Photographer how to make absolutes. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Search for pentagrams in the passage Stalker Photographer

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - PHOTOGRAPHER. a stranger among their own


Another masterpiece from modders
It's just amazing that a game that has been catching on for nine years already, and you constantly find new ideas, gameplay opportunities and original solutions in it, of course, this is not about the original game (since it has been passed far and wide so many times), but about numerous modifications for this series of games.

It is very sad that since the last part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. no one makes shooters of this level.

I advise you to immediately put a fix on the boxes (I downloaded the mod from the torrent, not from the official site) and although the last patch was added there), the game still crashed when the wooden boxes were broken.
And be sure to put a fix on dumb crows, since their croaking got me after an hour of playing.

It just so happened that this mod somehow passed me by and I tried it just now, I'm just surprised how I didn't notice it before.
I chose this name for the blog not by chance, there are two reasons, let's start with the fact that GG is not really who he claims to be, but the main reason is that this mod differs from most others in its gameplay.

I will say right away that fans of action and a lot of shooting this mod is unlikely to like it, since there are many times less shooting here than even in the original, not to mention other modifications in which there is many times more action.
Basically, here you will have to kill only mutants, and there are very few NPCs as enemies, this is the concept of the mod, even the military and bandits are not your enemies, with rare exceptions.

The mod has a completely new plot, new quests, new locations, characters, although some characters are in the original PM, this is almost a new game with all its components.
As you can understand from the name, we will play for a photographer, correspondent (such is the legend of GG) and the camera will be an integral part of the gameplay, you will need to photograph various objects, people, at some point you will have to upgrade the camera so that the pictures in the zone with its anomalous activity were obtained without distortion.
You can take photos only during the day, at night you won’t succeed, and of course you won’t do it just like that, but you will receive a reward for it and, no less important, you can also earn money on this by taking a certain quest.

It is quite difficult to earn money in this mod, especially at the beginning, when compared with other mods.
Exoskeletons and Screw Cutters do not roll around on the road, they can only be obtained as a reward for the quest, as well as many other trunks and armor.

As I wrote above, it will be very rare to shoot at the NPC here, the quests are based on the fact that the GG would solve any problem peacefully, negotiate, act covertly, often it will be necessary to quietly follow the NPC.

Here you will have to read each dialogue very carefully, listen to what the NPCs say, and constantly watch the PDA, because often what exactly needs to be done in a particular quest is indicated in the PDA in general terms and very often the quest marker is simply missing, and sometimes the quest and it does not weigh in the PDA, you get all the information and tasks from the dialogues, and quite often you will have to rack your brains on what to do next in order to advance on the quest.

It's no secret that one of the key special games of this series is the search and collection of artifacts, so in this mod there are no artifacts in the usual sense, a very interesting gameplay feature was invented, it was done in a very original way and can take a very large part of the time if you lean on it, but To do this, you have to figure it all out, so it's done quite confusingly.
No one forces you to do this on purpose, with the exception of a couple of story quests where you still have to find a couple of crystals (as the first stage of artifacts is called here), i.e. you can go through the game without it, but it will be more difficult to do it, especially if you play on the master, because the artifacts add protection from various anomalies, radiation, needs and damage, make the game easier, and then you will miss a very interesting part of the gameplay.

I wanted to write this paragraph as short as possible, but something does not work out.
If you briefly describe the entire gameplay associated with artifacts, then you will have to make artifacts yourself from several parts of crystals, and later, when brewing the most powerful type, you will also need to use a certain part of the monsters (it is very important that you can do this only after you have passed a certain stage of the plot and the first ejection will pass, the most powerful artifacts are called amulets, you will also be able to cook only after completing a certain quest and obtaining a special higher-order psi-zone detector). Crystals spawn at any location in certain places, usually ravines and lowlands.
The essence of crystal brewing is that each crystal has a double and it differs only in color, but has the same shape, having found a suitable pair of crystals, you will need to find a psi-zone of a certain type at the location (they are at each location) when you get into such a zone on the screen a corresponding inscription will appear (it’s impossible to stay in this zone for a very long time, otherwise the GG will simply die) and if you have crystals of the appropriate type, then when you get into the desired psi-zone there will also be various visual and sound effects, you need to throw the same pair of crystals and they will be welded into a more advanced form - absolute, it is better to save before boiling the crystals, since this process does not always go smoothly, there is a chance that the crystals will not weld and you will only have one left.

The crystals that you find do not have any properties, when you weld two crystals it will turn into an absolute, the next stage of artifacts, but it will have many negative effects, and few positive ones, so you are unlikely to wear it. When you have paired absolutes, you you can also weld them, as a result you will get a talisman, it has fewer negative properties and more positive ones. scientist who is located at the location of the test site) and get a special psi-zone detector, hang it on your belt, you won’t be able to weld amulets without it, you will also need a certain part of the monsters.

When you brew the first absolute in the PDA, a recipe and description of this absolute will appear, as well as a hint in which psi-zone it should be brewed, moreover, there are marks on the map of the psi-zone in which you welded any crystal.
When you have welded a crystal, the psi-zone needs time to recharge (i.e. you cannot weld several pieces at once), the higher the level of the psi-zone, the more time it takes to recharge, the first level is one hour and the last one where you cook keep it three hours.
As I wrote above, in addition to a couple of quests, it will not be necessary to do all this, but firstly it is quite interesting and secondly it will make it easier for you to pass the game, it feels pretty good on the master.

Another key feature of the connection with crystals is that as they are collected and brewed in psi-zones, hallucinations will appear in the GG, and the more you wear these crystals, absolutes, amulets in your inventory and on your belt, the stronger the hallucinations will become.
At first, it will just be different sound effects, then various effects will appear on the screen, in the aggregate it can specifically plant treason and you will put off the bricks more than once (of course, you get used to it later), for example, a pseudo-dog growls from behind the GG, you turn around and there no one is there, or a grenade explodes in front of you or an anomaly appears, I’m not saying that the screen will shimmer in different colors, the GG will see double and in general there will be various negative effects, in general, all this is not sickly inserts. But even this is not the worst as one might think, at the very last stage of these hallucinations, the camera will behave unpredictably, i.e. she will arbitrarily at some point turn herself in different directions, and even all the troubles do not end there, it will come to the point that the GG will teleport from one location to another, sometimes it was so that I looked like one location for a very long time, because I constantly teleported to the place where I came from.
Below in the form you can check out these same hallucinations.

You can get rid of all these hallucinations by putting all the artifacts out of the backpack and giving an injection that Sakharov makes, but in the end, if you wear artifacts again and cook, it will start all over again, the only way to get rid of hallucinations forever is to cook the amulet, i.e. when you brew your first charm, the hallucinations will disappear forever.

In general, the negative state of the GG in the game is done very cool, in addition to the hallucinations I described, the game has a few more interesting features.
Food and water play an important role in the game, food is not so important, to be honest, I didn’t even understand what the negative effect of hunger is, although I usually didn’t bring the indicator to a red state, but water in the game is very important if GG is thirsty stamina drops very much, I’ll say right away that you definitely need to carry several bottles of water with you. parking stalkers from which you can buy water, you will spend a lot of time because. you will have to wait almost every second for the GG to recover stamina.

There is an alternative option to overcome long distances, there is transport in the game and it sometimes helps a lot, because very often you have to run back and forth (I will say right away that its management leaves much to be desired), but the danger is that there are a lot of anomalies on the way, they It's quite hard to notice, and you have to drive very carefully, otherwise it will end very quickly.

Naturally, the GG game requires sleep, for this you have a sleeping bag, there is, in principle, nothing special, if the hero really wants to sleep, he will also have various effects on the screen, for example, he will become cloudy and see double. But sleep is also needed in order to, for example, wait out the night, since walking around the locations at night is not the best idea, even with night vision it’s quite dark, or for example, you can only take photos during the day, or it takes some certain time to complete the quest, sleep helps a lot in this regard .
But there is one more feature related to sleep, if you often use an energy drink (this is a stamina regenerator if someone doesn’t know), so if you abuse it, the GG simply won’t be able to sleep for quite a long time, i.e. you will have to walk around the locations at night, so be careful.

Another of the negative features that the game has is a virus that can be picked up in various underground laboratories, negative effects will also consist in various effects on the screen, jerking the camera while the GG will constantly cough, and the more the virus progresses, the stronger it will become these effects, an indicator of biological infection will appear and it will be green at first, but as the virus progresses, it will turn red, I think that GG will eventually die, I really never brought it to such a state.

So, in order not to catch the virus, according to the plot, you will receive a special spacesuit, without it the first time you simply won’t be able to get into the laboratories (in the future you will be able to walk on them without a spacesuit, but you will immediately catch the virus). Moreover, even this spacesuit will not be able to save you if it is seriously damaged. There are a lot of zombies and other wickedness in the laboratories, I think there is no need to remind that the spacesuit is primarily a protection against various negative effects and not from bullets, respectively, if you are not very careful before it is quickly turned into a sieve.
According to the plot, you will find a vaccine, and then scientists will improve it, when you take it, you will have to drink more water, but there is an easier way to overcome the virus, this is to take two or three scientific first-aid kits.

It would be unforgivable not to mention one more interesting feature of the game.
Everyone knows that in the games of the stalker series, swag plays an important role, they collect it, carry it with them, sell it, this is not only the basis of the stalker's equipment, his weapons and various auxiliary gadgets, cartridges, ammunition, armor, etc., but this is still not bad earnings, selling all this you can earn good money.

But our GG is still not an elephant and cannot carry it all on itself, so it must be stored somewhere, in the game there are naturally boxes in certain places, hiding places, and there is even the opportunity to buy backpacks and make caches yourself anywhere, and even put GPS beacons there so that you can immediately see on the PDA map what is in a particular cache, this is very convenient.

So there is one interesting character in the game who will clean your caches.
As a result, everything that is acquired is not feasible work, well, in general, you understand, and the fatter your cache is, the more likely it is that it will be cleaned out, the principle of not putting all your eggs in one basket works here.
As soon as some cache is cleared, you will receive a message that a cache has been cleared at such a location, during the day you can come to this location and, with due observation, find a thief, the only problem is that you will not return your things, but if kill this thief, the situation will only get worse.
Meet Grandfather Zapadlo

This is the comrade who will clean your caches, but let's get back to killing him, and so, if you bang him, his granddaughter will appear who will clean your caches with much more persistence, and you won’t be able to find her, choose the lesser of two evils.

All this is really annoying and more than once will be a reason for burning your fifth point when you receive another message that the cache with your artifacts that you have been collecting and cooking for so long has been cleaned, there is not much good, so how to solve this problem, everything is simple.

You will need to complete a certain quest, namely to catch grandfather Zapadlo stealing caches, after two thefts you will need to find him, i.e. you receive a message that the cache at such and such location has been robbed, you rush headlong to this location and look for the thief, as a result, he has a branch in the dialogue to save his granddaughter, but keep in mind that you can save her only after the story quest in the dead city.

The game also has the ability to sell (swag, art, etc. NPS), but no less important to exchange, for example, you can change a damaged body armor for a new one, of course, the NPS will not change a bandit kurta for an army body armor, the exchange should be equivalent. For some NPCs, mostly merchants, can exchange unique weapons, ammo for a certain number of different items or parts of mutants.

On this, perhaps, I will stop, who wants to play a really interesting game, I definitely advise you to install this mod, a fan of the series is required to install it.

There are a lot of really unique and interesting quests in the game, over which you will have to rack your brains.

I have described the most interesting features of the game, you can see the full list of all the features below.

Completely New plot, the old plot is completely cut.
New quests with several parallel quest lines intertwined with the main storyline.
A parallel research-type quest line has been implemented, aimed at finding and transforming crystals, amulets, minerals of absolutes and talismans.
A completely new system for issuing secondary quests, the number of which is about 60. Six characters will give out these tasks in the game, the tasks will be given out as the story progresses.
The game includes 15 inhabited locations, all of which are involved in the story and are logically interconnected.
Transitions between locations will be available to the player immediately after completing story missions.
Newly designed loading screens and game menus.
A system of hallucinations has appeared that will manifest itself when the main character comes into contact with some minerals or crystals.
The main character began to feel thirsty, and the actor is susceptible to viral infection.
A lot of work has been done on reworking the entire sound component of the game, using our own voicing of characters, various sounds, replicas of the protagonist depending on the implementation of various quests and around the ongoing events, as well as musical content.
There are a lot of Easter eggs in the game, so with a careful and leisurely passage, you can find many interesting gameplay innovations.
The Photographer mod principle implies moving the protagonist to the origins of the study of the Zone. Thanks to this, the GG itself will give the name to various phenomena, anomalies and mutants. Therefore, in order to find out about the above objects of the zone in your PDA, you must first conduct a study.
The PDA will have two sections, the first is the Journal - it will record information received from various characters that you will meet as you progress through the story. The second section is the Photographer's Notes - there will be collected information about the Zone found by the main character himself.
A texture pack has been added to the game to maximize the graphics improvements.
The game includes such mutants as the Fire Chimera and the Iron Claw, quite dangerous opponents.
Artifacts as such will be absent in the game due to the fact that the actions taking place according to the plot suggest the Exclusion Zone at the time of its inception and the initial stage of development. Therefore, instead of artifacts in the game, there will be so-called crystals, the properties of which will have to be studied. In this regard, a system for obtaining recipes and anomalous transformations has been introduced into the game. A special device will be required to activate some anomalous zones.
You should not expect ready-made recipes, you will have to learn them yourself by comparing and selecting ingredients to obtain the necessary beneficial properties. For obtaining recipes, GG will receive serious rewards. All information about successful modifications and the conditions under which this transformation became successful will be recorded in a special section of your PDA.

General information about Psi-zones and crystals
A new system of substance transformations has been implemented. Anomalies in the modification have not yet formed as powerful and dangerous creatures of the Zone. There are no artifacts known from the original PM yet. There are (according to our version) only the beginnings of anomalous substances called "crystals". During the passage of the story, the player will have to look for and study the properties and abilities of various types of crystals for transformations in special anomalous psi-zones, which have their own distinctive visual and sound characteristics that manifest the zone if the player has an activating crystal corresponding to this psi-zone. Crystals will be divided into activator crystals (different psi-zones will react differently to different types of activator-catalysts: a specific sound, a specific visual effect, and an effect on the actor) and reagent crystals involved in the catalytic process. The output is minerals-absolutes with unusual and diverse properties. In psi-zones of the second level, the process of transforming minerals-absolutes into unusual minerals-talismans with their own unique properties is possible (two different minerals-absolutes participate in the process of the second level, one of which is an activator. It is not known which one). And, finally, the third level of catalysis is the transformation of Talismans into Amulets, which have powerful protective properties) through a biological catalyst substance (spare parts for mutants). Accordingly, the last psi-zones will also have their own distinctive visual and sound characteristics, which will manifest themselves if the player has an activating element corresponding to this psi-zone. But, unlike the first two, to activate these unique zones, you will also need a special device, which the player will also have to get.


Transformation of Absolutes in Psi-Zone #1

Transformation of Absolutes in Psi-Zone #2

Transformation of Absolutes in Psi-Zone #3

Transformation of Absolutes in Psi-Zone #4

Charm Transformation in Psi-Zone #1

Charm Transformation in Psi-Zone #2

"Photographer" is a global modification of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with a completely new story. You, in the role of a war correspondent and scout with the call sign "Photographer", must get close to the very heart of the Zone and find a mysterious source of colossal energy. In parallel, it is necessary to investigate and describe the phenomena occurring in the Zone.

"Stalker: The Photographer" will please us with a completely new plot

The creators of the mod, who had previously developed a modification to "Stalker" "Secret Paths 2", did a solid job: new locations were added, the sound component of the game was redesigned, graphics were improved, an original plot was developed with several parallel quest lines. In addition to completing the main quests, you need to look for minerals, talismans and amulets, study their properties, invent recipes to get new useful items.

This article takes a detailed look at the passage of the mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. "Photographer": completing quests, searching for hiding places, objects and artifacts, additional tasks.

Please note that the passage "Stalker: Photographer" is designed for a leisurely and thoughtful gameplay. Due to the banal inattention of the player, many interesting plot twists can be missed.

Location "Peacekeeping Corps" in the passage Stalker Photographer

After downloading and starting the game, go to the colonel and talk to him. After taking the items from the box, you will learn about the loss of the camera. Follow the colonel again and chat with the character. He will say that you need to talk with a stalker nicknamed Shaved. He will have to be escorted to the crashed helicopter. Go to the crash site and examine it carefully. Examine the marauder's corpse and find the notebook. But the camera is still missing.

Talk to Shaved and go to Sidorovich, who in turn will redirect the hero to the foreman. The Brigadier is located inside one of the buildings directly opposite Sidorovich's bunker.

After talking with him, run to the marauder camp along with four other fighters. After clearing, you will have to give the missing PDA to the NPC. Move in a detachment and go down the slope to find the entrance to the cave in the pit. After killing the bandits, search everyone and find the PDA. Return to the foreman and give him the item he needs. He will tell you where the things you need can be.

Go back, go to the stuffed dog near the fire and pick up the items. If you did before, then continue as described below. Follow to Brown and report on the success of the mission. Again, you will have to visit Sidorovich, who will tell you about the guide, who constantly lives in the bandits' bar. According to him, he will be able to help you solve the problem.

Follow to the basement next to Sidorovich's bunker and find the drone. Talk to him. The character will ask you to get a leather cloak for him. Go back to the bandit settlement and find the cloak. It can be in one of several places - chosen randomly. But in all cases, the cloak lies in the attic inside one of the buildings. Be sure to visit the Pied Piper who lives in the basement to get the "magic pipe". You will need it soon. Do not refuse and bring him dead bats.

Follow the bar and try to go inside - you need a pass. At the entrance you can meet a tall guy who will tell you how to get a pass. Go to the store and talk to the seller. In exchange for a pass, he requires 10 antirads from you. The Fallout series immediately comes to mind... To find them, you will have to visit the base of the peacekeepers and talk to the ensign sitting in the hangar. Again, everything is not just like that: you have to give him products that you can exchange with stalkers. The pass to the base will come in handy in the future. Having obtained antirads, he will exchange them for a flyer from Boris.

Return to the bar and show the flyer to get inside. Try to interact with the characters. At one of the bandits, whose gaze is directed towards the bartender, exchange bottles of vodka for photographs of naked girls. Go to Gilles at the bar and have a drink with him. From him you will learn about a conductor named Zhorik. He's got a bad hangover right now and won't turn down a bottle of beer. Buy this drink at the bar and go in search of Zhora.

And Zhorik is currently resting inside the booth on a hillock located on the left side of the store. After finding it, pass the beer. He will agree to find a secret passage through which mercenaries and an informant can go. Move after Zhorik, do what he says - you do not need to approach a long distance, but at the same time you should remain in the visibility zone - use binoculars for this.

Wait until you receive a message about the destruction of the informant. Kill all enemies. There may be a bug here, when when the second mercenary is destroyed, the quest goes into the "Failed" phase. In this case, the guy must be left alive, and finished off later. Zhorik will have been killed by this time. Search all the bodies and take the required PDA from the informant's corpse. You can safely sell Karan.

Go back to Drone and give him the leather cloak. You will learn from him that a foreigner was looking for you. The quest is optional. Sidorovich, by the way, will have offers with a new job, which does not affect the storyline in the slightest. To complete tasks or not - decide for yourself. Follow Brown and report on the mission. Give that PDA taken from the informer. Brown will say that you need to wait a bit. So do it. As a result, a new message should appear. Go to Brown and talk to him. You will need to visit the test site. In addition, a transition point will appear on the map, which greatly simplifies the task.

Location "Testing Ground" in the passage Stalker Photographer

When you go to the location, you will see another message. You must talk to Voronin. Go to the indicated markers on the map and photograph the necessary objects. All these photos must be taken during the day!!!

Visit Voronin and talk to the character. From him you will learn how to break into the base of the Ukrainians on the territory of the test site. In the next room you can talk with Sakharov. View experience using crystals and take the quest from him. It is necessary to find a PDA belonging to Lavrov on the territory of the swamp. Return to the location "Peacekeeping Corps" and go to the territory of the base. Find here the Cook, who is the brother of the head of the base from the previous location (Proving Ground). It is behind the hangar.

If you don’t find it, then go to the boss’s booth and talk to everyone. After that, the Cook will appear in the place indicated above. After talking with him, pick up the package and return to the test site. When you go to the location, you will see a message, according to which you need to help in the battle with wild boars on the territory of the village of diggers. Be sure to help them! If everything works out, then you will be able to chat with Edik - a corresponding message should appear! You will meet him later.

Go to the base of the Ukrainians, because now you have the pass received from the Chef. Go to the second floor and talk to Polishchuk. Dialogue needs to be studied very carefully! You will learn about the deserter, who is best found before the military does. To be in time, you must leave immediately!!! The desired character is located on the territory of the ruins of the ATP - in front of the village of diggers. After talking with him, make an offer.

Run to Edik in the village and talk to him to make a pact with the deserter. In return, you will need to give 3 army first-aid kits. They can be bought from Petrenko at the base of peacekeepers or exchanged with someone. Take the first-aid kits to Edik and find the deserter again. Take him to the village and pick up the necessary document.

Run to Vasiliev, located in the swamp. You need to find Lavrov, who disappeared without a trace. The character will say that it is best to talk to the doctor in the swamps, who knew Lavrov well.

Kruglov is also here, in a conversation with whom you will find out that he wants to investigate anomalies. This is an optional quest! If you take it, you will have to find 7 anomalies at once - electu, funnel, frying, snowball, springboard, jelly and carousel. For completing the quest, you will receive an anomaly detector. But not immediately - it will be made in a day. Go to the doctor's house, which is located next to the damaged bridge, and talk about everything. Study the dialogue and find Lavrov's body.

Return to the doctor again to pick up the message to Sakharov. Pass this message and the PDA found on Lavrov's body to Sakharov. Now you can take on a new quest related to the transformation of crystals. Return to Brown on the territory of the peacekeeping corps and report on the completion of the mission.

Brown will say that you can rest. Later, General Smith will call you - you will receive a message from him. Go and talk to the character to find out about the failed photos. You will have to upgrade your camera. A new task will appear - you need to eliminate two enemy groups. To do this, you should visit the Industrial Zone - the same dump. You also need to get to the territory of the anomalous forest, the passage into which is not yet available.

Smith will offer you to visit Voronin, with whom you need to talk about moving to these two locations. You also need to meet with Drozdov, who should help with improving the camera. Both characters are in the same building. Visit the base on the territory of the test site and find Drozdov there. Ask him to improve the camera. Drozdov will say that he can't do it, so you need to visit Lefty at the bar. The transition to the territory of the base is located on the territory of the Industrial Zone.

General Smith

Follow Voronin, but he will say that he knows nothing about the transition. But still you will get a hint - you need to find a hermit named Charon. Go to him, but be careful. If you don’t find it right away, then Charon will leave and you won’t see him again in the game. This will lead to the failure of the plot, and from now on you will not see the transition of the Industrial Zone, like your ears. Follow the fence located behind the village of diggers to find a passage into it.

Find Charon behind this fence and talk about everything. He will say that he is ready to show you the passage, but he will have to deliver a package for Lukash, who lives in the Industrial Zone. Lukash, in turn, will show the place where you can go to the territory of the anomalous forest. Agree and get a transition point to the Industrial Zone. Report everything to Brown, and then take the pass to the roadblock. Show the pass to go further.

Industrial Zone and Anomalous Forest in Stalker Photographer walkthrough

Go in search of Lukash, who is inside the car in front of the hangar. He will agree to show you where the transition point is, but in the event that you complete his task. It is necessary to take the PDA to the hangar, where the diggers are waiting for you. Take it, but be prepared for a surprise. Report the incident to Lukash and take him to the hangar. Until the territory is cleared, Lukash will not talk to anyone. Stay below and wait until the deserters kill the enemies. You will have to receive a message, after which you can safely visit Lukash. Talk to him, after which he will mark on your map the point of transition to the territory of the anomalous forest. This will be the red marker.

Follow to this place. When leaving the hangar, you will need to kill the paratroopers. Arriving at the indicated point, you will find that the passage is blocked. You have to wait for the mercenaries to come. Hide so you won't be seen. From the conversation of the mercenaries, you will find out when the passage will be open. After killing everyone, take the PDA, go to the anomalous forest and study the map. There will be another point on the map - go to it and get a message.

Hide so that other mercenaries do not notice you, and wait. When the enemies stand in front of the passage and start a conversation, then kill them all and search the bodies. Get another PDA. From the forest you can go to the test site where Voronin is located. Take a look at the map and you will see another red dot on the border - go to it, go to the training ground and visit the base where the courier is located. Give him two found PDAs at once and go to Voronin to tell about two transitions. The man will say that Petrenko asked you to appear with him. Find it in a nearby room and get a task - you must find black boxes for him from 10 crashed helicopters. This quest must be taken. Visit the bar to upgrade your camera. Follow the transition to the bar.

After receiving a message from Lefty (it will take some time), take the camera and return to General Smith to report on the task. Smith will send you to different locations to take pictures. A message will appear from contact Brown. Go to the forester's house and talk to the owner. A little later, a liaison will appear who will tell you about Brown's request - you need to visit the dead city and help the German scientists. The passage to the right place is known by the conductor, who is part of the Sutuly group. It is located next to the quarry. Complete the task, then talk to Stoop again and find out that the guide is in the bar with Lefty.

Important objects on the territory of the Dead City

Go back to the bar and chat with Lefty. He will say that you need to talk to the diggers inside the bar. A little further on Lefty you can find Brom sitting at the table. Chat with the character and find out that the nickname of the guide you need is Owl. It is located inside the annex where you met Petrenko in the original game.

Owl wants you to bring two bottles of wine for him. The wine is located on the territory of the swamp. You need to talk with scientists who will tell you about the crashed helicopter with food. Near the helicopter, find the boxes and get the wine. After taking it to Owl, you will find out where to look for the passage to the Dead City. Before you go there, be sure to talk to Brom. After that, go to the Dead City.

Location "Dead City" in the passage Stalker Photographer

On the territory of this location, look for Zubarev, who is located in a building near the outskirts. A clone of this character can be found in a five-story building - this is a trap, so it's better not to go there. After talking with the real Zubarev, be prepared to be killed. This is how the story should be! Follow the road and turn back to walk along the fence. In it, find the passage and follow to the bridge. Go through it and turn right to follow the top of the cliff. The tent will be visible from a distance. After searching the corpse, take the artifact that Brom needs.

Sergeant Zubarev

Save the data that is in the black box inside the helicopter. Follow to the site and inside the building on the right side of the monument, find Heinrich, the head of German scientists. He will send you to Jagger, located in the building opposite. In turn, this character will say that you should visit Gertrude. The woman will ask you to find a scientist named Wulf, who has the documents. Take the papers from Wulf and return to the woman. Having taken the necessary device, go to search for the transition point to the anomalous forest.

The transition will appear immediately when you are near the correct location. Arrange with the group to leave the Dead City, and kill the zombies along the way. When the last character leaves the area, the task will be counted - you helped the scientists. By the way, one of them can get stuck in the doorway. Be careful! You will not be able to approach the transition itself - your character will be thrown aside.

Remember the note from Wolfe? Go to the search for the physicist, which is located inside the five-story task. The entrance inside can be found from the next entrance - follow the wires. Find Medvedko and talk to him. Agree with the proposal, according to which you need to find a purple ball. Follow the fence to the lower part of the location and on one of the hillocks you will see a lonely house. Near the entrance inside you can find a purple ball - that's what you need! After talking with Medvedko's wife, go in search of the ball.

Go through the hole and go through the bottom left of the location - follow along the location. When you pick up the ball, make sure you have it in your backpack. Follow back and pass the ball to Medvedko. Talk to his wife and leave the city area. In the anomalous forest, find the receiver among the boulders and move to the bar - not far from the point through which you came.

On the territory of the bar, find Owl and give him the receiver. Give the liquidator (artifact) to Brom. He will tell you where you can find another such artifact. Find a contact and receive a task to infiltrate the X-18 laboratory. Inside it you are asked to find a communication scheme. But first you need to understand how to get into the laboratory. Visit the test site, go to the base and talk to the archive keeper. He will say that the bartender can know the transition point. Follow the bar and tell the owner about everything. When you leave the bar, you must be stopped by the Quiet Whisperer. To be more precise, you will hear the word "here".

Walk towards the direction from which the sound is heard. You will be stunned. You will see the Poet. After a dialogue with him, go to search for a teleport. If you read everything carefully, you will find the teleport without any problems. Having done this, complete other tasks. Everything you need to find is located in the caches. Find the first teleporter located next to the junkyard entrance. You will need to move along the cliff.

Search for teleports and return to the range

You will teleport every time. At the same time, after all the movements, look for backpacks, inside of which are the following teleports. It is imperative to pick them up, since this is not just a hint, but also an important step in activating the teleporter. Only after you take the hint from the backpack will the next portal be activated. In the end, you will move to the Dead City.

Here, go to the northern part and find a refrigerator next to the swamp. In lab X10, find both the teleporter and the code for the door. On the territory of the forest next to the excavator, jump near the caterpillar on the right side of the vehicle, when viewed from the side of the bucket. Teleport does not appear immediately! Inside the cave, you should not panic - go forward to the anomalies on the mini-map. Spend the beautiful Greta and take the artifact. Talk to the girl who will give you a letter addressed to the head of the archive at the firing range.

Run to Petrenko and give data from ten crashed helicopters. Go to the base and give the note received from Greta to the head of the archive. After talking with the papor on the upper tier, give the item from the cave. When you go outside, you will hear the sound of a siren - it notifies you of an attack on the base. Help in the fight against the soldiers, but do not rush to use grenades, as you can hurt your allies, who will immediately become enemies. After defending the base, go to Poleshchuk and try to find out what happened. But they kill him.

Meet Brown, who will tell you to visit the X18 Lab. Follow to the right place and find the Ghost inside the tunnel. He will ask you for a barrel and ammo. Give him a weapon, having previously loaded it to the stop, and then throw a pack of cartridges for him. Find Professor Ploymer inside the laboratory and talk to him. So he will agree to cooperate with the hero. Accompany the professor upstairs and report the success of the mission to Brown.

In accordance with the next quest, you need to find a laptop that contains data. In the same place, in the dungeons of Agroprom, you will have to find an antiviral drug. The path to the Agroprom dungeon can be found out from Major Shpak, who is part of the guards of scientists in the swamps. Go there, find the drunk major located in the upper part. After talking with him, you can agree or refuse the request. In any case, he will ask you to bring a case of vodka, and later he will give another task. To find out about the transition point to the location, you will need to find three bottles of beer. Agree, and bring it to get into the Agroprom dungeon.

Location "Dungeon of Agroprom" in the passage Stalker Photographer

After going down to the right place, kill the zombies, moving to the upper level. You will move to the Strelok's cache, where you will meet the Poet, who will take away the ammunition. Take it off in advance and hide it somewhere! After a while, the Ghost that you saw in the base tunnel will appear. Ask for help. He will return the barrel to you. Leave the prison and go upstairs. Kill enemies and traitors of scientists. By the way, there will be two scientists - brothers. Search everyone and take the vaccine from the scientist's pocket. You do not need to drink the vaccine, because it is only one.

In a box nearby, find your things and report to Brown about what happened. He will send you on reconnaissance - you need to study the transitions between the laboratories. After finding the decoder from the door in the X18 laboratory, you will find yourself in the part of it where you communicated with Ploymer. The decoder is on the corpse of a scientist in the laboratory. Go into the tunnel of the Ukrainian base and go to Brown to report what happened. The character will ask you to find a passage to the location of the Chervone drawbar collective farm. To do this, talk to Voronin, who will send you to Sakharov. He will ask you to overtake the car left in the forest. It is necessary to visit the hunters in the forest. This is the same Stooped!

Go there, find the character and ask for help. He agrees, but he needs money. On the corpse of the Poet you could find earlier a pack of dollars or euros. Give him the money to get a guide dog. Run after her and kill the enemies. Along the way, you will encounter mercenaries who will finish off the dog. Kill them and search the bodies to find the PDA and the transition point to the Red Drawbar location.

Location "Collective farm Chervone drawbar" in the passage Stalker Photographer

Once in the right place, you will receive a message from Sakharov - move to the territory of the cemetery, killing several enemies, and deal with the bandits in the territory of the located village. Behind the village will be a hanging island. Approach him and receive a message from Sakharov. From it you will learn about a new mission to save a scientist.

The wounded Ormont is located next to the helicopter - after curing him, escort him to the island and find out that an anomalous zone is located directly below him. You will have to turn it off while covering a friend in parallel. Be careful: save before the scientist appears in the anomalous zone. There will be snipers who will have to be killed before they eliminate the scientist. Enemies appear one by one.

After that, go to the anomaly under the island, find the corpse of Ioffe and take the flash drive, which should be given to Ormont. Talk to him and get the transition back to the anomalous forest. Follow there and find Voronin's car, which is located on the road leading to the Forester's house. Drive the car to the training ground, to the gates of the base, and then report on the success of the operation to Voronin. Return to Brown and report on the completion of the quest.

The character will say that he has entered into an agreement with Voronin related to the cleansing of the collective farm. But first you must coordinate future actions with Voronin himself. He will give a task, according to which you should help Plichko. Plichko must seize the factory on the territory of the collective farm. Move to the place and meet with Plichko. Chat with him and follow to release. Do not run forward, otherwise the quest will fail. Help in shooting mercenaries.

In parallel with this, protect Ozerov. Wait for Plichko to come up to you. If this does not happen, then go towards him and escort him to the right place. Sometimes a character may refuse to talk if there are still mercenaries or Duty fighters at the location, even the wounded. After talking with Plichko, wait out the ejection and talk to him again. It is necessary to find the escaped leader who has a PDA with the necessary data. Go to the village, find the leader and take away his PDA.

Wait for Voronin to appear and look for him inside one of the buildings. Petrenko will also be there. Green markers will appear on the map - these are the desired characters. Hand over the PDA taken from the leader, and then find out what really happened to the collective farm. Brown and his team most likely died in the dungeon. You will receive a message about an invitation to the territory of "Debt". Refuse and go in search of Brown. If you are bored, then you can, of course, join the "Debt". Brown is located in Lab X10. Members of his team were killed. Here you will meet Shubin - he can save Brown, but only if the main character helps him acquire a human form. To do this, you need to find four pentagrams, which you also need to activate (you will have to throw the correct objects into the pentagrams).

Search for pentagrams in the passage Stalker Photographer

Parts of some mutants and a red talisman will come in handy for you. Go to the tunnel with elects in the territory of the Agroprom dungeon, where you need to throw a cat's tail, a broken arm and a red talisman. Next, you will find out the place you need to visit next. Continue and after activating everyone, visit Shubin. Pass the bat carcass and the crow carcass. He will give you a medicine that will restore Brown. Escort Brown to the base and talk to him. He will say that Shubin is in a cave hidden behind the stones of the anomalous forest.

Move into the forest and talk to Shubin in the cave. You need to free 11 dead souls. Three are in the peacekeeping corps, one in the swamps, one in the forest, three in the Industrial Zone and three in the bar.

On the territory of the Industrial Zone, look for souls near the tunnel, the transition to the bar and next to the transition to the peacekeeping corps. Near the bar, look next to three crosses, behind the containers immediately at the entrance of the location, if you move from the Industrial Zone, and also next to the transition point to the Dead City.

Go to Shubin inside the cave and tell him about the task. As a reward, you will learn about where the passage to the secret cave is located. More precisely, you will find out that a nuclear power plant engineer named Pasha knows how to get into the cave. Pashka usually hides in the basement of destroyed houses in the territory of Pripyat. Shubin will tell you about hiding places. Listen carefully to what he says. A message will appear from Smith, who will report on the information found regarding the transition point to Pripyat.

You need to find Razuvaev on the territory of the village and take away his PDA. Go there. The bandits are located above the bar. Take the PDA and you will see on the map the place of transition to Pripyat.

Location "Pripyat" in the passage Stalker Photographer

When you have a transition, you will have to take one can of condensed milk with you, which will come in handy in a conversation with Pashka. You will find the rest of the items in the caches on the territory of Pripyat. Once there, first find the cache - it will allow you to find out the codes for the doors of the secret cave. It can be located in the northern part of the stands of the stadium, between the benches on the left side. Maybe in its eastern part, on the ground near the fence, or in the grocery store at the bus station, in the corner where the mailboxes are located. The last potential place is next to the entrance to the basement of the same deli. After finding the cache, take the PDA with the code and a can of condensed milk.

Go in search of Pashka. After finding it inside the basement in the club, pass the condensed milk and find out about the passage to the secret cave. Get inside it.

Location "Sarcophagus" in the passage Stalker Photographer

You will have to kill a lot of enemies, so stock up on ammo. When you are near the Monolith, the main character will be stunned. When you come to your senses, you will see Smith. Chat with him and find out interesting things. Near him you will see Shubin, who has moved into the body of Brown. He will save the hero. During the conversation, the hero will be shot - you will find yourself in a mysterious place. You will see a blue tree in front of you, you will learn the name of the photographer, and you will also see the end of the game. The choice is yours!

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