required site.
  Thus, on the part of the provider, your activity on the Internet looks very weak, because you constantly go to the same site (the proxy server, like the site, has a unique IP address). But, in fact, you download the required data from all over the Internet, and the provider can not even guess where you are and what interests you.

Read the last sentence carefully again, as a proxy server is not only the ability to download from speedshares, but also anonymity on the Internet.

By the way, we'll talk about anonymity, but now - let's get back to the theory of using proxy servers in everyday life.

All that a regular network user needs to do in order to use a proxy server can be expressed in three points:

  • - need to find proxy server address . The address can be, for example, this - The last four digits are the port (it will also need to be hammered into the browser);
  • - you must enter the address in a special proxy form of your browser   (this is done through the proxy settings, which you can easily find if you climb into the "options", "settings" section, etc.)
  • - enter the address of the required site in the address bar of the browser and click on the "enter" button.

    And that’s all - now all the sites that you visit will receive requests exclusively from the new IP address that belongs to the proxy server of your choice.

  At the beginning of the article we gave an example of rapidshara. So - using good proxies, you can pump out tones of useful information that was previously not available to you because of the static IP address, which you have been rewarded with the commitment of many domestic providers to the collective farm system.
What else is the use of proxy servers?
  • 1. A proxy server can speed up your surf.

    It is pointless to dwell on this question, because the 21st century is already in the yard, and high-speed connections (1 megabit and higher) are now not uncommon. Five to six years ago, this question was of interest to many - now, proxies are used for other purposes;

  • 2. The proxy server makes the above journey on the network anonymous.
        Note that not all proxies are anonymous - therefore, if you decide to encrypt your stay on the Internet, you should first make sure that the proxy is actually anonymous. For example, in the directories of free proxy servers, it is always indicated whether an proxy server is anonymous or not. As an alternative, we recommend that you search the network for a good program designed specifically to determine the anonymity of proxy servers. Software is called simply - Proxy Checker.
  • 3. Using proxies, you can access sites that are blocked by your ISP or network administrator.
        For example, you are sitting at work and want to write something on your LJ, and the admin (of course, it's not him - they ordered him!) Blocked access to livejournal.com. In this situation, you should do this - put down a working proxy server in your browser, go to LJ and make a post about the administrator and his superiors. But! Just kidding, and proxies for many people in this world are a window to the free Internet - for example, in China, proxies are used to visit sites banned by the Communist Party.
  • 4. Using proxies, you can filter the content of downloaded web pages (for example, get rid of ads).
        This is rarely used because in order to cut ads, it’s enough to set up your firewall or, say, your favorite Mozilla.
  • 5. A proxy server, and without much difficulty, you can change your "geographical location" on the network.
      For example, some sites display different content depending on what point of the planet the request comes from - the proxy solves this issue and gives you more opportunities to analyze information. Another option is the issuance of search engines. If your request comes from the Runet segment, then the search results for the same word will be very different from German, English or Japanese results. In order to know where your site for surfers from distant countries is located, it is recommended to use proxies with a geographical location to these countries.
  • 6. If the proxy server is located on the local network (that is, on the same local network as you), then it is enough that only this proxy has an Internet connection - the entire network can access the Internet through this proxy (collective farm option).

    Here you go.

    Now a few words about which proxies are.
      To begin with, we note that in an educational article it is very difficult to give a detailed description of the types of proxy servers, but we will not do this - why? If in the future you need to get more complete information, we recommend that you contact specialized sources (there are a lot of them in the network - a Google request will give good results!).

    There are four types of proxies and each of them is designed to perform a certain range of tasks. But, despite this, they have a lot in common, and the possibilities of all four types often coincide.

  • 1. HTTP proxy
        HTTP proxies are the most common type of proxy servers and, most often, when they say "use a proxy server", they mean HTTP proxies. All types of browsers support this type of proxy servers - moreover, programs such as, say, ICQ-crackers can also connect via HTTP proxies. Previously, the situation looked a bit different - with the help of HTTP proxy you could only browse web pages and upload pictures.
  • 2. Socks proxy
      This is the most universal type of proxy server, as able to work with any information that circulates on the Internet (using the TCP / IP protocol). Despite its versatility, Socks proxy servers have a more limited distribution (compared to HTTP proxies), because not all programs support this connection. For example, browsers, by themselves, do not know how to work with Socks proxy and in order to configure such a connection through a browser, it is necessary to install special plug-ins or even programs. Nevertheless, the aforementioned ICQ cracker (etc. applications) easily work through Socks proxy - thanks a lot to them for this. There are two versions of Socks proxy - socks 4 and socks 5. In order to configure the connection, you must select one.
  • 3. Cgi proxy
        This type of proxy is also called anonymizers and you can work with them only through a browser. The great advantage of these proxies is simplicity, as development from the very beginning was sharpened for browsers. Convenience lies in the fact that using CGI proxy you can build arbitrarily large chains of proxy servers and very effectively sweep your tracks on the World Wide Web (hence the name - anonymizers). Many Internet applications are not compatible with CGI proxy in general, while for others, using CGI proxy is difficult.
  • 4.   FTP proxy
        FTP proxy is a highly specialized type of proxy servers and is intended exclusively for working with FTP ( File Transfer Protocol)   servers. Most often, FTP proxies can be found on corporate networks. Applications like FAR or Windows Commander support FTP proxies.

      In conclusion, it should be noted that proxies are paid and free. For domestic (and near household) purposes it is strongly recommended to use only the second option - as finding a fast free server you will not feel any difference, and the money will remain with you.

      You can find addresses of free proxy servers in very large numbers, for example, at www.FreeProxy.ru, and at this address you can buy paid anonymous proxy servers. Moreover, on this portal there is a section of articles in which the question regarding everything related to proxies + is discussed in great detail, there is not only a wonderful FAQ, but also a forum. There is also a section from which you can download programs to identify working proxies.

  • Many have heard about the concept of a proxy server. This term is quite common in a computer environment. Now we will consider what it is and how to use a proxy server, depending on its type. In addition, simple concepts about preferred settings will be given.

    What is a proxy server?

    In general, the concept of a proxy server for an uninitiated user, especially in terms of operating principles, may seem rather complicated. Let's try to describe all this in the most simple language.

    At its core, a proxy server is a service that acts as an intermediary between a user computer terminal and resources located on the Internet. Unlike a direct connection to resources, in this case an indirect connection is made, so to speak. First, the user request is transmitted to the proxy, then the information is searched in the cache, and only then the request is transferred to the corresponding resource with the subsequent loading of information.

    However, the question of how to use a proxy server is quite simple, because all operations occur without the participation of the user. Another thing is the correct setup. This is what will be discussed now.

    Standard proxy setting in Windows

    Let's start with the simplest settings that are made the first time a computer terminal is connected to a local network or the Internet.

    In the browser settings, you enter the connection menu, where the "Network Settings" button is selected. Below are two fields related to the proxy server. In most cases, these options are disabled, because today many providers simply do not use such servers.

    If a problem arises, how to use the proxy server in terms of settings, you must first enable it, and then enter the preferred address provided by the provider. The default value of the port is “80”, but it can be changed elementarily.

    In most cases, it is not necessary to use proxies for local addresses, since all of them belong to the same network environment. It goes without saying that all these actions should be performed with automatic configuration disabled. Otherwise, the specified fields will simply be inactive. In addition, almost the same procedure is provided for those cases in which there is only a modem connection. Only here you will have to set the name of the connection: for example, the name of the operator performing the maintenance of the USB modem.

    Again, after entering the name, you will need to enter the server address, port, login and password, if any, provided by the operator.

    How to configure and use an Internet proxy server?

    On the other hand, in any browser, and not just in Internet Explorer or its new modification called Edge (Windows 10), you can make similar settings.

    For example, in the Mozilla Firefox browser, access to such functions is used to configure network connections in the tool menu. First, it is indicated that the proxy will be configured manually, after which the above procedures are repeated. In the Opera browser, everything is done by changing the network settings in the general settings menu.

    As already understood, this applies mainly to free servers, of which a huge amount can be found on the Internet. Before you start using it directly from the site, you just need to write down all the configuration data, and then apply them in any Internet browser.

    An interesting situation is when you need to know how to use an anonymous type proxy server. Such services are able to change the external IP address of any computer, which allows you to remain “unrecognized” on the Web, as well as to hide traces of your stay there from prying eyes.

    As a rule, in most cases you do not need to configure anything here. Just go to such a server and that’s all. True, in some cases, registration and subsequent authorization may be required, but even if such a procedure is provided, it takes only a few minutes. Most of the anonymous proxy servers do not impose such conditions, except for servers with increased anonymity. You can also apply standard settings in browsers with all parameters specified.

    Problems and errors

    As for situations when a proxy server error occurs, this can mainly be connected only with incorrect settings. Here you will have to re-check all the entered parameters, and if necessary, just change them. And the server itself may, for example, temporarily not work.

    Separately, it is worth saying that if the provider does not provide services for using proxy settings, then there is nothing to try to change, nothing will get better anyway, or even the connection will be interrupted.

    Can I go straight to you? Just a serious conversation, I do not want to be distracted by formalities. Probably, you want to know what a proxy connection is and why does humanity and you personally need it? Well, good aspiration, we support. Therefore, let us turn right to the specifics: a proxy server (and this is exactly what directly relates to the concept of “proxy” technology) - a computer, a machine that is an intermediary between your computer and the Internet. The server can be located anywhere: from the next room to another continent, it does not matter. Communication is organized through a network, local or global.

    Simply put, allows you to use the Internet on his behalf. This means that the ip-address and computer name will be hidden, identifying you as a user in the eyes of the Internet. Take it as a given, as an indestructible fact that determines the whole essence of what we will talk about later. But why all this is needed and how it is used in life, you will now find out.

    The answer to the question about the connection

    They deliberately did not answer your question at the beginning of the article because they decided to tell the “physicist” of the concept of proxy. It is logical that one definition follows from another: a proxy connection is nothing more than the process of connecting a computer to a proxy server. What is the latter, you already understood.

    Consider the chain in more detail so that there is no misunderstanding left. Imagine a proxy connection as follows:

    • You have a computer and for some reason you need to use a proxy server (we will talk about the reasons and examples below).
    • You configure a proxy connection to a specific server in your browser (done in Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla FireFox, Internet Explorer, and any other). This will mean that you will be accessing the Internet in transit through a remote server.
    • Now you just use the global network under the guise of another computer.

    If you are a system administrator, or you work in an organization where such a person provides the local network, then there may be other connection options, which depends on the work and tools of your admin, it is he who regulates the access rights to the Internet. This is already a special case of using technology. Actually, let's move on to the description of the proxy application.

    Where and what is the proxy used for

    A mediator for the Internet, ip address spoofing ... In theory, it becomes clear what is at stake, but why we need a proxy server in practice, we have not talked yet. Fill the gap with real examples:

    • Helps connect multiple computers to the Internet

    Typically applicable to a corporate LAN. The bottom line is that separately working machines do not have Internet access, but when connected to a proxy server, this becomes possible. The advantage is that everything is under the control of the sysadmin who manages (the local network), which makes it easier for him to control the flow of traffic.

    • Allows access to blocked Internet resources

    If you, as a user, were banned (access was denied to you) on any site, and the usual change of login does not help, then access through another address will solve this problem.

    • Hides a computer from the global network, contributing to an anonymous Internet session

    Use a proxy if for some reason you don’t want your computer to be visible on the Internet.

    • Solves a geographic denied issue

    Similar to the previous paragraphs: if the site is closed for access for residents of Russia, you can perform a proxy connection to the server from another country. In this case, you will be considered a user from the corresponding state and the resource will become available.

    • Speeds up internet connection and saves traffic

    All traffic session data is cached (in other words, stored in memory) by the proxy server. Subsequent access to the same sites will be faster, since data will not be downloaded from the Internet, but from memory. This very often helps to optimize traffic costs in companies and organizations, since Internet access is most often common to all employees.

    • Protects against virus attacks

    The built-in filtering system for incoming data installed on the proxy server allows you to protect your computer from attacks. This is individual for each server.

    On this and finish. The article presented that minimum of information that allows us to understand the principle of operation and the tasks of the proxy connection. We hope our material answered your questions.

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